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ii%nrvn —Wanted P^Jjf^jg B°Manfmusfbo aofe tod pumps,.—Apply. urgent, ...,«» ...... ! "' - Waiuku. ■ •■< •-■/ ■• -'"•-''- '1:.. '" - - ——" BiOYi-qood prospects/ for J*t*te&'*£&. ■J>" ■tlp,™3 : and Xot,, Albert St. V '■■■,'■ :—*- fo?' faotory.-Northern Soot 13' Ltd.,' Federal; St,-^/^::;: . >. BOY, well educaie£, v-tnted &r. bur -Boo'i / Department^Whitcijmbo/and .Tombu,. Ltd., Queen St. :■ ■ ■;>.-:; ,:(i..;'^'y-^; BOY, young,, wanted for Ho«s<Li" l *; 5 "" - don work; able to rmlk; wa^ea-» t P«. week.-Apply Miss.' Haywood, I'm Weihsgton DioCeean-'School^Marto^f:^^^^.;-; -,■.■■. ; : SMART;/5 ■:■ WANTED JD - ' ' FOR OFFICE. 4'. *i/!. ■ - iS* ZEALAND BREWERIES, INC.. , T : Khyber Pass. ■,■-:»/ .■■■. .'-■.- RICKLAYER wanted, boiU saif'e chiai< ney at once.—Cuthbertson Store;; jw«u,-.»- . marama. ' --, . . ■.-.■■ /J. < B" " USHFELLERS.—Wanted down . by Christ mas. 50 to 80 acres, .Puk«?kohe; 303/ an aero.—A. Potter, , .-,. ■' ,_/_, ■:'";■"' / BUTCHER, single. Shop • Work;. and Round; ho slfiushterihg.-fAgo'and -?*-~. perience to Butcfax, 11, Hebaijp '.;;■ ,'■_ .'•-..-. CABINETMAKERS. — First-class:,, /Man wanted.— 72, Williamson Axe;, Grey Lynn. , ..-.'' CANVASSERS of good address 'wanted,.— Apply 21, Ponsonby Rd.> CARPENTERS wanted,— Catholic Orphanage. Takapuna. -.-.." . - , CARPENTERS wanted. " Job, • Lucerne Rd., just past Benson Rd—Bambury, Builder. ;' . ;■ "-.._ ' i riARPENTJIRS. GOOD WAGESApply. . FK<rLAYS. LTD:. -•■-"■ 29. Victoria Street West. COLLAR Maker, reliable; take .charge,, Collar Factory; best wages, constant Edward Jones,. Saddler. Hamilton. - COMPOSITOR, jobbing; must bo good 'display' hand.—R. J. K. Simpson and Co., 137, Albert St. " -. . DRESSMAKER. good, for week' or more; 7s d»*y.and ! board.—Address, at Heba-LP./ GARDENER; assistant, who (Understands milking and driving and general fame/ work, wanted for Knox Home,.:Xamaki W«ai> wages- 36s fod found. - • ■ ■•■x..::; * - '. GROCERS.— Youth, with. 2 or/a years' er- , pbriehbfr, age between •18 and 19, wanted for Country Store. Apply; ./. .. ' v (JROCERS"ASSISTANTS' UNION.',;.; . ..- >■-'.; .;.,-.■." .--,,, ■ 22,- Swahson, St. . HANDY Man tot suburban, home; abte to . :, inilk,.gardening; good, home, references required.—P.O. Boa I4Qi J ■' , .'«',, -" . ■ " . . TOUS'ER, first-clans; wanted urgent; also „iS?^K a rpehter.—iApply 'Faj'toryV Franklin Lye, and Sons.; ~; '~-,; LEGALI - Offic6.~Accountant, female,' exr , periSnced^.—Stat© salary required, Jj&x, Box; 739, Auckland. • ""* ■■f'^.:': : ; '-■''■ LADY, to Teflch 4 Childien;—Full ;;particu'.' .. , - .#ra to -Country "Homestead, /202, ;Hebal ! i6. ■-'-' ' >^<^-".- '- .'- : --.''.yy. "f ""■ .:'", LADY '" (young), smart, educated,, inter-, view professional gentlemen, -easy £5 per weeki~Artbur Smith,. 146< SymohdsJ-ft. (hex* Scots Hal'), ■; after 5.p.m. to-day, -/./I>-/»,.', LADIES, young, several,. wanteds 3 or. 4 . J >fsyeird', experience, for Millinery./Work;rodm^Sneddeh?sj;;Upper^Sym6hdß^St^.'; MAN,' - 'experienced, wanted - for M?!k ' . j Round ,{«ra Durban): ' irefs.'" BQ2,;N.Z. Insurance ,Bldgs, }f'-i;■ . f■: *:'' MAW. -single,-keep Books and Post Office : -"-^/-< money order), ; cduniry. : Storo; -know-- . > ledge , and experience, essential,—rCopy of •' -; 'refs. J '.nnd' salary" required to 'P.B-,,' 33,'' igEBALP. '."■"'.'•-,',■ - ; ' ■ ]1/SJJjLINER Improver, 2 /years'! experience, / •x?JL ? Apply Trousseau' House,- -131; Semuera : ; RH... oxtp v Post OfKjg. '■:■'./;/ V.v'-"v-- ■■■ i: ' •■-..' MOTOR Body/ Builders wanted.'«»E-olaH f : : rr*t' beat-ern t "bqilj'makt-Ta iriiriinersj / / 'higheet.-wsgea-to right : nien.-^-Apply"Auto* .'» ;hody..' 240. - He? vt.p. -■■'■ -v -:, /"-,.-.;.,/ ,, '.:<;■;,, -'"/-,,." -.fjpAINTERc'-goocl - brufiir~S^"w, : iea,-„ ;i .'- -»•'", Apply on .job, Arth'cty Ponsonby. . --"•■; PAINTER," competoiit ~ day "work ox:-coii- ' '- S/trffcjt,- ; --Job;iLyoji ;Av., or 93, St'. -'Eniirt's '-■ ,- \-h Mm Mt. Albert.. ■ '- ; .v, : . ; :,../;•' /•■■///',.., f IOWNIST,Many. young.■',- wanted'/ to ".feisiafc - '■:'■''•■ " M.-J^tnk^, .".:;., ■-■/- ,; PLASTERER. ' fib;-:«.—Hobnes~~Bros." ' .- '■ Manuhau lit' 1 .. Epscm. "' ■ - - -~ — ~, '__ , - ■jpLUMB.ERS. — i'iaaczi2i,;n, . liceiiSed, /~r '■ ip-'l •"/ante,!; & monibs', work; 3? ''J. v ■ i i Apply, ,„,./_. /FERGUSON, /.£ ■ ■> : /'-../-...-;-,.:■ . WelleplpV Hoiise. : ! _'Phone v 2253. ■ Welleslcy Si. ; ,X>REBSER» "FEMALE, FOR FROCKS, -.' ■- ''• /TEE CROTHALL WAY C 0...:; ■' 'A'',,. Renovating.Specialists, and'PraciicoJ Tailors, •..".":'"- ; "'" : ___; .'/"/■/-'. 13?'.-'; v % l ,jd l g, -Street. - './ , .-, RETOUCHER, thoroughly skilled, jrfonco. '-*-»>-Apply, giving -nairtir.ular'i of experience,. tojGasie'/and C'q.; - Juai'miiton. ■■'• : ' :■■:..■.--: Q aLESMBN, o:tperii,!nced CanvAsaVra-catt • '- K>/■■ :-:- earn: ■■£& IK 'wi!i©k.-—For- : particulars, . '■'P)>]y_i9._ Royal Insurance Buildint.-s. :QOULLERYM:AN; tucßorie-nced.:wanted at - tJ'.\ once.—Carson, Siden- Crescent. _____■ q^AILORESSES; Treuwr and Vest Hands. ' /■/ ;-i' : immediately R,, Jp€o. ' Tailor,. - ' opp./O.PiO,i , .'. t t r -- ■- ■ -'ty \_ ' npAILORESS,'' PntST-CLASS,;. . FOB' > f JU ■ • REPAIRS. \ , J THE CROTHALL WAY CO.. * , < Rssiovaiing SpecjalislT .nd Practical Taiiors, -" . . ; 1.37, 1 Symonds Street. ~, ' , exp^yie^Lced.—Apply. D;fenonico' - ' Yf- C.ate.,l7sA,'.QntJen'-.St." --; - - WHOLESALE. ■ DRAPERY - WARE- ' ;-:£.^v,^.::.i:-;.--V:-:^.--=orrsß HAL' A VACANCY; FOR, A STRONG T3O? . ;.. Leading School. Apply with reference: ■ - : //' ,- --P.O. Bor"2ls.'.Auoblani3 _- j " , K'"OU!IH n iu:eUirtnt. wanted: for-' Store »nd ■ ' I i Warehouse.— Onitart S'.a'cs Rubber Go. :r I (Aust:),'- Ltd., ,24. Lome St. __ ■_ strong, wanted? for "Meatpacking. i. —Mr. Johnston, Tea ' Dept., Pond and Bond,' Cbmm.orce- St. <- - * - - 1 ' ! ' • ' : \7"OUTH wanted.—J..: Edwards .awl Son*, ■- -: p,JL. -85, Wi-'lealny St. ' " j ~~~_ --■■.. ;-, ./ - r -\ ( ~> * ':"— — .. ~ | ;.U'PPLIGATION3.''FOR.DATBY|FACTOP,Y .- ■', ;;-«." •-- - SEeRETARYSHSP. , ' /Applications art- invited for the position off , .<' .Sepretary of 'the .Normanby,' Mells, Mere- -•' mere, Ararata and Melrose Dairy Companies, .at a salary of £1000 per annum. Successful find office and staff. ,;.-, Conditions of..appointment obtainable from the-Secretary. Bex: 54, Hawora. '■■ • : „ ~, ' Applications' close en November 9, and to be addressed to Box 64, HawerSi.vand marked .. -■" Application for^Secretaryship." 4 -'■•"- . • ' t .. ;,V" ■;:■--"■;-' •''.'. ' 'a.'"w.;PAOE, , " : ..;". ! i"-- : 1 ".,/ - Secretary above Companies. - v TOBBING ■■>< ' COMPOSITOR. j .'*t|i-^■ ■ . .v• ''' -■ ' Wanted; ••?'- * .'«. ,' A FIRST-CLASS JOBBING ? COMPOSITOR. f~: ... ,vi , One capable of handling ail work. 3 > highest Wages to a Good;' Man. :W? ■ '':•' evening POST. - • ~,: Wellington. . :-:.;,; Ci OLLEC TO R. WOMAN, O. , , For tho . « rt Arr<ppv Prtß THE PROTECTION OP SOCIBT . AND PREVENTION OWELTY - . WritWh aEplications only received at. fho - "' '"' 5 theT Society. 20^rime»ton..BuiJd : S* Queen Street. TMtimomaJa mop accompany applications, --_ >- , . 'xTAWKRA . HOSPITAL . , BOARD. ' Applications' are invited for Miitiou of . H«-eri HospiUl. Salan i bi) t)» withoui residence. Dutie, to .■ men : December 1. Applicants to sLu: tions. and experience-. _ ; , , . ■ ■ . C. IS.p HAGGETT, ' .-■:: i.• Secretary.':;: .;,■,;'■: |K ' f f " * 3 ~_.,„ , r —--,--, .. PIANIST, ■•firßt-ckes, -.yanti a.'^Lafe t ox, - J £ I Gentlemaa;" one . who . can :■:sing : pre- -, v ■ ferred, .; travel K'.-:k tl 1 Ij. ten. uii u/Jst.- ~J;r £: letter only tc -_. . > PIANIST. - ■ ' C.o. Robertson's Mnric Store, ___„ Queen: Street x '_ p". - QIM/.BT- 4l = BOY " > >WANTED V 3 ''' - ! --'■/~/:™. ; --"".-.- ■ ~ .--' ■-'■=.- -.-..-'■ : ' J :' , TO LEARN THE BUSINESS. 1 •' • .Must:'.bo';Str6nE. and Willing. : " ; .'■,;■.. MAPLE FURNISHING: CO./ •: ' ,'' . ' / 1 \ „' 3 &jb ll.i.wu". Uapo Bond. , , , . T TPM B B i W.iW Tvni.«te. acc.ur.iio. Sborthand no; Efsea- A tiai; Gencrfll Office Routine. - App'y in own handsrritin«. . • ; Salary tn c-wiiuonce, :'/•;% ■• --" .-j -■" ,j. ". : -i.-*.>ir»iHT>» : '"-■ ■"'•.;■/'-"•• . '''■/. ,''-, ,- *05* i.--'fS-- ' .;Vi.:.:,-ri'^fe^

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18545, 1 November 1923, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18545, 1 November 1923, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18545, 1 November 1923, Page 1