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DOMESTICS WANTED. , ; COMPANION-Help. '. . Protestant, refined, i.'.V/- capable; , convenient a'dult -'countrj■-,':•; home.— particulars Jo Charles HamiP +' ton, OpotiKi. .■:■ ' ",-•• COOK -General, experienced; wages, 355.— .'.'■'• Apply, with rets.;:MrH. W, Doug« , 'las, Cargen, Eden .Crescent. . , -,'' DOMESTIO Help; capablefwanted for Mt.' ." ''' Albert; ?:email : : ramity.—Address • at • Herald. - ':■- •■•-, .: '■ .■"'- K..'-"- ■-''■'.;'';;-'■..; DOMESTIC Help, young, for emafl family.—. mder, : -21, Bassett ■ Rd.. ;■'.':■•■ ■jtemuerfi, 'phona 3734, _3 rings. _____ ;.', " DOMESTIC v Help. " good, cook essential; .wages;; 30s; ■ other. help ; kept.-^-Address -.-..-"-■ : . "- ■at ' Hekaltj. . , "■' 'i: ' •.."..;■ :^- : :'.:. DOMESTIC: Help, ; during " mother's tem- , v'porary-absence from, home, for ■■■' few ' weeks; '25s:^—Avohdale, 102, Hehald.--'- ..-■ : -\ ', r : GENERAL wanted; small family; light ;■..■■ ■ place.—Mrs. L. V. Moses, 24, Ora_ei ' :ftd.;;,;Rem.uefa; y''.■.;■;■.. - ■ ■ ' GENERAL, for. fiat, -2 adults; all duties" ret-:.—11a,. St. Stephen's Ave., Parnell.''••:. , :J| ': •'l-nbne-,2006.:-: .. ■ ■'■■:.:-; -;:::;...:■ :■■.■'■ ;■■-:: '-"'■■:' ;.-."-_■'-;■':'-\; GIRL, : i young; light housework,' sm'all house; wages 17a —J." Hollana, .-;. Manawaru. Te Aroha. ___________ ;■•■'.':''/' ■i" : '; ; CJJ.IRL ■to : assist, mornings only - no wash- : ; A" ing.—Apply ; any morning, :• between 10 , and 11, 29, Dominion Rd., Devonport. ■ "tTOUSEKEEPER, working, for Ellerslie, xJL -milk; small family,— ; Re- > ' gistry, Gladstone: Bldgs., Ferries. - ; ; ■■'-■:■:■ ,','-". HOUSEKEEPER, working strong, trust--11 worthy, lor country; lady living-aiohe..:. ■;.'. : —Mrs; Noal _ Bayraud, ; Piopio. Te Kuiti; ; .f HOUSEKEEPER.— Lady; young, refined. ' , < and prepossessing', as Housekeeper^ country, seaside home.;- 2 adults; own mis—Address at Herald. " : .. ■ - ■.-■'■■.,. • .'• ; "IJOUSEMAID-Waitress/. ■• experienced.— -.'; i -O. Hinemoa, Alfred St. ■:■■■■■■■■ -••... HOUSEMAID Waitress, , e_periencedi V waated.—Oxford Hotel. __________ - * : TT6USEMAID ..■■- Waitress, ■; : experienced, ;. -U. wanted at.once,Ventnor, Devonport/ - .;" HOUSEMAID wanted, to assist in dining ■". Lafferty's, Grand, : Frankton, <■ .Junction. 1 : ''":i" : . ', '■'■■■■ ■■'"•'.■. -■:..:-':... HOUBEMAID-Laundreß3 ;',' '■•; good wages.— ' , ~ "Apply Hinemoa : House, Helensviliel.■;: ■'" • -.; .'Phone 47.. : ;:.;;.,\-::::; : >;"; ', ■'■ ■■■-<«\ :^.\: .: ,;-■"-:. y .;- KARITANE" Nurse ; wanted :at once fo? S: ■country; to talce charge twins.—D.K., ' :281 ' Herald. ■■'■;■■ ■ ■ .. -, ■■.- : .; LADY;:- Help, --:. capable. ' young.-—Apply ■'• ■ mornings or evenings, Mrs. L,: Mitchell. ; 10,- Bracken Avenue,, Epsom > ______ .'-S.-'■■' : : ! ;.: I* ADY Help, .for .country; .fond of ahi!J dren; wages, £I.Mrs. N. Garland, • ' Karapiro, Cambridge. -•■•,-,-. PANTRYMAID-W_itress ti smart." 32s fid; ■•'■'".-'1 '/.week,'suitable person; n'.ust he : reli- "' ,; ___j'____________J_ a.m., 238, Queen St. • t : . PERSON, thoroughly : capable.. for conn-' - '■ :V try for month or 6 weeks/,, commencing .' -, : Feb.:• 15; ? ail ;duties;' state ; waifes.—Mother, ,- rJ •5, Herald.-, v. ■' - . u . -- -- - •-. WAITRESS, smart, wanted at once.—Ap-. . :ly: Common _ Cafe, 275.' Queen St. / WAITRESS, : experienced, ; urgently.— .. , Apply,- 28. Symbnds Street. WAITRESS, mid-day,:.experienced. treway, 270, .Queen St, - WAITRESS, experienced; wanted. -"-' . .„■■'Priscella. Tea Rooms. 36, Queen St. • • . -. BELL'S .Registry, Gladstone Bldgs., opp. Ferries.—Cooks; Seconds.. Laundresses, '~'.■ - '"; .waitresses, . H.M.-W'ressss, . Rel.-Maids, C> ' '■■- ■-■:.'-'. . G'n'ls, H.P.-M'ds. Nuree-H.-M'd, "Ffowex-". ' Seller,;M.-Couples, - Cook.i second; Farm ''; < Hands, Machine, Hand Milkers. RELIABLE ' Registry, ■ 15. ' Queen St.— . Cook,, m.. or f., 60s, "425;: C.-Generals, * '- " ■-; Lady ;-Helpe,: : Girl for Flower Stall, Cowboy. ,' QTRAND ; Registry, Strand • Arcade.— Cocks, ' IO.,; -M. , Cook. ,' 60s; Watttass. H.- ' , ■ Waitress, Reliever., Nursegirl, M. Couples,"" 1 ■ Milkers. ___{_ Helps.' :''■■■, ;.- •'""■;-; V-■■.'.': : ■'■■:■<'■■•'■ :"- :: " : - ■■€■> V" FARM HANDS WANTEP.^;' BOY wanted ■> Milk, (machine), 'and Assist '• ; . : Farm ; Work.—,'f, Ruru,. c.o, H. L, . . : . Bayly, Box 24. Ti-au. ' BOY-,; light. Farm Work, small herd: homo' •. _. - comforts to- good boy.—W.- : Blewett, •"■-■" 'ii .Win, .near Auckland. : ■ -. . ; - / ".. '" ,V ', " : "RGY ywarited for Farm-■ experience ; not, " 1 ir.*^''". : necessary. ' e.o, Cbngalton, Cam-'-: •-;. - bridge. -' • % •." BOY ox Youth, to assist Milking - Shed;''''' .-;■ must ; be. good stripper, and- able to * ;; ; :.• drive.—W. H. Patterson. Rawhiti Rd., Ono,' ; Tree ■Hill. . ■_ . . BOY ifwanted for General Farm Work, ■:■ ■ . i; ; ,c];uding milking; a good home and easy-' / (■ hpttra; fiiie;opportunity for boy: leaving 'school' 4' and'.wanting* to learn farming;' fare paid if--- ■-■~■■ i- applicant "..remains ; 3.; .months—Thompson.' ,'.' ■-. Bros.. Matarana> Kaikohe. . -■'.;;';■■■;;■• ~: ■'■ :■■',' .:.■.' CADET, for Sheep and Cattle- Station.— / ■>:'■■ ;Apply,T : Primrose McConnell, '■'-■ ./-- -..''\ , ,T_ere. . . :.■..:-'.■-_• -~.. GIRL.-to milk.;; good .home-/ (rood wages.—< - . "•■", .. . _. ;■ 8; Mercantile Chambers^i.Customa St. '•■'-- MACHINE ■■ Milker, experionced. -. wanted;, 1 :ho farm workj wagea.'.SOa.-i-Milker, 0.0.".' .•■■'* Congalton, Cambriaga. . - ' ... - ? TlTAN'..wanted : : to work horses -and- ; help; ■■;"■,; , "fwith rhillring;. a week and:found.-— .V -■..'.- Owen Bros, Pirongia. ______ MAN or Boy, for; Stripping, ma<-Ljnes . used; 30s Week; Urgent.—E,,.c.o. Con-'. \ .galton, Cambridge. _. '■;'. ■'?■" . : . ■■*■;-,■'"■■ :. , " : ff' ■■■.;■:■■'■• MAN;-;- -young, ; for. .General Farm /Work,:,. .-■', : ' ; _tjL used.'machines, preferred; good bom©;-":-. ■ -{j3Qg?—Farm.''l66," -£qai„p; , .v - -::s l '; V;; /.;■; -x: ;; ' TITAN "or Soy, : l«\ Milk "and Work ,o» ' '■- ,; 1»I farm; state wagea.^-S./ Vv'oolfield, Papa- ; toetno. ■' __________ ' '■'-'■■"• ■■.■■.. i.MANvor'Yoiith, Machine Milking-, General-'' •Farm Work; 35s and found.—J. Parker,". ;■ ;' .Manawaru. ; .- ■ .■ ' ■:■ ■ , -'_ ■■ ______• ■■ ' MAN; for .Milking aiid General Fftrm Work. ~, , /'./ Good 7 c wages. -— iMcEldownfy.-' 3ro». '----? '•.: i. 'phono SOMc Ohaupo.' '."■-: - "■/;'.'."■:.■:.'■''' :"-:;>'.,■:' '•V. ; r - MAN to ' Milk and assist Gem fal Farm ;-. Work.—B, Mercantile Charoberc, Cus- . 1 toms St. East, before 10 a.m. , , ' . MAN oi- v Youth "for General Farm .Woik, .-'""i; ''■ , good with horoee, help with few cowej , ■ ;- j t , : bach wifrh; employer; 'good wages ;to : capabla .';.'■.'' - man.—-Box -46, . Putaruru. .-'—-. '; ;.-'..,.',', _~J_'. '. . :■- -— ',;,)!„ V'lV-r ~ __—_': .. '. 1 ■. ■' : ———. —-——■■- r :v- i:.-.... :.':■ MAN,, elderly, wanted "to. do a little black* ./::.'. .• .smithing on a farm,- shoe 3 or 4 hcrsfia ; _ 'week ; make hinges and: any repair's; good -V , home; vjity ■> easy job, wages SOs and -foui,,ci. 164," "rjBBA-nr ..■: -''-''.'^T' r< ~'-""■-'■;V ' MARRIED. Couple, to Mi'.k;, farm*;' state wages'; own cot'tage,—Ad-'.' dress nt Hep.aip. ■ ''':'" i." MARRIED' 'Couple, man, machine-. roilk- , ' 'iSJL ing, wife., domestic /••'auties;'-'>ti'«o ex-/ ;, 's '_'. : perjgr.ce;^—C.' Pond, Hin-jfera. . '-. r f.'£\ . - '?;».. \ MARRIED Couple wanted,' no children;' wife, cook-general; nvin. milk, .kill, odd -•■ joba; - wages,/ £3; References .'essential. —C4».-" " - tral Labour Bureau, Hniitines. 77 v''v ' ;-, -■%■■;., /;.,; TITILKER' (hand) v and <,F_ist. experienced. , • IVJL" ; _sh'ers need apply:;JcomiortaDle, easy.'../-/ job; "25a- fohn'd,--Fronde, 1 "••: ■> '; . •--.:; ILKER, reliable, good, for Kaipara; . Bome'v-:boaiing:-:-e_p€irience'' preferred; , ; 'igtate- wages.—H. -■' Metcalfe;. i MataJkohe. YOUTH,, strong',':must, good .milker, .' 'machines used, odd jobs; 30s".W.eelij. and ';- found.—Bennett. Manawaru," Te ; Arohjl.' ,' '". Y'~OUTH, 1 for Machine Milking;. and; Gtoisrai,■.'■.' ■ X ■ -Farm Work;' wages 35s and. fpund.— l:~ "."-; •: ■• Dairy.- 168, Heba-Ta/. \/.- .: ' "■;! -if ","■ : : : -. ,/,';.•;:•:; : OUTH, stirong.". for Machine "Milking j ,;' ~'-.'good stripper": wages, £1 &s and ■ founds. : —C- R. Birchall, Otorohanga.' : YOUTH. * (Immigrant), Farm Work; - -ursent.—A:- : Messham, -. Paengaroa, Bas! :. ■,-.; of Plenty.- ; . . ' ' - ■' t' ' PEARSON'S Registry, Exchange.Lane.—> . :• Machine' Milkers, £2 and £1 lOr.i \ ■, i Youths and Boys, Waitress, ; Domestics - (country). , '-'M; ':•"■ . .■•■■ ....... --■■"■.■ : ' ■-• - ■■■ ■■■ .;, ;■ ■■"/'/. -" ' WAHTED itiHOWH./ " J OLD Piateware : that has -turned brassy ■replated new, with; Silveroid;' 23 ,'.6d.-^•-;. - : -iPetford's. 39. (Albert St.. !■ .'■-'■[: ■ ''<- .;-,// .■ •" -■ npHOUSANDS during" Mr. HenryVpractice; ;"X ' in, Auckland have proved; efficacy of. . - Druglesa" Healing. ' , '---; ~...v .'■'"."-'':', :'■ '■■; 7 .: : EASY Terms Gramaphones. Musical In* '.; struments. ;> Furniture. :Sewins. Machined , ;' (Pianos,' no deposit) —Central • Agency, City,: " Chambers. /■. '- ." '■• •,''"';■' : ■-;'■"-■•' - ';■/-'/ SPRING Cleaning, "Vacuum and General ■ Cleaning, experienced staff.—Domestic ; ■:■■.. Vacuum Cleaning : : Co., Strand; , .Arcade,;.. 'Phone SOP. . -:-.: ■- - .. - :■, ,-: - - -: MRS.' CURRIE, : Dressmaker and "Plain ;-.,,' Sewing charges moderate.—Bß, 'Union, ..'.-, ; St.. Auckland. : .-■-'■ '" -'' ■'- ... BLEACHED All-Linen .'Sheeting, just at- ; / ■'■'•: rived, 90in.: wide, -8a 6d. per yard.— . -. , Jefiers. Irish Linen Stores.. 28, iTen'ois Rd.,'.."_• ,; Ponsonby. : . /..- ■'. ■.■.■>: •'.•'.;: -."■••■.. -■'-. '/.".:/" -:■'.}' -y. RADIUM .-.Cryatal- for the complexion*: Pimples all gone, skin * like -velvet.—* J ,; Mrs- Watson. SB. _______ : ''.■■■■■' ; ./''■."' ; : ;.-'■; DRUGLESS Healing;—Send-for. Circular : ;;' 7 '; to Mr. .Henry. ■ Psycho-Physician.- 7, , = •-.' O'Rorke St., Auckland. : : ■...,■ ~.,:,-;:- ■/ '■- <;/ -.; IMPROVE the tone of your' Grrimaphone. ■ '; ,; • Have it ■ overhauled and adjusted by /Morris R-hson. Broadway, Newmarket- ■ T7IUK9, Fur Coats, renovated and remod/Rled.. . '. 'jr. ■- 'liKfr. new'; half -usual ■ price^-r-G.-fiiiieen,''; V.-f ' 269. : Karangahape Rd. 77 -.*;■'- ___ _j; '//:/. - - \ '' CARPETS collected/cleaned and. returned, '-* .'•; 9dr>er sq, Vacuum Cleaning' 7 'Co-, 7 ; 15, >Lbrne. St. .-,' Phone .1769- yy-'-' ''• : v >-. .-"-'.■ PROPERTY Owners,—We PaJnt . RoofsT ■ , X . 'reliable preserver used^-eetim&tes-itee. ■4fTerry Bros.. .119, Grafton Rd. •>"-?'-■; -<'-;.; , -. i ";• '•"_-. KITTRACT crowds - to yo\».v restaurant, S .i"L hotel, slibp, or home with Apollo E!eo» 1 ui«' Piano,—Moore, Customs St., Age-'.** ..-'. : r w& r S s:;;'':Vsr.^;3-;:;, ;t

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18298, 15 January 1923, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18298, 15 January 1923, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18298, 15 January 1923, Page 1