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{•X _. "WANTED TO BOY. "'- ■ • ■-■; , "■-■ ■ . ' : *I^^Wl^C3lAL'■Twtl^S'Jl;Vi|,^:/*6ip«f v set | .49 5 given, sound; or broken.—London Tooth I lip Cn.. 801, Basement, N.Z, Insurance Bldsa. • §Wfc'A RTIFICIAL Teata, sound or . otherwise; ', __, £1. £3, £6 per set; we pay. too market prices.— Co., 9. Security Bldga. Bat. 81 years. •>'•;■: '" '■•V '■■-••-:'•.,;' [ ■ | v ' tJLOCKS.—Three Win.. cue: ___.. fire sin. i {*■■' -L> Price's * Blocks.— price, etc., _. fc ; Grange, Newmarket. •>■.-■■■-- ..;.._ *V. ; .CYCLES. Tool's. Jewellery, any condt-VV-tJ tion; Watches. .False Teeth. Cameras. l p. Binoculars, etc.—Clarkson. 38. FonsonbT Rd. m ._> OILER. cast iron. 60 to BO gals., wanted 1 {'■ Jt> at once.—Leach, Batcher, MaungatuI ]■';' roto. ___ ____ ___ " „ J j TJOOKS—Libraries, parcels, single volumes. 3 ! _"> magaaines, novels, top price/.—Brough a J f~ Town Sail Book Stow. *». Q«*»»■-.**■ 1 ! CLOTHING, Suita. Hats, Boots. Took li J !_, Teeth. Binoculars. Records. Broken 1 Jewtil*rT.-Pi«cliar. Town Hall S.uare. is* ' ■ 'phone aO2l. _____ I T7ALBB Teeth bought; highest prioes sent IS I l 1 return mail post.—J. Dunstone. Box | |r 61. Wellesley St.. AuckUnd. 17ERBETS. St.. Auckland. for Tebbiting; 17ERBET8, several, suitable for rabbiting: I f 1 state price.—C. King, Frankton P.O. M \ TTAURI GUM-We are Cash Buyers, at iS \ X-. highest market rate* *of »11 grades. i ' THOS. LEES AND SONS. la ' Customs Street East. if i ABBIT Skins bought in any .usnttiy; ;! • Xt best prices given.— to a. J Kiud. Cambridge. ; ,-. T3ABBIT B_ns. Babbit- Skina^-Bcst A XV prices obtainable at Australasian Ilab_l bit Skin Co.. FarneU Rise. Box 1272 . • "DABBIT SKINS bought for Spot Cash.— j *. . It Consign to V. E. Batsman. Ihe i ™ Weikato Cash Buyer. Market St., ie !| Awaniutu. I II "_>ING Mrs. Kelly—She buys Misfit Cloth- ■. ■' XV int. Evening Woar.—Darby St., off *I •; Queen St. 'phone '2606. t if i L.EWING Machines, any makes; cash down. I'% ij —Globe, Ground Floor. Shorts Blags.. ,1 i i'!> 154, Queen Street. 'Phone 295. !|v...- CUITS, Clothing, Binoculars. Tools, Jewel- '?! D lety, Bags. Musical Instruments.— * V aer Bros., 65. Victoria St. W. Phone A 2670. ' : '' s ' T»ENT add Fly wanted, f. by 8 or 8 by 10. •p A good quality,- Cash. 095. HrK*l_>. 'i ' mURNIPS. Swede.— are buyer* of good jr I quality Swedes.—Ah Chee and Co.. '* __ Queen St.. Anckland I____1 ____ 1* rpYPEWRITER wanted; not necessarily ;. , X moderns-Price. 973. H-R__d. | OACKB. gACKS. S ACK? - ! | ■ BAKERS. STOREKEEPERS and OTHERS. :| Consign your Sacks direct to us. and k _, : obtain Beet Prioea. '« a . Deal with us direct, we have no agents. ■:\\ We have the largest turnover in N-Z. \n I McKENDRICK BROS.. i UI : Wellington Street. Auckland. j \ 3 Telegraphic Address: " Sacks. ' Auckland--1 WINES FOR SALE. j [i • i A CASE OF PORT WlNfc. special blend, j fm Jx 355, delivered city, freight Is Od extra. J* —Colonial Wine Co.. 24b. Swanton St. I TOKAY'S Invalid Port Wine, 50a caiftrdeil JL> Uvered; best in the world; try it.—6, jP, , 11.M.* Arcade, Queen St. •■S high Quality and low prices Corban's r*i J: Wines still leading. See adrt. Mon. jil Wednesdays, Saturdays. !§ rMJO Port and Sncrry Wines as 3Ss per m U <*mi special 42s 6d. freight paid: IS .c*sh with order—Note.—We have no ageats. i* CASE OF PORT WlNfc. special blend. _\ 3os, delivered city, freight la Oej extra. — Colonial Wine Co.. 24b. Swanaon St. ■T>SaY'S Invalid Port WineTsoT'casfti'dß'. Jt> Hvered; best in the world; try it.—o, H.M. Arcade, Queen St. TPOR high Quality and low prieea Corban's J_ Wines etill leading. See advt. Mon. Wednesdays, Saturdaya. r\lJ) Port and Snerry Wines as 35s per i) case; special 42a 6d. freight p__ : cash with order—Note.—We have no agent*. _!.T„_ 8. Vella The Terrace Vineyard*, i'R ,' Ortttia. Auckland. __________„ Jig TDOR'r 355. SpeciaJ fort . 40s, ©as*; both X fine o.d Wines.— Wine Co., , m * Bceeiueat, N.Z- Insurance Blclgg. , ' i>ORT Wine, 80s, Invalid 40a, apecial 455, HI f XT per case two gallons; guaranteed wines if? three years old; freight paid,—J. Kadaly, j|j Henderson. 111 i "DARE Reeerre Winesi Invalid Port, 60s 'ft IXV cose; Muscatel. 60s; Extra Special i|j ; Pott. 765.— Kaipara Wine Co. r| | MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE. (MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE. 4 A LLISON Piano, splendid inatrument: a* li I -M new j beautiful tone.—Green, 26, Hamj|l \\ iiton Rd.. Ponaonby Waterfront. > lit] rpi-AUTIFXJL Upright Grand, perfect con- !.•? i LD dition, white ivory keys; sacrifice- for i* f cash.—B7, Malvern Rd„ Morningaide. ;R ': iT)EAUTIFUL Upright Grand; bargain II lO prue,. £83 10s; others from £46.— l|| ] Auckland Piano Agency,. 291. Queen St. Hi; /"tARNITAL Piano Sale to-morrow (Friday) If! ' \J only, at Moore's. Customs Street; £15 ''•» ! to £30 reductions; call. .« i pAEK'IVAL—IO Per Cent. Redaction off I** I V> high-olaas Pianos. Big shipments just [•ft i ttDP * clte^- —CaJI Moore'-, Customs St. ifll f-POCTNTRY Vituiotsv-PuichMe your Piano i v ! }. VJ at Carnival price flora Auckland Piano '■'.' \ Agency. 291. Queen St. EDISON Dealers. 70. City Ch^mbera. J»-« ,sell it cheaper. Machines, Records, j n 1. 1?; Needles, 6d tin. Repairs, 'K \ iiAMAPHONE and K«cords, His Masters F j vT Voice, almost new.Address at Hiulo. I' | rj.RAMAPHONES cad Records, half-price. > £ I Expert Repairs.— Exchange. '"[•• 14. Darby St., City. 'Phona 8667. iUjI Tlf AONIFICENT Overstrung Underdamper i fj XTt Upright Grand, equal new; sacrifice, 'Wl £69. Absolute bargain.—Crockery Shop, lyf 143, Bymonds St. " ' "' \'-\\ T>AUL Bluhdorn Piano for 110 guineas; *\i\l X m n«w; bargain for anyone desiring Alii IFF*** Bluhdorn Piano 110 guineas; X as now; bargain !or anyona desiring Correct instrument; no dealers; genuine.— iWl| Address at Hbhalo. UTifi' T3IANO, food tone, first-class order; £90 i-1 r* cash. No dealers.Address at Herald. ['IB I>IANO, upright grand, first-clasa order; :ij'i -L Carl Ecke.—Addresti at 'Heralo. •'' fl 13IANO, horizontal grand, English: a if J. masterpiece of auptwb quality; cash or .{'■ terms.—Owner, 27, Herald. 11l ."piANO. By Kercthiner; walnut case, over- -• I J- strung, check action, lovely tone; ISr cheap cash.—lß. Hector St.. Heme Ray. I'rLS T3IANO Opportunity.—lo Per Cent, reduciXM s ■*• *' on Carnival Week. See latest Justin *rB Browne "and Weber models.— .!".; '; Customs St. I lisl; • ' ' I.J i T»ECORDS. specially reduced (new), J j •■•; Jl' H.M.V., Zonophono, lOin. 3s 6d. 12in. ijfci << —810 (Basement). N.Z. Insurance Bldg. *M J?_Q 103—CARL HOFFMAN, overstrung, ».;|j OwTtt/ splendid condition and tone; sac--i«|, rrfice for csmh.—Crockery Shop, 148, Byi>; }'■ *^ 8 St. ■ j m . ;t> l A if O S. f Jg j ""- • ; XT lAKOS. '] |U la order to reduce our large stock of Piano. i." : ; | i we have made a further |:'«i REDUCTION IN' PRICES. rfcj REDUCTION IN PRICES, J j **, And are now Offering Reliable fill ! NEW OVERSTRUNG PIANOS ? lt'li ! __. By First-class Makers from ul_ . £100 UPWARD. ' Several Second-hand Pianos at Low Prices. fc;|.i!;j J3RITISH AND ONTINENTA I' iCjf i ... . '..' : > '■ .. piANO pO., -11 1 - HAYMAN'S BUILDINGS (Opp. Paruell Car Stop), 1 « CUSTOMS STREET EAST. ti\ A. HERMAN. Manager. ill MACHINERY FOR SALE. lIP pRUSHING RoDs. Win. diameter, lOin. .;* VJ face.—Steel Construction Co.. Sale St., ;' Kj;- Auckland. « . j ! **; TAYNAMO, 100 volts, 72 amps.— Con- '" ,-_ X/ etruction Co., Sale Street, Auckland. i. "., TYTNAMO (General Electric Co.). 112 volts, <i,,'' \ XJ 36 amps; suitable for lights or pictures. ■": V —161. Hobson St. j.!;V "I?NGINE. 2t h,p.. Benzine and Kerosene, ... S-J caali or terms.— Trading Co., 161, i'li'ij! Hobson St. ' ,A\ "FAIRBANKS Morse A.C. Motors are~4C ■ lip J deKree rated and guaranteed tc "1 a>v» satiafactory service; prices Cora ' f! ! , petitive ; call and inspect our stock.—Watson ■:'.J. Steele and Ganloy, Ltd., 83. Wtllesley St ', to W., Auckland "ft' TNBTRUCTF.D by Repatriation Dojmrt jfcfctr-I. . ment.—Holiday Engine, 4-cycle. G h.p. ~J. cheap.— Engineering Co., Freeman'; ■ !•• Z Pay. iii*T ATHE, Gin., screw-cutting, Gapbed * . X-i with chuck and faceplate complete ' 1 '.•£4o.—Johnson and Sons, Parnell. 1 li ;■ • : V, fT ATHB, I'jin., Screw-cutting. Git. gapbed ,Jj c X-I counter shaft, lien plato, chuck; £'it : ;}.fjj'• Astloy. Gittoa St., Patnell Rise. _ •• ]' 'it ; TOG Hauler, Wire Rope, Blocks, and Tin; ih UL_ tier Jacks,—F. Applaton, Arthur St. • II Newmarket; 'phone 819. % \\W TITOTORS, i and 1 HORSK POWER li- .. i-'i- Direct current, 220 volts, 1700 R.P.M. ■i :i Apply. I >H TATTLEY AND COMPANY, LTD.. %\\\\ 16. Lower Albert St. - ! |i i' "PARKINSON Alternating Current Motori,- A XT —Barker, Electrical Engineers, Auck ■.. *'.. land and Hamilton. ; _____ t', ill J TINSMITH'S Rollers. SCin.. Burr Machin< K f ■•: J. Quantity Tin Plate, etc.For particv '; ;!'! -. i lars apply Tin, Bonds, Ltd., Morrinavills. 'V ! - ' MACHINERY WANTED. li [\i — j, . ,'"* [T ATHE (power). Bin. centre, good order ia , !',.i*i|XJ also. Hand Winch.—Long and Co |iV' ( |Wl|l Chatfic'.d Chambers, Curtomn St. I -.{■'■: PLANTS, TREES, ETC., FOR SALE. kl , ' - ' '■' V T>ULB9, Narcinsi, Paper Whit* (Grand ItSiini.i -13 flora), 4» 100, 5s post paid.—Choule ('{'»*.;■ 14 Darby St., Auckland. 'Pltlll jpmTLECTToNS Winter Flowering Bwe< &?j .Is! A_- Peas, unsurpassed for elegance; Cs S Slll-Ijl posted.—Hopkins, Heed Merchants. Quee Mill - reet ' Auckland. ' k! CSOW now Cineraria, Nemesia, Pans; ». »'!j|i jj Garlic for flavouring, etc., in any quai »Mm .■:■ lit*.— Hopkins, Queen St., Auckland. *i"i'Tlf-i-lii "siTt'i 1v,, il ; -""-'- - ■"■ >w.t^lli---Bls-B--------.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18355, 22 March 1923, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18355, 22 March 1923, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18355, 22 March 1923, Page 2