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; ; •' ,__ ••■ '• AWiintmmn.-'"- _'! ; «|| : ' OSCAR ASCHE IN " CAntoT"* • , OSCAR ASCHE IN " CAUi^|||j||l Central Seats for the opening an ,i ~.^5;fll«l guent Performances of " CAIRO " • iielected at Lewis A. Eady and k-s:is^T^?^Mil from 9 o'clock this morning. ,i - ' 1 OSCAE ASCHE IN "CAIRO- Si CSCAE ASCHB;,: IN " o<Uß^^m " ' >: ' ". 200 STALL TICKETS. i|f ''' • ' ■': ." : At Es Each. ~ " £'4ssf^i • 600 GALLERY TICKETS. / pfff^?,|§§ i-.--:-':?-.-. .'*:'''■'■''■■ At 8b Each. ''■'-'■''"''^i^i^^aS For the initial ;' representation of " oj{,.» * 1 (Wednesday night) may ':■ be purchased _ 9 | Coleman's, TO-MORROW (Tuesday);;; , ][' '■ OSCAR ; ASCHE IN " CAIRO. - ?' '''■ , Jl ~.:•' OSCAR ASCHEv IN " CAIRO." A ; .-. ..; '. , , I A Full Scenic ' and Lighting - RAesviji-j • -1 ; " CAIRO " will be staged TO-MORBo#'£|§ii (Tuesday), night, under the personal sunJJ! . m :'•",.: vision of Mr. Oscar Asche. ; - :i i^pjl»JSl HIS '■■-; "MfAJESTY'S rnHEATRR- ■ I is ;; iVlajesty's AHEAT&f;;4I Direction J, C, Williamson. Ltl' - ' '■'■'■IB Managing . Directors: George Talhg,' « -I'. M J. Tait, Clyde ;Meynell. .- ? 'I! .THE COMING OF CAIRO. • , '~ I '..'•-.WEDNESDAY NIGHT NEXT, 1 ' ill '■'''■''..■'• WEDNESDAY NIGHT NEXT.' '-"ill : WEDNESDAY -NIGHT NEXT. *1 WEDNESDAY NJGHT NEXT "If; . Per a, limited number of nighlis. • 4| Miitineo, Saturday Afternoon Nasi ; 1- § J. C. WILLIAMSON,- LTD.. '.' J In Conjunction with ';^ii' ;^X| 1 OSCAR ASCHE. My Present the World's Most Magniflceßt 'y II Stage Production. - v ~V; ,'':J OSCAR ASCHE. ' ,1 OSCAR ASCHE, .i i OSCAR ASCHE, , ' - " | OSCAR ASCHE. ' . I /,', '..And HITS COMPTiTCTE TiONDON " •'' ' ■y :/ :': '■ ■:■' - ' PRODUCTION. ..*•,■;.-.. -.- of <> ■'■■■- ■ ■'+■:■/.■% i —- riAIEO. ——- ■ ''.:■ •■ '"1 : „' -—— UAIS O. — '; ;:• ,;,■;;. The World's Greatest Stage Production. &>' .■;:'.'■■-■■.. :.o : PRICES. ' '"'-,, V'-V;»|l^|||l .; Notwithstanding the fact that '.'. Cairo* iii the most expensive attraction ever; pre- '-. : Rented in New Zealand, tho Prices for th season have been fixed at\ '; FOR. EVENING PERFORMANCES: Dress Circle and Reserved Stalls- (>«.' . : served), 10s 6d; at the door, Bsj back"""'' stalls, ss; gallery, 2s; early door gallery- "".! Is extra, .... , >?, "■.."■ FOB MATINEE PERFORMANCES • I Dress Circle and Reserved Stalls fa. .served), 8s; . stalls, 4s; •' gallery, la,Ed ; - : early, door . gallery, Is extra. I ji- ■ ■.'... All: Prices : Plus Amusement Tex.-' " Business Manager: John Farrelt '-■<' '■ '■-' •■...■■■■.■ ■-• - -.-.--■ ■■ j- A : :;A'^oi^Mn ■ . = '■■ '~" —. —■■ •■••"■- "'" : ;; d |ji| ■ ■-■'"■'■■:- dancing. . ■ .. . .. — —: «'->■' AUSTRALIAN ' Social .Club.—Gala Night'"",• ■ J ; Wednesday Next, Masonio Hal!, Be!, giurn Street; Saloons, Streamers Ladiei la; Gents, 2a.—M. L. Bourke, Hon. Eg:' : J BIETLET'S Orchestra, late Keitl ' '• Prowse. London -. any in&trumentii) book them. —4, Tamui Ed., Devonpoit. , . BURNNiiND'S Professional OrohaaitiW " '■'■ Concert Band.—Oifice. 236, Que fit •Phones 734 A.3569 (i rings). ' W JACKSON'S- Jazz Orchestra, for."~]3lTv Socials, etc; any number instetOßOjlii. ."' —Edgar/ Chemist. Khyber Pass. - .-Xi-.y. :»- . . ssay.' V W TEACHERS OF DANOINQ. » V DANCING— Oldest and Latent Taught -br . • appointment, 2, Claremont.-'. St.—Aiaot, - Professional Teacher; v > !__________,? ■ LATEST Ballroom Dancea thoroughly -" ■, taught.—Modern Dancing " Studio; SO PKlmerston ; Bldgs., opp.> G.P.O. ;',:, Hoan« 12 to 9. ; ■ . ■.: ■■■..■"""■.. <>; ; i; MISS ■ SPENCER.—Latest 'Jafflr'fiW '\ Parisian Tango. Day and Sveninr Classes.— particulars. 25, /Vinean'vSt ' '■ •. .. . ' .."• ~.... ' .... Jga-^i TEAOHERS OF MUSIC AND EIOCUTIPM MISS HILDA 7?ARXTNSON, OfflftcvW Teacher of Elocution, T.C.L.T(SfIa2SK>,;, : Voice Culture, Rooitation, Reading, flsstani. -, L Grace.— : Rope, Rd., Grey Lynn.-- i- ;, • ~ ' r—r~~ —m ,i ; ']lfß. ; ; ,'.; SIDNEY .';'■ '. ; HATDBS* : : ; BTANier, 1-. . ' ' ' .. ; '-.''-v: - Commenoei' Tuiiiea. " '' '^f ...,,. ' , AUGUST 1. \. " , ] • Suburbs Visited. ]_A-LBi RD« TAKAPCSA, - , " . , "l ' I ' -1 l" • HA BOLD Dit I : * ! "-»''.Bi'.:_ X> v :.Vi .■;•'. VIOLINIST. • :,,'■. : : -.-;. . Studiot \■ >> / Hellaby's Buildings, Queen Street. , ' Phone 2026. f ■-••'•'-'■ -^'" , - r: ■■ -■■■ ■"" -'■"*"' ■^'•• i -^iß yy'% ■': WANTED ; -KNOWM^fe^f^isß r -:-■■-..■•■- -■-:-■. -> :v ■^-■nr^KCIARPETS: I Cleaned by ; oombineel doctrio I i beating; and • vacuum :;, process.—Domwtie Cleaning Ob.. Strand- Arcade. 'Phone 900. : \\ "TNECTO." fthe well-knowrj Hair I)yej . JL can Sbe l procured *t ~ Dewar'ifc Stnma Arcade. •' -'- ■ '■■ i'■■.•■■- • ."-, •■■-•.;.-:;. NEW . Soason r 8 Patterns s arrived; repairs and remodelling.—The Little Tailor Shop, Victoria. ;;St.-;-y]S.;;h./phont;»3oaß: ' >Y :V; "D EAL : Irish : Linen ■ Qiwds^-Bent: value IfWfc* REAL Irishl« Linen * House, f 6 iii Griislf m Kerr's Irish Linen House, 6j-,\Gn|sim| South Rd.. Epsom. ■■-' ■' < •• ■ 'j y-ijmsk MAKE' your ' f Gramophone ?, • jleasurcs .overhauled' and; repaired'"ir enc/ day.- j Morris Ranson. Broadway. 1 '? Newmarket, r GET a tin of :: ** Sudseher* " the easy nay soap." •;, You;;.. will ,; be .-■■:■ lileasedtYiti economical.'' ' • -- : '.'.- • -■-. "■■■■■.. '-'y"!z's, 3 RYt," Sudsena.^.; tor laundry work; it'i ■ •') : .-• wonderfcl; no : powder, soap, et<s.,n#csi« v . sary'.' -You'll : Uka ■■ it. •" ■ ■ -'- -, r ' *._ s DRNITURE. — "Factory ; - to . Home;" ; • ■ factory prices.—People's Direct ;. nishing ■ Factory, corner Millaia 'St... Rich' -fy mond Rd. ■ ;■■ ■■< v- ■;■■>■ ■: '::• -W^jgl WHERE there'* fe leather .use "Pluvol" ; and halve l the • boot bill At Stores.' yj Is. 2a. 35»..6d.' ' ,■- .' '- ■ ■ '-- .' '' ■■ i ■ '-'■{£!& ABSOLUTELY ::: nothing r tetter ; than "Clever ; ;Mary." • \§ for '.'i-.cleani»tfi--'ppta.', > pans, Binks, baths, floods,. woodwork,.paias* - work.- ■- ■ , . . . ■ . ■'''•■■ . ___i_—,' '...■ S~ PECIAL Sale of Gramophones this ; week. ■ ;i: Great reductions, 9.30 rtd> ■ - (Basement). gN:Z:• Insurance Buildings. ; g|g LINOS,- Carpets, ■■• fit guaranteed ,L«»* Covers mide; fit guaranteed; all Job* : bing Work.—Ji ; Clammtt; 'Phone 3099A._^ GIRLS No heed to Hesitate: married life 'is one.: long : ; holiday, thanks*• to_;,■•; "No-Rubbing " Laundry Help. *' _ s QPECIAL Line Damask Serviette**;! 20. by; 0. : - :1 1 20in., hemmed 9d ;, ei-ch.—lrish 1 H Lu»n, ; ;; Stores, '22. Jervoia Rd., : : Por-sonby. '■'^-fffo W"~ HITE Damask Tablecloths. 50 by,So»ft. '\) hemmed, ss ; 6d * each.-r-JeffersV-Irish.^i Linen Stores, 22, Jervois i Rd., Ponsonby^ljg _ __— ■ ; ■..-, -: -.:-■' >-'.»:;''■-,"-S'v--: : '".; ':':.: v, '\ ':J r, '','< i i, '»%|f|i NE W'iZEA LAND HE AL D. .'.' ; ..-.:'■'.-..'■.'/.'f.;.'--;V>-'.v,-';; : • "i-■'■.'•■-'-"■ •:•;■"';:;•:-■ "..■•■■/:,:■:;;'-,-;- ; f■:;;■■■;■;l'-;Vj|Wi ■.■:;• ' '■ ' AND ' >'.■. ; :-:■■.■ AUCKLAND - WEEKLY NEWS. N.Z. H-EBALP; 9d per . week, delivered. 1*0: town and, suburbs. Prepaid, ponied witlin | New Zealand, ■ 12s' 6d< Quarter; [^^fj^im "annum. : .■ , . • Auckland '' Weekl* ' News :»aid,. lot '; per quarter: £1 15s, per annum. ■•■ ~_/, jN;Z.--Hbrald: \i Small ( r prepaid ments under classified headings. 15 words ,&| per insertion." ; 2a .Cdthn!>e consecutive ">SgSMI tions; 20 ..words : Is. 9d : t per ,insertion,■;• «*} ?)T three consecutive insertions; 25 words WiSftsfffl '■■ per insertion, 7s .threes consecutive ■ nisei*. i tions. ■ :■ ':, , ■;■ ... .''-'' ' ,;' Replies bearin? nom-de-plumes_or only, care ;of post office, are not delivery ,•,.. by ■ the:: Postal Department. , ;r,. ; : : Replies 'to advertisements will be ie«*iW|i| ! at the office iof the .HEBALD.vjind,^if .neces- ' sary/forwarded ;on to the advertise'. _ Birth 1 Notices.' : 2s.;6dv' per..■ WfWl M doctors' or nurses' names,\,^^?j£^,« Nostra, MaJikiage, , Death. - $oa&p» | and In Msmoriau Notices,, 2s (>d per inset ~: : tion of ;30 words. If ; in- excess !of 30 w»g Od per line of.five ; words extra. . lB«w announcement? ; .must,;;. bo - signed . by «■ , advertiser.;- ' •'',;*•'' -) ' ' V ; ','-'-0 : ■ '■■ .Contract.'-.rates ion application. .. __*„„ g ■ The ■ proprietors-: dp not hold. •.theMiOffWM ' responsible .-for-non-insertion r, »*"f* 8 ■.■;;:; ments]fethrough%acciaent,oi f~ m t;^ *J i causes, or for error in the public»t«w * any advertisement. - \s" TELEPHONES: /^|fl Adve>tiding and: :: Commercial: l^r % Job Prating Order Office. 2990: »«gfc 14: Editorial. 229:. -Reporters. 8693 '<&*'"'%.&. Weekly News and- ,a| ?,■ Address Communications to Wlleoa •" ; ,-, Horton. P.O. Box. 32, ;Aucklaßd. :^^; Waikato Branch: -.Victoria Strew ,> * g P. 0.). Hamilton. ■ - _, . , ■ London Office: 85. Fleet Street.. , Uj^fjgj

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18458, 23 July 1923, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18458, 23 July 1923, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18458, 23 July 1923, Page 14