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' I, ——— WANTED TO 'BI>V« ■' • ■ ■„•■: A RTIFICIAL Tee'h SEa^ort^py iX prices sent return mail.—Post to J.. - ■U-M Punstono. Bos 51. Wellealey v St-. s-Auddand. ]£"*"' U; A RWFICIAL Teeth, any . condition, up to ; i J\ £6 10s per - sot p(ad.»-P«arlmo Co.. 8. i• ■ : ' Security Bldgs. Eat. ■; 11l years, 1 .■-. ■ ■■- i - i; - ;- .' :APFAREIT—" Best prices - 7 Superior ■. Lelt-off ' 8 ; Qntritn: ; 111. Victoria St. 'Phono •. 2674. -; BICYCLEd. Tools. Jewellery. any condi- i : tion; Watches, False: Teeth, Cameras, ±0f Eioouuiaya, tc.-~ Clarksop. 38, : Ponsonby Rd. &■ isoOKS—LibrariWi. parcels, single volumes, ' r ; > Jj magazine*. parol* top prices.— s V - Town Hall Book Store. 378, Queen St. -4 • rtAffiO."- to purchase / Two •;• V*' Tickets, orchestral stalls, Thursday, 26., , " Cairo." ' -131. UeRALD. - --v- ■• . • c M S?^-,te.sS I s?ot .66. Victoria St. W. . 'Phone. A 2070. .T\OLL. li/o-aize or walking; pood order; ' i l/ • state : price, bsfore —Address, Miss. Betty. Te .Aroha. 1 : - v "'"*' •- : v : isA -St §&■ . and . price.—Level, 30, Herald. ,— : GOLF Bag, heavy mashie, mid-iron. claptj! cheap—Goldsworthy, s>lation<vr, New- : market. • ...;. i ' .| . GOLF Clubs, bag, righthander, tall; reply. . with c'iescription, makers, weight, con- , dition.—Clubs. 407, Herald. Hamilton I__;1__; , " KAUSI GUM.—We are Cash Buyers, .at' ; l\ highest market ratoa of all grades. , • THOS. LE3S AND SONS. i „| / : ?> , y ?; -v 4 Customs Street East..• f B "h. WALDRAM'S '' Principles of : A » Structural Mechanics" wanted,—State price to J. 8., 986. Herald, . rr>UNT, 16ft. to . 18ft.: also Hand Winch. • J. State price. and where seen.—Cash, 69, '-' S&ERALft : RABBIT Skins bought in -any quantity; beat prices givon. — Consign to B. Kidd, Cambridge. BABBTT Trapper*. — 1 pa? freight, grade your skins, pay top market price, una post account saleu came day m wins »e----ceivcd. Write for labels. —S. W. Boyce, Cambridge- . RING Mrs. Kelly.—She buys Misfit, . Evening Wear. —Darby St., oil Queen St. . 'Phono 2606- v . ; STAMPS, i especial!* ■ old Zealand and good - collections; open Friday evenings.—Powe'H. 65. Short'and Si, T ALLOW and Fat, any quantity, for cash. ■ X • —Perkins and Co.. City Markets. ' rpRAVSILLER'S Hamper, medium pise; X must be good : order.—State pr.»ce • and ■where aeen. Traveller. 81. JnKBAj.O. ■ OACKS. 1 gACKa gACKS. ■ BAKERS. STOREKEEPERS and OTHERS. Consign your Sacks direct to us, and obtain Beat Prices,. •Dsal with us direct, ws nave no agents. We have the largest turnover fa N.2. McJSLENDKICK BROS.. Welling to Street. Auckland, Telegraphic Address: " Sacks.'' AucklandV' rrvRAPPED RABBITS WANTED IN ANY . •J. ; - QUANTITY. . • ; Highest Prices Given. Guaranteed to receive Summer and Winter. Apply. R. H. iS.IDD, .' v'' Sanford's Rabbit Dept., • Auckland. ANTE 3 TO SELL. ALUMINIUM Bargains .in Kettles, Sauce- ' pans. Dishes; splendid stock to choose —Skaatoa' Hardware • Stolen, 224» Karanijahape 3d. ■ ' ___ A RE you right for - " No-Rubbins " Laun- . JX dry Help ? ■ 'Phone orders to-day,.— . : and Colonial Stores. , ■ BRITISH Mincers, Cs 8d; Soldiers', Baskets, 7s 6d: Alarm Clocks, ( sod.— Cutrate Stores, 241. "Viotoria St., Hamil- ■; tori.;. . " : v, :; ■ ■' , A TIN of " Clever Mary." for banishing : X*. grease, grime, stains; . useful every . : day; saves work. . . • : A T a . Glance save £2—Order your' Suit ■ft., from J. Glance. Tailor,. 73. Victoria ' St. -W,." . ___ : > A LLDEN'S. The Crockery, .Shop, 4, . . yC*.; Karansahape Rd., for Ait China, Benutiful Wedding Gifts, Inspection - invited. A NTIQIJES, Antiques. sale. Objects i*- .of Art; .- bargains ;■ for connoisseurs. ;.-V rßrodie. ; Alexander. 276. Queen St. ■; '"i r ' '' •-' IA SCSEB delivers Scoria: 'Jyd. 1C»: 2yds, J."A. ■ ■ I9a : . 3yds, 27s 6d; S'JtndC 17a 6d yd.— - Phono 8£69 (3 rings), • •' - ' XPILLIARD and Bagatelle Tables, all in- '•*-* door •:games, victor ? ports goods, redacod ■—Kingford's, 164, Queen St. ?"'l - ~ "tJCTJDOIR, Karangahapo- '. Road.— -«-*Reduction Sale -, now : proceeding; • Valour Coats, Millinery, Frocka; .all re-IJ-V S duoed prices. s '• ■ •. BOUDOIR, best buying, Karangahape Rd. —Ladies* . Coat#, 49s 6d; Millinery .'. Mountß, Is fld; genuine sale; everything' re- . duced. „•> - *■.;■' ;.,x: ' .. . BBICK Trowels. W.H.S., 12* in-, 73; Plasf-* tering Trowels, 6a Electric Lamps J (60 watt 2s Boyle. 41. Victoria St. - ; CABIN Trunks. Wardrobe Trunks.' See 'V selection; prices from .£5 10s. new ■ . .. ehi-Ptnont.—Kingsford's. 164, On eon St. ■ " ' /"IBB 1 ' Water Heaters, safe, fast, economii cal; copper, £4;, copper-lined, £3 ss.— ■ Qldfield and Henry, 53. Albert St. • /TLOGS, Working , Clogs, dry, warm, comj, . fortable; Women's. 15s Gd; Men's, 17a ,li: : od. Postage paid.Underwood. 43, Victoria ;■ ■ Street. - ■.. y. ■■„.'U; ■■ '■ ./.i, " |"^KAMPO.__Bedstead Attaclu&ent. 1 Auck:i' .v/.i'-.'iland * invention; marrelloci, no shajce* " no sag.—Bell's> N-10-T.. opp. Term Hall. i ON CRETE Foundation Slocks to 'v V Is : each. Cowperthwaite Cement RoofML;* ing Tile Co.. Mt. : Eden. 'Phone 3329 A, ; PJOUGHB and Colds.—Toraline c.leara the v ".v V _vnbea and saves th« lungsi is M, 2a * Chemists and ' Stores.■ : S.>/.>•* -v •. ; "EXPANDING Trellia, TO aw Mid diamond v...i- Tr*- - mesh; partitions. with ("l-atu.— A. i i ' M - OT Bm (late Dupree), Eden i Tenace. • *][^IREWOOD — bass. .£1 cttfh; delivered ■!' JL an? part of • City.—T. Piendergast, .' ■ Lincoln St. 'Phone 7SOA. ■ ■ • . . ' .UpfITER, : AND ; CO., 83, Victoria. St., A- cheapest in town lor . China, Glass. Enamel and Aluminium Ware. GAB Califonta, O. and H., cheap and safe, . fully .v guaranteed l .; 10 Oldfield and Henry,-53. Albert. St. : . V /13.ELATOZE ' typoM : writing, handwriting, music.—Particu- ' lars from Stationers, or Maker. 105. Federal • ; btreet.; ■. "LI OKSIS Covers, 32sj Cow, 19s; Canvas J-*-_ Coats, men's 60s, boys' 80s.—McCarthy, 83 i. Ed 1?!! Terrace. - I ATEST improved Benrine Table Lamp; ' , better ; and cheaper than any on tee : i • mar-gat; Gss.—Westuse. Rutland St. ° T OOK Seta Antique Copper, 4s fld; .4-J Vaughan's 194 Rim Locks, 4» 3d; Vic- ' .tor Storm Lanterns, ' 6a.Boyle. 41, ' Vic- • tori a St. J .. OLIVE Oil.Trubuhovich, Victoria St., M corner Albert St., sells Pure Olive Oil; 5a 6d Quart Bottle. ■ • v : Oil, guaranteed pure,; Gypron ' y Hannah Brand.—Obtainable only from the sola distributors, PhoenU Importing Co., 66,- Victoria St.. Auckland. ' T>AINT£RS" Ladders. Trestles, Steps, A Wheelbarrows. Wash Tubs. — Pelham and Sous. 150. Victoria St. W. ■ ■ . T.IAINT, 1000 gallons, raized ready to use, X'\all colours, good, cheap.—Perkins, City .ftlillKctei 'i! V'!< • \V;' PRAMS — Darlington Pram prices reX duced 10 p.o. for few days.—Darlington Pram Co.. Kerongahapa Rd.. opp, Rendell's. ' ' , • QEWING Machines, all makes; Needles, Q Parts, Repairs.—J. H. Rogers, 23 ana 33. Welles ley St. W. 'Phone 3466. QEWTNG THompson'B. 8, Strand O Arcade- Cheapest and best; no Queen Bt. Vj!ii>ts; deliver free.. Agent New Home. '- SINGER, v-drawer. oak, drophead, jCSIOs; k3 White, £3,—Globe, Ground Floor, Short's Bldgs., 154, Quoin St. SINGER. 66, Drophead, cheap for cash; 4,-Dr. Oak - Drophead, £ 6 16s.—Globe, Ground Floor, Short's Bldgs., 154, Queen St. • . ■}%. QTORM Lanterns.— benzine , storm ; O lanterns ' are invaluable for farmers; 350 c.p.; rain, wind, and storm proof. Light with match. Yet only 65a post free.—R. p. M. Manning and Co., 136, Albert St. QTOVES, new ana second-hand; repairs O . ell 83.-0. Brosdy. 34. Durham St. : 'Phone 732. ' : : " ' ' SUIT and Trousers, chest 87 new choj. kJ , brown; 'Duality, £13 10s; snip, £& 10s.~ 63, Security Bldgs. THANKS, Corrugated, with tap; <oCgal., A 475; 600 gal„ 675; 800 gal.. 79s.—A»«xai Supplies, Box 14, Newmarket : FRANKS, Brand hew.—Heavy Gauge CorA rugated iron, '-OOgfll, 38s. 400 gal £2 10b 600 gal. £& 10s, 600 squat 82a, 800 gal. 795, 300 gal. 90s; taps ■ included: 6ft. Strong Galvanised Bi.tba. on good lego. £2 17s 6d: cash with order.—W. 8. Rusaril, Pukekohe. rpRUNKS, Wardrobe, perfectly, fitted; also. ,'X, ;Solid leather Cabin Trunks; bargaiuo! : . —Meltzer Bros., 65. Victoria St I'; T7I8IT0R? to Auckland . should sea our V splendid stock of Household Ironmon- ■ Pkeates' Stores,- 224, Karangahape Rd. XirIKDOW -Sashes,: glazed, new, 500. all . Vt sizes,; cheap; Doors, 500, second-hand. ;; "j-'.-i:;-. —Parkins. City > Marketß. ' - : ' ■ . i V- ; : '• • orv PfeAftS- and ■'■ Elevations of pelooted • OV,-B«ng»l<iWß > post free, -_H—J3nr«r. Satolifl«» Architect, WMXoa> H.B, lllilllli- ■ '■:,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18459, 24 July 1923, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18459, 24 July 1923, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18459, 24 July 1923, Page 2