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I •'•• ; .". •• 7 '' v .-" : ..^«fe^^ ■ I ■• 5 ' .VS3 •' : | Extraordinary Bargains still Offering' I ■ P ar-. H;; ii ill ,in every Department. I Bargains, in Furs. _ Exceptional Bargains in -1® , 1 at less than cost prices. - Black and - ■■... :■ ■•.. El f Everyday Meeds. -'jap ... .". £ ••• skunk, and 'pointed 'fox. These . are ISi Bra .. Columbia Silk, 60 yards, A "few odd fflSp » . wonderful.; bargains —-Usual, Prices, ; ' Hi • WBSsßm&BSki**''/ " : shades, ■'. in ; perfect • condition^TJsual^ ' 4 ... £3/17/6 to'£l2/12/-. Sale, Prices, 27/6 . .<■ *fgr-||Hr :-H|i| -Hi ■' -<: gfjMßk Price, 2/10. Sale Price, 3d per dozen. '• Jffi 1■ : • wonderful bargains — Usual Prices, |f Jl|§i§t ' aaBH jBBBB«iwLa shades, in perfect condition—Usual ifi £3/17/6 to'-£l2/12/-. Sale Prides, 27/6 jgra AH Hi jiPWiW Price, 2/10. Sale Price, 3d per dozen. «lj ooney 5..1 OMj., in- war JTVL. M' II "S3 eToSfy Price.**'/!.' '"sS S »£ £%rtoLt™Lr3 a Milk 111 8 11PB E ' , ' co ' 4ii i" ■"*"■■- 3 d ° zm iw v - -'-lai w . ■:.-satin broche lining. These are hqhJ- jIS •: Jm '.wi ;v M ; jig : :; Clip-on Hose, Supports. Good quality and ■•■•;::.'nw ; ..." some and exceptional values. Ail to <£9 '■ tS|II| fI? _ L raffiam »|||| $f|l§s A |J1& ■"• a reliable make —Usual Price, 1/6. ' Sale '"• ' \Wi>|fr=S? be eleared below cost price. J|l MM: HBB| fi|| Price, 11 Jd pair,. | i Bargains k Coating and WrM Excella Pattern . Free: \j|j Dress Fabrics. We give to every purchaser of Excella 11. \ ' All Wool Blanket Coating, 54 inches . jllif&fe. " Patters a smart Morning r Glory Pat- ' • wide. ■ i In .Mid Grey,; Dark Brown, and- ■ ••''. .!■;;•■ •• tern Free. Excella Patterns are. : pepu. |j f| • ! , Light Brown—Usual Price, 6/11. Sale . lar, because of the fullness of the range |g : Price, 4/11 yard." . ; ~ , 'F,' Xtf AA \- of styles to select from, and are so easy ;• *' i| |M|| • >•■>• ' ,•'■• All Wool • Gabardine, with neat subdued •/:•-■.■■*. "■' -•■'-■■;' ■•■ ' *°^ ow when cutting out. . ••"'.•• ,\< I v i; : silk stripe, in contrasting colours. For * ' ' Patternsl/3 to 3/- each, • <, /. ■~.■£ j |f|p ; • smart frocks or costumes. ' Showing 'in ' j— ■ mm mi — ■ mm\ Quarterly Jo urnal—l/6 each. Hi fj .- the following shades:—Grey with Blue • • V. ' I „ • • -.)(liiP ' « : ISK SiSr Slt and ;£8 Damask Cloths at Half Price. R _- {„ i- J •"® : , '> Stripe, Brown with Gold Stripe. Navy very slightly damaged. ; ; BargAins m Traced 'i 0M 9 I tfith Red Stripe, Navy with Blue and VERY SLIGHTLY DAMACifcD. ° MS •• i 'Gold Stripe—Usual Price. 10/6. Sale - _» . _ « /». ... ' • »' '(iAAfIC kil 'V v i Price 12/6. Heavy Mercerised Damask Cloths. . . w w i!s I .. Superior Quality Velveteen, twill back, v®zo■ _. 66 *? 4 70 o f, BB 70 0ji 06 Traced Cottoji Crepe Nightdress Lengths. /> '|S , , fast pile, and or rail's fast dye. , Car- Usual Prices 18/6 , . 21/- 26/6 , Splendid quality Crepe. • Another big 4 blip .:U • dinal, Nattier, : Fuchsia, Amethyst, I Sale .Prices 9/3 10/6 13/6 each batch just in from our factory. ' All - ; H. \ pill 'I Royal, Henna., Grey, Navy, Vieux | H T . n#m . o . rintUa traced in smart new designs. White. * i -r" I , Rose, Old Rose, and Nigger. 22 inches . | Heavy All Linen Damask Cloths. .. Sky, Pink, Helio., Usual : Price' ■'••t' flSlp S R . wide— Price, 4/6. Sale Price, 2/6 . | Sizes 54 x5463x6372x 72 72 x9O g 6/11. Sale Price, '1/11 each. ' - ' ! .' ; . SI /:. yMd. V;. v. ; . , ~ I Usual Prices 17/6 24/6 311/-v 42/6 I : .. ' '.'tS $$$ . | V »^o^ k '.„i^rlo/ e, S Sale Prices 8/9 12/6 m;; 21/3 e«. ' t Q j; B i : dren's wear, or millinery. Showing in I 9$ x2O Inches White Terry Barbers' Towels 1 ; DarKoluS 111 J-iaCilfis) ■ ; 1 -fe' : ' Cardinal, Green, Gold, Henna, ; Jade, I Sale Price, 4/3 dozen. v , 1 IT •«. 1 /"if M Ml' <>« Famous Linenette Sheets, for single I Knitted GIoVCS. ?f, • C Price, 1/10} yard. I beds, 54 x9O inches. Wear like linen— | .. . _ . ... i jm®. I Silk Finish Dress Velveteen, fast pile and 1 Sale Price, 12/11 pair. Only a few pairs I SriSlei?KnSd Olovi ; D Firie S? - ■= . ■ Worrell's fast dye. 'In Nigger, Navy, I I left. 1 I but stout serviceable. -White, * 1 iJ# V ' V; r °- y> Be ™ 6T .> Nattier, Old. Rose, arid' . 11. — I i.ihi ' Navy, Brown, and Black—Usual Price! ; ' : .l ff ? Maize. •• 27 • inches ' wido-XJsiua Price, : .' 3/11. Sale Price, 1/6| pair. i Mffl l{ 6/11. Sale Price, 4/11. , . 1 . -J '31 I Exceptional Bargains in Dress Exertional Bargains in Wools, jJf i IT * • 4-Ply Double Knitting Wool* Another job lot just to hand, and going- jiwJs I ,*vw» n A i*l!WrifllllCfS. out at a bargain price. A good serviceable wool, in loz. skeinit, ' i , ; .i' ..:.7„: ; ' in the following colours. Saxe,, Dark Saxe, Emerald, Dark Vieux. r v'Hj-T;;^Vr: ' • Special Job Purchase of Sequin Bead and Pearl Trimmings. Also , - s0 » Lemon. Champagne, and Jade.—Usual Price, 7£d. ; Said ;> ff Sequin Medallions, etc,, ITiese trimmings are all marked at absurdly Price, 4£d per skein; 2/11 per head of 802. "v.J « j low prices, as follows:— . » . • I? * • IL® SBtt Paarl Ornament.— Prices, 9/6 and 10/6. Sale Price, 4/11. Larger U&rgEOlS 111 F UfUISniDES. ' tf£ ! | # t sizes.—Usual Prices, 12/6 and 21/-. Sale Prices, 6/11 and 10/6. ko , t ~ h . „ . . .. * •. , . ViJ- 1 ««„««» r- in- ■*;■.■. »,„ , ' ' / , 62-iach Heavy 41 Enndou?'' Plain Chenille. A most serviceable fabric ■# 1 i'V# l SoqiUn MedalUons.—Usual Prices, 3/11. Sale Price, 1/11}. A good for curtains, in Fifrn. Brown, Blue, Pink, and Rosa-Sale Price. /' Si I ■•.■■■' range of colourings. ,w, j.,. 0/6 per yard. . . • " < < ! Ml? E Dress Clasps and Ornaments. A big range to choose from.—Usual . 60-inch Art Serge, heavy make. " In Red, ; Green, and Brown—Sale - 1 [■ : P Prices. 3/11,6/11, and 6/11. Sale Price, 1/6, 2/11, and 8/11 each. Price, 3/8 per yard." , , E Trimmings of all kinds. Black Sequin Trimmings.— Prices, 21/- Ready-made Mattrfos Oases, made of strong , Tickings. v 0 /-(V, ffl " and 45/- per yard. Sale Prices, 8/11 and 10/il. 3it. wide—Sale Prices, 8/3, 10/8, 11/3, ; 12/-, 13/-, 16/- each. . ; I Chenille on Net Trimmings, in a good range of colours.—Usual £rice, 1 (^~" Sale Pllces » IS/3, 15 / 9 » 16 /' 9 » 17 M> 10 / 9 » 21 / 9 » '|.!| ' .. .. 9/11. Sale Price, 3/11 per yard. •*«*„. n, - ;J|B I 88 1/S*Sf y Sr Ußttal FrS " • Q — J S J . • """v" V- , : 6W '^ e M *S3*!^,g?2? i Ecra pmods - - J J ' , Bargains in Men's Wear. i ' MaVtfVjaltue in PikkAne" ' 200 pairs of Heavy English Tweed Trousers. A good wearing n 1; :l OsHrgalliiS Ml MDDOIIS. • Usual Price, 19/11. Sal® Price, 13/10 pair. /jM ' f /. ' | An Assortment of flood Quality Blfcbons, including washing glaces and 100 dozen F * n ®y Wide Very neat d«igns-rUiiaal Price, 2/3/;fS 4; { ' satins. Widths ranging from 4A inches to 6 inches wide in White, •. • each.• _ Sale Price, ,10|fl;3 for, 2/6... ' y - »f --J sj Cream, Vioux Rose, Pink, Sky, Saxe, Kingfisher, Jade, Atiantique, . v ; 60 *«« Men's rUmneletto Pyjamaa, light grounds with neat stripes :||» i; 'j ■ Scarlet, Cardinal, Emerald, Violet, Cerise, .Fawn, : Henna, Bright • —Usual Price, 12/6. Sale Price, 8/BJ. ■ -v- y?> , - V>K ... ' Lemon, Lilac, Melon, Shrimp, and Black.—Usual Prices, 2/11 and i .35 doaen. Carpenters Aprons, made of a very heavy duck— Price, - r " It s ; ; ,f| vj . 3/6 per yard. Sale Price, 1/10| per yard. _ 3/6. Sale Price,, 2/7. _ , | j!' Postage, \ n£* 50NS # KTD. xif Postage. I m Koad » ♦ AucfelaM i . ; - > |||| ' 1 HKB p a a,'« i. «a u b ui^is^BSs£^asrKi'

Remember! Wincarnis is , a positive necessity to you ' if you cure Weak, Anaemic, Nervous« Run-down ■ ' . « , 1 j Wincarnis is not a luxuryit 1 is a positive necessity to ail i who are Weak, or Ansemic, or J j, Nervous, or Run-down. j Because Wincarnis exercises an U ; extraordinary power in promoting New Strength and New Vitality. . - - And this is the reason I—-Wincarnis is a Tonic, a Restorative, a Blood* builder and a Nerve Ihvigorator—I, all in one.- ■ j Thus it gives you new Strength when | you are Weak—new, rich, red blood , ; when you are Anasmic—new nerve '' force when you are new vitality when you are Run-down i That is why over 10.000 Doctors recommend Wincarnis, ■ But be sure you get Wincarnii. Don't trust substitutes. ' " Wincarnis ' la mailt MAN A CO., LIT),, Norwich. Enaland. You can buy [' Winoarhia 1 ' from any Win# Merchant. Licenced Chemiet. or Grocar. .Sold in two * ulntio 9/ * e ® (double 1 ; W Dlstributin j'■ Amnia." Fassstt and JL o jf{ GOITRE! A lady, who inct\ every remedy in vain, ■ ; and at last discovered a simple method of ; • self cure, will send patriculars FREE to ■' ■ anyone afflicteij. :i :v s &&&& -0 ;i W«a"" 1 11 "" 111 1111 '!" 111

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18461, 26 July 1923, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18461, 26 July 1923, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18461, 26 July 1923, Page 10