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• '_ .1 ' » . _ _: _ ■ ■ ; U ;_! ■ . ■■ . I SHOP AY COMPETITION NO. ST. I "1 I ESSAY COMPETITION NO. 2. B SUBJECT:-" VISIT OF THE PRINCE OF WALES AND ITS VALUE." : ■ .' S II Prizes ;—lst 28s, '2nd 16s, 3rd lis. 3 Prizes of Ss each, and 4 Prizes of 2s 6d each. . =3 11 CONDITION St— fa i] (1) For Boys and Girls of tits Primary Schools within .the Auckland Province. gs ffl (2) Not more than 388 words. ' . , . ■• _• < si ll (3) To be written without notes and under tha supervision of the teacher, with a certificate to that effect. i H (4) To be addressed, " Secretary, Upper Symonds Street Progressive . Business Association," c/o Post OSes, Upper Symonds Street, Auckland. M H (5) -To be sent in not later than SATURDAY, May -8. m B BOYS AND QIRLS, SPEAK TO YOUR TEACHER ABOUT THIS COMPETITION, AND GET BUSY. Judge; PROFESSOR MAXWELL WALKER.! 1 FOR ''''' x ■''''''' **' ** T v ''' *' *''' e ''''''' T '''' T 'r''' ii' ■''' •it ' - .' '''''''' ~* ° J COSTUMES i BLOUSES —, lirro rnr ODE AT mm I ■•1* j| 1181 I C irui GREAT HOUSE I \SmSCI»SIISp Ltd. lUI §j3 For Dress Materials— 1 I in UPPER S v MONDS STREET, 1 .. ___, I IftfC AlWayS rifSl Visitors to the city during the next few ;; 1 il|J|Hll|[" O" 1 M •_ ' ' days are offered special inducements to pur- [ ' §1 jjS <* |\ ' chase their requirements in the Men's and t Everybody says so, and what everybody says fa 11 STYLE © VALUE ( wCIT / tl Ha <> Boy?' Outfitting Line at Tutfs. right. Hero are some of our prices, come and 1 I I Nfi v\l I IrLoßsn ' 1 see the value for yourself:— | j I Si 41W ' ' The following are special value , \ ME3^^ ' 40iD - PnrPl6 * N&Vy F *™' Green ~ I '9 . {ffl °°Ws\ "BOYS' AND YOUTHS' TWEED OVER. NEAT CHECKS, Cotton, Tweed, 38-inch, Grey, Green, I ■We show here a very Wfflj ' \ COATS 32/6. Brown—3/6 yard. | 1 near illustration of a l|fj b==t| '.', '.', NEAT TARTAN, Cotton material, 46-inch—4/11 yard. 1 i SS? 3 , "^ ND F BOYS' AND YOUTHS' GABARDINE' CHECK GABARDINES, stout materials, neat designs, B 0 SKIRT, of Brown Fine V i ' " DAIWrnAT ,o /fi 40-inch—4/6 yard. H ■ Suiting FlanneL But- \ L f RAINCOATS-32/6. w incn-*/b *?"" § i ton empiecements, as well " 1 fc_ " "NAVY ROUGH SERGE, 54-inch, wool and cotton- g las pockets on ride fronts. fl'l M " MEN'S GABARDINE RAINCOATS—7S/.. I! Special Price. SAI yard. g If Skirt slightly eased into 11 a ■> ■ NAVY SERGE, Indigo dye, 40-inch— Price, M [belt. \ I ; MEN'S HYDROTITE RAINCOATS— ; 9/11 yard. gj ■ \ iff / '• CHEVIOT SERGE, 40-inch, Grey, Brown, Saxe, II I Extra Special Value at \M If " MEN, HEAVY ROSLYN TWEED COATS- Maroon— Price, 8/11 yard. i ; I -P/fl/IQ/£ \\ ft - £7/2/6. '' COSTUME TWEEDS, neat Heather colourings, mostly 1 M a -''* / J-*// O. nCjfe ♦ ♦ all-wool, 40-inch—6/11 yard. g I I \ MEN HARDWEAR TROUSERS— ;; ftne COATING SERGES, Indigo dye, 42-mch-15/8 I 11 t MEN'S HARDWEAR RIDING BREECHES yard# i m + 211: ',[ ALL-WOOL CHEVIOT SERGE, heavy, fop Coats or S 1 SMART BLOUSE as ~ Costumes, 50-inch, Emerald, Saxe, Fawn, Prune, § 1 &BSk ■ Cre P t e ra dffchL^ r new y MEN'S GABARDINE RIDING BREECHES V. Rose, Amethyst-Special Price, 17/11 yard. g I Sm?&£g& -collar, with Black* —25/6. "SHOWER-PROOF GABARDINE COATINGS, Fawn I « Moire Ribbon inlet; 4 colourings, 54-incli yard. Wi I H'vl O.S.- W " W '» and * GENT.'S 1 FELT HATS, " endless Variety -.--*.„-, COATINGS, 54-hxch-Black, M I ■* or O.S.— * ,„,„ ...- .«,„ ' SPECIAL FACE*CLOTH COATINGS, 54-mch—Black, S i \ST Price, 4,9/6 " 10/6, 14/6, 19/6, 23/6, to 52/6. 14/11; Navy, 19/6. g l| J\*fcjfit& OREAM OBEPE GENT.'S ITALIAN VELOURS-55A. ' SPE^ L SHOWER-PROOFED GABAKDINB COAT- 1 ■1 /4rP3i i®fs\fr\ CHINE ING, Fawn and Grey, 54-inch—l6/11. m ' $ M /f&f /K\V wH* r Tutt's have the Largest Stock of NEGLIGE " new COVERT COATING, warm and shower-proof, 1-1 11 Bh\mlK V S°S W lit SHIRTS in Auckland, at 8/11, 9/6, 11/6, ■ 50-inch-19/6 yard. pnXH? § 'I IJjSWrJSI LlmP \\ 43 -~ to 16/6 ' HEAVY CHEVIOT SERGE, 50-inch, Grey. Brown, M I 'fflfiMTjllOl IHIJIfL \\ '42/6 " and Blue Mixtures—l 2/6 yard. g ii fmrUimMP^Vl JAP - SU *X BLOUSE,:: A fuH St ° Ck ° f MerCer y ■"* Clothing of ; ALL-WOOL BLANKET COATING, 56-inch, Heather 1 - ! 1 Sn^mCU Ifi/11 I eVefy description ' aJI at Tutt ' s famous low" Mixtures-Special Price, 25/6 yard. j M DARK COTTON DE-'- rices - " We invite oar &*& ordfi Customers to Send for 1 ' 1 Wllm 11 HI BSP~ i L^f 1 BLOTTSSS - _ 1! . Samples. We send them freely. 1 II V «r | ceeam wincey-. TUHS MY HATTER TUDEHOPE'S, LTD. S g ' ette blouses, ■w■ ■ w mi BBrsiikßl I Igfllr HI iPEr \ 1 ill 1 I M Dna quality, adjust-.. ■ - " U Whllvl n w'B ga § eLgn « ■ able collar—"J 9/£» .. ■ ' : TUTTS MY MERCER 1 Ltd.; :: Top o' Symonds Street, I | ID Upper SymOPds StrCCt. :: SymOlluS Street. 'Auckland's Great Money-savin* Shopping Centre.* 1

T*""" MM **""*"^ m^~mmm ————————————— I ! A SPLENDID RANGE ! | LADIES' UNDERWEAR. 1 § Never before has this Store held such a grand stock of © 0 Ladies' Underwear. Where possible, the goods are made q ♦ up under the expert supervision of our own managers. & o o ♦ Best Goods. Best Values. g § / UNDERCLOTHING, LADIES'. ♦ <► VESTS. White Cotton, ribbed. Empress Quality; full size —3/9 and 4/6 each. a. <•> VESTS, Cream, Cotton, ecru, ribbed, V-shaped neck, short sleeves —Women's, 6/6. X X Out Size, 6/11. ... « Jf VESTS. Natural shade; unshrinkable, high neck, short sleeves; women's O VESTS, Natural shade, high neck, long sleeves; women's—6/11. Q ▲ ""VESTS, Mottled Merino, high neck, half sleeves; women's—4/11. a rt "VESTS, Mottled Merino, neck, half sleeves; women's 4/11. size—s/11. X BLOOMERS, ftavy, fleecy-lined, elastic at waist and knees; full size—s/11. X V BLOOMERS, Grey, fleecy-lined, circular band at waist, buttoned knee 6/11. v ♦ BLOOMERS, Mosgiel. Woollen, elastic at waist ami knees— 12/6; W, 13/6; <$► © 0.5., 14/6. - O A BLOOMERS, pure wool, colonial make, heavy rib, elastio waist and knees— a X S.W. 6/6' W. 8/11. „ JJ 5 NIGHTDRESSES, White Stockinette, collar and sleeve, trimmed lace— © *$■ NIGHTDRESSES, Flannelette, heavy quality, embroidered, square neck, finished OO with Torchon lace— £k A NIGHTDRESSES, Winceyette, square neck, trimmed with Torchon lace and 5: X insertion— - $ v NIGHTDRESSES, of Longcloth, lace and embroidery trimming. V-shaped seek— O ♦ 12/9. A, n NIGHTDRESSES, Jason's make, woven, round collar, trimmed lace, smocked <r\ X sleeves— *£ X KNICKERS. Winceyette. open shape, frilled legs finished with lace— •' v C? CAMISOLES, of fine Longcloth, square or round necks, trimmed lace and inset. © 4> tion—4/11. a. *. COMBINATIONS, Natural, unshrinkable, high neck, short sleeves; women's 8/11. JL X COMBINATIONS, White, unshrinkable, high necks, long sleeves— X 1 O COMBINATIONS, Merino. Natural, half sleeves; Out Size—7/6. O j A COMBINATIONS. Natural, high neck, short sleeves—s/6. A a SPENCERS, Natural, short sleeves, English make—B/11. a J* BODICES, Natural. Wool, short sleeves—6/11. 5? ♦ BODICES, Cream, Merino finish, short sleeves, high necks/6. V O GLORY GOWNS, each made of good Print sprig and stripe designs of contrast- Q A ing colours Women's. 12/6; 0.8.. 14/11. a* q OVERALLS, Bugalow, of very strong print— each. » X % BABY LINEN. % A VESTS. Children's, ribbed. Wool and Cotton, short sleeves only- sixes 1 «J ■* A ' X 4. s—l/11, 1/11. 2/3. 2/6. 2/9. ™ Oluy ' * s *• * * X VESTS, Children s. ribbed. No. 1749; sizes 3, 4, 5, 6—l/9, 1/11, 2/3, 2/6. 5£ X VESTS. Children's. No. 1652; sues 3. 4, Sf*. 7. B—2/3, 2/9. 2/9, 3/-,' 3/3, 3/3. "% • X VESTS.—Children's Wrapper Vests: sizes 1 and 2—2/3. w £ VESTS.—Children's Hand-made Woollen Vesta, wrapper shape, finished with ♦ U silk ribbon— g% A BINDERS, Doctor flannel—l/ 4 each. a X BARRAS, Flannelette (own make)— i" W BARRAS, Flannelette, better quality—s/6. © ♦ BARRAS, extra heavy—7/11. , <£► © Snsi R ifo- bSt * 1 ? 0^ tor Flann ? l (wn make)— 8/11, 8/11. O ♦ S' I* J*.' iPf* or i embroidery triraming-3/3, 3/5, 3/11, 4/8, and 4/9. X ft infants'. Flannelette (own make—4/11. i ' * X A BftßM ß, ' !n / tt toddling best quality Flannelette—4/6. - ~ 9 £ -;& iS^ 11 -j ° i ,ure Lawn . tnmmed rows of tucks and insertion, finished ♦ 2 W/fc 21/.. ' Beot aad dee ' ra finked with VaL lace-IS/e7wn, O I FLAGS FLAGS FLAGS I S OF THE VICTORS. " o © SMALL DECORATIVE OR CHILDREN'S FLAGS, on sticks. English. New © ♦ HHn 7}m—CD a each ' Japanese - French. Our Allies, etc.. etc.; size X 2 iijin x /}xn — o each. ▼ O D O v Of the same Nations; size 23in x 15in—"J l m each. ♦ O !/■ O ♦ About the same range, of better quality; size 34ia x 2fin— *>/0 each. ♦ ♦ A Very Special Offer.—RED ENSIGNS, WHITE ENSIGNS, BLUE ENSIGNS; ❖ O size 27m x 19|in—-j /£» each. © © ROYAL STANDARDS (the flag the Kaiser hates); size 30in x 22in—O/ © + &l . O Big Stocks are held of those mentioned. Apart from that, there will be © found a large assortment. Small quantities only of each. . ♦ © - __i e ♦ The Big Department Store, AUCKLAND. ♦©♦©♦©♦©❖©♦©♦©♦©♦©♦©♦©♦©♦©♦©♦c^o^o^o^oto*. -.- *?£ *. ■■" '£ : ".? '"

' ' —————■ — 1 Maid % ( T&srs /(K S p ""^ very P*^ llßll *»mdattractive,toe! II Holbrook's Sauce is one If the >est ti " n s s tliat I 'ft bW ? comes from England. I ■«jj["? 1 Made from a secret, old- I P«« -«'v^ar< f w fashioned recipe it has the I f\^9^fT*\ flavour and charm which 1 jy/ K no othersaucehiis seriously i m=i Holbrook's Sauce! 1 HOLBROOK'S WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCB. I A HOLBROOK'S PORE MALT VINEGAR On betflt). i / ' "Yoa would reaDy j f**~C\]r tok ft was a Brand New Hat I lisSS*. So even is the colour ' and erfect (I IKv the effectthat the closest observer II I would imagine your old straw hat, jj ffl IlinOT after you have re-coloured it with f ' i W Red Funnel Strawine, to be a J $£j[ %N *sJW new creation fresh from the I TAINE'S Red Funnel Strawine (J is a coloured lacquer dye for straw hats, j ||| I ( and is obtainable in any of the fashion- 111 ! * able shades. It has the popular dull 111 finish, is easily applied, flows evenly, 111 \ J3l dries quickly, and remains fast. i jll * 111 COLOURS: Black, Nary Blue.Saxe, ill . gfmfflfthM jlj Wedgwood Blue, Cornflower Blue, Victoria 111 ||weo{ 3 IK Blue, Dark Brown, Light Brown, Myrtle ||| a, II 8/<2»J 8 111 Green, Moss Green. Olive Green, Helio- ||| " I w7«nn SHI trope. Grey, Pink, Ruby, Violet, Cnmsoif, 11 If a, 1 SJisakihl § 111 Obtainable in these colours at Iron* ll| '* | | BHI mongers, Stores, Chemists. Bottles—l/ 6. ||| i

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17450, 21 April 1920, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17450, 21 April 1920, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17450, 21 April 1920, Page 11