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■ PORT OF AUCKLAND. Ife^ YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. !' .-• Star 11. (6.30 a.m.), whaler, from Seattle. lllS^''■■K*to» (12.50 p.m.:). from Newcastle* ;,....:'.-■'.,■■ • :■' Atua (7.15 a.m.). from 5 Wellington' ; w ; fflmg' Kakapo (8.10 ; a.m.), from Greymouth I^^^W«otahv : -<WO; , a.m.), from i '. ; Mercury Bay Msnais (6.5 a.m.). from Whangarei' GV nek (8.5 P.m.). from Whangarai 3 . Claymore (10.40 p.m.). from Whangarei; , ■:> Port Napier (midnight), from GisK?n" YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES.- : H ; ; TJlimaroa (11.20 a.m.), for Sydney, Pasf|.-:; .;•;■: wngora:-Saloon: Misses-Douglas (2). Fos- &. ter, Matthews. .Rayner. Smythe. ; Kol est on. !g>« ,- Milne. M. Etoddart Larkin. M. Warner i£-<. Knight. Gunnerson, Gibson. Johnston. M. A* | ' f Bunas, Carry, . M. Knight, JerroraV D m , Lindsay. Browning. Page. L, A. Greigerieh, & , Drunmiond. Mcsdames Pratt, Noad, Pago ••; ,U > Do'«l«. to M %° , L Ile ' T I- Greener. Smyths. Pollock, W. Colßeok, Worrall. Lawrence! J Bias. G. H. Sciles. Jerrome, Stribbling. Moii •' Artney. Arscott, Williams, Lind. M. Rod- /* ,;C ger Brake, English, Gulliver. Wright (two W chiKuen). Dibble, Bowker, Messrs. Stallard y I W. a. Fox, Lees. W. Pratt. Piper, Dibble.' Noad. Page. J. Douglass. CM. Browne. G * H. Scales. W. Rattray. Addis. S. Lee. J. •.•■*■> Walker. Matthew, S. Jones. Stribbling, Dwyer, W. .Dewhirst. McArtney. G. Scott. '."\ Lind. English. Dibble. Drs. Carrick RobertSon, C. E. Maguiro Purchase, Williams. '-.:■;:,■'" Masters Brown (2). Dwyer. Dibble, and 61 •teerat.'e Remuera (7.5 a.m.), for Wellington. Fiona (12.10 p.m.), for Sydney. Wiugatui (5 p.m.), for Newcastle. sr Kauri (7.45 p.m.). for Newcastle. , Huifc (12.15 am.), for Whangarei. -r. Waipu (3.40 a.m.). for Kerepeehj; Taniwha **~ (3.50 a.m.), for Paeroa: Hauiti (7.10 a.m.), for Coromandel; Ngatiawa (5.30 p.m.), for .;_• Thames; Hikura.ngi (3 p.m.), for Whanga- '" '"■ rei. Maasia (10.10 p.m.), for Wnangarei. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. -- Matangi, from Tanransa. 7 a.m. Clansman, from Russell, 7 a.m. Waipu. from Kerepeehi, 7 a.m. Ncatiawa, from Thames. 5 a.m. • ' • j .'-_ Hauiti, from Coromandel. 5.30 a.m. .'- Taniwha. from Paeroa, 9 a.m. '"• s " Huis, from Whangarei, noon. ," Hikurangi, from Whangarei. VESSELS DUE TO-MORROW. Arahurii. from East Coast. Make, from i Napier. M*naia, from wnangarei. 6 a.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Kakapo, for Portland. Apanai. for Awanui, 7.30 a.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-MORROW. Canadian Seigneur, for Btiabano. Claymore, for Whangarei, 4.30 p.m. Taniwha. for Paeroa. 6.30 p.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. IXTEBCOLOiaAIi A*M> COASTAL. Tofua. Fiji. November 5. ■ _ ft ' Trelevan. Nauru Island. November .10. Wanakn. Rarotonga. November 10. lonic. South. November 10. to load. Niagara, Sydney, November 13. Karama. Sydney, November 18. " Kaitangata, Adelaide, November IS. Dorset. South. November 18. , ...v.. Southern Cross. Solomon Islands. December .20 , " Quebec City. Banbury, to sail. .'.-,•' CVEESBJI3. - " Mahana. South. November 6. to load. - Rimutaka. Liverpool, November 5; at Colon October 11. ... , _ i . T -^ Tregenna, New York, November. 5;. cleared r Panama. October 13. Lv.-1/a Waiotapu. San Francisco, Novembers. Erroll, Montreal. November 13; cleared Man- '• ama October 16. ' ■_ ■ . ",' ■-• -«' ' t;__ Canadian Challenger. Montreal. November 18. at Colon October 23 Turakina, Liverpool. November 20. Remuera. South. November 20. to load. City of Naple;, New York. November *1. A raw a. Londoiu November 25; via WelUngNi!n*. San Fraaciaco. November 25. Trevithick. Texas, November 30. v - Port Hacking. New York, December 1. Port Victor. Liverpool. December «.. „ Canadian Miller. Montreal. December 10. Ruanehu, Southampton, December 13. . Waimana. London. December 23. Nuddea. New York. December 24. Port Elliot. New York. December 3u. • Canadian Cruiser.; Halifax, January a. - ft Canadian Importer. Vancouver. January 10. Weetmeath, New York, middle January. Port Sydney. London, January il6. ..Nowflhera, New York, January 8. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. ; * Niagara, at Sydney. __,_.. . a _ Ms-nganui. dne at Wellington from San Francisco. November. 10. . •- ~ „ - Tahiti, en , route - from Wolimglien to San * ■ Francisco.. -' _ ' -"■'. ' .' . Makura. due to leave Vancouver for Atick- - land yesterday. ...:•,• ; • * ... EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. ■".. •.'.-; ■'"V7 : t.- > '^;b.v*an»*Ji.V ,: " :: .■ " -Port Napier, lor London, November 7. . Mthana.. foT Lr«don. NovemW 10. Niagara, for Vancouver, November 18. Dorset, for West Coast of England porta, via Ameirica, November 22,. . Remuera, for London. November a*.. • i VESSELS IN PORT. - * In Btr««ri--*Tafigart>a, (ochooner). JS«wa (barque), Yaabel (barauentine). Northem Chief (KchoonK), Star 1.. Star 11.. . - Devonport--H.M.Brilulomel. H.M.C.S. Iris. H.M.S. Veronica . tt—* ' King's I Wharf—Canadian Beagnaux. Honto, - Atua. Katoa. ; Central Wharf—SakapaV . rt . , Western Wharf—Kattri. Kaikom. The Marine Department reports that the - Government steamer Tutanekai is ; to leave "' Wellington on November 16 for SoulJaem 'ligtUiouaea.* J >"-t f ' -Hr Captain H. Dryden, who has been master j of the Union .• Company's steamer Arahura for a number of year*, has been transferred to the Kauri. He left for Newcastle yesterday in command of that vessel. The Kakapo is expected to sail for Portland to-day. She will later go to New Ply- _ mouth and Wellington., ,- : ' . ARAHURA DUE TO-MORROW. •■';"■'" The Arahura ie expected to arrive to-mqr- - ' -row from Napier and Gisborne. She will berth at the Central ■ Wharf. Under her . new running she will omit the call at . Tokomaru Bay today. The. steamer will ■ail for Gisborne and Napier, via Tokomaru Bay,- at noon on; Tuesday. > v , ? . •*. MAKO FROM NAPIER, "' The Richardson steamer Mako is due to- '" morrow from Napior and East Coast porta. She will go . on the clip on Mr idaj, and will later load for the Coast, sailing about - Wednesday or Thursday.THE CANADIAN SEIGNEUR. The Canadian Government ' steamer Canadian Seigneur is expected to. sail for Brisbane to-morrow or Monday, in continuation of her voyage from 'Montreal.' She will later call at Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide. ... .-- ■■:■■ r.'i; - . . j*"l --.Vj ■>■; RUAPEHU FROM > SOUTHAMPTON. ."' The.Nsw Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Ruapehu is expected to ' sail item Southampton on Monday, for Auckland. She . is due here on December 19, and will sail a few days later for Napier and Dunedin. The Ruapohu will be despatched for Great Britain about the middle of January from Wellington. WHALES STAR 11, ARRIVED. The whaler Star 11., Captain Ole Iversen. arrivod from Seattle at 6.50 a.m. yesterday, and anchored in the stream, with the Star I. and Star 111. The vessel is slightly smaller than the Star 1., and practically the same size as the Star 111. The three vessels are to sail for Hoba/t on Thursday. There will be joined by the Star IV. and Star V., which are coming out from Norway, and by the steamer James Clark Ross, which is to be the mother-ship of the whole fleet. This vessel is named after- the famous explorer, after whom the Ross Sea is also named. TAINUI'S PASSENGERS. ' The Shaw Savi.ll And Albion Line steamer Tainni, which sails from Wellington at daybreak to-morrow for London, via Cape Horn, will take the following passengers:— First Saloon: Mr. F. C. Allen, Wellington; Miss L. Back Lyttelton; Mr. H. E. Beavan. wdnejr. to Monte Video. . Second Saloon: •Miss B. J. Bacchus. Auckland; Mr. N. H. Buraill, Lyttelton; Mrs. S. Godden, Wellington; Mr. Grinlin, Napier; Miss M. Howie-McEwan, Gisborne; Mr. N. Jones. i Wellington; Mrs. Jonen, Master* J. N. ana P. N. Jonoe. • Miss E. W. Kill. Miss M. E. King, Miss M. E. Clarke, Wellington; Major Miles. Mrs. Miles, Master R. J. Miles, Miss L. E. Miles, Miss A. Z. Miles. Miss M. P. Miiee, Lyttelton; Mr. P. O. Rooke. Auckland: Mr. Rose. , Dunedin; Miss M. J. L. fcihelly, Wellington; |- Miss M. Shelly, Auckland. ■ „ ' AUSTRALIAN PASSENGER TBADE. I" ■'■'< The arrival of the Orient C'....ipany's M.S. • Ormonde in - Australian waters | '-*•'' marks another forward < step in regard to :ii' *■ th© mail and passenger service between Aus- "" tralia and Europe. The conversion of the J "■■ "■ steamer to an oil burner has enabled her to % r»«duee-the running .-time ■-. between London• and Sydney by two days. In, conformity ■ —with changes in the North Atlantic services, all saloon passengers dine together and have -, -..'..- the same dark space*, cabins b<ttng- charged Zl for at varying rates. Two new 30.000-ton oil burning mail steamers, the Grama ana t£ - the Oronsay, are* expected to be running m } ■«* ■print. ,'■'.,. / .'"'' Mv:'-'.. "''- ■''.'.■: '■■/;'/: V . ' '■>~

i KAIAPOI FOR-ADELAIDE. ■■ ThevKaiapoi' left Holrianga on* Thursday faide o<m h * °* tgo of ™ nbsr for Ade- ■'.:-'';-•':; KATOA iitRTVED. ~ <}^ t«3J.« ?^ te * *rrived J from .Newcastle yesSjjttWfflte fcnd. berthed at the' King's -nrs -it di «Sn"|;9 hur cargo of coal. She will sail for Portland ; early next week. ; ■■ ;WAIMANA FROM . LONDON.'■: \ wThS. S l h » w ' Savill and Albion Line steamer waimana i* due at Auckland from r London onJy? eCeni °* :#-*,« She " bringing cargo TAINUI'S DEPARTURE POSTPONED. »^H <*«*?*«» from Wellington for Southampton and London of the Shaw, Savrll and *i°S° Line steamer Tainui has been Poetponed until daybreak to-morrow" , ; ? '-. i THE TRELEVAN... TrEfei UM,^ n Company,, agents of the steamer ,™tl?,~* n ', ' 8 r « cei,f e<i no advice of her de-r-arture ; from ' Nauru Island for , Auckland. before* No 3 4rnber D lo.' :,!l)eCtod ' *? *"™ **** WINGATUI SAILED." ««!!«* !^ i J ,Bftt ?, ?ndocked- yesterday afterS°&. Bailed for ' K o ™* B * l * »t 6 THE MOERAKI. The Union Company's steamer Moeraki is S? «? JfaUtagtpn from Melbourne, w, Blui £- Shft w «Pected to aa:,l for Melbourut. direct on Monday. ATUA FROM THE SOUTH. The Atua arrived from the South yesterday Morning and berthed at the King's Wharf. IHe vassal will sail at 8 p.m. on Monday or i veJwnttton, Lyttelton, Timaru and ana Dunedtn, taking cargo only. ULTMAROA SAILED. i rTH" s«ddart-ParkeT steamer Ulimaroa loft fp.r Sydney at 11.15 a.m. yesterday with passengers and cargo. She is due at Sydney on Tuesday, and will leave that port for Wellington on November 10. THE ATHENIC ' * The Shaw, Savill.and Albion Line steamer Athenic. en route from Southampton to .New Zealand will not call at Auckland as was originally • intended. She will go direct to Wellington, where she is due about December 23. . TOFUA . DUE MONDAY. The Union Company's Island steamer Tofua is due .from Fiji on Monday. •> On arrival, the vessel will berth at the Queen's Wharf, She will sail again for. the Islands on November 12, at 11 a.m. PORT NAPIER ARRIVED. The Commonwealth and Dominion Line steamer Port ' Napier, which arrived late last night from Gisborne. will berth this morning at the Central Wharf. She will sail for Loudon on Wednesday. ■ MAHANA TO LOAD.. The Shaw, Savill, and Albion Line steamer Mahana is due here from the South on Monday. She will berth at the Queen's Whitrf. The Steamer is scheduled to sail on, Friday for London, via Cape Horn, calling at Monte Video and Teneriffe, " THE TREGENNA DUE. No wireless message has yet been received from the Hain steamer Tregenna as to when she will arrive from New York. She is due here any time now, and on arrival will berth at the King's Wharf. She will later <tul for Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. :■>•','..... , RIMGTAiU ARRIVING ON MONDAY. Tho New Zealand Shipping ' Company's ntea.rner Rimutaka. , en rout from Liverpool, is duo here >on Monday morning. She will berth at the Queen's Wharf to land ,500 pan sens ere and a cuantUr.of cargo.,; rat steamer will sail lor Wellington. , Ly««l----ton and Dunedin later in the week. She will be despatched for Southampton and London from Wellington about tho middle of .next, month. ■ --.. •'-. -^ y . WITHIN WTRELBSS RANGE. The following vessels «re expected to. be within range of the undermentioned wireless • stations to-day: —. _~ _, '-.' - Auckland.— Ultrnaroa, jKaun, F-ona, Canadian Seigneur, .Tielevan, Tbfua, Rimutaka, Tregeam»„ Waiotapu, Ventura, Easterner, IsonomiS, Katoa.„Ron«, Waitemata. Port Napier, Inkum. Kaiapoi. '- , Chatham TreMnna. . - . Wellington.—Maori,' Njiaio. Mararpa, Port Stephens. Mcjraki. Waihora. Karamea, Marama, Pakeha. Waiporv Mahana. lonic, Kurow, Tahiti. Maunganni, Arahura. a * PORT OF ONEHUNQA. Yesterday's Arrival— (7.80 *.m.), from Nelson."-.. "-.• Yesterday'* Departure— (7 a.m.). for Waikato and Wanganm. The Progress will reweivo eargo at Onehunga to-day for Wanganni, Wellington, sad Lyttelton. :.- ~..••;■ Tho Kafiioa i* to aail from Onehunga at daylight to-day for Nelson and West Coast ports of the South Island. She is due back i next week. - ",'■; ..'■■■ .-■ ■ . .-.. :

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18547, 3 November 1923, Page 9

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SHIPPING New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18547, 3 November 1923, Page 9

SHIPPING New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18547, 3 November 1923, Page 9