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*-"' : SITUATIONS WANTED. ' j. i A CCOUNTANT, commercial, experienced, . XX.-seeks position, City' Office; salary .. secondary :« to:, prospects;:: excellent refs.— ■ Trustworthy, .609, >.;'»:, / ; ■ •__;: '. . A CETONE Welder, 10 years' experience, : j** 5 years under Admiralty, also Fitter.— - Stewart, Portland St.. Dargaville. £- ; ■ . _.-, - r ADVERTISER recommends Man, 30. ' for . XX.. light "work-in country; used to machines.—Capable, 824, Herald. '■:■:-■'■■"-":-. ; - ASPHALT. Tar, Sanding, Lawn Tennis, . —X. by my special, process; no splashing or carrying into house.—T. Tyne. 'Phone' '' 4071 (3 ________________ __ '■-. -- : _ ____ __ ■-:/ 1 ATTEND! — Tarring, Sanding. Tennis . -^*-,- Lawns. ,-■. Grounds Laid Off.— B. Bishop, 7. King Edward Ave.. Epsom. ;' . "DOARDING House, or Family.-Young £ -M.. .Chinese seeks position; thoroughly ex- . perienced, competent.— 890, Herald. ■ i. DRICKLAYER, strong young Man. 23, t J-* .-.desires-. learn trade;' not an apprem. tice.—Apply stating terms to start.- Brick- • layer, 770. Herald. ■■■-.•••' •:■•-; .-■■.' ''■ "T_ WILDER requires Alterations, Additions,i J-*- Now. Work; plans prepared.—J. Wilford. 269. Balmotaf Rd.. Edendale. : '. i. - DUSINESS • Woman desires occupation 5 »M .. trust in Stationery Business, ■or Soft Goods, with -view: to .'•': eventually purchase r same '~Responsibility,'-'924,'. ________ ; '■' : . f^OMPANION-Help.— ■ in ' comfort- ' 'Ssf ■' able ; home wanted.—rM.E... 722. Herald. „ •/CARPENTER.. Improver.—Position .wanted s v by young man,. desiring fuller, know- . ledge of itrade.—-Worker,' 909, Heralp. ■ ;■ i; wants . work, repairs, al- » ,vy ': terations, new Bungalows; plans free. ': —4, Western Springs Rd., Morningside. , i YTIAEPENTER wants repair work : and • v> :..;.: small alterations; no job too small.-— ' Carpenter. 420. Herald. ■■• -.'. ______ ; , pjARPENTER and Cabinetmaker requires V/ , Repairs, Alterations, or Renovations; • estimates given; jobbing, work done.— 1 Chips, 600, Herald. ' " CARPENTER, tradesman, . competent, reJiable, would undertake Buildings, Al- '• terations. Repairs; estimates free; contract, • labour only.—Square, 858. Herald.: _____ GOMPANION-Help.—Position, wanted in ■ refined home; light duties.— 910, Herald. - ' ■ ; , : /* -::•■•. ■ :.:... ,-., :'. . /COMPANION or Lady .Help,— re- , '\J quires position; would suit invalid, i having had' r -hospital- experience.— ' 851, J -______£________ : , ■''--'■■:'■ '" ■'■' _____'' OUNTRY Traveller, thoroughly > '.experienced,, with -good^onnection.,wines and spirits, desires engagement.— ,728, - Herald; ".'-':.' : '-'-'':'>""'■' '.: ''■'■' '-'-M' -.•'-■"-.•■ ':' . Y7<OUPLE,i married,, young, no encur"V/!V;: "brance. '■■>'■ want Farm Work; wife , domestic,' man milking, • etc.Anxious, . 821, Herald: '-•■''' •-.-•.' ''•■■■'■ ■'.-"'..". L T_OMESTIC/--Positioji with elderly couple, *■ J-J suburb?, required by competent worker. • —Suburbs, 866, Herald. : •■■■ ■ . , DRAINER, City License, wants position as Drainer, after Friday,. August "10. Drainer, 920 Herald. -. ~.■■-, :x..y. : RESSMAKING. — Smart Frocks. Cos-. . tumes. Coats, exquisite designs; moder- , ate.—lo. Sheehaii St.. near Three Lamps, Ponaonby.____• -■•''■ '-■.-.■' ■'■■■■'■ 'r i » RESSMAKING.—PIain Fr 9 cks, Child- : XJ ren's- Clothes. Plain Sewing. Renovai tioris. 5 -etc; town, -country; 8s 6d day, fares. 1 —Mod urate. 781.' HKRALTO. ______ ' NGINEDRIVER'' wants pdßition; secqnd,class ticket; used. Haulers or, Station- .... ary, capable doing all repairs.—Engine, 806, ,'•; Herald. • ■ '... ■;" .' : '.: " <-_____ IT'ARMER, , married, wants Herd 60 or - ' more; machines; share-milking, or 3 would -Manage Dairy Farm.—lmplements, f, 341. Heralp. ■ _____ _____ -'":.• , I?AHMER. .married, seeks position; as • -L •' Manaefer on : Farm;' 'thorough' know- -': ledge of all Stock and implements; reply, 1 stating ____________ ________ ! ' /GARDENS 'tended, remodelled, -y. beauti- . M > tied, by the day: expert all branches. 3 ________ Cosmos.": 73,' Park Rd. : GARDENER, ' experienced, wants 3 days a week.—Gardener, 802, Herald. '; GARDENER .wants one or two days per r week; )experienced all work,'— f 900. v HERALU. ;..- _________ : v'S-'X-'-'-V"'' :■'■'■■ 'I I /SaRDENER, expert all brahchea, 'want's ■"■ .ML ; work by,day, Regular; .{.-; no half, days, t 953.. Hjjrald. ; ; - :-:.3 : ri "r GARDENING, Cleaning Up, or any : odd .'*■ „ jobs," or work y of ; any.' kind.— r- jJ_lSi!______- '■ '- v ' '- , .'■■'• -.; . GiRL (17). seeks' position,, refined "home, _~„ ; - in capacity kof Lady ; Help.—Genuine, ; 743. Herald. ■ > .-■ ~■■ :■.;%■■, •.-,.■■ ...;.- :-■■-.:. HAIRDRESSER, first-class, wants management Hairdressintr, ■ Tobacco. i Bil--1 liards; option of buying; -country preferred. ', —K., 857. Heralp. '•--,■.;-. , : ■.-■ ■< ': ;■ TACKSON, 'expert' • Limewashing, 1 FacU , toriea. Kitchens, Bakehouses; passed . by inspectors, .architects;' sanitary"; lasts 3 for years.—64. -Howe St.- o .... '* , »-;,..«..f..--. % LAND Transfer, searching, and other , work in Solicitor's Office, required by ~ experienced man.—Lex, ;756, ■ Herald. ■■--.-.(? LADY, young, desires position, domestio ■ duties; King Country preferred. 1 Genuine, 841, ___________ : LADY, young, desires /position Shop,. Sta- '■:■ tionery or Confectionery preferred; . Club, Hotel; or. refs.—British, 854, Herald. Herald, - ______ __ ___________ ___•____•- LAND Agents.—Experienced Salesman, book-keeper, correspondent, competent, and responsible,,- v requires -appointment; moderate remuneration.— 742, Herald. LADY, well. educated, bright, energetic, , seeks daily employment Dentist Doctor's Rooms, etc.; travelled.—Eeliable, 891, : Herald. ; . ..//.-"■ .•■'■:■' ,:.',;:':';.:,:..;,:':-.;: LADY Traveller, 5 years' N.Z. ■, experi- . ence. Printing, Stationery, etc.,* open ■ for re-engagement similar work, or good alternative; first-rate position essential.— ' Efficient,, 925,.Herald. • .. . ■'---■. ;,.-:> LADY, _ Scotch, sailing for America, would give services,' any capacity - in ' return for fare; excellent sailor; credentials. —Wallace, 840. Herald. _ ___ ' ' ■ ; .i. • LEGAL.— Law. Clerk, 10 years' experience, J-4 general capacity, good Conveyancer, first-class Typist and Engrosser, seeks ,en- ; gagement, town or ' country; : excellent refa. 5 ■ LEX. 868, Herald: ' MAN, .young, steady, would .like to ' drive lift.— 860,' Herald. ___ __ ; j • "]\/rAN, steady, .reliable, ' want-' work; of • It± any description; will go out of tpwn. —P.P., 877, ______________ ___' _"■'■ ! Tl/TAN, young, married, matriculated, de- ' i-VJL . sires position in city; . office, or. travel- .' Educated.; 913. _________ -■~'. MAN," 'married, young, .reliable,' : seeks situation Farm;- used machines;.shares _ or wages. 902, Heralp. ■:•-;.• - -.-::'';■/-.:• , Tl/TAN, middle-aged,- abstainer, non-smoker, -LuL assist garden,, poultry, institution,- pri- ' vate house; town, country.—P.,,B44.:Herald , TITAN, young,, requires Clerical position; . J.TX -.. 5 years' experience; recent arrival from ' South;- credentials.—Energetic. 733."Herald. " TITAN, energetic,- reliable, 1 . delivery van, 1 ItJL- solicits' cartage, .'. parcels, ■" reasonably; ■ anywhere; ' refs.; civility, promptnot)B.— ' P. 0., Box 3.165.','.■ ___________£__ _ -.'. [ Tl/TOTOR Mechanic, . driver, "garage • hand, JLtJL ■'•• or similar , position-.—For .'particulars - of ability write, Onehunga; 556, Herald. ; • MAN (32). i hard working, ' strong■ ; arid , IVX healthy, i'■■■;.'■ 12 years' -, -.mercantile :.'..■-. experience, good letters and refs... anxious to " pet ; a position, any . line or office where 1 prospects ' are fair; willing to start . bottom of ladder.—Energetic, 738, Herald. ; : j i: Tl/TANAGER. Sheep : Farm ;.or Grazina: , jj/JL , Run.—Position wanted by :. experienced farmer; used buying and selling, also ", stud stock; good-credentials; book-keeping ' understood.—Apply -first' instance. M. Tip- ' ping, c.o. Dalgety ; and Co.. ■ F.anshawe.' St. Auckland. : ." , :../•,,-. -, -...: •-, i'--;.'-.•■' ;..••■■• ■..--.•;',-. MARINE Officer, capable, . 'good judgment, desires first-rate position ashore, permanent. — Apply. Intelligence, 926, 'Herald ; ■' ■ _____ ____■ ____■___. , •;"■'. ■ ~' ■- ■; MOTOR and General Engineer, M:arr:'eJ. urgently seeks position: energetic*' reliable.—Urgent. ' 907. ■ ____■__ ■- ■■■ : NURSE-Companion : desires ; care of in- , valid lady:-local testimonials; town or " -Conscientious. 859, Herald.; : , .' TVTURSE (qualified), has nice quiet home i 1t» for Chronic and Infirm Case, or ConJ ' valescents; every care '• and attention given. ' —Nurse. 761....H'era1p. . ________j_ " : : : 1 PLOUGHING; own team: 25s per day; Henderson or Glen , Eden districts. _ D. H. Winter.' Henderson... . ____ -'■■ SALESMAN (Hardware),- desires position; ' first-class experience,' all'- branches; i Town or Country.—Precision Tools. 834, Herald. _____ ______£______ '-'-"■■' .' ■- ' SCRUB-Cutters (2), experienced, : want contract, 100 or more acres, tree, x scrub-felling; .quick, reliable, work g'uaran- , Slasher. 892. HeRALP.' . CJHARE-Milking' wanted, 3. mates, experi- ' lO enced." 60-70 cows, - machines ;or hand.— • Careful, 861, Heralp. ::y:'S■■■:',' '■-■'-'"■■' ■■'? HARE-Milking, by -Colonial- • Family; man. woman, and -, 3 girls; experienced " in Machines.— 684, Herald. . ./- :■/:] ■ Trio IMPORTERS OF BRITISH MOTOR I 1 ■ GOODS. - Energetic Business Man. with 20 years' ' experience (Home' and Colonial) ' all branches ' Motor Trade, i seeks administrative ; position 1 on staff of • reputable ; distributors. At liberty in few•= months. Credentials right. Principals please communicate - .; . : • . ;.-, :,-•; ,!.',»'.V.\-; AUTOMOTIVE. .".; ' - 739. Herald. ' *-!' ; j:' '• l AT.' •••' ':■'.'■■''■':•'-'-''. ': '.''-."L--'.'--,' ■ .' r ':':\ ■ .\^

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 1