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DOMESTICS WANTED. ~ (" i i ... . —■ —' ■ ; ■ ■» DOMESTIC Help required, small ' family i .7 Remuera Phone 4476 i(5 rings). . DOMESTIC Help, capable, no washing.-M 20, Mountain Rd. (opp Grammar Schi.:>, off.. Khyber Pass. : ... ■'.:.■• ■'.'-■•'." 'k -j '.;■'■■'■ ' ■.:,;'. DOMESTIC Help, elderly preferred; no , ' % small children: easy place; .12s weekly. .= ' Country, 762, : Herald. ;; -,» J /~ : "I \OAtESXiC Help. TiT duties; e'ScelTenti '• ' XJ , hornet ! good • wages.—Mrs.. ; Haselden, Stanley Point Rd., Stanley Bay. ■ ■-- •■ \ GIRL, for housework, 9-3; no'' washing ot! _ Coo ki D g: £1; Epsom.— 3248 A. GIRL, trustworthy, mind two children afternoons.Apply 12. Patey Bt. oil! Market Rd.. Remuera. ■ "■■■ -.--'• '■■-'•- ■ . GIIRL, young, smart, . energetic, help in, ■■'; I '■'■• good home, Remuera.—A'Eecredy, Bur* wood. Princes St. ■.-- •-.',■ ' '■.■."■..-■' r GIRL.: household duties; ; 110,' washing; week-ends free; sleep out.—l 4. Kel-•; mama Avenue. Heme Bay. ' ' ■ - " ; - GIRL' wanted, help housework, 9 to 5;:. Sundays free; '2'■ in family. — Apply: evenings. 2. Bank St., Mt. Eden, h - ■ ■'.'.;■ GIRL, 16-18, refined, reliable, as mother'u help; alternate week-ends free if desired.— Marino Parade. Heme. Bay. G.IRL wanted,:" help housework daily, 9 to 7, Sunday free; 2 in family: apply . mornings.Mrs;. Chapman, -3. Warrington. . : Rd... off Ridings Rd., Remuera." ' .' : G.ENERAL. -capable, ■■ aIL duties.—Mrs.; Dr. Fraser,: Hamilton "East. ' '":■.■-'" .'.■''■'-'•■". GENERAL wanted, plain cooking; otheS help kept; refs.—s, O'Rorke St., Albero Park.: ■- ' . .■■'- . .:-■:■ . ■ ■ .';-; :_ ■"■'■•■'■-.' : ". ■"'■' .] ';'./ HELP, capable, 3 adults in . family. homely.—'Phone 3356 (3 rings). HELP Wanted, assist' all duties.— Pen- ; : carrow Avenue, Mt. Eden, or 'phono ' 3153 A . -'■■•:■• :■■' ~,:■■,.- - :. ; - - -■."■:.-. -■'::::."...-■'. '"./ Hi?oSEKEEPER wanted,-, for farmer; must be good cook and musical ■ and •. young.P.M., 816, - Herald. ". ■.:/. ■■;; ■ ••:::- v > : -:- LADY-Help, capable, no washing.—Apply, - s.:Upland Rd., Remuern.,,.';, .■:■..... ;•.;:,. ?..;■_■ : ; LADY Help, capable; no washingt" other , . help kept.Romiily. Home, ,■ MJa/ino Parade,' Heme Bay. .'; . ' •' '■:':'':■. ! ;'^-;:;-"': WOMAN or Girl, good, capable,": -for •: . Household Duties. — Smale, . Raiyjatira. 'Aw;, Takapuna- ■::■':■'■*:'■ '■ "■'".'•' : ''""' ■~. "•,;■-■■'•'■.' ■' WOMAN, elderly, wanted to undertake light doviiestio duties. 2 adults.—Apply, :. .'>' sending , copies references to Box 348, G.1'.0.. Auckland. :■'.;'• ..'■''.'■'■■'■\.--: -'■,--.' ■■■■. ■.'-.'|- r .■ .-.i,.-.-ry-.-,-'- .■':. ■ WOMAN, capable, wanted for country, to '< ,■ assist: in doctor's house; used .to • children. between 7 and 8 evenings, ■ Mrs. Selwyn Mays. 9. Grey St.. Devor.p<3Tt.. "DELL'S 'Registry,' Gladstone Bldgs. — ~'-;:• X> Cooks, Kit'm'd, P'tym'd :H.M.-W'rcsses„.■.": Waitresses. C.-G'nls, H.P.-M'ds, Indian Mil- •; kers. ■-■'-■-: ■•':'■' _______________ : CLARION Registry,. H.B.- Bldgs.. Queen ;;: ': St.—Cook, urgent, £2 10s -House-Par- - lourmaid, Cook-Generals, ! —'Phone* . 819 A. ■■:■'■ ■".■:■ ; y-y-'v/y^;;.;.-.:.:.'. •■':'>.•■■'.,'.'... ' RELIABLE Registry, 15, Queen St., 2103 A / . '0.-Generals {town ; .country). Cooks, '. '•'.•■' Housemaid-Waitresses, Xitchtmwoman, ■ Farm ; Hands.'-'etc'■■■'■■•■'■■•'." .'•..■.'-••.■.•"-.'.■■ •■■ .■ : -:'- '-"v:' '.'V,-"' '- ; ' : - STRAND Registry, Strand Arcade.—'Cooks, v :;'•; . H'se-m'd-Waitrcss; Laundresses,:'C.- '. Generals, General, Young Man and Married! -,-, Counles (Farm). -: v _ M ___^llllll-:'' ■vPAaiU'f HANDS WANTED. ■"-/ BOY or Youth, strong, for Machine Milking, and Farm ; Work.—G;'. W. Cox. Man- "" gere. Phone : .No.-.2.".- '■■ /-..'•'■'.'■'■■''-';'■'-■•''■-'■':.-".'■'■':■' ■■_ .■ BOY or Youth for machine-milking; back ;.: with employer.—State wages, Wright, 1 Lincoln Rd., Henderson. ..< , -.■'-■' ■ .-.:."■■■ v._ BOY. 15,, sheep, and'; cattle , station; • ' home; email ; wages ;■• to start.—Address . at Herald. ' ' '"' ■ _■ BOY.' or •«'•- Youth, Machine Milking and Horse :. work.—Meiisop, r 0.0. , Buddies Richmond arid Buddie. Wyndham _,; ■.■■; .■:•;: ,:■ ;'■: COUPLE, married, - for milking machines:' ::•■... .-.» : wife to cook; a.nd keep house, for single - man.l2, Remuera' Rd.. 'phone 1680 A. ':: : .'■ ; FARMHAND;! energetic,- knowledge swamp ; ! ;'■■{ plough.—Address at Herald. . LAD for Sheep Farm, 'able to. milk; house f,;nws.— ■' wages, • S. ; Cafpentw,- Ka-' v ; .raka.'Papakura. '-' -\ ,• ,: ■:. ' ■']'"'.''\' ' : v" ;' ,-Tl/fACHI^E', ShearersV-.(2)rf for.t.bout -2100 I ifi-'slieep; itnrt September 18; .atate aver- > age tally.—McGoverh. Matahuru. . - MAN;, accustomtd -machines; he> it;'lk, good'wages suitaWß man.. • —M-chinee. L 26. vHebalix ..;. ; ; .f;\- [ ...rf'/ ~'■ -.'■• ...;... '■ ..' ; — L — ': —r*™" "- 1 *r— —— — 1 MAN, experiencad, or Youth. Dair* Farm, . machines ;'3ss to^'suitdblei ■ perikinlf-PD.'' [ . Smith,, TaUhei,-'.'.Morrinsville. ■ . ■ M'AN for'.'machine. milking and, , general .'•' farm .work.—Apply,':, stating v wages, ,■ -to . - ,4 , Jack Gray, Tirau. ~r »: ; -\\ ' ; "* MAN, j single, machine milking, general ; farm work,—Apply Farmer, 410, • HebAlp, Hamilton. ■ .- MAN, all-round farmhand, assist * milking y. ' machines. Wages ,' : , _>2.-—Apply ;B.i- H. Budden, To Awamutu. . MAN, reliable, 27 cows, machines; plouBh", v .'ing.7 general farm work.—■ Write, full particulars. ;■ Conscientious.. 64.-.HBBA.L.IX ... MAN (middle-aged preferred), foi Machine- '•)•■' Milking and Farm work.—Whyte,.Man- - gere. .., ' - '...■■■• .' ■..'■' ■•"" ..' ■~■:, MAN; dependable, practical, . to stake ' charge of Dairy Farm: 60 cows, * machines installod: refs.. absolutely neces-. Expert. 36, Hebalp. - MAN, with'thorougn knowledge of milking -,; ; machines and' team work; good horn*, , and .wages; ;; ' refs. :v required.—H. : Kinnaird, ■• ./■"." • Pukekapia, Huntly. ~; ~. ' ■--'' ■• - •;■"■ MAN or Youth, reliable, experienced;; 35- , . 40 cows, machines; good .it team work essential.—State wages requirocl, it E. Harris,' , ; ' > Te Kowhai, Ngaruawahia. ■■ - . - MAN,' ' middl&-aged,-, reliable."-.'/ single, ' "• Ploughman and General: undulating to., .■'-■,.' hillv :■.-. country;• steady ; job; £2 and found. ;' —Address at Hebald. , £ 'l; , j; • MARRIED Couple for Machine Milking,; , town ■ supply.—Patersoni ant}: Robertson,, 45. Customs St. E. : '' ' ': MARRIED Couple* wanted; gqod milkers;."■' <;.-;, wife 'help.- mslk, ' man farm, work .(ma*' -' • chines).— Hintz, : Matamata. - ' MARRIED Couple, general ■ Farm work; -'■ , . machines; 90 cows; wife assist milk- ■ ing; owner requires■ ,separate living -Z ■ apartment; - personal interview required.— "•- : -'-?> : .Hebild':'. Office, ; ; Hamilton, ;! Saturday;;; 28th y inst. ■ '• '". " • '' ' ~■ ■■ :■••■'• :■■ . PLOUGHMAN, first-class, married, all- im- ' plements and . stack.— W. :': A. .V- Price, Rangmui, Papatoetoe. , - .' QHEPHERD/East Coast Sheop and Cattla D Station.—Address^at; Hwbai_>. •■■ t • ._,,• W" OMAN, young, or ' Youth, ..assiat :gen»;: ; erallyj must be good ~, milkai,* : 255.-^' P ; Graham, Ngarua,;; Waitoa. r ■ •■■ ■■ TITOUTH. strong, willing, for dairy farniij X state V .wages.Apply, - Saunders, Glen- J brook -or 'phone '96 W., Waiuku.. ' . YOUTH, 14 to 17, help with; machines and do odd jobs;: state wages.—Gibson. , Taupiri.' .-■■./.■,.■ v.- :•' '■.''•-'- '---•■■'■'-•....- YOUTH, to assist : with Milking, machines y : .:. ' used; good home to suitaole man.— ;'■.; : F.' H. Barrett. Hinu era. - ' /. YOUTH for Dairy Farm; machines. — ! Apply.' 'stating:' wattes and-experience,' 4 - •.^ W. McDonald, ' Okauia. : Matamata. - .■■■ YOUTH, good milker, .for small ! Dairy , Farm; 25s . and f found.—State age,, ex-, perience.HThomaa, Upper Waiwera. _ -'• ' i ILARK'S ; Registry, Palmerston , Bldgs.— -' ; \j'~. - ; Two Ploughmen, Hand Machine .Mil;kers, Married Couple, General (station),' ; Domestics (country). ■ ■"■ ■:'':,.■■■ ' ' , PEARSON'S ■- Registry, * Exchange ' . Couples, Farm and Orchard; - Youths .-: for Dairy, Farms; Domestics for town. ... - ' ACENCIEB WwNTED. ; ADVERTISER, who has a" Permanent •.-.■'; .ex. Sample Room in Christokrwh,^at;';pre*'*i.'.'-:,r■-,:■,■ jient visiting Auckland on a business trip*. - ib desirous of securing further ' connection* ■ i!or representation ;in the.; South' laland.— Southerner, 147, HEBAi.n. ■ :•■*..:.'' • '.- ' "*" —rr- ~.. , "*'\*^*--^—■*r---- ':-. ; , : . '-.. - ... FOR .mire."' :..:-"."^..'.::.;". -;■ r~IHAR-A-BANC. 80-36 neater; aaai_rt ritf : .\ Vi ing Auckland; for Picnics,; Lodge Meofe>;::: : ings, ■ 'Phone 2690 A, J. .Rumr-ar. •. ~ TAXIS for Hire.—-Sbven-sea'iiersl Super-Sis; : •■'.- —Harper's v Po.isonby'' Garage, - Wood St. 'Phone 2216. '."--■.. TAXIS. Mt. Eden, day or4niih4;. sun*rior; Closed ; Cars for Weddings.—W. ,GUI., v 64. Esplanade :Rd.,;Mt, i; Edan. 'Phone 880. ■■■■..'. 1 ' 11 1 111 mi 11 i. WANTED TO HIKE. MECHANIC wants', to hire Fori Car, hir'L ,days, view of buying;' cheap.—Purtiou- , lars, 129, HaBAU>; ■/ /*-... . :..j1.,;c.. ;.;.'• ::/:'■ MISCELLANEOUS WANTEDS. PERSON, kind, motherly, take full charge baby, 6 months old, in private home,— Address at Herald. PIANIST, lady, liie to meet ' ; , -v 2, 'Cellist, view . fo.tming orchestra.— '. ■ •'' "■ Presto, 85. K Hebald. - 1 :-. t ■' ■ ' —"— ■ 11 1 . un~»^»— (Wanted Advertisements cofiUaa^t : via v 'i ■': '..':■ '~."•' ,; ,';, ::..'' '■ .:'■'* ''. -"' .' ; ' : ■ ■ '..-■ ", '■■ l'---'--'-. '.'■■■'■ .'."., '■•'••• ' : : ■ :■'-" 'I Si'?r ■ >. > > :.'.'"' T - '■■'■ .'-, '.-■'. :. : j. ,- .'• :■ .-.■" ■•'-. ■..■'.:.■. ; .' :.'■' ...i ' >',". t:h

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18460, 25 July 1923, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18460, 25 July 1923, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18460, 25 July 1923, Page 1