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ji- - ~ v TOURIST naSORTS. ~ FERN 1. 13 I E B L'B I. -3 < _ PJIIVATE > HOTEL. 28, Symondit Street. . Central and- Convenient. ;'■••• _. First-class Accommodation. : " ? ?;.- - ; .•"■"■''::";.• ; 'Phone i 1319. '. - ' , .:^-" j.:'-.:',', .■:■■ ;,,;,■': "■ MISS •L. SMITH. '- ■•. / ■■■ ■■■■■.■.. ■.'■■■■■-■:,:.':'■ ■■. ■-■■■.■'' -■■ ■-.. ■.-■::: Proprietress. | TTINEMOA HOUSE. '• HOT ' SPRINGS. -""-/-;■ HELENSVILLE.* -. - ';■:■-.' ■■ ' : ..'■■'_'.'■•:'}■ '•■•'■ -~. TT- '.. 'ji? "■'". ':■■.'■'.- - : ,- ; •■':•'' The only House with Hot Mineral Baths , on the Premises: : Swimming 'Bath, Plunge -• Bath, and Slipper Baths,, all . under ' the V roof. Tariff, £3 3a per weak: 10s per day. i all baths included. ■'• ■"..' ■ , TONY EEANE. ' _, :j '-: ~l 'Proprietor.' •'. ..•■■ 'Phone 47. . Helcnsville.' ••.- J£ O --T.■■;■.■ p-.-.'-'H:. ~~U ■ T. : / THE EMPIRE and THE AUSTRALIA ; - : PRIVATE HOTELS. (First. two Houses on left from Railway Entrance.) r Moderate Tariff. Superior Table. Representing Thos. Cook, Commercial Travellers'; Association, N.Z.P.S. Association ~, J. N. Mclean. ;i ".■;;■'-; .- : . Proprietor. VENTNOR ; PRIVATE HOTEL. KING'S PARADE, DEVONPORT. This WelliAppointed Residential, Hotel is ■; Now Under Entirely New Management. Situated Right at Water's Edge. Only 12 Minutes by Ferry from Queen ~. .-;■:: . Street. Reasonable Tariff. 'Phone 66, Devonport, -'MISS K. CULBERT. :. ■ . . . Proprietress. WHERE TO STAY ,IN CHRISTCHURCH. ; ST. ELMO PRIVATE. HOTEL. '. Superior Private Accommodation. 52, Worcester Street, West End, 2 minutes from G.P.O. ■ ; ■; Beautiful lawns, gardens, etc. ':. ; •■ •:' ■ Moderate Tariff. " ' F. J. MURRAY, 'Phone 872. . Proprietor. ■ pARGEN " , PRIVATE: t HOTEL. ' EDEN CRESCENT, Tariff, from '16s per Day. // , ; HOT SPRINGS. "hELENSVILLE. . .-•:■: SPRINGSIDE HOUSE. V . • Tariff, 9s per Day, 52s per Week. ' .; ' MR. AND MRS. EDDLESTON, j .- ~ I-' Proprietors. "T> OSSVILLE" : Private Hotel (next CarX\ gen).—Tariff, 10s daily. High-clas« cuisine, accommodation.—Gould: 'phone 1113. RYECROFT," Lower Kymonds . .St.—'' Excellent Accommodation' for Visitors. —Mrs. Hodgson, Proprietress. ' 'Phone 4268. SURREY, Rotorua, smm. railway station, P. 0., Sanatorium Grounds; £2 week. Mrs. Devin, '■: Proprietress. Tel. 217. ;.. WHEN Visiting Heiensviile Hot Springs Stay at Hot Springs House; Mrs. » Errington. Proprietress Winter Tariff. 45a. SOCIAL HALLS TO LET. POINT ERIN PARK Tea Kiosk, Pon- ' —Available for Weddings. Social ;: Evenings, Birthday Parties.—'Phone 3749. ■-- — —" ■ at ■:': RESTAURANTS AND TEAROOMS. ■ TTOT, . NOURISHING _ ',' ' ; SOUP. ' • There's Toheroa Soup, full flavoured ' •—and richa regular ..treat .when you get -—it at Stacey's. You should try a warm- ■ ing bowl any odd time— a strength- ■: ■!' emng glow into you this cooler weather. —— Pea Soup, Tomato >: Soup, f Bovril, and ■ ' Toast, too.. Try them a,ny time, day or: .'■ .—evening. Always an appetising snaok —at ...."■'■. , .".'':. -/.- STACEY'S, (-1. Queen Street. /' SANFORD-S DINING ROOMS., OPPOSITE G.P.0.. QUEEN ST,-;'; ;-':■• ■ • .DAINTY AND TASTY FISH MEALS. Also Waikato-grown Rabbits, either Roasted. ; ' ; ■■■':'.■■ ";/■■ Stewed; or Pie. : : ~;''■;.'-■■::::'■■. ,;-.:'■'.'':. Open from 9 a.m. until 8 p.m. diily. ■ ' (Closed All Day Sundays.) .'. ■■ ' /. :■ : "■■-." ____, INSURANCE. ; :>:.■-' : /■■' !> ;-" '' rPHE QOUTHERN " pROSS A SSURANCE p0.," J TD.. '.■ Offers an ; . ALL-IN-ONE POLICY.' '/•'..>' '-.;/.'„/ w.!,-- Covering >-■'.•■ !■/ LIFE,/ ENDOWMENT. ACCIDENT. 'i I :-.: •;.:v. ; AND ALL■: SICKNESS, . - ,: , •' '■ v ,-i , Inquire about it. also about our . »'< "' i < ■ ;-•■<•: ....->'■.'■»■■•:■. ■■■..-'■ ; - i Special, ; !V-...vVpKv's'-";. 1 --::,.-;. ; -;.. .-',.' '.->>-■.■: ,■ :' . TTOUSE - - pURCHASE OOLICY. i Apply, ■> ■'■■ " ' : . '-■' ■'.":■' . -THE SOUTHERN CROSS ASSURANCE /■ i ;-^:"-;- : /> CO.. LTD., ' •> * ■ . i Bank ■ of New Zealand ; Buildings, . i - Swanson Street. Auckland. ', •'■■ '■//^;> DYERS AMD CLEANERS. RENT'S. Ladies* Hats -Cleaned,. Blocked; ■ OT.-.. Felts, Panamas, Leghorn; Tuscan.-* , , '•[ , CrothalWay Co.;- 137, Symonds St. :-. ,<- SPRING Cleaning, Vacuum and - General j -; : ; 'i' - ;■•,,-■ Cleaning; experienced - staff .-r-Doinestio / ' '■'*'■.' V acuurn !.'■"" Cleaning ;; Co., ■ 'Strand i: Arcade. /J 'Phone OOP. .. : ~••; pARPET, CLEANING SPECIALISTS. v - At your Residence, or Collected '; '...■•'.-■;:^v', : ~ >: and Returned. '~ ■•. - Same day if necessary. Cartage fi.-ee. v;- ■: Contracts made : for all: kinds of .Cleaning. ■':■■■ l:-?i VACUUM CLEANING CO. OF -NX.'-, / . ; 11, • Hellaby's ' Buildings, Queen Street,' ;■,',.„> .;,,, 'Phone 1769. « %: - v'y. ■:..//" '/- l OHOW •y'ISITORS■'■-r^O AUCKLAND. r; : Should combine business' with pleasure and ; ; ;. ;.-.: ; while-,in the Metropolis .make a', point ,of ( ,' '; interviewing :• us in the renovation ' i of their .Wearing T apparel. Shabby, ;■ stained, ,' soiled and .crumpled: garments (Ladies' or Gent.'sirwe can often.' not ' only restore- to . i something like their original smartnest, but ,;.',•: . can re-model ;or reshape > to the latest fash- '•; . ions. Think ; of; the saving!; We :, are doing , the largest renovating and . re-modelling, business in the Dominion. Call on (or write '■ to) ' ■ ( •,. ,• ■ . ■ ■■■. ■■rrVHE pROTHALL TAT AY f]°- ■ : - : Renovating Specialists and Practical' Tail- . ors, 137;- Symonds St., ;and ,171; ,3<£ahul:au Rd., Auckland. - Our - motor-van*- collets. • -.: daily in City and Suburbs. City Receiving v ... >: Agent, Arnott,. Hairdresser, IA, Queen St. Our 'phone No. is 2544 A. ■■■;./' •'■'.•'••'.' rtlHE>; EMPIRE NEEDS YOU! 1 YOU NEED THE EMPIRE! ' . ■ ?? WHY ?? Because, if you are thrifty and economical. , ,i : you will not ... throw away your Old Suits, • '<! -' Costume?;'-Frocks.: : etc.-J: Just Bend them to V' ;: .- i "THE EMPIRE." or-Rins up No. 3867. , - and our Vans will collect. - . , -■■■' ■--,■■ EXPERT ' DYEING. 'EXPERT ¥5 CLEANING. EXPERT REMODELLING. . , i -:' EXPERT REPAIRING. ■ Old Garments Made as New in a Few Day«, ; ' ■■■■;r.-:-":--,- and; at Trifling Cost. ■ Country Orders. Receive Special • Prompt . 'i Attention, and .Return : Postage "Paid.. ••'*. .'. ■ ■ SPECIAL FUR DEPARTMENT -for the v; Renovation and Remodelling of All Kinds ot. ;'■ '■: Fur Work/V'"*'---""------ '>::yjv.:*v<-■■■£* .•■-'.->,•. - -'r< : _. ' EMPIRE CLEANING «AND DYEING CO.. ■ , ' ■:.'■■■■■■ / Furriers, Etc., - •-"•'. '353, Queen :St..(opp,-Main Entrance J'/ ■'■*;•;.;/•'=■.'■'■:"Town Hall); ",V ■' -.■ By Special Appointment to His*;. Excellency ' - ,; ••'-'•' -" ""''" ''■'-Viscount Jellicoe. - : ■'■■" '■'■ ■:. , - : ,; ': '' •:-/ PRESS AND FASHION, ACCORDION / Pleating— latest, 'in -: five ; different; styles. — : The j CrctliaUv."., '■ ■::■, 1 Way Co., 137. Symonds St. :: a' :: :..■:(,.-:>;,, AMERICAN-BUTTON CO.. 43, Elliott St I ■'■ 'Hemßfcitchine. CaWestitching. Pleat-,.' , ; Frill-kilting. Evelotting. Embroidering. . - ;| ; Braiding,-- Buttonholing. ' : ~ 1 TjESTlndifjo Blue Serge Costumes, . gen- / •' JJ v uine. tailor-made to "order, JEIO 10b.— " C. Vernon and Co.. 8. Wellesley St. , ' J ' XCELLENT Selection of Marabout : it'eid Ostrich Capes and Stoles. Renovations ; -.; n specialty.—Mrs, Crorabio. ■ City Chambers^ ' - EXCLUSIVE Styles for nacse.— your ,// . ,: Costume I made 'at -Laurie; and •■> Hardy, ' •-' Foresters' Albert■:■■ St. ■v-.'.>.,^\.^-,;i^,■.;.■;■ ;.': . i/QTEMSTITCHING.p Buttons. Pleatinj, " \ I XX Costumes, Coat j Fiook.' - . "■ tailored: ■ moderate.'Modern ' Button,-; Fao- ' tory. 12, Welleslay St. West. _ > -, , ISS "GROVE. Drsssmaker ' aiid Cos- / : -!.-, tumier.— Wedding and Evening. Dresses ; ;i ' a specialty.— Pvftgal, • Broadway, ••- New- - ; - " • market.^v i i:-^ : ?^:''-:''a' ; liiii' : Jil^-''- : ■;.'''•-r : ';■ - yOUR JTOME "\y ILL g r "pREED pROM yERMIN IF YOU HAVE IT FUMIGATED BY '«• : - OUR SCIENTIFIC METHOD, iphick; -/ . '■'- complstely eradicates'':^ Bugs, ; Ants.-''■/ > . - Beetles. Fleas, Cockroaches, Silviirfiah, ' i yS'. ■ Rats.i- Mice, ; and,:'Also,Wood,!'. Borer, .;••'?/.:' "BLADE'S PATENT GAS }i; BLADE'S LATENT GAS - ■ HAS BEEN TESTED 'in Dwellings, Hotels, ' , Shops, Warehouses, Shiss, Etc. ~; t s NEVER FAILS TO KILL ALL PESTS : 1 Makes 1 homes *'■ healthy« .adds %to property "'■ " '■• values,- insures against detenoraticii: through vermin. , • . . ... '■■'■_■_•' . "■, Gas /harmless to furniahincs. 'No job . too large or too small- . ■ : . L ; It will • pay : you vto get: ; particttiara. INQUIRE TO-DAY. - , • :-..■ '-. .-. ■ : ::.-.;: : ■"-■- ■..--:.=-;■■::--^-.:.,-:--- vf: :;'.'.: 1 ..-..,:--::■-: ; . ; ■■ BLADE'S • pATENT Q. AS FUMIGATING ; QO.. . ML SHORTLAND STREET, ADCKLANa ,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18460, 25 July 1923, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18460, 25 July 1923, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18460, 25 July 1923, Page 3