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' ._' , S, _ J . ' 1, ■ ' ,' .'t > < ;' : "•'■'".'. AMUSEMENTS. ;-j. I'"'' ' ' '' V ', ' ( ■ ■ ■■' Two Star .Pictures! CSTRANr> " >a.Z.'a '"■-- SIMS' O TRAND ' . Largest ' OTRAND. STRAND — and — SJTRA?.D. TRAND— . Finest ; g™A|f& STRAND f-r . Picture , — TRAND. TRAND House. .-—;CJTRAND. EVERYTHING .NEW. —-———-- TO-DAY. : ■•;; At 11.15. 1.30, 3.30,' 5.45, and 8. v\. We .'present : for ; your approval ■■,!* ' remarkably '■'■ jCnior^taining■ and, .thrilling; wild »>annual^, . ■.'■,! ~.„'', , ■';■■'.■ pioture. ''' •""'■' .'.'.l';'; ■ ' ''TTUNTING , " JjLunting BIG IG '" ' , '" (TLAME ' ;;.;-.". V - ■'. ;■'•".;;';' ■:, Utame T N .. In AFRICA." FRICA." ;■■; ■".'■': '•: :■■'-■■ '" *'■' '"' '■ ! '■ ' 1' : ':;:"..' ••'.•.. .-'"■'- ; ■:•'-; WITH GUN AND CAMERA \£ : ;'h s Imagine a ferocious bintto ■of an African elephant— kind which has .never been tamed—with a hide three :v. inches .. thick, and weighing five tons. -. Imagine .not one, but a whole herd of them, charging right at you. tearing up the, ground and smashing down trees as ■: they come. 1 That is • exactly what you will : see. , „„,._ ■. HUNTING "OIG AaME TN A FRICA Hunting -DIG, vjtame In ;i\.FRICA HUNTING BIG GAME ,INv,:AFRICA= HUNTING ;. BIG GAME .-IN v, AFRICA HUNTING 1 BIG GAME ,IN AFRICA > "H. A. Snow poked his camera up under tho noses of the } wildeßt animals .; of the African jungles, and ' came ; away .with pictures of'tho whites 'of the beasts' eyes. . - - - :■■;..? ''.•:."•■."'■'-'■'; .• f ■:;:■■> —N.Y. World. : »•;-,-'.■: .[ .■■ .»,'"■ ■;; ;.'*,;■'.:*::'* .' .''■'■■',*:■''- ■'...* '"■:-" ■:'-'■: ; .': More ' than ;50 distinct species of ,; animal life are- shown, along with thousands v'of birds: reptiles, buss.-; and other specimens. Entire; herds of , giraffe are ' followed closely; a stampede of a group of \ giant • African elephants- is 'faithfully." pictured,'and one wonderful • shot of: the camera catches some: thing like a million jackass"" penguins enjoying their'daily dip in, the ocean. '■■*.'■ ■-.;•:» * * * * And a Comedy-Drama, with as many laughs " :,.; ,as a. bell-boy has buttons: .'-'.-: :".^ ; ,f,-..,,. ,And •■;.•.".':,.■.:,:%;.-' ': .:.: };. "■ ;' DOUGLAS- TV/TACT EAN ; OUGLAS ; IYI:\C-LiEAN . • ; : DOUGLAS MAC LEAN ; ..p DOUGLAS MAC LEAN "•';'; ' "BIS Boy" -13." "BELL BOY 13." , "BELL BOY " 13." : ; . . In a. .merry hotel " mirup with a thousand rooms . and •a. , thousand laughs. :, ■.-.•' '*'*-_.'._ i * -'• *,' •* Z.i : If you liked "The Hottentot,", you'll like .; i ' Doug. Mac Lean in this. "'.-. >' ";..;• ; Also .Screening; " ~. ' THE TJINGLISH- tYeRBY. :■'. 1923." HE -KiNGLISH JL/ERBY,. 1923." Excellent Racing Scenes, :just • arrived by. , ~., last English mail. STRAND ; SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRA. ; ■'■i Prices "as usual: Is to-.2s 6d (plus tax). : , Box Plan at the Strand. r- V ■■■■■'. ■ : ".( -V-{y; :■::';'' BAZAARS. ' :/: ■ : :■': ■■• A NNUAL :;' ', -TX7-INTER ; i T^AIR. Annual - - : Winter v : J air. '; ' In Aid of . i ST.: MARY'S HOMES, OTAHUHU. ; ST. MARY'S 'HOMES'. OTAHUHU. . Will be, held in the . TOWN HALL CONCERT CHAMBER. TOWN HALL CONCERT v CHAMBER. rjlO-DAY (FRIDAY). STALLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ;.' REFRESHMENTS. -..,, ■ -—-"ENTERTAINMENT. — : V", THE LYRIC QUARTETTE. ■ :. .':"■■' Mrs Ripley. Accompanist. ' ■ MISS ROSALIE DANIELS v :, (Pupil of Miss O'Leary). Will Dance. ' Recitations by Mrs. Forsyth's Pupils. . h Archdeacon Mac Murray will; Open the Sale- . 2.30 to 10 p.m.Admission. -fe .-'» - ;' "•- ->•■:-.: : ■;.> '■■. . >j '.: . TOILET . - ". '.; ...? '■■-. SUPERFLUOUS :'- HAIRS '■'?". REMOVED PERMANENTLY: WITHOUT PAIN \ '.";.' ■OR INJURY TO SKIN. '■.;.;■ | ;;;■. I ■' Scalp and Face Massage.' '/ : Ladies* and Children's Hair-cutting. Sham-1 • ■'';.■'. - . pooing, Etc. ' .; ■ j '■ j- Eczema . and ,: all ,: Skin ; Troubles Treated. ; I ::, ,; V MADAME AMIE. "' Go. Queen ■ St.. Auckland. :■ V; .;. ■ AIR WORK ?,: Sale—Fringes. V Switches. Puffs. Transformations, half-price;; new goods.—. McElwuin. , 270. Queen ' St. :■., . ADAMEALDWYN; Third Floor, iillison ; Chambers, specialises in Electrolysis, Hair ; Staining* and Tinting. Face und Scalp i Treatments, ■ Shampooing.—Telephone 3913. ■ ■ *> , . ..'. MRS. COLLEDGE. Expert. H.M. Arcade? ■■: : Ist Floor.—Ladies'. Children's Haircntting. Electric -/.Waving. .Shampooing, Massage Parlours. ,:P'y •-.■;;:.■■-.,■; ;-:sm.■;■_ ■V : ' INSURANCE- _j ;,j ,-r— -— ~ ~. ..... , -. ,--.;., ;t— ,| rr»HE ■■■ , QOUTHERN pROSS ASSURANCE /~10.. T TD.. ;| •; ' ■ Offers in ■• .',' '■ | " J " ' ALL-IN-ONE POLICY. " ,■;','; •'■'.":;;'.';• Covering ' . --"'■: ; :<! - • LIFE.'* ENDOWMENT. i' ACCIDENT;.' ! . ;>,...:.:.;".,."AND ALL : . SICKNESS. j-';;.:! .Inquire;about: it, also- about our','■.;?■/ K'j'..''ii'vS r'" -'i- : "'Special'■' ; ;. : ''. ..•■•-••'■,'.■:■:' v.? ;':■: TTOUSE pURCHASE * pOLIC?.- •.■"■■ -■'. Apply, "■: ''-i-- '" "u ? .. • . THE SOUTHERN;,• CROSS ASSURANCE '.;.;■:■ I-'"- •:,..-::.- CO.. LTD.. ■*:■.;■,*■:.■*.*.:■■ ■.--..■.-:• ■■': Bank" of" New j Zealand .. Buildings. ;•. '"•;.•;. /■■ Swanson r Street. Auckland. ~ PRESS AND FASHION. • EXCELLENT Selection '."of \ Marabout *nd v? Ostrich Capes and Stoics. Renovations ■«■ specialty. —Mrs, Crombie. City Chambers. . EXCLUSIVE Styles for itaces.—-Have your JL'J : ;'- Costume •• made at Lauria . and Hardy, Foresters' Bldgs.. Albert St. I , > > ■ HEMSTITCHING.: Buttons, i Pleating. ; . Drossmakiig,, Costumes, y Coat Frock,' tailored; moderate.Modern Button .Pae'tory. Wellesley St. West. := '■ ■-'<■■ '. IXTAISON ; KA*RINE — The Guinea : Hat 1»X Boom— _ Spring, -. Goods.—'s Bldgs.. opp. I Melteith Dining Rooms. ; : SPRING V Opening. — ■ Beautiful Millinery, O Gov.-ns, 3-Piece Costumes; Exhibition Models,— showing ; at Miss Dixon's, 32, Victoria St. ■/,:;-••..-■ : ;:; •■■•■' : '-';'-V-':.f'.■:;■■■■'" '.':■• .v-.■■;■■ " : ''"'':';:;' :^. ElECTßiCAl ENGINEERS. ■ :^- : . ARMATURES and All Classes of Winding Repairs.Watson, Steele and Gauley. Ltd Wellesley ;. St.. Auckland. V . ■■...:.'' '-;,; . DARVILL AND 1 BARLEY for all Elec- ,■ trical ; Installations.. Maintenance '; and Repairs.— Swanson St. Phone '3852. :;■ NUHSES AND NURSING HOMES. WOODCOTE Matearnity ; Home, 151;-; Jer- ■;-■"' vois ■: Rd.—lndividual attention, with or-: without • doctor.—Nurse v'.Nash, 'Phone 213GA:.'..-: ;..: ;.-'^-:.:- : ;..■;.:;■:;■->.f;.:;- ~; : ,■.„■ ■•-.vw^f ■'' --. -T- 'TO LEASE. ■ . '' ':• ■ ■ "VTEWMARRET. near Broadway.—Owner 'LV -,.. ; , prepared -build garage. . 25ft. by . 85ft.: reasonable rental.—F. Wade,- Agent, New-'market:'*':-'t;-;^':':'''"' '•''■'.' •..':■■''■-'■''.':■" '•■ ■'■'■■•■'-•-■ -•■' : l ■"•'''_' ROOMS (2), large, in N.Z. Insurance • Buildings; .rental.,,: £2 as.—E.F.A., 90. Heealp. ■■.■'■■■ .■:'■■• i!■".'■'■■ v'::"':''."..'':-, ■.. ■:.;:.■;,-.■.. SHOP, near Queen St., 8. living rooms; : good stand; £75; suitable:any business. —Apartments,-690. Herald. ■'.■■'-; v ~'.'". : ;;. SHOP and 9 living rooms, city: 3 ; years' lease. Price, £75. —Home, Ltd., Short-, land St. '■ ■■■■'■ '.:; •■W:;.-',::: ■■ / ■■■ , '■■y.jj li \. SEASIDE Farm,' 43 acres; 35 acres in grass;;; House,"'•.•' 4/' rooms,: etc., implements ana cowsnea; 1 hour launch Auckland; rent, £2 1 : 10s per, week, quarterly, in advance. .v ' »:■ '■ - ' ; '.'::' i..>•■;.■/' ■;■ *-'- • E. C. HURREY AND CO.. ■"■.' : ; -' .■!:'';; Premier Buildings.;? : : ".'.::;'.■ •',■■■'■ '. :■.:.'■';"■'"■•" Durham St. E. o*> ACRES and ; 4 Rooms, sheds, - etc., £*■£* Hillsborough;' £4. weekly.—Home, Ltd., 19, Shortland St; ; : , : < .y. A-ACRE Dairy Farm; 6-Roomed House. OU shed, convs.; town supply; 14 miles city.—Address at Herald. ; . . - •■•:^ : ''V' r ; :; WANTED TO LEASE. '\W BACH. Seaside or Country, near town.— A.8.. 661. Heralp. ' f\ ■ EOOMS (5), all convs., furn.-.or-,.-partly JIV furn.; handy trams; good, locality essential; short : term preferred;- agents invited. Urgent. 694. Her alp. ■■'..'. ■-..■■. ■■.-■.- , WANTED TO RENT. " DEVONPORT.— by quiet elderly .couple, email unfurn. Cottage.— George. Post Office. Devonport. ■■■■■ FLOOR Space, suitable gum store, handy ;i Lto wharves, , wanted urgently .—Apply first instance. City. -711; Hsbald. T7ILOOE Space, about IOOOft., suitable .Joinery Workshop, wanted to rent. Joinery. 579, Hbhald-. ■ ; . ■"■■>■■■ : ,: '• HOUSE. 5-0■:: rooms: wanted, by August ' 13, Epsom distriot; adult family, 8; every care taken.—H. rJ. ■'. Willcocks. P. 0., Runciman. ■ - : ': ■.''■.'■:.■•.'■'■.'•'::■ ';: '';■-■■,-:■:.■■..:■'.: LARGE ,or 2 Small Offices - suitable ' office and sample room.—Bisouit, 678, Hkhalp. ■:■..■-,■ ■■■•, ■„■■•.•: ■'-'\-^ : ---> -.-;'.::'-', .:- ; : ' -.. . -.-'}■/■■{ "DOYAL OAK or Onehunga.House or X\i Unfurnishrd Rooms, convs.; no child* ren.— Box 162, Auckland. .

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18468, 3 August 1923, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18468, 3 August 1923, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18468, 3 August 1923, Page 16