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',-« ...» * , « RACING FIXTURES. ' September 17—Pakuransa Hunt Club.' September Manawatu Hunt Club, feeptember 22. 24~~Wanganui Jockey Club. ' September 23, Racing Club. ' Septembers*—Birchwood Hunt Club. , September 24, 28—Avohdale Jockey Club. September 26. 27—Otaii-Maori Racing: Club, September 29. SO-Geraldine Racing Club. October I—papier Park Bacirig Club."* *V October S—Hawke's Bay Jockey Club. fictober- 13.: I*-Whangaxei Racing Club!" October 13. Dunedin Jockey Club." : T October j 22. 24 i -Wellington Racing Club. "■ October' 22. 26—Auckland Trotti»g Club. Octobe*2"4r-Waikato^-Hunt .Club. ;' .-;' Kovember 6v 7—Auckland Racing Club.:'- -> November 6, 7. 8.. 12—Canterbury Jockey f. vino. > :- November 8. 10. .11—N.Z; Trotting Club. November 19, 23—Otahuhn Trotting Club. . November 26. 30—Takapuna Jockey Club. '■' •fiecembor B—Bay of Plenty Jockey Club.-, December 26., 28 and January' 2. 3—Auckland ! ; -..Baoing Club.. ' *.'i' - December 27. 29; 31—Auckland Trotting" Club. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. , "Wager."— won a'race at two yean old, but at three years old she was defeated in each of ' the six races she contested. .-.'-.' •Wi, Thames.—Gasbag started favourite for the Great Northern St. Leger.. Duo won that event by a neck from Isabel, with Gasb,»* » length away third. The time recorded was 3m 4 3-03. "T&ihoa," $* Euiti.— has so far contested 63- races, and his record is as follows:19 winsj 13 "seconds, 7 thirds, and 14 times -unplaced. • Sasanof was bought when a yearling by Mr. W. G. Stead for 400gns. " Gollywog."—Prince Carl has not won » race ; since he led . the ' field home in' the Hobaon Handicap (six furlongs) at Ellerslie in November last. Tinohoro filled the role of runner-up to Prince Carl in the race in Question., "English," Remuerat—l.- It is assessed that direct descendants of St. Simon won in stakes £552,391. 2-, Musket's winning total under the headings named was as follows: — England, £14,942: New Zealand., £51.961; Australia. £68.108. 3. St. Simon's stud career extended from 1885 to 1908; Musket's from 1874 to 1885


THE AVONDALE MEETING; Everything continues to augur most auspiciously for the ' Avondale Jockey Club Scoring a pronounced success in connection with the approaching spring .-meeting to be held at the western suburb on the 24th and 26th , instß- Acceptances fell due last night for the handicap events to be run. on the opening day, and with 189 horses engaged it will be recognised that there •is ample material to keep minds busy that go in search of winners. The Avondale Cup. which this year carries the fine .stake of £2000, has attracted 22 acceptors, and a ' pleasing feature of the same is that the doughty Sasanof holds his place at the head of the list. With strong fields promised' in the Avondale Stakes and Avondale Guineas, the s.tuation in connection- with the approaching spring meeting is rendered highly interesting.

ELLEBSLIE'S NEW STAND- ' The whole of the iron, girders to support the roof of the new grandstand im course of erection at. Ellerslie will probably be Sliced in position in the course of a. few days, and with the completion, of that, work the way will be well cleared for vigorous operations at various points. An effort is to be made to have the stand ready for the spring meeting in November, but it will probably not be fully completed until the rammer meeting comes round in the following month. / AN UNLUCKY HORSE. Richmond. Main has a right to be regarded as one of the most unlucky horses. At three years old, when at the top of his form, he had the misfortune to come in contact with a wire feces, and his injuries were such' that it was necessary to treat him.-to a loss rest. An. ailment made its appearance early in his four-year-old career, and.he had again to be . thrown 'out of training, and now hcis asaia is such trouble as to necessitate his withdrawal from all engagements at the A.J.G. spring meeting. ."Mr. J. Baron,", who bred Richmond Main, has never ' subscribed to the popular opinion that Artilleryman was so far »head of Richmond Main as • the running in the Melbourne Cup of 1810 would lead to suppose,, and it, is to be regretted that he has been denied the opportunity of establishing the high views entertained regarding the prowess of the chestnut son of PrincefFoote and Australian Gas. FRENCH GRAND NATIONAL. Writing from. Paris on June 21, the special correspondent of the London Sportsman says: —' lhe grcatset fiasco ever associated' with an important race in Prance utterly spoilt the Grand Steeplechase de Paris, at Auteuil, on Sunday, when the enormous crowd witnessed the unusual spectacle of two out aiders. Boi Bed so and Master-Bob, although hopelessly beaten and practical! tailed off naif a mile from the finish, taking; firs' and second places. This was made possible by an incomprehensible mistake on the pari oi Parfremeiit, who w*« ridinglf.eros XII., a, hot favourite for the r=:«t- WHea *CRii~Sf«fcs . of the distance had been covered, the ihxea leading horses— XII., Absidea aed Rayon—-took - the ymnig cx-'.irss, leaving £Js»> j only other two horses, tti>t~h rwsfaiaes! «i»w ! lag to gallop.along to the winning post. Th» i point at which the incident' occurred wa* t mdden from the -view of the major-ty ef I spectators, and there was general censterna- j Won when the two outsiders were seen to be ! finishing alone. This extraordinary occur- j rence has created a great sensation in French, racing circles. j LEAVES FROM MY NCTKBOOEL The unfortunate mishap that befei} the Australian-bred' gelding Geoffrey at Ellerslie ut't month, and which' necessitated his withdrawal from all early sarins- engagements, was a sharp reverse for his painstaking trainer. F. Gilchrist.. The trainer did not, however, sit down and bemoan the bad luck. He. just set to work to get his horse right »win. with the result that Geoffrey has already been ridden out, and. should nothing unforeseen occur, the bay gelding may be expected, to be included with the. active brigade in the course of a week or so. This in. indeed. nleasing news, and it will "be rendered additionally, so should Geoffrey claim the attejption of the judge in an important event at an early date-

! According to the Australasian, the attack of influenza contracted by Gloaming si Rand- ; wick was of a severe type, a throat {rouble being also included in the ailment- The opinion is expressed that The Welkin geldi ass may not be able to race again for some | time, perhaps not for months. Should this statement of Gloaming's condition prove to be correct, it will be very unfortunate for his record, for with reasonable luck several thousands would probably have been added to his stake-wmnng record as * result of his efforts at the A.J.C. Spring Meeting. The Australian trainer. K. Scobie, who is now located ,in England, in writing to a Melbourne friend, makes reference to Hector Gray, and adds:—" say here that Grav cant ride. 1 don't know what he would «» Ji, he . c °\ ddl -Enghsh racegoers like to see the feathers fly. and do not appear to understand that a jockey can get as much out of a horse with his hands as by using the whip. There la a iockey here who actually does everything but fall off when using the whip. He wins, races. aDd is regarded as a good rider. I ,* m - tain that if he gave an exhibition of his riding in a rac-s in Australia. .he would have his license taKen away. nffe Dark - J&* two-year-old daughter of Buckwheat and Flambeau, seems to be unlucky . A Marred, fetlock kept her idle for some time, and just when, she was striding along again nicely she met with an injury which will neeossitate another rest Her Mr W F m A Btee l Bar '- vho - «W ~ w iT" Bif' 8 -i jl ??rs. Ie so:ug along] nio«V. Erf J? ru ll ? T <!, bM X B«rt b* asked fir much before the back end of t* » season. Step" Bar, who was got by F rdoloh from Steal -Belle, is. a colt of con landing phvsiaue and u» ™ M him time to mature rronerfv *£%* ill* m for * , bi * eff °" is to V SEE d wT? <h i.?S"fc fH going well witb Steel Bar. ,? should develop into a very eligible candidafcs 4or Derby honours. ' In referring to the race for «Jw ir,'„,. George Stakes at Goodwood, in which Tltra~P m \ ®- Carslakc) defeated Orpheus rR Gray). "Robin GoodMlow," in the Daily Mail penned th« fclWing:-"'Tls? beating m the case of She &<&&* was' .Eg nonnced than in that of A» horis. ?„K a very fine rider on a free-ruAiaing horse but as a.finisher we have a dozen who are his superiors. When .picking un the whip he loses control over his horses. They «wer™ and run away from him. as'the baytas * £ Orpheus did this, and* was prejudl-* in opnseauence. Exrapt for this it would h*v« been a nearer thing, . and , -Probably woil nave been a very near one." Mr. Hugo Friedlander has not so far experienced any luck with his Australian pur- ?«*«?" a Tl tf e % m gelding Pavo figures r?n th f- ; uc^ land Handicap, to be run at h/Herslie to-day. and a victory for the white, red and rpyal blue jacket and cap would be a highly-pleasing incident in the afternoon s proceedings.

Last autumn the Victorian sportsman. Mr. O. Falkiner.' made a present to Mr. "W. G. Stead of a yearling colt by Nasran from Pedometer. The youngster, who ranks as a full-brother to the brilliant, though unlucky. Surveyor, is to race under the title of Sir Otway. It need hardly be said that Sir Otway has a large number of valuable engagements. The Australian-bred colt Namutere is both looking and going well, and lie promises to be useful is sprint events.

.The imported horse Violoncello, for whom .Sir Samuel •: Hordern paid -iOOOgas ju.Bticland, **»' the.,- subject 'of considerable die-.: cussjon- in Melbourne recently it: .regard: to the Caultield Cup. *>ad ha now riueH second favourite.; When ijtcns in England Violoncello* won small fame, a brace of welter ban-: dicsaips run over a, telle rvi-r, his 'sole • the Old Country'last season. ■; In; awarding Violoncello 8.13 the V.A.T.C. handic&pper ■hasacettainly: hot chahce'dsranythinst; with > th& 'EhglifiK j -f horse, and the son of" yalcnßVwfll'::reaub» -to be* ! & teal-ygood one to score .a Caulfield Gup-victory .under ; such: an-:mm<MJ^ : ;" : : y*>> -"> V-,.-"■?'.. ' '■■*;,.■■ ■ ' Various ■ causes operating will' reduce v ,ins - :wrist .jn,. the .jweigbt-fbr-age races ati- ; tfie' ..Australian Jockey Club's forthcoming spring meeting. Eurythiiiio ■ will -he an-absentee, and Richmond Maiaiahd Gloaming are each under a.clou'd. The Sydneyitea are evidently ■■ *PBointed over the non-entry:' of ; anrytnnno. for. the; r?t-es.-' in tiueation, 'and ' some of • tile critics indulsre 'in a sihe^that' »ar of * ineetinewith. Gloaniine tilayedthe. .strong, part in '• Eurythmic oh the ytctojian side, of the Murray Ewer. ; v "'. ~ The - return, received!'.bir \ Lord ' Glaheiy "tor toe-Heavy expenditure he made in the putSi*?* i»x*? e produce of the. Wildfowler mare J 9 19ia.W: 1320. which cost Mm it misht hay© been thought, would have tewt hxtd out, of the competition for -t. filfe, this. year. < However/, he SSyJi v fe hifcand., ttoxtsh the Son! George Lambton heat him in the fenJ stage. j «t wis proved a strong ;opJtJ£& X ictori *?t. :as ? r ' is now re0° 1?"$ horse." J* referring " ■^^,^ }0 the Melbourne Leader ■ aay»:-i i ***** .bprst of speed- a* this train? T?,7^ 6r - CM L d i splw J J. Holt, who TJSfl 5 ..,- 17 * states that the son ,of f4v U 4 M the ea^# ak *'.*« ««• iax w^t*^i^"?H ? avid ' for whom ; £10,000 JSS-fSSS 1 * 1 / * Bk l d feP * : would-be buyer. SS ■ e S?«» a T. 800 d Performance on 'j the -3rd £*%«t£S l *J t* lß steadier of victory ™ - the , Moorfield - Handicap (one tK S r k« Ml he Y on his race at ™ .the-good tun* of 2m. 7s. d r-f£?* inue ?,* well-fancied candidate for Ztufi®*""? 1 * Cup in which he. S weighted **?*&£ m the Camellia Sc lJ , ?'i for d ? UM nM the Bosehill meeting but, I learn from Mr. J Williamttw^A?- 10 ' to .bi'among lo ™vnt£i+ *¥• 4 d '? c *S received from Syd2SL«SSS . I«»h with DrogresSmg satwfaotorUy m his training work -wM>i eonE*^J%, A M- D eventOctober 1 ° r deolßXOn at Bandwick on . The committee, of the Waikato Hunt Club i!Lv.ii? «uthussastically in connection vrasn the a-ptroachmg meeting at Claude+l. L and. st is quite_?»fe to predict that tfe creta ry- Mr. E. H, O-Meara, will have Sf»'£ asur *t 0 L 1 ? 01 ? I>a l * large list of entries on the 30th in»i. -';■.;■- ■:;:-:■•■>■;, «M the Kiewa Hurdle Kace decided %i Caulfield on the 3rd mat. the three placed hotels wereresnectively the produce'of Wew^ealahdBW&JPS*. S?'w I *i ome; ? 8 * Steel, the ronner-up, wT,a LfJhsf^:-^ 0115 while Silent Way who finished third, is out of Golden Way. kg*-*? 6 Amythas 'and Arrow- !&$&, Stakes at -Wav-anui W?,^- otltll - 18 ,m ] lkel »• to .eventuate. The nZ 1 . j¥* ib under sußir.cion for unsonndhe may have to be eased up in^is m SV?'i ßb * m * s i eclding Voic waa responsible for * good, feat over a-mile and a-quarter when he *?? the Mitohelson Cup at Ellershe « t lrt« Pnder and h « »to make dav ■ ?? to.-win the' Jellicoe Handicap *' r * o6 h6 -iSS to , interestinir feature connected with the Chatham Handicap, set down for decision today, is 118 . number of three-year-olds ensaaei therem. Rational, Absurdum, GrcJSXSIL ?l am S* e ?*> Oranga, and Leithfield compose the division named; Judging from the accounts to hand from Trentham with regard to Arrow smith, it may be doubted ..if the bob of Chaucer will be on the scene during the spring meetings. It is. not unlikely that Arrowsmitii may have to win any further honours at the stud ' I When a bill for £16 for whisky for sick bones was passed at the Court of Common •Oouncil. London, a member remarked that a good thins horses did not smoke -David (by BaVerstoek). who was sold when a yearling. for £42,, has so far won £10,135 1 " 3 ; I», stakes, ,and matters look bright for a further marked addition to his sinning record before long . • Mir. 8.. G. Hosking, , president of €he Wiangarei Racing ia numbered among the visitors to Auckland.


. The Jellicoe Handicap, which is the leading fiat-■■.' event set down ' for decision at Eltershft to-day. has a field of 24 engaged, and.-.tne situation, is such as to warrant the , Prediction that it .mil induce spirited speculation, for fancies take a wide range. Sasanof, wuo figures at this? head ofr the list with 10.5, and Volo. who follow* with 9.6. will be „ sure to command *- deal of attention, but the division below': B.Q-' comprises some material that can" be marked good at a mile and A-o.uarter. „To find a winner of the Melbourne and New Zealand Cups among the acceptors for a hunt club meeting is a remarkable event. Sasanof, who has the unique record named, has reached Ellerslie in capital form, and he may be expected to carry Mr. - W. G. Stead's colours to-day in the Jellicoe Handicap. . Woody Glen won th© 'Wh.angarei Cup, Te Awamutu Cud. and the Rotorua Gup last season, but he wound up somewhat' a disappointment. The Glen Albyn gelding is on the scene at Ellerslie with a view to fulfilling an. engagement in tho jellicoe Handicap this afternoon, in which he is weighted at. 7.10. Hia condition appears to be avute satisfactory. In the decision of the- Jellicoe Handicap *? $§£ Fakwanea Hunt Club's meeting neld at Ellerslie in May lae.l Eockfield (7.6} beat Perfect Day (6.7) a.neck in 2n, 10s, with a , field of 12 others in tne rear. Bcflkfirtd is engager in to-day's -Jellicoe Haedljup with 7.7, and the son of Monoform locks like being la ft position to r produ.-e his best twin. Bixil and Left caly succeeded in winning ons ra*» ut three j&>ra ad. and. as in his i «p&« K engagements, bo was coanted out 1 ** » sluco on 11 ocevsi.-ns. there is no great TOSsoii to ems tenrvwS. Merry Moment's Lack son las reached Eiierslie in good tria?. I aad he wla* Kve» * chance ia iU Chatham i-x waicav. I 1 5,!^Li£. e Jj»'Pe« gelding TLit*«ihw von lie Maiden Hunters' Steeplechase st El!o>Jia a Jim last he filled the eye %VaWtSSfcs son, to earn farther early disSi.-.-rtf ii Mb six subsequent efforts he dy caL g 't feSPrfSaW« Khublai Khan- is ' looking W an* ?weH. The Aryan geldrng registered" a good ■mile Ana a-quarter_whert. he, won the * Cornwall Handicap at Elhwslie in June fist and"he may be expected. to %*•» a hand in the ht"ad m some of "the evsnts near at Rational is expected to fulfil his engageMv'VJ? J&SPI Handicap at. EUenOie Xt" d ? T, i i? n< L tllose -'-Snow- * great deal about the b«y son of Absurd are very sanguine of his prospects. One of the harl-workad' three-year-olds «» &f,!„!t* tCm * ¥£?. tie Australian-bred beg, her in the Jellicoe y Han^c, i rtodS. an thfn-h* J B , bright and well and. though. Salvadan's daughter has heV fnli Quota ys weight in thi PakrSanga^Ht.«t is to be, given an opportunity of o^S.,he will probably bo well backed ft«. Vhl *•*£«» Hunt Cup°. *»•»» "?S E^rll Brpadwood. lftrws BoompWlav »« the settlement of the Sv?vi2V/" 1 ' m &%tfs& to be hi «v?r. o ?iS?s& , Peer Rosa looks ready for the, fr„- - j he maybe seen to advance when the Pafcf raoga Hunt Cup is underw*yT*Mfirsfieto- | But» Sound is hitting out freely in his work, and he may vick uo a ra-5 in the early spring. " iaß J. Roach will have . tho mount on I Thiganthu and Foxglove At SSeciiS | races at Ellerslie ;o-das. respective L. Manson has taeu ie> ,».., Arch Salute in has \ien Handicap. .t... Arch Sal-tto in tho Jeico^.Handicap. Bteer


j THE' USB- OF BANDAGES. A. *nd N.Z. SYDNJBY, Sept. IS. ! x Th*> New Zeai.w j trainer W. J. Donovan Ii? competed arrangements to return to >.ew 2U»>aad ox: Tuesday ae.rt with Duo. J. .Athens - EL. Big Chiei. Kiel- Off, and Hula. Girl, iv appears tint Duo always races in bano'ayW9. and after running him in the I Cbemsford H-Cakes -at Randwici en Saturday last his trainer was iaj'c'nued t>.at the I stewards in future -would not allow him to run the horses in bandages, except in a manner which required the approval of the stewards. He thereupon decided to return to New Zealand. A. and N.Z. MELBOURNE, Sept. 16. Since its inauguration, in 1575, the Victoria Amateur Turf Club has paid away £1,011,000 in prize-money. Although the team of horses trained by W. J. Donovan were scratched for the Melbourne Cup yesterday, they have not bo far been withdrawn from their engagements at the Australian Jockey Club's Spring. Meeting, and the belief is that they will not return to New Zealand until after the Randwick meeting. It is pointed out that, in the matter of bandsges, the stewards'aotion only places the New Zealand horses an * level with others.

-v| ' ■mmTnimi in r"i ■win ■■iiiW pakoßanoa hunt club. J

... -MEETING :AT SLLERSLLH \:' ;-Thß^;>»ku^g*^:Hunii'--'^Club-"'l»ra^ , its ; ■ annual race; meeting to-day at ESeralie.-and.. with strong fields, engaged : ; in; the various events. : ,an interesting afternoon's ; sport is' amte .assured. 'The : two^year-c-ld : 'pirado is * tbted for 10.30 a-m.. and -the Maiden Hunters* Steeplechase, which: forms; tjie opening -event • of the racing 'programme. ■: follows at' 11.30 a.m. : ■: > * >* "V- ; 1.; ':.. r THE ACCEPTANCES. . f 'Cj. „ t MAIDEN HUNTERS' STEEELECHASE '& miles.—Maira, 10.10;, KaweaTwf; GW fcS n *T -W^-i 1 Drury. Law. . Warshot. Seatoa * Laddie. Roosevelt gelding 10.0. -.?;,;., ."-"'» t 'HITNTESS' HURDLE RACE; ;li miles— Lady; Bruce; 11.12; Hokomai, 10.6; QhSn Mark, Oak Rose. 8.12; ' Foxglove, si; Kawea, 9 -£i- S ? ake^, Eo ? cu]lns . Silver Lode, 9.3; ; Westanineter, Morrin Abbey, Ideaiogue Hypothesis; '9.0; •* ' ' 'ym^VmiP^M. /HANDICAP; 6 'far— Boomerdayi''&.3:, LadyxGHseas,; 8.10; OctoV plete. 8.9--;Smoke ; Conoert. 8.8; Polini, 86Golden. Dream; «. 4; Accelerate. -Esplanade, B.2;,.King Pelhculw' Snpwdon, Rose Thunt ham. SO; W&sW>v ißatflepW. Sculptor, Gold . -Bud, DardeneUa, Royal Fancy. Tireless. Silver Rain, Elstow. pSrcess .Bell, Pengwen, Shortland Rosinwnte Reretoa, Jolie Pflle, fillyr 7-12; Eaarito Ephhn, Radiant Light, Broadwood, Lady Varco, iMdna Bruce. Lucilins, 7.10; • Pagoda. Marble Bell. Midget, 7.9; Stirrup' Cup; Pentagram, Baldoyle. Annaroon, Golden Abbey. Uncle Jack. Fencer. Gidgi, Narrow Neck, 7.7. :•'.',,, -'.: JELLICOE. HANDICAP, li miles.— Sasanof. 10.5: Volo, 9.6; Spanner. Khublai Khan, 7.12; Glen Canny. 7.11; Woody Glen, 7.10; Arch Salute! 7.9; Prince Martian, Tmohoro, •' 7.8; • Bockfield. 7.7; Mangamahoe. 7/3 : General Advance. 7.0; Forest Gold, 6.12; Sylvan. Stork, 6.10 Pure- Laziness, 8.9; .Perfect Day, Lord Bruce. No Bother. Guerre a Mort. Gold Plane. Some Fashion. Prince Carl, 6.7. PAKURANGA HUNT CUP. about 3 miles.— 11.7 Mary Bruce, 11.4; Hokomai, 11.0; Thiganthu, 9.12: Ma Copper, 9.11: Peer Rosa, 9.10: Gladwin. 9-7; Grand Canyon. 9.3; Seaten Laddie, Roosevelt gelding. 9.0. AUCKLAND HANDICAP. 7 fur.-Stork, 9.5; Sir Huon. 8-9: Pavo, Phyilona. 8.7; Regent. 8.4: Knighton, 8.2: Persian King, 81; Brodick, 8.0; .Marble iSlab. 7.11; Winsome Arch. 7.10: Miss Melv*. 7.9; Glencairn, 7.6; Arch Laddie,. 7.2; Young Thurnham. Quaestor, 7.0: Silver Rain, Navana, 6.12; Stammer., Regality, 6.9: .Stirrup Cup, Guianform. Woori, Fencer, 6.7. LADIES' BRACELET, li miles.--Sunray. 12.5; Dunrobin. 10J2: Queen Mark, 10.10; Swastika. Irish Knight, 10.9; Tinowsre. ,10.5, Sa Ed*. Gwenelle. 10.3: Oak Rose. Gipsy ?c<rm, 10.2; Idealogue, Hypothesis, 10.0. . CHATHAM HANDICAP. 6 Gazique, 9.6; Golden Bubble, 8.10; Gold Kip. 8.9; Tama-a-roa. Rational, 8.5; Strategy, 8.4; Income, Absurdum, 8.0; Right and Left, 7.11; Eethonia, 7.10; Miss Muriel. 7.9; Tieki. 7.8; Grotesque, 7.6; Namutere, Hyllus, Crowhurst, 7 2-, Prince Charleroi, Penona, 7.1; Bute Sound, 7.0; Dovelet, Cantoris, 6.12; Leithfield, 6.11; Lightning, Infante. 6.10: Dead Sweet, Lord Bruce, 6.9"; Night Time, 6.8; Mistian, Finfcop, Prince Abbey, Jolly Princess, Bezant. 6.7. TWO-YEAR-OLD PARADE. It is expected that 35 two-year-olds will take part in the parade, which will be started in three divisions i as follows:— First Division-—Pillage, Mamarty, Steel Bar, Ludot, Sulphur. Owen, Praiseworthy Sir Otway.-Bay Dighton. Sheffield. Dorinda, chestnut filly by Roseworth Second Division. — Nocturne, Sundaur, Our Prince. Lucky Lu, Just, Piton. Master O'Rorke, Stem, Lady Lois, chestnut filly by Thurnham— King Cheops, Pbtoa King. Third Division. — Thurloma, Graceful, Marble Boy. Shebang, Baohlor Girl, LlanellyL Rite's Lass. Epitaph. Refinement, Gold Buckle, ,bay gelding, by Mountain :Mangaroa. bay colt by Day Comet —Catherina<, chestnut gelding by Day Comet— Vera. Te Oro was scratched for the Jellicoe Handicap at 7.50 pan. yesterday.


. ■ i SPRING MEETING ACCEPTANCES. 'I The fallowing, is a list of, the acceptances received for events to be run on the opening day of the Ayondale Jockey Club's Spring Meeting on the 24th .lasS.;'-- '•■' MAIDEN PLATE of 3mi3« 'Bpee^.Xbnrnhamv-Young %nrnh»m, Badiani Light,: Gidgi. , Mia Dolce, Princess Xllell; .geretoa' ■■ Kinkora, : Pengwen,- „• Commission, Glerdeekie, ".■ Prince .'Meosclukofi; ' Martini, Boomerday, Octoplete, Tinower&iV Gold Jacket, whrbaaga, =Te Akat*i; *'Silver Bain, Sculptor, Battleplanes Midget, Esplanade, Woori, Tireless, Horseflies, Poteen, Lady vasco. Coroglen; Marble Bell. PeUtegram, Secrsation, Narrow Neck, Gwenette. Hypothesis, Delysiaa. GREY LYNN BUBBLES of £400 2 miles.—JPendoon, 11.3; Bathliri, ID.10: Deviation, 10.8 Monopole, Ditto, 10.5; XiUard, Marconi, Guerre « Mori, 10.4; Te Oro, Multiplane 9:13; Kerehone, 9.10; Signature, 9,8; TinoliaJia i .9.6; Lady Bruce, 9.3; Gluoian, 9.2; Guianfonn, 9.0. AVONDALE STAKES of £600, 4far. Tedious, by —Tiresome. Sheffield, by Bright Stcel-~Lian*. Refinement, by Shepherd'y King—Elegance Sundaur. by ! Beragoon—^S>irdre^m. : Praiseworthy, by —Bhanavar. Lacy Lois, by Lncullus— - B f, by Kilbroney—Scotch Melody. • B %, by Solferinc^Dorinda, by Finland—Anote. I Florent. by Bronzinoßonny Lily. I Piton, by Solferino—Dally. 1 Br f, by Absurd—Lady. Eta. Lucky La. by Lucullus— mare. Master ©'Boris, by Day Comet—Autumn Best). Potoa King, by Latona, Ch £. by Arcuie^tcwu Just, by Kilbroney—Honesty. Pillage, by Solferino—Bade. Bachelor Girl, by Thurjiham-- Spinster Boyal Fain*, by Boyal Patricia, Boyd -Alt by Boyal Scroll Baraxakaka. Tactful, by Lracnllua—Tacfc- * Shebang, by Nassau—Shebeen H. ■•; Sir.Otway. by Nassau—Pedometer. Stein, by Feramorz—-Steinbeil. Owen, by Marble -Monoline. I Nocturne, by Noctonnn. . Epitapl*. by Absurd —

AVONDALE CIJP of £2000, li mites. ' st lb rt lb Sasaaof ..10 2 Spanner ». 7 4 Volo . . ..9 4 Knoboro ..' 74. Starland ... 8 4 Prince Martian 7 4 Strategy .. 713 Miss Muriel .. 7 3 Molyneaux .. 7IS Rockfield .. 7 3 Glen Canny ... 712 Mangamahoe. .71 Admiral ■ Hyllus.. ..70 Codrington 711 Sylvan-. ..67 Khublai Khan 710 Stork .. ..67 Woody Glea.. 7 9 Lady Energy.. 6 7 Pine Arch ..7 7 Some Fashion' 6 7 Arch Salute ..76 HACK AND HUNTERS' STEEPLES of £300, 3 relies.—Monopole, 11.5 j John Bunny. 11.3; Golden Glade. 10.9; Hokomai, 9.13; Thiganthu, Ma Copper Otara 9.5; Gold Scene, 9.3; Pee* Eosa, Gladwin) Snake, Foxglove, East Port, Grand Canyon Welshman. 9.0. ....,.' ' PLYING STAKES of £1000, 6 fur,—' Gazicrae, 9.4; Humbug 8.0; Golden Bubble, MernJrn, 8.8; Gold Kip 8.7; Rational Tama-a-roa, 8.3; Absurdum. 8.0; Trochoid 7.11; Tiki, 7.9; Grotesque, 7,6: Prince Charleroi t 7.3; Bovelet. 7.0; Leithfield, 6.13Illumination, 6.10; Prince Abbey, 6.9; Pavo 6.7. -" . -:,:,,.-;«' -;.'.- ■ HENDERSON HANDICAP of £300, 7 fur.—Uncle Ned, 9.9; Income, 9.3; Esthonia, 9.2; Rockfieldr 802: Truthful 8.9Archie. 8.8: Penona, Bute Sound, Nanuitere. 8.3; Tigrima,, 8.0; General Advance. 7.13.: Crowhurst. 7.9; Perfect Day, Pure Laziness, 7.7> Beoant. 7.5; Night Time, 7j4; Lord Bruce., 7.2: Lovelight, Gidgi, Winsome Arch. Gold Plane, Prince Carl, Luciliua, Lightning. Knighton, Baldoyle, Pagoda, Mjstian, Arch Margot, Jolly Princess, Rosinante, 7.0. SWANSON WELTER of £400, 1 mile 1 fur.—No Bother. 9.6;, Pepin, 9.4: Persian King, 9.3; Nunerrant, War Tank,, 9.2Phyllona, Cantoris, 9.0; Brodick, 8.12: Bright Light. 8.9; Ohiti, 8.8: Marble Slab, Hether Moon, 8.7; Some Fashion, Glencairn, 8.5: Miss Melva 8.3; Poanui, Shortland* Arch Laddie, 8.2: Impudence, Pentagram, Great Form, Boomerday, Navana, 8.0.



The publication of the programme in connection with the Auckland Trotting Club's Spring Meelins shows that the inauguration of another season at Alexandra Park is close at hand, and, with £6200 allotted in prize-money, it will be recognised that some nightly-interesting figures are submitted for the consideration, of horseownars,; .for the programme marks another record in connection with the popular Epsom ground. On each day the leading event carries e, stake of £10G0, and no race on the programme is of a. less value than £ 250. From the programme, -which wall be round published m roil in another column, it -will be> seen that nominations for all evenss close with the secretary, Mr. C. F- Mark, on Friday. October 14, at 5 .P-m- _________■—*■— '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17889, 17 September 1921, Page 9

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SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17889, 17 September 1921, Page 9

SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17889, 17 September 1921, Page 9