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I 4tk 4h M MAY IS PROVING A GOOD SHOPPING MONTH n & a*, economy column J | %\ sxh- j%> at \/i si r f For May Shoppers 1 I /,\\t/n\ -<l3S>*' The invariable rule that only goods of a dependable nature /\1 IVI. CX V>. S DE7 AT TTin 1C DRFSS NETS 1 J;j /p| TWTS \ /J\ Nl/ \\ $pT arc offcrecl ' and thc assurance that thc bcst P° ssiblc return ,s BEAU! IhUL blLrv UKHS3 INC. 13 I y 1$ X\\ \ j /V/ / AvS-jJ(\\ /If Ik A ,i<Z±< s ' ven * or the outlay are * actors that tcnd to lhe satisfaction Printed description cannot do justice to the Offering at i H ik f/ I if \Y VllF\\\\ Mfc\ enjoyed by M. and C. patrons at all times. FURTHER ARRIVAL OF. beauty of these exquisite Nets They are a fine oill I !f\ \s \ W/T*< H \l .. V ffl * \\ \ tt'lvwlfl 1 wi» -<?T PiXA v»Ti;f» (1A _ Kno t, nc « 42 n. to 44in. wide, and make up with -< / # # r M Ah&tJkW\ W*%\M 1 ftVb* Ml II Mftll *t-fIL fcT „ . ~.-.,, • f NOVELTY SUITINGS cnlmSg S into Evening Oawm.or Dainty J/// | H M t3~'i \V I / •$* Rfc J^SMA'&WiVi\lHwSv. A/MK This month especially is a gwxl birying time in all sections ot Blouses. Showing in Black, Ivory, Hcho., Fink, | {.:] \) L< l / the Store for with assortments at their best, and the intro- Quite the smartest and mo ß fc distinctive SUITINGS Champagne, Saxo; Grey. Yard. | II y V't |«M i L KW Hi "ffii ine oiore, lor wnn assortments di iic , yet to hand are. those just received from London (Ground Floor). | |A ft , Ote7i "~A m nLv 'J /J Mil! i M Mi#\ duct,on of man y attractively priced lines, all of which reprc- and Paris. These should receive early inspection by | IV \l7 *"'' rlCti '••'" %T lU " '■' r Mi Bf i ffiHKX sent needed and dependable merchandise, the opportunities all who anticipate a Smart Toilette for the Juno RICH QUALITY CREPE SATIN | ■ HiVv ml I I v i v '1 \f x * y / lln \\l 1 i "li! Pi// , i i r L* ~ races, or other dressy function*. I Rr/ | \ TTTD/ t H lor economy are very real and far reaching. (Second Floor). The woman who awaits an opportunity for \ Ml \ \ \ i 1 k \ /// M LUT2MW 1 111 -|IK<£ « securing.*he makings of a beautiful Evening 1 H / ■ 3 r 4 '' F \Ufn&' ' 1 Mftl I FI 7 Gown or Blouse at a reasonable outlay will 1 A\l 1 I / I ' WHAM P \ I lIS I II l-lfeWtf & — purely find it in this exceptional line. 14 II M Hi/ i' J f 1 rH7 /"< l r •" Hi I \\ II 11/ I * ! ' 111 !-'# - V "' , Mr „ rKrr All silk and of a heavy weight its soft graceful- ' 'I ' ' | L f. /i ,i \ I ; \/l l&Ph fl P \I H %4flOTA»feb' A FURTHER SHIPMENT ness and rich Instre at once reveals it« superior V flf( J | /i U V ' ■■/ IS // &(-/"■■ I— |fflP\ \\ltffl 011/lVjll 'WW 1 V/ OF WOOLLEN GLOVES quality; 37-inch wide, and obtainable in Ivory, r flrA | [jp4l 1 Embracing all the Latest and WONDERFUL VALUE IN JAP V K »10-A SMAKTLY-CTTT. YET INEXPENSIVE Dl2-Ni B gor Brown Velour is the material of this Smartest Styles makes choosing \&- SILK BLOUSES \ \1 ]/» \ \ \ COAT of Keather mixture Nap Cloth, designed distinctive COSTUME. Tho long coat is trimnnvl doubly interesting \e A r - 1 I / '/v } I \ \ "' il! ' bisct sleeves and wide collar; completed with self buttons and silk embroidery; modiujn ' 'lJm s A nice Blouse of Jap. Silk is almost a necessity, v? H // Jtt' /] with belt and bone buttons—63/-. width skirl -Price, 13gDS. CHU DRFN'S PINE SCOTCH KNTT 1 and no one who studies economy at all can wisely "I A\ C\ V g II r / wool IFN (!LOVES Navy, Cardinal, (saSSST v \\ overlook such an exceptional buying opportunity / ■*f/ y ij ifLi Dll—Tliis splendid WINTER COAT is of Fawn Dl4—Designed to meet the call for smartness and l«'>wn ' Brown— v ««W ,-i , ■)» as this line affords. Thero are many styles to */ -^ /■ \ N'elour, and features the new sido flap pockets, Rood service is this excellent FROCK of Basquetto ' Sizes '■' '' 4 ''' f) ■'V- choose from, some with roil, others with step | | \ and a collar which may bo woni open or closed— knit weave, in Jade and Niggor stripe. Magyar Price; 2/2 2/4 2/6 2/8 2/9 rvW' 1 collars, all tastefully finished with spoke | W £7/19/6. style, with stole collar, self friiißo ends—B7/6. ' stitching; all sizes. J r»10 Pll r Af>TV«s' FINE SCOTCH KNIT / *W ib!! / \30 T Ht.'i J 1U - LX# DIS—ANOTHER SMART FROCK STYLE of the fashionable : A / ,'', S r v , ',• ,V- KS ~,.,F 11| ,,„ white ffil A> /,\ \ // fc V V A fTTMr V DDirm ,'i I , , Basquetto knit weave In Nig K er and Dark Red stripe. Sleeve, J ,J P £vv Ileathc r-?/6 pair. **V M$ AW\ -M\T* A KEENLY-PRICED neck and belt buttonholed inl wool to match- 84/-. Nigger, Navy, Ueathci 4/bpair. jtf§\ #f OTvf WWHy/ y " rOSSARD" I M h£\ ECONOMY COLUMN *>*-* SENSIBLE WINTER FROCK of Jade and Grey stripe T WO - TONE LONG GAUNTLET tfffiP I\W. , fW J UUSDAtUJ m « aL' S U/UIIUIUI WLUIUn Basquetto knit weave. Magyar stvlc, with crochet design lu FLEECY WOOLLEN GLOVE-Whilo, fkjj : $ x \sx tr/Jfaf r iL C Hr AA Ql Jado near neck; self fringe afcside-89/6. w ith Saxe Salmon, Jade: Fawn, with fW) \ /w/ For the average figure j Tor IViay ijllOpperS strict accord with fashion's dictates is Ihw well tailored Saxe., Salmon, Jado; Brown, with \\l j/IAJB\ ™ Flf ,r j *t» i -d- itrv. • i 2 I:■ COSTUME of Navy Sexgo with White pui stripe. Finished self Champagne, Grey-5/6 pair. V *V SBM> « Made of Palo Pink Embroidered J 1 covered butto s 1 • foe kit Price \\\'lK\ ' Batiste, with low bust and si s\ IS 0 H I ; ' " >Vt L< '"' '" S " U ' S ' l ' ' FINE KNIT SOFT WOOLLEN well-cut skirt. This is a Corset 2Q//t 1 ■-' MOT \DI P v'Ajrirc 1M nrnrMP.ADir CLOVE seamless, and perfect fitting. \ '" '''" offering of no mean importance. yj \J W"* i 1 NOTABLE VALUES IN DEPENDABLE m c k White. Crey, Fawn-5/ll pair. D4O. D 42. DM. Though one of the highest grade ' 4■£ # 1 DI Arr\/rmilß' RI ACIC CASHMFRE HOSF numbers Monday's price is 3 .' DLALrv ViLLUUK UL.rtv.rv v-mji i FLEECY KNITTED WOOL GAUNT- D4O-The smartness of the sharply upturned front is at onca within reach of all. JJ /"L | t'l Mil 1 IMPRY L.ADrES* ALL-WOOL BLACK CASHMERE HOSE, seamless, LET ViLOVE. (Mack. White, Grey, revealed in this delightful HAT of Navy Suede Velvet. The Fitted 3 .sots hose supporters. Mf \\ M I- ] \ i . spliced heels and toes—2/11 pair. Beaver, Nigger, Navy—6/6 pair. novel treatment of the velvet, and a feather mount are the only j IM kf J \ I 1 5 Distinctive Shapes PLAIN BLACK ALL-WOOL CASHMERE HOSE, seamless, iriNF KNTT G \UNTLET WOOLLEN ' ,/B ** " ?J^ISUn H perfect fitting, spliced toes and heels-3/11 pair. with twoSne gauntlet! D42-A Very becoming MUSHROOM SHAPE of. Nigger Soeda £££& V\\l\ " j f PLAIN l'.l.A('l\_ ALL-WOOL CASHMERE HOSE, full " % '" ,ri> ' ' ' tones are used as a trimming—Price, 63/-. irj M pi iiv im'\it in u-oni ii mm iin-r rnt i- > „imvv WOATTFN GT/IVE with D44—This very smart MATRON'S HAT is of Purple Suede Yll N. I l/W&i ft , For Monda Only. m^iic^Ssie^SS. 1 LLAMA HOSE ' full fashloned * g^LL,^-^|/ a a^«? nded ° n ° side ° f crown with flowors *- match ~ M% // 'ml IS | \\ Ml 7 ''W ° ALL-WOOL PLAIN BLACK CASHMERE HOSE, full fashioned, wSe-J/ll pair?*"' *"' \~/* / Ml- *%* LmJl 111 M Well prepared for Winter outings is the possessor of a really PESCO-SUPERtOR QUALITY FINE ALL-WOOL BLACK OVF D jn N 7 I I smart. Black Velour Hat. CASHMERE HOSE, full fashioned, wide tops-9/6, 10/6, 12/11 /T ft K • \ (M I ' k 1 1 Mllhnery ' (First Floor). 1\ /TTT TvTC 9 r^U<fTVY~ N l7 TTH «(Hiri' ! ' , ' : ; SiHM V 7 t/TTTW /Si I S I button» simplex". f/& \S MILNL & LHUYLL, LIU. ■Biijniijf^^lpfei v i |/// 1I I 1 gloves fi r , bricGloV „ „ QUEEN STREET. %rA 1 MADRAS MUSLINS M^^ d up • j D 24. D 26. dot. "" ™"^dS^^ TTBrn iq an onrjortunitv of seenrine splendid IE llfl KcaSOliably I need. k^ I mrStv an? very arffii Madras hangings at a ms&M£L&\ D2O and D2l-KNIT WOOL CAPES are just as much in D26-A DELIGHTFUL LITTLE JUMPER OF IVORY | very- popular prick The range permits of a ff I 1 1 A «a M Wi ' The discerning chooser of Maids' apparel will readily vogue, for Children as for their elders! The sketches depict CREPE DE CHINE, with round- neck, Raglan aleeves, || 1 choice for there is a Cream ground with JI I I M perceive that the originality, style, and distinction two delightful styles in brushed wool, obtainable with trimmed filet medallions—Price, 32/6. |j | coloured trellis' design, also Biscuit, Blue and - , / ' ' always expressed in M. and C. apparel for adults is yoke and collar, or with hood; in colour combinations such - m S Green trround with floral border and centre: V J \6O— High neckband, collar of Black Af.V-'Pancy Moire ncckpiecp. a« illustra- j us t ag fully reflected in the Frocks on view in the as Cream and Saxe, Lemon and White, Jade and White, |-J MEN'S PYIAMA SUITS S?'o,S.X.*,s; —, i, ta* *»ib!. ...4 ,« «/ -«/«„.«/. w. ST/e . 57/. w/t J^^^| f SJk -- -" —fr—«-«»—*- I u o 1 1 jrtivm. jui 1 u . ABl—High neok. vest in Fleece Cloth, finished with flat bow—o/6 each. withal are reasonably priced. 33in. 36in. 39in. 42m. ' ' ■; ■ I I Here is a line that should be very wide in its // / A AGS-Fwxcy coloured striped 80k. high 65 / 6 69 / 6 75 /" 82 / 6 I ; ' appeal, for the Pviamas are of a good warm * * I c; r ,. T w ; r », Black trimminc 16/11 eacli. ' collar with bow and wired Cream pointed ... ~ . _ 1532^—Beautifnllv tailored from Fine Naw Sertre. and i H weight, full cut, and well finished. lir ' Grey> Wlth Bla * ' cloth stock-4/B each. Especially worthy of note are those in Navy Serge, D24-A VERY SENSIBLE AND SERVICEABLE HIGH, effectively treated with military b£ £%SuW3 1 | all sizes, arid four different patterns. AG2-Hi K h neckband collar in Black Aco-Camisole ton. in Bom pattern Filet portraying very smart braiding effects. Sizes 36m. NECKED BLOUSE OF CREAM FUJI SlLK—Reasonably no t onlv distinctive, but extremely serviceable. The skirt § ■ ' Faille Ribbon, with Cream Cloth stock. Lace, with wide threading top. Pale to 48m.—Prices from 59/6. Priced at 24/6. has side Dockets—Price -"8/19/6 I Sj _ _— itnd ribbon finish—2/11 each. Paria only—4/9 each. aas SIUe P° tKets K ,*" 3 °t "O/IV/V. g,.

\ ...,-•,.■ At our March Stocktaking we levelled ordinary prices to the lowest market H © drop, and it is on these low level prices that our © g 'GREATEST OF ALL FURNITURE SALES REDUCTIONS | 8 are being made, therefore you will buy now, with every assurance of effecting the biggest savings possible. S H SnPriaU in f 36in. Superfine Longcloths, soft finish, Blankets, All-wool N.Z>made, including Onehunga, 50in. Highly Striped Poplins—l 7/6, Reduced to U © OpeUaiS m LUlOieUmS. Reduced to 1/9J yard, or 21A dozen yards. Kaiapoi, Roslyn, Bruce, South Canterbury makes; 15/6 yard. Q 2 "Armstrong's" Printed Linoleum, 6ft. wide—l 4/6. White Damask Table Cloths, superior qualities at Large Single Bed Size—Now 25/9, 28/6, 31/6, 50in. Allover Design Casement—3/1L Reduced to O M Reduced to 11/6 yard. Reduction Prices — 45in. x 45in., 6/3; 58in. x 32/6, 33/-, 35/- per pair. Three-quarter Size— 3/3 yard. §| H "Lancaster" and "Scotch" Linoleums- 56m., 9/6; 58in, x 70in., 14/9; 66in. x 102 in., ™?* hl * 50in - Cream Casement Cloth-2/6. Reduced to 2/- ' SJ g X quality, 13/6 yard.. Reduced to 10/9 yard. 24/9 each. Bed Size-Now 44/6, 47/6, 54/-, 56/6 74/6 per d / « '< q rl , , , rt ,A, , « , , , , n i -r 11 r«i *l n i i P alr » Cotbize, 35m. xsoin.—Now 17/6 per pair. ... «*.,,.. , . . M || 2nd quality, 12/9 yard. Reduced to 10/3 yard. White Damask Table Cloths, scalloped edges, at r 40m. Marquisette Voile—Reduced to 3/3 yard. H g 3rd quality, 10/9 yard. Reduced to 8/9 yard. x 72m.. 21/3; 70in. x hemmed-Reduced 50fn< in Brown> Green and g D Passage Linoleums, 3ft. and 4ft. 6in. wide — Reduced „ '. e ",_ D OJ ' to 8/11 yard. g Prices, ranging 5/9, 6/9, 9/6,10/6 and 10/9 yd. 27 " inch Hea yy W te Flannelette, soft finish-Reduced 50in. Burlap, in Green and Blue-Reduced to 4/3 yard §| © q • I . « .■. *» , , 32in., 2/1 per yard. ° pecia nce ' " yar * 36in. Terry Cloth, in Blue and Mauve—Were 8/11 and Q D sp€€ialS 111 rUrniShing manCheSter Checked Glass Cloth, 24in.— Reduced to l/- per yard. 36-inch Heavy White Plain Flannelette — Reduced to 12/6. Reduced to 4/11 and 7/6. M A FWrimAnfr Checked Gkss Cloths > hemmed for ™> 22i - * Special Price, 1/4 yard. 31 $??!, J^T" V 9' 6/1K " g lieparimeOi 30in.—Reduced to 1/4. Pure Linen Serviettes, 21 in. x 21in. hemmed, ready for Reduced to 3/11, 4/11, 5/9. @ ff SPECIAL—6 Pieces Only 56in. Strong White Twill Strong Pillow Cases, plain, taped— Reduced to 1/-, 1/2, use— Reduced to Special Price, 1/11 each. 50in. Reversible Shadow Tissue—9/11 and ;i 1/6. ft W Sheeting—2/6 yard. Reduced to 1/9 yard Cash. 1/8 each. Reduced to 7/11 and 8/11 yard. || 2 EXTRA SPECIAL—36in. Soft Fine White Longcloth, Bedspreads, White Embroidered, Linen finish—72in. x Qiuwiale in Vnmlcnlntr rti-anavir 45i "* LaCe Glseirl ent—Reduced to 2/11, 3/6, 4/9 yd. O II reliable quality. 20 pieces only—To Clear at 90in.: V/ere 55/~, 57/6, 60/-, 65/-. Now OpeCiaiS ffl rUITUSniDg UTapery 45in. Cream Madras—2/11 3/6 4/fi II U 10id. yard, or 9/11 dozen yards. Reduced to 37/6, 39/6, 42/6, 45/-. 90in. x „. „ _ /fl JA/n DJ _ fl .. e^Madr^ 2/11 ' 3/6^4/6 yard * | © «• it- wv* t ia i/* i? J i* i/ lOOin.: Were 65/-, 70/-, 75/-, 80/-. Now 31 in. Cretonnes—2/11 and 4/11, Reduced to 1/6 50m. Dark Ground Madras— 13/6, Reduced to 9/11 S H Reduced to 42/6, 45/-, 52/6, 55/-. and 1/11 yard. yard. |jg II „„.. „ ' , , , A "r i , , Bedspreads, White Embroidered, Pure Irish Linen— 36in. Reversible Cretonnes—3/9. Reduced to 2/11 6ft. x sft Full Size "McLintock's" Down Omits— IS g 36m. Pure Longcloth. A soft, heavy make and 72 [ n . x 90in.: Were £5/5/-, £5/15/-, £6/5/-, yard. Reduced to 59/6, 105/-. fi exceptional value —Keduced to 1/2-i- yard, or Now R*»durf»d to 70/- RO/- RS/- fldin v 100;« • «,». r /- o vr. « i i «/« " || 13/11 dozen yards. 36m. Grafton Creto„„es-3/9. Reduced to 3/3 yard. Kapok Cushion, large assortment of designs and H jj 36in. Superfine Longcloths, soft finish, heavy make— 105/-. 90in. x 100 in.: Were £6/10/-, £7/5/-, 50in. Sundour Striped Poplins— l 3/6., Reduced to colourings—Reduced to 2/11, 3/6, 4/6. gj g Reduced to 1/51 yard* or 16/11 dozen yards. £7/12/6. Now Reduced to 85/-, 95/-, 100/-. 10/6 yard. Figured Cosies, with plain frills—Reduced to 1/11 each. ® D Remittance sufficient to cover cost of packing, Come and inspect our Departmental Stocks. tef airfreight. Postage is paid on Furnishing, " Everything fOT the HoHie," Goods are marked both Ordinary and Sale |1 q | Manchester, and Drapery Parcels only. * ° ~r ices in pJain figuwjfc " U I I I QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. I ; •••• ... ;; / - •■..■: ■•■ -/ I 2 •■• s Printed and Wblishcd b? HENitt HoHXOH. «/ Ilomucra, and William Robert Wilson, of Takapuna, for the Pioprietots, Wilbon and Hoiiton, at thoir Oflicoa, 140. Queen Stroot. and at 1 and 3. Wyndharc Stre«t. Auckland. N&\r Zealaod. Saiaiday, M*y 13, M 22.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 18089, 13 May 1922, Page 12 (Supplement)

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 18089, 13 May 1922, Page 12 (Supplement)

Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 18089, 13 May 1922, Page 12 (Supplement)