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>-' ■':■ '■:•'■:': DOWESTtCS ■' WANTED. V COMPANiON-Help.-Lady. young,:respect- ;• able, for country; .fond-children essen- ' tial.—State terms, Urgent, Bos 10,' Ifihttera./.COOK, plain, good, elderly : preferred,— : Aroha Dining Rooms, To Aroha, ';•/'./ COOK wanted; all : kitchen duties, but help ;; , and consideration always given-—Ad-■ ' 'dress M. Williams,--Waihi. ■..■"■" //■ • -■: ■-'/::). COOK-General; experienced, wanted; i 7 housemaid kept; 4 adults— Cornnna '■ Ave., off St. Stephen's Ave.,. Pamell. ', i, >/:■. COOK-General, or Working Housekeeper,/all: duties; 3 adults.—Mrs. Dickson, 29, Hamilton Rd., Heme Bay; any evening 'after " 7."- : ""■•'.'" ______ ' .■.'• ■ : _£_- : '- ■'■'-'■ ■■"■■* rS"':'"' DOMESTIC Help, E5.-43, : ijurwood Creacent, Victoria Av., between 5-6. DOMESTIC Help wanted for; . '■■. no washing.—Address at Herald.' . »;■ '• DOMESTIC Help : wanted, capable; refs.— ' J-/ Mrs. R. W. Gallaugher, 47, Sarsfield St.. Heme Bay.:,;-' ./ '-■/. - -" ••/■--;.: .:--. : . DOMESTIC Help, good plain cook ■' refs.; ±f 4 adults; no washing.— Prater, 1 251,/ Manukau Rd. ■______•__ DOMESTIC Help., capable, 3 : adidts; good - plain cooking; no washing. Seaview ' Rd., Eemuera. 'Phone -1465 A. - : _£. GENERAL, good,—Apply at once, Wark- „, : ; worthi House. 386, Queen St., opposite: Town Hall. :■ ..;..- .-■■ _. : . .--.-: ■~. .-■■■■ // • /3 ENERAL, .or Working Housekeeper, c&p----i V* able other; help kept.Apply mornings , or evenings, Mrs. Entrican, 300, Jervois Heme Bay Tram Terminus. ■ '•"■■■. ' .. . /GIRL, capable, 'to' take charge of baby.— , V-y 28..Symonds St. , ■ _____ ' ____ GIRL, smart Kitchen and • General., at" . once.—Midlands, 2, Domett Av„ Epsom. • ' fIJBJj, good, strong, -for Kitchen Work; ■' : = :.■ V /sieep home—s, Scotia Place. '.. ; ;^,:/.-: ■>~. /GjIRL. :ox Woman, with child, Housework," • J^/Y. help milk {machine};;for country.—3s. . ' Faice Ay. . ,-. ;: - ... , «■-.;/; ' young, to assist Light Housework; A treated as one of family.—ll3, Orakev " Rd., Remuera. , GIRL for Housework; mornings only; for' .'. . _21 weeks.—Mrs. Chas. Nathan, 19; Ar-' [ ney Rd., Remuera.. / •■ ■'.:/ G'lßli, : Housework, Mondays to Fridays; I sleep at home; references. Little, '"' 37,__Tainui Rd.. Devonport. . : _ __ r : /;. HELP, _capable, domesticated, assist fc . : all duties. Email 'family ;■,,• (ref-Brences"/—-■■•'■'■-j Apply mornings, 576. Mt. Eden ;Rd.. {TerL minus). '.- -■ - : - '■- _- __ :- !: '- '"-■ HOUSEKEEPER ■ wanted r- for country, . widower with 5 boys, school age; must' , be capable; all duties; wages ,-61.—Address-* ' ■ at HgBALP. ;" : " " " . ' -'•'"■ V-' •■■' TTOUSEMAID-Laundress,' experienced,::'; atonce.—Apply 26, Princes ,St. - '■'-'~'; ■ -:.•;.. HOUSEMAID - Waitress, : or"/ Relieving- '."/ • msid.—Hotel Northland. '-' '■ . ■: ; tf : :■■.'■'•:; -f^ HOUSEMAID. - Waitress. .-:■/'■ ' experienced.^;. Hinomoa, Alfred St.: : V v.:-^i-;. HGUSEMAID-Waitressj ' experienced; / «49b;; - Kitchenmaid. —Apply ■'.: ■■■ Bonny:;. Glen Boarding House, Te Aroha. : ';■ /'-... :„»:,.w^;' HOUSEMAID-Waitress required for hotel* :; Cambridge.—Bell's Registry. 'Gladstonft i . Buildings, opp. Ferries. Phone < 1702. .. .■■'.... N;U*ll SB ;.'■ H O U.::S':.:E.-M ; A .1 D. ,No Washing., References Required: . ■.:=■". I Apply, . :■>■; ■■ ''"_-■ , •'- No. 5, ST. GEORGE'S'BAY ED.. - ■ : '.' l :- ':;--■ ; Or Telephone .2851.-.'::'..;:;:.;' ;; r.; RESPONSIBLE: Person: wanted, charg* :of ' XV ' Boy, 6 to 8. p.m.—Apply between -8/ i aMd .7. p.m., 8, "Alfred Street.. ■'... WAITRESS''.. wanted,/, also . one to/lean},': : 'and* Night Waiter.—Marble Bar. __■.: jj/ l iTATAITRESS," " experienced. wanted.—' •: :VV Stoneburst, Symofads St. . ■'■: ______ T\7'OMAN or Girl, Btjons,": for -general . '■■■■'?■■■■ housQi work.—Apply.-128.: Hobsbri. St.- ' ■ "'t/f/'CMAN, •■young; - for household duti»w, in' / tt. small, adult -family.—^Homely,. t/829.: '' Herald. '■. '.'ri.-/'£^2____l_________JL_J_^'-WOMAN wanted Household -Duties; - ; small home; . urgent.—Apply: at , once,. - 57, Richmond ltd. .:;'..y. V;':''rj : ;':.: '-■ Xl7'oMAN;.midd]e-as , dd, wanted tiors coun-.; '_. it '.try: urii«nt;—Write" statins waffesi :C. - .'.:- Lissette, Te Akau'. Ngaruawahia. - ' 's > •; Tl-rOMAN * { WANTEDi~FjOR ; % ; ,V.V;. .; general:: housework. ,- .;■.-.. - ,', .-. Sleep Out. ,-'•.;, . . 'Apply, between 9.30 a.m. and 5 p.m.. ■; ' Y.W.C.A.. Upper Queen Btyen!i. . \TC|'BI*_ t S ; • Refriatry. : . Gladato^e:l-BJaSc—.'>' ;■: iOlSCJgf^^Secbcds,: Laundress, WaWcosjtes,. r : . H.M.-W'resses, / Rel'm'disi '/Generals;; Kit'-, " m'ds. : Pantrym'ds. ■ C-G'n'.ls,. H.Pl'M'dn. -'• j Nnrse-H,M'd;/M • Con pies,... Milkers. . ,*:;'...-.■ . , RELIABLE Registry. = Il^jQu^en^SttSiSA^.' ';/_iCoa^v waitress';-.;: PanMy!naid%' , ■'': Lady : Help;; CrGeherals, Farm'-Hands;- Cow^*- .' Aboy^/;;^:-.:^;.-^;:^ ■ : : - : .. ~-:-■ .. , : . -QTRAND-. Registry. Strand Arcnde.'—Cooks, .*.'/ ; - ..'.C5'/ " Seconds. Waitresses, H.-Wjfitxess, H.- / i. Laundress,- Kitchenmsid. ;„;/ Couple * lowa I . _______ Milkers, ' Generals. .■ : ? ■. %•:■.[ ;■:.-■:.:,,' ; -.-; -. : i PRESBYTERIAN CHILDREN'S; HOME, ; *• ' DEVONPORT. 1 . * '■* " ■"-. Wanted:-' ~" ,„. ; .':."^C" ' ' ' - LADY HELP, AS ASSISTANT. -:.' For-particulars, apply to v • ,- ■ J "• ' S,\SAFE"-SKPOBir'BUjtiiDIIfGS;>' '~. ! . ■■' :"■ ' ,*' " ' ! •~■ •,- High Street, Aueldand; . ■■ y____r___i—^i_^*'——^JSi-ii'— ""' i-^u——_S9' v; ' •; FARM HAM faS WAMTgD.. -''.".. -- BOY "wanted" Milk (machine), and Aiisist' •-Farm J.';Ruru;- -: Co. M:, hi-.?. i Bayly, Box a4.:Tirau. ::... . VKy:', :'.'.:;.-^..-: BOY or Youth, permanent, for ijavry farm;, , machines; good home.—Apply, 5 s«atuigr . i *age; experience,, wages,» J. W. Heath, Buck--1 __________' '■'"•' ■-■'-■': f -.;-. : ' :'2 ■-': &■'■"- '■■'■'?^„, BOY or .Youth;',' educated, > for : smali:;riedl-':: gree i'Jersey; fahnf. mußi L rbe/.' willing,;-■;■ 1 and -anxious to ■ leJi-rn ;, good ;_ome.-— ;- - -140.:H8baij>.: •'■:." ■■•- ;" :""'■' ■■' -.:-■■?•.::-:- ■'■',''■;.-''■'■ mi !" ' HAND Milker,: good, to niilkiS 1 test cows.-» : i /Apply Manager, ; Hobson;;iFann,',- Pari* ■ mure.-.d'Phbris:;S33Q (6 - rings). :' n MAN .or-'Youth, «oodi.-i}foE-j K -;._iachin»s ÜBed; * ; i'and 5 found--rw.:Si i Gooamah, Wititoa. ' ■ : : "" , : . f]\/fAN,' yourig, to milk and assist on farm; ■'~; ;. diJL machines; good wages' suitable-man.—/: • B,' Mercantile Chajnbara.'. : Customs St. East. MAN; ''youngi reliable,' good .hand, milker* r general Farm work; 30s and fgund.— ■ : J. Sinclair; ____]___•__ '- . -'■• ■- >-'■■'■.'' .', MAN, machine' and. general 'farm, ; ■ work;.' 50s and found.—Apply Machines« 1 ■ 861.. Hkbalp. -'.''.'■■ -, ..-.;-,,■:, : r:H-;'-'r ■-• :: ';\ [ : waritedVto ass_t Price,.."- '■. IvX Dairy, ' Eoar; Green -Lane; Slat ion.';. .Green' - Lane. ■■...'-■■ .•;..--.■:- '."'-■' ;... ; '.-:- .•■.■'.-.. ; MART- or i Youth; '■ for; Farm . Work; Hb£i- ,. ::;an'ga;Smust be able milk,—l,. Kipling . Av., Epsom. ; . ■ •..-•'. >..•■■:: ''. '\yfATES, good,/ wanted,; 10Q-4:or] mors' '.:' _uL-/ cows, ! for coming season; good exporienoe.—Apply Milker, 112, Hkeai<i>. ?; .-..-'. :;::;; j T\T_LKER, good, for Tuiua, machines Used;' ' good -home; "wages, . SOs.-^—Mr.. "Hill," • P"P Ce Arthur Hotel, 11.30. ■ p .: / PLOUGHMAN wanted, "competent, single; .','■ wages;. £2i week and: - found.—-Apply- ' Rickit; : :Ta Awamutn. :,".-'• - •■-.'.•■: y. ; '---. :y ■-. y- : . ; ".■■• XTOTfTSi, tor Farm', must-be able tdroilki I • ■.''-* , ''- , -—J- George,.'Ge,orge St;.' Oriehunga,; , "VrOUTH", or: Man to .;;_elp-'wit_Vnuvclb»_(iir: ;v :/X'^/ milkirig.— '. w'«_es;!-. C iHbpps, Mana*' : ; : ':■; wairu, Aroba." '- ,-'■'- •'•-■'-•.::■ L+'.'.i- ;',-:::•-. . '■••-!-—- ■':-".'.' ". . —. . .'■•..... "^:'.,. " •■.. ■ -.' k '■'■''■ - 'V'OUTH, wanted make himself generally.,-. X useful, farm, Waikato; good :home.^—S, ; 5 Empire Rd., Epsom, Greenwood's ■'Corne^'i r - : YOUTH, strong, ''waried; for farm work;; : ; ■'/• mußt be a-good milker.— J. .Parsons, '-.., > Bos: 82, Eotorua/ : - : -:^.'"' : ■-'■;'■".'■:'.--'.:..■■' , ; -:"-;' ; ' / YOUTH, strong; good stripper essential; jL = 'machines used; ■ 255, found.—_. ■•-P_t- : . • ? _____ Buckland. Waikato. I '-//- ::.■;/' -:.; YOUTH, good;milker,-xised .to"horses; £1 'and found; refs;/'.Protestant,—Z., Co. 1 Congalton. Cambridge. ■/ ' , ■ '' YOUTH, Mill£ing; . experienced /or . piher-- r wise: machines;'■■"■ wage and/ age.—-A.;//, l G. Bell, Itaitaia, North Auckland. v> : :■■; _ ■-.• OUTEi f strong,"-: wanted, Silking : and', Assist on Farm; 2£a and; Thomas;: Ruawaj. -■■ :.' ;."'"...•.:•■■ '■'■■'-.-■'■•' -'- - ;: "-■-'■''''/:' ■■• LARK'S : Besistry, --Wadtsmata-. .Chambers: V. ; = -Mftrried'-GbuplO}"- Machine;vMilkors, ..- urgent; ': Drainers; / -Ploughman,/ milk . 6 cows; '--. Domestics. ..''•'-,'■■•".■.•■■-.-:'-.'■>-'■-. -■;-■•>■--.;-- P~EARSON'S 'Hedstiy,";Exci_iige_;Xrac.~4 '•-'■ Hand and ; Machine ?. Milkers, Boys • for ; Dairy Farms, Gardener (station),- Scutcher. /; - ■r> o y :,';. ;-.:o R r:-,;: -■ y C XJ 1." h, - ■ & just Leaving School, - Wanted -for- ; uj>ta-date dairy farm; ■ willing ' to - learn;, strong. -•: and must .be - able; - to, '; milk; other experience unnecessary will be:;/ '■ thoroughly taught;_ good .homo *»a^vragca.iApply promptly io .-'.'.-■:".." ; __' : "--^_±_;';t-' , v-i t S'':::! ■i KARINE, ■./-"..•-..-■'; -■' ■ - ■.Wataon's-Buildinsfa.-'r "i- ---~ = -— ; --a-? ■ J_______f—_ ': ■"s:''■■: CIIIAR-A-BANCo Sft^'G-seato*;..'-eaijißsf -"rid-" ■iXJi ".-ing'.--' Auckland.; -;-for/---Datfcear-'?_sodg#'.'*' Meetiaga, etc.—'Phone- ■ J.; Efryimer.: ■ ■;- AXIS -for Hire.—Sevenrseaters, ■!.- X '.„ Hudsotiß.—H&rpsr's Ponsorifoy: ; - Garage, v. /Wood St:r: 'Phone 2216. : ' ■■■;■■ «.g'::';r;^': : {Wanted - AdvocUsemeais co___ao_' m \

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18294, 10 January 1923, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18294, 10 January 1923, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18294, 10 January 1923, Page 1