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.>i n ii 11 iii • ' r —m.i. nHi i _ ' '" :} t' ' :■: x APARTMENTS VACANT. ■- A CCOMMODATIOJt-Double and , SinA sle Furnished Rooms, with breakfast, -!''. :• f also Furnished Flat.—3,' Lower ■ Symonda fat. vi; ■ ■ Telephone S77A. ■ ;: ■ -'■■-■'■' - ;'''' v " ■■■-'■■-■ ■ ■■■- :; A CCOMMODATION.-Plat3,-.Kooms^^ 1 A : . enburbs; -.^ e : ~; • merit, N.Z. . ■ Insurance , Bldgs.»; Queen ~ at.. : '£" '" ! '' : 'phone 2930 A. - v : :.:- : ' : - k : _ "■'■' "■ "'•'■ '■"'_'■'' - ■• ) A CCOMMODATION.— Furnished ' LA Flat., lame sunny rooms, kitchenette.—- ; ,■• LydforcJ." St. George's Bay, Rd-, Farnell. - V.I i CCOMMODATION -for working men .A . Boarders; permanents or casuals r early " breakfast: terms .. moderate.— &t. wair, '219. Hobson St. .-'::-' . .'-"■- '■"'■■._: . - A PARTi-ENTS.-Furn.. . Rl ßo^ a | ton l^ n .• A gas. Stirlmff. 161. Gratton,.««.. , lmjjr__jfliybfrr Paas. -.-.___ : :—_ '•"A PARTMENT. superior. &**>*s ; -~ A suit business ladies or . gent. Also, Motor .Garage.—2l." St. Benedicts St. , —_ "APARTMENTS, furn. clow beach and A trams; elevated and' shun..Mount,, 31. Sentinel Rd.. Ponsonby. • APASTMENTS. comfortable,'_at Holly A ; Dean. 10. Garfield St.. end of Ist ; section. ' ; — — ——- .4 P-\.RT\fEN;TS.—Furn. Flats. Bed-Sit-■"A ling Room: select, handy care;-kit-chenettes.— 6, St. Georges Bay. Bd.. Far-ell. - .______-___— — A ARTMENTT superior; bedroom,- breakA "last room and kitchenette; furn.; moderate rent; adults.—l, Collingwood St.. Ponsonby . ' ■'•.■'•.-•' •-■■■-. •■■■ ~ ' ■ ■ BEDS ' single, breakfast. ; soft, washing optional good home; business men.— 164. V Ponsonby Rd. _____________ TDEvDROOM, front, and Sitting .Room. .D llurn.; also single Bedroom, suit lady. —J Canada St.. Newton. EdKOOM. furn., large, sunny, •„., use couvr.. 2 rain. Pitt St. section.—Address lat Herald. ■■ ' ' BEDROOM, single, furn.. suit• working man; 'Room. _ beds, suit- mates.— Newton Rd.. near car —_____ _, BED-SITTING Room, double, nice, furn., X> km and all conv>.-lM..___________, BSD-SITTING Rooms; (2). Single, turn . .* use convs.: -in. Lamps.-* St. Mary's 8,d.. Ponsonby. - ■ • ; . =Dl_s-Srn?ING Room, double, :w JD gas meter: 2mm. Dominion Rd. car.— ?8, View Rd.. Mt. Ed on. . ___t.SITT£-s*<3-' Room, extra large, con vs., ■kitchenette, sep, entrance, first sect.. city.—36. Mo-nkau • Rd.. ________ ■DUD-SITTING- Room, turn.; Ist section, J_> all convs.: also Bedroom, suit WC girls.—3. Howe St.. Newton.- ________ —___ ED-SITTING Room, double, superior, furn.. front; stove, fireplace; first section. 25s. —Address at _j_kAl. . ' •i * '.i/-sffTING" Room. Kitchenette, furn :0> :■ ishod; on trance, e.1.: also Single Room', convs.—l(s, Henley Rd.. All, Eden. ; BED-SITTING Room, furnished, t ?", <] kitchen:. also . Single . Furnished Bed room, suit gentleman: e.1.. all convs.—s2 Grafton Rd. ; ■._ '; —___— K\EMAR. 62, •. Wynysrd , St... near St " IWs.-Furnish«l Be**iHrng Room, .separaie kitchenette; also Single Room; gas ring; business people; refs.' ■■■■■■:■■' .. CHELTENHAM.—-; unfurn.. < ak*^ '.civ nnvate and self-contained; overs conv.; private path, to be.ach; moderate real to permanent*.— Cheltenham Road__ ' /-CHIMES. 57, Sjmionds St., has Vacancies; V/ ■ turn, rooms only.— Phone u».EVONPORT. Waterfront.— Flat, .superior;; Smirts. to boat. —11, i ■. Queen's Parade. ; -_ n „____. ■ -■'...._ _- ; VON PORT.—FIaT 4 rooms, self-con-tained, furn./- or • unfurn.:... .electric light";'- waterfront; adults; ■ refs.—Phone 102, 45.. King Edward's Parage. I PLAT, furn., 1 room and jatchenetue.1 .-Oakleigh. 146, Symonda St. T_LAT] furn.. 5. Lower Symonds St.. 4 '•■• J? rooms end kitchen; rent..;__ 10b.— Apply as above, or A. L. Raven, Smeetons Bldgs.. ■Qucsn St. ■■- -. ■ -'•'- '" ■!' _ . 17<IiAT. furn.. 3 rooms, and ' kitchenette; j,» self-contained; rent 305.—44. Eden ■ Crescent.; City.- ■_■-.•; _____ ■-•■ ; ---'- -.. FLAT, modern. completely -, selfcontained, private entrance; minute ' tram.—ls. Valley Rd.. Mt Eden end. JTiLAT. • unfurn.. : 2 rooms,: / self-conta:ined, . newl- renovated, - sunny lo_nhty. . handy '~-, trams, references.—Address _______*__, I~7\LA.T. unfurn., large balcony rooms, over * - harbour, 'phone balconies; • large " grounds.—9s, Calliope Rd., Devonport. . Til_»_T, • unfurn.,. separate , fit . o ',;„ meter; JL 1 ■■■■ separate entrance; electric light.—34, Sentinel Rd.. Ponsonby. •' ■ ' ;; FLAT (1), 3 or'-4 rooms;, or 2 room.; un1 urn.— Cobden St ■-- - ■ -■ ■ .._■_ I7LAT, •?■ rooms and .kitchenette.\.unfurn.; . . separate entrcace. handy ,fetot.w*' WU> liam St.. Dominion Rd. Tennin_s;--"-«- ; "I ,iLAT. 2or 3 rooms and kitchenette turn. .-.!' X or partly: "also 4 .Bed-Sitting -' Toasonahle rent.— Brighton Ad- Pai-iell. ITiLAI', 2 largo rooms; gas stove; .use bath- ? - - room 255.—20. Dominion:: iid.; or Kirkcaldy. '100. Queen St.__j ; , I7LAT. 3 rooms, nicely furn., all convs., : sep. entrance: reasonable rent. New North Road. Glenmore. ■ __± ; ». :: TPLAT. welOurn., living-room,; bedroom, J- kitchenette, bathroom, sleeping; verandah- beautiful harbour view, near. Supreme , Court.—Address at Beralo. . ••• ' ■ It i :;' Rooms, ? turn, and T unfurn:.; -city, - , X suburbs. Prices suit all.—Tourist ,Ac- '!._, commodatior. Bureau, 52, Strand Arcade. EAFI'ON RD.. 113.—Superior furnished Flat ' separate, kitchen, etc;, meter. ' -•!•: quiet; exchanged. HOUSE (bottom half), ; own garden, iras • stove, range;, first section;: cneap.--U. -.■■- Gibraltar Crescent, Parnell. ; , ___ ; OA_5 J.NDS, 3, Hardinge St., off Victoria St. W.—Double and Single . Rooms: eonvs.; "comfortable; moderate. .-.:.. ONSONBY.—Rooms; .t2).'-large, unfuirn.. ■ - ,'J1....'.e.;.; use convs".—Address at _t_RALI> EOMAv~-29. ' Ponsonby ■ Rd.—Furn/, BedSitting Room, kitchenette: modurn ": convs.: business people.: .■ i. . : . HO OOM. double, refined people; also siriglo : IflX ■ Beds.—ll. Upper Vincent St.. ylty. 'DOOM, large, ■ front, unfum.v, gas... fireJtV place.—l3o. .Manukaußd., opp. Pajnell -- i: :p.0..-,.-:-'-..';^:^--"----" , "' : ____. : ; ■• , - ("DOOM, front, Jurn., suit retired. pe«iqn; : ; ttv. also Single Bedroom, 103.-25. Him* . ; burgh St., Hawton. " ■. " : ROOM, ,' single, suit business gent ; break- - fast; handy city.—3s. Grafton ltd. ,: _Q76A. :! j.:"- __j ' . ___ !___________; ' ' : ': : ; E"CV->MS, 1 or 2, uniurn., use convs., minute '_ ■■ to car.— Valley Rd.. Dominion Rd. OC)MS. single and double;, electric light i ■ throughout;' ■■„. 1 and . . c. ~; water.— Wyoming. 63. Nelson St., City. ROOMS (2), unfurn., e.1.,; separate gas : meter,.- stove., convs. —"■ atafia fat., Parnell ' -'■■■ _________;_l_ -- : -.'' , ' ; '^' J -' ROOMS (2). unfurn:, separate .stove, all , convs., suit'•■: married couple; -31.—21. : Richmond. Av., Grey Lynn. _____ _________ EOOMS (2), large, front, widow lady; >' ' cotiva., , separate cooking; adults. —34, Victoria Ave.. Mt.: Eden ■;"»' :-. .- -■ TJOOMS 13), partly . furn., kitchen, .all .'"•".'XV • convs.;, Ponsonby. ,—, Address ' - Heralp.: . :;:J;'■'■' ______ '_____ ■"■"''■ "■• '■ " ROOMS.— Single Beds. 10s week; breakfast optional; sitting-smoke room; hot. bath , and shower: elec. light; 3min.. station. Victoria House.'4L>. Nekon St.. City. ' ' rriM-APUNA— Rooms, furnished, from • J. now right through Xraaß and uummer. '-•/'■ __. . Every convenience.—B.. 392. Herald. 1 rpHE ""WILLOWS, : Symonrls . St.—Furn. -•'-'•'J ■'■"■' rooms, single and . double, breakfast ,: •; optional.—'Phono 3263. 'Miss O'Dea, Pro- . rjrietreßß. ■--■■■/.,•'.-•'■■. ■■ ■■ _______ ■nrpHE Girls' Hosttil, City lid., conducted '■■•:• X . by Miss Hammond, remove*], and will now be known as The Missionary Home. :: 17, Emmetfc St., ; .-;•. oil Shelly.-, Beach .Road. Hero? Bay.; ' .'-. ■ ___ ■"-.»- ______ _______ 'PIRIVrEW,: NarrownecK Beach.— ' X nished Flats, kitchenettes. 15s:- bus . passes, .tains, wharf.—Phone 140. Devon- : Port. '~' __i_ ■ ' -■- '■' '■ '--'■ ■•''•■-" '■■- - ____ _ ; ; " ' " "WOODSIDE." Burleigh St,.- top_KhyVV per Pass.— Single Furnished Room. .I..—one 919. Under new management. APARTMENTS WAMT-P. CHELTENHAM. Easy Distance -Beach.--Business Couple require small furnished self-contained Flat; moderate.—Permanent, '578. Pvr.'-P. ..- ■•■-■■.'■•■ y :■] ____^____jl___. C COUPLE, married, no children, require small ■ Flat. - —Particulars : to Connie. 520. Herald. ■■■ ■ :■, . ',\i TjTLAT. email, self-contained, furn. or unX furn,, married couple and 2 ..schoolchildren; refined, reliable: refs.— terms • Moderate, 504, Herald. ••■■••-' -.-,--.- ___ ■■-.'■. rIOOM, unfurnished, for elderly Lady; _ handy Particulars to Elderly. 520. Herald. : EOOM, unfurn., wanted, by Buainosa Lady; first tectum.— 4C9. Herald. ■■.."..■ ' ROOMS (2), unfurn.. convs. Greenwood's - Corner or Takapuna; Lady. 2 childrengood tenant.—Careful. 394, Herald. ' PS "-— " ';'-"______ BOARD WANTED. :.: BOARD, or Part Board, handy to City, by _ady engaged during day: home -wita pi*no and 'phone preferred.—Musical, 577, iH-BALO. BED-SITTING. Boom, furn., or unfurn.; care and attendance; for elderly lady. , --A.P.T..- 508. Herald. GENTLEMAN requires board, privato ■ family; Cheltenham; no other boarders. —Board. _____________ '"' ' '■"' ______ ' . ■ 1 PROFESSIONAL Man, Young, wife, boy, years, require home. with refined adult ■ i 'otriily, ■use sitting room and;' phono, handy I city; sewing and every .consideration given V'' return good home and moderate-, terms.— ,-vvH.C;;-:4l4.H»BALr>., ; :' : '-, "-:■; -:- r "<.: - '"'■"■"-;; ," T STEPHEN'S or near Judge's --'Bay.— J^; "Board:wanted. by young business Man; ;' M 576. -.. _I____b. .■■,.-.-. .-:, :•' -'.-; : -'

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18519, 2 October 1923, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18519, 2 October 1923, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18519, 2 October 1923, Page 2