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$ 1 ' saa dTW 18 A> ft "i! * Quality Fter Felt: Hat - V IV Specially Reduced tO 79/6 j __==- - ~ —?J1 hoe English «" fcef * «° * 1 » in many -4 iffl jj 'V I A : r Monday, &assa sssaaszacsr-- , — =MBU fcutaneea the usual valu« is more than >* ;^> mß 0 V |^Pi'' , -"'^' I ' v 77 71 ST -V" f~l 17 o 7& y double tbo e&avo prion* tn« worth of tiiia H/ |T J X < /) | V*, lil'ftfllllra They are distinctive, one-pwea *W*+ «* #* a/* J] sy &% ft/if* 0& 8 M>S Jhfawf iftm f \fa f\4\4\4 4$ €$ l\l JOVO%Q tale otforing for men fa Tory apparent. I 6 £ WBH& f^ ' XI J ftfe |» deigned with long inset sleeve*, narrow hjUfUTllilV 1V10S& IfFlljUfflClWl &3 JIUVPiWIZ lltfWo -, . , ~ . „, - i v|-'" X A $B£!#Srasß tie belt, nicely braided, and with fur col- " ju, *■* 0 T*ei* •" *««* and out cd «° **»■* » >> 1a ' " HiflfillilM *««° * on °- In Grey ana Fawn tone °- IMt •** f<* Fawns, rßya ' Green, and —-— % l » 111 HPi Th« above statement isnot only *■* - , * -hk to Is also one to takes L?*]£t. — tdi TiirLrtt <> v t KisSJ-ja !s>i~@l 1 QOu tliero a>ro sexno in all sizes, out tae \ A 1«W 4 wfvMFl » „„ , living up to, for in these days of keea competition the shopper has an almost majority wo email and large* y\ x !\IW\ Vimm Mr A Number of Wrap-shape Coata . , , . ■ AI y I MmK Wskw M* *~ . ~, , . /.«./„ unrestricted choice. X \ \ J BSiiw IfF SI ° CarC • ' Despite the fact that no comparison prices have appeared! in our announce* Will Purdbase an All-wool A Numße? of EftglisK Tailored Sporty \ j i I film Wsw Jfir Number of quality in Navy. . h business recorded during the past few weeks only goes to prov<*» . Homespun Suit on Monday a Suits, A | X I ißm. W#• «r uri J /I ca /« unrestricted choice. x j \ J \f i$M ° earC a * Despite the fact that a© comparison prices have appeared in our announce &ffi& WIH Purdiase an AH-wool A Ninnße? of EfcgliaK Tailored Sports \ | K They are of finest qualhy Vclour, in Navy. businesa recorded during the past few weeks only goes to prov<s* . Homespun Suit on Monday, Suits, \\ 0 I ll • 3rSSP'; Fawni, and Brown. Designed with long .',,., ~° . .« « « e , •" , VI Q IIS roll collar> " nd nCQdy 9titched - A very **' the pubhc have greater confidence &an ever manM. &C. Sale. j^ d tbey a ordimtry ovoiy . day Clearing at 59/6. <^ j d I Beno3ble See them early on Certainly the prices are reduced with creaifc severity, buS the outstanding for-aervics snlto* hvX cat oa the sraa re es i lines jB, Beconi thought or look fa neceasaty to P£aß*s \ i BsSSsrP" ,5 Ifiill Mondav* . * » • * <• .1 ~e> • and finished In a mannor oonsietent with the . -f . » • ?• i I » liElJlill II Mo " day 4 attraction and real economy is found in the Genuineness of the ofemgfl ... , *»* ~. . ' .. .I. w ,6 1. that thfa fa a suit offering: of mere than ordinary V Y I,■ WRKffHlLl\y%ti*w P*'* • «■ nigh grade, quality detain® for whiclk M. ana C a f\ \ ifl ' • ■ lu'i from first to last in every section of the store. - are noted. importance. <\ 0 -' ' r> Tlif 1 C * IT 7 ! ftri r. « <>. « «■ They are all-woo! 9«ft», perfectly cut end finished. { 0 ISrPwlw Uellghttul Evening rocks, . Preparations for nest week have brought about keener pricings Own ever Th«ro are Grey*, Fawns* and Heather Mixtures, to i a H«ather mixture and Lovat «hade». The 01 ear * n S £5/5/-. on many lines, in pursuance of our aim to reduce stocks to a minimum fof weight* vary* «om« beinc suitable fos; -winter, 0 I' 4 llli HfH Mere Clearing at £5/5/-. a on many lines, pursuance oiE our aim to red!uc© ctoclxo to as Eoinimum fo2 c urK3 fa an opportunity he by any for summer wear. suitable for t->rimo.T, A j ¥■ laMl M . * <rlAn-3v»mon}nl c i 8 »an ©pportunfty swtft t«> bo rais&acl by any others for rammer wear. Q \ a <i Hero {a en opportunity of eecunng a oeparimencai rearrangemenia, rr ~,,,,,; \\ % II ?: lIS really amart frock at a most reasonable man fa need of ° good "«»"«*W« «* for hurf- A aplendid holiday nit that ahould be «.cured d A outlay. They are in Georgette. Crepe de , _ «««. er seneral wear. nw , wiUtt A. price fa only half the usual worth. A V IP? fT Chirac and Tofl : eta. In a rariety of style* Further Attractive Millinery OflFeringS fol* Every en& Is worth dotiHs «3so nsoneyb Sfaee 3. to ?. A I M'- : /111 and elaoice shsdea of Cerise, Pals Blue, MnnJoxr 0 iit. ji 1 f b , n . B , . . ivxonciay 4 \ • -0 *• \X' / 6 11 #*S a « Bi«Omt« GSM WraOßi Mww».m«iMMiw««»«wimwM»M — m^^^^-^- m^._^...»M .»« M M —<■ /) j vi r^^^v^^®fc!Hn £m*|^^s3iuSw^»^!^p>- t A' very interesting lot of Trimmed Hats in lovely quality velvet j; | Q I 8 . "" ' -■' ?? suitably trimmed with oapreys or mounts. In Black. Niggar, j] English Tailored Worsted Trousers,, A limited numbed I A] j m , • - 9l^^^^^ IVOJO or —Monday a Price, 45/-. ** k l \ I iffi ) iNrMmeatf Drpqisfn'* St©ncflled Often Dressing **\ „& \l\M Another attractive collection of Trimmed Hats m Black. Ni gff er, j Clearing at 19/6 pair fl |\| V, ~ fe^^ cess a-'XeaSA**©, _ A ,17 /\ - Ki and Navy.—Have been specially Marked at 29/6. C V X JoOwnOa , OT/IS JO§FT\ KSh_X/M 11/ if 50 very smartly trimmed Hats in Grey, Fawn, Nigger, or Black.— This fa another Kne that should appeal to men who purchase Clothing need* to the V i X W«i 17%. dealing at £1/*. itifflfv I A IJM "to V Cieared "* 21 " ' I bet adv«ta lr o. They aro well cut in good quality worsteds, in dark shades. Sixes 3to 7. 0 I a Pl©n<la.ya rXiCe, 17/&, . /ffifr/ ll\\ lIS 30 Only Valour Hats, perfectly new. and in the moat fashionable ! A I J . ' Splendid washmg and wearing MM « \\W ' Jlffll colourings. All tastefully trimmed and offering at 19/6. ij \ 1 V ~ nil in it garments. In Cream, Lemon, ( W" 1 \\ HavA . Mir IW ' A ■ ■ ———— .■■■■-.. — ■» ■ ' — (/ I Q F*igyE» Stylo, Zone roll csllnsreg Roja Fawn and Sa>xe groun d, 4l W VXiiLfflfJf 1/ Table of Ready-to- Pull-on Felt Hats, with beaver felt brims. \ i A and patch poclcot«» Id Vleu2 with front and sleeves faced to \ vUmff I In delightful shades of Rose, Green, White, Fawn, and Greyer—* V X fU**» , ~ r tone, , » Monday's Price, 12/6. Chiflon, Finish BlacK Velveteen, Figured Molletons, i I 8 ' Y^O^Tf '^ 1 ® e a^ues n Domestic Needs Afford Unusually Good 40-inch Width. The balance of our stock, of this excellent Wrap (> if Buying Opportunities for the Thrifty Housewife, Sale Price, 14/6 yard, and Dressing Gown Cloth h.. beeu ps rfced for \\ IQ, „ - -. „ i. , MMlMm%m * " - , , quick clearance at S/?.IS yard. \ 5 8 J Ths Bailee of Our Englkh Mi In A vAT Her<- are a Few Instances t ■» vJow o£ tho fact t3uit Chiffon fin » L Velveteen fa V ELI i r iTI lii a > ~* OCIC dies c* Aow . , -- , _~ , , x % r\ Cl /Tr~M*4~4TnJ very scarce, requirements should bo tilled from a \ A 683 * , Illifllil T UnWeaehed Twill Sheeting, good, strong. superior White Honeycomb Quilts.— bed size. 8/11. this splendid value line at the earliest opportunity. Omlifv SHV-. at On« Priri^—7/11 vnrrl X I Reduced to I©/11 for Monday, ffff WW I quality.—Single bed widthT/9i. 2/Sg; Three-quarter 13/3, 17/6; Three-quarter bed size. 11/9, 14/llj Quality bilks at Une h'rice—7/11 yard, \ 9 ' UfT+rffli / bed width. 2/91, 2/11; Double bed width. 3/33, 3/6, Double bed size, 14/6, 16/6, 17/9, 29/3. . . . This fa a very special sale offering which embraces A A . .-« , . , MP Bffiimliiililffi J? s/io. special bale Ufrenng or Superior . , ' \ . , ~ .. ~ D., M V b*f ■A?» n «.»!i(!r ehoro ore ?03 of them, and cyrory 111 I § i 6 ' ■ . . . ... c . , . . .- „,,.. c.- -i. . ~ several good makes including Mous;rhncs, Pailette, X J Altogether than TTfI.WI ..Kl« ry M||l»ffl j Whits T.U. Dan ,, unusually good M . in all Special price reductions on White Satin Quilts to Quality DreSS Materia and Taffeta, in widths 34 to 38 inches \ V one beautifully out and finished in the latest M>~LX¥ , -rf|r f qualities and widths, for institutions, tea rooms or reduce a heavy stock.—Three-quarter bed sire, y «-*>o maiHMio, ana laneras. in wiatna J»-» to jo incftes. \ V and very iwnartesrt ctyle*. The material* lEklfMSllM / home use.—4flin., 2/6; 39in.. 2/7; s ° sn " 2/,llj 58in., 19/11, 23/-, 38/3. t g/J| p er arc on "^ co^ onrin e a fn the Mousselino are Shell Pink. \ Q nclndo fancy iropp, volouft eporting *weeds, |S|IWW I 3/11; 70in., 5/10; 72in.. very special, 5/11. While Flannc!ottos show particularly heavy price , " * A . , ''* „ Champagne. Peach, Fawn, Sase. Fuchsia, Wine, V A J L t-J 1 rW-+'S]'Ujt Unbleached Damasks, strong qualities. 4Bin.,l/9j reductions in all widths and qualities.— Woven Strip© Veleur moo medium weight all- Mole. Ivory. V V md brushed vroow. MlJßfflr I 52in., 2/3; 54in., 2/7J; 56in„ 4/2; 64in., 5/2. wool material, suited for dresi.y frock or costume »- D., .. . . m . , A V «c AND SECURE ONE SPff I Tea Towelling -The clearance of odd number. Cream Nursery Flannelette, 27in..,-6/ll dozen. , n Black Whitei , Beavar th GoW> .The Pailette MJn Black only. V V J« Spiliv nMMnNniAY / / \ & I hring. about wonderfully good buying—22in.,B2d; N ,„™, Fl»««.l««« 27}« S/e J«,.„ Bottle with Magenta. Mole with Saxe, Nigger with The Taffeta, are in Violet, Peaoh, Lemon, Navy, X J OR TWO EARLY ON MONDAY // jM 1 26in., 103 d, 27in„ Hid. 1/3; 36in.. special. 1/61. White Nursery Flannelette, 2/m.-8/6 dozen. Gold. Dark Saxe with Light Saxe. 56 inches wide. Nigger. Black. Q\ A s-ongcloth—A fine pure snowy white cloth, 36 inches WhJte naillie i ettof plain.— 3oin.. 10Jd yard, 10/3 Gabardines-All-wool fine texture Botany twill, Shot Taffetas— and SuW> Limo -and 80**& \\ V tl s^U m^^SMS!^'^ !Si!sm * wide.-Extra Special Value at 9/11 dozen- dozen: 1/- yard, 11/9 dozan; 36in., 1/3 yard. M/ 9 n«. je«_u*iuj C I A /y -«« au * r eozea, y '""'"' ~f ->*»«.. */o j«ru, *^/ */ equally auited for rrocka or costumea. In shades VI V; W. , Strong White Calico, suitable for nightdress or under- dozen; 1/7J yard, 19/3 dozen. „. £ , .. . c . . _ ~ A I J WSO garments. 36 inches.—Special Sale Value, 7/11 do*. „.,.., , of Kmgfi»he,, Saxe. Light Brown. Nigger, CM W g«rriettes— loo dozen really good quality cloths to White Twill Flannelette, 36m.—1/Bfi yard, 17/3 Vieux Rose. Bottle, Fawn, Grey. 56 inches wide. Ladies* Woollerl TniVinfe'ra- ' VI '|<5 iCoyeet®, iTcloarod at 12/6 per dor.en, dosen; 1/7 yard, 19/3 dozen. aieS WOOlJen jumpers, X J Small B fee S ; Heavily Reduced for Quick Clearance, Hardwear Tweeds and Sports Hopsac 3 BalanCC °[^ Stocfc «» *™% <? IV A number of up-to-date modelu Another line of Pink Silk Broche .-m JOT ©«g £"\ jf~~*H "fl J CvM 1 At 2/6 VardL ' X fi£ in P'nk cotton, and cotton and Gossards, good numbers, m sizes, \i /l fl I -«m >Hk XIY M IHft AT Ts~^>d2h O - | A warm Knitted Jumper fa a very sensible invest- X I A sflk brocho. Low busts, long ft ll ZZ~la also being cleared Willi 1 |C~ &JjL \J J 111 ¥VW Q These mntorialß °° particularly suited for chil- ment. especially at the above price. AH colours, V I A Well boned ekirta, 3 cots hose A plain Whito Coiitil Gosnard, in h ,s - -■ • «/ ' - dren*. wear, and are showing in a wide assortment qualities and size, are included in the collection, 0 j I X supports. Sizes 19, 20, 21« sizes 20 and 22 ._._ onpTl ir>T^ r ef colourings and neat designs, Including over-. and bolth English and American styles are ropre- Q\ \l\ The Sala Price, 19/111, H Redocod to 9/11. Leas than OUJc/lj/jN IS i K.JLlfJtl» J. jahecka and various etripea. 40 Inehes wide. Rented. " Aj I Q abous one-third usual vnluot h»H usual value. "- - " ~ Ljt ynxSs)qsß»»»wg.!«««^''-' | ' ,w| '' || '''* | "" iag!g ' raaaag ' >M ' u i '"■" , "' "" m " """""'""*""" > '™'*"'""' ■ i ~ , , . < ~—~ '■*—*-—~r^_"._' it fa Less ; g Former'" rrTTTTTTTTT ; rTr^rV^ JUUUU The Dominions Largest Department Store All &JTap&TJ mMA VlUUlillg »»««»»j m —— , „______»_________———. I ) '""" >*■■'— M»s<lsisiswwswSM>»siWSwaßSM^ass«SMSlWsJWsjßSHS»»asMS<Bss»sa»swi L — . __ i— _ —__ _ — ——— IUI-aM'c Shirt* JOS\ Brunswick Motor Tyres H rt.iF.hW, .-J I Sheeting. Skirts. _, tp a __ n. m&n ® DmilL ® f£f%\ at Great Reductions. H Infants' Wear. white twu. sheeting,■»«£«** <*>* -- Tweed —■'■— (f/rk •*§■*• ? ir«3f/ s DlOUbCb,. di | 0 c J @ ar at If W\i •-«-"*-•• TEXT «• " * H Infants' Wear. II S fr-' «-* "* u ' "* r rocKS » DIOUMJi, ■ai| to c f ear a | IS J -«- —a, x,™,- *. «- - h-4 ' J./ t7 - I __ A -snag R« I 111 J These special Prices offer still arrester economy. L M ««.,0 80-inoh . 3/5 O/Q £■« ITfe • I*S /(f* 1 1 ■* O ■ „.&.«. *&*Ss / vs«% ?i S /#/» Note these Prices:— m FROCKS. a ii/y rFIfP IZ/o if <rei"ra af* IFwii/f 5 I ®B /#® Mil Urn , . m . I IJ<UC a fi *'? &£*/ w a JiTrfllSSOCl i OlCutC # / 11*% »ml AW Size. To fit Car Pabrio. Cord. Tebes. L> Strlyoa and Check Gingham Frocks, for Plain Unbleached Sheeting, a closely- ii tiJ&%» >«& *» "*»" y£lj i HI? *Wk #W 82 x3i Dodge oiie, straight sides 68/8 S5/3 12/6 f little girls. Sizes, 27 to 3fi inch«s. -woven cloth that will wash and wear «■• » mB&l I vbjP \M)\m%f/ 53 x 4 Dodge 0.5., etraight linen 84/3 £B/S/3 13/h-< Special Price, A /11 to your complete satisfaction. jsi«-t To., Girt Tllahcag wifh ' \MIK f 53 x * New Modelßuiok, straight „.,„,» ..., I I 4/11. usual Price, saie pries. ladies' Tweed Coats, in Fa-wn Ladies Jap. Silk Blouses, with ,*«,,.*..!..* sidos ' " " " 9 * /9 £8 / 3 1,,, * ~ . . „,, ~ -lit „„„,. n rtiW» roll collar n 2Savy and Black. — Ab we -wish to quit somo odd Shirts that "* JO ( P Children's Cambric Frocks, in . stripes 54-inch -2/5 ■ /.I — ——, check, large convertible collar, roil couar n «a-y ana are slightly soiled and faded, we are | _ . « —■ . -J M »nd chocks. Sizes. 20 to 04 inches. xl lx loose l e eves~Usual Price, 70/-. Usual Price, 19/6. pricing them at 2/6, win* the stock f Ba.e Price. 9 /Uto Clear. eo-inca * -8/6 2 /ll I C a I A P^ A 1A /R * & arfW avttfSg- thf ___ , .- - tj ° /J - L - I LAOIte Sale Price, 49/6 Sale Price, 10/b very low figure, we regret beinsf un- fZ — "77 ••© » u — Ld — __— th'Bm FFIC@« 4H/P W * *»wwy / able to fill mail orders. Call on Mon- «T6 ?> O H rrERErr UNDERCLOTHING Jale ' 7 Ladies , Crepe , deChine Blouses , ttts&SrtPA- Clearance of Jute &* Harness i L cwrolM A ,™^ B , , ~,,.. Ladies' Wool Frocks, long sleeves *' S axe, and Sky. _ _ Seaming Twine. Meters. [ ' '~ Dr ,„„ _,„ Colonial All-Wool Blankets—Big, heavy, a e ..«.L* «!■ rnllnr and sleeves faced with _ aJCallllilg a WlllS'Co M Sale Pries, 7/6- fleecy; warm Blankets, that are «oap- (•©!! HOW 06 DOUSfut ftl Collar ana Sleeves la.cea wuu T^f*l A «*.»* 1 C/fi These little machines «e * boon H J/U tionaliy good value. Get a pair on ™US MWtigm »* contrasting colours. / . To Clear at IS/6 «» . T 4 / duto Seamhvg Twine, _,„. to aU who aesd to ra^rW Mondav J ' «««<«'*» 1 ann h # ouio ocamui* '«""''•' «or naaa, hori'e covers, «tack covc.*», □ ;»«»«.« -sffltt- .. 2 3/6. Remarkable Savings. Sale Price, 25/6 Cream Radianta Btom> itlCll Sfc lieS, !/■ »* bn «»' core ,"-, et ?-- .Wo etc Will rivet leather □ „^r, aßß ,, ««an« -.23/6. Remarkable Savings. Sale Price, 25/& utes , Cream Radianta BlollßeSi tai . M-llrte^^ l l„ fc Infants' Lens Carnforfo Robes, trimmed Double Bod - • 39/6. N.OHTOR.SSES. U di«-Woo. Coats, with beH aU with roll collar, which can be a .few » Moaday at tbu Clearance — - " - Price, 5/11 L. witkembrofder, and lacs-Usual Pnca. V nightdress. Ladies' Wool Coats, with belt all buttoned to neck; long sleeves. pnce - -J/ each. KD psr hank. 0/U f 14/u. Qais Price. O/i ■< _„— ~~ — Ladies 'Woven Nightdresses, in Wool round. In Grey and Is avy. —TTRnnl Pric« 13/6 •*-' ? " Extra Rtvets, 1/- per box. IvJ O/11. <f% *!*. ond Cotton, with V necks and oollara. " USUai J: XICO* 10/ O. j __________!_ , Tl UlllltS. Natural and Cream coloured. Sizes: -g «im « « 1 re • ■* /* « _ — — ' -—---—— H| oavoown, •*«-*- w °™nrprivii 21 "- Sale Price, 14/11 Sale Price, 7/11 . ! Bed Coverings for these wintry nights. JLJ/11. — -» <a J ■ ' '"" ' ■T'" -— """— L J Infants' Day Gowns, made in fine Lena- Size, 6x 5. 1%/1 fi?» /* If HIT trav«a >» M u a n^ce: iembroiclory Sale price - 23/6. IVien 5 lait Weaners. Wilson's-. M Sale Price, 2/11, afneck and' sleeves-Usual Price, 12/9. 1_ w r wiu /IJ. MJII * A /^ H . Sale Pric«. Q/g J 1 • ,plf 11 is JBerfactbr safa and (jnt MlilS. 49 /fi 111 B.nR AB . Towels. camjsoles * _._ ,_,-.™„ CORSETS WOFKHIg iHarmless. Thw V.ear>er has wm srißd r McW r4 \ ToWelS PI fWV VV OFfCllflM *° W*™* auckmg aideCl i ba.hras. nuvvcia. « A „,e OLES uLU¥£i CUKotulo wv va » Tbo loop „Jh rid 6 , WiU erinfl Bh M P ( mtant, Fianne, B.rra, made of best Striped for hard service. iiAmiewtesi RARGAINS * I • C •- r"out!i has never failed. a«it v jit» H infant, F.anne, Barras. made of best BrOa. Sglprt Tow. JB . for hard service. La<fit)S , Jap> sj|k Camisotes , v and gARGAIMg . f ,_ rw •- M &fc ,74 bot,nd v ' lth braid - Sale Price, 1 /Q pair. square neck, in Pale.Blue Pink. Black OAaUAUHD. a | fjagg I hail Slllfc dSS'tb"toat fa rt%. aide of and aasil, rswtaW to rrind >-•■ ' _.'_. " „, ,_, ; I/O and White—Lsual Price. 5/11. ajf |J| 1»« the mouth. The V;esucer i* small, mcodiuHi. or l»r*«.~ H ——6/11. HvaM T el „ M . ke , « pldid ! «-«»4/6. Half Price - »-"--».. I j 19m, -4in. [ Sals Pri&e O /-j-j pair. ! M / |y^3 ►"4 infants' Silk Bonnets, f ocond mzc. V-ound Sale Prices i/O i/Q yard. Ladies' Navy and Grey Fleecy-lined "' ■' £1 J_L ' Ladies* D. and A. Corsets, medium top, ©_<# II / %Jl/ *— „_—_———— ... ...... 1 I j with poplin and finished with silk tie- "V-- ,1- Blo&mers. Is O.S. only.—Usual Price, t _ "S ** / M string-Usual Pries. 4/11 "g -'/q yard. 5U - Sal( . Prico t, O Aberdeen Heather Mixture Wooen Usual Price. 14/11. _______ „_ j L J Sale '"'I/I] OJ,B »' Mb " l'« 1/5 Sals Price, 4/3. G |ov e3- &]} _ Were 2/6. ]nn „ rt . £izes< 32 to BWac i.__ P your work is hard en yonr clothes, mMmmmmmm g mmnomMmmmmmmmmmmm^m^m a mmm,^^ H '"' " — VEST s. "'■ PH '- 1/- -■ Monday's Special Price SJlKri.'iS'S GROCERY SPECIAL for MONDAY. petticoats. ' CI 1 I muuuay 5 special x HCC, faavinc the appewtnce of oTd j, 6ry j ! [ . rlSllineiS. Natural Woven. Wool and Cotton Vests- Ladies' Knitted Cotton Gloves, all sizes, . tweod. but much wore durable. Our . A firTairQ (C~ ~J\ I M infants' Long Cambric Petticoats, trim- Open front, snort sleeves—Usual Price. ■ LJ . v - ; Q1 »C /U 1 Palmer Nap. Suits are being worn by /%JriKi\-'U» 1 D { Laiinea ) I [ med with embroidery and tucks- 27-lnch Colonial Flannel, in Shetland, 7 11. . , 15 ft/ I i faimera, ergjnf*rg. and oatacor workers g oiftuvviw y^^"" 1 -'- 1 / a &*-< Usual Price, J/11. Light Grey, and Dark Grey. Sale Price, ~|| Sale Price, 3 pairs for ->; /__ V* & & everywhere. rney are tip-top value, | / • i M Sa ' a PriC8 ' 2/11 • Sals Price, 2/g yard. ' ' j Special Sal. Price I Monday's SpeCial PfICC, \/4 till I h-4 , . _ . , . . •.- Ladies' Natural Ribbed Cotton Vests — — — — ~~ ~ ~ " __^^_ w ' <- I . <•■•?■ 3 H tuck*. sale Pries, " Sale Pries. 2/5 yard. rnCe- ° Sale Price, 9/ g, " '■ M ' Pl C d e F Sh"lßn' in -M^' 1 Grer " afk UNDERSKIRTS. J ¥ T © |F|jp! _ J @ t (AUCfe) W •J' ■""' c s -'-r«- 27-lnch Doctor Flannel, in Natural Price, w'-'e. ' >J '""" *"" a&a %aJ&#S* &M* <m eki : iS2SP i,, A iS &A M» %la#@» ■• * IvJ Spatial Price, 3/11 " Shetland, Dark "Grey and Navy. ' 1 " sale Prico, -J A /Q. at^ P I '° """ 3/6 '"*• I I IU/ CORNER OF HOBSON STREET and WYNDHAM STREET, pML-Y~^Y^jr"T F VVVT TT V V~~V Y V V 'yfTVTTTVVV T 4 I " "ST "V" ▼T' T y-T^'TT^' r^ry^ri 'V VV V" YTT"*y VT ▼ Y ,^"'T^''T^T^^r^ , v ,r TVTT ▼V" V "T'"''T^ , TT Y T^T^T^r^T^Y^T^T^T" L JLjLA A A AA. A A .AJ,Aa. a. a a aa a a/A A>■ ■<- AA A -»- A A J A^A^L^k^L^^A^*VJ>wA.^sY^^ J?»ate<i aid Pfiblifii*d bj Bskk Scares, d Eraaaeia, a»d Wasiws Eoasss, ci Takaposia. to the Ptcsrittosr. Wiisoa jj«> Htsica. st ih*ix offlc«, its, Quecsj Stroat, and at 1 and », Wiadfcaa eu«e%, At»aaa4. »t* Saala»4. BatOTJW, fete S3. 683®.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18457, 21 July 1923, Page 16 (Supplement)

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18457, 21 July 1923, Page 16 (Supplement)

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18457, 21 July 1923, Page 16 (Supplement)