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~"~~ " ~ * i ft l/A Valenciennes Laces. and JP I- A RIFC' 1X717 A D 1 J j4 rfß^ / iv yj British Made, Dainty and Durable. y a J ue EjD LiALJIjEjD W LiAK, * w t \'s\* \/ ,If / )i\ "S Ext,ui3ito ,ncll Wid ° Threading vai. Laßes. in M 1 |f| I S«perior Qualities. ' \ i S \ \VI / i Ij / /! Vr dlPl M n / Wi£t " and Crenin-From 3*d tn 1/2 yard. JF 1 II " I TOk r> \*m r L. \ % !w \ \&' /s ,rl* /I \ fe=^J^7/7 /I 4£§H*iL B ? «™«a«on Filet insertions, in White and Cream-, lilUiLa %M|MM lIIIIIIIIiiii Best Manufactures. \ I \^<.yy y /rA y i/ "SS§SI§rV/l JEhHUKw ■ W 21-iaoh. si-iach. sMnch. .«»«»_. VIVBIbB Auckland's Keenest IlliiliJf * £ vp-xSOftN// ml™//. 1 w- »*<«■ . 1/3 va*. «qtao atts? AiTTmifuc» Price* fffiSßHf / Jr m I v^2VSIVV /fe-Jjt v 1m Wiro woven vh *- Lacos • &uitabie for nndfl " kirtß - \ K A * ! KA<L * m-wnd. La(jjas< h k underwtsts i||nr % S ____/ P ll ll\ / in White only, m. Man's Wide End Ties. An extensive variety designed W neck, with no MilllHllw ri; K■■ I ! M 'bl\nl t-\ ' 'll 1 \v~~"_ '_'"" ">. TtT |i \S / | fti-meh. 51-ineh. 6-inch. °i smart coloured stripe effects includ- JBr nleeves, also with short sieeve3. htgj HJpl|lff%e, V U,-. 3i n\ " i M !, j \ f\ \ |\ » / 1 10»d yard. 1,3 .yard. 2/6 yard. ma Black with Grey, also Navy' Silk jßgr Specially recommendd for dura- fi»lMffl»KHlJttf A ✓ ■ ttZ m If! I i ifPWßni L / k'PwfPWA / \/ " // /( lOMrtlona to match— 'Wk good value. ' J jO? to tear, and 'absolutely com- 3? § V! i |!| ' Way" i\ t\ > Wk\ V ? //J/ 2-incb. 2j-inch. 3j-inch. * Star Attract, ' on Price, 1/Q each. JBr fortable and hygienic in wear, r§ K y il \ N i\\v*li r - i/i // ll A wia ° ranEa of Tlny p oP"'a»' Edgings, at prices 3a-lnrtr» Crepa Ondine. A charmins new dsp 5/JLI. RMua«VtHulWl 31 U H \ I !"^JM||\ ; |F V4\\R. _3"~"t ' IX t I from 2id to 4id yard. m. «Jk and cotton fabric, suitable for jSV Ladles' " Csanfy Cut" Cotton M S \ \\ \ \£ l\m Ha.T.mch EdgilTgs , in Cream. Very prett y -4dp.r F JS % I I \ 111 f ) f|* lf\ I /PM <::D / /I' / j # ik '"^^l^ -? | S L« I L"' fiP \\ //i^T «!- J ll ' - ?«' n*! n See "Star'' Window Dijinlav Hk Fine White Cotton Vests, with tn,ncy top, low neck, and no sleeves. § Pji N\U JT' i Uk k \ // *T/ 2 ' 2/4 yard. -« c nrmaow L/ISpiay. W 0 .- Short Sleeves-Q/Q S ni \U/f 1 // r \\ liwartloit to match, lj-inch—lOJd, » MM STrftm 0 **% 91 « m nnSw m - O/D- ,^'' J ' , ~ S « Hi \ \ ft/ i\ Ustfui cotton Ton,hon Sd«tn«3. with nbbon bead- X # riOfll 310 II 3.01. (Wiy. B F»«'Whito Cotton Veste. styled low neck, wxth no sleeves; cfaemxse len S th. g K ii% V tf ™ j J-* i U S *w». ft .„ l ™,«b- fmW.H accept a. -a, s„u n S,H v BsB , » ia OpJ'S. » (1 r.i' ol »„ st,„„, , M , im; I rtl <i 5 Pret?y Camisole Tops, ready for use. in Vai. and £W m also, willow necks; no sleeves; the neck and armhole finiehed with rg rt -Vera." ImiUtion Filet Laces-2/3, 2/11. 3/3. 4/6. 4/11 M % fancy stitched band; also short eleeves. * S ,__ "Vesta."! each. Jf % 11/6 t0 10/6- S Si iTB.i'W ff 7T7 ' a.v»m m "Meridian" Interlock Vests. Extremely Curable. Soft, and Elastic i£j ?£* I §§« I II 1-1 1 1«« 1 1 I J I llfla n Hxfi Fabric, ideal for spring wear; atyled V neck; short sleeves, chemise « « * K.IJwJSwIJ — length, 11/6. With silk lace and short sleeves. | 3J * ! >l ßifil l fl«*Am'c «3o1!ton Crape Bloomers, good ehape and quality, in White, Pink, Sky, 31 I Cleverly styled ior Summer Wear. Wll CMdrens Hose - , . . — 5/11, . os ' . • | H* tisht-weight Tan, Cream, and n w **■*««_ .— _ Nav7, Whlta ' and Grey only: m 0,5 ~6/11 » » " Ven ; : - "*5 S C i^ iv ? iy Styied - rock Quality Navy Crspe de Chine, round S\ BIaCK m "' INCTIMI? t fITTfIMC Wh,lta Woven Cotton B,oOmers - cladtic at ™ ist Md knee '- " « 3 C«wt tte I I lue. blouse fe smartened bv a crossover effect of Nh.vy // Q M S \ 2/11 3/3 3/8 3/9 x/jj., **f w .-w v. jg I eSeil' S gIoSS \ Fino Ribbed - 3/9 * 4/ " Unlimited in Variety and Colourmgs. **"«.. L m of s£Sw* sm, «u finished. | rt£ «-u.etu\eiy uiian.ea witn Ctvo rorca of rtrcking round low waist'ine, A elastic at waist and knee; good shape. jg II £11/11/-. 4Wnch Swlsa Organdla. Muslins. Beautiful sßades in this dainty and „ m „ „*~^l !§t ' ~14/6- g S " Vesta" exhihiti a V«to «■ >. . |>,V /\ \\ useful fabric, comprising Lemon, Shell Pink, sTil Green, Sky Grey Crsme Fuji Bloomers, with elastio at waist and knee; of Good Qn*lity |C I §mm Mauve, V. Bose and • " Silk, and ' | 1 S'uStxSf O?cSS dte Jtrlt " Tl Uy " T V L #*™ 2/1 L " "-I*-"" —la - Guaran- | l at bacL The colla, cuffs, and panel featura navy \j- JM , | . I I Navy. Saxe. and HeUotrope. Splendid value. ' C re„o d. Chin. Drying H m /jß&ff X±o/±O/% ( "Marjorie." V'.i'>'\. of nice quality, in Pink. Helio.. S * * I 1 /''4'''''''a^ : l-''V : * : '-"\ White, Palffl Blue, and Apricot; ft! 3! ! *^ ,- *"> 111 //V-'BUwll V;'V^,-* ; V\ 1 36-inch Coloured DreS3 iinens, in shades of Vary, Saxe, Grey, Helio., atyled Mairyar sleeve, saujred I =3 * ,**& - y^ o \ i I /7'' / /?V^'V.V\g] , ELsctric. Henna, V. Rjea, Jade, and Cardinal, also White. Absolutely at back and front, edged mtn. MBlmlfil "" IIT S3 -Si |T >J>X tiT;i,„n . r« n --*».-T e*_i j «, ,_ . — 1 \ i/.' /''.Si '.\i '■■'■ '••.'' dependable for durability; ideal for costumes and frocks. ■ 1 * w;o - an /n §J K 'Lilac.'—A Dauftily Styled Frocl: of Embroidered L\ «j ,' /•'• o/-n 29/6- . Wbß. u f§ / :^S Voiiie, ideal for service and coolness; styled round 4Z' : 'A vT""l'lPflHVwl ' o/11. NiKhldresses. Bhovrinc ex- :\ * VnH S § k \ neak, sleeves, the skirt eased at waist with |JL:.-|"-j-- : ISf 40.(nch Cofoured Crimps. A durable and reliable washing fabrio. with ya?aSe S»rt alSSaf aoS Bf/i ■'"•"•-• ? 118 fe S \ < \ eiaSitlC,, and SCaUoped at hean, the neck and sleeves I I L J / /<So , '' : V <K?a small dainty floral designs, for pretty inexpensive frocks. ■ A wide neck, neafily finiEhed with do- WtV'W ! ifti rc r\\ il\ ,i m ***■[} —j u„„ j -iT, j t i .-,, ' '•"•Y • ffET "'fl-'- IP range from which to seXect. eisn in ccdoured hcmstitchinir. [< M /ifl 3J [g \-J >, also sc^oP and bound with deeper shade of silk, /T"l /"S ftP : '7 '* P 1 1/111 stocked in Blue, BNfl V J iffß S rH ->tK finished tie belt at each side. This useful frock in a\ 1 /MTJm '' "W 'X---- JS i ii n ,_*' l/ila. Helio,. Pint and White. Htm \ I i/Ii« W "» pretty shades of Helio., Pink/and Palo Blue. '•'■'•"''Y l Ifffll" 3Wnch Japsiwj* Crepes. The ever-popnlar fabrio x'or ladies' alid children's „ , 9/11. Wlt l/if» flf fe - VA.I Yi un wfflsW\]k afl- — •* -:.J I» SljJ ill J I wear, in our well-known quality. A most complete selection o;: shades Floral Crimp Nightdresses, with B M 1 Ilia 3* ? 3 WBftC'TW *v /"»"■*/ \IH finr H Pir' : -' ;: l .'»< i: " •*4' 111 I to choose from. pretty rosebud design ain col- iff I/ 1 ■ S U*j jCMJ N/VTQ /'X r)D. • r I! X . /\J\\ 1 tt-*t: •"■-, ••*:."3 ' t -J //? " our. An excellent wearing cot- I MB I I \OB 112 ffi Kt v^/; '\ ' Vi I/V-Jlillll ft-** -'•;■/ r *3 I/O* ton fabric. This Nightdress, in jfl / / \H fg - S iT tfv ; J \ NJ \ !L"-V - |/ :: 'f : j V neck of round neck styles, ! ■ / | 1 gSfi 3U H* » 17 I i I f «wt m . n ™. •» llTiTtt'.vli'i/-' n 3S.lnoh Cheek Zephyrs. Another fabric invaluable for useful, inexpensive "<"th Magyar shaped short ■■ / / *■ S ' ■ ~U Jf. / winsome. R-* '•'j''l "■"-iL I dressea and frocks for the warm weather. Many new designs and sleeves; in Pink, Lemon, Blue, SjJ*l I I KJ-SaTN. » * &\ i wV " Wißs ,T" d wscj | to oured with roand neck> Magyar sieeves - M\ Wmi •wK tti^ o ss l ssa ssr Excenent auaiities for nnish^wirhautcidng?' I*ls1* 15 /** r fyt\ | HJ «./K j L «i\ and tle sa!!h with hemsUtching. This entire frock features square insets of con, t-n !://&'»*3ul! O/O 7/11 || \ | / \JjLJ[ | p jg fl\ '¥V trarting stode. with channiiig effect. Splendid value. \V\ fe£ -»«• G 2 .-Sllk NightSresse,, with >J ]\ / ffl | 1 PKJ/1 4y/b - 38 arrt 40-inch Cotton . Much m favour fe the commg Xd* A\ /, I] ' ffi iH 1 \* wtil ÜBet deßve *"* caS ' smaU roll coB«*» *nd vest; loose panda at aidea bnttoited W form .ill i< quality and value. and Helio. Silk. I fl jjl -j, tVL s J I l* trimming, finished with belt at waist. This style in SWn and Grey Suiting-. Verv dur- l \«iA\W (iH(SAII'«». * l»7/b« /M //fIF 35 re! 4*l * I- aisle m wear, JQ/ft ' Q/ °* Also White- / / tfl _ lIM pg 1 > L 1 is/6. mnJmi 1 I Sole Agents for Pompeian ' Sole Agents for "Weldon" and i 1 Toilet Preparations. t TAIIM F* f\I TOT H I A w Home Journal" Paper | ' | ML 3: Department Ist Floor el \J M> &A% VvUKI *JflCl« Patterns, ./-each G ? | | AUCKLAND'S LEADING DRAPERS. « - THE aF.CL., QUEEN STREET - - AUCKLAND'S KEENEST PRICES, §

* r ; ; .. . i This is Our Half-yearly Stocktaking Month During which we are offering Specially-priced Bedroom Suites. The following examples will interest you:—* i 3-Piece Bedroom Suite in Tasmaniaii Oak, consisting of Wardrobe with two glass panels and chirtains, Dressing Table, and Pedestal Cupboard—£l9/10/- Now specially priced £16/15/- cash, 3-Piece Bedroom Suite, Oak, consisting of 3ft. Wardrobe with mirror, 3ft. Dressing Table with 3 drawers, Pedestal Cupboard—£3l. Now specially priced £23/10/- cash. 3-Piece Bedroom Suite, Oak, consisting of 3ft. Gin. Wardrobe with fancy leadlights, 3ft. Dressing Chest with three drawers, and Pedestal Cupboard— .£33/10/-. Now specially priced £25/10/- cash. 3-Piece Bedroom Suite, Oak, finished in deep fumed colour, consisting of 4ft. Wardrobe with oval mirror and 1 large drawer, 3ft. 6in. Dressing Table with large oval mirror, 3 drawers and glove box; 3ft. 6in. Washstand, tiled top and back, 2 cupboards—£49/10/-. Now specially priced £39/10/- cash. 3-Piece Bedroom- Suite in Dark or Light Oak, consisting of 4ft. Wardrobe, with large arched top, mirror-panelled door, hat shelf with hanging rod and hooks, large drawer; Dressing Table, 3ft. 6in., with arched-top mirror, 3 large and 1 small drawers; tall Pedestal with 2 drawers and cupboard. A suitable suite for guestroom—£s2/10/-* Now specially priced £42/10/cash. " a Specials in Wardrobes. 3ft. Rimu Wardrobe, mirror door, hat shelf—£l2/15/-. Now specially priced £10/15/- cash. 3ft. Rimu Wardrobe, panelled door—£B. Now specially reduced to £6/5/- cash. Orders should be accompanied by Remittance sufiicient to cover cost of packing material, also freight. TONSON GARLICK COY., LTD., Furniture and Furnishing Specialists. "EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME." Queen Street, Auckland (Branch, Hamilton.) i i* - !

fV=&. Clothes, aa you will di»VA j\ £&w£M*MIkL cover if you have not /s•* £$L A) (\"K already formed the V-* ~ < V / " «m habit of bavins Cbflir t o.—j;- „„,} i— * tf»3a. *»- - mWr dran's Clothing aeoda Muslm. Orsandia and J—Sn - ~~ at Bendell's Th Voilei Frocks are show- >- : " manufacture on tIT d n aimLr°Si« n im ß Sr. TzUm /W premiae9 i*;^ able are here ready for V r_»'( anrmiellt ana tho anest and' Sh little Sa % V IsAM *Vl •__/• *Wlll'\\JSWl/ °* p OWII w,orkmay bo selected with 1¥ jW\ \[ j ✓\ )J /I V \WM IS -__? dS^E vVfflSi' *- t }/, **d[ jW and evident caalities 11/9, 9/11 and 24/6 Infffinte* Muslin Frocks, embroidered skirts, yoke of Infants' Organdie Muslin Embroidery Frocks, yoke of insertion; sleeves and neck edsed Val. lace— insertion, and beading— Price 7/11 Prie*. 11/9. / infants' White Voile Frock, skirt finished wide.hem Infants' Voile Frocks, akirt finished design m Val and tucks, yoke of insertion, finished lace edging— insertion, edged lace and insertion- hand-made Price, 7/11. yoke of lace and Swiss embroidery— Price. 24/6. H tßest Place to Shop £~\ » t ?*V Matmee Coats, /\ All With Summer comes the iIILW XV-JU jS x. A. demand for plenty of / / jfi\ V \ dairfty Washing SEatinee f. f «RJ - / \ Coats. These are showing *»_j/ ffiHi I ...f a * %■'• Ltd., in almost bei ASSII wilderins numbers. Illusisi" With Summer days ahead, tho need for a light Cashmere A Ml) [J V" d ? sho^ Shawl to replace the heavy Honeycomb Shawl, is apparent //« f fT *°°_ dainty character of and necessary Dr baby's comfort. Ajkjw / Jffk ' mente. ***" Recent importations to ha:ad are remarkably sood value, f *aajWsSfe^^^\ ..,,-£ J/mftt Intents' Muslin Matinee # Intents' Cashmsrs Shawl, silk embroidered, with ample ailk a\ / S'ffl&t Coat * trimmed Val. lace . knotted fringe. Size 60in. by 60in.—2«/S. B <pw and insertion, ribboaIV JeL " tisit-Price. 5/3. Infants' Cash mare Shawl, worked with silk. designs, heavy 8t j*»* " JSiw^"""**^ knotted silk and wool fringe; 70in. by 64in.—38/6. ' \KL' " jM>^ fc> Infants* Cashmere Shawls, worked with ailk design, knotted J/** silk fringe; size 69in. by 6iin.—22/8. U • j*» JWaHa^S^BI Extra Values /xFi \ • ' * T l*f t /^BH 1 jj ft 4 \ \ HI lailCia infants' Muslin Embroidsry Matinee C«at, yoke of I|| /I !^«J inßertibn to match, finished at neck i.'ibbon bow— v I' 11 t-«_7l n«n Price, 6/8. , 7 }' ffClnlllSsin*? Infants' Voile Embroidery Matinee Coiai, plain yoke. HJA Y^ 1 f aaJIU'MVUoe finished embroidery insertion, sleeves and neck \ 3f\ b"'? finished lace—Price, 10/6. 1 Infants' White Matinee Flannel Coats, hand worked iMhTTTi 31 a r n r,Ar,r, Wawliniiß* edges—Price, 15/3. I -."Cr'-tf —„ Tob Purchase in gride of Infants* Silk Matinee Coats, hand worited scallops. CT'T~~'*> I bStUniuSife?" - worked corners-Price, 15/6. ■ sold at the following " ft"i prices:— Make np.your own Bath Gown at half cost of the f \ I . Tn Tll.tpk and all ribbon imported article. t We have been fortnnate in securing Iff • shade? 1«T 3U P« rI " Jpalitf Turkish Towelling with suitable | H-f Hnaaea ' designs for Bath and Boudoir Gowns. These are in a If —h J Best Quality Taffeta Rib- Wlde ranse of colourings, and very excellent-Qualities. \\ {) il bon * _ 33-"wh Heavy Quality Turkish Towelling, for Gowns. ?/** tin. wide-1/2 and 1/4 yd. etc.-Price, 3/11 yard. &£&s «• ________— ■■ *^^s^ 4iin. wide—l/6*KHI 1/10 .. '. " ™—~" yard. rf LITTLE GARMENTS FOR WEE BOYS ALL MADE WITH THE CARE AND fife wide-1/9 aiwl 21- yd. PRECISION THAT MAKES FOfl BATSSFACTORY WEAR IN STYLES 5m wide-l/9 ai«i ro- IDENTICAL TO, OR SIMILIAR TO ILLUSTRATION. «°sv« iETSSnS? Boy wh , ir e 9 i k ißhi! n^3 a . m RomD9rs ' Eed - aild wiite - B^k and * nd Prices. Boys* Crepe Rompers, Old Hose. Sky—lain., «/3: 20in.. 4/6. J 5212! II , iS?J!S._l U '-J r lf ,, ? s '. h6 m ßti tched design—l Bin.. 14/6? 18>n.. 15/8. ■ B9 **' Gainsborough Sust, m Tussom sEk. finished large pearl lmttone—l, Hftti I, la/o. .RENDELLS LIMITED.! I —— —a— ra— __SS nwi'i i ■ ■■■ S _____SSS ■ n■ S ii.n 55 ■ ' ——— ..■■-.■■'-■■

WASBUrG DAY loses its worry and drudgery *il a GAS WASHING j I OOPPJSa is installed, j ~Na wood to chop or Ore to stoke. II INo ashes to remove, or smuts to dirty the clothes. if SAVES TIME AND LABOUR. | j Full particulars, prices and terms, from , ! AUCKLAND GAS CO., LTD. «AD [\ DEALERS for Auckland District, " " ** U UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO., LTD. OH AB°_»7 Genuine &%XKcL Parts s — Best by every test —— | The most exacting laboratory tests serve ~ to confirm the reputation earned under j actual running conditions, by Genuine Ford Parts. It has been demonstrated j that spurious parts give way under a j breaking strain less than half of that j required to break Genuine Ford Parts. j In other words, a Ford Car repaired with Genuine Parts will last twice as __ Jong, without further repairs, as a car in || which imitation parts are used. J Why take chance* ? II Look for the lign of a Ford Authorised Service Station. AND SERVICES. mmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmwKmmmmmmmmmk The Colonial Motor Company Ltd. j Rapreaentini Tha Ford Motor Co. of Canada. Ltd. || | r»~- -7Q -— II i JFORD AND SERVICE COMPANY, I | FRED. BAKER, Proprietor, I !| * ills

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 18206, 27 September 1922, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 18206, 27 September 1922, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 18206, 27 September 1922, Page 15