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T"''"'' CENTIMENTAL T>LOTr» IIP HE OENTIMENTAL JoJosJ*^'B MATINEE TO-MORROW (SATUjm-v'k 1J MATINEE TO-MORROW (&ATU§)B •'. fe __ ■■/> ; ■■■:'■'' at a! ■ . *Vil{''- l; HS'. '' .Mi___3 '..; ■'.. t5& ) ;. M.AJESTY'3 ' . Lessees --J. C. Williamson. Ltd^ l ''' M ;.' EVERY EVENING AT-a ""•"*, 'II . ; EVERY EVENING AT 8/ Overwhelming Success of '' " J tt"' E. J. AND DAN CARROLL'S' .'Vi'H Comedy Company in vv|®ff m THE : . CENTIMENTAL r - "DLOTr*. B HE SENTIMENTAL X>lo|| ,-' W THE SENTIMENTAL Bla&i 1 THE -'SENTIMENTAL Bl8||V; ' M PLAY. oK^'vi&; 1 ■ LAY - - '-^ y i^^mM A Stage Version ,of C. J. Dennis* WiV*i "h ' fil : ... read': Poem. '"™^*»-^ Last Night's Immense Audience rw. ':' " S-Vi etrated Fully Their Appreciation of t??';' v 'A Wonderful Comedy. ila * § ■ At times their laughter was uproarious « i' " ™ then a tear or two would trickle J 10 *' VvA their cheeks. -;v&wtStffl On the fall of the final curtain all «J?ft - <'■ exponents of. the . characters depicted In ; i. 4,t f= Play were greeted with applause nn? •**"''Hl dented in the history of His M»ffi¥ : s W$ Theatre. *"»**fy t H» TEE BLOKE, '^fiplß DOREEN. 'ER MAT?WS GINGER MICK, UNCLE Tn?#'« THE STROP. 'AT COOT f 'fe '<<■ 'ERB, and "THE KID. "- Are .th© living, broaihing. talking chaw ters who have become famous in print ■«!£'■ '* l "\ picture, and seen for the first tim e^ %%' A REGULAR STAGE PLAY '"*'■■ -S A DELIGHTFUL COMEDY— CHAw'"'! ING STORY. -•' H Play Producod •by Bert Bailey. 'll I Box Plans for. Season at Lewis R E,j«- : sm and Sot,. Ltd. ( C .» Doy Sal<» at Coleman's, TT.M'. Arcade "' h"-? Prices: 6s, 4s, i2s (Plus Tax). A t * rpHE J3ELGITJM T OUNCE, ' : ' TO-NIGHT, 13.15 O'CLOCK. "'I ,' — ''' WM . MUSICAL PROGRAMME. " -,' ',■ 1 THE CORNWALL ENTERTAINERS, l § Assisted by r '.} | ' |-^i MR. J. SMITHSON. -]!> :. : \ ■ • • :; : ~;,"{ •fSp* BOHEMIAN .*'''' -Bohemian - , Hfi'J PIBI£SSSi-:-«u«&? Orchestra ; ; - Vacancies in ■'•'' ::; ' : SiPp yiOLIN -AND T7IOLA ,J, '.' .. - DIVISION. . :',2f;,)i-i' , i' . . ' •. Apply . A. W. ROBERTSON, ),*•,; •■ Secretary. ; ■ M Music Depot. 139, Queen Street. ( ! »m* r DANCING. — mm DANCING. , > ..^. iiij& BURNNAND'S Professional Orchestra and &''"% Concert Band.— 236, Queen St'' # 'Phones 734 A. 1168 A. 3969 (4 rings). \ ' % JACKSON'S, Jazz. Orchestra caFere "ISr '- Socials. Excursions, and Picnics. ' Modi lws erate charges.— Chemist. Khyber'Vii-''s: Pa BB - -'.■■'^ljmP TEACHERS OF DANCING. 1 . . —^JfAf4 BALLROOM Dancing "thoroughly tauglt«' r ' ; J-> expert (tuition; moderate fees. Call or *''■ fxl- ! write for early appointments. Hours from J '' IP ,12 or by appointment.— Modern Dane. ; "'' ing Studio, 30, Palmerston Bldgs.. odd 1 ' ■'■'■ G.P.O. vyy*" [■ ' . -V O - ; '" : :■■-■■• ■. ■ ■■, :^Bgfel| GORDON BUTLER give 8 ; v -• priTitaf P» tuition; • la.test Jazz, 1923 St*> Da.-3;' '&\i Carlton' Gore Kd.. Grafton. — '■■■ '': . , - ~', .. ~..., ~„_. i •• ,; \ TEACH OP MUSIC AND ELOCUTION' ' VOICE. .: piano", . It ; voice. pffiv ;,; WALTER TMPE T. :' ,: f? ALTER . > i- MP E-.TTi»II •'•■■-••'■'••' ■ '■■-'■. •: ■...■■■..-, ' 'i'-f' Students Prepared for the Concert Platform | ,' and All Examinations. - ;*• , '~, ~ ;•.-, ■.'■■..■.■,-..... r. .... ... ) M . p Studio: » - 74, BRUNSWICK BUILDINGS. ClTr!j|i|l ■ .■VTRS.--NEWBERY.- Teacher/of^Piaiofirt«Sl»i - JXJL and Theory, .7. Bannerman Rd., More- » ingside, resumes • March) 12. Interviews, 1 evenings next week. < '- ■ ■ ' ' —;'.;.;:' : ' WANTED KNOWN. ~ X ALWAYS merry and bright with "Hft.%lll V Rubbing" Laundry Help in sight;-It il.f* packet, does ,7 washings beautifully, M \ ,'\ |, POWELL'S" Saograsa Prams, nickellhiJiSi dlos, ceagrasa 'j hoods, beßt i.ngli« /1 wheels. Prices are down. Eden Tet> . § race. __I__ : $1 TENNIS' Bacauetr, superb auality, v .V:,i<-:,IBj TENNIS RacQuetr. superb quality, 50s, ; |}| COs. 6&s, 70s: patent restringing docs. " : 'ffl ■- —R. Yates. City Ciiambers. .. ■ _^';.I', : ;'1 EXPERT . Nerve ;•; Treatment : for * NeuritU, li| Paralysis; kindred complaints.—J. & i|| , Downes, 18.--Hnnfly.AT.--: 'Phone 2163. | CUREX Cream.--Wondeifid Cure;Ecrenuijß I Bed Nose. Itchy Skin. Pimples;)2s 64 ' ; ' w 43 6d.—Clarke. Chemist. 116, Victoria St.; ■?; R FACTORY : Owners.—Don't waste Taluabet ■'« time patching, up old .and : ' inferioE,V, 1$ belts. Equip your machines with* Gandy'B-.'r;|| : Genuine Batata Belting:. guaranteed to jays j .'. satisiaction.—Manning Machinery ; ; Co., ffor-: m estera - Ivldgi.. 1&5, Albert St.. Auckland. :' : .;. ; jj MOTOR Expert ...will effect crepairs,votei^B, |j li hauls, in your garage; 12yrs. EnglishAmerican car exj?ej:ience>: own lathe.* took,'!-!, sfe —12, Wellesley St. W. - »'-^?fpl BASKET ; Manufacturers. — Repairs and & •'••', Re-handles, Kby returned • sold.iers.-r*3t; Blade, cor. Howe and Jersey Sts.. Newton. • j k gJ COUNTRY housewives cook with oar Air ]{ Gas Stoves. Moving to Lome and Vf Rutland —Westonhouse. _\i{-; || A BOON to Families.—Chambers'. Booi \% Repairing Factory; best work, loweii | prices. 230. Karangahape Rd. : "! ORRINGTON Electric "V acuum Cleanen, '§ • ■ £18 :18a: v: • Torrington ; .; Vacuum Carp« '» Sweepers, 59s r 6d.—Domestio Cleaning Co.. -. 12. Strand Arcade. • EASY Terms.--Gramaphones, Musical I»: ? : struments, Pianos, Furniture, Sewmg : : Machines, Prams.Central Agency, 70. City' ■ -i Chambers. ' ■■■': •_'.•'j> BOOK Exchange. City ' Rd. and' Symnndi St...' entirely new management; :.C»)H»^# ? ffi plete range of Books and Magazines. - '!';!• ] &' t — 1 ■ —. — r^ . -j, FURS Remodelled and Renovated by expert ■ Furrier; charges reasonable. wo" 1 * 1151 ship guaranteed.—G. Green, 269. Karongs- M -<?, hape Rd. . i CARPETS collected, cleaned andS&||f| turned. 9d per sq. ! yd.Vacuum Clean- ;; ing Co.. 15. Lome St. 'Phone 1769. .:",-'■. I'. PUT your Health on a better basis. 'Kir¥|sSl| treatment wil do it. Consult usl to- , ■ day; Martin's Hydropathic Institute, 32. St. Mary's Road, Ponsonby. 'Phon* . M . - 4102. ; • ■,•..-,-• -> j; /HRAMAPHONES Repaired or OverVT hauled in 1. day; satisfaction assured) prices moderate.—Morris Sanson, Broad-., way, Newmarket. : .__J.- :■. • AXIL'S Ast'hona for painful symptom* 0* .; ; Asthma. Bronchitis, Colds: 2s 6d, 4s 6d. •<;-• j All chemists and 47, Ferry Bldgs. i^i.', W"~' A. N T E D •■:■. ■ K N O W||lH ..;:'';■,.:':.-■.,;'■ THAT • t CRUICKSHANK. MILLER AND CO., vV v ,| :■', Ironmongers, '. \'--f,li Queen Street (opp. Smith and Catighey's). ,'■ ' Ij Have just landed large shipments of Bustles* Cutlery. Table Silver, and all Household .- Hardware, and aTe selling same ** ■■':'\r ! i i GREATLY REDUCED PRICES.- y :-|||;| NEW: ZEALAND HERALD. '■■■■■■'-'■■"■'■■ '■-' ■ AND m „ .'■■■■ IS , . AUCKLAND WEEKLY NEWS....' .;•: m N.Z. Hbhald: Is per week, delivered,» .■■) « town and suburbs. Prepaid, posted vntnui , j Now' Zealand, 15s per quarter; £2 17s Pe\.;^ ; y annum. _ ~ in« i' ■ s Auckland Wkekli News; Prepaid, w . *t per quarter; £1 15s per annum . , |j N.Z. Herald: Small prepaid advertise- v? a ments under classiified headings, 15a . woras S per insertion, 2s 6d three consecutive VDbbi • : tions; 20 words Is 9d per insertion, « w .;..-;. t three consecutive insertions; 25 words «' "* ■;=: 1 , pej insertion, 7s three consecutive in6ertior»',. : : • a Replies bearing nom-de-plumes or miW ~ j only, care of pest office, are not delivered W the Postal Department. ... , , Vi '','-, P Replies to Advertisements will be ""gJMffi'i: at the:: office of the Herald, and. if necer^.,. ~.m sary, forwarded on to the advertiser. ..•■.. • M Bikth Notices, 9a fid per i". 861 "??. : doctors' or Kursea' names, Is each ""SL/.t-'.-.-H extra. Maeiii/lge, Dbath, Bereavwdj*™;, ,b and Iw Memoriam Notices. 2s 6d per msjj § tion of 30 words. If in excess of 30 'EFrjS ; ;,M 9d per line of five words extra,. ' lti S s \- ; i ffl announcements mast be signed oy . . P advertiser. —- - ,', «>Uhitm Contract rates on application. _„i«-« - *'i The Proprietors do not bold tl«ig ; responsible for non-insertion of Aaver^^feHj 'ments through accident or ',9 m ,-° nf ? - M causes, or for error in the publication .-■,.,■ M any Advertisement. ' (' || TELEPHONES: , ' "««*]mP ; Advertising and 1 Commercial: i«).; n ff;j| Job Printing Order Office. 2890; MW™?> > M 14; Editorial, 229; Reporters. 3693- fl £d " v ■ : . M Weekly Nhws and Photographic^- 229. :_jx£< &| ' - Address Communications to Wilson ' ftli : :H0rt0n...P.0.-:80'32, Auckland. i '.ft m, Waikato Biandb: Victoria Street U«" -'J/J P. 0.), Hamilton. < , ''"•■'-vW«I ■:■■■-, London Office: 85, ■' Fleet S*-» ot --< :»|

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18332, 23 February 1923, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18332, 23 February 1923, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18332, 23 February 1923, Page 14