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.SI _ "5 Unquestionable Bargains AT THE END OF SEASON. Easy Shopping. | in all Departments. Phenomenally Low Prices g Melius Wear. [1 _. Children's Wear. I Ground Floor Department. ' I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^T^^^ <P ' ,^f^^^^,; Department, Fourth Floor, | Dressing Gowns. <=^^^S^^^^^^^^^il ' "W-J-J- ! J ! ! . ; !i H ; AU WooS Knitted Frocks - § Fur Felt Hats. 1 | J||j M I jjjlj J LJ=4 * Underflannels. . — °° loSsal 19 - 6 ' | All Wool Colonial Flannel Undershirts, in If i.I IJ I 1i j I 'ft |j I'M il |T IT I .THftbl ~.i I jjfflk V H'l i' ' HF*Ssf Vfilnnr Cloth Coats. $ Grey and Shetland. All sizes—Usually ; _j[ ) [j |j| jj |j I ;{• :| j Jjj J|| jj 'j J j ! lijlijl& : ;II 3-fe 33*s. £ "* Comfortable Fitting Maids' Yeiour £ Cardigan Coats. I_JC_ JjT/tl : ""17^^^^ ?^i —I H kw> '--' c?IMSS \ Sr * ll! \. 4? *™ nw- I Knitted _ English Cardigan Coats, a J pj^x^rrz^r--——, . — J " —J '* 't jj } 'Sd Cinnamon—Ubualh" 39*6.' **" ' £§ wool; in Plain Cream and Cream 'with LU-Uy irm. "JtTTZ——', ■■ fe ."- PS ' I ,~_- —n Colossal Sale, 79 6. «- Colossal Sale, 9/11. ' W ■"**"*' Shawls. | eJlliijM ttU *" i'' l ' ' Infants' All Wool Honeycomb Shawls— -u Crimean Shirts. ~^^ °""" J ' B <&— «*. «'»■ • § XT-' Iff [j) Sl;> Colossal Sale, 6.11. jy Men's Crimean Shirts, of best colonial ' —T' '^^^===^k==^ :i ' Infants' Fane? Wool Shawls—Usually S flannel, in Dark Grey and Grey with ' jj,a }<;,(, 22 6 up. * S? self stripe; and collars attached iiuijmimmmiiimmiimii'iiiniiiiiiimnimimimuiimnii!!: 11i iiii!!Ki 1 iiiiuiiiiiiimniiiiimniiiimitiiiiniiiniuiiiiiinmimßHiiiiuiiius Colossal Sal? Prices. 9 11, 116, IP'S. jD Usually 15/6, 14/6, 11/6. _ rfellF^- 1 f Cream Oashniero Shawls-Usually 27/6 to ft! Colossal Sale, 13/6, 11/6, 10/6. | • PnCefl HOUSChOId GoO«ls. ! ** Colossal M. Price, »,*. I Navy Flannel Shirts. = . . ... „ . „ ' , i _ , .*.»«.-*-.* i ~:: —: I 7~ § in Navy Doctor Flannel, best quality- I An WooS Colonial Blankets. Coloured Alhambra Quilts. j Radianta Frocks, gj Usually 15/6. ' § All Wool New Zealand Blankets, heavy Useful Coloured Alhambra Quilts, best § Infants' Radiants Frous Usually 12/6, jy Colossal Sale 13 6 - weight, fleecy; guaranteed for service make—lo-4 size. Usually 9/11; 12-4 size. I Colossal Sale, '',11. KM| °° loSi>al SEIe ' 13/6 ' 1 -9.4. Usually 28/6; 11-4. 49/6. Usually 13/11. ' I — —— :- - 7 ~ re « . . «, . . I Colossal Sale, 9-4. 22/6; 11-4. 37/6. Colossal Sale, 10-4, 7/11; 12-4. 11/6. 1 Cream Wool PettJCOatS Rf Cambric Shirts. | - — ■ § Hants' Cream Woo Petticoats, hand » Men's Permaoola Striped Neglige Shirts; 1 Heavy Bush RugS. Value in Sheetings. I marf « VsuaUy 8-11. §j guaranteed fast dyes: best quality cam- = - „.„„„„,,* _ ~ . _, i Colossal Sale, 5/11. ffi brics; all sizes with bauds—Usually I Size 60 by 80, Extra Heavy Busu ■ Rugs. Fine Linen Finished White Twill Sheet- § _ _ --— ffi 9/11. ' " ? " ' "'' I reliably made—Usually 21'-. ing, slunvjug excellent value—Usually, | Flannel PettlCOatS. BaiTaS. »3^ ' " Colossal Sale, 7/11. I Colossal Sale, 1./6 each. 54hi 2/6; 72in.. 3/3; 80m 4/3 = p , Petticoats and Barras- § ! | Also, size 80 by 100-Usually 53 6. Colossal Sale, 2/3, 2/11, 3/11. | Usualh 7/11) 8/H> ffl a/fpn's Cor Quite I Colossal Sale, 29/6.. Also. Same Prices and Widths in Heavy | 'oo'lccsal Sale, Ell, 7/11. L*3 man & Odt o>«{tb. | _____ . Unbleached Twill Sheeting and Plain I ~J— % Men's Tweed Eeady-to-wear Sac Suits, | A Wqo f DOCtOr Flannels. Linen Finished White Sheetings. | Children's BSOOmerS. S well out. strongly finished, in Dark _ ' " , ■ ■ g children's Grev Fleecy Bloomers. 3* Greys-Usualiy 80/- and 90/-. All § All Wool Unshrinkable Doctor Flannels, 36-iHCh Medium CallCO. I Siws ] -Usually 2/8. 2/10. ' fS sizes. I in White, Orkney, Natural, and Shot- v g '-' ' ' ' Colossal Sale I'll Jg Colossal Sale, £3/7/6 the Suit. = land—Usually 2/11. 36-inch Heavy Medium Calico, pure fin- s ~. _ ,' ,- "V r .,,'i. v -i] - v \i& M ! : 1 Colossal Sale, 2/8. ish—Usually 1/3. . | es 3 ' 4 ' *' b - L - ual, '' 3 "' '"' ' ' g Tweed OverCOatS. 1 Also, Dark Grey Union Doctor Flannel. Colossal Sale, 12/6. | ■"> >• Colossal Sale, 2/6. § ,r . _ . , . , , „ § Colossal Sale, 2/3. 40-inch Fine Madapolam, sols finish-- I g - -, R_-l"sr-jUv 3/9 3/11. Rfc Men's Tweed Overcoats, with belt round I L__. Usually 1/3.' ? '* ootaSil SaftVll. fti „ , . . ,- 1, £ j,a. _ Colossal li. 11. Ih waist; well cut, cosy styles-Usually 1 28-inch Union Shirtings. Ootesal sale, 1/- yard. | 1 „__ g <o/- to au/-.. I a s Wool Knitted Bloomers ri " ,; **»* Sale, 637, .I ■ *#%£§£ N.Z. Tweed Shirtings. i Maid.' Grey Wool Knitted^oomera/ 0 1 Hanriko»ThiAf<: l gnninds-Usually 2/3. 29-inch All Wool New Zealand Tweed 1 fit ageh 14 u> 19 years-U.uai.y 8/6 to » rs«inL(J\ertnßtiS. « Colossal Sale, 1/7 per yard. Flannel Shirtings, excellent lor men;,. § "/°- rt! Men's Fine White Cambric Handkerchiefs, J boys' ttnd children's wear; in Dark § Colossal bale, 5/11, b/11. Sai^ld^h bOTders? inedluin size !. 36-inch White Flannelette. "'"' ab ° 1"" Maids' Coutil Corsets. I Colossal Sale 6fi each; 2/11 the 4 dozen. § 36-inch White Flannelette, extra, fine Colossal Sale, 2/11. = Maids' Corsets, of strong White Coutil, & Plain White 'cambric, large size-,* I make-Usually 1/10 | A good shape, in -jr*. 22in. to 25in.~ | - Colossal Sale, 7d each; 3/3 the 4 doaen. | Colossal Sale, 1/8; 19/6 dozen. White Terry Towelling. 1 * Colossal Sale 6/11. 1 Pure Linen Taped Handkerchieis, medium I ~ __ _ 18-inch White , Terry Towelling, strong I —_— 1 Jw size-Usually l/ii. § Heavy Ktown Towels. an t < durabie-usuaiiy i/i/,. i Children's White Bloomers. & _ Colossal Sale, 1/6 each. | Lar g e sise Keavj Brown Turkish Towels, Colossal Sale, li*d. | children's White Cotton Bloomers, fit K Mercerised, Coloured Borders 5/9 | Wonderful value Usually 2/3. Coloured Roller Towelling. § ages 2to 5 years. g dozen. Sale. | Colossal Sale, 1/11 each. SJd, 9£d, IOJd. "Sale.'' | Colossal" Sale, 1/- per pair. EH • • i-ir H|i,iiiiiiiiiiii«i«Jfiii!iiiiiiiiiiiifiimiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiaiiniHiini iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimttitt-,iiiimirt;nrm(TO(in Jy Neckwear and Toilet. Bargains in Furnishings. Ribbons and Trimmings. S Remarkable Value in Ladies' Woollen Knitted Scarves, in Cream 50 . inch Attractive i Figured Madras Muslins of super (jl]a i S(i - inch Two-tone Wool and Silk Flouncing*, in Nigger «»| Cop- jy ground, with Apricot, Putty, Grey, Henna or Rmerald d design-Usually 7 ,11. Oolccsal Sale, 2/11 per yard. } r,„.°n 1-? «' i'"' N K r " """ « Stripes—Usually 10/11. , Colossal Sale, 4/11 each. b - , < r j —l.sually 18/6. Colossal Sale, 6,11 per yard. jsj Plain "coloured" Pine Silk Knitted Scarves, in Wines, Purples, ' 50-in>Jh Black and White Check Madras Muslin, with pretty 36-inch Radium riOuncings.'good designs. Mid pffretiv* colours in Browns Green and Pinks— Usually 4/11 to 12/6. | Blue flower— 6/6. Colossal Sale, 3/11. Navy, Nigger, also Ivory (imperfect edpn)- Usually 7/11.. « ' firtinflflai <salP 5/11 R/"ll each i , Colossal Sain, 8/11. £s Colossal sale, 2/11, »/ll eacn. gQ Coloured Art. Serges, pood service . lble quality, heavy „ rw _ T'. ' , « . T . • ffi Ladies' Round Lace Veils, in Brown, Grey, and Black, also -h,.jn ? , Brow . eMd Green-Usually 5/11. Ver y D * ,nt y L f ce ? ouncings. Inutalion Ilosepomt r«»cl,w»e. # Square Veils, with Chenille borders, in Grey. White. Hehc, b ' «',„«„ el,. -/„ nflr v „, ,K lvorv t>nl - v - 16 i" K » a6m.—l--BnaJ]y 12,!,', 3776. fg and Mole-Usually 3/11, 4/11. Colossal Sale, 1/6. Colossal Sale, 3,11 per yard. Colossal Sale, 9/11, 19/6. & Ladies' Tan Cloth Waistcoats, smart new styles, best quality 31-inch Handsomely Designed Cretonnes— 1/6 to 3/3. Dainty French Wire Woven Val. Laces, with Insertion to mn-uh, jp cloth—Usually 5/11 10/6, 13/6. " oolossa] Sa] i/ i m Coin and Spot designs—Jin,, lOid. "Sale," 6Jd. ru Colossal Sale, l;ll, 2/11, 3,11. ' ' » ' lim., Usually 1/3. "Sale," 10? d. jm Also, Smart Brocaded Vests, in Black and Light. Navy. Black 40-inch Scalloped Madras Muslins, with pretty coloured figured | Moirette Underskirt Prills, in Navy, Nigger, Mole, Grey, fav, ft! and Gold, and assorted colours Usually 15/6. border— 2/11. Colossal Sale, 1/11. V. Rose, and Ivory. Good quality— Usually 3/11 U, 6/11. ft Colossal Sale, 6/11. „ , " Sale," I'll'. * ft! Also, 50-inch Figured Floral Curtain Muslins—Usually 3,3. ... . . , . , , ' ' „ , ifM »«fliT» e ™ w*im»TiinTrpF"! „e, ~ ~. 18-inch Camisole Laces, heavy Glun>- effects— Usually 2/13, 35, pi BARGAINS EN HANDKERCHIEFS. '< Sale," 1/6. 5/H. » g a i e >. 2/3( /6, 3/11. S White Cambric Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. "Sale," 1/10 doz 36-inch Smart Trellised Pattern Voile Casement Curtaining— Oriental Wool Trimmings, smart Khadcs—Usually lin., 4/6; 3b., ffi Coloured Bordered Cambric Handkerchiefs—Usually 3/9. Usually 3/11. Colossal Sale, 1/-6. " 8/11. " Sale," 2/il, 4/11. " ' M Sale," 1/11 dozen, ,- , _ «i,««— «« m ,-,',• « , • . Narrow Fancy Tinsel and Frilled Silver Edged Ribbons, for hat al 6 unlj—iieal Cninese Kugs, handsome desi/rns. An exclusive . ~'■,. ~ . , ... „ ,?, ' ft; White Cambric, with 4-inch hemstitched borders. Good size. Rue at a bare?.in price Size 7ft bv 4ft--Usually £17/10/-. ° r blig njuahmg; ah shades—Usually lOd. - J|l All White. Sale," 3 fori/. Colossal Sale. I2puicea ,,; ' ' ' ~ w4 . B|KW " *la, 6d ' _ ' , ,„.. , g Coloured Mercerised Handkerchiefs, allover designs, dainty ' . J" anc y Hat Band Sibuons, 1:1 stamped Lire, Oriental, Basel, * nualitv Usually 6d Colossal Sale 3 for 1<- Art lisdroom Carpets, in soft shades and colourings. Size 12 x Honeycomb, and Floral designs,; lAm., 2m., and 2y.r,. re '"' " ' " Usually £5/19/6, £7/10/-. Oolosisal Sale, 37/6, £5/19/6. widths—UsaaUy 1/9 to 2/11. " Sals," M to 1/6. R! BARGAINS IS PERFUMED FACE POWDERS OF NOTABLE B Axmiaster Body and Border Carpet good cobur- 6 Fancy Skimped and Plain Cire Ribbons, in .11 popular -1 RELIABLE MAKES,. j^ s and designs— 16/6, 17/6. ' ' shades--Usually 2/11, 3/11. Colossal Sale, 1/6. .gj Bourjois in Carnation, Rose, Violette, Mignonette— 4/6 Colossal Sale, IS/11 per yard. 9-inch Wide Floral Ribbons, for Sash or Bag.-t. A rose design rH ' " ' Colossal Sale, 2/11. ' * • ! on Pink, Helio., Sky, Kingfisher, and Black grounds- re „„ it _ . ... ' w „,. . T - ~ 0/7 Best Grade Carpet Felt, in Green and Maroon only; extremely Usually 6/6. Colossal Sale 3'll M Roger and Gallet's, Jasmin, Migsonette, Heliotrope—Usually 2/3 v id»_T7«iaJ!v 13/6 -,"• « «»« •>»«, «,u. JS fc Colossal Sale, 1/6. lde -usuanj ; li«-i ?a on | Wide Oriental Spot and Floral Ribbons. Great variety— St tJoiossaj bait-, s/11. s .-. „« . ~ ~.. - - re Atkinson's Powder de Beaute, in all colours—Usually 3/6. ..,.,,, , B ' Li - "' rti Colossal Sale, 2/6. Single Ben Wire Stretchers (3-foot size], slightly damaged— Marabout Trimmings, Pink, Sky, Mauve, Lemon, V. Rose, Jade, Jg JC L. Vanishing Cream, dependable and safe—Usually 1/6. Usually 39/5. Ems-aid, Royal Grey—Usually 1/6, 3/9. « j.u.ii. vawsflwg w , ((^ale „ I; ,_ - ' Colossal Sale, 19/6. Colossal Sale, C*d yard. Hi BttmnniiiinHniiniiifiiinininininHiimuHnminmniimii imßiiiiiiiiHiniiiiiiaiHiiinniiiiniiimiiiiimaiiiii wiHmiiiniiiiKiii!iinniHtHiH:iiKHHwraiHiHnimniHHHU!i«HiiiiiiiHnHiHiii»ni!r»iipjM:.;!ifna ll ,,i Hl , li , l „, ilH , i , l n i"». 111.11.1 8.- t m*-i«nw<.Ba fW Sa!e»Priced Silks. j Ladies', Maids', Mk Sample Ornaments j Boys' Wear Bargains, | 37-inch Coloured Chiffon Taffeta Silks, in Children's and 0 \ of Half D r ; rp I B °K r i&£™ts "'l " King's Cohege g Lemon. Fawn. Saxe, Grey, and Deep Cream VJUIUICII 5 dilU « Ql Jldii I flCe Grey" Shirts, «■».». collars arm bultwi g -r" a ilv 7-11 ... li >f J r? . /# ™. i fronts: to fit hoy*— Colossal Bale Prices, 6 ai ~su cobi a i sale 5/11 i Men s rootwear # nra m In iKp to & ' to 8/6; 10 { " 12: ' 8/ll; 131014 - to S a/n. # jJC m. ifi *•"" S/6; J5 to 17, to 9/11. '& 40-insh Superior Quality Coloured Crepe de all at M Hnj AtMl 7 C <-* I ~ ' "~~" * Chines, in Primrose, Pale Pink. Helio., D J J D" if tJU m Alt Waie OeCtlOH. i Boys' AD Wool Knitted Bibbed Jem'ys, in ft! Saxe, Navy, Coral, Nigger, Cream, and KedUCed rriCCS. # IA I % j ' Grey, B«>w„, N.vy t a »d lr ,oio g S7-inch Smart Check Taffeta Silk, in Black. j ._ ysUsisl ■• ' •-' •- H . Colossal Sale, 2/11 and 4/1 L g Np T , Grey, Brown, " d Js^aUv 3U K'6 vnlh % bTAR ATTRACTIONS. M \ So 7«: English-made All Wool School Hose, » fti OVt CouSal S;' 8/S "'"" % C BU* rnd^White'^ ~XA ?iS?»S? | IT >lnp * U>]> '' A " """' C "»'» : J | 30-inch Stripe Japanese Silk, of durable quality, i % ¥«pe' ilf ">:'"'«: > I Colossal Sale, all at 2/6. g a ~'->od v-ashing silk—Usuailv 5/11. ' S Sfar "Attraction Price, MONDAY, i Boys' Strong English Tweed Sport Style Suits, k? ~ Colossal Sale, S/11. ' ! 1 6 °" r "*"■ Af j !° n 5r y V"t ">"'"''"" l>l ™ mr » A '-* f " r § ; —IT - ' Pailette^Silk, ir7 Molf. Brawn, I ilk 29-inch Cciourec! Fuji Stlks, a *,•.;{■.<■.-?>.», I f, ." 19 v,'.' _. >.i,,„.,; c 5 ',« «/i , 9 . 8 1 SC>-inch Stripe Pailette Silk, in Moif. Jrirown, % ..;,;;. U uai-tv suitabl* fo' * "J-*■■■•■ as/-.,-,,.,' " : J '''>^ s —vOiCKaai wit <s//», stripes: goVd quality silk—Usua'iJy 11/6. I J& Coral. Tur?juJ;»e„ "iiVik-.j" "'Kiwflf'wl M I Also, in Eough'Kflgiisr liivy fit 6 jy 36-inch Black or Navy TaSeta Silks, with white i JB ''star Attra=t7oi'i" Price, Monday, y&k I 7" " " ' ~" g _ 8-ii. ; . 8 From 9to 1! a.m. only- % \ ™}^ t^ ] n 85C " " 1 lS " a,iy Colossal Sale, 7/11. !' " ALWAN'S BUSY/' j Colossal Sak, 23/6, | AUCKLAND'S LEADING DRAPERS - THE J.C.L. - QUEEN STREET g

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18457, 21 July 1923, Page 9 (Supplement)

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18457, 21 July 1923, Page 9 (Supplement)

Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18457, 21 July 1923, Page 9 (Supplement)