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S CURES CRAM PI ' I"" 1 ' ' ' ji, SUEWCiaUWAMMf llf/% T% ¥ IbOI/^C 1 1 {all "ALWAYS BUSY." Mf} — I & kJ I/O- • I rt 4 ; vim FanoiM old St. Jacobs Ofl Iffi _ _ : : . 1 ' —*-- - ■ ~M. .'- W — ~— gk - M^i/ k=P=^~l malted milk I opnng and oummer Apparel the muscles of eialtes were <JK ■.. ■"■"'"":: "'■ ' V:-. ' ' ~-~:' ■, - XS'-j * ■ >■• - • ' --MJf . . ■■ i M being torn out by main fen», you coul4 »• ' ' '' ; ;:*!ip*f : " • • * ■ S ] •'-■,' •—_ ««. *v w .«*. f 1 The Original T FOR ==^===============5 ,^___J Why continue to S H — * V/ JX JLa# V-T Jt *D ' fn a irft> isi ?f El «ufier when a bottle «i HI ' wm »*»«««.«_« ■ _..'• - ■-■■.:: W-U ■ ...■ ■ *gg \ , ! . « UCTj £?&«23= 1 IS MADE IN ENGLAND 1 . - Af A 1M .lrl«««l'. K"—„«> c f IW- ? ~>v ■■'''■■' :; at slodgh, in I -. At Keenest Prices. i-^-JV v ST-«r<a i itA a *hor«Ugh good rnt> IS mi/lirtunn > nnnrnn S9 I Mjßk * 1% VTOf! at bedtime. || BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. II -— / M-Vtftir I '" ~~ ■ * B \-**T J.CL. is keenly alive to the Clothing Require- v $ VI ~ ,—"NI Efc ai L rbetoS ■ THFKF IVOTHTTIXm H \teP4 ments of the "younger generation." We have the |JL •oatiw, lumbago, neuritis, neuwjgi*,and .§§ iuuulj AO mvj A SJ , * ind of clothes the boys all like-the kind that looks "■ «« II TQT A Q r* nnn »» I /TVrVrnl smart ' that is comfortable to wear, and that will give the ||Klll difficult hreathiajjik*aaagic Rub u well ijj ' «P AJ a A A3 \IUV/L/» p // WJGfI s|l\ maximum of durability. J.CL. values are unexcelled. We IgSSsifiJ isKSH&qfflEtt -*"' |S |g; /Pi / A \ invite you to compare our values. Coughs and Colds S A**lf FAD ANT! <H?1? TffiT VAIT TI?T S I /aLL L J*MS&\ — —' M^-•M^^^^m tj. cannot exist with H Han. HUH APiU 3£iJL IHAI lUU liJCil || ' "TWIIISJLfc 'pT J |m J^3dfa2lW»J ** P fc» It * I W W JT*. W TT W « #"* B \! I BOYS ' ALI - Wool ' TWEED 'VAKSITY SUITS, the favourite style for school @S *** CL l\l H U ■ ■L 9 I iff '%& H 1 rV"*" wear - Comprises shirt and knickers. In smart shades of Grey and Brown. fiKIl :^WfFSW .-agjgyS 1 at your Chemist or Stores. | |j |\ f ' ' 9l ° U? °*™" HfflT E n g e ' S Haßßfaetored tar 811 w XJ7I WIL sLa New aad Second-haßd. H « ■: ... .. , A j «». « ». - > . ll £"#i£LJI BOTS' ALL-WOOL TWEED " SPOETS" SXTTTS, in shades of Fawn and Brown, &B SJI REPAIRS ll m BRij?CHES , « HOMCII S Ifl&lteO Milk CO., SlOUgll, BUCkS, EllglanA B Check and Herrin S bone Coat smartly finished with four patch pocket*, K7 S I (Pmitot: Sir Bart) | Bffl To fit hoys of- gl H PAYMENT- pg, ,=?3 II 5 years. 6 years 7 years R v«ar«> a™,,. in„™„ Inar h\ •Phone 1295. • Wakefield Street. • II jSmtiM *D/" 40/ D 41/" 47/ D 48/" 49/" JM j m^ mmmmmmmmmmmmm^^Bim^^mm^mmm II 11 years. 12 years. 13 years. 14 years. 15 years. 16 years. I PJirn at Haiti a ii\ Aft ah a R r I " ,VABSrnr " 49/6 50/- 51/- 51/6 52/- 52/6 "**^ Ivtani ill iIUIUe 10' iViaKC OeWare. f **•*■»-« Anexcdlent wearing En^andid^ W£|i I m appearance and very comfortable. To fit boys of— for summer. To fit boys of— Vst**«« A«T M lntlUenZa 1 IK/ST 8, 10 1 %% ear8 - 2to3ye ars . Vtogyears. 13tol4y eals . Your Own Dresses. fcw«&tt* te itj- 17/6 6/9- 6/ u- 7/3- 7/6- 7/9- _. SMXSyCJSh 7to9years. 10tol2year 8 . in Havy «Doctor Elannel, weH with collar and most .evere fortS ha» broken out in 17/6 18/6 19/fi aFT J? 5T ,« ,„ . TmiT • .tmttnuAmti m ».. Ton 8«. remind, us that the but risi- _ ,„.,". ±0/ ° ±V/ ° 4to 6 years. to 9 years. 10tol2years. 13 to 14 yean. lStoieyears. NEW WONDERFUL SYSTEM. —-.i-*.i-*.- 13^— ■ 13/6— ■ -. PREVENTION' . o f 2 B to C 6v a earl^l l^/? eCk - V 6 17 and comfortable. To fit boys Boys' Good Strong Drillette Shirts, in plain Grey and Check effecte. ExcelU better than cure. The utmost ewe II y 10/ D. lenfc for hard wear - To fit boys of 7to 16 years. Splendid value— How Florence Brown, a Little Stranger, became the SWt.'Jt J?£J£&i €M^iSLC ,l- "«!!£ with f onred To fit of " 6/n SAOT ' Best DreSSed Girl in Our Town. *-•—!«-,«-. Take 2/lpgl , ■ White or Blue Stripes, These wa* and ' OflTSfllTldf ATIV; OnUdren's White Cotton Tnre<s-quartei Hose, with coloured tops. Good 3to 6 years. 7to 9 years. 10 to 12 years. 13 to 14 years. 15 to 16 years. | quality. , To fit children of- P 7 /\\ g/g g/g g/Q g/11 each. By DORA DEVINE. . MsIiOMBSS »'• % J 1 " 1 **** "? d sure remedy proyed of II Boys' Panama Hats, in the popular "Henley" shape, suitable for boys of 9/Q P*ir. *>/A pair. O/C pair. O/ft pair. 0/*7 pair " ' _ „. immense value m the lost epidemic. || 4to 7 years. Splendid value— Q/l •< EACH. AI O Ml * £/O * £U O r ii/ | *^ p ■■ D A IVT II l-*t"d=k£X 4*\4r£s**m Thousands testify to- its merits in pro- | *W JA Youtha' Cream Gabardine Trousers, made with side and hip pockets, and cuff * v| t</\i>i u rree vjiicr. Youths Paaama mxa> i^ miiisot 10to 16 - iofctomß ' ldealfOT^°rt ***• B to *~n/6 pai * . .gahut L4/b * , Boys' Bompers, made of Tobraloo, m shades of Pink, Blue, and White. DeInßuenra mtecten tor tt forms an anu- |l Boys' Blazers, in Navy and Bed Plannel, finished with Bed, Pale Blue, YeUow, signed witii turnsd-doym collar or square neck. Belt to finish. Theee aeptw nim on methron sad bronchial li White Braid. Suitable for sports wear. These are made to fit boys * wa *b and wear splendidly. To fit boys of 9 months to 2i veass— When Florence Brown first arrived in one day I chanced to read of a wonderful laßuaa * ferm * c * anot I of 11 to 16 years—OK/. EACH. q//j EACH. onr town she was about twenty-two, and system of teaching dressmaking by poet, roagmenu n uui \ . O/O I'll never forget how she looked the first by means of which any girl or woman, Fflrnnrrl **I?ln w l#% ■ li time I saw her. That dress!—it may she might live, »ould learnf . » * II _ - ■> w - - _ , have been stylish five years before; but right in her home, j H spare tima, to tlie Big HpideiTUC B B H |W I W I H W"*^^ mucrthTwoSor'w. 1 ** wl my Quickly J£ h'V h S - b " li 1 H IX. I I 1 li I 1 111 ■-' Months and she lived quietly grasped it by writing" for*fu!l iXrma! - J 111 \. )I J iSk II i 1 M Wlth ,£ er S»*» 9*,W 'I'y m , nch . to taon, and soon took up the study of BuWEpidemic, and are quite sure I *& A Ml M *b A ■-~ ,r A 1 ** a herself, in the following dressmaking. I was surprised to learn tRSSRttitfE? ■ * spnng, Florence gave as a genuine that nearly 18,000 girls and women are Been auard—take the surest ore- II All !»*•'«• r«* ».*-=» >**. «. Atu3ay Auckland , s Leading Drapers, The J.CL, Queen Street as bnsy as bees,;>ben in walked a business women, girls at home or at M<« dimng the present danger. ar * -^ radiant creature Inf the neatest, .pretti ' >vork, and city women, country women— He Family bottle—large size ■ esf, most s you" ever saw— cornea everywhere.« ■■-.-.■•■.-•«-»..■ U ©Bly 2/6 Everywhere. --■■"". ' - ' , , ssassssssa^ssaa; and who should it be but Florence! She "Oh! it is so grand and easy! Clothes j goa , l did create a stir, for the nest day (Sun* cost less than naif as much when you- "■—'■■»"" '■■■ ■—■*—— day) Florence appeared in another charm- make them yourself, and by learning the Associated System at home you can't * ~ ' mm '^^^£~ mmmm,^mmm ~^ mmmm ~'~^ m ~ mmm^~r~ m * mmm^mamm^ mmm ~ mm ~ m _-~-_»-a—-__— theip but learn rapidly. . W*jf\W% W\ DEALERS for Auckland District i»nsl * %JIHLmJ UNIVERSAL MOTBR CO., LTB.°J?t a r n b c _V^ of garment, but also what colours and —————————————————————————— - "materials suited me best, and how to ■ ' ; -—————■ —- develop those distinctive little touches BiSlgfggll^gj^gffi^s^ that make clothes so becoming to the mljwiuhjb_ wearer. The Associated System opened m«^m—s — B — si__H____u_ua____« — l up a whole new world for me, and it was 1H"UI ~~t_i _k _ » _ " FREE *» g Fashionable Coat Frock is as Useful know—what a wonderful difference it Jb Alb JBs_B Abdi * made in my life^ —how friends and happi- f "\ neas followed close upon the change in v - «_. ~t »»• -. K *J * _M_L -* my appearance. But I owe it all to the Sfj B Here's a hffildbook every Ford , AV II If I IB _i ff fl% €ft fff Asßociated System, and what I _-*._•_.■— nwn „ .U„|j wr :,_ £-- dO £1 Itf VilHl lilulkH saving tens of pounds on my clothes, BB 4TI 4TI If owner should write tor. *»*• *» UMUgI - _ !____•*.»_. UUUR 48 page,, enumeraung and -— -—_- _i_ , , _ __. S an y d wonder r Three Distinctive Models of Good Value. and hats were always becommff and _o'" Juflf P rord, together i stylish to the last degree. She became "wag rigbtf Over 17,000 £,V 1 with its correct New Zealand __ . .. _-_-~ t a popular figure in the social Me 04 the women aB(J g i r ig }n city town and cqqj,. The fashion for Coat Frocks is becoming more and more popular. They are delightfully town, and was mvited everywhere. try proved that YOU can easily and f P nce - comfortable, cool and yet very smart. The "S. and C." models are so well cut andJailored that And then another wonderful tWng hap- quickly learn at home to make all your . Learn all ahmjt vnj.r Fnril they are quite exclusive, and have that air of distinction and good taste which appeals to pened. Mrs Bob Alberts told me fist, own and yom chMl . en > s clothes and ta V&i/XjML t about your ford. eyer woman who reaU we]L The material f fi fa s f Gabara^and infhff * Tom '£*- or prepare for success as a dressmaker or Know exactly what to order we feel sure tadies will be pleased if they accept our invitation to pay a visit of mspecti«T ness, a fine young chap, already well on ""*?' > .„ . _ w . /"X ««>a what y°" nave to pay the way to being a most successful man. And if you will do as Florence Brown f BlirMAfiff tor Genuine Ford Parts. —1 gtfm They were married soon afterwards, and and thousands of others have done and V/ W 11CI O vawiuuic oiu aru. \V \vhen Florence returned from her honey- send to the Associated School of Ih-ess- . ;/N ... ffg*BBBBO I' 1 £BBg^B6« moon she invited me out to her beautiful masmg, Sydney they will send by Sfe.NO NOW M WSK m9Mr wBB^-?^^^ new home for the day. And I did enjoy return post, absolutely without charge, Ufcllll/ MV " JKw Tr^ that visit! After tea she told me her a . n particulars of the mar\'ellous Aeso- - p or your FREE Copy. ~9L_ i l^Si story • " dated System, te'litiE; you how you can IjL ©w A Jfe*- ,■** _ _ , t „ . . have more and prettier clothes, and save vrr • » ■t- ■ ' fot*v Eb>*sS ' When I first came to town, she be- monev . I suggest that you write promptly, w " tc to your Local rord «\ JT A \ K an. "I had never known what it was being rare to mention the New Zea . Dealer, or direct to M \Vlf \SV fl&* ISP I \ / t %aOT I \ to have nice clothes for I was brought JtASD HTiBAT;Dt and state whether you -« /, . .. „ „ MEkl m « BH //% / a \ I 111? Ok !Li\ up away in the bush, and when I was are Mrs or liga> and wnet h er dress- J ne tolonial Motor Company JMBmJI. W& B ■! //§■ //a n / B ll&^C ,^r^'*\ left an orphan I came to live with Aunt makine or millinery interest you most. I €P9tf ' Blft Ht It* iN n / MiW \ May- Do this immediately, as otherwise you I Auckland, Wtliiagtoa acsi Traars. 4 MK$ It tM Bs, Iff wBEEb / /■! W> j I W%W* "I soon realised how different I ws.a rr,ay lose the chance of a lifetime. * J Hf F 1 fIE m< u . ju" *" from other girls. ;ind saw that 1 was not SEND NO MONEY ; simplv send vour > * i * MftjEL J linrlll uJlff IWIT\ J 111 l iiiJbL ' fcr>J sfif - fe ■ f j3k one of them. I felt it, too. At first I name and address NOW to the ABSOCI- f»23 ISBSI %\WI Lfll/illilll 111 I nBl o niy m eS^Se b — The Lea, Seller U eutlUed to your m 5 4. * T Illtt I if lift WAIKATO DEALERS: $■ TOMBS & CO., HAMILTON. H - 1 111 111 l , II 111 fatigued, with no inclination for exertion—you need | 4« FOR the simplest and most harmless form of something to put fresh "go" into uot*—try a Fortnight's H fflMl %, * k r „, ***' make-up, only two things are required-a I™ Jellojdshelp to make the I IWa ' GTfttna - Be«y_u . m~m coat Fwk ; i, A 7 -, 6 i- .• , dtoQrf TfC/i and Vigorous—from which the whole >W» JH Hilda—Coat Frook, In All-wool Garb., Oretna — Smartly Tailored Coat cm with loose panels, racea conpure Cream ttiat Vanishes On application, and a benefits to restore OitalHn nnA *.«*,•„,. » • Wm trimmed wltn embroidery and Frock, In All-wool Garb., designed trastlng colour, embroidery on r - . . c , , .j • t r« V, WfailQf ana energy —Jo ra/se your IS braid to tone. Collar may be worn on the newest lines, with long- cellar and sMrt as sketch. Colours: very finely sifted powder, tinted to suit the tone *ptrtts-and to make you feel well and fit again. M S C S. '&X v £ l *& Ta st - s ™ Jade ~ ' of your skin. Gently massage your face with A fortnight's trial (Price 2/.) will convince you. ■ *»«r«uw- m *' v *i.ue? ood £11/11^ POMEROY DAY CREAM, then dust lightly A SPWfjl^ a^^T.^^a^^ ■ . SJ?S E £10/10/- SS?» Sll/W* with POMEROYPOWDERin Natural, Rachel, 1 W W Rose or White (according to your colouring). "L^c^S,,/* *"*^ increa " J ene^ «^-««»«- g 1 ' Qfplr AV IKT CUAWPHOM Look into your glass and note the magical result. aWe rom . c for Mm iron jelloidsn*. M I SEE DISPLAY IN OUR SHUWKUUM For Anastntain Afendfc Women... IRbN JELLOIDS No 2 WS B — ——— c °™'~ = ™- romeroy a Fortnights Treatment*. f§ /y • /T jw¥ ■ lUnuf«ctured by thefron deltoid Co. Ltd.. 205, city Road. Londoo. Bng. BlAltfc dBI JB Misfit MI <4 tf\%4 $£ Pomeroy Face Powder amßll '^ m^^^^ 1 li CT f If Who'esalc enqairies v Made by £W Jell UavJs.) I ■■■■■■■BBBBBB^BBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBbBBBBBBBBBBBVbWIbVJBBBBB^ 212 Madra* St, Christchußi. of Bond Street, Leadoa * 1 \ . '■ " ■-'" • "'' '- ■ ■ ; f

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17881, 8 September 1921, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17881, 8 September 1921, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17881, 8 September 1921, Page 9