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*m> rV N Jfflfe |f Wmm a m Jm am Useful and I asterUl UlttS Limited though the remaining days are for Christmas Shopping, much may be accomplished in a brief space of time at // /M C L Tlf T W the M. &C. Store, where Ideal Gifts for EVERYONE may be selected. No matter for whom the gift article is required <sl>-czJ // //ffl [or the lOllet laDie. v —for the elderly lady or the young lady, for the middle-aged man or the boy of ten years—one is here provided with r-jgri ««- // US p practical suggestions at every turn. s^K'^^Yff £^%TioV X U b?g V o? pocket Dis P la V s of Novelties, Dress Accessories, Footwear, Wen's Wear and Travelling Goods on the Ground Floor; the smartest ' ' unique <» lour^£ tle " d h |)"| bulbs Coyet6d m ■ <ttfT\\ IpWl of Midsummer Attire on the First Floor; Beautiful Fabrics, Exquisite Napery, Dainty Lamp Shades and all Household jLgf , % tone to match / aac / . in* VJM?*\ Nee ds on the Second Floor; Toyland and the Carpet Displays on the Third Floor-these tell eloquently of a buying ] U Clothing—the Practical UUt "So J ta* Perfume* LiSS! organisation which has searched the world, and brought together under the one roof, an outstanding collection of Christ- i«S /» /£% bott l e wit d aT.T Sh t" tube bU A daiSy 0 mas Attractlons in which a,most every count,, y is represented. & P * 0r Men. new'and Kpoisivo Gift—lo/6, 18/6, 19/U, Q And it is not alone for the Gift-seeker that these displays have such unusual appeal, for the Traveller and the Holiday- If 1| ffi& From stocks which are varied and new, we maker will find their every requirement here catered to on a more lavish scale than ever before. J I Mj/ \ instance these eminently-suitable Gift Items:— Another °Ui?t? sufgesS— 21/6. ' y\M Shopping opportunities at M. & C.'s are unlimited. I Men's Plain Fuji Silk Neglige Shirts, in a heavy- , | weight silk; full cut and well made—29/6. Another Manicure Set comprises E.P.N.S. stand, - H WVfl . „,., * ..... ,-, , 1 , /B with all necessary articles-25/6. 2& fj ■ *- 1 O#T Fuji Tennis Shirts-29/6; Canoo shape-32/6. Ladies' Hair Brushes, ebony backed, with best [t I « . '\ ,^^ as^^Sm^ "» f « made H d Mirrors ehcnv backed in round or oval if ' Men's Tobralco Shirts, in Plain and Fancy ColGlasg Powder Bowls, in Tale Pink, Blue or lit ,\ A useful gift consists of a Plrin Light-weight Lemon—2/11, 4/11, 7/6, 10/6 each. |PV "jimmlm \ I 1 wk Deep oream PyJ ama ' Suit » with a Case mada For the lady who travels, a Rubber-lined VVilSr J-\l \\ -™"SHB ' M/S." 8 Tourist Case is invaluable. These are obtain- / f/// H \ \ \\\ \\ \\ If!'i "»1 able in strong rubber, in shades of (»%/* M \\\.\ \V\\ wim V Pyjama! Suits in Plain Fuji Silk. These are Sase. Blue, Green and J\ed—3/6 and 7/(1. l/\ >^^> L 3 \\ \v\ W-A \ ) cut to our own sizes and well made; full range Also a be-on to lidv trai'ollers is the New Gay ! \ XjV) . tT-rJ^MBr Gambol Hat Bag—A clever and practical way / \ /Sjt i Men's -Silk Dressing Gowns are always good. of carrvinc -Milliners- on steamer, train or motor- / .V"'""***! y^ ft 's~~*-i tT ¥ r 1 * "" *1' 1/" ~ 1 "a 1~"l ' fjZ 1 •* rc< They are light and pack into a very small space. rf;J<?.™ a -V;^'^S i^ e ss& y Jr?7 Gloves and Hose, daintily boxed, are acceptable gilts always W I^^™?*'™°**""™' 24/6 and 29/6; in Bed Morocco, 23/6; in Cre- / j/Sf :' ' ./ > ' x w I I! A ~ tonne, 14/6. { i ' 'I - - Jaeger Dressing Gowns, m smart Grey and • . o, f , t • i t.i i •*• j4i , O Fawn Checks; corded edges and heavy girdle— Another practical gift is a fine-quality Envelope- A G.ffc of Gloves » always sure of thorough appreciation and the ooloured Sil]£ Ho£;e; three-quarter length silk, mock V 89/6. ,),,-„ T!,, ;„ T,-,, t " .. ~„,. <„' , (i c: / \ same is true of Jtlosierv. but when the two aro combined in a ~ _. , „,,., r vo , T m;--,. iJfßffiSp^SuKsta MiS w r,r V 'wi C ° m " r f dainty Box, with perhaps a Pretty Handkerchief in addition, a mora seamed, strong cotton tops and feet. Black, White, Grey, N.gger, JHBIb A large display of Dressing Gowns, in Grey, panmems, -uirror and Lorn lurbD—37 ; b. j] | delightful Gift for a lady would' b« hard to find. Purchasers oi xNude, Champagno-3/11 pair. Fawn, Blue and Brown shades; plain colours Useful snd daintv k a -RpiA iruu m n i I Gloves and Hosiery to the value of 35/- or over may have these . and fancy designs—69/6, 63/-, 78/- to 105/-. r SPr , !? S g n r IIaPK I Gift Goods packed in an Embossed Imitation Leather Box, Gold lined Anti-ladder Artificial Silk Hoflß, with fancy broad Satin Stripe; double ' . oured Beads-2776. gn " lImI I and bordered Wlth Gold Lace > without extra wearing parts. Black only-4/11 pair. A n6W , ""!>"»?* ° f n ' S ' u IJL '- U - * , /°' SMiffSßtfiMmi| & r J arrived, including plain cut eage, welted and Hi | li Ladies' 2-Dome Imitation Suede Gloves, washable in cold water. Artificial Silk-faced Hose, heavy weight; full length silk, 4in. double j J bound brims; Fawns and Greys—s2/6. HI ' -W- 1 Paßt€lle ' Br ° Wn ' FaWn ' M 0l °' GrCy ' NaVy ' BCige ' top; perfect, seamlcsi. Black, White, Nigger, Shoe Grey, > Men ' s Tennis Blazers, in Navy Blue, with Gold, - ' ' l Oyster, Lemon, Stone, Putty, Pastelle—6/11 pair. / White, Red and Pale Blue pipings. These are " Elbow-length English Lisle Gloves, 2 button fasteners; a well-cut " showing in all sizes—22/6. CSS3I Halnru d reliable glove. White, Beaver, Grey, Pastelle, Chamois, Grey, Cotton Milanese Hose, in Shadow Stripe; full fashioned and perfect ,„ , -„ MM „ _~„„ •„ tji.,,l, ,„a t? 1 fWI 7F&-s9t \wr j Black ~ 4/6 p fitting ' best En?lish ' make ' Black ' Putty ' Grcy ' Nißßcr "" 6/11 pair " ttrL m BZ!mT^ m Biac^d Zj jj? )P PeriUmeS aild Imitation Suede Glove in pull-on style with elastic at wrist; a well- Vertical Shadow-striped Cotton Hose, fuU fashioned; Morley's reliable White—4s/-. p" ""« /Iv cut glove of best English make. Black. Chamois, Beaver, Jfastelle, „ , , , ~, , •,-,-,■. >t -i> i. rn. ~ «- IB B Rsm Kit _ -~ ,«-,.- L D J White—4/11 pair. Enflinh make. Black, White, digger, Putty, Champagne, Gx»y— itJJSJ/til All-wool Cream Flannel Cricketing Trousers, 1 T\v F7 1 1 OWCierS. ' 6/H pair. {JlifißW&yffi'lkxSk. made with belt loops, side strap, hip pockets VchV-v*/ Iff /L-~< I Fownes' 3-Button Linen Lisle Gloves. White, Cream, Pastelle, Navv, j and cuff bottoms—32/6 and 88/6. /T\/?^M^ : ' and Gallet S-ancy digger, Fawn, Grey, Silver, pair. u Silkeatia.''-A Highly-mercerised Lisle Hose, having the appearance A large line of the noted Rubber-lined T;:e S Jmt // IN*>--s. B ° X B °^ P3 ' in Oeillot ' Dnplea Doeskin-flnish Gloves, wide Gauntlet, with elastic wriet; have oi sdk 5 bcin 8 fuU fashioned, it i» pertect ntting. urey, JNigger, I to j_ wide . eild ghapes. There are very ffim] _flB__HL Mignardise, Violette and the appearance of real doeskin gloves. White, Cream, Chamois, Grev, Champagne, Navy, Flesh, Putty—6/S pair. J y smart designs showing", and moderately priced Bois de Sautal —4/11 Pastelle, Beaver—6/11 pair. L>—i at 3/11, 5/6 and 6/6 each. %"- \°tT ■ N S^ box of 3 tablets. , Fancy Drop-stitch Pure Silk Hosa; three-quarter length silk, mock s , LiQen g Ifl Tfar d m . Whito> c Pastelle, Beaver. MM J d S J O LU , der tops> doubla wearing parts . B lack . f Fancy Boxed Soaps, in Natural, Almond, Cream, Au Miguet, Grey, Nigger-Elbow-length, 5/11 pair; above-elbow length, J/11. ' • r fc. Boyale, Carnation and Vioiettc-2/9 box of 3 tablets. Real White Kid Gloves, in below-elbow length; 2 button fasteners- only-10/6 pair. ,■-^.pp^j»Hg :: Fancy Case, containing one Bottle Perfume, one Tablet Soap i 2 /11 ThQ Original Hole-prOOf Pure Silfe Hose, fine quality; three-quarter ' ffl and one Box of Carnation Face Powder—l 2/11. Elbow-length White OlXee Skin Gloves, 3 button fasteners -13/11 length silk, mock seamed, doubly-reinforced wearing parts. Black, ~- ' * "~~~ WlmS/ M Moray's Nuit de CarnivaJ in Soap—box of 3 tablets, 16/6. pair,, Above-elbow length—lß/6. Cordovan—7/11 pair. Ip/ iH l"*7Z° JT-d Bo. Ue -3 8/6 . p™. 010 ""' 3 butlon hs,m " , ~ m pa "' m.o.h. (««..■. on »») s^-uip.»-. suk H.„ ; f„„ Season Gift Boxes for JfcA^^ T tom to r aa c, rrosted »M» Wa*tog olM e Skin OIo,«, 3 b„t,„„ futa-; w«n tntoea s „d _S___*'i_f« ""' °' ** ""' Men '""TKSffl Eefreshing Bath Salts, prepared by Moray, Yardley, Pivcr. perfect fit—Elbow-length, 15/6 pair; above-elbow length, 17/6 pair. . ■ bn 6 us|l maJie ' ciac *, or ■ *" IMCIi. Atkinson, Houbigant and Elizabeth Ardens-4/6, 5/6, 6/6, T/6, Elbow-length Washing Suede Gloves, with 3 button fasteners; perfect Tbe Genu i_e " Kayser'» MUaneae Silk Hose; the kind that will not _ A . . bsm!m „ «„„„„ q » v Tr an fr^^^>^& 9^ra Q;< s t/ , --/a K„ti,„ fit and superior finish. Pastelle, Grey, Brown, Beaver—l 6/6 pair. . . . * , . v.-;, . . ~. . .„ . '. , Box containing Fancy Silk Handkerchief I N3Ci«V^*?t» < ? n9Q\ 9/6 to 35/6 bottle. *" j> i v r i p or run, being made of a specially-constructed fabric; full fashioned. ("dress size") Wide-end and Batswing // \ytS P^&9fojL Also in boxes of 12 tablets—s/6 and 6/6 box. Elbow-length Superior-quality French.Suede Gloves, 3 dome fasteners; White, Taupe, Nigger, Grey, Pearl, Nude, Champagne, Emerald, Ties to matoh, at 13/6. j, ©^S^^loy fine-quality skin, perfect cut and fit. Pastelle, Beaver, Grey— p;„ir_9s/« niir // * J*® -SiSk -"— — 19/6 pair. " ±inK M/ ° * ' Another Box, containing a Full-sixe \JU *%%<¥ Elbow-length Coloured Brussels Kid Gloves, 3 button fasteners. A splendid assortment of both Plain and Fancy Silk Hose, including IffSSLSJn? _J Pastelle, Primrose, Beaver, Putty, Nigger, Grey, Black—l 7/6. Shadow, Lace Stripe and Fancy Lace; in Black and Colours. ana Baiswin S lies TO mawu ' ai ±B / • A Qood QJft CQmprises a pair of //! - ",v 18 A\ Box 3 contains a Dress-size Foulard Hand- Silk Half-hose, White Silk Handkerchief ///V n . CI • 1 kerchief, with Foulard Wide-end Tie to and a White Rubber Belt with patent // /j V I' fitr/lrX\ ore r S P aCe ' g reatei * 1 © " Chopping early Ifl the ' ; fastening-The box complete, 23/-„ // *\W \\ _ p | ert : on and better shopping week is better than in the ftSa^^!!^ "T "•„ ■"*" tt // \H \\ SeieCUOllb, dliu ucuci & x y -»\ io uctici uidll in Uie silk Tie and Suspenders, matcbing-12/6 a variety of contents, or Customers may, 4kc/ i>P if J \\ f •!•.• ,1 jGrlir W 1 . i 1 i the box. select contents for themselves. V facilities than ever. S crow " a y s - - — ■ J Daintily boxed—Six ITine Lawn Handkerchiefs, with narrow VSi I I Special purchases made by our representative m| wf| |liWm|y| TOYLAND —-' TTIP dlllf^rPn 9 *; Rpa^TTl coloured edgo and pretty embroidered corners in tinsel and \\ *f*r whcn in En s land result in sjlendid values for T|jpa <j ~,^v aiic 'OililUlCli J> itVCaun. T>„ rn r;„ n xt t.- « u i-x i. a . i. -j y-'iy &\A 'Vik. ' " ■ Bripht with every amusing and instructive Plaything for the ChiT2vl!™ , Handkerchiefs, hemstitched and neatly embroid- dren, Toyland provides endless Gift Suggestions for the Little Folk.. ercd corners; done up in fancy square-shaped Box-16/6 box. %£olUs> v_ # # , While space will not permit of a detailed review oi this important A full assortment of Boxed Handkerchiefs in Embroidered fcjXQUISItC IVlaCleird iNaDerV Section, mention must be made of the wonderful Doll, which walks, Lawn or Linen, Lace-edged Lawn; pretty- coloured borders. * XT J talks, sleeps and cries. She is 14£ inches tall, is dressed, has real! Three or si,: handkerchiefs in pretty Box-From 2/6 to 35/- box. p, M U; £ |.L A small selection at less than half usual prices. A T T fIM 0 A* S£n.'?l»!!L adj "fl ble . crad!e - .H f $™\ is s */ 6 ' P lu , s V 9 io * Boxed Handkerchiefs for Children, in coloured borders, nursery VjIaSS IMOVeltieS lOr tlie i\ USetlll & Jrf fkr^ rhymes and animal .series; 3or 6 handkerchiefs in a box-From _ _f, Tray Cloths-14in, x 20in., Oval, 6/9, 7/11, J 1 "^ e , '£■ * arent «J« e invited to bring their boys and girln to _4 /h '° s;u box - Dressing Table. g* "^o^V**^ a/ '' "* "'" 39/6 complete. e y Py °° r - Strong Travelling -Goods. of Pink, Sky or Lemon Glass-12/6 set. 37/6, 47/6; 45im, Square, 32/6, 39/6, 63/6. " Ideal" Sewing Machine; simple, R ea( ] Novelties make Heal Gifts jfgf " ( Candlesticks may bo had without the Cosy Covers of exquisite design—ll/6, J2/9, 14/0, strong, and equal to full-size machines ;• <! Sui f CasCS ' in So,id leather, Bowl-At £/- pair. 19/6. in mate rial and quality. Onl V 71b k^S IlllSn'rV* <0- \ImW Wlth English locks — 24-inch •, . ~ ; . , „ & !? I\ £3/12/6 to £7/10/-; 27-inch A China' Clock, with 2 Vases to match, Beautiful Table Centres, 20in., round —17/9, in weight, it may be carried as easily Graduated Bead Necklaces, Win. long, linked rffA\ 3 : 3 MW~~J \ /\ mm! £10 >' 29-inch, £11/11/-. ' in Green or Helio China with design, is 21/-, 23/9. as a handbag, yet it does first-class ifch c }iain In Topaz, Saxe, Amethyst and f f&\ la „ , ' another good Gift-29/6 set. work-Price, complete in Cover, 39/6 Crystal shades-4/6 each. U I JF 9\ A.^V f ?^<wth "Sunset" Beads, in colouring inspired by || 1 O l»r?6r? , ' / «/«? lSSnci 48/6. WiS' Arizona Desert Sunsets. Large fancy shape and II @ ft 56/-. ' ' ' 18 ' lndl ' — i . small beads ' fimshed with drop —8/11 each. %k J* }} Brief Ba gs _i 2 , nch , M/ .. 14 . | " rmlets to each. / mch ' 27/9; 16inch > 32 / 6 - ejii if iv I in" r I I % / i tr-v wS d ß?rSfouf^nd B sSfu o^ 54in - long ' w Cases, Pinic Queen ' Auddand '* Other Bead Necklaces in Great Variety. SOME M. &C. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS AND OTHER MIDSUMMER OUTING OCQSIONs! ~ Pretty Sunshades. Buckskin Tennis Shoes. ~ " " Noveltv White viMa* ~TT „ ~ ~n I — Silk Sunshades, in Navy and Brown, with Smart and very serviceable for Tennis and Cott °n Gabardines. WOVOlty WHlte VOile&, OrgaHdlC MUSliflS. «.*fc|« « * Military handks-48/6. j ™* l TeSriho'ea Cream and White Cotton Gabardino; a S^aSTS£ h White Swißs 0r Muslins of even Bathing COStumefl. £ < ,r S*White Points a n nd an MiHS S- f hi l\ B -kskin Oxford style, with reliable cloth of wool-like finish; 53 inche ß S/U to 6/11 y«d. SecJn/£ W^ Ve; ,i lear , a ?I tr inches No. 965-Attractive One-piece All-wool ? h Si4/a fUbber 80le8 - 26 / 9 - wide-White, 4/6 yard; Cream, 4/11 yard. ' ' y " eCOnd FloOT * ?i\M Md 4/6 J K inches ™**> 3/" Costume, with inset pussets in contrast, Sunshies of'silk Poplin, in Oriental de- J?" ° rdering by mai1 ' stat * sizo " Also in 38-inch width-White, 3/11 yard; |wiSS MUSImS. "* . gj S2? Bign; in Jade and Mauve-17/6. We pay postage. Cream) 3/6 yMd . d ' k f 1^68,1 or^tandTotn Gr ° UDd Fl °° r - Ground Floor. 88cond Floor . Spacings-2/ll; 11/I^S'"^ 0 * 8 and !f S? G ° ld_W ' 32/6? ° S -' 34/S ' ■" — J Second Floor. First Floor ' First Floor. __ 1

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 18275, 16 December 1922, Page 16 (Supplement)

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 18275, 16 December 1922, Page 16 (Supplement)

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 18275, 16 December 1922, Page 16 (Supplement)