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, „____ , , , ' —' ! : ' ' — ! —-w ' I tra ■ .-■■■■. ■■ .•■•■■■ y- ■ - .-■■■.■ ■•- . ■■■ . ■ ■ •■■ ■■■■■■• ■• j ■ - .. • ■ 1,, ,■■ •- . .._■ ■ ■ •■-'-•■ Jp'-'Mf fV Tiny garments forlhouseweari beautiful, robes,' shawls, etc:, for out-of- \\i\ A ' 1 Tiny garments for,house wear; beautiful robes,'shawls, etc., for out-of- \\*\ A ; ;•■•? doors, and the numerous /other little essentials with, which every mother loves to / V I f;I . H1 7 'clothe her baby—all that^is required fo/BabiesVwear is here at our well-known \ * $ i. \ , Low Cash Prices. illustrate a j few of the garments from our large selec- : 111 .''.'' ■"' \.":- , " 5 tion.'' ' ''if ■ '"';:■ J". «'.' : • ,'■ , " ' N;-t; ' \\ I '. '■■■ ••'■ j. ■■'■' ■■'•■■'■.,-'■:•-■ -■•-'..*' -. :;- ■ . ■*..<."fer-. ■'■-•:■' '■-,—'■- • -'"■' '.' *■ ' : fs*'-' \V f >/CV 1306-Cream All Wool lnfanteeß-> i ' , /O'vi '■.■"■'■ !! Hand-made Cream Wool , s l^^v - j."|.l; '"" Jp 2 1/11. •. > ■; : ■■ : -r;l : .''*V>iV-->^' > /s'%ss{ '' " ••"' ■ Cca *• E** l * ll Sleeves— 22/0. v . - : ' /^' m \ r ; ■'■ ■'. 75-Crearq lrtfanteoW..iri. Wool and M V''^T-^ ,ant V D " ,nty 8,,k Rob '» v .V.v' x/^^^/vV 1' | '-""" '('• ''-' '' Imitation Silk "Mixtures—l/ 11. ■ *>■ JMW^w ; ' ;" ; i^ ad embroidered; } length— N: /^^W^})C\ '■ '■ 266-1 nfarit's'Cream'Vest.'Silk and j-MwMwA '" **'*' '• ' ' /^J^Wm) I ! ■■ ' ■ • -Wool. Mixture—B/11. .... , ■'. .[. . y . 56-lnfant'9 Long Flannel-4/11. 5/6. ) : $11 r--Mfi#S!l\ ! ' i 57-1 nfant'9 Day Gown, trimmed with ; mM -i ','..;: ■ *■'■* TO :'■•- .-".'- . ■ • / ■• - #1 ' lji'mj! ; ■ .-SWes . Embroidery and Insertion . - j vl'X,lgffflll 101—Infant 1 * Cream Radiants Robe. > Sj ._>C j%\y M| || ' • : ' -' : ' '—3711.' : ' : ''•'.'' •>:■ f- ; : *'•**'• ■ • .trimmed ; with''-v hind- embroidery v . .'< " ' ...v : : ,; #1 '• ','. : ~ ' ■•'' ; ' 223-^lnfaht , s Day Gown, 'trimmed. ':: i^M^^mrWm-■' - and ribbons; 1 length— J w . ~:-' ' ' || '!• •' ; t ;-r , ."TBf ■' ' ' •witli embroidered yoke— '. | g|g 4P '"* * 490-lnfant'B Cream Radianta Frocs«. >■ './, : ' J |. I •■' "•• ' ° ; ' ;■' ■ '■ 55-lrtfant's White Flarmbletie Night- :' ' ' ';>> ,-. :; ;,\ .Magyar aleeves-S/11. .■ -' .;:'''"'. . ;;;. v .//" :' ~: jl J ' .gown, Magyar sleeves, finished ; "■'*""* "WwM*-- ■ •'•- : ' : ' -' SO—lnfant's"Pretty White Silk Frock. ' .*"'. -? '. 'J [ | ''■ f •'..': {"'. '• "Neither Btitohing-4/6. ■.:., :,;..,- I/' flP*slo ' /Vf •^ : .trimmed ;'.with' haTid elnbroideryr ; : '; <: ; '::> v -. ; '•' '; v-;. ; .f : ''.''■ i %II I ■'•,. '"•,,■'■' j. •'.-'" -. 88—Infant's All Wool Hand-made ' < ]"■» t a ..-,..'and ribbon; Magyar.sleeves—l 9/6. .... ,r '.^ a -« - • "i| i ■ , "' r ■■' ' : ' : ' ''■• ' '■ '' Suit, jumper and pants to match; j. YOU ar© COrCII- ' . „-' . rf w . _, ■ . ■ ' I ill .'jj'?* ■ ■ ' Cream only-18/6. ■•■'••' ;: i „ i.:* or | ■••.<•'• ™--Hand.mada Cream wool Cape, : - '*Tu.-/,r/5 s S6>'. -'. s^H • ■ : - J/-S' T ■ • ' " onl ?- 18/6 ' . .. . allV iriVited, 10.,. ■•;,. dainty and warm—29/6. ,~, /,. - V^" : -. y\,;' J ?f :"t /\' - . I 1 "■ /^••'>^ > ' : 12-?r! > \ '• \ 510— Infant's Cream Wool Shawl, «„|| ortrl uioui •; : - A v?' -■:'' : i-' ' •£ ,: ; ; j: • ':■.• ":■■ . .V? •;.'.* ■•?; S IB *fy ; I - honeycomb pattern— .-; Call <*"*• view-. 50—Infant's Hand-made Cream Wool C'''^'-'"-/. - : v A ■■ . ••■ I , 77-Daloty Baby Basket, trimmed ! :•* n e .^ am, "& - . . . \ ' /r^frC i ) (A ■§ 1 S •''''* ■■■ • * similar to sketch; White only— display Of Baby 84—infant's Hand-made Cream Wool- : r' ■'■■/( }/. ] r Yii4 I ■■'' : &mM .^:m™^o;.-. : "'" : - y v . "War in our v •■ .'r*V*-. . ,;... ■ ,/li'A' '^¥ :!il ■'"■■''sC^Na' ■•'W-'IALJon 79 — Infant's Hand-made Cream Dp- 69—Infant's Cream Wool Bootees. ! Wl J~\ , ;v.-AfSDW# |ffJ /.^3^Y^'flr 80 ■• . Jacket. Wooi-9/6. „. • -y^niWWi.- 5 Ue hand-made-2/«. ! : .:. • • ! 4 xll I \iM?49o • ■ I 111 ■' •■'••■ '•■;• partment. % ...... •■ ....... :t. . - -, -I " ■/Y Queen.St., *^^^%^>4 : '

m ! —, " ' '' —- '■ - '.; "■ -— : . ; ——y—— ————■ ———— i i ■^*"^ ww — ' g i———sssg ——— ?* JsSSa la| tkK tfifti it rfan Ain rf"Sk C MB /■',>. ' - M 9 II &B HHH RH B -;-;i •.. wgariihg 'the • I; ; . i - loot Pills read I ' ? S^^^#» V . the following I AttcKland i m '■'"•■■' r ■■'''■ * ' r<Mn ' ****'• ■ "•;. ' "■'■' '•> '••■'■''■'■ .- iff-' I 8.; ; : i'. ,--,',.... .3 Union Street, off Khyber Pass, ~ . ; . ■' iS§ */ |§| ' .."• c j:: .' ■■^'-''••■ r; -'. - ;.•■'' -.■» Newmarket,' Auckland .'; -B' • ■:'' H .'■ ,Dear Sirs,— ■ * •"•-". * J -• ' • _ -|| •■ ' [I •■■:■•■ ..• • Noticing by one of your .pamphlets JSftat Dr., ....'■'. I §f| : -'i . I ......-..-....,.,. Morse's Indian Root • Pills were claimed to be; a '''*'i jff ■» || v.. remedy for biliousness arid constipation, I purchased '."■ if - || j .a! bottle and, am pleased to say, that they proved- 'H " m r •'''•'■•• most beneficial -in; combating these At i 1 1 ? pi " times I find'them useful with the children when < | W '■' .costive, and, in' fact, they provide our Family Medi- ■ . 1 /-!, ■•■ m ■:■)' ■"-. :■ cine.; I am a mother of three children. !,'i / ;- v - .-.'"■ '■■.'•'"H ■'"•." ■t i '?' ' "'■ !' . (Sgd.) mrs. b. McCarthy. .''•■'V? , : : ; -I f : S la" thousands of homes Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are the $ SB sole Famdy : Remedy for all general complaints. Those who N 'fH ..« have.never tried them will find neighbours, friend* and rela- 1 | W bono who can testify, to the wonderful corrective influence i| - |||-;; of these Pill*. >;'■; ;:";■■,. ; ■/•;>■:■■:?'••■■■'■■ '. ;:■■;;■;:':■&'■.; :-'■'•'ii v' Neuritis, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Etc. 1 * •■**"« ASK LOASBY ABOUT IT." •';■"■ If you suffer from Neuritis, I can-almost guarantee you a"cure with my ■ Medicine and Electrical treatments. ,-'•■-- • .* - - ... ,'. . ► - Here is a typical case : A returned soldier suffered severely from; Neuritis, } both hands and; arms, and back of neck, ever since the war: nothing cave I ;.;.' him any relief. :.•:./ ."- , ■..■■;.;• • .:-■;■;:■' ; ■ i In two .weeks Ihe was free from';pain; "He was treated every other day '.,'■■ for two weeks, and.left completely cured, arid his weight had goue up 61b. V :'< ' , :: vail and see me, • an d I'll ■'< convince you I have 1 cured no end of . patients ' :> who still keep /well. > ~;:;;;. ~)' .;,.:• . ; . .r•• ■ ■■■;.-• ; Fee » £2/2/" per Week » a y» We ln advance. • '■? , v , .. ,J; Miss Loasby treats 'Lady Patients, under my directions.■' ~ j A. M. LOASBY, i I The Only Prescribing Chemist, B ' i 1 26 AND 27, HIS MAJESTY'S' ARCADE, AUCKLAND. I ■>--• -- J ','• .*> .. . .... j .\, :.' "~~~

■ ■■■•■■: ■ ■■•■■ .-■ -■•■•-. -■ .... -~ ~ ..„.-.-,....,,-.,..,,- ...... .., ...,-.,■.... ... ....,..-...„• .... ~.,....,.. V ~.-,,,,-»■ y.,-j...a t ■■■ g :...■» ya —————————w— ii ,■ — —T-r- ——' — i '.'.." immmmmmmmDjmfr^iiM ——■I ;:.„;,./ •>•;;: .;'./,■ :";.,/."•", .II /':■::':'.;';;,'■* .'1 SIS ~ ! ._... ;.-,-.t -• >!/...-.-> ■' v.---',- ;,■'■•;;• '.' -,■•■•.':..■.«•:'-•;■; :.- -.r •" • 'Clr,--. ,• ;> • ,'' f '-i v .' ii J I —ii.miri i ij- i i __' i|' "i 'in ii I' in i ' ■■ i m*.i "i i !■*«• •.> II M\-/ • Tiy this' i |. v natural Be^iLitifier . ',":" Nothing else in -the", = world is "like ','"'' | ! '•! ' \ • ' ■■•, '" Icilma Cream. It makes the skin , soft . '■:),% ' ",.''•; .'< - and clear—cools and—is ' J j I '■.■. : '.: i '>\ %/'7 : ''.T^ ; iv fragrant with the "' elusive' Bouquet . 1 i • _ . . Perfume—.and contains the wonderful \ i! ) ~" : - '"' • beautifying Icilma Natural Water. _ 'V,V 'm ' ! ! '|' XT » , - . •' ' v in ■;.':■'■■:. \For \,/;.j ■ No 5 other cream;- is 1 necessary,' for - '*'• W4a"| | Pale Cheetis:] •-.lcilma: Cream"' is;a, "complete [Beauty '-% S l; ' ISSrJSWSBI #«!*"** ".injtself: A. '. . 1 1 iSSilv SS* a aS. ;;Men find Icilma Cream useful: -•.£,s£ I - . iiV^^LifS- 5 after shaving. / ■■"'•' ; :•..,; '>Jfl ■ : parea form,of ■ c? « is : Not- affected by \ ' K - •• . - /'Cream' ''Y~~^^3§>. . '.'/■■'■■■ 1 .'' ; ■ '•-.,■'-'•■■.'•' '..'■-■•'•' •' '. , '."..' ■.: .' '-'..■■,■' ■'.'•■, ' '•■'■'.' ' "■':.■' '.'■ ■ ' ';■• ■ ■ '•-'■ ■ ' -.'.',. ..'-• '■.''' : • ' ""I -. ■-,• ■.. ">■ ■ r - , .:■;-. Prtce.aie,{,er pot—every where. •riairMfaciwU -'" ' "•H"''.,'V. „ ' . '.' ■'"'' ** ■ International 'Ictlma Trading Co.. ' Ltd., ' r .. . «•,, /. - J! London. ENGLAND. A seats for--New Zealand:, ' ' \ § '■'... ;>-. L' . ■ .•■;■, *:■■ '•'•..•"' . Salmond S Spraggon. Baker's r Buildingt.' '■. , *'-'■.■'■'■ - ■■' Feather Street. WELLINGTON, \~ >^^jZX&UteAt.doily and - 1 , J§§fiß||f '°°& 1 jour best '*~| ;.; ; "A Pine Forest in Every' Home.", ... i I THROAT & CHEST jHvi 1 1 BREATHEABLB Peps sooth© away all uoreness 'dflSfil ISR," || i U or ; inflammation .In the throat, ".make>. the ; j|J|H ipF ' 141'IH ; »" u breathing comfortable, and safeguard the Itß , chest and lungs against the perils of damp, : cold, or ii S Th^!! e ? ual !. e U or J? 0u * h *' Colds, Bronchltla, JpBWW, Ii J and Throat and Chest Troubles, etc. . & g . I Ii lljffl'j'*** eentmint.three ■tim><tAe.JJ6 tin). Of ,lt ChemUU and ffl " SI **»". *»}<*( free freptCßFulfcriiAliUU Ltd., Sydhe*. Hi ■ ■..■.,•' Pi

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 12