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DERBY DAY AT ELLERSLIE. WINNING HIT'S BLUE RIBBON. DEAD HEAT FOR A.R.C. HANDICAP. In glorioua sunshine Derby Day at Ellerslie was celebrated yesterday under ideal conditions, and with the picturesque surroundings sat off to the fullest advantage tho sceno was on© reflecting in a pronounced degree tho glories of the Auckland Racing Club's ground, fho attendance was estimated at about 25,000, which is well up to tho best previous record for Dorby Day. There was a large number of visitors from other centres, and thd Prime Minister, Mr. W. F. Massey, Sir William Horriies, Sir James Carroll, and Sir George Clifford were numbered among those present. From first to last the racing was of a highly interesting character, and with strict time observed ; throughout, matters were never once a 1- j lowed to drag. In addition there were j many pleasing incidents connected with the various contests. During tho day tho sum of £120,829 10s was invested on tho totalisator against £135,376 10s on the corresponding day last year, showing a decrease of £14,547. For the three days tho sum invested amounted to £345,521 which is £50,299 10s below the amount handled ai the same period at last season's summer gathering. In a field of 19 saddled up to conjtest the Ferguson Handicap, Ruruwai was made favourite, Amiform, The Reaver, and Golden Dream being most favoured of tho others. Golden Dream was always in front over the concluding half mile, and he won his race in good style from Ruruwai. The New Year Hurdlo Raoe attracted a field of 11 and when backers got to work it was so on made apparent that Explorer would rule favourite. Maniahera was noxt in demand, with Sea Do u and Snake most favonred of the others. The summing up found them accurate so far as Explorer and Maniahera were j concerned for tney finished first and second i respectively. Miniahera, who went to the I front five furlongs from home ; led over tho last hurdlo and ho looked like lasting it out. Explorer's challenge in the coneluding stage was, however, too much for the son of Mauiapoto, and the favourite scored a meritorious victory by a neck. Eleven youngsters went to the post for the Midsummer Handicap. Despite the fact of Epitaph being called upon to carry the stiff burden of 10.3, she always stood out as a hot favourite; and of the others Ad Astra and Mountain Lion were the pair most strongly supported. Ad Astra, who was responsible for the pace, made a bold bid to ward off Epitaph's challenge, but the favouritj got tho best of her rival in the last stride and won, amid much excitement, by a head. The victory of Epitaph led to a display of enthusiasm when she cams back to tho enclosure, and such was well deserved. Brilliant Winning Hit, The succeeding event was the Great Northern Derby, for which the field was reduced to a quartette by the respective withdrawals of Purple Spur and Spirit Level. The quartette, composed of Winning Hit, Thespian, The Hawk, and Loyal Irish, all looked well, and they all acquitted themselves well in the preliminary gallops. Winning Hit always stood out favourite, Thespian being next in demand, with The Hd.wk and Loyal Irish backed in that order. Considerable curiosity was evinced as to how the race would be run, and which of the contestants would go out to make the pace. That point was very quickly settled? by Winning Hit when the barrier shot up, for I the favourite at onco clapped on the i pace, and streaking right away, he had | a lead of something like ten lengths i when the first three furlongs had been covered. Thespian, who had gradually crept up, came along with a stiff challenge to the favourite at the distance, and when he headed the favourite at the main stand a cry went up in his favour. \ It was all too scon however. Winning Hit came again, and the favourite, finishing up his task brilliantly, he drew away and 5 j won by a length and a-half. Tho victory 1 ; of Winning Hit was received with marked ® j enthusiasm, and Sir George Clifford; who ' i was present, it is hardly necessary tc 3 ! state, was the recipient of many warm ' I congratulations on the success of his 1 ! colours. After the race Winning Hit was * led on to the lawn by his trainer, H. , Cutts, when the pleasing ceremony ol placing the blue ribbon round his neck was performed by Miss DoTothy Nolan, daughter of Mr. Henry Nolan, one ol the oldest members of the A.R.C. Committee, amidst enthusiastio cheering. Winning Hit was bred at Stonyhurst by Sir GeoTge Clifford, and a highly interesting fact connected therewith is that the Derby winner is home-bred for three generations, Winning Hit's victorv , marks the fifth occasion on which - Sir George Clifford has witnessed bis t colours borne to victory in the /' Great Northern Derbv— Husbandmar j \ (1909), Kilwinning (1910), Counterfeit 1 (1912), and Royal Stag (19201, being th< i previous winners of the Ellerslie rac< , under the popular " yellow and blue -1 chequers." c • Silver Link wag withdrawn from the 1 Newmarket Handicap, which left a field ol nine to contest the six furlong race > (Rational was made favourite, with Sol fanello best backed of the others. Rationa c made a pood bid for victory, but Solfan t, ello was found at his b st, and the son o: t Solferino ran home a winner bv a length . in the good time of lm. 12 3-ss. i A Sensational Finish. I When tho numbers went up for the | A.R.C. Handicap it was found that Starj land was an absentee, a field of elever ; being saddled up to contest the mile anc j a-half race. Uncle Ned was made favour I ite, tho others being backed in the 5 following orderßouen, Insurrection, / Malaga, Egotism, Loverr.atch, Royal Star, j Vagabond, Tinohoro, Mangamahoe, anc Boomerdav. When they were despatched " | Tinohoro endeavoured to repeat his feat i of 12 months back, and the son of Quir ' ; Abbey flattered the hopes of his ad i miress until tho straight was reached ! where he faded away. Mangamahoe anc | Boomerday, who were always racing wel 1 up, came into the straight on close terms n 1 and fighting out a highly exciting finish if the judge was unable to separate them and declared a dead-heat. While Roner r was oidy a head away, third, and wit] e Egotism clone up, the finish was of th< d highly exciting order. The race was rju u at a solid pace throughout, and the timi p recorded (2m 325) is a fresh record. Afte; the race the .stewards held an inquir; p. ; into the cause of some interference me if with by Uncle Ned. The evidence adducee d , pointed to tho occurrence being accidental j. | and no further action was necessary. 5 . I A field of thirteen lined up for thi d i Ellerslie Handicap, for which Zircon wa | selected as first choice, with Som' >y Fashion and Whipping Bov well fancie< If by the public. Some Fashion led to th [ t straight, and in a good finish Zircon go s '_ up to win by a neck, Marble Slab, wlv came well in the straight, being third. In the concluding event, the Glasgow Handicap, Landslide was made favourite Mustard Pot, Miss Mimic, and Gold Ki also being wel] backed. In a fast rac p. Mustard Pot won by three-q.iarters of n length from Raceful, who finished well, is The following are the details of th di racing FERGUSON HANDICAP of JCSOO; secoc ° horse £100, third £50; 6 fur. id G. Hill's br c Golden J)ream, 3yrs. by Bezonian—Somniform 8.11 (J. O'Shea) A. B. Wiliams' ch f Roruw&i, 8.11 (A Rccd) lv 3. W. Mitchell's blk s Amiform, 3yrs, 7.7. ! s carried 7.11 i (W. Rsan) j Also Started.—Tho Reaver,9.ll; Lac • Glissas, 9.0; Jazz, 8.1.1: Royal Blood, 8.1 Mangawhero. 8.5: Miss Rosßlund, B.' Jolly Gay, 7.8; Golden Glaes, Machree, Arc „ Laddie, Gold Bud, Gwenette, Battleplan Uncle !fack. Midget. Gold Jacket, 7.7. :e ' Ruruwai was favourite. us The field jumped off to an iven star Ruruwai, Lady Glissas, and Golf enDrea being quickly on their legs. As tney ra past, the half-mile post Gold on Dream w; or m the lead, closely attended by a compa. bmicli. and anteniig the be wi

♦bowing the wny to Huniw»L In the. race t to the post. Golden who kept the I rail#, withstood all challenges, and he lan » home t winner by i length and a-half in I front of Ruruwai, who was separated 'by a r similar distance from Araifonn. with Lady « Glieasa clow up fourth. Time, Ira 11 3-5«. | NEW YEAR'S HURDLE RACE of £550; I second horse £100, third £100; over eight o flight# of hurdlee; two mile*. 3 J. L. Niooll'n b g Explorer, aped, by 2 Keiflworth—Tilga, 11.8 (S. Beid) .. 1 j E. L. Broad's be Maniahera. aged. U. 3 c (K&an) 2 W. D. Turnbull'e b m Cross Words, \ aged, 10.5 (Bracken) 3 Also Staited.—Mnltive, 11.13; Guerre a Mori 11.0; Sea Deil, 10.13; Tenacious, 9.12; No Bother, 9.3; Kipling, Snake, Pepin, 9.0. j, Explorer was favourite. A» they raced to tho first hurdle Cross j Words and Explorer were most prominent, j with Guerre a Mort next. The latter tool; command in the run through the cutting, i and he had fiv6 lengths' advantage of Crow j Wordß as they ran up to the third ob- i etacle, with Maniahera close handy. Mania- i hera and Grose Words had closed up a lot of the gap separating them from the leader l! when they crossed the first hurdle, and, racinu past the stand, f.hat pair were within 1 a couple of lengths of the leaderr, with Ex- 1 plorci well up. Guerre a Mort showed the 1 way out of the straight, and up to the sixth hurdle, where Maniahera went to the 1 front, and tho latter, striding along in brisk style, ho was two lengths in front of Cross Words at the seventh hurdlo, with Ex- I plorer coming in good style next. Maniahera , 1 showed the way over the concluding ob- J stacle, a length in front of Croas Words. 1 who was separated by a similar distance from Explorer. Tho latter came along with j, a strong challenge in tho race to the post, and, finishing up his task in game '3tyle, 1 he cut down Maniahera in the last couple j of Htrides, and won by a neck. Maniahera j was a length in front of Cross Words, with j Snako well up fourth. Time, 3m 445, j MIDSUMMER HANDICAP of £750; Becond horse £150, third £50; for two-year-olds; 5 fur. A. B. Williams' ch f Epitaph, by Absurd I —Eulogy, 10,3 (A. Reed) 1 A Symes' b f Ad Astra. 7.7 (Di-kson) . . 2 , E. A. Price's b g Tactful, C.7, carried 6.10 (Wiggins) 3 Also Started.—Mountain Lion. 8.13; To (■ Tahi, 7.8; Bonny Canny. 7.6; The Dunce. 7.3J; Just, 6.11: Sheffield, 6.9; Ruapapa, . 8.2 1-?; Bretland. 6.13. ' Epitaph was favourite. The field jumped off level, with the ex- J ception of Bonny Canny, who got left. Ad 7 Astra was quickly into the lead, and as ( they reached the three-furlongs post sho was bowling along with a three-lengths advantage of Sheffield, with Epitaph close handy. Ad Astra carried the field along at a solid \ pace in the race up the straight, and she t still had the best of it at the half-distance, j where Epitaph submitted her challenge in , full force. Ad Astra hung on gamely, but , Epitaph was not to be denied, and the cheat- E nut heroine, stretching out to her task a in great style, got up in the last stride c and beat her bay rival by a head. Tactful was two and a-half lengths away, third, with Mountain Lion fourth. Time, 00 2-sa. ( 4Sth GREAT NORTHERN DERBY of , £2000. Winner to receive £1300, second < horee £400. and third £200. The other £100 to go to the breedor of the winner provided that the horse is bred in New ; Zealand. In the event of this condition not being fulfilled the £100 to go to the ( first horse. For three-year-olds. Colts and geldings, 8.10; fillies, 8.7; H miles. Sir George Clifford's oh c Winning Hit, j by Autumnus—Winning Way. 8.10 (H. . Young) . . . . . . .. . . 1 ] G. M. Currie's b c Thespian, by AbsurdLeta, 8.10 (H. Gray) 2 Exora, late W. J. Douglas' b g The Hawk, by Martian—Sparrowhawk, 8.10 (A. Ol- ] ner) . . 3 j J. Williamson's ch c Loyal Irish, by Ab- j surd—Moira Machree. 8.10 (A. J. Mc- i Flinn) i , Winning Hit was favourite, I The Quartette lined up properly, and they ! jumped off in line. As they ran to the bend Winning Hit was in the lead with a 1 three-lengths' lead, Loyal Irish being his olosest attendant, with The Hawk and Thespian following in that order. Galloping down the straight with a free stride. Winning Hit had increased his advantage to 10 lengths, Loyal Irish being still second, with Thespian and The Hawk together. In the run along tho bottom stretch Thespian 1 ran up second, and as they reached the six-furlongs post Winning Hit's advantage had been reduced to five lengths, but the favourite was still galloping strongly. Thespian and The Hawk continued to lessen the gap separating them from the leader in the race across the top stretch, but Winning Hit was still well out in front when the bend was reached, and he had two lengths i the Dest of it at the head of the straight. With the paco right on, Thespian and The Hawk challenged the favourite at the distance, and, the former drawing level with his chestnut rival 150 yards from home, he , seemed to have the best of it for a few , strides. Winning Hit, however, had only 1 to bo asked for a final effort to settle the matter in his favour, and, finishing uo brilliantly, the son of Autumnus ran home a winner by a length and a-half. Thespian was eight lengths in front of The Hawk, with Loyal Irish last. The various stages ; of tho race were struck by Mr. J. K. DougI las as follows;— Two fur., 27 3-ss; 3 fur., 40 4-ss; 5 fur., lm 7 3-59: 6 fur., lm 20s; 7 fur., lm 335; 1 mile, lm 4'2 2-ss; 9 fur., lm 595; lj miles, 2m 35 l-os. WINNERS OP THE GREAT NORTHERN DERBY. Time. 1875—Toi, by Diomedes .. .. — 1676—Ariel, by Dainty Ariel .. .. 1877— Danebury, by Traducer . . .. — 1878—Venus Transit, by Sledmsre .. — 1879—Omega, by Sledmere . • .. 3 Bi 1880—Libeller, by Traducer . . . . — 1881—Tim Whiffler, by Tim Whiffler ; (S) 2 564 1882—Pitz Hercules by Yaltendon .. 3 81 1883—Welcome Jack, by Traducer ..39 1884—Nelson, by King Cole .. -. 9 50 1885—Tigredia, by Leoiinus .. .. 2 46 1886—Foul Shot, by Musket .. .. 2 404 i 1887*—Disowned, by Albany .. 2 43 1887t—Sextant, by Robinson Crußoe 2 46 : 1889—Cuirassier, by Musket .. . - 2 404 1890 —Tirailleur, by Musket ~ .. 2 44J ' 1891 -Medallion, bv Nordenfeldt ~ 2 554 1892—Morion, by Captivator .. ~ 1 40 1893—St- Hippo, by St, Leger .. 2 46 IS94—Loyalty, by St. George .. 2 404 1895—Stepfeldt. by Nordenfeldt ~ 2 51 : 189H—Fabulist, by Fabulous .. 2 391 M<97_Nestor, by St. Leger .. .. 2 40 18J8—St. Crispin, by St. Legor .. 2 43 1899— Bluejacket, by St. Leger .. 2 40 ; 1900 — Miss Delaval, by Seaton Do ; laval 2 42 2-5 1901—Kenown. by Dreadnought .. 2 40 1-5 1902—Menachikoff, by Stepniak .. 2 384 1 i 1903—Wairikl. by Sonlt .. .. 2 374 1904—Gladsome, by Seaton Delaval 2 411-5 1905_(}ladstone, by Seaton Delaval 2 44 1-5 1906—Mnltifid. by Multiform .. 2 3B 4-fi 1907-Zimmerman, by Birkenhead .. 2 40 1 1908—Boniform, by Multiform .. 2 3C2-5 i i 1909—Husbandman, by Troadmill .. 2 36 i 1910— Kilwinning, by Kilcheran ~ 2 3/1-5 ! i9i]_Danuh». by Martian .. ..2 37 ! 1912—Counterfeit, by Treadmill .. 2 36 1913—80n Reve, by Boniform .. 2 38 1 1914- Cherubini, by Martian .. 2 37 2-5 ■ 1915— Reputation, by Martian .. 2 36 2-5 • 191G—Desert Gold, by All Black .. 2 32 3-5 1917_Sasanoff, by Martian .. .. 2 38 1-5 1918—Kstland, by Finland . . .. 2 38 3-5 ■ 1919— Gloaming, bv The Welkin . 2 34 2-5 1920—Royal Stag, by Autumnuß .. 2 34 3-5 -IOOI—O-asbac. bv Demosthenes .. 2 34 4-5 19->)_Wmning Hit, by Autumnus 2 35 1-5 •New Yoar's Day. tßoxing Day. PEDIGREE OF THE RIOTER. 1 WINNING HIT. Sire: Autumnus, by Treadmill (son of Bill of Portland and grandsop o f St. Simon) from Goldleaf, by Stonyhurst (son of King of Clubs) from Golden .Crest, by Apremont (6on of Mortemer). 1 Dam: Winning Way, by Cannie Chiel (son of Clanranald) from Lady Wayward, by Bill of Portland (son of St. Simon) rom Elusive, by Trenton (son of Mpfiket). NEWMARKET HANDICAP of £1000; second horse £200, third £100; 6 fur. K. D. Duncan's b h Solfanello, syrs, 'by Solferino —Rosalia, 9.10 (A. Oliver) 1 H B. Gibson'6 b r g Rational, 3yrs, 9.12 (H. Gray) -.2 L. Boles' b r g Tama-a-roa, aged, 7.12 (T. Glover) 3 Also Started.—Golden Bubble, 8.5; Pavo, 7.11; Dovelet, Fulsome, 7.0; Prince Abbey. 6.10; Humboldt, 6.9. I Rational was favourite. From a capital start. Rational was the first to show in front, but the field had i not travelled far ere Golden Bubble 1 I worked his way to the lead, and the big )! chestnut had a two lengths' lead as they . 1 ran past the half-mile post; Rational and , I Solfanello beiug his closest attendants. I Golden Bubble showed the way into the 1 j straight, but when they ran up to the 1! distance Pavo, Rational and Solfanello I were all round him. Solfanello. who was ' closest to the rails, got a dear run, and I the brilliant son of Solferino finishing ati I tractiveiy ran home a winner by threei 1 quarters of a length in front of Rational, . 1 who in turn was a length and a half in i advanoe of Tama-a-roa, with Prince Abbey close up fourth. Time, lm 12 3-ss. I AUCKLAND RACING CLUB HANDICAP of £2000- second horso £400, third } £200; It miles. Potts and McDonald's br g Mangama--7 hoe, aged, by Charlemagne ll.—Castel- , lina, 6.7 'Dickson) - t i W. H. Wackrow's br g Boomerday, . 6yTB, by Quin Abbey—Boll Crispin, G. 7. (H. Wiggins) t a R Heppner's b g Rouen, 4yrs, by Bezoniau—Lady Laddo, 8-10 (A, Olliver) -• 3 0 Also Started—Uncle Ned. 8.13; Royal Star. 8.11; Vagabond, 8.3: Malaga, 7.12; Lovematch. 7.8; Tinohoro. 7.0, Insurrection, j 7.0; Egotism, 611. Uncle Ned was favourite. As they moved off to a beautiful start, 1 Lovematch was one of the quickest on her legs, but when they reached the Btraight 2 Tinohoro' was in front, closely attended by Boomerday, with Malaga and Egotism most 3 prominent of the others. Tinohoro had a length advantage passing the Btand, with 7 Boomerday still his closest attendant; !• Malaga, Mangamahoe, and Egotism all well up. Tinohoro waa still bowling along at a h great pace when they ran out of the straight, with Boomerday and Mangamahoe next. Malaga. Royal Star, and Lovematch most prominent of tho others- As they reached t the cutting. Mangajnahoe was on terms with n Tinohoro, with Boomerday next, and then ii came Royal St&r and MsiigJinia.LS ! hoe up level with Tinohoro at the top Hi stretch, with Boomerday a length away. ia! Tiaohoro w dona with when tatj cot 10

!A hem® turn, where Maujamahcy and oomerdaj ttcw the leaders, with Egotism id Rouen most prominent of the othersi & stirring race from Jbencc home, MansraAhoe and Boomerday v;em # tho principal - iter*, and tha-fc pair, finishing leTel, the «-< idge declared » dead-heat. Roaeu a jad away, third, and then c)om up c&mo gotism. The following times for the vanis stages of the journey were struck by q t. J. K, Doh*lm:-3 furlong*, 33-3-53; furlongs, 61 l-6s; 5 furlong, Ira 4 S-t»; r ftirlontra. 1m 18 4-S»; 7 furlongs, lm 23 sa; mile, lm 42 3-sa; 11 miles, 2m 32s M< ecord for tho vice). Pa BACmo •'< (Since 1900.) wa Tims. Mi 00—L. D..and N A. Nathan's Et- _ ' {£ plosion. 9.10 ,•■• — 2 39 w 01—L. Marshall's Coronet, 8.3 ... 2 <0 1-5 - yi <yi j' T Ryan's Nonette. 9.1 ... 2 37| to 03—L. D. and N. A. Nathan's e3 Rosella, 7.12 2 40} T <M—P. James's Romeo, 8.6 ... 2 39 2-5 0E 105—D. Stewart's Scotty, 8.6 ... 2 411-5 j., 106— J. George's Pantutu. 8.2 ... 2 37 2-5 y t 07—R 'and R. Duder's Akarana, . 7.0 2 39 1-5 08—Hon. J. D. Ormond's Zimmer- ; man, 9.3 2 36 3-5 p ! (09—St. J. Back ley's All Red. 9.11 2 37 2-5 m ' 10-J. H. Waltcrs's Sedition. 7.1... 2 33 2-5 ' u „ ill—G. D. Greenwood's Miss Mis- H* chief, 6.13 , ... 2 32 3-5 2! 113— G. D. Greenwood's Miss Mischief (8.4) and J. Mc- J D Nicol's Maxwell (6,12), dead-heat 2 35 4 K 13— F. W. Arnold's Antoinette. 8.1 2 37 2-5 il'l—E. J. Watt's Sea Pink, 7.7 2 31 15— T. H. Lowry'a Marshal McDonald, 7.0 ... ... 2 34 Hi 16— J. Hand's Mullingar, 7.3 ... 2 35 G< 17—' W. Gardner's John Barley- ou corn, 7.12 2 35 an '18— T. Whelch's Multiply- 7.8 ... 1 35 119— F. Dorset's Red Ribbon, 7.1(1 2 37 2-5 Ho 120 —K. S. Williams' Vagabond, 8.8 2 34 2-5 121— R. Hannon's Tinohoro, 6.10... 2 31 2-5 ln , 122—Potts and McDonald's Manga- f, r mahoe, 6.7, and W. H. Wackrow's Boomerday >P (6-7), dead-heat .. 2 32 ]n LLERSLIE HANDICAP of £500; second [ T horso £100, third £50; 1 mile. '• M. Campbell's ch sc Zircon. 3yrs. by tu Merry Moment—Hopo Diamond, 8.7 p< (A Reed) 1 pe . P. Allen's blk g Somo Fashion, aged, 9.4 (O'Shea) 2 H J. M. Taylor's Marble Slab s?rs, 7.2, _ * carried 7.3) (Husbaadj 3 wi Also Started.—Hyrox, Port Regal. 8.3; y, arble 8011, 8.2; Whipping Bov. halvaloss, j, r 8; Bright Light, 7.5; Esplanade. Glen fa aim, Pengwen, Salvor, 7.0. jy. Zircon was farourito. When the field moved of! Some Fashion p' ent to the front and piloted the field down . io back etretch. Fort Regal ( being rominent of tho others, Tho positions ere unchanged entering tho streight hero Marble Slab showed prominently In - 1 - 1 good finish Zircon came with a lato run nd won by a neck. Marble Slab being J. ne and a-half lengths away. Fort Regal as fourth. Timo, lm 39 3-ss. I* LASGOW HANDICAP of £650; nccond T. horse £U)0, third £50. 7 for. •. B. Starkev's ch g Mustard Pot. ftyrs, bv General Latour—Prudinh, 8.12 (S. SI Walls) 1 F: . F. Smith's b h R-aceful. 4yrs, 8.12 bl (Buchanan) 2 M r. A. Black's br g Night Timo, syrs, 6.7, E carried 6.9} (Wiggins) 3 A .Also Started.—Gold Kip, 9.7; Landslide, ' ,ii; Miss Mimic, 8.4; Truthful, 7.71; Hyrnas, 7.4; Princo Charleroi, 7.0, Black fa ,ace, 6.8 i; Namutere, Clonmcl, 6.7. Landslide was favourite. Bt Miss Mimic was in tho lead for a furlong, ut was Boon displaced by Night. Time, ™ landslide running up second. Landslide led 1 lto tho straight, while Mustard Pot came 4; ist on the outside. In the concluding tagea Raceful put in a claim, but failed to -t et up Mustard Pot winning by three-parts f a length, with Night Time a length fur- -ji her back third. Landslide was fourth, Time, m 26 3-sa. CONCLUDING DAY'S RACING. j The A.R.C. Summer Meeting will be conludcd to-day. The acceptances received for » he various events are satisfactory, and some jjj lighly interesting contests are assured. Tho xrandotand Handicap has 15 horses engagod, vith the Summer Cup winner. Vespucci, at he head of the list, and Mr. G. D. Green-1 food has another string to his bow in tha i nile and a-quarter race with tho three-year- ! r ild Pluto. The four-yea::-olda Listowel and : a iaceful are also engaged* The leading two- ] tl rear-old of the season is down for an engage- 3: nent in the ltoyal Stakes, in which she has i 101b penalty. Eight are engaged in the t Auckland Plate, and with a prospect of a neeting between Gloaming and Thespian, ;he weight-for-age event will be invested 1 vith considerable interest. A THE ACCEPTANCES. " GOODWOOD HANDICAP. 1 mile. £ st lb at lb h Raceful .... 9 1 Loyal Irish 17 Radiant Light 8 7 Humboldt ... 7 4 1 Archie .... 7 9 Zircon • - • - 6 11 Esthonla ... 7 7 Persian King . 6 7 h SYLVIA HANDICAP. 6 fur. f st lb st. lb I Uncle' Ales: ..92 Royal Fame . . 6 7 ,v Mountain Lion 9 2 Flying Planet . 6 7 1 s The Cypher ..87 Miss June ..67 t Bumotious ..85 Bretland ... 6 7 t Moorland ... 7 9 Sundaur ... 6 7 q GRANDSTAND HANDICAP, 1{ miles, t st lb st lb c Ve3pncci ... 8 12 Trespass .... 7 13 > Gold Kip . . . 8 8 Tinohoro ... 7 8 Anomaly ... 8 6 Boomerday ~76 Foo Chow ..85 Tama-a-roa ..76 Listowel ... 8 4 Mangamahoe .75' Pluto 8 4 Geoffrey .... 6 11 Raceful .... 8 0 Perfect Day .. 6 11 Starland ... 7 13 27th ROYAL STAKES, 6 fur. st lb i Pluto, inc. 101b. penalty . . . . . . 9 2 Absurdum. ino 31b. penalty .. .. 8 9 , Epitaph, inc. 10lb. penalty .. .. 7 5 ; Mountain Lion, inc. 71b. penalty ..7 5 Farceur, iiic. 3lb. penalty .. .. 7 1 Refinement, inc. slb. penalty . . .. 7 u Highland 6 13 ; AUCKLAND HURDLES. 2 miles. ] st lb st lb Explorer ... 12 2 Tenacious -.-96 , Hyginas .... 12 0 Snake .... 9 4 Maniahera . . . 11 8 Slgliatura . . . 9 0 Sea De'il ---!<> W Pepin . , . . o o Crosswords ... 10 8 Approach . . . 9 U Pjanui .... 10 6 Wharepoa . „ 9 0 Rathlin .... 10 2 COUNTY HANDICAP. 6 fur. st lb st lb Anomaly - . . 9 3 Doyelet .. . . . 6 10 Mustard Po' . 8 12 Prince Abbey -68 p avo 7 8 Ruruwai . . . b 7 Illumination ..76 Clonmcl .... 6 7 CI. Stimulant . 7 0 AUCKLAND PLATE, li miles. Bt lb £ t lb Vagabond ... 9 4 Starland . . 9, i. Sasanof .... 9 4 Mangamahoe 9 Gloaming ... 0 4 Rouen - • . . 9 0 Foo Chow ..94 Thesman ... 8 0 GREY HANDICAP. 6 fur. Et lb st lb Shortland ... 9 2 Amiform . . 7 / The Reaver ..92 Golden Glass . 7 0 Lady Glissas . 8 6 Gold Bud -.70 Dactylis 8 4 Battleplane ..70 JaM ..... EMow -...70 Fort Regal ..82 Midget .... 70 Menanco ... 8 1 Gold Jacket . 7 0 Bitholia .... 8 0 Penbrey 7 0 Royal Blood . 7 10 Pagoda ---70 Te Akitai ..79 While schooling at Ellerslie on Saturday morning the King Mark gelding Ben Bolt, fell and, breaking one of nia legs, had; io be destroyed. Ben Bolt, who was owned bv Mr. A. F. Symes, was viewed in a promßo°&l had one of his hind leg, badly I cut while contesting the A.R.C. Handicap at Elierelio yesterday. »nd ss a result he will have to go into retirement for some ume. WAIKOUAITT MEETING. [bt telegraph.—press association.] DUNEDIN. MondayTho Waikouaiti races were held to-day in fine weather. The totalieator staff handled £18,559. compared with £19,885 la&t year. Results; — TRIAL PLATE—Sherlock (A. G. Camp-, bell). 1; Raconteur. 2: Avispado 3. Also started: Palenda and Scarlet Morn. Won by a short length, 'vith a neck between second and third. Time, lm 16 2-ss. CUP.—Mias Camouflage fV. lltwaitoe) 1; j Palamon, 3; Helicon. 3. Alao parted; Galway Micky Free, y lc l^,? L ' lVer ' Gold. Won by a short head. Time. 2m 10 l-ss. | NF.W YEAR TROT.—Von Director (N. T irfit/irio) l Glen Fara. 2; Wild Madam. 3. Also started: RaymiUs and Stan Wilkes fbracketed) Prestissimo, Real Lady. bt., Alwyn, Intolerance- Won by SII lengtllS. Time. 3m 39 3-56. BRAY MEMORIAL.—Limtt fA. H. Wil-j son),' 1: Kilboyne 2; Starhkc 3 AU started: Jester. Won by half a length. | Time, lm 14 2-ss. WELTER—Red Gown (A. Wonnald). 1: War March. 2; Micky Free. 3. Also started; Cannie Jack, Sherlock, Rockhampton. Won by half a length. HAWICESBURY HANDICAP—WhipIock (R C. Johnston). 1: All British. 2; Jester. 3. ' Also started: Dancing Days. BollrockWon easily by sit longths. Time, lm los. DOMAIN TROT,-Perfect Pointer (A. H. Wilson). 1; Vc.n Director, 2 : Raymius, 3. Also started: Merrigal, Archie, Leith Chimes. John Patohen, Frankton, Bronwood, i Prestissimo. St. Alwyn. Intolerance, Red i Prince. Won by four lengths. Time. 2m j 26 2-53. I ORBELL STAKES—Red Gown (A. Wormald), 1: War March, 2; Raconteur, 3. j Also started: Mice Camouflage. Cajinie Jack,' Rapid River, Kerry Star, Rockhunptcn. Won, by a length. Timo. lm 28 3-ia. jj

AUCKLAND TP.OTTTNG CT.UB fUMMEU MEETING CONCLUDED. JOLD BOY WINS CHIEF EVENT, i The Auckland Trotting Club's Summer ' [«ting concluded on Saturday at Alexandra ark, Epsom, in fine weather. Thrre 1 jain a large attendance, the crowd being : itimated at over 22,000. Amonc the rimtors j as the Prime Minister, the Hon. W. F. [assey, who was officially welcomed by the resident of tho club, Mr. J. Rowe. Every- j j ling pasied off pleasantly and the secretary, j . lr. C. F. Mark, and the club oScials are I ' j bo congratulated on tho success of the.; Sorts. Tee chief stipendiary steward, Mr.' . H. Davcy, was in attendance, but tho j nly matter to claim the attention of the : tewards was the frequent_ breaking oi • toriny Voyage m the New lear Handicap, ! ■ hich wa.? won by the horae mentioned.' Tie stewards decided cot to alter tho judge's ' lacings. j Speculation was brisk, the sum of £74,041 j [>3 being invented on the totaiisator. com- ! ared with £58.443 lOr, for the corresponding!, ay last Summer Meeting. During the three , ays of tho meeting a total of £213,115 was ' avested, compared with £190,642 103 for the 1 ist Summer Meeting, an increase of £22,475 ; Os. i The Trotting, The chief event of the day. the President's ' landicap of two miles, was a fine contest. 1 roid Boy, who trotted in fine style through- \ ut, made a fine effort down the straight J nd beat Woodvale after a good tussle.; loneymaker, who had made a fast run | own the back, tired in the straight. Tho Association Trot Handicap of two j ules, for trotting horses only, produced a I ne finish. Sebisca. who led practically' hroughout, winning by a length from ■ 'rndesman. the latter being half-a-head n front of Stormy Voyage. Thirteen sprinters faoed the starter in the j Vlegraph Handicap of one mile. Hedgewood | reing the popular choice. TV winner ■ urned up in ihe back-mark horse Prize | 'earl, who was responsible for an excellent j lerforniance. A fine finish w8? witnessed in the Onslow | landicap of one mile, the favourite. Gold lirl, getting up in the last few strides to rin by a head from lIHon Grattan. _ | A good field of nine went out for the New 1 'ear Handicap of two miles for unhnppled j lorsns. Stormy Voyage being installed i avonrite. The good thing duly came off. i hough Stormy Voyage faulted badl" ! The final event, the Premier HtPdicap, iroduced a fine finish between the favourite | 'rornenade and Tiny Locanda, the former 1 finning by a head. 1 Following are the results in detail:— :AMAKT HANDICAP (Harness) of X 390; second horse £60. third £o0; It miles. M. Clarke's Normica Heir, by Normintson—Minica, limit 'J.' T. Paul) . . 1 /ovrgTove Bros.' Hnia Girl, limit (W. Orange) 2 ?. Newman's Tidewater, 48yds bhd (J. Bryce) 5 Also Started— Lady Lonsdale.. Audex, Sherwood Surprise, Guava, Rosalie Pjtch, limit; Peter Kae, Timbell. ityds >hd; Mat Patch. Lee Norris, Ar&nui 48yds; (lies Marvin Downs, 72yds; Aerial Bingen, 31sa Nore, 84yds; Loch Lomond, 96yds; Vmberite, 108 yds; Bon Bon, 120 yds; My iunior, 132 yds. Tho Lee Norris-Tidewater brackct was avourite. Normica Heir went to the front fTom tho start, and was never headed, winning by ■ light lengths from Huia Girl, the latter jeing one and a-half lengths in front of fidewater. Aranui was fourth. Time, 5m 15s. PARK HANDICAP (Harness) of £300; second horse £60, third £30; 11 miles. 1' Newman's b 2 Peter King, by Petercta -Silver King mare, 48yds bhd (G. u. Smith) • - •' J. R Corngan! Conscript, limit (R. A. McMillan) ■ • • • 3 J. Gee's Rua EVe, limit (owner) .. . - A Also Started.-Gold Flake, Regret, Reliance, Louvima, Ivy Auduben, Coal Light, limit; Jowel. JtinJfm, 12yds; Balm, Heather Girl. Our Patch, 24yds 1; Peter Scott, 48yds; Ratana, 60yds; Red Stai, &4yds. Jewel was favourite. Conscript led the field for most of the journey, followed by Reliance a.nd uouvima. In the final stages Peter King made a u«« run, and won by two lengths, Rua Pero. who also did well in the concluding stages, being third, two lengths behind Conscript. Time, 3 m 31 l-Ss. PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP 'Harnessi of "poT MCi !d horse £200, third £100; 2 miles. T. Roo's b g Gold Boy, afiod by Gold BoU —Berlin Mud, 24yds bhd (owner) .. 1 A. G. Warnock'a Woodvale, limit (A. Moneymaker. 12yds bhd (W. Kelacy) Also Started—William tho First, Wild Briar. Pitaroa, 'unit; C-medy Chief. 12yds bhd; First Carbine, 24yds; >ita Bell, 36yds; Steel Bell. Doan Dillon. 60yds; Man-o-War, 120 yds. The bracketed trio, Man-o'-War. First Carbine. and Wild Briar, was favourite. Pitaroa ran into the lead at the start followed by William the First and Wild Briar. Entering the last round Moneymaker went out very fast and led down the back stretch followed by Woodvale. At the bo.r torn turn Gold Boy made a strong effort and in the run to the post drew out to win by threequarters of a longth from Woodvale, with Moneymaker one and a-half lengths away third. Dean Dillon was foufth just in front of Steel Bell. Time, 4m 30 2-ss. ASSOCIATION TKOT HANDICAP (Harness) of £500. second horse £100. third £50; 2 miles. G- Mitchell's b 5 Sebisca, by Harold Dillon—Alice Wood, limit (Owner) 1 C L. Hill's Tradesman, limit (J. Bryce) 2 Glasheen and Busst's Stormy Voyage 96yds bhd (P. B. Glasheen) • . • • 3 Also Started—Roi Alto, Mutu, limit; Bluewood. 24yds bhd; Speculator, 96yds. The bracket. Tradesman and Roi Alto, was favourite. • Sebisca went out at tho start attended by Mutu and Rluewood, Tradesman, Speculator, and Stormy Voyage faulting and losing ground. Down the back strewn t-he last time round, Sebisca was still leading with Tradesman and Stormy Voyage closing up. A fine struggle ensued down the straight, Sebisca winning hy a length, Tradesman being second, half-a-head in front of Stormy Voyage. Bluewood was fourth. Time, 4m ■17 3-ss. TELEGRAPH HANDICAP (Saddle) of £300; second liorso £60, third £30; 1 mil®. W. Hosking'B blk g Prize Pearl, aged, by Jewel Chimes—Cast Pearl, Slyds bhd (K. Woods) 1 W. Kelsey's Prince Poole, 12yds bhd fSevfell) . . • • 2 Shaw and Howard's Ben. Wallace, 24yds I bhd (H. McNaughton) 3 Also Started.—Princ« Child©. limit; Ruanuj, Hedgewood, Dlummation, 12yds bhd; Enid, Priniora, Queen Pirate, Molly Chimes, 36yds; Dorothy Dimple, Te Awa, 48yds. Hedgewood was favourite. Princo Poole ran to the front at the start, followed bv Ben Wallace and Te Awa. Down iho back 6tretch Prize Pearl went up to his fielcT, and was third enlermg tie straight In a good finish Prize Pearl won by half a longth from Prince Poole, with Ben Wallace three-quarters of a length Time, 2m 13 l-ss. ONSLOW HANDICAP /Harness) of £500; second horse £100, third £50; 1 mileT Roe's ch m Gold Girl, Wed. by Gold Bell—Florence W„ 36yds bhd (S. J. Roe) 1 R. Smith's Huon Grattan, 24yds bhd (W- f G°Paton's All Bell, 36yda bhd (Owner).. ? Also Started. —Lady Diinmore, Lad] Swithin, limit; Rothclifle Salamander, 12ydi bhd; Nelson Derby, William the First 134 yds; Pitaroa, 36yd?; First Carbine, 48yds. Gold Girl was favourite. Lady Swithin waa the early leader, bu' was aocm displaced bv Huon Grattan. AL B©ll was with the leader at the bottom turn but Gold Girl camo fast in the straight an< beat Huon Grattan by a head, All Bell beini two lengths away third. Pitaroa, waa fourth Time, 2m 13s. NEW TEAR HANDICAP (Harness) of £350 second horEe £70, third £35; 2 miles. Glasheen and Bueet'e br g Stormy Voyage, aged, by First Voyage—Nellie, 24yds bhd (P. B. Glasheen) _••..•? ; H V Ganley's Hint, limit (A. J. Julian) A.' E.' Barker's Lena Patch, 12yds bhd (Owner) Also Started.—Rostrevor, limit; Wonder land, 60yds bhd; King Capitalist, 72yds Wild Lad. 84yda; Whisht, 96yds; BronZ' Patch, 120 yds. 1 Stormy Voyage waa favourite. Hint led from the start, followed by Roe trevor and Lena Patch. Passing the etan< the second feme Wild Lad ran to the Iron ' ahead of Rostrevor and Stormy Voyage. Go i ing down the back stretch Stormy Voyag. went to the lead. Round the bottom turi Hint ran up second, and ill a good battl; down the straight, Stormy Voyage held hi own, winning by a neck from Hint, will ! Lena Patch, who finished well, two length j awfty third. Wonderland was fourth. Time I 4m 41 l-ss. [PREMIER HANDICAP (Harness) of £300 I eecond horeo £60, third £30; 1} miles. H F Nicoll's b m Promenade, oyrs, by Loj'an Pointeh—Queem'a Drive. 24ydi bhd (D. Wanen) . • •• ■ • • • J. Johnson's Tiny Loeanda. limit (Owner) N. Cunningham's Profiteer, 12yds bhu (Owner) • Also Started.—Bluewood, Trcanac, limit Prince Poole, 12yds bhd; Georth the Fourth 24yde; Prinzora, Master Councillor, Minus Park, 36yds Promenade wis favourite. Treanac was Erst to begin. ani 1 led paat the stand follewed o, ; Prince Poole and Tiny Locanda. Dovn i the back stretch, the !ast-mentione< j ran to the front and Promenade ran n; ' eecond. In a good finish Promenade wo: | by a head, Tiny Locanda beine two length 'in front of Profiteer. Prince Poole wa 1 fourth. Time, 2n> 50 4-fa. Hanukn. Far, j fall

HAVRE'S BAY RACES. [bt TTLEOrarH.—ASSOCIATION.] HASTINGS, Monday. Wet weather affected th» aster.d*r.ce at e Haw Ice's Bay races. Th» goir.c >vy. The aum of £19,915 through e machine, compared with £34.552 on the fit di 7 la3t 7ear. a decrease of £ 1 f.607. isulte: — OTATARA JUMPERS' FLAT FIANDIVP.—Warnb» (R. Huntl. 1; Raffles. 2; idy Muriel. 3. Also started Ore Ore, jwder King, Hobo. Woe ail the way by a agth. Time, 2m 47 4-5» MA HO P. A MAIDEN HANDICAP. - eather King (L. Berry), 1; Warpath. 2; »dy Thtirnham, 3. Also started: tj.nw, hariti, Volito, Metan. Marcus. !U»a.;ty. ishful. Won by a neck, with Lady Thumim. who had been comrns up well, five ngtha Tune, lm 17 2-o». HASTINGS HANDICAP. - J<T'ia! (J. ::ion), 1; Haurangi, 2; Civil form. 3. hso started: Chrysoatow, Woden, Valley Me, Mountain Peer. Pente, Bunny. Crown em, Queenfl Up, Honey Bee. Won by re lengths, a neck between second and iird. Time, lm '235. JUVENILE HANDICAP - Morose (R unt). 1; Good Sport. 2, Diamond Una. 3l«o started; Martimquo. Boughleen, Dhottn, echerche. Won caeily by three lengths. Imt, im 10 2-5«. PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP.-Orawia (G. eslanders), 1; Gazique, 2: The Speaker, 3!so started: Bagdad, Penitent, Hyttus, ntler. Won easily by iive lengtiie. azijue challenged near the finnh and beat j he Speaker by a lenirth for second money, i agdad waa fourth. Time, 2m 10 1-s*. WAIPATU WELTER HANDICAP.atuki 0L- Berry', 1; Kail, 2. 3. J lflo started: Earth Shine. Suspicion, Con- 1 ■ntion Queens Ferry, Biack Sea. Won by 1 length. Timo, 2m. HAVELOCK FLYING HANDICAP.-j rinoe Jewel (J. W. Dyer). 1. Fera, 2 ; Body- ' lard, 3- Aleo started: Tout Bon. Wawata, j insk, Marcus. Mokattam, Save Mart, Xior;n. Won by a length. Time, lm 23 3-is. STEWARDS' HANDICAP. - Jovial (J. | iion . 1; Princo Randall, 2: Hopta. 3. Also i ■arted: Caricature, Tan, Terawh:ti. Won, y five lengths, a length separating second | ad third. Tune, lm 15 1-os. SECOND DAY'S AfCEPTANi'ES. ITio second day's acceptance are:— AOIT3A JUMPERS' FLAT. - Wamba, ! f.B; Athens 11, 11.2; Ore Oro 11.0, Iloffle, 13; Lady Muriel, 9.8; Hobo 9.0. ELECTRIC HANDICAP.—Prince Jewell, ,9; Comic, Heather King. Kail, t\9; Bodytiard, 8.7; Warpath. Mountain Peer, 8.0; i.idy Thurnham, Whnriti. 7.5; Bashful, Suaicion, Reality, Wawata, Morgen, fjoyez, 'ermo, 7.0, JANUARY HANDICAP.—Gazique. 2.13: sterina, Pento. 8.13: Queens Up, Woden,, .4: Civilform. 7.2; Honey Bee, Haurangi. alley Rose. 7.0. NURSERY HANDICAP.—Morose, 9.4; 'iyella, 8.12; Good Sport, 8.1; 7; Diamond Ring. 7.5. Recherche, 7.0. NEW YEAR HANDlCAP.—Gaziqtie, 9.8; ycorax, 8.6; The Speaker. 8.3: Orawia. 8.0; | lagdad, 7.1*2; Hepta, 7.7; Penitent. 7.5; [yttus, 7.2; Earthßhino, 6.7, OMAHU HANDICAP.—Heather King. .10: Gamboola, 8.9; Convention, intler, 8.3; Morzonia, Minsk, 8.0: Black 'eo, 7.7; Mystico. Quoen's Ferry, Marcus, ,5. MATAPIRO FLYING HANDICAP.'rince Jowell 9.9: Bodyguard. 8.6; Wariath. 8.0; Slave Mart, 7.12: Tout Bon. 7.9; .andbird, 7.2; Megan, 7.0. FINAL HANDICAP.-AsUrina. 8.11; ?ari, 8.6: Prince Randall. 8.4; Hepta, 8,3; laricature, 7.12; Civilform, 7.1; Bunny. .0; Crown Gem, 6.7. MARTON RACES. [bi telegraph.—press association.] MARTON. Monday. Fine weather prevailed for tho races toay. Tho tot&lisator stall handled £39,660, igainst £53,789 on tho corresponding _ day aat year. Results:— FIRST HACK HANDICAP. — Banogue West). 1: Pariform, 2: Spook. 3. Scratched : iVar Loan, Nicomar, Rekapoto. McDonaic., vho was suffering from tho effects of a ecent accident, was unable to ride Temaire, .•hich was Eicratched after weighing. Tariuin fell. Lee sustaining slight facial injuries. Won by 15 lengths. Time, 2m 516. TRIAL HACK HANDICAP. — Whiritas [McCarten), 1; Pam. 2; Haeremoana, 3. Icratched: Liskamar, Legato, Cochineal, }old Snip, Padas. Bonnie Rill. Panther. SJartulla, Won by half a length. Time, m 58, JUVENILE HANDICAP.—Area (Bagby), • Enthusiasm, 2; Pirouette. 3. Scratched: Valerie, Pillage, Mountain Signal. Won by lalf a length. Time, lm 3 3-ss. CUP—Red Bob (Wheeler), 1; Ngata, 2: 3. Scratched: Maroueteur. Adniral Codrington. Strategy. Rose Wreath. Martial Dawn, Moutoa Ivanova. Won by two engths. Timo, 2m 10 3-ss. DASH HACK HANDICAP.—Tribute t (Stevens), 1; Kikini. 2; Passionless 3. Also Btarted, Bestir, Merry Queen, Yankee Dan. Doolpan, Mida, Memades. Demoness. Won by two lengths. Time, lm 14 3-ss. RAILWAY HANDICAP.—Kinsem (M. McSarten), 1; Waimatoa, 2; Birkie, 3. Scratched: Tigrinia, Tommy Rot. Won by a neck. Time, lm 15s. NEW YEAR HACK HANDlCAP.—Hallowroy (H. Ryder), 1; Eauitable, 2; Submerge, 3 Scratched: Kuia, Creme de Menthe, Muraahi. Lady Kotiripo, Borlbrook, Khartoum, Released. Won by a neck. Time, lm 31s. STEWARDS' HANDlCAP.—Princess Pat (C. Stevens), 1; Borealis, 2; Detroit, 3. Scratched; Prince Martian. Kadd.,. HeSn Rufus. Won by half a length, lime, lm 30a, SECOND DAY'S ACCEPTANCES. The acceptances for the eecond day are as followa: — SECOND HACK HURDLES, li mileaBanoni®. 10-7; 'ltomaire, 10.6. Spook, 10.2; Ghori 9.6; Pariform, 9.5; . Oak Roee. 9,3; Tarquin, Lady Upcott, Springtido. 9.0. LADIES' BRACELET, 8i fur—Nota weede, Projector, 11.5: War Loan, 11.3; Ghori. 10.11; March _ On. 10.9; Silver ban Rangiotu Camp, Wairenga, 10.7. SUMMER HANDICAP. 1 mik and a dis tance. —Ngata, 8.9;. Nursing. Sister 7.10: Borealis. 79: Askan 7.4; Prints Pat, 7.3: Detroit, 7.0; Martial Dawn. 6.11; Kuia. 6.10; Hallowroz. 6.9; Railandf Automoana. 6.7ELECTRIC HACK HANDICAP. 6 fur.~ Triboulet, 8.4; Edendalo, 8.3; Passionless 8.2- Deucalion. 8.0; Yankee Dan. 7.10: Mida Dissertation, 7.6; Demados, 7.3; Regard Golden Form, Bonecto, 7.0. NURSERY PLATE. 6 fur—Whiritas. 9.0 Ares, 8.13; Enthusiasm. 7.8; The Emperor 7.6; Daubepines, 7.0. TELEGRAPH HANDICAP, 6 fur-Kin sem, 9.7- Waimatoa, 8.8; Birkie 8.3; Rua tara. 7.3: Kikini. 7.0; Lady \iolet, 612 Bonny Briar, 6.9; Golden Vi. Demadea. 6.7 FAREWELL HACK HANDICAP. 7 fur.Kuia 8.10; Hallowroz. 8.9; Royal Gift, 8.8 Meny Quoen, 8.4; Lady Naseau, Spar Moments. 7.11: Cremo de Menthe 7.9 Sweet Song, Submerge. 7.3: March Or Rada, Released, Demoness, 7.0, TURAK.TNA WELTER. 7 fur—Ngata 10-8 Caliighsn, Borealis. 9.9; Detroit. 9.6 Waimatoa 9.4: Princess Pat, 9.2; Princ Martian, 8.10; Bonny Briar. Helen Rufuj Equitable. l Automoana. Crema de Menth( All Cerise, 8.0, TAUHERENIKAU RAGES. [b? telegkaph.—press association.] CARTERTON, Monday. The Tauberenitau races, postponed froi Saturday, were run in fine but clond weather. There was a large attendant* The totalisator staff handled £19,942, again* £30,327 last year, a decrease of £11,379. R sulta: — TRIAL HACK STAKES—Moutoa'e Gif 1- Jonquil. 2; Quest, 3. Scratched: Birkei el la. Solstice, Rimutaki. Won by a. lengtl Time, lm 2 2-ss. FEATHEBSTON HACK WELTER HAI DICAP—Sir Wai, 1; Wheatfiold, 2; F.ose 3. Scratched: Vasilkov: \Von by a hea< Time, lm 31 1-as-FLYING HANDICAP— Barleycorn. 1 Chimera, 2; Tommy Rot, 3. Scratched Backsheesh, Canyon, Probate, won by 'jsro nose. Time, lm 15 3-Ss. WAIRARAPA CUP—Esperance, 1- Fe tivity, 2- Printemps, 3. Scratched: Kilrusl Bonnetter, Rose Wreath, Scornfiu. Won h a length- Time, 2m His. NURSERY HANDICAP—Peneua, 1; M Bougial. 2; Wairarapa, 3. Scratched: Ah | bama. Jolly Bruce. Slayer, Miss Rene, Boi i nie Nurse. Bourina. Time, lin 36. I RIMUTAKA HACK HANDICAP— Rebul II; Sir Wai, 2; Hallowvonia, 3. Scratcaed | Lord Desmond, Californian. A close finis! ! Time, lm 465. ! WARDELL WELTER HANDICAP—Pn bate, 1; ScornfuL 2 : Barleyoorn. ' Scratched: Ruatora. Won by a lengt) , Time, lm 30 3-ss. TELEGRAPH HACK HANDICAP" Mountain March, 1; Melting Momenta, 2 Ania 3. Scratched: Lord Desmond, Lor Usk,' Whakatere. Timo. lm 6s. WELLINGTON RACING CLUB. Nominations for all events to be run i the Wellington Racing.Club's Summer Mee ing close to-morrow night at 9 o clock. FRANKLIN RACING CLUB. Tho Franklin Racing Club will hold annual race meeting at Pukekohe on Satu: day. February 4. The amount allotted i prize-money runs to £304. The _ Frankli Cup carries a money stake of £65 in ado tion to a cup, value £25, presented by J. iJ. D. Jones. From the programme, whic j will be found, published in full in anotin column, it will bo seen that nominatior close for all events with the secretary. M: 4, p. Dayah, »t Pubekobe, on Fnda; January 20.

WAJKATO TJtUTTL\Ii Q.IU- j Tm fc'Uowiai; handicap* have bftn <ie- ; lared by Mr. F. W Kd~»rds for r"nt* : 5 be decided at the W»ik»to Tar! Club's leettng on Saturday next.--LNTRODUCTOKY HANDICAP. U -Dorir. Salisbury, Gold Sur, N*tiv» Boy, lur*nui. Wild Nell. Jan., .1 ir,lt I'tieh, Aneler.e, Pino Child, limit, Allan the <»'«*>., N <o7>e!y. T.ip«.T_ Koihiu-hild. La.iy B">»pn»7, j temt, Victor Not*, B«>!Uon. Gutttn Ws'kes. Jell Todd. Sherwood Surprise. Marrir.'j j Ichpsc, bbd. Hrp?. V(i«s \!rir plir, -. tyds; Peter I'am. "2yds, Timfcell, Kercone, tyds; Norm:c» Il«ir. lAOyds . !l FRAN'KTON" HANDICAP, it nuie*.-: a ewellery. Rejret. Dulciephone. Willie Mac, ( ohnny Golddusi. KeliaDr«. Kins ci Lydu. ! ,' ieat.i Ideal. lrr?y Peter. Albert W" 1!Vf», 1 imit; Gold B'ld, Dick Dillon. Aieliion. t ifailo, 12yds bhd Klor» Dillon, ("ftarion 'J tunt, itydi llfattier iiir!. Wild Nut. Lvi- , tm*. TV At&i'nara. Golden Wjt«, ■' VmJ Light. S;xH'iil Trseey. 0;c. a "yds; rani. Rweiilo. Mm*. Blue- v rood. Tradesman, 72yds. CosscnpV P»r». 'udutta, Boycott. Myd*; Piietta. ?» to> |tt»jo \iEg. 103 yds. L&riv Sonerset, lA)y..i». |U 0 »n», 114 yds, Stormy Voyaffe, 156yd< ' WAIKATO TROTTING Cl'P, ■> bilm - s fimmy Richmond. Sal Pointer, Master ('our. t t'lor. Tradesman. limit, Tempie. Taii»r" i J"onderl»nd. 12yd« Ha-,. S«nddriM. Oui-s V»t«. Lady Sfjthm, 24yda. William the 1 '"iral, Kewpic, Whisht, 4.* yds P?ijs Pea:!, tllliell. CCyds■ Comedy Chief, ".'yds. M r«r- ( miter, First Carbine, Grind Vor»;.-e, Myls, i lie!!, 9Gy<!s; Gold B«y. U4yds. M«r.-o' l^Otd*. CLAUD ELANDS HANDICAP. H m;le*.~ J Richmond, rk.lovi, Henri Frinch. U'ru.on. s Bov. Mil* Wood, liarry Audat»*i. diss Murphy, The Pointer Jew-ellrry, IVro- i hy Kmc, lid! Moor. The Crown. A-no ' late Maori Maid), Nita Cole, Goldman. A'hispenns Dell. Stanley Di:lon. Hvpo. a kVilda-ood Direct. A&tv* I-.# } tro'den I'.irk, ,Is"r< r.r«xr, fohnny Golddnst. King of I.ydii. SulflisKt, m;t, Duici«i hone, Hp»u Ideal. I'yd* t-hd. a «..d Sound. Elsa Nor<>, 6i v . - d.'> Gold Hi.d. , •6yds; Charlie's Ann - .. Heather Gir.. | ?ani -not eligible). STEWARDS' HANDICAP. 1 m:l« - Petor'don. Great Britain, llAnseatea Eria., '. limit Georc<> the Fourth. He<lje- ' * "3d, Jny'i Belle, Temple, lCvds bhd, t Innmy Richmond, Protitwr, Prnco P>ile. 1 Mister Councillor Prinrorv Molly Chime*, !4vd.v Ltviv Swithin. Mi" Rd,'«. S«yd». ■ Whisht. Sanddr.!'., Kpwrit. Sa'anunder, t lS"ds. William the First. 60yd« First (v- 1 nine. AH Bvil. T?vd>*. G-- d Moncf- , naker, Grand Vo-ace. 81yds. RAILWAY HANDICAP, 1! miles -Wha- ! 1 katane. Coallijiht, Oro. Mindful. I• m.t; IW- ; ;, Ballin. 17yds bhd; P'lwhetiua, Jewel, . Blucwood, T'odesmaa, 24vd« I' l ,* | retereden, Blue Kinp. On. ' Ranciatea Erna. General Advinie. 1 Hiimos, Monnt Albert, SfyiJ* f"",f 1 " Fourth. Rstansv. '2yds: Tt.v U><-and», , Latona, 96yd■>; Lady Dunmore, I'Vvds HAMT'L/rON HANDICAP. 2 .mW --IFwrbairn, Kereone. Bell Todd. Aranti. Am^rtA Elsa Now. Wirihitti. Marvin s Echpv.. Aen». Ringcn, limit; Mv Junior, Lady >»n. -tvci. bhd: De Why. Tiki. Roi Alto. Wid Nut. Marble Tlall. lobster H.o C,rand", 72yds; Main. 81yds: Hora. lOSvds: 1 rJ<lesman, 132 yds; Stormy Noyagc, FAREWELL HANDICAP, 11 ini'« - RtiiW. To At«ihaea. Charli"- Aunt K.-cr- . Louviroa. IWiance, Grey lMrr Side sh . limit; Reveille. Mi-d'..l. Billin. 12j-d» VM; Conscript, Rua I'ero bueeory. 24yds; Pi)ot*ta, i uwhenua. Hymen. I. )u mi nation. 36yd P . Somrrwi. Ureal Britain. Ranccatea Erua. Queen Clume, Mount Albert. Gallipoh. General Advance. ISyds; Hedge wood, 60yd*; Lmu, } nncc Poole,' Queen Pirate. 7'2yds. Aeeetitances for events to be derided at the Waikato Trottine Chiba lneetin.- closo ■ to-morrow at 5 p.m. STRATFORD METIS ft | [BI TELEGRAPIi.— PRESS ASSOCIATION.] I STRATFORD. Monday. The Stratford rnco3 opened, to day in tine weather. 'Hie course was in. pood ordor. j After the snth race heavy nun spoi.t the moetine. Tho totfthsator staff Imnclled X 30,942 aßAinst £41.'209 tuc firet d.)i 01 tho last meetinir. ResulU MAIDEN HANDlCAP—Princess Fnn, 1; Potoa King, 2; Banuiatata. 3. TARFFTI WELTER.-Skvlieht. 1: Veloeiform, 2; Ardath. 3. Won by a head. Timo. lm 31 2-5s STRATFORD CDP.-Ecmont Park- 1; Admiral Codnngton. 2; Pine Arch, 3. Won by H lengths. Time, 2m 11 3-ss. OHXJRA HURDLES—Fibre. 1: Prodißal. 2 ; Simon. 3. Won by two lonctns. Time, 2m 51 4-5s DOUGLAS HANDICAP.—Incoine 1; Hipo. 2: Inaha, 3. Won by a head. Time, lm 15 3-ss. MIDHIRST HACK HANDICAP—EnI, 1; Sunny Jim. 2; Wnrraffce, 3. Won by a head. Time, lm 52 4-sa. MAHOE WELTER.-Koreno. 1; Pafisin' Through, 2; Misti&n, 3. Won by H lengths. Time lm 375. RAILWAY HACK HANDICAP.-Cnrrrfl-pondent. 1; Petunia. 2; Roman 3. Won by a length. Time, lm 235, OBEY JOCKEY CLUB. [Bt TELEGRAPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION.] GREYMOUTH, Monday. The Grey Jockey Club'e Midsummer meetiiur in id©a,l weather, Tho totalisator staff handled £14,928, agamet £10.940 on the first day last year. Kesults: — TRIAL HANDICAP.—CaIibTin (Shaw), 1; Markie. 2; Hallucination, 8. Also started: Miaa Ploronc©. Won by two lengths Time, lm lB!s, PAROA HANDICAP.—Cheer Dp (JenIlingg). 1: Benefit, 2; Bunbath, 3. Also started; Boravear, Tantalus, Woodrow, Demonstrate. Divoreo, War Unit. Half i length each way. Time, lm 2-1 4-fis-GREY VALLEY HANDICAP.—BIack Knieht (Jennings), 1: Rattle Socne, 2; Ahika, 3. Al6o started; Cavoßtook, Pnnco Feroz, Orange Mar. Fidstaff. Won by a length. Time, lm 44 3-53. FIRST HURDLES HANDICAP.—CIionot 'Humphrer«), 1; Comment. 2; Cyro, 3. Also started: War Tax, Amendment, Trentham Rore. Won by a head. Time. 2m 56 l-6s. ELECTRIC HANDICAP—KiIder? 'farter). 1; Weary Willie. 2. Lady Pjllaa. .3. Also staartod: Ramarang. Thestius, Wolthin.. Headlong, Trenthnm Rose. Won by a length. Time, lm 9 2-sa. STEWARDS' HANDICAP.—Counter Attack fToung). 1; Sandy McDonald, 2; Tantalus. 3. Also started: Fl7in? Master, M«rton, Cam bra. Timeniece. Won by two lengths, Time, lm 6 2-ss. WELTER, 7 fnr—Mythology (Humphries), 1: Lord Ashlea, 2; Lady Middleton. 3. Also started: Tiranga, Stravshot. Mfsland. Cliacronia. Grand Duchy. Won by a head. Time, lm 30 2-sfi. BRUNNER HANDICAP. - Marblo Bar 'PeroivaD. 1: Demonstrate. 2: Tync, 3. A!«> started; lord Forby, Embezzler, and Stepholm. Won by two lengths. Time, lm M3-ss. CANTERBURY PARK TROTS. [BY TELEGRAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.] CHRISTCHURCH. Monday. The Canterbury Park Trotting Club's Summer Meeting opened in dull weather. There was a good attendance. Tho totalisator investments were £50,034, against £49,333 on the first day last year. Results :— FIRST AMATEUR HANDICAP.—Maon Princess (S. Peterei. 1; Gay Child. 2; Ruby Lincoln, 3. Scratched: Panama. Won oy twenty lengths. A poor third. 1 lnie, 3m. TEMPLETON HANDICAP.-Silver Locanda (W. Bryce). 1, Dandy Rose. 3; Colchester. 3. Scratched: Ben Onau, Lord Clan. Won by two lengths. Time, 3m 30 l-ss. CHAMPION HANDICAP—Partner (H. Frost), 1: Goldetream, 2; Gleaming, 3. All started. Won by two lengths. Time, lm 365. LYTTELTON HANDICAP.—Prince Lyons (O. E. Hooper). 1, Oaknut, 2; Koraki 3. Scratc'ied: Little Pointer. Won by two lengths. Time, 4m 42a. STEWARDS' HANDICAP.—MarvoIo (A. G Wilson). 1: Nighborn, 2; ReU Rose, 3. All started. Won by a length. Time, 4m HANDICAP.—Taisy Dillon (J. McLennan 1, 1; Colenut, 1. Glen Mavis, %. Scratched: Capricno, Our Girl. Won by & length. Time, 2m 48, v RAILWAY HANDICAP.—Bandura (J. ■ MeLennanj. 1: Tiranna. 2, Watchman 3. Scratched: Lord Dillon. Won by three lengths. Time, 2m 18 2-os. AU REVOIR HANDICAP.-Free Pointer (A. Hendrickson). 1: LonebiTa, 2; Biganst, 3. Scratched: Belle- Logan. Makomiko, Bundura. Won by two lengths. Time, 2m 19 2-ss. AUSTRALIAN RACING. SYDNEY TAITERSALL'S X'KETING. A. and N.Z. SYDNEY. J*n. 2. At Sydney Tattersall'fi Meeting on Satur--1 day, tho weather was showery. The following was the result of tho leading event. HARRINGTON STAKES. 6 fur.—Etire. 1: Gal toe Maid. 3 Volpi beat by a head, but as a result of a fot ' interference the lsstrnamed wa 3 placed hrst. Time, lm 14ja. . A. and N.Z. SYDNEY. Jan. 2. Sydney TattersalPs Meeting was continued ■ to-day. The following was the result of the leading event: — TATTERSALL'S CUP. 1 niilo 5 fnr.Jnlia Gray. 1: Carbern. 2: Bitalli. 3 Won by a length. Timo. 2m lois. THE PERTH ('IT A. and N-Z. PERTH. Jan. 1. At the West Australian Turf Club's Meeting yesterday, tho following w&s the result of the leading event:PER'I'H CUP. 2 miiee.—Earl Seafiold. 1: Queen Comedy. 3; Gold Digger. 3. Won by ■ a length. Tun* 3m 26 4m. THE STANDISII HANDICAP. A. and N.Z. MELBOURNE. Jan. 2. At the V.R-C. Meeting to-day. the Standisl Handicap (6 fur.) rwulted:-Whubacc, li Grey Abbey. 2: Lisnavans. 8. Wou by « length. Timo, lm 14*.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 17979, 3 January 1922, Page 7

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RACING CARNIVALS. New Zealand Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 17979, 3 January 1922, Page 7

RACING CARNIVALS. New Zealand Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 17979, 3 January 1922, Page 7