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~*jj' *"" ■■"' " ' " "■■ in •■■■■■-»■. ■•, ■■ ■• .._■■■ -, • -• . —.-__—__________-_^.__—_, mmmmtm m ■!■■■!■■ ■—>«*——^"^——l«w^»———— mm—a „,, ■' ■■■'• ' ' '- L .__f" •,..,; till too late. ! I Get some of these bargains while they're available, | j I Bargains in Dress iju» >r llll '*a-j" , ' Bargains in Women's ! I Bj Jabrrcs.l;. _ :,* Hose. "! N quality embossed Ratine, for smart in- _- i_HHI IB •■■■'4 «_ nr—nmta <ar(<t a »«. n-i~ nm ;a 1 8 expensive frocks Showing in Cham H 1 1:' ■ ifchJv ~TOBiesrs Wifle KIB COIOUTCtt CasftZttWe c u —„ rnce > o/ii.-. i oaie price, z/il yard. " isi* kMsS ■ BMSs - Bias ■ wKl* ■ ■ ■■' j n »_4„*i n„L jm oi < om ■.■..,•..,.■ M Woven.-; Check Batine, reversible} .''fo*:^' ■■ : '• fiBB ''' B : I*7*' '' S£~ • * * 5 I ,'-aS.WMto-'3^e^---Sa^ :^ » W 'fit fI ||| IB Shi fe ****** Bbbk JLftttnbl S SainS? '"fait I ' ffl and White overcheck, and Navy with ■• ■' H' ; HH' B- ■" IH8B8I : '' >; »■•-'■' * *°P 8 > J f^ 11 * 88 * •■"*•**; ; U^i'"':-' 0 Brown and White overcheck 40 - inches"-d ' «|I ■■' Hi H black, spliced heels and.toe* Service- 9 - M: wide—Usual Price, 2/11, Sale Pricey ;» H'' ir* '' ': "' |:> ; ; material, alwayß popular. Pink, Grey. lIHH -m : i_P» • Dm.MM.MVMi. 3m ''' Wa-a«ma'a» J I .Silver, -Maroon, - Bine Grey,' Mole ; S 111 HL»rf "iJiil. "' MTgaillS ' *** • WOHSCI S S 1 '[^^P^"---'''''^t'- : --' : ' /; .'-(3oy€s. . ! § wido—Usual Price., 4/6. Sale Price" Jllllllw """" «-. - , •*-~ ~. .* 1 § ■ 2/11 yard. , *>**«.*, 2-Bome Coloured Kid Gloves, smart,, aer- . ||.' M Radianta. The best of all washing and ; : i^sßlS^W^^m^ ; - : '- : viceable quality, perfect fitting; in cor- '. , § wearing fabrics. Showing in Helio., ='.'■•■.-'.- ■| p * t- rect-shades- of Beavers, Browns, Tans,/ r , B ; Nil, Lemon, Sky, Cream, and Black. 40' ' and Grey,. All sizes—Usual Price, 11/6., ' ' 1 o M~. i inches wide—Usual Price, 4/11* Sale • Sale Price; 5/11 pate. .. ."' ! M Price, 3/11 yard, . ,' • / ■ "• " - - . " • „■ -. « . ffl White Cotton Gabardine, Woolena finish. White Woollen Fringed Gauntlet Knitted , J *,/ B For washing frocks and children's wear. ! ' Gloved. Smart style, full gauntlet '" 9 0 Showing in White with neat Tan stripe : ' ; /.- ; ''' ; " : -■'••'; ' Gloves, soft finish, splendid quality: j' in r/;''] '-: M and . White',. with Green stripe. 40 •' " White only—Usual Price, 6/11, Sale * jjf * * M inches wide— Price,'.2/IU. Sale .'■ s , Price, 5/11.' - 1 M Price, 2/6 yard. ' .■ • -■ / J I Bargains in Silk Fabrics. Popular Goods at Bargaitt Prices. '|| : i Coloured Jap. Silk. An extensive range of light and dark shades. Bf « lo \s Dress Clasps and Ornaments at Bargain Prices.. | \ I • Showing/In this good value washing 5 silk. 36 inches wiLSa " *»£*& ««».•*y, leß ' i&'3£E&*lE& liaW? ?« Si ■ 1 M - Price, 5/11. Sale Price, 4/11 yard. > ■ : going out at a third of their value—Sale Prices, IOJd, 1/-, 1/3, 1/8, j« , |n| ;,\>.v l/lij;2/6, 2/11,.and-3/U eacn. ........ '■.■■■,■.-. . ■:.• k P Crepe de Chine, two splendid qualities, showing in Black and White Pearl Ornaments, Medallions, and Drops, pretty designs, in' good .[{ Mi " . only. 40 inches wide—Usual 8/11, 10/6. Sale Prices, qualities. Also bought job, and going out at bargain prices—Sale , M M - 5/9}, 7/11 yard. Prices, BAI, ,4/11, 6/11, and 10/8 each. vv : .'>.S-'^:''-' : j| f-'■ M nAt/i m .ii fl«». j. «w.. . ~'.'.._ , - ' , -.. ladies' Plain and Fancy Leather Belts, narrow patent leather, in, ;' wi I fwwf 6 4 6 ° M 5?-*, i w hqo ft*J-J rtndh; i?* p8 d * 9 11 ™* range of colours ami designs-Usual* Prices; 1/6 to 8/11; Sale i ffl • showing in Navy, . Nigger, Mole, Mid Brown, Mais. 40 inches Prices all IV each ~- * :■.■..■ ■ - ■■■-.•■-. :>' tfli |l.•:•; wide-Usual Price, 12/6. Sale Price, 8/11 yard. __ " lces ' '1; ™ VAJ _, lt ~..«» «■ ffl ra v ' . *..; ;:•;■;. ' , .:r;' Traced Cotton Crepe Nightdress Lengths, good quality Cotton Crepe, ffl £»$ traced in smart design, in pretty shades of Pink,- Sky, Helio., .C.;ffl,, M DaHMiaiM« ' twrn, ""¥ "** «l« a*»* Amu*.«*>*. Lemon, Saxe, Grey, also Wliite—Usual Prico, ■■•6/11, Sale Price, {§[ I • bargains in Ladies Aprons, i -4/u. Mem \ ■ "ft 5 Ladies' Good Quality White Calico Aprons, nurses' shape. Women's ID}-* ****** im r«iwMA}i» " -- E9 H and O.S.—Usual Prices, 5/11, 6/6. • Sale Price, 3/11, Also at . . OargaUlS Ml VaTWiS* ; - ■:,,;,» r S IE ; Usual Prices, 2/11/ 3/6. Sale Prices, 1/11 J, 2/6. , • * H I Axminster Carpet Squares, in pleasing designs and new colourings., .-.••■ a I Ladles' Dainty Spot Muslin Afternoon Tea Aprons—Usual Price, 2/11. iPi*" 6in ;« x .J? ft - 6in, ~" Jsaal Prices, £18 A0/* end fii6/10/».' Sale ' » I .;;="■■ Sale Price,. 1/lli. 'v *: : ■ ' '-■ .v- - : ' Price, £12/10/-. ■,v.v-. : ; : j I >-^;'fflC:;y; i T«*i«. Ti»ia of-«-« «-j —._,». -«-.*,»- *-«,«* _-*v^.* u-u — » Wilton Carpet Squares, b Blue and Black and Deep Rose and Blaoli Vv: SI S Pric"2%. P ' bib-Usual effecfc? g£t< i. ÜBUa i Price, £22/10/-. Sale%cice, £1«A«K | 1 ; s • Black Ground, with Mauve and Pawn designs, 9ft. x 12ft.—Usual ,- . R[- |■■ ■•'!>" '"• t: ' •■■" yv . Kit J Price £25/15/-. Sale Price, £19/10/-. - •".'., B I .•■■-. tSaiTgainS . m DreSSing JaCK6tS and Saxe Slue Ground, medallion centre, with touches of Pink and Green. - £ I ; - ■« • . f*l •- lift. 3m. x 13ft. 6in.—Usual Price, £28/10/-. Sale Price, £24/10/-, v|| .' . I; :..: lVlOrning \»lOryS. ; conventional Design, allover pattern. 9ft. x 9ft.—Usual Price, '". Bt, "\ Ladies' Ripple Cloth Dressing Jackets, with collar and cuffs, and inset £14/5/-, Sale Price, £9/10/-, Hi | ."sleeve. Sky "and Pink—Usual Prices: Women's, 10/11 0.5., 12/6. ''''''''•« -IB ■;.;.. sale price, w. . Bargains in Boys , Wear. r ; I H. -. Ladies'. Good Washing' Check Cambric- Morning Glorys, Black and. , . - ' iff B White/Navy and White Brown and White. Women's and O.S.— ' \ Boys'' Elastic Belts, in club stripes—Blue and White, Red and Black, W:, | : •. Usual Price, 7/11. Sale Price, 4/11, . sky Navy, Black and Green, Red and White, Blue and Black, v;; 8 F v •i> yvi :• ,:;vJ' : * ; ; . . Green and White, and Plain Maroon and Blue—Usual Prices, l/ 3„ uv ; M m" ' © • ♦ ra . • 1/6 ' l/9, Sale Price, 1/- each. % ,'1 j ISargainS m JMOUSeS. Boya» Ties. An assortment of Figured Tubular Poplins, and plain ■ : j ; ■™" • - - ■ v ' shades /of Grey Brown, Blue—Ueual Prices, 1/6, 1/9. Sale ' 8 ' I ''■■-.■■/ White Jap. Silk -Blouses; with long roll collar and inset sleeves— Price, 1/- each. 1 ft *' ' Usual-Price, 15/6. '- Sale Price, 9/1 L ' :-. '.>■■.:•• , : r - - -..',-,,, . '; '.. • ' • "' 1 ' | *i" Soys' Dark Oottonade Working Shirts, ; strongly made; : collar and •;;> 1 I " « « .«. «M.i».. t-- ■»!««««. -.ut.-«n w«-, t,,vT,_- pocket. Sizes to fit boys from o.years to 16 years—Usual Prices, «- I . Heavy QuaUty White Jap. Sill: Blouses, with roU collar, worn higher 6/11 to 7/11. Sale Price, 4/4 each. 1 K| if necessary—Usual Price, 16/6. Sale Price, ..../ ' ' J L Postage.; 11 I• ■>" fcSONSLTD. a l] Postage. I | || i| Kwanq&hsLp* Koad ♦ Aticliian£i ifiP J "-, "■■.;. ■. ."-'•. ■.'.■ \ v ' ! . :' *• ■.' :;< :-'';' .- ; ~'■■:■ 'i _~'- -"~ ! '"'! ■ ■•■ : ■ •■■ : ' '!':' ■■'::;. ■■;'■.■ ■■■ "'■' ':'"■ .' '" .' -.". : -.' '''•.. '\'• ; -' ■■■-■■■!■ ,^.-!: ''"v! \;'\' ; -.-'W'^ * i ii ' I■ ! - i ■ i —L-01LJ. j ■"■"; j ''' " " ''■■ Ninwiim i g unn J!8 tent leather ; and kid, fawn, grey, j ||!W////iMIMFJHfe S~* s~* <S~t and nigger, brown suedo. ,-, ' " /?J OT /VOT* ff7f*o \^ : } Prices Surprisingly Moderate. ■'' : C "*'-' V / *-// --U-.CX K$ *%* f\ i OT_^d^^'vM I is closely assodalecl with all ihatiiilelightlul ''• CliriS DerOV - WtttPf 1 <.4sk * » ,he washing and preserving of dainty fabrics. .'"'- ._. ; \JUTO: .: ; y.W,W.y lif material is more delightful than : Lace, and we/' ■ i"V»li#acSf«a s\hratf»<B B ire here - .i, few particulars of Mechlin, knowing tha«, ' . . Allege OHOeS. think of Lace in generaUr Mechlin , ' A Splendid Calf Derby Shoe, . ' ' '- D P Wt , ,CU i a, i U wil! a!wa y», r « memb «r that Lux is with dressy round too and,l7/Q W just splendid ™ maintaining Lace in the fulness of V low heel, wide fitting, very x *'& I v iu beauty and charm, * ■ Post, 3d. MECHLIN The "cordonae*.''* or thread outlining ■ "- n v a _ '''^' the pattern in Mechlin Lace, is always . ■ I'fiWl!ii£ uflSlltlC Mm ■ A ' at * ~^; the "'e*<««" has * hexagonal '.•^K-^7' ;; *-.v Julllvd nllClllltf m WU« - V ; made of two threads twisted twice on four sides, and •-- ■ I •/' WeUesley Street East. ■ '.<■ ■ -v v ' :; '' '■ ■ ■ ' : :;" ■% '' : four threads plaited . three times on the two other , :■•'•-.•:■-•-•■; ; ::.-...;::■:■ -~... ■, ,■.■■■.:■,■,.■-►•,■, -.'..■ ■; ■ ■;',,■■-/■.;■■-'■''•:,.,:■ '.'.■; tides Th»gtves nw to a r net much smaller than y\Ml ' *'** rUMe '* atc> The fact that the threads " ■ _______ , , DIRECTIiWIS TOR USE. with or at right angles to the length of the (ace, and —; — ■' L - ———• ■■; —T7 - — ■ Pitt th Lux,flakes into do not follow the convolutions of the pattern, at once - : iiiMiinirtimi ' a 4>owl t pour* on boiling distinguishes Mechlin from Brussels. ■ ';■"•- :'' : --v ; - '' m J : ' : '.y / .::v- / J water, and whisk into a . ■'• ' ■ '"'•■■''';:-u'-'tt^''' JWMfV&I : ■■■'•••-" I*)\ required temperature Lax i. en w pr»*r*Uon „ whin* tueA ! i >L_*>V/ .Gently squeeze the creamy delightful fabric* m Crlpe-de-Chine. Mnan.. . ji93v A a ~PS I A/TBB . suds through and through Georgette, Ckarmoate, Detain*, and Voitsu P nALTeP MILK. M Jim the texture, then rinse in ; ; . B^ fe ' "V ' fBn.,:,'; ; FOR- DAINTY FABRICS ;■ > HORLICK'S "■; -V . n^^^^^Sl^/ L »v«» Brothers «New Zsalamo) Limiti*.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 13