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&!■•(■:"' '~ "' '•■■■■ ■ :'■'■■ ■ :; .'" |ft';'r *:;■':■;;■■'''';' ARRIVALS. ■''; .'— : .::■£ ■-■:■■ • ' Feubuart 24.--'i «r j«»«Vi fl 30 a.m.), from Mercury Bay; Waiotahi u.w 2 m-) from Gisbo : Bade' .Pew«U I a.m.). .from Russell; Nga- '■■■ ? ft 2o a m.), from Tauranga; Houto, PH hi It iioim), from Tauranga: Wakaschooner AW ) Thames; Mako (5.5 * tare •> <S°m'Napier; Taniwha (8.30 . p.m.). ' from Pae ro *' *- ..v ,■■•■■ February 25. ' V ,C -i. ifiSO a.m.). from Whangarei; ATa,'A 1 «m) from'- East Coast ports. ?- V " - DEPARTURES. •"'-*"'■' • raid am.), for Awanui; Maroro, -: Apanni (»•«« '\ m £o - Gisborne; Tiroa Bohooner (li-i? borne . Kat (12.30 p.m.). -ioTsmUhern ports; Kawatin (1 p.m.T. for &a n % p.m.). tor Sydney. '■: Febkcart 25. '■'. /ois cm.), for Whangarei. gSwff SS &•£*< *-«- VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. °P ihi V fr ° n from "Pa"-. ". P-«. - Sore, from Whangarei. 11.30 p.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. . • »«» Whangarei, 10 p.m. ; Manw*. {or fo ; Ruwell. 7 p.m. Clansman. »»^», 7 p.m. ....»«»pol{»i { n r r Houhora, 3 p.m. Waiotahi. lot ™™ 9. 30 a.m. ~; &*&£** Coast bays, 11 a.m. VESSELS warn. nmßcownou- and coakal. v/.«wsstle. March 2. Kaiwarra. M'tlbruary 26. . Wing»t«k„^ a February '28. NaT" B '. Suva. *• March 1. Waipori,; V'\«fotuort. to sail gS&rtU- « -JBZ '-5255. ! Port Stephens., .ailed February U. March . SSmt Mney. March 6^ Hs.& Laburnum, South. April 14. . OVERSEAS. : Westmoreland, do. from South. Febru- :- ivrv 28. to load. <- Pi»to South. March 1. to load. •J VS. sailed from San Francisco, Janu- :■ VuU 20- due Auckland February 28. Ufthut, South, to load. February 28. ■' Port Curtis, Australia. March 4, to load. *' Canadian banter, due about March 12 • from South to load for New York, . Boston, and Halifax, - Panama, sailed from London, January - " 9 due Wellington February 27, Auck- '* land March 8; cleared Panama. Jan- ' uary • 81. ~ . , .. T. Corintbie, sailed .from London January 24, <■■'* W due Wellington March 4. due at Auck- '' land March 10; cleared Panama FebPort Napier, Australia, March 12, to load. " ? Canadian Transporter, sailed from VanH couver for Auckland February 18; due '*': here March 18. ' Armagh, Australia, March 8. to load. * Westmeath. sailed from Liverpool Janu- ' ' ary 19; due Auckland March 10; "'] cleared Panama February 13. " Jersey City, Australia; via Napier. March T 12, to load for London and Hull. Baranga, sailed from London January 31; . due Auokland March 21, via Antwerp. - TraTesaa. sailed from St. John January 30. - and New lork Febraary 5;, due at . ' Auckland about March 19; cleared Panama February 23. ■•" Hsuraki, Vancouver, • March 12. .'Kaftbura, Bouth March 17, to load. Kentucky, sailed from New York February ■~ ■■-'■ "18, for Auckland and Southern ports; ' , do* Auckland March 23. ' Opawa, sailed from Liverpool February 11: due Auckland March 28. ' Hatipara, sailed from New Orleans, Januc: •. ary 31: due Auckland March S; cleared y - -. Panama February 10. Hurunui, sailed from Liverpool on Janu- ,,. ary 81; due at Auokland March 14: .''■-"'cleared Panama February 21. ' BnshinN sailed from Southampton Febru- '.\ ary 15; due Auckland March 25.. , ,-'■' Waimana. leaves Liverpool February M, ',1 "y dne Auckland April 4. " ; PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. ' ' Niagara, at Sydney: sails for Auckland *?■ and? Vancouver March 1. Ifaaefanui, en route San Francisco to J v Wellington; due M&roh 1. 1 ifiiura, en route, Vancouver to Auckland; due March'l6. , Tahiti, en route Wellington to San Fran- " ' cisco; due March 12. : VESSELS IN POST. / In Stream—Talune, Atua, Northern Chief (sebnr.). Tofua, Rewa (ha.), . Ysabel, (bqtne.). - . Devonport—-E..M.S. Philomel, Iris. H.M.S. Chatham. Central Canadian Pioneer. Waibora. Queen'a Wharf— Arabuxa. King's Wharf—Pukaki, Kaitoke, Trekieve. Western Wharf— Kaeo (ac.hnr.). Franco, Southern Cross, Awahou. The Richardson steamer Mako arrived rom Napier on Saturday afternoon, with kbout 8000 cases of oil, which will d« dissharged at the Western Wharf. Afterwards he vessel will go on the slip for cleaning knd painting. The Union Company advises that the ffaipori is to load a cargo of coal at Westport to-day for Auckland. She should reach lere about Friday. Tha Baden Powell arrived on Saturday nciuing from Gisborne. She berthed at the King's Wharf to load cargo for Tokomarci Bay, Tolaga Bay and Gisborne. The Arahura - arrived from East Coast ports yesterday afternoon and berthed at the Queen's Wharf. She is timed to sail tor Tokomara Bay, Gisborne and Napier it :ooon to-morrow. The Katoa sailed shortly after midday on Saturday for Southern ports where she will »g' load for Auckland. , The Kawatiri sailed on Saturday afternoon for Gisborne and Napier to complete discharge of her coal cargo from Newcastle. .'

I The East Coant Shipping Company's auxiliary schooner Houto arrived from the B»,y of Plenty on Saturday morning, and berthed at. the King's Wharf. She is timed to sail for Mercury Bay, The Mount and Taurajiga at noon to-morrow. ■ The Kaiwarra was expected to leave Newcastle on Saturday night with a cargo of coal for Auckland. She is due here at the end of the week. The Wingatui, with cargo from Southern ports, sailed from Wellington for Auokland direct at 6 p.m. on Saturday. The vessel it due here to-morrow morning. ■; The Union Company's steamer Kainianawa has been fixed to load coal at Westport on Friday for Auckland. The Wanaka sailed horn Bluff at 1 a.m. en Saturday for Auckland, via way ports. Ine vessel is due here about the end of ,this week.

'■ The Richardson steamer Awahou is timed to rail at 11 a.m. to-day for East Coast bays ; ana Giflborne. • L, The Nobel Explosive Company's ketch 'u,- * is to go to the orplosive anchorage this -morning to load a quantity of explosives for New Plymouth, Weatport, Greymouth, Nelson, Wellington, and Lyttelton. HURUNUI AT PANAMA. - The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Hurunui, which Bailed from LiverPool on January 31 for Auckland and • Southern ports, arrived at Colon on February 20. She is dun at this port about March I*. SYDNEY-AUCKLAND PASSENGER . STEAMERS. No passenger steamer will arrive at Auckland from Sydney this week, but two -are due here at the beginning of next week. The Roj'al Mail steamer Niagara, en route from Sydney to Vancouver, will sail from 'Sydney on Thursday, and is drfe here next Monday morning. The intercolonial steamer Marama. leaves Sydney on Friday morning for Auckland whero ahe is due on luesday. THE OPIHI. The Southern steamer Opihi was expected owing the night from Lyttelton and was to berth at the Central Wharf to land her | cargo of produce and general merchandise. ' Afterwards the vessel will load for Nelson Mid Lyttelton. •'""'. R.M.B. MAUNGANUI REPORTED. According to advice received by the Union Company, the Royal Mail steamer MaunK&nui, en route from San Fraucioco, cleared Papeete at 12.30 p.m. on Tuesday ' ior Rarotonjfa and Wellington. The vessel is now due at Wellington on Thursday and .."L 8 .to . resume hor voyage to Sydney on .": .Saturday.' k;i TREVESSA CLEARED PANAMA. lg»-, j The Hain Lino steamer Trevessa, en §|X <mte from St. John and New York, •r " : sri! are< * Panama on Friday for Auckland. ,ii .*he vessel is due here about March 19. OTARAMA FOR LONDON. »fe11« Now Zealand Shipping Company's Warn^¥ Otarama with a cargo of New Zea- » produco is to sail from Wellington this lliifrtaunx ,for London, vila Monte .Video and

THE MANUKA. \:r\-.a- **£?? o ltl J t * r " coloni !i] l steamer Manuka : tailed ixom Sydney on Friday : oiorningwith pastST 8 ' mail a , nd oar for "Wellington. Z ?f™ J ♦ « du « to-piorrow. The vessel Wdlin»to» for Sydney on THE ATHENIC. »nd: i Albion liner, weather hft < 9 . beon delayed at Bluff by wet fo? T?«-i. She iiS ,l? ave thcre to-morrow InLiinJ "* T #v ,nd Wellington to complete on &l» ha v^ Bel > due at Wellington Kr»»! Undsy » aild l ls tim « d *o sail at daySis Mare £ 10 ' Passengers for Southampton, and London, via Panama. NAVUA CLEARED SUVA. The Union Company's Island steamer NaS,™ •«, r ° Ut ! &S m Ton * a ft, ' d Samoa. Bailed & IT*' a V- 3 .° ?- m - 011 Prida y for Auck4™' ™ or Bn V. duo on Wednesday mornin'.«. he vesßel 19 bringing 95 saloon and «i ?■*£**• Passengers, as well as a cargo 5.,-1' 636 casws , and 317 bunches of bananas, l besides, general Island produce. 1 FIONA RECOMMTSSIONED. Tr£!?! Colonial Sugar Company's steamer £K>na, which had been laid up at Sydney I»-.u om i e week ? undergoing an extensive overhaul, ha £. been recommissioned. She sailed from Newcastle on Saturday with a cargo of coal for Auckland' and Fiji. The vessel is due here about Friday. THE R.M.S. MAKURA. The Royal Mail steamer * Makura was eolieduled to sail from Vancouver on Friday night for Honolulu. Suva. Auckland and Sydney. The vessel is due at this port on March 16. THE WESTMORELAND. The New Zealand Shipping Company »d----vises that the Westmoreland .is expected to leave Wellington to-night or to-morrow morning for Auckland, where she is due about Thursday morning. -The vessel is to complete loading at Auckland for London next week de3patched for **»* port early PIAKO DELAYED. The New Zealand, Shipping Company's steamer Pjako has been delayed at Wanganui by bad weather. The vessel is now expected to leave Wellington to-niurrow for Auckland, where she is due on Thursday to complete loading for New York, and West of England ports. . THE R.M.B. NIAGARA. ■^Efe.i 2 !* 1 *$*? "*•«?« Niagara is scheduled to sail from Sydney on Thursday for Auckland and Vancouver. She is due Here on Monday and will resume hsr voyage the following day. CANADIAN PLANTER AT BLUFF. The Canadian Government steamer Cana< dian Planter, from Montreal, via Australian ports arrived at Bluff on Thursday morning, but was unable to berth until Saturday morning The vessel is expeoted to clew Bluff to-day for way ports and Auckland, where she will discharge Montreal cargo and also, load for New York and Boston. She has about 1000 tons of cargo tor this port, and is due here about March THE WAIKAWA. The Union Company's trans-Pacific steamer Waikawa arrived at Wellington on Friday afternoon from Pacific Coast ports, via Napier. After discharging & part cargo at Wellington, the vessel will sail early this week for Melbourne and Sydney. *

THE RONA. The Colonial Sugar Company's steamer Kona, aftar discharging a cargo of raw sugar from Fiji at Chelsea, sailed for bydney on Saturday evening. According to cable advice the vessel is to go to Batavift to load, a full cargo of sugar for New Zealand. The advice states that the Guernsey Shipping Company's steamer Springourn, ,43*4 tons, will also load sugar at Batavia for New Zealand. The Springburn was formerly nojied the Queen Maud. THE VINITA. . Tha S'irayne and Hoyte steamer Vinita U» expected to arnvo at Auckland from San i"rancisco about Wednesday, but no wireless report has been received yet from the vessel. She has 10,500 cases of gasoline ■ and 250 tons of general cargo to land at this port. Afterwards she will go to Adelaide and other Austra Jsa porta to complete discharge. THE CANADIAN PIONEER. Repairs to the Canadian Government steamer Canadian Pioneer at the Central Wharf should be completed to-day or tomorrow, when a start will be made to reload No. 2 hold, where the fire occurred. It is hoped to despatch the vessel for New York, Boston ' and Montreal about Wednesday. A LOADING RECORD. The P. and O. liner Naldera loaded 1395 tons of coal in two hours at Port Said. This is believed to be a world's record. Gangs numbering 520 (men operated 12 chutes from lighters, together with 100 trimmers on board the steamer.

NEW LINE TO AUSTRALIA. The 'arrival of the American steamer PeQuot at Sydney last week is of more than passing interest, as she is the pioneer vessel of a new service between the United States and Australia. The new line, which is conducted by the Californian Steamship Company, has acquired the steamers Ida, Pawnee, Arcadia and Isonomis. in addition to the Pequot. Huddart, Parker. Ltd., are the Australian agents for the line. ; • I •■ ■ - I

BUAPEHU'S PASSENGERS., ! The following passengers sailed from Wei-' lingtou for England by the New Zealand . Shipping Company's liuer Buapehu on Fri- i day' morning:— Miss E. M. Acland, Master M. Acland, Miss E. Acland, Mr. E. i G. Bagrie. Mr. D. W. Barclay. Mrs. T. I Barclay, Mrs. E. G. Bilkey, Mr. Stanley Clay, Mr. A. Crabb. Mrs. A. Crabb. Mies A. T. Crabb, Miss E. M. Crooke, Miss H. ! Crooke, Miss Helen Davies. Miss C. H. Gosset. Mrs. M. Goosman, Miss G. Goosman v Mr. W. E. Hallinau. Mrs. L. A. Hallman, Master W. M. C. Hallinan. Miss D. Herbert, Mr. T. W. Johnston, Mr. H. Walker. Mrs. L. M. Walker. Mm. A. J. White, Mr. J. S. Lapraik, Mr. T. S. Lincoln, Miss M. A. Maltby, Mr. J,. T. P. Mitchell. Mrs. L. A. Mitchell, Mr. Walter Moore. Mrs. M. L. Moore, Miss D. Moore, I Miss E. E. Moreton. Miss M. G. Munro, Mr. A. L. Mumm, Misa E. M. Musgrave, Mrs. A. Orr. Miss P. A. Orr Mrs. M. M. j Rose, Miss M. Rose, Mr. J. H. Rose. Mrs.-I F. E. Rose. Mies M. S. Scott, Miss M. L. | Skinner, Mrs. K. L. Stoddard. Miss M. O. White, Mir. James Wren. Mrs. C. B. I Wren, and 29 steerage.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18334, 26 February 1923, Page 5

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18334, 26 February 1923, Page 5

PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18334, 26 February 1923, Page 5