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RESTAURANTS AND TEAROOftng. -.f BLUE, '|>A.VILION. "*' t LUE ' ■-- 1 ' AVILION, - " ' '? t# AUCKLAND'S -MOST RESTFUL, : .:./■. '-"-.. ■ MOST CHARMING ''.t ; ■■-- LUNCHEON AND TEAROOMS - •LUNCHEON AND TEAROOMS '#£j , WILL OPEN. FRIDAY, JANUARY 12 Dainty Morning and Afternoon Tea," —-A ■'-'-"'•'■■: Delicious "Cold .-Luncheons. . •''",- "Hot' Tea Friday Evenings. .'"' '// ■ ■ Orchestra .in Attendance. • .V-wf : Piano kindly supplied by Messrs. Lewis R/ ; :B/ ; .-. . Etidy and Son, Ltd. ■ i'<; ! BLUE PAVILION. hM BLUE PAVILION. £M IST FLOOR. FLACKSON'S," " *~..-. ; KARANGAHAPE RD. ■■ ■ ■' -' -.' ■ ' '•'•■•' '^^'^0. COMMERCIAL GRILL ROOMS. ' * 4. HIGH STREET. AUCKLAND. "?' (Next Commercial Hotel. Jo-'o - Delicious Grill 'or' Fish. • • " ;:'■ ■•; Luncheons and Teas. -r] Weil-appointed Room for Ladies and /. .'• .;■/■ Gentlemen. . '.-■■■? Every Attention. /Ij 12 to 2, 4.45 to 7. Saturdays 11.30 to 130 ?! .....// Telephone 2532 A. . . .;-.'? ANFOED'S DINING ROOMS OPPOSITE G.P.0.. QUEEN ST. ■'".'' .FISH MEALS. ' | Open From 9" a.m. Until 7 p.m. Daily. (Closed All Day Sundays.) -J ALWAYS . OOMETHING fpiEMPTING !'• :'■: ... AT. : '. : ' \ .v| toe nniFFiN! :i ; Ihb ...J-IFFIN! : ', v: . J| Come when you will, you will always find something tempting on the Tiffin bill-of-fare! There is a wide choice of good things, prepared by our.own chef. The service is smart "■} and nobody is kept waiting. The Tiffin is J largely patronised by city men, tourists, visi- : ; tors to Auckiitnd, and also by ladies, and is the most' comfortable restaurant in the Dominion. • • . . . ,/ % Lunch or Dinner 42-2 and 5-7, Daily. .' K Sunday Hours—l 3 to 2, 4.30 to 7. The .Tiffin caters for all kinds ■of Socip.l i;.' Functions on: or off the premises. : m THE TIFFIN CATERING CO.. LTD., ?! . City Chambers, » ■'.",.' Auckland. AC "■ ■•■-"■'- ' -'-■•■ ■ ~'-'X . TOILET. 0) i ; 28a-Gd. i' : ■■•'" 2Ss Cd. " Fj\.DELESS, PERMANENT, NATURAL j-' '■ : - ■-■ > HAIR STAIN. m 'QUICXEiST, LATEST AND BEST. ' /gsi Guaranteed not to change colour. Does ~; [ not stain th«» skin;.leaves the. hair silky, .V.'i I bright, and beautiful; grey or faded stuined ■" I to' any original shade in 15 minutes. We l ; ! shiimpob the hair after applying stain, and ■'; . after that the ht,ir -will not leave a mark : ./;i | on» the--whitest linen. Applied in our up- , ""•; stairs private toilet rooms, branch of the '•% Victoria Street Ladies' and Children's Hair- - f dressing Roobis.' This work is done by rayself and daughters, assisted by Specially- .-' trained Toilet Experts. Easy to apply your- ' ""- self.—R. EAGLETON'S TOILET ROOMS. '-,; 6 Victoria Street, Auckland. Established"'-.•"* 40 years.' Specialist in Head Treatment. '*.\ —' Sold in boxes containing 5 bottles, ?Bs 6d, \ j posted.' • Can be had in 12 shaded of colour. ; H' I *283~0d.- . 'PHONE 3170. 28h Cm. ■ :.;; 'JTS7".H: Y . LOOK OLD. USE ,- '*'*;' : ' -— '* KAPO."—- •' ' -';>!;■?/. Guaranteed to Restore Grey or Faded Hair ' ■■"'.--; j to its Original Colour and Beauty. ;.,-A !.. KAPO is Not' a : Dye, but acts by means of strengthening the roots of the hair. It "; V cures Dandruff, prevents .the: hair falling '•* out, and promotes tho growth of the Hair. „> Price, '3s per bottle; posted to any ad- ''"- dress, 3s -Prepared and sold only by V j/. ■,'■-'?/'?■■: M. -ECCLES, M.P.S., ■ ..;; Consulting and Dispensing Chemist, . : ; ~,'' .:■..:(Our Only Address) ;./'./ I- 218, Ponsonbyßoad, Auckland. -.; < KAPO. • See you get — KAPO.v • .'.;>, ANCY Dresse.3, Suits, Wigs, for Hire; / sanitary methods; get free catalogue ■ ■■■: j before deciding.—McEl wain, 270/ Queen St., .',■ Auckland. . . . : ;| . . . /rij MRS. TJOLLEDGE, Expert, H.M. Arcade,' /. Ist Floor.—Ladies',; -Children's Hair- ■ cutting, Electric Waving,: Shampooing,; ../;' Massage Parlours.-' i ' : , : ■.:,'. NURSES AND WURSSNG HOMES. MATERNITY NURSING HOME. ■' NURSE CANTY /('Phone 3182)/ 15. Huntly Avenue, off Khyber Pass Road. - -.; ■'• Patients Taken With or Without Doctor. :■,'>.;? NURSE NASH. 23. Bayfield "".Ed... Heme ' : J-t ._ Bay, :\ has /vacancies for, maternity ~ '4 • patients with J i3T"-,vfithoi!t' doctor. "'Phone - '-i :"2i56A. ;■;■-.:/:■ ."- ; :Ai "■:■ ■• "■•-■ " ■ ~. ■-■■ -.'■''.■ : :'. /;.: - : 'V LSBRARiES. .'':•;■.;,;/ : ■;.'. - rpo RESIDENTS— ; EPSOM, ■*• V 'C 'AND NEWMARKET. | - KIWI LIBRARY "AND ' BOOK . 5 ;. EXCHANGE, ' : " . 'A .REMOVED TO - J ! 15, BROAD WAT, NEAR THEATRE. :-M !_. ,'; —— ; . " . -yd Latest Novels, Magazines, and ■.■'?■ '. ■.-'//•' -Fashion Journals. V ■ '■•' ! • Also Books of all kinds. New and" \ , /.'Second-hand. ■ v j; : '| 1/ '"'■/."• ■'■ ' ' — ~~~;',-:.. ''/.:"'.. ' '■" -.VM ; .;■.' Inspection Invited. " ;■.'■ ; ; r ATHENAEUM 'Book, Club.—Latest Fio- '%. .■:tion, General Literature; 'J.-'-A ! subscription or deposit.—Blo, N.Z. Insurance j 1 '' i Buildings. ~ : ■ ■ I i DRESS AMD FASHIOM. ;i i; i XPERT ' Dressmaking to order, also ■ .*'■■s* ' Jui Instruction :in Dressmaking. Cutting, , ./• j Designing; success .guaranteed.— Modern : ' Dressmaking : / Salon, :, Ellison;■ Chambers, »Queen Street. ; .-', /■ 1 '' . .. . ■■~■: J LEATHERS. — Boas remodelled into • "Xt-v., 'Fashionable "•' CromViie, ;■ late Helvetia Ostrich Co., City Chambi.Ts,' '•"--•" (2nd Floor). - I"V'- ASHMAN, Tailor, • 131, Valley • i .:■'•■; Ladies .and Geiit.'s Own Material Made Up.- .■ V : ~- HEMSTITCHING, Buttons," Pleating, ■■■ ' : Dressmaking; English, American ex- ; ; [ perience; moderate.Modern Button Fac- " | tory, 12. Wellesley: St/ West. , . .■■.,. ;,, ■ ; -.//'' f. LADIES' Hose, -all. varieties, beauti£ul C"3 shades, at New Premises—The Hosiery ■"'■) . "." I House, next .Princess Theatre. - : ■■" | MAISON .: KARINE.— Frocks, Jumpers", '■] j-JX Lingerie, etc., reduced during January. v'' ; ; - r Watson's_Bldgs.. Wellesley St. E. ';S ■JVTOTICE".— Selling Frocks -- and" - "Dress , - '} IT ' ''-.regardless of cost; extra room'.: ■ '■£ required for . Corsets.—Matthews and An- - "' drews, 147, Symonds... St. •'-£ PHOTOGRAPHY. 17'lLMS Developed and; Printed at the h(!->. Pjiraeon, over Alf. Moore's, Newton. ,\ : Splendid results. 24-hour service ;; ?g| -" ' " " " " "l : ---.;^M DYERS AND. : CLEANERS. GrENJC.'S. Ladies' Hata Cleaned, Blocked; -/ Felts, .Panamas,:. Leghorn, Tuscan.— .. '■•'?s Crotball Way Co.. 137. Symonds St. i " : ' '/ SPRH'jiG Cleaning. Vacuum and General :? 1 : Cleaning; experienced staff.—Domestic -. :••■ t ■-: Vacuum: / Cleaning ■ Co., i Strand Arcade. -„ -> 'Phono 900: .-■■-.. ■ ~■.-■ ' \.-i A REVELATION TO AUCKLAND CITY v'"& ■ ■';• -■ AND PROVINCE.- LiYes! It has really "beeii: a' REVELATION ~.*"• to thousands; that no garment is. too far gone for " THE EMPIRE." NTo 'matter v".. how Old, Faded. Torn, or Dilapidated your - -'■ I Suits or Costumes may "THE EMPIRE" '- ; can still make them as new again. OUR -. " . DYEING is the Best in .-the-World. OUR ~tr ' ■■ CLEANING -is . don«. , by. the Latest '■ : . : FRENCH arid AMERICAN PROCESSES. OUR REMODELLING and REPAIR De- =' \: partments are second to none. The cost is . trifling, but-.our workmanship will be sure - >.'• to please.. Ring 'Phone No. 3867, and our . .•• van . will. call. -Country Orders specially .; :: / catered for. and return nostage' paid. ,- .:. ' EMPIRE CLEANING .AND DYEING CO., , - Sv:.,.'-" ; ./FURRIERS. ETC.. ■ L 358. Queen St. (opp; Main Entrance SSSB _ '■' -■'.'■/,*■ ' Town-- Hail). - !By Special Appointment to His Excellency - " Viscount Jcilicoe. ___. i'"ft'A FTEB THE TJWLIDAYB \T& QVER! ■''.-:'-'" ':.'■.'/•—— ; — - . . ■ ':- : ./:/^^ If your holiday suit, frock, or costume 13 tumbled,,s soiled,;, stained, or' torn, .as- ■...:>. '•'the result of camping, boating, picnicking :.'■ ."'and--holiday-making, you can have it ;-, : >: cleaned,,- renovated, pressed, and, » '' ne.cessary, repaired at trifling cost by us, > ..-•. j / and it will ba returned looking almost"•■■■.oVj j ..,■■ good as new! Write to-day to - '-","//-,' ■ npHE pROTHALL WAY /COMPANY. j I Renovating, Specialists and Practical Tailors. a 137:, SYMONDS ST.. AND 171/MANURACT \ J r ROAD. AUCKLAND. 'Phono 251-IA. ~,,,, J [,:■ -..,-:■ Works: 'Phone 2678 A. Mt. Edau. ,^ ll i A CHOICE Selection Leather .£* b°&* V.. | \-£*- boot repairing. Chambers' Boot , J* 6, 'i< __ 3 pairing. Factory, 230. J - ! i LADIES— Have your -I^TJ"Coats and Th* ■'. .'>;'.• -Necklets Remodelled into Next Yog .- ■ tor's Fashions by the Melba Fur Co.. oJA /yJ I Queen St. ■. ' __I——-; \( // *', EASY Terms.—Graniaphones.. Musical In- ; struments. Furniture, Sewing ®i%i;,/Mm i.(Pianos, no deposit).—Central Agency. U-- ><-L» j Chambers.' .' .. .-■ • - ' - __—- : -'-' ;; 'g GIVE the Youngsters * Treat: on W . || YeaT's Eve.— them a Bof^ £. *g* ■ ,i,i*S v;«vks. 2a 65, sa. 103,™Haaam , s^.QKefla|||*|^g

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18295, 11 January 1923, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18295, 11 January 1923, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18295, 11 January 1923, Page 4