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1p ' » v, 'PORT OF AUCKLAND, ; ■,■:" ■\;-:J.- : 2±^_ "■■•.-; M. -;:..- ■- .: SATURDAY'S ARRIVALS. V :&:}." '■ — ; - ■ ' Walt-mo : (12.45 a.m.), from Nauru ;Island. .;:■ . •* Canadian Pioneer (1.50 p.m.), from >.* '.Halifax. :■)■■ o> .• ■ - Waipu (5.30 a.m.). from l Keropeeehi; "Clansman (6.40 a.m.), from Russell; Awahou (7 a.m.), from East Coast; Ngapuhi (7.40 •Si a.m.), from Tauranga; Houto (11 B .m ) 1? from. Mercury > Bay. | SATURDAY'S DEPARTURES. ,'i '• " Tofita (11.40 a.m.). for Fiji, ©to. Passen- , gers: Saloon—Misses Tanner, Spenco, 801 l • ; ' i . (2), Honeyfield (2), Dickinson, Hills, Cooke 1,,,' ', Evans, Hunnibell, Jones. Todd (2), Mayo I , Western, McLeay. Ulaciill, Cooper. Watt I ; ' Butler, Dixon, Wail. Eraser. Richardson! J ;V Clarke, Hcrsley (0) Bentley, Gordon. Woin- .' hoiui; Mesdamea J acoby, Todd, : . Pigeon, hovvtt. O'Brien, Sievora. Mellsop, Menzies. ■; | Hunnibell, Henry, ■■' *?oppelwelf, Baxter, Craig. Oliver, Symo. Bethamj Rice, C^oko, i - Guthrie, Wmffite, Horsley, Rieharcaon. 'f l Martin. Wakom m, Smith, Lockart, Teulon i" V end infant' Messrs E. A. Pigeon H. C ! Mellsop, W. Me>nzi.c-<», R. Dellow. W. Gil- i Sv?' ; ". mour, W. E. Sbe-pard, D. L, Poppsilwel], W.T. Oliver. N. K/'Carow, F. ■Barker. W. A. Cooke, J. D. Richardson, R. Angus, Winsv.t*. J Palerson F. W. Bakewwll, J. H. rf , Richardson. E. Patterson. J. Cfctherwood, .;; ■'.. A. Ross, M. Snence, S. Campbell, H. Baldjvt - win. C. W. Bland. F. S. Michii*l. 3. F §:■{■ Frith, E. Turner. B. lies. D. H. Madill, F. H V , IN'. Horsley, S. T. Wickstead, J. Craig. H. ;,-.; . Hawker. H. .I>>cknrt. Cnnn?nff,- C. Letfotd. ;■-,.;•, 2- Davidson. Gunning. J. E. Jackson. W. 5 ! : , . J. Williamson. L. O. Atkinson. J. R. Kine-, ;■■!: Itov. IV iV Mncdonald. Capt. Campbell. '&} .. Cukii E. 30, a Rice- Dr. R. L. Chmtie. Hon. j„-.- ; : I). 11. Guthno, and eight steerage. ;&- Apanui (8.40 a.m.), for Awanui.

• YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. ! _P op / 1 i, ( » (3 p.m.), for Whangarei; TuniWha (u.15 p.m.), for Paeroa. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS,. . Manaia (8.40 0..m.), from Whangttrei; Arahura (7 p.m.), from East Coast ty.-yts; Mako .{3 p.m.), from Gisborno.: VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Kekeirar.jiU, from Wellington. Kar/atiri, from Weatport. ' Wingatuii, from Wellington. Taniwha, from Pneroa, 11 p.m. Daphne, from. Whangarei, 11.80 p.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. ? > Manaia, for "Whangarei, 10 p.m. Ngapuhi. for Tauranga, 6.30 p.m. Clansman, for Russell, 7 p.m. Wajotahi, for Mertury BJy, 9 p.m. Wakatere. for Thames, 9.£!0 a.m. VESSELS EXPECTED A? AUCKLAND. ISTEBCOLOinAI. ABD COASTAL. Wingatui, Southern ports, July 25. ■ Xawatm. Westpori, July 23. Xokerangu. Ncwr.stU, via-Wellington. July Kakap'o, Westport, to sail. 1 JKurow, Picton, July 23. ifarama. Sydney, July 24. ■'.■.■ vi *°*» Southern ports. July 86. , _ricra. Karotoncra, July 30. " D»ndreun«i. ; Makatea Island. July 24. Manuka. Sydney, July 31. kaikottu, Fiji, August 6. «.Al.o. Laburnum, Tone*. August. w¥r o *!?• C«iotttta, ■ September 1. a.ii.S. Veronica. Fiji, early October. , ' OVEBSEA3. -~'' Kosnio, New York, July 25: it Colon, _ July 2. Do Grave. Java, July 31. rort Hunter, South, July 27, to lead. Canadian Prospector, Vancouver, July S3. Canadian Miller. South, to load Aagust.s. ■Jiarinsw, Liverpool, Aucwet 5. Armagh. Liverpool, -via Fiji, August; cleared Pauanu July 9. Wairuna.. Pacific Coast. August. Uoonhohn, Montreal, "August 4; at .Colon July 3. • .■ ■;.... ' gn«ejs. New York, August 7. Bw?zi, New York. August 13. Liverpool, August 21 ,' laparoa,'Liverpool. August 22. t_anadnia Cruiser. Montreal. August 28. Waitenata, Calcutta, to-. sail, -rort .Napier, London. September 10. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. , Niagara, en route Auckland to Vancouver; duo Vancouver July 28. .Alaanganui. en route Wellington to Sydfe , ney - ■ ■ Makura, en rout© Auckland to Sydney. i .Tahiti left: San Francisco for Wellington, £,'.-'.■ ' July, 20. . '■',;•::. .. -./J' i - \ VESSELS IN PORT. -: : :.. ' ■ In : ■ Stream -- Talune, Atua, Tangaroa (schoonerl,." Kaeo (schooner).' France. _ Iris, Rev/a (bamne). Southern Cross. Central ; 'Wharf—Kaiwarra, iVaitomo.;..": Dovonport—H.M.S. Philomel. H.M.S. Chatham. ■■■!■.■■:>...■ :-..■ Queen's Wharf—Athenic, Arahura. .Western Wharf— Las Vegas. ' .-, Xing' Wharf— (schnr.). -Canadian Pioneer. • The Kaioa, en rout© from Southern ports, " M expected, to leave Wellington to-day for Auckland; where she is due about Thursday. • The Kurow sailed from Wellington at 5 p.m. on Friday for Lyttelton. to load for Auokland.;'. The Wingatui, en route from Southern ports, was expected to leave Wellington for Auckland direct at noon on Saturday. She ni due here* to-night or to-morrow morning. After discharge at Auckland the Wingatui proceeds, to Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin. o;imam, and Timaru. "^ - ITie ' Richardtion steamer- M&ko arrived from East Coaut ports yesterday afternoon and berthed .a';, the Queen's Wharf. She! Has been withdrawn ' from commission to undergo overhaul and survey. The Arahura arrived last night from East US* B *, Ports, .and berthed at the Queen's Wharf. She is timed to sail at 2 p.m. tomorrow, for Tokomaru Bay, Gisborne. and The Richardson steamer Awahou arrived wn. j 13 * or 6 °r n - Saturday morning and berthed at the King's Wharf to load for Sday^ aS bay3 ' Sho -iSto b ° despatched /TAHITI LEAVES 3AA* FRANCISCO. The _Royal' Mail steame* Tahiti sailed Irom San Frannaco on Friday for We'lling;2;„ and t ,, , ?y' >» Paneete and Rarcwnffa. _She ?s due at Wellington on August it. at Sydney on August 17.

: ' CANADIAN PIONEER IN PORT. ...The Canadian Government steamer Canadian Pioneer. Captain P. Robertson, ar- , rived from .Montreal on Saturday afternoon, and berthed at the King's Wharf. 1 lie vessel loaded at Montreal and then went to Sydney, -Cape Breton, for a email ouani' ?! 9? r ?° and for bunker coal. She cleared - Sydney on June 9 and passed tmough the Panama Canal on June 20. Fine ■ weather was experienced until July 6, when strong westerly winds and rough som were encountered, and continued until;, Bearing flew Zealand. . The. wind at times reached tie force of a giUe, and the boisterous weather delayed the Pioneer's arrival about two days. The steamer has a cargo of genera?, merchandise, including a • number of motorcars, and a # quantity of motor-car accessories. t Part ;of ; the cargo will be dis- . charged at Auckland, ; and the remainder at .Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide, i SUEZ. CANAL TRAFFIC. c: -For the year 1922 .the number of vessels ' 7 0 , 1 r C V' D ? Jsetl : through the Suez Canal was JSiiS, their aggregate tonnage being 010 '--12 Jons, and their net tonnage 20.7-iJ.,245 tons. Uf %he total 63 per cent, v/ers British ships, end the percentage of the net tonnage was 64.5 per cent. : V American ships numbered 137 of a net tonnage of 663,218 .tons: Dutch. 455 bhips. net tonnajn 2,161,471 tons: Italian 225 vessels, net tennatie 855,015 tons; Japanese. 170 ships, 928,38f; tons; anc'i Gorman, 149 ships, 735,129 .tons. If laden merchant vessels alone are counted the total « all nations- was 2983. of a net tonnage of 14.247,838 tons. British vessels numbered 2009, of a net tonnage of 5.729,953 tons. Out of 285 vessels in ballast representing 1,092,498 tons, 223 were British, and of a Set tonnage of- 902,632 tons. ' GERMANIC STILL AFLOAT; Few vessels afloat to-day have had longer or more eventful lives than the Turkish steamer Gul-Djemal. now Approaching . her mbilea. She was built as the Germanic at celfaot by Hariand and Wolff » 1874 for tho : White Star Line, and for many years jne and her sister ship, the Britannic, were the largest and fastest vessels in the world. •The Germanio was driven by tandem compound engines and her speed was 16 knots.' In 1877 she won the blue ribbon of the -Atlantic with a, passage of '7 days 10 hours 63 minutes, three hours better than the previous record, but she eventually had to yield pride of place to the Arizona and Alaska. ~;.. -v.In 1895 she was fitted with new engines and boilers,, and she continued to be a _ popular ship in the North' American irada. iln 1893, her upper works. -,asta and spars became so laden with snow and ice during *■ blizzard . on • her way across that she heeled over end sank in (STew. York Harbour, the water coming through tho bunker ports, ■ "which, were open during coaling operations. , Her original builders, eventually prepared i hor for sea again, and ?he remained in the 'V-White';-Star service until,. 1904. The following year sho was transferred to the . Bominion Line, renamed the Ottawn,, and employed in the : Canadian trade until -1909, whin she was laid up at Birkenhead. ; In February, 1911. she was purchased by the Administration Navigation a Vaoeiir Ot- , tomans of Constantinople, who gave hsr tne. wmo of Gu!-Dieaial. winch who. still, boari. Sho was torpedoed by. tho British;: m tin ', S?a of Marmara-Murine tne war. while being used as a Turkish transport, but salvage; t operatic n» were successfully carried out.and now. after ft f career of nearly 60 years, an« is still- in aotive »*rvic» . -

MAUNQANOI DUE AT ' WELLINGTON. tw^ttfi' aun <F an "* ia do© at WellingSednlM X**"*.- %*■ Sydney, rfiho,. is & I? 81 ™? tor voyage at 8 r<.m. £"p£S*«? ; &aM Fr * noi s°°, via RarotoW* THE TUTANEKAI. ' ' M ii°. V<!r i nmen t l!t^mw Tutanekai w 'ctSS? I?.i?i. le * ve Bluff on Friday s for Wont duo Lft h0 *' and ; Wellington. ,Bh© is duo back at Wellington about July 28. : . lONIC REPORTED. _ The Shaw, Savill and ; Albion '•]s«•* S n wUh hi n°?.. aaaed trora yeUinffion June' &<&. " P ass °ngorß. mails .and cargo for ESSraJPS a acl London, is reported to nave • arrived at Panama on July 20. ULIMAROA • FOR WELLINGTON. •«f&S > H uddart-Parker , nteamer Ulimaroa sailed from Sydney . at 1 p.m. on Saturday ?fcsse i ,sorß « mails and cargo for Weimorning. ** ' duo on Wednesday TOFUA BA7LED. . T\3w ,H"i i<m .Company's -island steamer loiua sailed shortly before midday on Saturday With pab.'jnUor3, Mails and caw for at Auckland about August 13. , . ORARI ARRIVED AT LONDON. The New Zealand Shipping ,i Company's steamer Orari, which sailed from Auckland for London on May 30. arrived at her destination on July 20. ;-■; <~ . ■ MARAMA DUE TO-MORROW. The Union Company's intercolonial steamer Marama. which sailed from Sydney for Auckland at 10 a.m. on Saturday, * 9 bringing 160 saloon and 86 steerage passengers, as well as mails and ov>r lf)00 tons of fW»«Si nd ] 86 -' Shl> is due at Auckland to-morrow forenoon. : THE KEKEKANGU." . The Union Company's steamer Kekerangu 7„ a i to- 8 4- A " ckl to-day from Newcastle Kings Wharf. Prom Auckland the vessel j Sl-i \-"Jf to 5? to complete discharge, and H b t r ° bab]y loava opua this week for THE CLAN MACKENZIE. «^fe- C £ mr ? onwealt J?, and Dominion Line chartered steamer Clan Mackenzie is reported to -4u av,a sal l ed from , Now York on wiri,w W i th T? arB S. for Auckland, Lyttolton. Wellington, Dunodin. Melbourne and Syd--5? y " *■ ? " due at tbia Port about the mid- ; ale of August. I I

THE SCHOONER,HUIA., Th© i Nobel schooner Huia was employed on Saturday lightering explosives from the American steamer Las Vegas off Orakei. The wk,V"* leturnI eturn *? her berth at th * King's w£2£ °"1 y - , and , Wlll sail to-night for Whangarei to load a cargo of timber for XSS* , ptain B. Anderson ha* taken T.«?" n v c l the vease1 ' Moving Captain Lane, who has coma on shore on sick leave. THE SILVERDALE SERVICE. .-S h^ Nort ¥ rn Company's steamers Waipu m 3 In«_t hftVft be * Jaid-up for overhaul ftfiil i "S?*"***'"* an iteration in take unthe l< r,^ m 0 The Omana will X,> TUT i £*£ *&. leave Auckland SLf_S_?%flS2 da ? a in - stead of °»- table. F " d ays Mbnd « the former time- * AUCKLAND HAHBOUR LiaHT. *^v e ed A^ I& i;t^ : *&** notifies that Afll £ vfe h *r ?° ft - above high water, ■2?i b V«**'ted from the eaafern end ana a fixed, white light; 23ft - a °o-e high Ti& e V nt tV from the western aido of Kohimarama - wharf. T&&& two 'lights in transit £4j)deg.. lead 40ft clear ft i'V'v' tho T. end of which " marked R«*^ blCa ?i e beacon off Pi»ime*,. . Point. The- fixed, white light: on the eastern end 0! iLonunarama wharf has been discontina«d. ; TEA FOR AUSTRALIA. Wh'sn. the Commonwealth Government passisager.. liner Jervis Bay arrived at Frernaniie , recently, she was carrying 1029 tons of tos and 570 tons of sundries from Colombo for Australian and New Zealand ports. In addition she had on board 5000 *<y? 8 . ? f general cargo from London. The officials of the line state that this is one of J,®!-- largest tea cargoes yet taken to AusWRECKAGE FOUND. ~A message received from Brisbane states that wreckage has been found at Bourko Island, 15 miles north-east of Thursday Island, comprising portion of a cabin and some haropor," and is being brought to Brisbane for identification. The burgeition is that it might be from the illfated Douglas Mawson, but the portmaster at Brisbane does not think ! so, because Bourke ;- Island is far distant from the point in ths Gulf of Carpentaria where the Douglas Mawson is supposed to have gone down in a cyclone. THE WRECKED WATTANGI. ( The coastal steamer Waitangi still re?i?, on the beach at Patea, and opinion la divided as to whether sh* will ever see deep water aeain. The stranded coaster is well up on the beach, and sheltered from all weather except westerly. One suggestion is that the steamer should be jacked across and dropped over i> the mole into the river, but _ in' ; salvage operations tho Governing fact is how much in th? way, of hard usage her venerable hull will stand. Tenders are now .being received, for th» vessel as she lies. .'

. ARRESTED SHIP SOLD. In the 'Practice Court at Hobart on July 5. application was made on behalf of Cecil i Coghlan, of Sydney, of the ship Dolphin, lying at Hobart wharfs (under arrest for debt), for an order allowing th« ship to bo transferred •or sold to Charles Willick, ofi-Sydney, for a sufficient sum to meet the three existing claims against . the vessel, totalling £1458. :. It was explained that the vessel wis offered by auction by the sheriff at the appraised Price of £5800. but there ■were no bidders. The order was.granted. ; THE WAITOMO. ' The Union Company's steamer _Waitomo arrived at Auckland from .Ocean Island on Saturday morning, and berthed at, the Central Wharf to discharge her cargo of about 6300 tons of phosphates. She arrived at Ocean Island from Newcastle on June 29, and waa two days waiting for the loading berth to be vacant. Six days was occupied in loading;, and a departure was. made for Auckland on July' 10. Strong south-west to west-north-west x'ndo were experienced from July 1& to July 20, otherwise the weather was fine. ,- . LAS VEGAS: BERTHED. The American steamer Las Vegas, Captain C. H. Bruun. which arrived from Elan Francisco on Friday evening, and anehoired off Orakei to discharge gunpowder, ■;-•• was berthed at the Western Wharf on Saturday morning. She has a full cargo of timber, case oil, and general cargo, loaded at Gray's Harbour, Columbia' River, Eureka, and San Francisco. The last-named port was cleared on June 22, and the Las Vegas called at Honolulu for bunker fuel. Fine weather was experienced until south of Tonga, when the wind became strong from the westward. Moderate gules from west to south-west. and rough sea delayed the steamer, about a day and a half on the voyage. On Friday the weather improved, and remained fine to port. At Auckland the Las Vegas will discharge* 23,500 cases of oil, 110,000 ft. of timber, and about 300 tons of general cargo. The remainder of the cargo is for Wellington, Gcolong, Melbourne, and New'castle. ,; '"' '■■ : ' .'.';V<.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18458, 23 July 1923, Page 5

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18458, 23 July 1923, Page 5

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18458, 23 July 1923, Page 5