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SHMN(i RACING CARNIVAL. GUINEAS DAY AT ELLERSLIE. VICTORY FOR LTSTOWEL. With the ram pattering down steadily at daylight on Saturday the outlook for tine v.-ather for the inauguration of the Aurk- ! Im-id Raring Club's Spring Meeting was the I ~.-,.,..,. "' promising. As the morning ad- I Tan..",:, however, tuc wind veered round to' *''-' couth, and. the v in clouds giving place! to '"•.''! sii'i«hinc. the weather experienced j ;,m.-«,.1 W. ' Hi k..r>; ;,j; With the reason. Tile' p-rvi .''lino gruun.ts wore seen to good ad- I •...:•'. and the trim appearance of every-; t' ■<•■■' r.-.ui.i the enclosure anil the s'ati of i the r,i.«- "a, 1; was a. theme if much .V.our- j «Mi< r.iiiinieut. There was a attendance, i nn.l -he president of the club, the Hon. E. V '• '■ •■ «<•>-. rnnie up from Wellington in order . '■ '■' ' "1 at tlie inaiiLturotion of the season i «' V. ■■-! c Everything throughout the day I ■•.0r10.,1 with perfect smoothness. ?nd the | v. ret an-. Mr \V, S. Snonce. i.s enti'led to a w-a—i <v,mi>':mor.t thereon. Mr A. W. ; Gordon was the stipendiary stowim". in at-' '••n.l.i- ■'. 'vi! there were r.o infraction." of tic r.i'c« riei-ps'itating th« summoning of the J-ed .ii <'<vni!i!!!«e. Th" ra. ing wilrosspdi > :i- ' ,-..••. rr<:-.,t: ;;i kee|-,;ng with E'.l'.rr.'l'.e. j and « ' -■'■•' .: :r-.-.y '■•- said that the »/-a?on ' »»' :. i ■ -iiraVii on ;lit> A R.C. pr. n:i.l in a ' v:.'-■•■•: 'I'M'-'.n:- :• ■••_.- nl-nsni-.t moir.vr-'o". in i "1~. ■ :'.• ■ «<!.■( .•: '':• l;.ir..i, a>.;>er. Mr. p. i J V-Man«-niin, I. ■'~':, :, place Th--- band I ■if li M '■••! ■Vi ',: - d: Mounted Rifles, under! Lieutoiiati! V, r, ■•■ St~wart, rendered a ! number .; lections on the lawn. I whi.-li ~ ;.'i o-.-. - . : .:. !i to the enjoyability ! of the E.niurin,- I There were • ■<-,' fulls in the lumping i races, but iorti-r.a v the various jockeys in- ! volved escaped -.-, -. '.. .;■ serious hurt. W. j Erirkson. tee rider el' General Stephen in the Trial Hurdle Race, had a narrow escape : when that horse fc'l at the second obstacle. I General Stephen had one of his stifles dam- I aged as the result of striking the fence, and | he will have to be sen: into retirement for a j considerable i>oroo'. ! With strong lie' is the order of the day, ', speculation was of the brisk order through- | i it. and when the totalisator figures came j t.i I*. summed nn hi the end of the day it : «i found that £76.?63 10? had been invested on the- Cigln events which formed the pro- I gramme. The sun represented an increase | of £12.111 compared with the amount: handled en the corresponding day last year. |

The tied for the .eat Northern Guineas was reduced to hah a- dozen. Mr. Ernest Alison furnishing 'lie favourite with Landslide. The Australian-bred gelding made a, hold bid for victory, but he had to strike his colours to Listowol. who finished tip his task in attractive style. Listowel, who was got by imported Absurd, curried the colours of hia_ breeder, Mr. G. M. Currie, owner of the Koatanut Stud. The Wsnyanui sportsman was present to witness the victory of his colt, and he was the recipient of many congratulations thereon. Nine youngsters were saddled up to contest the Welcome Stakes, for which the Hawke s Bay colts, litmus and Maunu. who *ro both owned by Mr. H. E. Troutbeck. always stood out as the favourite selection. Both colts were, however, unfortunate at the start, and neither was ever in a position to get within striking distance of the leaders. iNaumalere flattered the hopes of his admirers up to the distance, where Loyal Irish and Toa Taua shot up. and an exciting contest between the two last-named terminated in a dead heat The straight manner in which ■Loyal Irish and Toa Taua came home under pressure was a highly-pleasing feature of the exciting nnisih. The Mitchelson Cup attracted a field of 13, and when backers* got to work on the mile and a-quarter race the ton weight. Volo, always _ ruk-d favourite. Lord Kenihvorth, iinopai. Uncle Xen, Demagogue, and Some Hoy ii. standing out best backed of the other contestants Mi. O'Connor experienced considerable difficulty in getting the-field to line up proper. .but he was rewarded for the patience displayed, for when he slipped the barrier the whole field jumped off in perfect lino. Some Boy 11., who was one of the quickest or, his legs, cracked on the Pace at once, and he r,n- e his followers a great run. nr Vis, I 9 f h J''" A ''vt".l>sn-br«l horse hung on to his task in p highly-courageous manner. •Ie could not quite rone with a very strong challenge on the part of Volo. who just °"t up in timejo defeat his rival by a. head 'it _ M a sterung performance for which Volo r£,W ,B,bl< l- and the Husbandman gelafng iel e,°e n r. tri,ted that he 13 a better ° rW,i= Wa ?v, left ,o .'l'« Hobson Handicap to fie'd of „ tho ""prise of th? day. A. '°"S he. d of 27 was saddled un to contest the sixfurlong race. and. on the strength of his double win at Avondale last month. Regent was made favourite. It was. however? left to. a pronounced outsider in the shape of Prince Carl to bring off a surprise. Just Prin,„ r°$ Ol eemed *? have th « race won. we? °?„ °?V B £ 0t i" V - ? nd -- finishing extremely well m the hands of his diminutive rider L. Scott he won b , v a ength. Prince Car r'lT,^ 1 ' 6 Ol i the ,™«hine with Sylvan jo that backer, of the latW also Participated »j£?° 1 Ai , * n ? ""whed to the. race. Royal Abbev made a r-anpen ranee on the scene in the F:yin? Handicap, for which he alway, rued a wa~n favourite, and th. big chestnut justified <be confidence by winuine hi, race :n attractive style winning

The Racing. TRIAL HURTLE RACK of £400- second horse £70. third -30. On„ mile and a-haif F. .Waller's b. s , Rathlin. 6yrs . by S°M in B?uce-Orange and Blue! 11.9 <S. Henderson) t Slattery's eh. "' ° L tara - 9.5 (Conway) ■' H ° n - E J T„ A ii sonß ch ' *• Golden Petal r aged, 9.9 (Turner) . . - 3 Also Started --First Call. 11. Battletide, 11.4; Scottish Knight. 10.6; Keystone, 10." General Stephen. 92; Shell Shock. 9.1 \ SO A 3: Kl "«'itmmg. 9.0; Hessian, 8.0; The Packman. 9.13. Rathlin was favourite. Rathlin dashed to the front and he showed the way to a fairly compact bunch over the: first obstacle but Oak Abbey was level with ' the leader at the second fence, where Gen- i r ,*i *^ phen , fcH - In tW run u » tne back' Battletide took second place and closing into Rathlin they reached the fifth obstacle stride ; for stride. Battletide, however, made a faulty jump and. falling. Rathlin was left: with the commanding advantage. In the i run home from the last fence Otara chal- '■ lerigcd. but he never really had a chance I with Rathlin. who won easily by ft. length j and a-half. Golden Petal, who made a faulty • lump at the third fence, mad,, up his ground i fa rly well and managed to get up into third I place, but four .lengths separated him irom ' Otara. Shell Shock finished fourth. Time j 3m. 53 3-ss. ' i GREAT NORTHERN' CTINEAS of £1000- I second horse £'.'OO. third £100. The other! £100 to go to tru breeder of the winner,' provided that the lw'se is bred in New ' Zealand. In the event of this condition not be : ng fulfilled the £100 is to go to the I first horse. For three-vear-oids; colts,; 8 10. geldings, 7; fillies, 8.5. One mile. G. M. Carrie's ch. c. Listowel, by Absurd —Lysistrata (H. ,T. Rohin.°on) .. . . 1 Ernest Alison's br. g. Landslide, by Kenil- | worth—Elegance (R. J. Bagby) . . 2 ' G. Seifert's b. g. Lucullan, by Lucullus i Merry Nif (Morris) . . . . . 3 ; Ewen Alison's b. s. Geoffrev. by The i Sybarite—lrish M ; (H. Goldfinch) .. 0' J. Hughes' br. g. Lc.velight, by Lucullus — : (Hogg) C ■ R. Hnnnon's br. g. Pukemarnma. by Lord Multifid (R. McTavish) . . ■ . . . 0 Landslide was favourite. j Mr. O'Connor despatched the field evenly' and as the contestants dashed away the' chocolate jacket carried by Landslide was picked out in the van. but they had not traveiied tar ere Geoffrey was on level terms . with the favourite and at a solid pace thr>y . carried on the'runn;ng stride for stride with; Loveiight a couple of lengths away, and then , at a similar distance followed Lucullus and 1..' 'towel. Landslide and Geoffrey were still righting for supremacy in the lead when the !a?t two furlongs came to bo undertaken, but ' Geoffrey wearied of his ta.=k at the head' of. the straight, aud Landslide showed the way • to the distance, where Lucullan and Listowel : ■ hallenged. Lucullan failed to stay it out, ■ but Li«towcl had Landslide it the whip a, hundred yards from home. th*. Wanganui '".•. finishing attractively, wore down the. '•"our te. drew awiy, and won by a length. ' Landslide was four lengths in. front of Lucullan, who gave undoubted evidence of ''■<■■'.- badly affected in hu- wind. Geoffrey : mailed in fourth place. Time, lm. 41 3-sa. WINNERS OF THE GREAT NORTHERN ! GUINEAS. j Time ] m 8 I 188*--Hilda, by Musket 1 471 1839-. Cissy, by Musket 1 455 ! 1990 - Leolantis, by Leolimis ... ... 1 47j j 1891—Brigand, by Brigadier ... ._ 1 4" ! 1892—Tit, by Leolinus 1 50 :593 -St. Laura, by St. Leger ... 1 45 1894—Forme, by Nordenfeldt ... 1 46 1695—Fabulist, by Fabulous 1 47 IS96— Paul, by St. Leger 1 45 1897—St. Crispin, by St. Leger ... 1 50 *!B3B—Explosion, by Cuirassier ... 1 48 1899 La Gloria, by St. Leger ... 1 50 1900—Beddington, by Seaton Delaval 1 44 1101 — Nonetta, by Seaton Delaval ... 1 43f 1902-Wairiki, by Soult 1 46 1%3-Ropa. by St. Leger 142 2-5 1904—Boris, by Stepniak ... ... 1 4" J-S 1905— Annette, by Soult 1 45 1-5 1906—Cambrian, by Cyrenian ... 1 41 1907—Dunborve, by Bluejacket ... 1 43 1-5 1908—Aborigine, by Merriwee ... 1 40 1909— Maori King, by Merriwee ... 1 41 1-5 1910— King Scult. by Soult 1 412-5 1911 -General Latour. by Soult ... 1 40 2-5 Bleriot. by Soult 1 44 2-5 j 1?13 -Soltano. by Soult 139 1-5 1 !!Il4— Mullingar. by Marble Arch ... 1 41 5' 1315—Te Papapa, by Marble Arch... 1 43 1 1916—Hyllus. by Hymettus 1411-5' 331-Vagabond, by Martian .. .. 140 3-5 19id»— Athens 11.. by Demosthenes. . 1 40 3-5 1919—Crenides by Demosthenes . . 1 39 1 1920—Listowel. by Absurd 1418-5, •Run in Januaij. J

W rfceh°e ST KE ? ,° f £I °°° = ™»« *» horse £100 -rt ° nd .i horse £ - 00 - and third feeder of' th '° tl,Pr £10 °- to e° to *ho horseis bred in'Tw y rov l ,de, J that the event of this - « iv In the the £100 tn * c , ond 't"->n not being fulfilled ,„,.? to «? '" tne first horse. For twoSrtlve f^io,^ 1 Keld,nSS B ' at - 51b - fill '" Estate late 'W. J. Douglas' h. g Toa Taua !s V toJe I ) ol,ntain Kn lehi ~ V™* T ffl J " Abir^' 8 cil - <=','Wa'l Irish, by + Absurd— Moira-ma-chree (H. J. RobinH. E. Troutbeck's b. e. Munue; by Wolawa f —J-,a r,'otte (W. Ryan) <• tDead heat." ' ' " ' Roll," 0 <£:,?U e f ■ ~ Anomaly. Maunu. Silver fere • Soulterma. Dissertation, and Naumaw«hfh bl : a,keUed Pair. Munus and Maunu, was the favourite selection. n,flX^t ey da ? hc< awil >' Nauraatere. who was van wl ;i on M' feet, was picked out in the ,°'„ off !e M UDUS " ml Maunn - who did not the fi . 'V wore r "»n'nK far back. When l' hr . '. furlong was reeled off Naumatere '.°;; L the way up to the straight, closely attended by Anomaly and Toa Tana. At the distance Naumatere and Anomaly were together in the lead, but a little further on they both faded away, and Loyal Irish on the inside and Toa Taua on the outside fighting out an exciting battle stride for stride to the post, the judge was unable to separate them, and a dead-heat was declared. Munus was third a length away, with Maunu well up. fourth. Time. Ira. Is. HUNTERS' STEEPLECHASE of £400second horse £70, third horse £30. About three miles. H. Swaffield's br. g. Mestee. aged by Zimmerman— lcicle. 9.11 (W. Erickson) 1 tinier , in d McCarten's eh. g. Totara Jack, bv-s . 11.12 ißennie) . . 2 J. McDonnell's bik. g. Papatere aged. 11.10 •Burt) 3 /'so Started-• Koura 12.9". Lady Salvadan iV'n Ar ?°. 1013 - Ta huroa 9.13. Badminton 9.7, G.adwin 9.7, Hukemai 9.7. Papatere was favourite. Totara Jack cut out the pace, and he was racing m front of Hokomai when they came to the stone wail opposite the s'.an-.t wnere lahuma got rid of his rider. Tu.ara Jackshowed the way right round, and when they reached the double the Spalpeen gelding had Mestee and Koura as his closest attendants. In the run up the plantation the second time Koura went up to Totara Jack, but the* first post and rail lence beat the mare, and when the descent of the hill came to be undertaken Mestee and Papaiere were Totara Jack s closest attendants. Totara Jack was first to the stone wall, but as they landed Papatere took command. Totara Jack and Mestee were, however, almost level with the favourite at the concluding obstacle. Papatere tired perceptibly in the run home and Mestee and Totara Jack, fighting out an interesting battle, the former got the best of his chestnut rival, and won by a length. I'apatere was three lengths away third, with Argo fourth. Time, 6m. 395. In addition to Tahuroa and Koura. Badminton. Gladwin, and Hokomai failed to complete the course. SHORTS HANDICAP of £500; second horse £100. third horse £50. Five furlongs. H. Spratt's b. m. Inah, aged, by Coronet — Inaha, 8.10 (Morrisl 1 R. Hunnon's b. m. Queen Abbey, syrs., (Robinson) . . . . . . . . 2 F. Earl's br. f. Dovelet. 3yrs., 6.12 l Downing) .'. . . . . . . . . 3 Also.Started. —Spanner, 9.8 : First Salute, 8.7; Crowhurst. 8.5; Esthonia, 8.4 ; Murihiku. 7.11 ; Canzonet, 6.13: Dead Sweet, 6.12; Emerald Hill, 6.11; Tieki. 6.7; Escaped, 6.7; Cantabile, 6.7.

Queen Abbey was favourite. Inah jumped off in front, while Dead Sweet was badly left. Cutting out the pace at a solid rate. Inah showed the way into the straight, and finishing up her task attractively, she won by two lengths from Queen Abbey, who in turn was a length in front of Dovelet. Esthonia was fourth. Time, lm, 1 3-ss. .

MITCHELSON CUP of £1400; second horse £250, third horse £150. One mile and aquarter. H. J. Eave's b. g. Volo, aged, by Husbandman—Beautiful Star, 9.2 (Morris) 1 Ewen Alison's b. h. Some Boy 11., 8.7, (H. Goldfinch) 2 R. Hannon's br. m. Tinopai, aged, 6.12 (T. Glover) 3 Also Started.—Uncle Ned, 9.2; Gold Kip, 8.6; Demagogue, 7.13; Alteration, 7.2; Woody Glen, 7.3; Lord Kenilworth. 6.12; Sir Ralph, 6.12; Rose Queen, 6.7; Bitholia, 6.7; Bezant, 6.7.

Volo was favourite. The field dashed off in perfect line, and for a few strides Demagogue was most prominent, but as they settled down Some Boy 11., who was next "the rails, and Lord Kenilworth were the leaders, and they were setting a solid pace when the first furlong was left behind. Up the back Lord Kenilworth got level with Some Boy 11. and the pair ran stride for stride for three furlongs, Volo, Gold Kip, and Tinopai composing the second division when the last two furlongs came to be undertaken. Lord Kenilworth was beaten at the bead of the straight, and as he fell away Tinopai shot up. The Waikato mare headed Some Boy 11. inside the distance, and a. cry went up in her favour. Some Boy 11.. however, came again, but just as he cut down his Waikato rival Volo shot up, and though the handsome little bay fought it right out to the post most gamely, Volo got the best of it in the last stride and won by a head. Tinopai was a length and a-half off in third place, and then followed Uncle Ned. Gold Kip, and Lord Kenilworth, while Woody Glen, who was making heavy weather of it throughout, whipped ii. the field. Time, 2m. 9 3-ss. HOBSON HANDICAP of £400: second horse £70, third horse £30. Six furlongs. L. McKinstry's b. g. Prince Carl. 4yrs., by Car! Rosa—Adeline. 7.0 (D. Scott) 1 R. Hannon's b. g- Tmohoio. 4yrs.. 8 8 (Robinson) 2 W. Thompson's br. m. Miss Leslie. 6yrs. (Manson) . . , 3 Also Started.— Slab, 9.0: Scrap o' Paper. 9C : Regent. 8.8: Clonmel. 88: Persian King. 8.6: Monovat. 8.3: Luperino. 10- Pepin. 7.9: Brodick. 7.8: Kareao. 7.8; Goldplane. 7.8: Loved One. 7.6: Flowing Bowl. 7.5; Lord Bruce. 7.0: Poanui. 7.0: Aircraft. 7.0; Avanti. 7.0- Valley Queen. 7.0: Vauxhall. 7.0: Pembrey. 7.0: Guerre a Mort. 7.0: Fiery Brook. 7.0: Sylvan. 7.0: Octoplete. 7.0; Harlestone. 7.0: Pine Arch. 7.0.

Regent was favourite. j Clonmel led the field up to the cutting, closely attended by Loved One and Tinohoro. j Clonmel was still in front when the head of the straight was reached, at which point half a dozen were well bunched. Tinohoro got i the best of Clonmel at the stand, and he . looked all over a winner, when Prince Carl ' shot up, and the latter, cutting down the : Waikato gelding, won by a length. Miss '. Leslie was half a length away third, with ' Clonmel close up fourth. Sylvan and Pine Arch, who were badly left, practically took j no part in the race. Time. lm. 17s. ! FLYING HANDICAP of £500-. second horse £100. third horse £50. Seven furlongs. 1 R. Hannon's ch. g. Royal Abbey. syrs., 1 by Quin Abbey—Uranium. 8.6 (Robin--1 son) . . • ■ • - - - - - •.• 1 , J. D. Ormond's b. g. Woden. 6.10 (Denii son) . • . - - - - • - • . . 2 J. Champion's blk. g. Jutland, syrs.. 8.2 ! (Olsen) 3 1 Also Started. — Depredation. 8.9: Hyllus, ' 8.8- Arran. 8.5: Arch Salute. 8.2: Perfect . Day, 7.7; King Chiara. 7.3: To Oro. 7.1; Prince Ruhie. 6 7; Prince Charleroi. 6.7; i Some Fashion. 6.7: Isingarch. 6.7: Commis- ' sion. 6.7 ; War Tank. 6.7. I Royal Abbey was favourite. From a good start Woden was the first to show in front, and. closely attended by Royal I Abbey and Te Oro. he led through the cut- ' ting. In the run across the top stretch. Te i Oro was challenging strongly for the lead, i but Woden kept him at bay. When heads 1 were fairly in a line for home the field bunched up. and half a dozen, composed of ; Woden. Prince Charloroi. Royal Abbey. Arch .Salute. Jutland. and Depredation. were : battling for the lead on close terms at the distance. Woden held on gamely to his task. j but opposite the centre of the main stand I Royal Abbey got the best of his Hawke's ' Bay rival, and the favourite, finishing attractively, won bv lia'f :> length. Woden : was a neck in front of Jutland, with Perfect Day close up in fourth place. Time. lm. 17s. j WEIGHTS FOR SECOND DAY. The following weights have been declared by Mr. F. T. McManemin for events to be - run on the second day of the A.R.C. Spring Meeting, which takes place on Wednesday . next: — ! GORDON HANDICAP, five furlongs.— Golden Bubble 10.9. Tinohoro 9.3. Dead Sweet 5.2. Canzonet 9.2. Emerald Hill 9.0, Scrap o' Paper 9.0, Clonmel 8.10. Tieki 8.8. : Regent 8.8, Miss Leslie 8.7. .Miss Ellice 8.6. ; Explode 8.4. Over There 8.4, No Mistake 8 4. Jovial 8.4. Cantabile 8.3. Winsome Arch 8 0* Heathermoon 8.0, Oak Abbey 8.0. Prodigal 7.13. Rieuse 7.13. Hon 7.12. Queen Soult 7.12. Illumination 7.12, Militaire 7.10. 1 Khublai Khan 7.9. Maropa 7.8. Pepin 7.8, | Woori 7.8. Brodick 7.7, Kareoa 7.7. Loved i One 7.5, Flowing Bowl 7.5. Stammer 7.2, ] Firesigbt 7.2, Rekatoa 7.0, Lord Bruce 7.0. Miss Innes 7.0, Poanui 7.0. Prince Menschikoff 7.0. Miss Norval 7.0. Tressor 7.0. Marble ! Bell 7.0. Grab 7.0. Accelerate 7.0. Mielysian i 7.0, Prudent Lad 7.0. Waikaretu 7.0. Valley ' Queen 7.0, Miss Abbey 7.0 Lady Frederick 7.0. Vaushall 7.0. Pembrey 7.0, Pagoda 7.0, Jolly Princess 7.0. Maid of the Lake 7.0. Octoplete 7.0. St. Waipa 7.0. Arch Margot 7 0 Polly Perkins gelding 7.0. King Albyn 7.0' Pine Arch 7.0. Recreation 7.0. Knighton 7 0' Impudence 7.0. Boomerday 7.0. Lady Lilac 7.0, Avancer 7.0. Lady Glissas 7.0, Lady Claureen 7.0. Wish Wynne 7.0. Arch Carrcno 7.0. MANUKAU HURDLES, one mile and three-quarters.— King 12.5. Multive 116 Rathlin 116. Kohu 11.3. Gluetanns 11 0 Luperino 11 0. Cymer 110. Pendoon 11 0' Monopoie 10.12. Mamahera 10.7, Waimtl 10 6, Sir Agnes 10.5. Battletide 10.5, To Oro 10.0. Crosswords 9.7. Scottish 1 Knight 9.3. Yankee Doodle 9 0. Keystone 9 0 Golden Petal 9.0. Otara 9.0. Mary Bruce 9 0, Gunwale 9.0. Romance 9.0. Nut' ! and Bolt 9.0. Silver Lode 9.0, .Gatherer 9 0. i EPSOM HANDICAP, six furlongs — • Gazique 9.10. Inah 9.8, Some Boy II 9.8, , Spanner 9 5, Queen _ Abbey 8.10 _ King ' Abbey 8 9, Listowel 8.0. SoifaneUo S.o. Jutland 8.5. Golden Bubble 8.5, First Salute 8 4 Rockfield 8-3, Esthonia 8.3. Arran 8.2, ! Crowhurst 8.2, Lionskm 7.13. Landslide 13. , Sweet Memory 7.5, Manto 7.7. Lighting 1 7 7, Rafctaxa 7.7, Blackmail 7-6» .Woden 7.4.

Bezapt 7.2. Dovelet 6.12. Canzonet 6.10. Heathermoon 6.7. Strategy 6.7. Regent 6.7. Cantabile 67. Escaped 6.7. Guerre a Mort b.7. Illumination 67. KING EDWARD MEMORIAL HANDICAP, one and a-half miles.— Volo 9.1u. Gazujue 93. Uncle Ned 9.3. Some Boy li am,' a= Canny 88 - Molyneaux 86. Royal Abbey 8.5 Nobleman 8.3. Lovematch 8.0, n,,!u S fc? - 1 -'. demagogue 7.11. Tigritiya 7.11. Dusky Eve 7.7. Rose Wreath 7.5. Landslide (v*. Tu l°{ 3ai "- 12 ' Lord Kenilworth 6.N. e q°°l?M G ?n c 6^ 9 - J 3 "" Ra 'P h 6 - 9 ' Alteration fi 7 M £' a 6 ,' 7 ! EoBO Q ueen 6.7. Windorah L~ d . Slat 6.J. Blue Cross 67. Sanacre 6.7, Prince Rufus 6.7. Sycorax 6.7. [ R MUSKET STAKES. four furlongs. - Rational 9.10. Toa Taua 8.12. Loyal Irish V a L? laUQ «\ B V Munus 8.9. Anomaly 8.2. die 79 R 82, Dissertation 7.10. Arch Lad 7 8 «„™ mai i J 3 " Snowdon 7.8. Exchequer TT„' k; ,T X a '?; Yo,,n S Thurnham 7.8. 7 3 Mi, V S ?S 77 - Soot 7.3, Nola 7.3. M ' 39 Modest Filly 7.3. Mountain Gun less Th " rnl '"<' J* 3 ' Bonny Doreen 7.3. Tireo~ J, £ Koodoo 7.3. Tommy Rot 7.3, 3ta?h£ C r^ ce rt 7 V.O. Oranca 6.8. Luculla 6 7 ham fi 7 ? i 67 'p Janbens 6.7. Rose Thurnnam b.<. Silver Ram 6.7 tSoKo AN^a H 4 NDICAP - s "™ furlongs. --Tmohoro 10.0, Stork 9.12. Marble Slab 97 Kr?J? K o e ?, 91 -.- Tl<lki 9 -- Clonmel T-ili- i k S. .'• Pcrslan King 9.5. Miss moon V.V'n'l" ElT>lode 93 ' Heatherffjf.f Uak -i, be 81 3. Prince Carl 8.13. Mihtaire 8.9. Khublai Khan 8.8, Pepin TWr ? rt a h c L Sr 8.7. Gold Plane 8.7. \f- flowms Bowl 8.4. Peter Max-' well 8.2, Machree 3.2, Pukemarama 8.2. The Mo - er 12, " 3 ft 7.12. Lady Form 7.10. Maori Tikanga 7.10, Carman Sylva. 7.10. &lfi w 7? m .* - 7 u°- Ca °toria 7.10, Guerre a a °i l J,- 8 / Knighton 7.7, Recreation 7.7. Pine Arch 7 7. King Albyn 7.7, Bright Light 7.7. Harlestone 7.7 Killot 7.7, Sylvan 7.7. pressor 7., Jolly Princess 7.7, Arizona Maid i.l. Miss Abbey 7.7, Waikaretu 7.7. Grab '.', Fiery Brook 7.7. Bute Sound 7.7. LIVERPOOL WELTER, one mile.-Royal Abbey 10.13. .Gold Kir 10.7. Demagogue ill § ereda fo« 9.12. Hyllus 9.12. Juliana 9.11, Solfanello 9.11. Lord Kenilworth 9.11. Rose Wreath 9.9. Rockfield 9.9. Crowhurst 9.8, 47 ra s 9 £: Arch Salute 9.8. Matatane H' Woody G.en 9.1. Bedford 9.0. Archie J'?,P«'«t Day 8.13, Blackmail 8.11. Woden 8.10. Bezant 8.8. Te Ore. 8.5. King Chiara 8.5, Comedy Prince 85, Geoffrey 8.4, Blue Cross 8.4, Bitholia 8.3, Actrice 7.12. Persian K '"S 7.10, War Tank 7.10. Prince Charleroi 7.10. I rmce Rufus 7.8. Monocrat 7.7, Some fashion 7.7, Winsome Arch 7.7, Isingarch 7./', Kinkora 7.7, Commission 7.7 North ljoburn 7.7. Guianform 7.7. Lovelight 7 7 Lupermo 7.7. Acceptances close to-day at noon. CANTERBURY JOCKEY CLUB. ORATRESS WINS THE CUP. [BT (TELEGRAPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION".] CHRISTCHURCH, Saturday. The Canterbury Jockey Club's Spring Meeting opened to-day. There was a. violent wind and rain storm during the night, and the morning was dull and threatening. The sky cleared before the first race, but just before the race for the Cup a cold easterly wind set m. The rain had no effect on the course, which was in capital order, and there was a. very large attendance. The totalieator handled £97.000, as compared with £72 266 on the corresponding day la o t year. The following are the results: — SPRING HURDLE RACE, two miles.— Gamecock, 10 6 (J. T. Humphries) 1- Jack bymons. 10.9 (G. Feilding), 2; General Petairv,. 11.6 (A Wormold), 3. Also started: «-OttU, Lord Nagar, Good Hope. Lord Najjar and General Petam made the running for 1- furlongs Running to the last fence Gamecock took charge, and won by three lengths. Jack bymons watf four lengths in front of deneral Petain. Time, 3m. 4ns. SPRING PLATE, one mile.—lsabel, 7.7 (W. Hare), 1; Cashmere 8.2 (H. Gray), 2; Insurrection. 7.7 (A. Reed), 3. Also started: letutiia. Some Kid. Royal Mac, Askari. Jazz. Bebehead, Adopted. Carnbrae. Askari led up to the distance, where Cashmere and Isabel headed him. Cashmere, who swerved away from the whip, and appeared to interfere with Isabel, won by two lengths, with Insurrection two lengths further back, a head in front of Royal Mac. Time, lm. 41s. The stewards met after the race, and came to the following decision:— "That in the opinion of the stewards Cashmere interfered with Isabel and stooped her chance of winning." The stewards therefore reversed the positions, under part 30, rule 15, and placed Isabel first and Cashmere second.

LINWOOD HANDICAP, seven furlongs.Barleycorn. 7.6 (W. Kittchener). 1; Prince Hal, 8.7 (A. J. McFlinn), 2: Truthful, 8.12 iH. Gray), 3. Also started: Early Dawn, Ben Bolt, Killala, Link Up, Bondage, Twinkle,. High Heels. Shamrock, Battle Scene, Irish Elegance, Deep Well. Reproachful, The River. Deep Well and Killala led to the distance, where the field closed up. Barleycorn, finished well, and won by three-quarters of a length from Prince Hal, who was a neck in front of Truthful. Battle Scene was a good fourth. Time, lm. 27 2-5.

NEW ZEALAND CUP, two miles. 3 S. J. Gibbons' b. m. Oratress, syrs., by Demosthenes—Equitas. 8.7 (H. Gray) 1 J.' J. Corry's br. m. Imaribbon. aged, 7.10 (A. Reed) 2 H. Woodley's ch. g. Bengeroop. 6yrs., 6.7 (T. Metcalf) 3 Also Started. — Vagabond. 8.12; Glen Canny, 8.5; Tenterfield, 7.8; Rebuff, 6.8; Royal Star, 8.1; Bonnie Maid, 7.9: Johnny "Walker, 7.3; Kilgour. 6.8; Rose Pink. 6.13Warlike,. 6.13; Nightraider. 6.13.

Tenterfield led past the stand from Bengeroop. Warlike, Royal Star, and Rose Pink. Round the back Nightraider, Oratress, Vagabond, and Imaribbon improved their positions. Running into the straight Tenterfield, Bengeroop, Warlike, and Rose Pink were fighting for the lead. Bengeroop stayed on, but could not stall off Oratress and Imaribbon, who finished strongly. Oratress won by half a length from Imaribbon, Bengeroop being two lengths away third', with Bonnie Maid a neck away fourth' Time. 3m. 26 4-ss.


m. a. 1910— E. J. Watt's Bridge, 7.10 ... 3 25 1911— W. G. and G. L. Stead and G. D. Greenwood's ViceAdmiral, 7.8 3 28 3-5 1912— E. J. Watt's Midnight Sun, 8.0 3 27 1-5 1913 A. E. Durant's Sinapis, 7.5... 3 26 4-5 1914—C. G. Dalgety's Warstep, 7.11, and G. Hunter's Indigo, 6.7, dead heat ... 3 30 2-5 1915— Attwood's Tangihou, 6.7... 3 30 1916— H. Friedlander's Ardenvohr, 1917— and E."Ridd'iford's" Mcnelaus, 8.1 3 25 1-5 1918— G. Stead's Sasanof. 8.9 . . 3 27 4-5 1919— S. Williams' Vagabond, 7.13 3 28 2-5 WELCOME STAKES, four furlongs.— Mermin (H, Gray). 1; The Hawk (A. Reed). 2; Meteorite (C. Emmerson), 3. Also started.. Solfa, Te Uru, Coniston. Winning Hit, Tapairu. Janus, Songbird, Mixture, Barmaid. Tatau Tatau. Mermin swerved at thi start and The Hawk shot to the front. In the run home Mermin won easily by a length from The Hawk, who was four lengths clear of Meteorite. Winning Hit was fourth. Time, 48 l-ss. APPRENTICES' HANDICAP, one mile. —Malaga. 8.9 (A. Ellis), 1; Castellant. 7.7 (T. Reid). 2; Algidus, 8.12 (T. Musson). 3. Also started: Foo Chow, Chaeronin. Adopted, Tout Bon. Will Prosper. Gratuiton, Wanigan, Grand Duchy. Algidus was first out. and led till well down the straight. Malaga and Castellan then passed him. the former winning by a good length. Castellan was a neck in front of Algidus, with Foo Chow next. Time, lm. 425. STEWARDS' HANDICAP, six furlongs.— Arrowsmith. 9.13 (J. Campbell), 1: Chimera 8.0 (B. Deeley). 2; Maioha, 7.9 (H. Reed) 3! Also started: Surveyor, Trespass. Miss Gold. Radial. Silver Peak. Rude Onslaught. Clean Sweep, Right and Left. Killowen. Sunart Soli'anella. Blackmail. ChrysosUim. Sunny Corner. Will Oakland, Miss Mimic. From an excellent start the field raced in line to the straight, where Soli'anella and Chimera showed out. .Chimera whs in front at the distance, but Arrowsmith then nut in his claim, and won nicely by n length. Maioha being nearly two lengths further back just m front of Radial and Miss Mimic. Time lm. 12s. RICCARTON WELTER HANDICAP, nine furlongs.—Dainty Sten. 10.1 (L. Morris! 1Bonetter 9.8 (J. 1 -™). 2: Kilkee. ' 8 9 (W. Robinson). 3. Also started: Eleus Starlr.nd All Ready. Demand. Walton. Nautical. Nautical made the running to the straight. A great race to the post%aw necks separate the placed horses. Time lm. 555. NOTES ON THE RACING. Oratress. who captured the New Zealand Cup, was well back in the early stages of the race, and it was only in the straight that she found the front division. The daughter of Demosthenes won nicely, but she had to be ridden right out to' beat Imaribbon by half a length. Glen Canny was never dangerous, and he wound up in seventh place. Tenterfield. who at one period ruled favourite for several weeks was assisting in making the pace in the' early stages, but he saw sll the field home The English-bred Arrowsmith once again demonstrated his i>ri.i:*acv a* a sprinter by carrying the steadier of 9.13 to'victory m the Stewarcis Handicap. Chimera set a solid pace, but when Arrowsmith came on the scene it was all over with the Finland mare and Arrowsmith won in good style by a length. • • • ACCEPTANCES FOR TODAY. [BT TELEGRAPH.PRESS ASSOCIATION".] CHRISTCHURCH. Sunday. The acceptances for the second day of the Canterbury races, are : — MIDDLETON HURDLES, one mile and three-quarters.— 11.13 Jack Symons 11.9. Meltchikoff 11.2, Faifitaff" 10.11. Good Hope 9.8, War Form 9.0. ' * rtXKi CRITERION HANDICAP, seven furlongs —Surveyor 9.9. Rossini 9.2. Radial 810 Michaela 8.10. Chimera 5.9 Rude S S Ti"ritiya 8.7. Hymeslra 8.5. Silver Peak S3 Pillowed 7.11, Soltacelio 7.10. Clean Sweep 7.0. Early Dawn 7.0. Miss Mimic 6.9. IRWELL HANDICAP, four furlongs - Hawk 8.10. Meteorite 8.5, Songbird 7 13 Poet 7.12. Pluto 7.12. Kiliane 7.12. Te Kuri 7 12 Purple Spur 7.12, Grotesque 7.10. Humboldt 7.8, Dame Sfcraitl*ce 7.7, Pafcstrin* J.J.

Bonnie Lady 7.7. Liskavar 7.7, Limelight 7.5. I Pam 7.5. Tapairu 7.5. Leithfield 7.5. Princess Pat 7.5. Janus 7.2, Brown Lady 6.12. i

'■ METROPOLITAN HANDICAP, one mile »and a half. —Vagabond 9.0. Imaribbon 8.7. 'Tenterfield 7.13. Bonnie Maid 7.13. Bonnie ■Heather 7.8, Starland 78. Bengeroop 7.7, |Warlove 7.3. Warlike *2, Kilgour 6.13, Rose Pink 6.12 Nightraider 6.10.

ASHLEY HANDICAP, one mile—Bon Bolt 9.2, Malaga 9.1, Foo Chow 8.13 Adopted 8.9. Twinkle 8.1. High Heels 7.13. Jazz 7.13. Castellan 7.7, Will Prosper 7.0.

EPSOM HIGH-WEIGHT HANDICAP, one mile.—Bonnetter 9.12. Cashmere 9.9, Eleus 9.8. Starland 9.6. Right and Left 9.6, All Ready 9.3. Printemps 8.13. Kilkee. 8.11. Walton 8.6. Malaga 8.6. Chaeronia 8.0. JUVENILE PLATE, five furlongs.—Fabrinade 8.10, Little River 8.7. Truthful 8.7. Weldone 8.7. Sunny Corner 8.2. Petunia 8.0. Rational 7.10. Rebuff 6.11, Tatau Papairu 6.6. . I DERBY, one. mile and a half.—Gasbag. | Humbug. Winter Wind, Vespucci, Duo, I Right and Left, Demand. Delight. Royal Mac. VICTORIA RACING CLUB. I EURYTHMIC DEFEATS POITREL. I I Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. | (Reed 4.5 p.m.) MELBOURNE. Nov 6. The Victoria Racing Club's Spring Mc»t- j ing was brought to a conclusion to-day. The 1 weather was fine, and there was an excellent 1 attendance. The going was good. | Erasmus was well fancied for the Batman 1 Stakes, and looked like the winner below the distance, but Earl Simon finished best I and won attractively. . ] The two-year-old colt Antarian registered j a great performance with 9.10 in the Flem- I ington Stakes, winning at the right end from Storm. Antarian, who is a descendant of St. Anton, has now won three time 3 out of four starts Great interest was centred in the Fisher Plate. Poitrel was cheered on arriving on tne course. It was a slow race, and the j pace was only put on in the last five furlongs. Eurythmic. who won in great style, had a great reception. The first half-nine took lm 755.. the next half 65J5.. and the last half was a course record, 475. The last f=ix furlongs were covered in lm 12is. Eurythmic has now won £12.368 in stakes. ] Clever Jim was seventh in the early stages of the V.H.C. Handicap, but took charge in the last five furlongs and won well. Kennaquhair, who was <=econd to last in the early stages, ran sixth. Hobgoblin looked like winning the Steeples ' to the distance, but Compromise came with a great dash and scored on the post, amidst cheers. Compromise is one of the NewSouth Wales division. The following are the details of the racing: — BATMAN STAKES of £750 (for three-year-olds, one mile). —Earl Simon, 8.7. 1; Erasmus, 9.0, 2; Refraction, 8.2. 3. Eleven started. Earl Simon won by half a length. Time. lm. 40? FLEMINGTON STAKES of £500 (tor I two-year-olds); six furlongs.Antarian. 9.10. 1; .Storm. 8.6. 2; Otacre. 9.7, 3. Fourteen started. Antarian won by half a length. Time, lm 15s. C. B. FISHER PLATE of £1500. Standard weight for age. One mile and a-half. E. Lee Steere's ch. h. Eurythmic, 4yrs., by Eudorusßob Cherry, 90 (F- ! Dempsey) . . 1 i W. and F. A. Moses' ch. h. Poitrel, 6yrs., 9.5 (K. Bracken) 2 W. A. Manton's ch. c. Salitros, 3yrs., 7.9 ' (J. Killorn) . . 3 ' Only three started. Poitrel led early ; Eurythmic took charge at the- five furlongs, post, the others well up Eurythmic had the I race won at the half distance- Time. 2m ! 50is. V.R.C. HANDICAP of £1000: one mile and three-quarters.—Clever Jim. 7.0 (F. Straker), 1; Ethiopian, 810 (G. Harrison). ■ 2; .Wildun. 7.9 (A. C. Walker). 3. Fourteen started. Clever Jim led over the last five furlongs and won by three-quarters of a length; third, half a length away. Time 3m. lis. VICTORIAN .STEEPLECHASE of £750; ! about three miles and a furlong.—Compro- ' mise, 10.11, 1; Hobsrob.lin, 10 10, 2; Wooloo, 112, 3. Ten started. Compromise won by half a neck. Two lengths between second and third. Miss Rosslyn fell. Time 6m : 194 FINAL HANDICAP of £1000; on© mile and a-quarter.—Carriole, 7,2, 1 • Elf acre, 89, 2; Miss Pinkerton 7.6, 3. Fifteen started! Carriole won by -quarters of a lengthTime, 2m. 51js. QUEENSLAND DERBY. A. and N.Z. BRISBANE. Nov. 6. At the Queensland Turf Club's meeting today, the following was the result of the leading event;— QUEENSLAND DERBY, a sweepstake of £10 each, with £1000 added. One mile and' a-half. A. Cook's b. c. Seremist. by Seremond— Bonnie Belle . . . . . . . . 1 W. Glasson's ch. f. Muguet . . . . . . 2 E. J. McConnel's ch. f. Litre . . . . 3 Seremist won by half a length. Time. 2m. 375. TAKAPUNA JOCKEY CLUB. SPRING MEETING NOMINATIONS.

j The following nominations have been received in connection with the Takapuna Jockey Club's Spring Meeting, which takes , place on November 20 and 2-1: — ! MELROSE HANDlCAP.—Causeway, Lady ! Claureen, Bully Boy, Gidgi. Maid oj the Lake. Illumination, Grab, Nightime, Sylvan, Marquil, Queens Up. Valley Oueen. Sara, j Avancer, Vauxhall, Tuipa, Peter Maxwell, I Menace, Miss Abbey. Kumara, Narrow i Neck, Brodick, Esplanade. Lady Frederick, Princess Bell, Pembrey. Marble Bells, Reretoa, Bute Sound.. Paunui, Mahotohi. Impudence, Commission. Prince Carl, Jollie Princess. Glen Cairn. Fort Regal, Infante, Arch Margot, Knighton, Pukemarama, Boomaday. Cantoris. Recreation, No Mistake. Patoa— Polly Perkins gelding Aircraft, I Pagoda, Forest Gold, Rekatoa Fire Sight, I North Loburn, Arch Carreno. Lord Bruce. 1 BOROUGH HANDICAP.—EarIy Dawn, ! Hetaua. Maihoa, To Oro. Tobasco Archie J Ohinowairua Prince Willonyx, Over There! j Rockfield.. Sw<*3t Corn. Monocrat, Avanti, Clonmel. Marble Slab, Canzonet. Some | Fashion. Karero, Inah. Flowing Bowl, War 1 Tank, Hyrax. Perfect Day. Prince Charle- • roi. Crowhurst, King Chira, laingarch. Some Boy 11., Geoffrey, Corrigidor. Rathliru Comedy Prince, Bezant. Jutland. Independence. Lord Bruce, Tinopai. Arch Salute. First Salute. PONUI HURDLES.— Waimai, Savourneen. Irishland. Kiriwinning, Lady Glen. Paulician. Packman, Pavilion General Stephen, Capsul, Otara. Octoplete, Coroglen. : Hessian. Hokomai, Maori Te Kainga Scot- ! tish Knight. Lombardy. Mestec, "Grand . Canyon, Silver Load. Alteration, Multiplane . Oak Abbey. Manukau. Shell Shock. Ma ' Copper. I ALISON CUP.—Early Dawn. Maihoa ; Landslide. Actrice, Prince Willonyv. Lord ' Kenilworth, Cleft Marble Slab. Uncle Nod. , Woody Glen. Volo. Bezant. Windorahl Royal Irish, Sir Ralph, some Boy 11.,' Geoffrey. Demagogue, Gold Kip. Tinopai. Royal Abb?y. Glen Canny. Arch Salute. First Salute. CAMBRIA HANDICAP.—Tau Tana. Mari tian—Sparrow Hawk gelding. Thumlino. ! Fireless. Unahi. Danger Zone. Armorel! Silver Rain. Thurnley. Oranga. Exchequer! Manna, Mimut, Sussex, Bonny Doreen. Luculia. Dissertation. Hipo, Romen. Mountain Gun. Blusket. Koodoo, Golden Dream. Loyal Irish. Xaumatere, Smoke Concert. Soot, Soulterina. Marble Craig. Nola. NGATARINGA HANDICAP.—RoyaI Mark. Kiriwinning. Royal Prince. Waikaretu. Maid of the Lake. Illumination. Foxglove. Jovial. Sylvan. Over There. Guianform. Gatherer' Marble Slab. Mi's Eliice. Peter Maxwell, Harlestone, Brodick. Whitehall, Reretoa' Karero, Flowing Bowl. Hyrax, Hieka! Formalin, Pepin, Bute Sound, Prince Carl' Miss Melva. Prince Jewell. Oak Abbey, In'fante. TinoWo. Bormnday. Recreation. Pine Arch. Forest Gold, Herchies. TIRI HURDLES.— Golden Petal Keystone. Otara. Cymer. Scottish Knight" Tenacious. Alteration Pendoon. Multive Shell Shock. Monopole. Luperino. Hopye Penniless, Battletide. , CHELTENHAM HAXDICAP.-Murihiku. ; Early Dawn. Hetaua. Landslide, Illumination. Archie. Dribble. Sweet Com. Lord Kenilworth, Escaped. Estonia, Clonmel. I Miss EUice Rnataru, Arran. Lucullan. , Spanner. Inah. War Tank. Cantabile Per- ' sian Krng Tieka. LanScre. Crowhurst. Prince Jew'!. Dead Sweet. Some Boy II Geoffrey. Rat-hhn. Jutland. Queen Abbey.' Traokaha Lightning. No Mistake Golden Bustle. l-ovekght. ■ STANLEY HURDLES.— Savonrneen. Wainja. Irishland. Kiriwinning Lacy Gien Paaaician. Packman. Pavilion. General Stephen Peer Rosa. Capsal. Otara. Octoplete. Corogien. Hessian. Hokimai. Maori ; Te Kainga. Scottish Knight. Lombardy. Me?tee. Surer Load. Alteration, Multiplan» ; Oak Abbey. Manukau. Shell Shock Ma , Copper. I CAUTLEY HANDICAP. - Early Dawn, 1 Hetaua. Murtlmni, Landslide, Illumination , Archie.. Dribble. Sweet Com, Escaped i Est noma. Monocrat. Avanti. Clonrne! Miss ' 54"*-,. Ruatara. Arran, Lucullan. Marble . bell. Spanner, Karero, Inah, Emerald Hi i Wa T T* ak - Cantabile, Crowhurst. " Price* i k ar 'i. Prince Jewell. Dead Sweet Some- Boy. I Geoffrey. Queen Abbey, Tinokaha, Lightning, No Mistake. Golden Bubble. Wolcmai VAUXHALL HANDICAP. — Romance. Causeway. Princess Charming. Royal Mark. I Lady Claureen. Marble, Glass. Bully Boy. 1 Gidgt. Maid of „ the Lake. Illumination. Grab. Nu*time. Sylvan. Foxglove. MaruuiL ! Queens Up. Valley Queen, Eilie. Wish , V. ynn. Sam. Avancer. Yauxhall St Waipa, ■ S u .' pa \r Accelerate, Micfay3iaii. Merry Nell j Peter Maxwell. Menace. Miss Abbey. Kumara* Narrow Neck. Brodick. Esplanade. Loved One Lady Frederic*. Marble Glass. Princess ! ?*", Pembrey, Reretoa. Jafina. Paunui. Mai hotohi. Impudence. Commission, Tre-or J Pnnce McuschikoS. Princess Renown. Glenj cairn. Arch Margot. Knighton. Lord Brace, j Boomacay. Pukgmarama, Aircraft, Fiery Brook. Pagoda. Forest Gold. Faliwin. Rekafla^ F 5^ lsc t- / ,orth J*sram. Arch Carreno | Lord Bruce. Infante, 3oUis Princess. J Ti ST - J J ££ BX &''? HANDICAP.-Eariy ; Dawn. Maaoha. Hetaua, Te Oro. Landslide. • Actnoe. Pmusß WiUoayx, Lord Senilworth»

Cleft Gnianform. Marble Slab. Uncle Ned. Woody Glen. Volo. Perfect Day. Bezant. « lndorah. Royal Irish. Isingarch. Sir Ralph, Some Boy 11., Geoffrev. Demagogue. Rathlin. Comedy Prince. Gold Kid. Jutland. Tinopai. Royal Abbey. Glen Canny. Arch Salute. First Salute. RAKIXO HANDICAP.— Martianbpnrrowhawk gelding. Thurnline. Fireless. Una He Danger Zone, Armorel, Silver Rain, lniirnley. Oranga. Exchequer. Maunu. a i US V Sussex. Bonny Doreen. Luculla. Arr.ii Laddie. Dissertation, Hipo. Romen. Mountain Gun. Blusket. Koodoo. Golden Uream Loyal Irish. Maumatere. Smoke Concert. Soot. Soulterino, Marble Craig. PCPUKE HANDICAP. —Roval Prince. Kuiwinninc. Waikaretu. Maid of the Lake. Illumination Foxglove, Jovial. Gatherer. Sylvan. Marble Slab, Miss Ellice. Miss Leslie. Peter Maxwell. Canzonet. Harlestone. Brodick, Whitehall. Karero. Flowing Bowl. Hyrax Persian King. Tieka. Formalin. 1 epin. Miss Norval. Bute Sound, Heathermoon Miss Melva. Prince Jewell. Fort uegal. Kilbeggan. Infante. Boomaday. Tino£ora. Recreation. Pine Arch. No Mistake ! T„ raf ?°i.. laper orest Gold - North Loburn. I Lovelight. Arch Carrier, Salvaless. KAWAP HURDLES.-Kohu. Irishland. (.olden Petal, Keystone. Otara. Crmet. Maori Te Kamg», Scottish Knight. Lom--1 baroy Tenacious. Alteration. Pendoon. MulI live, Lady Salvadan. Shell Shock, Monopole. j Lupenno. Hopye, Signature, Penniless. , Batt.etidc-. ! T WELTER HANDICAP.-Maioha. Hetaua. i ■ . T °basco. Illumination, Archie Ac- , trice,- Ohinewa-.rau, Lord Kenilworth. Prince , Wiucnyx. Gatherer. Rockfield. Sweet Corn. ; tothonia. Guianform. Clonmel. Marble Slab. j Kuatara M.s« Leslie. Canzonet. Arran. I Woody Gen. Some Fashion. Lucullan, Flow- | rag Bowl. War Tank. Hyrax. Perfect Day. j 1 ersian .King. Tieka. Heathermoon. Prince , Charleroi. Bezant. Crowhurst, Commission. Prince Jewell. Prince Rufus. Royal Irish, I Isingarch. Some Boy 11., Geoffrey. Demagogue, 1 Cortg'.do.-. Rathlin. Comedy Prince, Goid I Kip. Jutland. Independence. Royal Abbey, I Tinohoro, Cantoris. Arch Salute, Prince Chira, Fore Gold. Go'den Bubble. Herchies. CAMBRIDGE TROTTING CLUB. [BT TELEGRAPH.— OWN" CORRESPONDENT.] CAMBRIDGE. Saturday. At a meeting of the trotting club, feeling reference was made by the president, Mr J. P. Robinson, to the death of the club's secretary, Mr. P. H. Wood, and a. vote o: I oondolence with his widow was passed. Mr C. B. Carpenter was appointed secretary to the club. A committee was set up to arrange a. programme for a trotting meeting to be held on January 10.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17622, 8 November 1920, Page 9

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SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17622, 8 November 1920, Page 9

SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17622, 8 November 1920, Page 9