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i?ti '"' ] ]}'~ r ___R£CATTAE, '',-' ' ' ... ■•' ' i;~'.''■'■'-•: J '•-"/'• ■■' d» ■ ''-■''-.:■.: '.■"'■' :'- ■''.'■'■''•:"'• V.'' 'U' ' A UCKLAND 'fes?. j •■Auckland- Anniversary : REGATTA. , . »EGACTA. .-'-'r.v. .■'..:■';'- : . ' . ' \ : r'' b , <* . - . . ':,.. ■-. MONDAY, JANUARY -1923.:.':"■'' MONDAY, JANUARY 29, '1923. . : '.! : /' : .- L 'KS:^>«'.':V'iV '■ i:: : .y ?':? Wi; J o':Y~y?- ;:>* ' 'X ;^*!:Mt^?^ J 'i :^iJ^^--'^i!£-: fi:!sft/;s«' ' : :; '' :; ;;l OFFICIAL PROGRAMME, ' 1. .YACHTS. ' Interiaatifrnal-: : Sir-Metre. First prize J25. 1 CLASS X, : HFt.:FirsC prize.; Ross Cup .'■: and £5,r second, £2 lOsj third, trophy. . - ; ■.?.',Class' A,.'.First-Class' 1 ■ First .prize', • i Heathet, Cup (Mimature).: utod•". £15; second, UTi los; third, trophy.!. . • - 4. CLASS Bj, ; Second-Class Ynohts. First ; :;prize, S.V&\ Second; $5; third, trophy. : ; : B. CLASS C. Third-Class Yachts. First : ,"{-. prise, £16; secoisd, £5; third, trophy. 6. ::CLASS N.'; Yacht*/ Mullet ; Boat Type., not exceeding .20£ ft. overall and under. . .' First prize, *i 0; : .iieodnd,' £2 10s; third; - , -■..trophy.;.?,'-':.,: . '.■,'..' '-:'':-■ ..- : -'W: ; :■': ',:,'/,-/.,"'' ■ ' 7. ; vCL^SBiH t >YttchtiJ.- Mullet Boat -Type; ' ;Ovßr 22tt.'iind not exceeding ;28ft. ov'>r..i.iall.'^First'prize, £15; •"second; £5; thiird. '.- trophy. , j :;■;.: ; ; ; - ;:■-': /.>; ' 8. CLASS L. Mullet Boat Type, over Bdft. ■i liUd hot exceeding 22ft, overall. - First: : .-, prize, 412j second.'£4 third,- fourth; i -► trophy- , ./■■-.,"' .-V' :9. ; CLASS E„ Fourth-Class. Yachts (keel). ' ~inot .-exceeding' SOft; overall. First prize, - .■■ f £l2 j second, £5j third; trophy. ■ 10.; CLASS S. Open o:- HalftDecked Boats, . fJßft. and under. First prize. £7,10»i ..^.? ! second, ;., £3; third, 'trophy. : , 11. "CLASS :T. 14Ft, Handicap; Round Bilge. "First prize, £8 ; -• ilecond. £3} third* ■ trophy. - •-;-'''.-■. .■'.'■• ' 12. CLASS V, 18Ft. Souare Bilge and IWt ;Patik:i etas*.'"--' First prize. £7 10s; . seoond. £3; third, trophy. ■ -.■'iy.-i':CLA'B3"Y," : -*?-Fir*t" prize.'''' £8":'"oecond. £5; ; l -third;:. , £21 fourth, trophy, 14.: CLASS F, Takapuna One-Design. First '.; I, prise. £3; second, £li third, trophy, , 15. CLASS X. 14Ft; - Auoklfeiid Anniversary Re«(itta Championships .First prize. £10, ■and. £15 added if winner, : be boha-flde visiting cr»ft and steered-by ;visitinot Pteoraman outside: Hauraki: Gulf; second, :; £5. "-' •'.. ' WARSHIPS' CUTTER BACE. First prize; , ' -:■;' £5; second. £1. ' MERCHANT service SAILING race. 'First prist*..'£fi:'. second, £1. MODEL YACHTS.; First; prize, £2 2s; second. 15s.:'■.-.■.•.-■■.■■■ :■'■■.•: - ■'_■. MODEL YACHTS, Youths under 18 years. First prize, £1 Is second. 10s. . ,< ■''■ LAUNCH RACES. 10; VISITORS' MOTOR-LAUNCH • RACE, : Handicap.: "Post entries. First .; prize, j ,£7 10s r second. £2' 10s •■■ third, trophy.. i » '17. V MOTOR LAUNCH RACE; Handicap, | '. .over 12, knots (open speed). First prize, £12 10s; second. £5; third, trophy. 18. MOTOR LAUNCH RACE.. Handicap, over 7 knots and not exceeding 8 knots, Firpt prize, £10; second, £3 third, trophy. » .-j ; 19. MOTOR LAUNCH T?ACE, Handicap, : bons-fide • cruwers, - 8 knots and-not exceeding 10; knots. : First.-prizA,;: £12 10s; Beeond, £3; third, trophy. 20. MOTOR LAUNCH ■'■RACE, Handicap, • . under-.7 knots. First prize, £7 10s; '■second, £2108: third, tronhy. ■• : ■ 21. MOTOR LAUNCH RACE, Handicap, :: ; for bone-fide Cruisers, over 10 Knots. Fir«t prize, ! £l2 10s; second. £3; third, trophy. 22. SPEED LAUNCH RACE. Hftnflirab. 18 , knots and over. First prize. £25.,Chnm- ; pioTiphip Pennant to first boat over line; --second, £5. ■ ■" ' ENTRY NIGHT, F PTI *>AY, JANUARY 19, ■::.1923;' '..', : -V-- : ; -;'.':,:'-'' ■':--;''' FROM 7 TO 9 P.M. AT N* vv T.VAOTTTO 'ROOMS, CUSTOMS STREET. SHIMMING. TO BE HELD IN CALLIOPE DOCK. v MEN'S HANDICAP, IOOYds.. Entrance fee; , Is, ■.- LADIES* HANDICAP, 68 2-3 Yds. Entrance fee. Is. ''.' ■ GIRLS*;* HANDICAP, under 15. years, ;;50Yds.'; : Entrance fee, 6d. '. -, BOYS % HANDICAP, under 15 years, : SOYds. Entrance fee, 6d. NOVICE HANDICAP, 68 2-3Ydg. Entrance ''fea,:.6d..' - ■ ''.--.- ' BREAST-STROKE' -HANDICAP, 150 Yds. Entrance fee. Is. ;.;■:. - BREAST-STROKE HANDICAP / (Girls), (WtYdf. : (14 years and under). Entrance fee, 6d. *' , | ' BREAST-STROKE, 'SOYds. Entrance • fee;-- - :>^f:ls;\H:-:^;l;b" .'''"C:::.'. -. . - : 'TINY TOTS? (10 years and under},, 33 1-3 Yds. : ■,'..' ' NAVAL RACE, 60Yda. WATER POLO, H.M.S. Chatham v. Chel-! ■'-•-: tehham. or others, if can be ; arrangedBACK AND BREAST' MEDLEY RACE. IBOYds. or SOOYds. Entrance fee, Is. y '•/'■ '.' t; "'' :: ' : J. H. FRATER, „ ' - /.Chairman.- ■.: ' J. C. hewson.' "■- ,; • ■'..: ■■ ' ' .-".,'..; .-- ;■■.'■. 'Hon.' Secretary.:'. ■ -*_;.'.... ■ . " '' " ','. "'' ■ , ''" ~" '/:.- :'. : ;>' ; 'V : ATHLETIC SPORTS. ! ,' _/ A ; r»NEWHERO ATHLETIC "CLUB. PL ■ » \J f. (Affiliat»d with Northern :•; jfaiy i Athletic Union). J2 SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1923. ■''«* OVER £70 PTJ7E' MONEY. ' ___» SPORTS UN MR. JOHN CATHCART'S PADDOCK. : PBOGRAMM.E: ' li HALF-MILE HANDICAP~£4 lOa. Entry,' ■ . 3s- "' '-■ •' • ■'■"■■ ■"' -" - - ' '" " -'• ■a. ONEWHERO CUP HANDICAP, 150* da— . v ! , i;: '"£B.■:■:■ Entry, 6s. .. -„'' -''-■ - 8. 400 YDS HANDICAP—£4. Entry, Ba.. twOYDS HURDLES HANDIOAP-£2 10a. Entry, :2s. •■ .v . ,',"-'' "'! OTHER EVENTS/OPEN, (Pi«t Entries).— Hich Jump (Men), Returned Soldiers' Handicap, Mounted Events (post I entry), 'open; Open Hunters* Jumping Competition, Maiden - Hunters' .■*!'"-r Jumping /Competition; : Cigar and Umbrella Race, Rescues Match, High Jump (Horses), Stockmen's Competi- , tion; Necktie Obstacle K Race, Thread-the-Ne«idle Race, and;: Tilting .at Ring,': ar|d nunierous other events. . Rules and' 1 '- Competitors to iiin under Northern Athletic Club Rules? Entries for Handicap Events ;Nos. 1, 2, 8, and:' 4 close with the Secretary oh WED- " NESDAY, January; 17, at 8 p-m.; and must be accompanied by the 'necessary amount ■in ; cash; also past ,; two years' performances. If wone. last four performers (if any) s All nominal ions to be forwarded :on Northern Athletic Un}oh nomination ; forma, which canbe obtained from Secretary of: any affiliated ■ Snorts .Club. V,: : Handicaps '■•:''.;- advertised ■.-:..'■: in Heb,.\ld on MONDAY, January 22. .-< Tenders for '".Refreshment Booth close with /'♦he'Secretary or. "WEDNESDAY, - January 17, 1928; No tender; necessarily/accepted. : : V - {SPCRTS COMMENCES AT 10i80 A.M./. :': , Refreshments ■" on Ground- ' Admission; Is Bd; -Children, 6d- ~ ■ ■ P. G. R. TAYLOR, . ,:;'.i--', . '■■■'■■•. :■' - ..' ■'■■:■':'. Hon, Secretary." .., ~.. ~„——-^.-...„.«.......-,..,.,............. i. . ; ,■;.■.;;. : - a '•' "fVTEW " ZEALAND ' - AMATEUR H, jS ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION, VISIT OF -: : J7. ■'-"' THE;: AMERICAN -ATHLETES. .; ■ VT** 1 GRAND SPORTS CARNIVAL.- ' X«, . , GRAND SPORTS QARNIVAL. . ■SATURDAY, FEBRUARY! 3, 1923. ,Y.i- ."•'•■■.,' AT AUCKLAND* ■■ ' "PROGRAMME: •' V IOOYds North N.Z. Championship. - . ISIOYds North N.Z. ' Hurdling" Champion- ■ - ship. ' ■.-:. ■. KlCYds . Handicap. • ■ .: 220 Yds Handicap. . 4<WYds Handicap, .- ■'"•'','"■:' '-".'■;.'.• ..' BJloYdft Handicap.,., . < - -.' One-Mile Run Handicap. . ' ".. :-i- ---: 220 Yds Hurdling/Handicap '" : ; - c Qne>Mile, Walk Handicap.'■■'," *,":. ~'>'•"' High Jumj? Hnjidicap. Brnad Jump Handicap. - Pole Vault Hnndicap; . Bop. Step, arid Jump Handicap. ■Hammer Throwing Handicap. .'-. ,: .-,";■: : FhotPuttintr:.,Handicap; . Discus.TbroVyng HandicapJi»,velin "Throwing Handicap,' * Th'Pf.rven - Relay Race. HaU-T"ile Cycling H'andicap: ; ? ; Ope Mile. Cycling Handicap. :'...'...•".' Two Miles Cycling Handicap. Entry fee,: 2s' for each event- '. ■")' CorflPeiiiors :-/niu6t ■'.'enter on N.Z.A.A.A, :. Jorrasi - '-:'y-:'■':'■ . % - '.. : Three starters': or no event. 1 Sir, starter* ■ or no second prize ' \ "•.,• ■: No',(coinPetitdr will-be 1 allowed •■■to'i:enter ;•• unless' : his' club. subscription ■ has been' : paid. '■ . Nominations close on THURSDAY, Jan. , 25, si 7. Durham St-.West with _, WILLIAM MORTON, j : ;'■;'■ "■..'. Hon. Sec, Auckland i Centre. :;/ Tenders- for proirrainme rights for carnivals of TFeb; ,8: and -March;'close bn TUESDAY. 'i. NEXT at 12 rjoon; , ah 0 6 tenders for /right; to . v Bell refreshments. Tenders to* be accom- ■ ptnied by cheques. --"y'U4''' .-•/;,-:V':':'.'.:■:. 1-■;■;; ;' WAIUKU SPORTS, ' JANUARY 29. !■ Special .Train, leaving "Auckland 8.80 a.m.. iOtahuhu 9.2 a.m.;:papalnira,9.3B a.m.i^Drury •i. '9.46 ; »^ai.*/vPa^9»ta.':lo. , 3.f*;m';^'S'a^y»:.Wftiukli; . 10.451 returning ; from ■<■ Waiuku .at \> 5.20/ p.m., ;|ftrrivfs3 Auckland 7.28 p,ss, 1 : A^'-7^

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18297, 13 January 1923, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18297, 13 January 1923, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18297, 13 January 1923, Page 6