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♦' — ■■ —— PORT OF AUCKLAND. . i i YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. ;° V . R.M.S. Makura (6.25 a.m.).'.' from Sydney. ■?<;■' Passengers for Auckland:—First saloon: ■;.'. Miss Amess, Mr. E. Adams, Mr. and Mm. • Barker, Mr. •. and Mrs, Broomhall 'and child, Mir,- Boyd, Mr. Charters, Mr. Capper, Mr, . Creno, Mr. Curry. Mr. Coutts. Mr. Duffy. Mir.' Dane, Messrs. Friedlander (2), Mr. and Mrs. Gawith, Mr Gaffney, , Mr. - and .Miss Harrington, Mr. Kilgour, Mr. and: Mrs. Lewis, Rev. and Mrs. Mawson and ' three children, Mr. and , Mrs. McCamson, Mr. and Mrs A.' Parker. Mr. L. Partington, Mr. and Mrs. Quale, ~&l\. and Miss Bogerson, Miss I. Seccombe. Mr. N. Tate, v; Mr. and Mrs. Toaer, Mr. E. Wright, Mr. E. White, Colonel and Mr». Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell. Mr" and Mrs Clam, Mr, and Mrs. Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. Emrnerson, Mr. and Mrs. Farrar and child, Mr., Mrs., and Miss Harris, Mrs. Hivtvcy, Mr. and . Mrs. , Jenkin,' Mrs. and Misses (2) Moore, Mr. F. Moore, Mr. N Netthmm. Mr. R. . Rogers, ; Mr. J. Spencer, Mr. J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. StaJmn-n, Mr and Mrs. D. Wright. Mrs. J. Young. - Secc-nd saloon: Mr and Mrs. H. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cranston, M. J. Evans, Mrs. W. Gidley, Mrs. T. Lowndes, Mr. K. V/'Schola. Mrs,. M. • Maberley. Mrs. and Miss. Nelson, Miss T. Rolley; and throe thirdclass. ■..'.■■. Kaikorai (7 a.m.), from Fiji. '• Arahura (7 a.m.), from East Const ports. Taniwha (9.45 p.m.), from Paeroa. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. Hauiti' (7.35 a.m.), for • Warkworth. Wakatere (9.10 a.m.). for Thames. _ Glenelg (5.3 C p.m.), for Whangarei. Ngapuni (6.35 * p.m.), for Tauranga; Clansman (7.35 p.m.), for Russell; Daphne (9.10 p.m.), for Mercury Bay; Manaia (10.10 p.m.), for Whangarei. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Wanaka,; from Southern ports. Wakatere, from Thames, 5.40 p.m.'■if-. Hauiti, from Coromandel, 7.30 p.m. . f--}y: VESSELS SAILING , TO-DAY. ,- ' R.M.S. Makura. for Vancouver. 11 .">.xn. • ! Port Hunter, for New York. 1 p.m. Canadian Miller, for Now York. Arahura. for East Coast ports, noon. Hauiti. for Coromandel. 8.30 a:-'. Gael, for Kerepeehi 5 a.c Claymore, for : V'fhaag&te, .> 30 m. Taniwha, for ?V'ro». C V-m. Awahou, for East Coast bays, 6 p.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL . AKD COASTAL. Rakanoa, Greymouth. via Pioton. to sail. AVanaka. Southern ports, August 7. Ulimaroa, Sydney, August 8. K.wmanawa, Westport, August 8. Kauri. Newcastle, August 10. • Karon,, Westport, to sail., Waipori. Melbourne, to sail. Tofua. Fiji. August 13. '] H.M.S. Laburnum. Tonga, August.. Wingatui. Southern ports. August 14. Katoa, Southern ports. August 18. Flora, Rarotonga, August 28. H.M.S. Veronica. Fiji, early October. ■:';''' OVERSEAS. De Grave. Java, August 7. ' Naringa, Liverpool, August 7: cleared Colon July 12. • -, ■: _, Doonholm. Montreal, duo early, at Colon, July 9. L ■' Canadian .Cruiser, Montreal.. August 12; cleared Panama, July 12. Swazi, Mew York. August 20. cleared Panama July 27. Clan Mackenzie, New York. August 25: at Colon July SO. ~ Mahana, Liverpool, August 28. Paparoa. Liverpool, August 22, cleared Panama July . 30. ■'■'■■ . _, Trehieve, New York, August 20; at Colon, July SO. . .' . .. L „ . ... Wairuna, San Francisco. August 28. Westmoreland. South, to load. ,' Waitemata. Calcutta, September. Port Napier. London. September 10. - Canadian Constructor, Montreal, Sept. , 1-. Trelevan. New York.- September 15. Trecaaell. Liverpool. September 23. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. " Niagara, en route Vancouver to Auckland; due August ,24.'■•'..■•'■ " ■'' . . _ Maunganui, en route Wellington to San Francisco: due San Francisco August :. 13. :-. _■ - Makura. at Auckland, sails for Vancouver to-day. ■' Tahiti, left San Francisco for Wellington, July 20; due Wellington August 9. : VESSELS IN PORT. In 3 Btream — Talune, Atua, Tangaroa (schooner), ; Kaeo . (schooner), France. Iris, Rewa (barque). Southern Cross. Devonport— Philomel. Stephan (cable steamer). :- "j_' ;'•-■' ---. ,":'.r„ -• :■ -■• •-..;•- Queen's Wharf—-Port Hunter. Makura, Ar- . ". ■. ..mash.: •■--":;':;■■ i - "■''■ ■ -'. Western Wharf—Navua, ("'•-,.- . « King's Wharf—Ysabel (barauenhna), Canadian Miller. Arahura. Kosmo. Chelaea—Kaikorai.' In n<yk— H M S Chatham. •„ Central Wharf—DundTennan. . The Arahura arrived from East ■_ Coast porta at 6 a.m. yesterday, and berthed at the Ring's Wharf. She is timed to sail, at noon to-day for Tokomaru Bay, Gisborne, 'and Napier. "■'-'-; *:• The i Wanaka is due this from Southern ports, and will berth at the Central Wharf to discharge her cargo of general merchandise and produce. She is timed to sail at 5 p.m. on Thursday for Wellington. Timaru. Dunedip. Bluff". Oamaru, and Timaru. " > ■;■' :<;:■ The Rakanoa* is expected to leave Greymouth for Auckland, via Gisborne. tomorrow. •'■"•-.',■■-■- ' .-:■'■." • ■"*.•;.-■• The Richardson steamer Awahon is loading at the Queen's Wharf for Tokomaru Bay, Tologa Bay, and Gisbpme. She is timed to sail at p.m. to-day. The Union Company advises that ; the »i Katoa is to load at Bluff on Friday, and at other Southern ports later for. Welling- :.';■ ton and Auckland. U- '.v~''.'■"■;' '.. ■'■. Th« Wingatui is ; expected to leave Dsnedin to-day tor Auckland, via ports. She i 4 due Lere about the beginning of next '■'.■: week..'--'" '-•.■'" ; ; : ;^,; " '*'■[■ .THE WAIPORI. The Waipori, which ia loading at Melbourne, will go to New Plymouth after discharging at Auckland and Portland. ' KAIMANAWA CLEARED WESTPORT. The Union Company's eteanwr Kaimanawa sailed from Westport at 3.25 p.m. on Sunday with a cargo of coal for Auckland, where she is due to-morrow. ," ' 'THE ARMAGH..', The Union Company's steamer Armagh, which is discharging about 4000 tons of cargo from London, at the Queen's Wharf, is to sail about Saturday for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Bluff, to complete discharge of the remainder, of her cargo. i ~■•«_' ►——• TRELEVEN FROM MONTREAL. , The New Zealand Shipping Company adVises that the Hain steamer Treleven is Scheduled to sail from Montreal early this knontb for New Zealand and Australia. ■" ; YSABEL SAILS THURSDAY. > , The G. H.' Scales Company's barauentino Ysabel is to leave Auckland on Thursday, afternoon for Niue Island. ■■£. ■ ■ j, T ■•■? _______ ">:. i - •,;'- ; THE:\WAIRUNA.--' f ;■'"'- , The Tj'moii Company, has received advice that the ! tirans-Pacific steamer ;p Wairuna ■ailed from s San Francisco at 2.30 p.m. on August. 2 with cargo from Pacific Coast Porta tor discharge at Auckland, Melwmras-, Adelaide, , and Sydney. THE CANADIAN MILLER. HiT ir?n Government steamer Canadian Miller is expected to complete loading «^5 %B d *o sail ■' for New York.' Boston and Montreal. y ' NARINGA DUE FROM LIVERPOOL. *n l6 British India Navigation Company's ; now steamer Naringa should put in an apPiiarance shortly from Liverpool. She is coming to the agency of the New Zealand Mr?? Company, and will discharge her n"'?j'- Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton, ■Uunedin, and Now Plymouth. ■ THE KUROW'S ; The Union Company advises that the WJ2X 18 expected to leave Lyttelton on ihursday J or Wellington and Auckland. Alter ""charge at this port, the vessel will Proceed to Southern ports, including Bluff. STEAMER DE GREVE DUE. ; .♦ T * 6 P. lltc l l steamer De Greve is expected at Auckknd to-day from Java and Sydney, thn ele ? 8 ad vice had been received from ca?B.« *?¥ yesterday. She is -bringing, a charged a^he^a SUKar ' which will be di 3' f\ PASSENGERS FOR ENGLAND. i iJFJ 10 / Allowing :paß3ea sailed for Eng2SP ™?> Wellington by the Shaw. Savill ««X- A1 ?"on -liner Arawa. on Saturday afterH??^ :fc,rat saloon: Meadames Plimmer. i Bale. Commander J .R. Sale. R.N.. Dr. J. fii/. i Pl , ,nnnor - Mr., M. A. C. Halliday. Second saloon: Misses D. Borrett. E. Hemington. Mesdames Gatland. Warne, Messrs. ■A- L. Gatland. S. H. Warner. .J; Weeks. ri, 6Btcr ?r E - J -„ a,lrl A. S.-Gatland. Thirdclass; Misses H. M. McLean. D. J. Nutting. . A. S. Rathie, G. R. P. Steele. D. M. A. htoelo Mesdames Couch. W. Barker. H. .A. • iW J. E. Jones, L. O. Nutting. A. Paul. M. A. Rathje. A. E. Savage. G. I. Steele. ■. A. West Jake. Messrs. A. Allanaon.W. Field. '&}?' Couch, W. Barker. R. Montgomery. P. . doCann. E. Ling. A. Paul. N. G. Robinson. \ H. T. Smith. J. B. Taylor.' B. §W._MoLean, H. Smith. J. B. L. G.. W. aUey, G. H. West. Masters L. G. W. 1 -wutting.. W. J. B. Savage.

■;,/f;/ ''■■'/j-'^-.^il / ; /'^'/ : ' ; /: ; '//. :; '.'''': : v .' ; ■ ■■■~'';::/./^>f ; '> ; ' : '; '~'. '-'{ ~'":'',m - '' ".-i\ j'ww '''■'." '>.'iwn~—*» ' '.'■ R.M.S. MAUNGANUI REPORTED. .The/Royal Mail steamer ' Mauhganui v en route from Wellington to i San Francisco, cleared Papeete at 11 a.m. on * Wednesday, in continuation;'of.- her voyage. "''.('< N WHARF STOP-WQRK MEETING/^,*;; " The waterside : workers at Auckland ■will hold .their monthly stop-work meeting.; this morning, consequently no cargo work will be done <on vessels ■ until about ;10 .: a.m;'; '■?■; I, i -Ss, MALMOA AT BLUFF. \ The" Shaw, i; Savill and Albion steamer Maimoa arrived •at Bluff I from Newcastle on Saturday night. 'The vessel has come to New Zealand to load for London. She will be despatched from Wellington about August 23 for London, via Monte Video and Teneriffe.,;., '.:-: : -:.-\-' : -/.-" '■■''. '■-. THE PORT HUNTER. The Commonwealth and -Dominion Line steamer Port Hunter, which is loading at the Queen's' Wharf, is to sail at •;. 1 p.m. today for New York, Boston and London. She 'will take the following passengers:— ? and Mrs. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. McMillan, Mesdames Salmon and Miller. Mrs. Hall and Miss Kidd. Mr. and Mrs. Minter and child. Dr, • and Mrs. Crawßhaw,; Mr. Aitkin. Passengers are requested to be on loard not later.than noon. ■■ ] JARRAH CARGO FOR NEW ZEALAND. The Dutoh steamer' Djember has been chartered to load a fu?l cargo of jar rah at Western Australia for New Zealand. She arrived at; Fremantle on July 27. » p : PORT NAPIER FROM LONDON. The Commonweiii";*.> and Dominion Line steamer Port Napier was scheduled to leave London on August 1 for Auckland. Wellington, and Napier. , ■ : THE OPAWA. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Opawa is to sail from Liverpool at the end of the month for Auckland. Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. She is due at Auckland • about the middle of October. . ..." _. : , THE DORSET. -, The Federal steamer Dorset has' been fixed to sail from London on August 24 •for ' Auckland. Dunedin, and 'Now Plymouth. She is due at Auckland about October 11. TRECARRELL FROM LIVERPOOL.,' i' The New Zealand Shipping Company advises that the Hain steamer Trecarrell waa to leave Liverpool on Saturday for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton. and Dunedin. She is due at this port about September 23. :.•:-•.• ■>'-• ";'; ..: _-..: : .; :-,:_ • ■ THE ROTORUA. ; The New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Rotorna is scheduled with passengers and cargo for New Zealand on August. Her cargo is for. discharge at Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. She is due at Wellington about September 16. ULIMAROA DUE TO-MORROW. The Huddart-Parker steamer Ulimaroa is duo at . Auckland about midday to-morrow from Sydney. She is bringing 150 passengers, and 1100 tons of cargo. Included in the latter is 80,000 ft. of timber, 82 tons of bonedust, 55 tons of sacks, 2000 cases of fruit, and a quantity of general merchandise. ' ■... ' • ; KAIKORAI FROM FIJI. The Union Company's steamer Kaikorai arrived yesterday morning from Fiji and berthed at Chelsea, to discharge 1500 tons of raw sugar. She is oineoted to complete discharge to-day, and shift, this- evening to the King's ..'Wharf. : DOONHOLM , FROM MONTREAL. ; The Wiri" Transport steamer Doonholm is due at Auckland about to-morrow from Montreal. The New r Zealand Shipping Company, who are the local agents for the Doctnhclm, have not received any wireless report 'from the vessel. She is bringing cargo for discharge at Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunedin, , Melbourne, and Sydney. ';/*:>■ ;; : ' : . . THE KOSMO. The Ellerman "Bucknall steamer Kosmo will complete cargo operations at- the King's Wharf to-morrow afternoon or Thursday ■ morning. She will then proceed to Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Sydney in continuation of her voyage from New York THE CABLE STEAMER STEPHAN. , . The cable steamer Stephan- is expected tc: leave Auckland this evening 'or to-morrow morning to complete laying the new Pacific cable between Suva and Auckland. Yesterday divers were, engaged clearing a wire which had fouled one of the Stephan's propellers , when she was at sea. •* ■■;■'■' j MAKURA ,IN PORT. The Royal Mail steamer Makura. 8075 tons. Captain Crawford, arrived from Sydney; at 6 a.m. yesterday. After medical inspection she berthed at the Queen's Wharf to land 86 passengers for Auckland and to load a quantity of cargo for Honolulu and Canada. The vessel had a fine weather and uneventful trip from Sydney. A number of passegers will join the vessel this morning, and she is timed to resume her voyage to Vancouver via Suva and Honolulu at 11 a.m. to-day.'-'. .'■■^' l "■...■'■ ■.:-.-'■'■■;,y -'■- '■■■■■ .:;;,. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. Yesterday's departures.—Ohinemuri (8.40 a.m.), for Hokianga; Rewa (3.15 p.m.), for Raglan and Kawhia; Rarawa (3.30 p.m.), for New Plymouth. / The Arapawa is timed to sail at 8 o'clock this morning. fox Waikato Heads. BY TELEGRAPH. , WELLINGTON.— 6: Arrived--Komata (2.30 p.m.), from Westport. Sailed —Wahine (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton. LYTTELTON.— August 6: Sailed— ! (5.15 p.m.), and Mararoa (6.25 p.m.), for Wellington. MELBOURNE—August 5: Sailed—Waihora, for Wellington. ■

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 5

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 5

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 5