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I Merely £1600 bought the lot FOR CASH. For a trifle more we will clear the lot FOR CASH. 1 1 SEETHE WINDOWS! PERUSE THE PAPERS! I I. ■■ A FEW ©AYS WILL CLEAR THE LOT ,- R [ N, 8.-Lst this little List «*»£* ™fcT?™¥!OTo WkST* " h ° W ■"■*."" "* " I 1 BE EARLY ON MONDAY ! -—' or as soon as you can on the following day or so. J IW 36 - INCH LONGCLOTHS, I"ZZ 3 B ., MC h HEAVY WHITE I ■** NAVY AND WHITE I 1 CALICOES, MADAPOLAMS- I*~ - ft y , STRIPED DRILLS. ' 1/2* yd. | I All One Price, to Clear, .1 FLANNELETTE. 1U?CI. yd. ; I -. -, ■■ ' ht . J , "* # I I «U wl- ft/11 doz 1 I Past Dye - I jgl . '...gfSQt Vt*»> "/ rA■ "" • |, f "'■ "■•'- „.. '" 1,, ..,., '"■ •"■■ miiim'iij_i_iliiju'i— ■ i miiii irwiinr mill mi l , l ||| ll J-~' ,^~I^^ |— —— »-»——-■ ; r~™™"™"J ' *"'„„ „..„ "&«p 60-INCH BELGIUM AND I |E®» 4 PIECES (cnly) ALL-WOOLJ gra* 36 . INCH FANCY CUR- "T • WHIT _ QTPIBPn Swi « ■-! ammbi t)i„ir and Natural I *r7* . -. ,** , BLACK AND WHITE STRIPED 1 I N.Z.FLANNEL, and NaturaLl TA||| MUSL|NS 1/3 » yj. , T|CK|NG . 2/6 yd 1 '.V: lllli'll>lWiM«iii*l>'M ' '•" ''' ■••": '■ \ i BORDERED CASEMENT, MP* STRIPED FLANNEL- BROWN AND RED STRIP- 1 I Cream or Fawn Ground, Floral Bar- ETTES, Pink, Fawn, and Orrey ■ h towels B*<L 6E. I 1 der - 1 / 1 ydL 1 Grounds * 9*d.yd. I • •, . I ■: I""-"""'"" IIIIT-"''"'!!'.'." ,"",TZ T"rr""l ..» «.««.« tJ W' A Counter of ODDMENTS;I 1 Hf* RED AND WHITE AND I CHINA MATS, assorted | an 7h EMNANT S in Soft Furnishing I I BLUE AND WHITE STRIPED I co i ours . land Manchester at Throw-out I ■ TEA TOWELLING. 7*4 yd. J27 x 64, r/10 each; 36 i 63, 3/2 each 1 Prices. 1 1 »i» '"■' i ■!'■. n... ' • 'hF's'Tm i!TFr*^d'^e t s"sJ I asss* vn.iP Pi 9 ; ns a] so l WT WASH DRESS GOODS. FABRICS, of Tweeds, etc. Double J IMT VOILE. Plain shades also Rathera nice lot, including Broca . width. This fa ft line suitable for I ' J fancy designs. A fine range. Width I dero, Ginghams, etc. J school wear for the girls and home I 39 and 40 inches. 1/6 yard. I AH the One Price, 1/- yard, [wear for mother. 1/6 yard. g : .l - .RE f n ° U f r . OSJ U ?*~ k I fat-Yery fine lot Good quality. Mtoe, again, is a special offer. A RATINE, of neat stripes; particuI § Principally in striped effects?, Lai really good wearing fabric 44 inches ariy mce Mendings -Splendid washI est shadings, and 40 inches wide, for I wide. Quito an ideal cloth for sum- , ug goods; 36 inches wide j 3/6 per yard. I mer wear. 2/6 yard. I ■__ m^_ ._Mi^rJ± i'JHT K P i r\ Line ° f DRESS I 1 I W '"T. TWEEDS 1 This is a line that you must harry for. The I ■ WfctU, j H •v.a.. a ***.*»****» * L *^ki„ +v« I nnttTiiitv is no *. large .and the price is decidedly § A fabric mado.for hard wear. It is more dur- I •-■ I, A bsg lot of odd lengths of materials, from the 1 :-W™«* yJteos cSSws.' The width is 64-inch, and ;fi ) able than elegant. Regarding the wear, ;it is- ;> | famous Dominion miUs, such, as Myn, Kaiapoi, I ™H«Jgsgg"J™" a ; .I ' very.difficult to excel or even equal,; The widthH . ■ | etc. All of the latest, and 54 inches, wide. -~ 1 the ridiculous price ib ... , j inch The Price is •1/11.1 var d ■'■■'•■l' ■'■ 6/6 yard* 8 _____ -__ "■'■''■ . ' '"■■ '-' — . 11l — lIM..IIMIIiP :_jij__._ ' ..u_.:___ ..... ...,,. m in, .„,.."' " < * rM * -^ ■ W&? DRESS REPP. b And then you . may have 1 IW* CREPE OZONBA. i A nice "little lot," in daintv designs. All! 1 COTTON SHANTUNG. ■ --'J ' sUk finish. A soft clinging fabric; very suit- :: 1 fresh'new season's goods, a' price for quick cl«n> ' \.,- With a bright silk effect, nice range of shades, J able for the present style of frock _It is 38 ! Eance. It is 36 inches wide. 2/3 yard.- ;j and it is 38 inches wide. For 2/11 yard. I inches wide, and j 1/11f yard MT LOOK TO FURTHER AD- ■^'ANg^ E E | f E 1 VERTISEMEJNITS FOR OUR A ?f a !2r fZWVWwjMiLAa * miMQMPMTMgmsm® I _ MUTUAL GOOD. LINES. 1 - per Set || HU i™^ s '■■■■'%■ ■'''■■-; '::■-J:'.. ■ '-,' v-.:;<v ■■'•'" : -;''- : - ; ••••■■ "••■ ■■■■■<■■.■ <; - ■■■■■<■■■ " % ' - .;., : ';.'■;■.;,/:V.;.-- ' : ; < : Vv; i;.:"-';" ' , .'•"■.■■ © 1 ■ i" 1 6 There Is no longer any excuse for you to suffer with those diseased and *J . ' mi^uiiunnuie' © unsightly teeth, when you can have them Painlessly removed, Free,, and a new z* I SEE OUR WINDOWS. £ ■ set made which will enable >ou to chew your food, and look ten years younger. § I , ~. 5 r\ . ' i ' r it n i '.i . /, ; 6i ' SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN © v . Owing to the cost or % all. Dental : material having fallen, we can now offer ♦> Johildeen'S boots and shoes. 0 you a better set of teeth at a lesser cost than we could before the war. § i ■ , k 6 - We have a specialist in our Office, who makes a special study of each case, \*> J LADiE&t heavy keduotions in P© " " Don'tientate or delay in consulting us, for which we make no charge, .' | J™* f oes ; C °" cg "^? es ' .S 110130 - ,♦♦♦.;• ■■~-. ■.-:/..; ;, ,-.- • & ,i# ■ '. Y ! Shoes, Low-heeled Walking Shoes, _ ; .i A " ' . *£ || Patent and Glace Kid Oxford and : ©. ■ ■ ■ ;..■.. ■ ;'.■. * ' '♦j* I Fancy.Strap Shoes. ■ I -American Dental . Parlors, I H ■ ™ Avy B *r ra v «■ «w«"**w» Awvt&tt a**' «. >»««.« .White Canvas Boots and Shoes, ♦;• i, -r* - „. „ , Cl . ' O Stylish Nigger Brown and Black :.:'■'©: * Corner Queen and Weiiesley Streets *:♦ Boots and shoes. 6 fi!*. ftitnoY * Open Friday Evenings only I » Heavy Buckskin Tennis Shoes— ❖ *- / '» I\aytlLr " ■ IT 1 ~ g Usually 45/-. Now 32/6; . '* ♦©❖©❖©❖©❖©❖©❖©❖C ( Nigger Brown Boot3> ,bump "toe--. ,: ■'■ '-" ' - '■' ' ; ■';■ '■'■••''' -- 1 '; . —. —L- '; '■'•'" : "■'• ; :"— -■ .'' '..■"'•" ./"':. -r ■' Usually 37/6. ' Now 29/6. mm?- x Cheery Rugs that James Adams .1 Co. Ill' ' * kvi ' Water doesn't hurt! ««—» mo. «*»•• I 1 I /*y ' "SJ/ ""'-'■'■,' : -. ... "" ' ' "" '""""""""""""' '"" "'" ,// >[ % Just the Rugs for the porch, the seaside or country cottage. ~; : -~-:;.—; -—— -- ~ ■/ j \! Moderate in cost - very long-lasting-stay flat without H£)IV|E w|l LB| / /P\ \ fastening. Water wont hurt them—sun wont fade the \"?~ If i J * beautiful patterns—easy to long-lasting—stay flat or mop. FREE uhmc VERMIN. / &\ \ fastening. Water-wonVhurtthem-sun won't fade the YOUR HOME WILL Bl * J " beautiful patterns—easy to clean with damp cloth or mop. FREE FROM VERMIN. • -i .1 ' «„, . . «,,.»,, v « IF YOU HAVE IT FUMIGATED B' 111 W&?%» There's a Congoleam Arthur H. Nathan, Ltd. SietS? E^!St ?S^^S!fS I 111 •''■■'"■■"''"■■' mSt m &jp" ' : - ■' 't ''" " ; Store tieCKT yOU, AUCKLAND > .-..■■■ .Bee'tles, ; Fleas, Cockroaches, iSilverfist / I J jrl -* I *~4 § ■ N • a a 'bla c patent 5 GAS *' -■<-■: ■ l ' \ , -:>' : '#..lL/ I «/»//* ******* § BLADE'S PATENT GAS : 'A I " aJ&CII HAS BEEN DwelUags. Hotel! blade's Latent gas -*2-| " ; " FUMIGATING CO. s 1 36, SHORTLAND STREET. AUCKLANI ■'■;■; -■:-^23fers^^ !t 'vf 1 MmMEMuI Wii^^MGolJ^* , '*^ , Now Pangea, B4in., JCS 12s 6d. -;. • Tr~ mTtttt »1 a \. iGSI ft 2£."'' SSL *«•« ' ; ■■ : Hlv : \ni»»iinM. s ~ ; ra ■"' * ■"■■' ; Ideal for Seaside Baches: and Campers. . ■ - ' '-■■ I s^4^^^^^^^^i^S^fillß; u f S Sj V A BV qUAaANTEa f§ AH Other Sizes in Stock. : <l~£*&s&% : Also, Second-hand in all makes. . '.'' : Jz£s te«§ &iG~r%** *~rir*L jj ff4;' Tr OR your HOMcy m&MM ■ Repairs in all Branches Executed with ■'' : -' ; v^ ; ' ::; &>3§sz-i3s^ :: Promptness. STONEX AND WHITE bH|-'1 - • ' -■'■^«^^s^^ ■ ■^S^ FOR ' THE BEST timber. :■: ' : £3sjiiS32p& '' ' Large,; Stocks of Oregon (including Long ■.';:!;■".'.>•..-''- .■'..■'•'■:■?'' s -'* jE?fe^^^^^^^^^^ip^^^^3^g^^^^^^^SS!!ji**' 1^ Imperial Buildings, Queen St. •..'■Phono 05; ,^^*x **' S!siSi:s «*<7^ < * ■■;;:-':/•,:'-■■„;'■'.' MILL ORDER' OFFICE: WW iPooie St., Freeraoa'i Bay. 'Phonen 88 &61 ■i-i*-i3;ri'V ; ' : , ; ': : *"VV ; -"' '■'■■■ ~ ; . ''.■"- ■'"■'':'.;■■."'.■'■'':/.': . : "'■■■■■'•,' ■'.■! v'-'' ■'' : !--'i ; ''■■•.' 'S.:' I 'i ,: ;''.' : :'i-i.." : /: ->' ~: 'iv. ■ fV'vi'-'^i;'^: : '' ; '.■■..''''i' vVi;: ; :ih? ''-."' : !'■'-'. i' ;'■■■•'■■' ■"'' ■'■■•'' '■:.■■• 7'"' : '•■;.■■■*■'■ i-'C')..! "' : , : .!." ,: V:x!V'a..v : i : .■ • '■■ ?--Mi^-'-> : : - : .V.'W:,- : _rX v -:: : '.';v : '}':>■ : -■■■■.;■ ■■-. ;: :; '• V .-;; : .'; ; " ; M -/: r 'V:. v; —r:;-"'-'-'' ; : :::' : --v' ,; >:•-'■ ,; :; ;/-:'';;::/^^^ : -::s ::r%

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18297, 13 January 1923, Page 17

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Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18297, 13 January 1923, Page 17

Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18297, 13 January 1923, Page 17