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OLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS. UNIVERSITY SCORES/ SOl/DLY. GOOD FORM BY EDEN B, POSTLES COMPILES CENTURY. Tlio weather was fine for the com' mencoment of the third round of club championships under the auspices of the Auckland Cricket Association on Saturday. Tho grounds were in excellent order and the wickets fast with keen outfields. The batting generally was sound, and some good team and individual scores were registered. University put up the highest total of the day with 292 against Parnell, Lusk (67), Metge (64 not* out), and Graham (46) being the principal contributors. Pan nell scored 33 without the lotw of a wicket. Eden B made a good showing against Eden A at, Eden Park, compiling 241, out of which total Postles made & century by fine cricket, scoring his runs with well-placed strokes on Doth sides of the wicket. He never gave a chance, and hit one six and l2 four's. Eden A made a promising start, compiling 62 without the loss of a wicket. Y.M .o,A.,'failed to stand up to the bowling of Snedden and Smith in the njatch against Ponsonby, the side being dismissed for 59 runs. Ponsonby batted well, and compiled 237 for the loss of tieven wickets. Righton played a fine innings for 64 before ho retired hurt through an unfortunate collision. Grafton did not bat up to form against North Shore, and the side was disposed of for 105 in the first innings, The home team started well, and at tho drawing of stumps had compiled 182 for- the loss of nine wickets. PONSONBY V. Y.M.C.A. The matoh between Ponsonby and Y.M.C.A. was commenced on JNo. 2 wicket at Kden Park. The ground wag in good order, tho wj6ket true and the outfield last, every stroke yielding its tull measure of runs. had first use of the wicket, but with the exception of I. Cooper (14) and Barton (22) the batsmen made a poor showing, and the sido was dismissed after an hour's batting for 69 runs. The Y.M.C.A. batsmen found Snedden almost unplayable, tho Ponsonby captain, securing seven wickets for 29 runs. S. G. Smith secured two for 25. Snedden and Smith bowled unchanged throughout the innings. Snedden and I'lynn opened tho Ponsonby innings, and both batsmen settled down to make runs, but with the score at 17 Snedien was snapped up at tho wicket by Buckioy off Burton. Atkinson came in to assist tlynn. who was batting steadily, and\the score wasjcarried to 16, when Atkinson was beaten by Bicknell. Smith joined Flynn jnly to see the latter bowled by Bicknell, md three wickets were down for 49 when Hamilton partnered Smith- Runs came slowlvj and at 61 Hamilton was Btumped by Buckley of! Bicknell, who, at this flagc, had taken three wickets for three runs. Righton joined Smith and a useful* partnership warJet up, the score being raised to 118 oefore* 3mith, who had played a steady innings for 32 was stumped by Buckley off Bicknell. Righton was batting very solidly with fine >ff shots when he was joined by Elmbranch, who, after compiling nine, was caught by Caughey off Cullimore, and six wickets were 3own for 132. Roberts came in, but a fast ball struck him on the right hand damaging a finger and he was compelled to retire. Browne filled the vacancy, apd with the score at 180 an unfortunate collision oelurred, necessitating the retirement of Righton, tho Ponsonby batsman, and Buckley, the Y.M.C.A. wicket-keoper. Browne had played a single, and in attempting to reach tho ere a bo Righton collided with Buckley, who had raced tip to the wicket to take a imart return. Both players were kn6ckcd sut for a few minutes and eventually had to retire Righton had clayed a fine innings for 64 when the incident occurred. Roberts returned • to complete his inninira, joining Brown«. The batsmen played freely, and on tho call of time Browne was run out with seven wickets down for 237, Roborts not out, 35. Scores. Y.M.C.A.—First Innings. Cooper, o Roberts, b Smith ... .. fl Civughey, b Snedden >. ' 0 Cullimore, b Snedden .. ~ ~ 2 Burton, o Atkinson, b Smith .. ~22 Bass, b Snedden . ~ 0 Innes. b Snedden .. .. >. 0 Christian, b Snedden .< .. • < » , 0 Bicknell! b Snedden .» ~ ..-6 F. Cooper, not out .. .. t, 6 T- Buckley, b Snedden i ,« >. >. 4 Miller, absent . * ~ 0 Extras. . • .. . i ■. .. B Total .. .. .. J.lfl Bowling Analysis.—Snedden took seven wickets for 29, Smith, two for 25. PONSONBY—First Innings. Snedden. c Buckley, b Burton .. .. 12 Flynn, o Bicknell 23 Atkinson, b Bicknell 6 Smith, st Buckley, b Cullimore i, 32 Hamilton, st Buckley, b Bicknell >. 7 Righton, retired hurt •• .• ... ..,64 Elmbranch, o Caughey, b Cullimore .. - 9 Roberta, not out .. .. 35 Browne, run out .» Extras .. . < ■ i >, .. 24 Seven wickets for .. >< s. .. 237 EDEN A V. EDEN B. The match between Eden A and Eden B was played on No.v 1 wicket at Eden Park. Eden B had first strike, but the earlier batsmen failed to get going", and four wickets wero down for 32, when Blair was oat leg before to Taylor. With the association of Postles and McLeod a' useful partnership was Bet up, 46 runs being added Defore McLeod, who had batted well for 87, played one on from Gillespie. With five wickets down for 78 F. Horspool joined Postles, and a bright partnership was sot up. Horspool attacked the bowling from the outset, and with clinking shots on both sides of tho wicket ran his score to 49 and the total to 148 before he was out to a good catch by Cummings at mid-ofi, The retiring, batsman played a bright innings, and made some' Bound shots in his score. Bennett' joined Postles, who was batting steadily, but the newcomer did not last long, and at 163 was out to a catch by Whelan, off Brook-Sinith, who, with one run added, clean-bowled Alexander. A. Gillespie followed, and after scoring six was out leg bofore to Brook-Smith, who had secured the lank three wickets cheaply. Broberg, the last man, joined Postles, who wan playing attractive cricket,- and another good display waa* given, Postle? scoring well with fine shots all round the wicket, and Broberg with a straight carpet drive. After three hours' batting the second century,was reached, and Postles was going well for nia 100, which he brought'up with a fine stroke to the boundary. Juet after reaching his century Postles was, bowled by H. Gillespie, and the inningß closed for 241, Broborg being not out with 18. , , With three-quarters of an hour to play, Eden A opened 1 the firsts innings with li. Taylor and K. Bennett, who by sound batting compiled 62 without the loss of a wicket, when the bell rang for time. Scores: — • EDEN B.—First Innings, MoLeod, b H. Gillespie .. •. • • 87 Davis, b Taylor ... .. ~. 0 Wright, o Hoighway, b Taylor ' .. 4 Blair, lbw, b Taylor .. 6 Postles, b Gillespie,.. .. .. •. 100 Horspool, o Cummings, b Brook-Smith ... 49 Bennett, c Whelan, b Brook-Smith .. 4 Saunders, b Nixon •• •« 1 J. Alexander, b Brook-Smith 0 Gillespie, lbw, b Brook-Smith • ♦ »• 6 Brob'erg, not • out .. 18 Extras .. .. . ~ .> 17 . Total. .»A. • 241 Bowling Analysis.—Nixon tobk oneXwicket for .19 runs, Taylor three for 57, BrookSmith four for 38, Whelan none for 11, Gillespie two for 42, Cummings hone for 61, Cameron none for 6. EDEN A.—First Innings. L. Taylor,, not out .. .. .. ~22 H. Bennett, not out .. . • ~ .28 -Extras- I .. •. i« a* «. 12 No wickets for .. . • ■ i .. 62 PARNELL V. -UNIVERSITY. The match between'Parnell and University 'was played on a good wioket on tne Remuera ground. University had first strike, and, opening with Lusk and Graham, made a fine start. Runs came fiajily from the Dutset, both batsmen attacking the bowling with confidence, and the first century was registered aa the result of sound batting, Lusk being 58 and Graham 42. Graham was the first to go, , After compiling 46 by good shots on both sides of the wioket he was bowled by - HiU, Caradup filled the vacancy, and with two wickets down for 116 Lusk los*; his wicket, being yorked by Hill. The retiring batsman made 67 by excellent oricket, scoring wpll with fine shots all round the wioket., W. Garrard same in, but after making six waß outJtumped by a rebound from the wioketkeeper's pads. R, Garrard' folk wed, but failed to. score, and was clean lowled by Anthony. With four wickets dowa for 130, Metge joined Caradus, who, .with the addition of two runs, was run out from a smart return by Somervell. Another wicket fell without adding to the scbre, Kelly being :lean bowled by Anthony.:. Player Joined Sfetge, and runs came steadily. Player rah to 14",-but at 159 he played one into the hands of Dow at mid-oft, Goodwin came in jnd played ci vigorous innings for 36 before tie was Btumned. The ninth-wicket partnership set up by Metge and Saunders Was a

, ■ S . ', ■ ■ ... . good one, adding 78 runs, the score being t*«*n jrrom 210 to 283 before Saunders was bowled Hill for 39., Dunning, the last man, was howled by Hill, and the innings closed for 292, Metge having played a fine npt-out innings for 64,' Hill was the most successful bowler, securing five wioketa for W runs, Anthony got three for 68. The light waa dull when Parnell took Up the batting for the first, innings with Anthony and Moore, and 'the batsmen took no chances steadily. At the drawing bf stumps Parnell had compiled 83 without the loss of a wioket. Scores:— ' * UNWERSITY.--Firßt Innings. Lusk, b Hill.; .. .. .". ~ 67 Graham, b Hill ~ 46 Caradus, run out ... .. .. .. 12 W. Garrard, st Hill .. .. 6 , R. Garrard, b Anthony .. .. ~0 Meti-e, not out .'. .. .-.' ~ ..64 Kelly, b Anthony .. 0 Player, o Dow, b Rundle 14 Goodwin, st Badeley, b Anthony ~ 36 Saunders, b Hill * 39 Duiining, b Hill ~ ,« >. ..8 Extras .. ~ , 5 Total .... .> .. .. v .."292 Bowling Analysis.—Moore took no wickets for 45, Somervell none for" 27, McLeod none for 46, A\ithony three for 68„ Hill five for 66, Rundle one for 38, Turbott none for 18. PARNELL.-First. Innings. Anthony, not out ■. .. ■. .« 13 Moore, not out . .. •. .. .. _15 Extras .» .. .i •• .. 6 No wickets for';:.. .„ ~ ~33 GRAFTON V. NORTH SHORE. The match' between Grafton and North Shore was commenced at North Shore. Grafton made a poor start, the first wickets failing cheap*;? and the whole eide was dismissed for 105 runs- ilorepool and Snedden opened the attack, but with the score at 14, the latter was bowled by Coates. Allcott was the incomer, and* at 24, Horspool waa disposed of by 0. Daore. "With oe run . added. Sandman lost 'hie wicket to Coates, and Adams came in to be bowled "by C. Dacre, Four w>ckets were down for 30, when filoman partnered Allcott, who, after compiling 11, was disposed of by Arblaater. Wjleon did not last long, and t lx wickets fell for 59. Flower was the • next to go, ■ being caught by Scott off Coates, behind the wickets.' Leech joined Sloman to see the latter bowled by Arblaater, with 17 to his credit. The / ninth-wicket partnership of , Leech and Baker was responsible for 38 runs being added to the score of 100 when the i former was bowled by Arblaater. The last man, KUlworth, was bowled By Elliott, and ; the innings closed for 105, Baker beins out, 19. compiled by good cricket. Coates and Arblaster bowled well, the former securing three wickets for 26,' and the latter four for 37. • ; North Shore made'a good start, the oaen- ■ ing batsmen, Heraus and Elliott, carrying the 6core to .70 before the former was out to a oatch by Wilson on the boundary, after ■ compiling 34. Partes came in,to see Elliott ; caught by FloweT, off Snedden, for' a good ; innings of 32. -C. Dacre scored 16 by attractive cricket, and w»s qut leg before to Snedden! who had tjtoi three wickets for ' 19 runs. With three wickets down for 93, : Frater joined' Parkes, and' the score waa taWn to 108 when the new batsman was , bowled by Allcott. parkes played a good , inn'ngs for 31 runs, and was well supported ,by Prime with 28, and L. Dacre, 15, but tho , remaining wirkets< fell cheaply, and {at the ' call of time NoTth Shore had compiled 182 runs for the loss of nine wickets. Scores:— j ■A GRAFTON.—First Innings. Horspool, b CI Dacre , 9 I Sneddon, b Coates ..- .. .. .. 9 Allcottg b ATbheter .. .. .. .. U S omah, b Arblaster 17 Sandman, b Coates .. «< .. «• 0 Wilson, b Arblaster . .* .. ..4 Adams, b C. Dacre 3 Flower, o Scott, b Coatee .. .. % . l , Leech, b Arblastor 12 I Bakor, not out ~ .. .. .. ~ 19 Killworth, b Elliott 4' Extras .. .. ■. .. .. 171' Total .. ...'.. .. .. 105 . Bowling Analysis.—Coates took three wic- j kets for 26, C. Dacre two for 22, Arblae'ter four for 37, Elliott one for 3- . s NORTH SHORE.-First Innings. . Hcmus, o Wilson, b Snedden .. .. 34 Elliott, c Fiower, b Snedden. .. ..32 C. Dacre, lbw, b Snedden .. .. .. 161 Parkes, c Dacro, b Horspool .. .. 81' Prater, b Allcott , •' 6 1: L. Dacre, st Horspool, b Snedden ..15 Prime, b Horspool .. .... .. 28 i Scott, not out . • 6 ' i Colebourne, lbw, b Horspool •. '.» 0 ■ Arblaster, o Flower, b HorspooL .. ~ 0 ' Extras ..14 Total for nine wickets .. ■<• .. 182 SECOND GRADE. Technical Old Boys v. Sacred Heart.— Saored Heart: First innings, 93 (Griffin . Ryan 18, Stone 10, Lanigan 16, Nicholls 10): Bowling .for Tcohnical College Inder .took six wickets. Buckley two, Hughes one. Technical College: First innings,, 199 for •seven wickets (Hughes 35, Inder 14, Shaw 40 not out, Lucas 89 not out). Bowling for Sacred Heart Kallaugher took five wickets, O'Regan one, McManon one. Y.M.C.A.' V. University,-Y.M.C.A: -First innings, batted one/"short, 62 (Winks IS, Oliver 12). 'Bowling- for University, Joneß twok two wickets for 18 runs, Hockin seven for 26. University: First innings. 230 for four wickets (Wyllie 20, Foster 64, Banneler 55, Jones 42, Winks. 18 not out, Hockin. 14 not out). .-•£ Grammar A v. Grafton B.—Grammar A: , First innings, 166 for five wickets, declared • (Weir 64 not out, Watson 49 not out. ' teitb 25, Goodasre. 17, H. M. Reid 10).. Bowling for Grafton, Menzies took three wiokets for 89 runs. Grafton B: First innings, 40 (Coates 11). Bowling for Grammar, Badeley took six wickets for 9 runs. Seccombe two' for 8. Second innings, 84 (Thomas 10, Menzies 16, Hotspool 18, Coates 11 not out). BowKng for Grammar, Badeloy tdok six wickets for 9 runs, Seccombe two for 40. . _~'.] King's v. Ponsonby.—Kings: First mn--ings, 178 (Buckland 83. Johnson 29, Jack- | -son 39); Bowling for Ponsonby, Kemp took ; two wickets for 30 runs, Regan three ior 32, ; Eo-rlly three for 71, Barke two, for 20. Fon- i sonby: First inningß, four • wicketß for 149 , (Komn 24, Pearce 24, Knight 37). i Grafton United v. St. John's.—Grafton: ; First inninus. 161 (Irifjlis 66, Wheeler 46, ; Pranks 13, Rankin 12, Brumng 10). Bowl- i ing for St. John's, A. G. Aifken 'took six J wickets for 42 runs. St, John's: First inn- " ings, 144 for 8 wickets (A. G. Aitken 84 not ' nut. C. Palmer/21 not out. W. Corney 17, B. Macltie 16). , •-.•• = • ' I THIRD GRADE. i| Teobnical Old Boys v. Grafton.—Grafton: ' First innings, 172 (Gillett 45, Bennett 36, Mills 12, Cummings 11, Baker 11, Comes 18). Bowling for Technical Old Boys, Brighton i took ono wioket for 41 runs, Rayner two for 13, Street two for 20, Hope two for 24, Woods two for 16. Technical: First innings, 121 i (Hope 21 Woods 15, Olsen 31 not out, Street . • 18). Bowling for Grafton, Baker three for 38, Bennett two for 16, Ledez one, Micklin one. Telegraph v. Glen Eden,—Glen Eden: First innings, 58 (Belsham 10, Pannett 18). Tele- i graph: First innings, 98 (Somers 18, McNamara 18, Rogers'l2, Hammond 14). - i Devoliport Congregational V. Grafton,Old Boys.—Grafton Old Boys: First innings, 31 (Bush 15). Second innings. 37 (Paxton 13). Bowling for Devonport, Jackson six wickets, Cliffe six, Haleß three. Devonport: First innings, 130 for seven wickets, deolared (Frater 47 not out, Jackson 26, Rankin 21, Hoverd 10 rot out). Bowling for Grafton, Turner two wiokets Bush two, Hamilton one, Paxton one. Devonport Congregational won by an innings and 62 runs, a three-point win. North Shore v. Hbhald.—Herald: First 101 (Wilson 27, Reeves 17, Greenwood 13). North Shore: First innings, 227 (Foster 67, Meiklejohn 59, Jackson 50 not out). Bowling for Herald, Darby five wickets for 37. Bt. John's v. Napier Street Old Boys.— St. John's: First innings, 89 (Dudley 37 not out). Second innings, 26. ' Napier Street: First innings, 68 (Wynn 35), Second innings, eight wiokets for 27. FOURTH GRADE.Telegraph v. Gordon.-^Gordon: First innings, 40 (Campbell 11, Evans. 15). Second innings, 76 (Roberts 18 StewaTt 16). Telegraph: First innings. 180 for three wiqkets (Cleave 26. Fielder 42, Walters 43 not out). Telegraph won by an innings, six wiokets, . and 14 runs. / North Shore, "f. Sacred Heart.—Saored Heart: First innings. 55. Second innings, s 81. North Shore: First innin&s, 210 for wickets (deolared). North Shore secured . a three-point . 7 win. i Onehunga v. YM-C.A,—Onehunga: First innings, 114 (Bray 37, Binmore 34, Aitchison 29). Bowling for Y.M.C.A.. Henderson took two wickets for 8 runs. Y.M.C.A.: First innings, 46 (Grant 14). Bowling for Onehunga. Cowley took five wickets for seven runs. Onehunga won by 69 runs. CHURCHES ASSOCIATION. St. Aidan'B v. St. James'r-St. Aidan's: First innings, 23 (Matthews 16). Second - Innings, 31.,. Bowling for St. James'i E. Stotter eight wickets' for 12, Speak five for 21, A. Clark one for Jl, M. M?theson four for 10. St. James':- Firßt innings. 31. Second inningß, 47 (G. Matheson 16, T. ; Stotter 10). Bowling for St, Aidan's: : Farmer 12 wickets, Barlow 8..<- St. James' : won by 24 runs, a three-point win; I St. James' B v. Richmond.—St; James': First innings, 36. Becond. innings, 42, Rioh. : mond: First innings, 206 - IT.. La wson 65, H. Matthews 51 not out. J, Perry' 32 N. Perry 14 not out/ W. Ellison 14). Rich-' ' mond won by an innings and 128 runs. SUBURBAN' ASSOCIATION. j! Railway v. R.V I .—Railway: First innings, 132. Second innings, 174 (Rankin, 32, Mc- ; Cormaok 35, A. .Williams 28. J. Elliott 21, i J. McDowell 19). Bowline for R.V.: Cloke ■ three wickets'; for 82, Gedye three for 15. ■'■ R.V.: First innings. 50. Second innings, ; 137 (Robinßon 37, :Cloke 26, Nairn 27, Dooley 23).,/ Bowling for, Railway: Dei , severi wickets for-46,. Williams two for 39. i Railway won by. 119 runs, a three-point win, ; Onehunga v. Parnell.— Onehunga won by ] an innings and 23 runs. /■' • ~'- .' J Kohimarama v". Papatoetoe.—Kohiroa- i rarriu: First innings, 197 (S. White 42, J. ] McLaren 39, D.,Purdie 27). Bowhng for. i

Papatoetoe: A, SwafSeld four wioketa for 69. rJS, Burnsido two for 28. Papatoetoe: First innings, 174 (Henderson' 35 not out, Coppins 25,, Leighton 23). Bowling for Kohimarama! Clark two wickets for 30, Gwilliam two for 11, Yond three for 47. Kohimarama secured a two-point win. PRIMARY SCHOOLS. GRADE A. Maungawhau v„ Grafton.—Maungawhau: First innings, 113 (Grattan 89. Gordon 16, Lovegroye. 14, L, Young'll, Fawcett 11). Bowling for Grafton: Sturt nine wicketß for 48. Grafton: First innings, 101 (Longville 23. Horspool 20)., Bowling for Maungawhau: Gilmore two wickets for 7, Fawcett two for 16, Maungawhau won by 12 runs. ■ Vermont Street v. Mount Eden.—Mount Eden: Firßt innings, 60 (Vivian 11. Potter 10, not out). Vermont; First inningß, eight for 106 (Donoghue 25, Commons 19. Moore 15, Smith 11, not out, White 14, not out). Vermont won by two wickets and 66 runs. GRADE B. Grey Lynn v. Richmond Road.—Grey Lynn: First innings. ■37 (Middleton 11). Second innings, 107 for nine wickets (Marshall 11, Broberg 43, Mathieson 13), Richmond Road: First innings, 112 (Rudling 36, Simpson 14, Newdiok 29, Wheaton 13). Richmond Road won by 75 runs on the first innings. Remuera v. Nelson Street.—Nelson Street: First innings, 77 (Stotter 15. Mazoleni 13. Kelleway 12, Edmonds 15). Bowling for Remuera: J. Graham two wickets, T. Graham, three, McMillan two, Turei one. Remuera: First innings, 116 (Turei 36, Robs 22, G. McMillan 11, J. Graham 11). Bowling for Nelson Street: Walters five wickets; Kirkwood five, Remuera won by 38 runs. Beresford v. Bayfield.—Beresford: Firßt innings, 85 (Dtow 27, Barlow 15, Siddle 16, Mackie 12). Bowling for Bayfield. Raynea six wickets, Craig four. Bayfield: First innings, 82 (Taylor 11, Hardley 20, Matthews 20). Bowling for Beresford: Barlow four wickets, Drew four, Douglas two. Beresford Won by 3 runs, GRADE C. Normal v. Newton East.—Normal: First innings. 67 (Tailby 15, Vincent 11, toles 11, Rasper 11); second innings, 37 (Solomon 10). Newton East: First innings, 43 (McQueen 15). Normal won by 24 runs. Parnell v. Onehunga.—Onehunga: Firßt innings; 23; second innings, 47. l'arneu: First innings, 38; second innings, 38 for one wicket. Parnell won by nine wickets and 3 runs. GRADE t D. Belmont v. Stanley Bay.—Belmont: First innings, 85 (Wylie 17, Inkster 36, Woodwara JO). Bowling for Stanley Bay: Hewin five wickets'. Tichner five- Stanley Bay. First innings, 21 (Buchanan 10); second innings, J4 (Bush 18. Hewin 10).' Bowling for Belr.ont: Miller nine wickets, Wylie ipur, 3-amble seven. Belmont won by an inning- 1 ind 20 runs. Parnell v. Richmond West—Parnell: First nnings, v 20: second inningtf. 73 (Hooker 21, Earßreaves 16, Ninkie 14, Jensen 10), Bowing for Richmond West: Boswell fifteen viokets, Hills threo, Blencoo two. Richmond West: First innings, 57 (Hills 17 not out. Folly 16); second innings, 8S for two wickets. Bowling for Parnell: Ninkie three wickets, rtar?reaves,three, Saunders four. Point Chevalier v. Meadowbank.—Point Dhevalier: First innings. 59: second innings, 19. Bowling for Meadowbank: Mace six wickets. Meadowbank:. First innings, 51; leoend innings, 34. Bowling for Point Chevaier: Walker twelve wickets, Whaley six. Takapuna v. Northcote.—Northcote: First rinings, 33 (Summers 20); second innings, 29. Mapima: First innings. 66 (Burton 27, i)unn 19). Takapuna wpn by an innings and our runs. ( ' 'MATCHES AT HAMILTON. [by teubgbaph.—own correspondent.] HAMILTON, Saturday. Cricket matches played to-day resulted as bllows: — St. Paul's v. Warwick.—St. Paul's, 269 Taylor, 80, W. Pomoroy 51, Blamiros 38, Shepherd 21). Warwick, three (or 68 (Cliff lot out 19, Louglin 19, Timm 10). Juniors.—Old coys beat Hiah School, STgaruawahia beat St. Paul's, Claudelands >eat Frankton HAWKE CUP CONTEST. [BT TELEGRAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.] MASTERTON. Saturday. The Manawatu v. Wairarapa Hawke Cup contest concluded in fine weather, ana •osulted in a win for tho homo team by .hree widkets. /Manawatu in the second unings made 159. WairaraPa required 101 a win, and, obtained the total with the loss >f seven wickets

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17956, 5 December 1921, Page 5

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CRICKET. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17956, 5 December 1921, Page 5

CRICKET. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17956, 5 December 1921, Page 5