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—; . ■ f : PORT OF AUCKLAND. ' ' — I|B\' 3 ' YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. ISfc- Manaia (5 a.m.), from Whangarei- Clans'. ?|jl V. man (6.80 am - >• V from ' Russell;' ■ Waiotah 1 (6.45 a.m.), from Morowry Bay; Nganuhi »#., (6.50 a.m.), from .Tauranaa. . ' ' iNgft P uhl iRM -•' • , — : r-- ■ • ' ;| " YESTERDAY'S '; DEPARTURES. Pi - Canadian Pioneer (4.30 - p.m.), for Bria- . . bane. I. Wakateris (11.35 a.m.),/for Thames- rior.' ,| • rn* (4.15 P.m.), for Russell; Keke?l?mu <4-20 p.m.). for Opua; Waiotahi (5,15 p m , for Mareden Pojr.t; Manama (10.10 p.m.), for Whangarei. v '• . 4vr , VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. ■ ■ : : Katoa, from Southern ports. Taniwha, from Paeroa, lam CiXVA .Daphne, from Whangarei, 'i i.m. "" :■>. Wakatere, from Thames. 8.10 p m itjii.Pono. from Kopu, 6 p.m. "• ' ' ' Apaniui, from Groat Barrier, C.30 p.m. • VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. • 14', Athenic. for Gisborne, 6.30 a.m IK ; Las Ve?as, for Wellington, 10 a.m. V Ivgapuhl, for Taaranga, 6.30 p.m. Taniwha, for Paoroa, 9 p.m. OU-- Daphne, for Whanearei. 7 p.m.. | " VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. i r ' , INTERCOLONIAL AND .COASTAL. Kakapo, Wcstport, July 27. ■i;.' : , Kurow, Pioton, July 29. •£%?•-, Katoa, Southern ports, July 26 Flora, Rarotorga, July 30. jv:. Dundrennan. Makatea Island. July 23. i 'v ; Manuka, Sydney. July 81. /•V JKaikorai, Fiji. August 6. ' v\ hnftka, Southern porta, August 7. i Tofua, Fiji August 13. :'i H.M.S. Laburnum, Tonga, August, f. H.M.S. ••Veronica, Fiji, early October, ' • ; V ' OVERSEAS. V : Kosnio, New York. July 2C; at Colon, July ® De Greve, Java, July 31 Port Hunter, South, July 29, to load,. Canadian Prospector, Vancouver, July 28. • f* ' Canadian filler, South, to load August £ : ; ; v «aringa, Liverpool. August 5. Armagh, Liverpool, via Fiji, August; cleared Panama July 9. — vy«irun_a. Pacific Coast. August. ; Dconhoim, ~ aiguijcal, August 4; at Colon, Vi;. ; July 0. , Sussex. New York, August 7. . Canadian • Cruiser. Montreal, August 1(3. Sjvazi, . New York, August 13. ' Vi a ? Mackenzie, New York, August 20. W Mahana, Liverpool, August 21. - J: T a P aroa . Liverpool, August 22. *■ Waitemata, Calcutta, September. « Port. Napier, London, September 10. V£ - Trehievo, New York. August 30. Vj. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. Niagara, en route Auckland to Vancouver; ■ - -.r duo Vancouver July 2S. Mannganui, en route Wellington to San 4 ' Francisco; due San Francisco August fv'"'" 13. .. Makuni, at Sydney. Tahiti, lijift San Francisco for Wellington, July, 20 due Wellington August 11. , 1., VESSELS IN PORT. :'j . - In Stream — Taluno, Atua, Tannaroa | (schooner), Kaao (schooner). France, > Iris, Rewa (barque), Southern Cross. I ;j; Central Wharf— Waitomo. Dovonport—H.M.S. Philomel, H.M.S. Chat* ■ ham. i P; Queen's Wharf—Marama, Wingatui. !# Western Wharf—Navua, Las Vegas. King a Wharf— (schooner), Kawatere, ; ' > Captain E. K, Sterling, well known at ijss" <hia port, returned to Sydney from America iW?:-; .by the Sonoma on July 17. *5 • : The Union Company has received advice that the Wanakft ia expected to leave Duncdm on Monday for Auckland. • via way 0- Portia. She is due here about August 7. ?&:' The Kawatere isi expected to complete discharge of her- coal cargo and sail for New';i v castle to-morrow. Tjlie Union Company's steamer Kekerangu sawed last evening for Opua to complete ■;> discharge of her cargo from Newcastle. From Opua aha will proceed to Hobart. ?•,!. With cargo from Greymouth and West- ; ?or';, the Kakapo sailed from the last-named port at 7 a.m. on Tuesday for Auckland. ;v; She ia due at this port to-morrow.

£A*-. . The Katoa is due at Auckland this morn" r;: ing from Southern portiii. She will berth S ' at the King'is Wharf to discharge her cargo sjc,:; of produce and general merchandise. After !«•;. discharge, the vessel will load for Wellingi;j' ton,, ; Lytte'tan, Dunedin, Oamaru, and £?!:' • Timaru. She will call at Portland en route &;'■•/ 'to those ports. *; , Captain J. Ryan has resumed command [fig? c.f th« : Waikouaiti at Dunedin, relieving U&- !' Captain A. E. Barlow, who proceeds" to |£| Wellington for instruction. w - Captain Roas Clark has taken command a? of the Kini, 'rice Captain G. B. Morgan. 0' , who has gon«i ashore at Christchurch on ' eick leave.- 5- • •; '.. '■•Mr. TP. .11, Bowling, chief officer of ths Ma.unganui, has transferred to the* Wahinb, temporarily,, and •. Mr. J. L.. Britsco . has joined the Maunganui in his etea-3. ' ■'= THE KAIKORAI. ;• • .. The Kaikorai. is due at Auckland at the end of nest week from Newcastle, Sydney, ... and. Fiji. ; ; . ' R.M.S. MAKURA .AT SYDNEY. . The : Royal ' Mail', steamer Makura, which nailed from , Auckland, at 9.30.p.m. on Friday, arrived at Sydney at 10 a.m. yesterday. .4 She is schedule** to sail from Sydney on August 3, and Auckland on August 7, for ' Vancouver, via Suva, and Honolulu. . -'THE R.M.S. TAHITI. *' The Union Company has received advice that the Ro«:al # Mail steamer Tahiti sailed .from San Francisco on Friday with passengers,' mails, and cargo for Wellington andSydney, <ria Papeete and Rarotonga. She :i» due at Wellington on August 11, and at j, Sydney on August 17. ! ](• ' CANADIAN , PIONEER SAILED. 3 ,v 'He Canadian Government steamer Canadian Pioneer completed discharge of her cargo for New . Zealand yesterday afternoon ]>, arid sailed at 4 p.m. for Brisbane. Sydney, ! ; Melbourne, and Adelaide, in continuation of. 1 her voyage from Montreal. Subsequently il [r the Pioneer will return to New Zealand to i. ■ complete loadiag for New York, Boston, and Is Montreal. , : j rik ■■■• ■ '—— ;■ ■ ' fv ATHENIC SAILS AT DAYBREAK. if The. Shaw, Savill and Albion liner Sthenic completed cargo operations at the Queen's Wharf last night. She was timed to Bail at .6.80 a.m. to-day for Gisborne, Napier and Wellington, to complete loading. She is due at Wellington about August 8 and is scheduled to sail from there on August 11 with passengers and mails for ~ ■* Southampton and London. A LARGE FERRY BOAT. 7 The Southern Pacific Company is building at its yards at Oakland, California, what will be the largest passenger ferry ."••« boat in the world. ' The ferry boat has been named Sacremento, and will be put / on tho San Francisco-Oakland run. She will be 800 ft. long and 73ft. beam; and will bo/of tho walking t beam tyjpe. Tho v motive power will consist of a oeam - en- * cine 65in. in diameter. The cylinder will have » 12ft. stroke, developing 1800 horsei power. at. 22 revolutions : a minute. The paddlo-wheel will measure 29ft., with a face of 10ft. The ferry brat will accommodate fr .' about 3000 passengers. , •

BALTIC ■_ TIMBER FOR SYDNEY.. ; ■ Tb{! Norwegian ehip Knrmo arrived at Sydirsy " on July 16 from , Fredrikstads. She was 118 days on the voyage. Her. cargo consisted of 1,400,000 feet of Baltic timber. The Karmo was formerly » French ship, named the Circe.. • THE WAIHORA. The 'Union Company's cargo steamer Waibor» arrived at Wellington from Melbourne yesterday morninff. She has made two trips' to Melbourne with New Zealand cattle. AN EVENTFUL VOYAGE. The British ship Monkbarns entered Sydney Heads on July 18 and anchored in Double Bay,, after an eventful voyage from Birkenhead. The vessel had ■-a cargo of rocksalt. The Monkbarns sailed from Birkenhead on March 8. ' On May 8 a gale ■itarted from the North, increasing to terrific force. It was 8.30-at night, when the pale was at its height, K that, without any warning, the ship.- gave—to .use tho skipper's own ■ expression—a. fearful lurch, and went falling as if down into a chasm. Members of the crew state that the sensation was' like that of dropping through' space into a pit. It wis weird aha amul beyond description. It was all over in a flash, but the shin was . found to , be in a baa way. Her , cargo .. had/_ shifted— dreds of ton.'i of rocksalt had been hurled acainst the aide of t.he ship. Luckily, the Monkbarns uc' an iron ship, ana stood tiio terrain, There" was, however, great danger of her capsizing. With, the gale-still raging, hands mre sent below to .trim the cargo, and while this' work v was - going on the cry went up, " Man overboard. ' One of the apprentices, named Sibun, 19 years of age, who had been sent aloft, tell from the yard into the sea. Nothing ®°" rp be done in • the way of rescuing the lad. J. he ship was in a raging , gale, her docks were full of water, and she was almost on ■ her ' beam ends. All the boats wore out of conThree dare later the weather moderated, and the ship limped into Table Bay,with a fiat of Sit. Sin. to starboard. Tho Monkbarns completed repairs at the Cape, ana resumed her voyage for Sydney on June Although ;Sydney ' has been .. visited .by sailers of - ©very . nationality. it, i is w°rtny of note that the Monkbarns is the farst British full-rigged, ship to visit-.wa JPW for about' two . years. _ - Tne last British vessel there of this rig- was th« Mount Stewart, • -* >" • - ! -

JP*? Melbourne • AT. London. ; steamer "M® * nd Dominion : Lino and cargo fim fcT' 1 wl , th Passenger* London o„ Jufv «w an fe# v ' d x T at Pier. on June £)f >'"" sailod from Na-' ■;^V •!;;/-r. -■ " : S- ' - I THE CUMBERLAND. discfe eral ' Bt ®an>or Cumberland, ' after rffi*; l V«. a cargo from West of • 'England from 'P S" l 'cK? eW Z .!, and P°*£ sailed Sydney. ' ora yesterday afternoon for •• t - * f• ' «., • - i " ' • '. . • MIDDLESEX CLEARED COLON. which d ,S ra ] Lilo , steamer a Middlesex. Bostnn ® v V m . Auckland on July 1, or nnTfl ',1 ew , K and West of England Port?, cleared Colon on Tuesday. bmuu DORSET ARRIVED AT GLASGOW.. ftt T *" edora Lino steamer Dorset arrived at GJajsow rou J_. Wellington on Tuesday. Panama from Wellington 011 June 9, via j ; WAIWERA AT LONDON. . I The Shaw, SaviH and Albionsteamer W,« V a ra V wh l cll /ailed;from Wellington on nw,-« for London. via Monte Video and Xenejiffe, arrived at London on Tuesday. •' OPAWA ARRIVED AT LONDON. c) JJ' 0 '.,. Zealand Shipping , Company's steamer Opawa, which Bailed from Wellington for London on June 2, arrived at her destination on Tuesday. LAS VEGAS SAILS TO-DAY. . Th® American f 1-^nic: - Vegas ia timed to sail this mom ..' ior Wellington, Geelong. Melbourne ami Newcastle in continuports of her voyage from,. Pacific, Coast ports. ' RONA LEAVES SYDNEY. The '''Colonial Sugar Company lias receiyed advice that its steamer Bona sailed pom Sydney at noon on Saturday for Auckland. She is duo here to-morrow. FLORA LEAVES RAROTONGA. _ The Union Company's Island steamer Flora, with, cargo from the Cook Islands, sailed from Rsrotonga on Monday for Auckland. |3he is due here about Tuesday^;. WINGATUI SAILS ON SATURDAY. The Union Company advises that the'e; departure for .Lyttclton and Dur«edin has > been postponed until noon on Saturday. ;'•••' OIL FOR NEW ZEALAND. The oil tanker Hermes was expected to leave Singapore toward the end of last week for New Zealand. THE WAITOMO. Th Union Company advises that the W*itomo, which is discharging Ocean Island phosphates, at the' Central Wharf, is to sail for Newcastle on Saturday. KAURI FROM MELBOURNE. The Union Company's cargo steamer Kauri ia loading at. Melbourne. She is expected to leave there to-morrow for Auckland, via Newcastle. HOUTO LOADING FOR BUNEDIN. The East Const Shipping Company's schooner Houto, which has been trading for a lonir time . between Auckland and Bay of Plenty ports, is at the King's Wharf, loading a cargo of scrap iron for Dunedin.

■ ULIMAROA AT WELLINGTON. The Huddart'-Parker steamer Ulimaroa arrived at Wellington from Sydney at 6,80 a.m. yesterday. She had 124 passengers, mails, and about 900 tons of cargo for New Zealand. Her departure from Wellington for Sydney has been fixed for > to-morrow morning. .' E. R. STERLING REPORTED. The six-masted bs rquentine E. R. Sten ling, which is hound, to Sydney from Columbia River, reported by wireless on July 9 that she was 1200 miles east-north-east of Sydney Heads. . EASTERN DEFLECTOR LIGHTS. The Auckland ; Harbour ; Board notifies that on and after , Monday next the distinguishing lights on thei end' of the Eastern tide deflector will be red, orange _ and, red vertically, in place of tho two white lights which have been,ahowlo.? THE JERSEY CITY. Messrs. Robert Millar and Company-have received advice that the Reardon ■; Smith Line steamer Jensey City is to leave New Orleans on August 10, and New York on August: 24, for , Auckland, Brisbane. Launceaton, Melbourne' and Adelaide. She is duo at Auckland about the end of September. ■ . .

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18461, 26 July 1923, Page 5

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18461, 26 July 1923, Page 5

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18461, 26 July 1923, Page 5