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*:• J WANTED TO BUY. A ABEL.—Mrs. Outrun, Victoria St. '' ■■" .1, x3L. largest -'buyer ; Auokland Ladies' '.anc '.-■ Gent.'a Left-off Clothing.—'Phono 2674. - • ;: ; ARTIFICIAL Teeth ft:,i Bought: v highest ■TSwj'ixL"..-prices ••sent return mail.—Peat> to J. • - T Pan Atone. Box 51. WcUesley St.. Auckland. ARTIFICIAL Teeth, any condition, up to £5 10s» per - act, —Pearlina ; Co.. 9. •'' Seonrity Bldgs.' Eat. 21 years.' ' . : ■ BICYCLES, Tools, Jewellery, "any condi- ' tion ; ? Watches. False Teeth, Cameras, ■ < - Binoculars, Clarkson, : 88, Ponsonby Rd. BALATA Belting, second-hand, about 112 s= feet, 9 . or ;■< loin.—Particulars at once '■•'•'■£>•• to Belting. bB9, Hkbalp.;;:-■ -■• ■: v __ BOOKS— Libraries, parcels, single volumes, * magazines, novels, top prices. Brough'a '. - Town Hall Book Stores 378. Quean St. CLOTHING. Suits. Bags, Musical Installments: homes visited.—Meltzcr Bros., '■*'■ '*■ 65, Victoria St. W 'Phone A 2670. CARPENTER'S, Tools. ' Clothing, Suits, ■ Boots, Bags, Dinner Suits. Macs.— , H. E. Hansen. 360. Queen St. r; ; ■■■ , ALP or Whole Plato Aldis or Boos Express -lens, -trial.—Novelty Depot, ." w Broad St., Pahncrston North : KAURI GUM.— are Cash Buyers, at highest market rates, of all grades. ' „.. , ~ THOS. LEES AND SONS, -V Customs Street East. < DIPINCJ, ''Jin, 850 ft, galvanised, secondJL hand, good order.—Secretary, Waiotahi Co-op. Dairy Co.. Ltd.. Waiotahi. Bay. of s Plenty. "-' ■■■ '■ ■ ' '■": ■■■'■■'" ' ' J ■ ' PERSIAN KITTEN (MALE). Black Preferred. > State Colour and Price. ; ■ V' v __■ '.-•'; KITTEN. 895. Herald. _ POSTS. Battens, Strainers, and SUjs.— . "Material and price on trucks to Owen, '■'; "Victoria St. Lane. : E~"ABBIT Skins.—Well pay. Dunedin prices. Write for Winter Price List.— ■■''- Australasian Rabbit Skin Co.. Box 1272. RABBIT Skins bought in any , quantity; : best prices given — Consign to H. Kidd. Cambridge. RING lira, Kelly.—She buys Misfit OiothLug, Evening Wear.— St., -off Queen St.. 'Phone 2606. SWEDES, few acres wanted, handy to station—State price per acre to ' Turnip, 723, . Herald. : - TYPEWRITER wanted, Corona; will give JL £15 11 in first-class order.Cleric, ■_.-' 915. 'H-Kald. ANTEDfresh Rabbits and Skins - high-sat prices given.—Australasian -' Babbit Skin Coy.. Box 1272. I. F. FISHER. Second-hand Dealer, * 350. Queen St.", is now under New ..; Management. Will purchase - Carpenters • Tools. Clothing, Suits. Boots, Basts. Dinner • Suits. Macs..—H. E. Hansen- 'Phone 30-21. %'• 9000 GOOD SOUND CHAFF SACKS ~JJKJV ,;• WANTED. . v ;-. FOR .COAL.. :. /., j "- - , Spot Cash. Apply Wednesday, GLEN AFTON COLLIERIES. ; ■ - Porter's Avenue, 1 * ' u '■ ' "'"■"' Off Eden Terrace. QACKB" ;.-.;: OACKS. gACKS : .' BAKERS. STOREKEEPERS & OTHERS. ,-. , Consign your Sacks • direct to us. end .-, .'.,. obtain Best Prices. "' Deal with us direct, we have no agents. - ■';'" We have the largest turnover in N.Z. :■-■ :*!■ '.'" McKENDRICK BROS.. ~ - -:«'»:■'-'■'•'- Wellington Street, Auckland. ? Twlogranhia Address: " Sacks."'Anokjand^ v : ; HORSES VIH'T' «■-■ Pgf A V C FARM Waggons, Courtland Waggons, : Spring Carts and Drays; built to :. order, .-.*■:, and A supplied from stock, best ; material? and workmanship.—Barr? Car- • • riage Factory.' Onehnnga. ■ -.- ■ -': - GIG, rubber-tyred. Pony Cart. Milk Float, 4 Waggons. Hawkor'a Turnout.— Lain Yards. 49. Wyudham St. ( : rrIRAP, -spring, handsome, roomy, uphol- . ; X' -stored, new lamps, English, harness : ; as new; . £30.—McGorum, Buckland .Road, •': •. Epsom. Greenwood's' Comer. - ■ ; -u WAGGONS. Ppring Carts, and Harness • of., every description.— 410, ;■ '-■•■ Manukau Rd.. Epsom. ■ : '■ . ■ ■ MO R V L E Y--S, ■ -V.. i/.-"■■'JCi--,T-;D.. • : -:57. ALBERT STREET • •'-••;' (Late Saleyaida. Loan and Mercantile). . 1 P.O.- Box 224. AUCKLAND.- 'Phone 1145. 44 VEHICLES FOR SALE. Including— ': ■1 Roomy D.S. Buggy, low price. >v 1 Skirt-wing R.T. Gig. • • &c' 1 - General Purpose Spring Trap, lOcwt. ' 1 Spring Tip Cart, lßcwt. :i; .1 Spring Tip Dray, 20cwt. :.; ~i■■■':.■ V' 1 Handy Farmr Waggon, ._ -'v- ; 1 'v 1 Strong Milk Waggon; 3 tons. v,. V i,; 1 Good Waggon, .carry lambs '.'or piss. '• 1 Flat Top Lorry, 4in.>tyre. v T - •'-' ' ■ .::-r-- All tuvrness, Saddles. Bridles.'•• • • ~--.:. NOTE our one. AND ONLY address. EA ME,: R ;; ;S'- : V ; :. ; BAZA AB, ■■;■'■ •:'.; ; 96, Albert Street. ' J V i . Returned <B. M. Morley) Soldier. Pony Gigs (5), to Suit Shetland*. , * :: ■ Choice rubber-tyro Gigs, sliding seat for 3. -• Handy, roomy Gig, iron tyres, long-shafts. Slit i Gart, two seats, business or pleasure. Farm or Milk Cart, good as new, lOcwt. ■''■: Milk Cart,: roomy body, 15cwt. - / Grocer's delivery Cart, best order, ton.* .' Express Cart, rail sides, carry 25cwt.. Express • Cart, extra good, carry 2 tons. • Cream Waggon. \ full look, carry 2 tons. , ; Harness, .several good sets; also Plough • Gear. : i" ■' .''■:'•■••'■-■'■,:'.■■.-;;■■'-'.;•'- : '' ■ '.'■.'- ■'.-.■ ■:-■' ■■>.' Several Useful Farm and Gig Howes. ' - HORSES AND VEHICLES WANTED. ; .TXRAY, second-hand. Town Clerk, •■.' JUv ,: Newmarket.- ,: i '.-L\'.. "£ ■■ , -OjTAGGON, ' FLAT TOP. .'■■ ■' Wanted to Purchase. ,;•■ Must be in good order. ■■• i State where to be seen. ' : >" Apply;. ' , . '.:..-'■".■' 347. ■ BOX 347. '■' '■■'- : LIVESTOCK FOR BALJS. : TTEIFERS, 4, choice Jersey J cross, due '" n now to reg. Jersey Adams, RobV■■ ertson Rd.. Mangere. ."- ■;- v i' . / ■' ■■" ',•■■.- HEIFERS : (2); quiet. Grade : Jersey, from ;■ good cows, * one' just calved and one ' due next, week.—'Phone 8447 A. i : . PEDIGREE FRIESIAN i BULLS .FOB . 1. ' ~ SALE. ,: : Having"disposed of my Frieiiian Herd, I am ,'" ? J , Selling Two Pedigree Bulls. ; Full particulars from - ';-.::-,; r .,;-,.: r j. T ;,.. Vi , u .... ~,,:;..-., V',: T. DARBY, v':-:-"--;-'-.-j;"..f. ■".:<■": 217, Ponsonby Roadl •'''l ; , ; 1 V LIVE AMD DEAD STOCK -WANTED. HEIFER Calves, Jersey, by pedigree bull.— 12, Taotaoroa, Cambridge. JERSEY Heifer - Calf, good strain, 1 or . .2 weekai old.—Apply M. Laurie, Glen Eden.--- '■- . ■■ \, ■ - : OOWS. .up to 6, woll-bred Berkshire breed- , K"?- ing Sows wanted, to farrow shortly: ' 'must be good mothers and be not too old.— . Particulars and price f.0.r., to Prolifio 819 - ■ : ••H»B AI ' T) »'-'-. : '-''-'■ '■'■ '■■'-'■"■'■' :-'>''?V'y-"'' :..'"'.:V-:-\: . -.- : - ■ ""plGb.' -■ •,-.■-.- PIGS ; PIGS JTIGS. ■ . PIGS, PIGS .-■•■'!■.:■.■■•■. ■•:;-'=- WANTED ..'- -- ''■'■■ . "' '■. PORKERS AND BACONERS ■ : 861b. to 1601b. weight. Price 6d per lb [\./. : . ..-»E. STANFIELD, ,:.:■,-■:- - ',-.-.■•.;,'-■. ■!-■■.■ ft- :'• Pork Butcher, '";.:■■'■:,' ■. -.---->.>■-■' 159. Karangahapo Rd.. Auckland. •'■ ; :"-'-- : - DOCS ,: FOR v SALE. -; v v ■' }-; GREAT Dane, young dog, pedigree.—Apply Anderson. Pen Doctor. Vulcan Xiane. >••-■ . ■-.'■ .•■"-.-.- -, ■■ i„. ■»■-,-; POM, < sable, good pedigrno.—Parsons. Butcher, Great North Rd. POMERANIAN Puppies (pedigree), cheap; „™' : "i fS. ble and black; father took prize Winter Show.W. Alexander. Papaknra. :- yaOGS WANTED. LIVER and White Field Bpaniel; gun . - do ; ,i nut -l )e purebred and > young. — A. Read, No. 8 Road, Tatuarrai. > ■ POULTRY, "r. BIRDS, ETC.. FOR SALE. CHICKS, all breeds, at auction prices, Tuesday and Friday.— Turners and Growers, Ltd.. City Markets. - ■ - HENS, White Leghorn, ■- and Pulhits. laying,- cheap. Gladwin Rd.. Epsom. HENS, 15s; Settings 8.0., W.L., 7s 6d: Indian Runner, 6a,—Laurie, Broadway Chambers, Newmarket. BPINGTONS, Wyandottes" (Silver), Columbian; leading -' pod(gree strains; eggs (15). 10s. 6d; strong chicks (fortnight old), 2ls doz.—Hillcrest Yards, Hamilton- '"■ 'phone 2261. : ' ■!''' :■ - ' SETTINGS, Utility Black OrpingtcmMrom * 0 ;... my choicest pens of Dominion's leading strain. Cuming. Box 155. --Hamilton.'-• SPECIAL— Orpingtons, Christie and Marville strains; Settings. 10s 6d. posted; £3 for 160.—Forder. Papatoetoa. ■''•■■' : V FRUIT FOR SALE. ~" r APPLES, splendid keepers. 44lbr oases a -only 6a r? d {. rail paid; order at once— . F. Stewart, Orohardiat. Kaukapakapa. ; A 'PPLES,—Choice- Dessert. tip-"toir~keepl .. -«. era, satisfaction guaranteed,; 7 a & owe. . smaller Bs 6d; trade supplwd; railage paid.— E. Cole, Kaukapakaaa. U APPLES, % splendid ' ■ keepers: Ist grade; 7s 6d: a very good lin a ' .. 69 6d; '■: rail paid.—F. Stewart, Orchardist ' Kaukapakap-. •■•-'.-:■'::.---' : -;.; : .. .'-.;:■:.,- *' ESSERTand Cooking Apples and Pears ,f 10s bushel; ,v Choice I Delicious, -12a >v," bushel; Half Cases Supplied; Fruit delivered ifeeo.—J,:?' L. Carter, Jutland Road, Taka-■:.M.piina.'-^'-J^r:'-;.:'1--'-" ■■•'■-■ ' ■ " •. : -- ; -.- SELLING, Belling, ' SelJtriig 1— before .i: too'-late; choice Dessert Apples. 7s 6de , 1 cases 21s &J{ nil paid.— V. Jones, Kaukapakap*.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 2