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wmm^mmmmmmmmm ——— ■"■ lli,lillill ■" ■■■'« Bs^«««wwuE \ \ \.. *■ x < I -/A KWBnuniNioiaiHiwnAHiHtiwMn unttMwiiw(uiutiuiHiiiiiiiiHmii> ffe new models of summer apparel shown by this ■>/*•«■* I™ „ § M ? ! 1 ~ / v I Store are not of the extreme styles designed for the I—„ oHZLDSEN HAVE HOT|H. SSsk 1 " 1 '•-■ SEVEN VOILE SPECIALS, ... | Parisicnne end Miss America, but original conceptions ,| BEEN 2f EOL ECTED. iV€Paw''/ II I To a sreater extent thin *#i* hive ' I which, while Sallowing the lines of the best Paris and J " . M 1 if 1 fashioa designers made on of^lfeiie"or ''"l- English models, are conceived and executed to conform 1 utile miss toddler will look I* fI I the eojaiag summer styles, the lines I toour cnstomersMdiah of beauty obtained by simplicity, § just lovely ia some of the damty /JwhSL.J-**"*' « If „' 1 I £*"**»&»*£ among which «a »<%« I charming harmony of colours, and attention to the fine A; ; :i > »*«• Iw **f * n i J™ tK* '/STTOxk 1 i^- | of the daintiest fabrics we have ever -. i detaifiß * f embellishment _ 1 which we have on 6how this /jlmUm.l * I J 1 shows, will therefore offer timely sugges- I details of eMWUisnmeni. § geason liiAUYai I # i tions to those ladies Who make their own 1 § „,,,„ - , . r*'\t^ >if 'iP , j»4 § M * r -- ;^i I frocks. I ' And, white quality of materials and workmanship have i charming tittle Frocks of WLf-t^T/1, I m 1 . „ -. ""■•■' i not in any manner been subordinated to price, yet you will 1 White Jap- Sdk, prettdy t-*\_-^g m 1 i 4 «■« '•>«- — - -*•—-» —-i — I • ats U i I ■..•: I heavier than Georgette. Afull*ange |. paris On. ...-". * .1. uiastration—WOndertnl Value XX § 1D :• | of new season's shadings; 40m. wide | i ** 16/11. m IB | —3/8 yard. j , , 1 There is a wide range of Lonely | 1 Novelty Voiles. Beautiful French goods, I G^&f*^ • 1 itp.aOkyndlia, I 1 i in all new designs and lovely shadings. = d M*gKr Mp -SJIsS; - » i our fllnsfcration ~- -at -~ m | Exceedingly smart goods 40in. wide | /'^^T * S» /kXV 1 t4ain « from • /11 tt TO 'e< 1 I . 1 —5/6 yard. | ***** jt "Tvfcs. U% yf = othftr Delightful Frocks are of 1 I j 1 Floral Voiles. Wonderful effects for I y\\ I|\ »' % yWI / </$/ /*!/ IX I White Voile, trimmed with | H i,, 1 1 sunny summer. A great range of % /J IA MS.* /Tv 1 I /1 \ i /f"! v 5 Valenciennes Lace *»a ,hem- | | I designs to choose from, in both Light § X d /OvA I'M a*t /Ix \I A Is. \VI > V **, stitching — Prices from 7/11 I H ■ I and Dark effects; 40in. wide—2/11, />tfl V\l /1 r USAI iO-|>vN\ I / ff\ \ 7<L t0 2S/ g ' " I I 3/11, 4/11 yard. .- A\j^ x jl \V/l i7v(/lf /A\ ' / '// x* X- JhMkv'W Finc Loil 0101111 slloH petti - I 1-' 1 Bordered Voiles. Select $m&%s!k }k/*£z' \\ i\\/i I W ?/ll«i jL ft /sS\ \ ( b i -<~ i X Nr-^— ■* coa{s » trimmed with . S®* l I I I one now, as they are ftßs&S^rlC ,/"\AlLi ■iOA. v.X-4 l M V J*, I\_ X X A -Yf Lacd ' &re 9 ' l1 ' au<3 th6sd § 1 : ' = sail* to sell out rapid- J/ / „jV .1 3Hll -*-**• I 'ii r^fflul^-_c;^^;: /Ik trimmed with Valenciennes a a / | ly. These goods are \3*M ( I (|S \ll 1 ««Ji ll\\ "^OnL 1 ! /<! A Lace are 6/6. 1 B i I II //\ I/\ i La I 1 V«f sill Wu)** I 1 !i\ i if/ fi \ aafflnßHrtdffifflMßßHiißaiißHßflsaaßmiiaßSStimai « Y jii»mmiiniimiiiiimimHiiMmnuimiinH!raiiiiinimniimmi |fi9i\ 'At I/ Vi L J I tl m IJT* 1 ii 1 KJ'-t'VfW \l{ 111 81 11 I ■'■■•'■''' IWord about Your tMI| U ' l\§jj \\ J V_j!LJ 3 :|<£3 Summ«r Fashiotis. I,; GIOVCS. * I TT\ "Tl JJ 1/ \\Tl H,\\ *i4S' Jf J* She shorter akirtt of the aew 1 l\\ ' '///I WW > V\ IfttTO 1 I Spimg and Bonaaet styles make § ■l\ tt I LfL\ II VI htl >A l\« % 'I I the Hosiery a mart Isnpotteat I | \\\ \\\\ li V /1* ef I ****? \\\ \ I I part of the season'! apparel. I j 'j?vßftbs'sus Will w2i4 179 \\\.l . 25»«s te « l .'^» B s. A mer attire may oe completely \ \s\ \\\\i ii \\ \\\\ _«j« ••««. . nr i <.«•» k* «!««>. «>•■»<> ir tv» hum. /I »a 1 m WW »l V \ v\\\ made trim ana seas ny appromarred if the Gloves do not \ m ll'' \\ x \\\ «»«.♦* *an?Onrfat# la harmonise with the general • \SJLJ ' - , V 3, J^flSlWßSr te * • Till 21+—Cream All-wool Gabardine is used in this stylish \ I I I -'. «■ \tv \ model. The short sac coat is silk lined. The price, 1 I I V -«. «...-«*-««- •»>** ..... wifrUS rnew" Ui« W 6U,tt " S ' MpreSent9 WOndCrfUl // cA e tt P^rU^*enS£ wide range of Olova». in new //VilnA re/ -~-« e »w-{n« hovavM «r»ctinp textures and colour that £/ N» S'SfeSTm^! selection for your most exact. \S expreeaed in summer-weight Gab- 170-This Attractive Ooetumeed fine W/ * v * J» SIX ene-third lower ing requirements easy; and ar § in . in FAwns ac( f Greys. Gabardine, in Grey/ and Fawns, & &™leaTj£*fefwE you will findl the value quite The ancy p iecefi on back and is priced at £7/19/6. reSoadUw ffad« I / the keenest obtainable. flont are eanle-atttched, in self- wspoaoing graws. I coloured silk.—All sizes, £7/19/6. S IJW>_A sSmnr* rrndM r>f Pine Gabardine in Grev oi 184—Another of the New Sao Coat Styles, with tucked awnnminßwwuifflHiwumuiiuniimranßnraßßEnaaßs g I— 1 * -1,,,— " ■^w»^iitflale?wS i C *£. Fawn and Grev Gabardine is used for this | jv i .Price, £7/19/6. ' model, which is marked at £8/8/-. -....J I B-,'' ; ] ew Designs in - I 1 1 Sports Coats and Skirts. )s&s£. Ihl "■ I I 1 ™ "*« Jo* a C?S?«* 41—Striped with soft shades of Bos®} titan*, 1 ■ ?M 1 vt a lta,«rti„ n i •< svi f ,„ mi yWrO Grey, Lemon, Fawn, or Heliotrope, is II # I JIJIT cm. DNag °f <l ,' m . BlaC f 3182-A Knitted Silk Sports Oeat, in plain coloure, but with collar this model te Cream All-wool *h«*lt- , 1 1 *': I lanata Sdk, eased round Waist, and and cu ff s checked in smart contrasting shades. It has a sash _ . M/i - IB '*• | finished with pockets—S7/6. belt, and is priced at 69/6. Fnee « * , ' I I | 1/848—Illustrates a Smart Sports Coat in Knitted Silk, Vieus Rose 1; i \M I 39-Smartne Eß of design and material combine in whidi contrasts happily with its trimming of White 40-In Stripes of Black and White or ilrey J ■ .|| J to make this model in All-wool Coloured Brush Wo *- w '*- and White is this model in Cloth, | I | I Check much to be desired. The price Clß7—Of Knitted Silk is this model, and it may be had in White the fabric ao popular for anmftgr wear. | -I |? i also will attract—42/- ■ or in several pleasing shades, such as Ivory faced with Sky, Fi, l6 , value— 24/6* § - 1 . 1 I alfo win auract— uj . Ivor? faced - th Pink, op Sky faced with Putty—69/6,' ' ' 1 U 1 uiiuiui4itiMtuiiiuuuliiiuMUj.uiuiuuiiuiJtiiiiiiiiltiliiuiuMiuiiiiiii>iiiiitiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiii»iitliiiiiiiiiiiii»iiiii'iiii'i'iii m „,_._ Bousgato&a £X9XK!S at lsss COST. SILKS FOR SUMMER. %##e!-<r ~J "„, ,„» '"//Ztf/Z/M The design and quality of the line* in a horn* 1 . Here you will find a charming display showing §Mfl OTW MeSßtafteS t£ °J "the new Silk Weaves-delightful fabrics in a f4, fj "L lU 0] I! L S^'^^tin 5 thousand rainbow tints-soft, sheeny materials ffPSMP/SI sl"Jj. JJ» * 9 J*C& : 4WJ%f4T • -5» b !?£S?tarffi * ***■ w* s *^* loßß aS I that whisper of sunshine and blue skies. W/Wm (Fl *$***** iL Sis?fls% Tlfla P ffilSi we offer i * M ObUlnable. tili&mt V * J^SU** UiEs/^^^SNiLI M-tfiSH Tine Linen *ab» Ctotla tad Seivlrtt«i r dainty ! You are invited to make an early selection, $wJ : "MS,. /X ** "*—-^""-^ R '"",?* dm&Mi D'Oyieya, eharming Runnera-in fact, every con. I as Silk ft to be Fashion's favourite this year. KARANGAHAPE, ROAD '*''#W*gssm7 ceivable need in Household Linen can be satis.

Sl^^MEMJßa.^^-— -flL* HI l - " r^ 'TV ■ f ' m iHf Hi >/j ia. HJ bbVHbiß vt2 HbKsm£sUbs\A 11 f> . 1 vIaUmChH "The secret of my success in soup- E ferfi U@SI ?And it's wonderful, too. how Ml *«?££** " <k JM it helps with over "dishes. M f>fQmli * *"* 'm "You should try hi" 11"^M/WIBCTSBHf»^J|

W Sleep for Healths sakefllj H Sleep ii nature*, eight-hour-cure for 103 brains behind it, and it the result of ther- ?1R 111 «U trouble, of the mind and body. It it the ough study of bedding requirement.. On »fi HD most pleasant to take of all the tonic, pre- this hygienic, soft, reversible mattress the MB scr.bed—the cheapest medscirte on earth— body recuperates—the mentality become. 1 Kg yet the most essential. How important, re-invigorated— are renewed! The top /^Js?s§l!f H .™'.» the «««tion « » good mattress! »d bottom layer, of the "Peerless" are of jffWS-flft WW Constder how great a part your bedding selected kapok, SuWdown or Millpuff— \W HE m plays in your hfe-pn your health and roc- two luxurious cushions of comfort. The ill B ce "'* nd y°?[will , readme , the wisdom, of centre layer is of finest Hair, or Coir Fibre « ■ s?fe j » - Pc ! rl sf Mattress. , he -rtfhe ideal construction. Buy a "Pedes." M H Peerless is a better mattress! It has Mattress from and of the .tore. listed below. R I %J ' MATTRESS I ill lilt M». lu•r- *- o-i i i» HERE ARE THE PRICES: 3ft &». 3fe. 2ft. 6is« SSaN liHlll "°- I H«r Crate SSverdown top and bottom 177/6* 160/« 144,- 127/6 111/- Uli ItSlill N°. i Con-Fibre Centw Silvcrdown top «nd bottom ... 102/6 94/- 84/6 75/- 65/6 Hi nil Si No - 3 «* ™« Centre Millpuf top sad bottom ... 79/f 71/6 63/9 57/6 51/- |||| JT v•" ~ ISllulllllfftltfrfc OBTAINABLE nOX AM, MB ■ (\ i*- /H#f9Sa aEV tubhxshihg asd b&apkst p^ Ltt \t&3l TATTERSfSd LTD. i

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17889, 17 September 1921, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17889, 17 September 1921, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17889, 17 September 1921, Page 8 (Supplement)