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I A revelation in 1 college JHMKIA , IQ- • • rt,«*~ft»e- ' 1 BOOTS GfIRTEItS Virginia Cigarettes No mettd m touch™ 111 *jj ** 11 Iggjp^ There is leg comfort I : 1; ; * ' El HARD WEARING and long comfort in I ; At the first puff vou realise that || iaw PRICES PARIS Garters. They I they are different to any others || L Y' W r " l V B are always higher in \ 1 ''■'"''. vou may have smoked. 333 are il Boys' stout Call College Boots, quality than in price. J . £•§ I so clean, sweet and pure. The If £{£ £? &?*%& Se When you buy ask : ; 1 leaf used in their manufacture 1 I fitting and very neat appearance. distinctly for PARia :';> p r3 has a distinct flavour only to be tt S Will stand wiring three naif soles. ' Fastidious dressers _:-i§ I has a distinct flavour only to be || ™ fi s nesfc wearing CoJ i ege Boot in Fastidious dressers 1 found in this fine brand, 333. 1 1 ' * New Zealand. ° prefer them. 1 THE FAMOUS RED PACKET 81 **" 35 19/ fi ASTEIN&COMRfINY 9 'v" < a I Size 6 ••• *? 0 /r-i cmcAco,u.aA. • NEWYoaK,u.B.A ;{A< I ~..', .11 MOTHERS! I^S^i^ l'» ■'■--"■ '"' : ',: __-' . , _ '■~ ~.1 ; ',, 'I! We haVe the finest- variety of Lr-^""""--.- I - I ManufacturedinLONDONbgArdathTobaccoCo:lid' ~|| aw Reliable college shoes in |L. " tgj ]M I ■ ■ H g New Zealand. -• tter s: F~ • :n ■;;:■ PRICES SURPRISINGLY SSS^^SSSSSSSSaSS •«! a—nana—»'■■»■ "gv^EasM'- j -"m'.» ~ TZ.. :■ ■Krn-nvv.ATv Representative: §| 5 i «uui*Ai*. OATHRO-RUSHBROOK CO., LTD., vS • __ • ' '- : .I, „,|„|„ ' i.i ll i iiii i . i I±JU~W j|J AmA A A- 16-18, Victoria Street, j$ $^ Jf% 1TP 1 Eli flff : JameS Adams I Co. Wellington, new . , ARE OPERATIONS A- MISTAKE ?-YES/ J PATENTS "d fi ' Goitre has long been considered a surgical problem. Lately, however, the ' - BSB$?I MM® *? penffirn has begun to swing the other way. It has Veen proved that. this dis- Let me help you develop and protect your *~i ;. : . ffi jjBXR g - •• ease is' amenable"'to treatment. Although the Burgeon's knife removes a portion invention Opinion.on its patentability free. MWWL 1 1' ■ ■h€S' '" '^ of the goitrous .swelling, it does not remove the cause. This is what Mmr s DW D. HA Y DOC K, ~'V. JP SI TOffe* 1H S H ff.Aj| ■ S Goitre Cure docs. It supplies the defic:ences removes t/te cause, effects, and .._-„ „ ' faKwaP -™ «■ <H, A «V' S&Free 1 * treats internally and . externally. Mmr's Goitre Cure cures. , ,„, rtU A.*MM ECH f->. , . BK] ■ , fSreiilars Free I «/. r.teat AUbkw «M l«BJBllir« iß.iMefc circulars i ree. , Sizes, 15/-; 1, 2, or 3 guineas. Ferry Buildings, Auckland. .-''-■:> W f ..S'■■•'?'' ; . ROBERT MUIR. Chemist, Dominion Road Terminus, Auckland. J PATENT BOOKLET.. 1/6. '«■««»., ffe, | . '• • ■ ' ' * ' ' ' ■■■...' ." '' ■. "' •.•,':■ ■■■■■'■■■■ ■■ ■■.-'.■■,■.. - ::..■' ■;"'■; '-'" :■■'.! • .'■,■:-.• :■.■■-'■. '.•'■' . -'■■ ■■■'.:■ ■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■<- : :>< ""~ — — —- -~~— - ))> v stores. A valuable booklet on the ;| .i . " . . ':''- : -■ , . ■■•'■''/! Care and Treatment of Infants will . A v ". ~.:■-'■■, .v.-:/ ■'■:■■,, ■■■■•■ »: , ■-. i ,l ) be sent post free on application to '%{ POPULAR I A stitch in . Time Saves o■ . .' ', > , a I. i l"wi • i I A Winter Suit ordered Society IS made Up of two classes Actually you can play the Waltz in the , p ~. ..■'-' - '■•.•' , •:11 " / ; " rst lesson within from hair an hour to two |J .' c „ liUtw v y _ ~ Ol Who entertain , hours and play it as well as a who !j Saves Disalpoihtnient '' and those who are entertained. as . had f tuition by, the old-time ;'standard" ;;n \J ™ , \ "- » method for a number of years. A Winter Slllt OPdered In arranging invitations the ques- T. here is only one sure way to master the : NOW Saves Money. . ; , ;?...,*> . .1 ,: Piano quickly, the way that 30,000 people WINTFR SUITS tlOn always arises as tO Whom nave tried and proved before you— I WiniLK OUI ID among our friends are the folks SULLIVAN way. ' from £5/5/who can do something more than Popularity amongst your fri end, entertain- I TAILOR-MADE. merely sit around in chairs and ment for yourself and can 11 / -* t _ • listen. For the success of a Social m ™t!d of leS Piano which! Treality, C. Baker &L 0« Evening largely depends On the enables you within the * space ot only.B ; OPPOSITE^ST.^MATTHEW'S "! inrlnsion 'amnna fhp of ] f"T -° T rt u the Pian ° P Z " * wellesley street west. - inclusion among ine UUeSIS Ol the basis whereby you can go right on ]} SOme one Or two people who can through the field of Piano Playing to its I TAILORS and will PLAY THE PIANO. utmost helghts ' - } ■■■—■ i m "^^"""^^^ V -ll CJfU *■ ' 'kl fU [IF NO more 1 You will rind that invariably the m m « A « fc£g '! *■** w « man or woman ,who can play the ff %£ I tlltlOA OMCf PILES Piano is always sought after, has . \ ; . ,*' | After This Treatment i a large Circle Of friends, is almOSt ' Slid PfOf. Sullivan' BOOk ! There is a guaranteed, proven cur* In VI 1 1 ' '*..■-■.•■••. II ■" ' or Itcnin g. Bleeding, and Internal U& alv/ays well liked by everyone ": : ;\ , '\ v c nri? a 7onc urehichdoes / way^ ith J , -. ,J-. J TL »ir '» i ■"■ ■•"•"■ **i.r- if operations, satunng, and .caustics.: "44 Mj\\t\ LnAure fUam 1 here are no : tree lessons, no out-ot- ,)} This is the Zann Double Absorption WnO KnOWS mem. date" Music Books, in the Sullivan Course. i ( Treatment. Simple and scientific. /: '-,-■■ vi ■.■■'.■'■■•■■./';.. . ■.-,■■' ..,,'.- •,:•.•■*'*"•'■ ■■.■•.•"::■:.• o ■•'' ; .i • ■■■'••■:■£ ■• ■■■■'■ .1 •:.:>■>--,-'|| ... .-..•.:'/■;■'- -'-i.' '>-.-.'icv ; i«, '•. v i-very mail brings letters proving its *m • , .: Something tor nothing usually proves to be M ; success. Mrs. e. T., Pieasaot Point, 1011-WOliln think theiTfrnrP that MATI »MP ' -T-i - 6 il- - '■'•■>• ■ •<• Jiff "I was suffering terribly from"Piles, but I iUU WUUIU WAff UICICIUIC, Uiai rNOTHING. The Sullivan Course, if 1) «ct a course of Zann Treatment. It eased: >> '"ft; "1 ■. 'V-f-'- 111 *11* ■ Ml 1 !f'"' : '•' ;! ~'' • ■■i'-. : .."-- : "- ■■'••'■ i :'..'■:.■•.•; -. il ■■'■:■■» 11 ■'' at once, i' Am still using it but have not : ~~s more people WOUld be Willing tO it will do for you what we claim, is well ; JSLS^SS^i^^n^^Lio. I I"V'rrB ir^'--n'---':''-r.-r , ''' : i.i • 1 worth the lull once. However, we are ex- ,i) you no good; but the Treatment will benefit -j earn the riano, and there can be tending our FREE TUITION Offer for a • ■■'. d; 111 11 * • : 'l* • 1 •'■'■'" 1 r 1 ''■■■ ll A full course of Zann Treatment costs 10/6. ! v j : OUbt that the reason Why they limited time so that a few more people may , : WbrS^^gffl^S?^ h, i • ,1 ~1 1 1 be enabled to take advantage of this won- (( k. : 052. Wellington. a / ave not done so is* that the old derful road to popularity. ! m,, S^ffgi?^ B * M \ ,\r~~ v l~~.~s~ *C *«««Liv,«. !(( BRIDGE ; DEUG STOEEi3. Karanjtahapi^il wearisome method or teaching, . | ■■■» Pr m ro K° a ?, d ol v *e - . **' rv '.-£.!• mi f .1 l ))) »- ECCLES. Chemiet. Queen Btreet. and m * TrtV^ VPaVS nf JvMJ« rt «, id OUr Pr ° will come ° m the spoken re- ; JJ ■-■■■■• :■= Branches. Auckland .: .' :^:# which covers years or drudgery, is commendation 0 pup ii s who will talk to ! '*&& 'i more than mOSt people Can Stand. their friends of the value received, and this 111 STOUT i&mlki YoU '•*' : v .{ is why we make this remarkable offer. \\ , - ' e^*-^<& ' ,'- \ ■■■■■. , • , f ')) LADY •■«»"'•■ •/. -P -• Can • Do not hesitate. Clip the Coupon and send II ■ : ■■■■''-^M : '2 "* I i > _, , „ it in to-day and then you will be among the « **" IUABMIMf* MA MA 1?A number of those lucky ones to receive this ■'{ JmlL 2,:W^.;2 : 'M LCfAKNINu .PIANO tASI remarkable offer. . v/ ; ;. (^ : 5 Modern methods of instruction in almost all SULLIVAN CONSERVATORIUM ' f ' '"< ' lines of study have helped to get rid of the ■- 2. M j mi/>'"/xi -r v ')( | «^ ' ?•? "<>: drudgery of learning, and these methods have OF MUSIC (N.Z.), LTD. ( | REALLY REDUCE been introduced into the field of teaching ,• U , Premier Buildings, Auckland. " i ha^o^7e7o U v^ne m rne^n^Te^ Piano. ■" ' .'' • J •' • "r-'"'.• '-''."" " -.. •" "- -:•' . '" if? so much better iin every way. It Is »V; " :• ."* '.';. (I most marvellous remedy, and I cannot ; '...--/-•• : -.-- ■■- :• : .~-\ : :■'.■' ■;-•;••'''. •.'';"■'.' -.- ... '. . I 1)) speak too highly of it." 'i 1 • . r ' tt -•- V- •' f ■:: TEAR OUT — S'GN I ill Mrs - M -. Cumberland St., Dunedin, Paderewskl, the famous Piano-player, INvJW AND POST TO-DAY L '", :- 'H WTite3:—'l m very pleased with youi? <s ,inc ß^nnn «c »Vi-*tn«,;iJ f«r Vsf ' v TO-DAY . lam much better in health M whose fingers are insured for thousands of tiituiiiitiiiiiiiii:!! 11 nim ||| and reduced 61b during the first week.'? \ pounds, . practised 8. hours a day for a long I sullivan conservatorium - 11 •' • Mrs - —• Weiisford, . writes:—"Th« ■■ L,«,k« «f ' „ a a '^ il 'k»fAM '"mil.m» 'U:. r..T 1 OF MUSIC (N.Z.), LTD. = 11J 'treatment has reduced me to normal - A number ot years ■ before making his Hist = stud , o! 16Ki Bo ; £ Aand = ; again. ;I will recommend it toipiJlS public appearance. - ; ": 2 1 I enclose 4 Penny Stamps to cover = \\ /. < S onSfider . jt is ™ os s wondel "l \- r .■:.'> ; > ' . : ; I , postage for M«4:jffi •.. = • -j I ;^ v * difference it makes.' - : ,^ : l = BOOK. ".How to Play Piano in 8 ' 1 •■■..' ' ■■■" ,'M Bond six stamps for booklet describing • _■ ~ . on- ■. . . . ■';-«. S te°T«H; of your:.;.: § ■, ' M this simple homo remedy to— , a Professor Sullivan practised and .studied | ',-. 5Sii ttxtlon Offer to correspondence •; I %-. ; ; D.H.HARRISON, $- : daily for 30 years before he evolved - t^.C,. | Name (Mr., Mts., or Mi 55).......: I *if 131 Featherston St., Wellington, NA wonderful, simplified System of - Piano § "| || •■ , ' --■■-- --^-' ■' --=C Playing which will enable you to master the - 1 " "" " ~" I | GOITRE Quick,y [ Piano and increase your popularity a hundred / § Add «- - : ; | • J A lady, who tried every r Sf f « fold in a few Short months. , ; . : ;\ . §» . .—..__-. _.—. ._.„„..._.— , § )) ,-. and at last discovered a simple method of |g| :'",',• 22 : - .-7::.- ■'.'''..'•■■ •■'"; :'-'.. : ■/■--;: ,'- .'"■-:/..■'•' /-^ ; .•=. r- ; P. : : /' ; - v ;'l:. : i ' : -"-''-'.-' : -- l| |j '' : self cure, will send particulars FREE to :,/' ; ■ .......'■/.' 111111111! 11:1111111111 1111 1111II111111111111111111111il .■ ■ 1) anyone afflicted. > ,''7[ )gm& _ ■■_•■_ _ ■■• _ : -- ''_''_■'■'■!: ".■ : _■__'_ '•'"■••" '■'■ ■■'■■•''■■- •"•'■; ' ■,"•'■■''■■■■. ■""'''. ■'■' '■* if ■■• Pott a telf aJdre««ed. ttamped envelope to :^pg

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18374, 14 April 1923, Page 6 (Supplement)

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18374, 14 April 1923, Page 6 (Supplement)

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18374, 14 April 1923, Page 6 (Supplement)