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, . Amusements. " : t * i .: ... ' " Q.RAND. YO-DAX. . The.. Last ..Screening. • :. MARY -piCKFORD. "laaDDY " ; ARYrpiwlCitFOKD; 1 ' "JL/ADDY MABY- -piCKFORD. T-ONG-LhiGfi." AKY-iTICKFORD. X/ONG-LEGS." - -,' MARY: ."piCKFOKD. :.- ;: ' :V1" AKY JIICKFORD. y '. - ; : MARY :-piCKFORD;: ' " TVADDY ARY ■-■ JriCiS.FOKD. *• Uadhy . MARY -piCKFORD. i. T ONG-LEGS" AJiJ, ICjtFORD. JJOKG-LEGS." f 6th Chapter." . A " : "iV,TAN " OF''- IVyriGET - ' 6th Chapter; A Man OF miGHT: . " .-: '.., : - ' TO-MORROW (SATURDAY*. MARCH iff. - A NEW WORLD DRAMA. jj£ \J\)AX."-:JJ/Li!l. ;>!, .... Starring OAiC -iVJLE. -.-■,-'.. Starring ffi . ;,frtoAX%MfE.-:- TUNE THLVIDGE. :■ ' -1 vo.iX Itljs. June JCiLVIDGE. 'Coil Mi: ■ • mm?M Chapter. -• ■ A TiTAN OF Tl/TIGHT " ; 7th•Chapter ' -ft- JJiAN OF BllGSfe Cv And ' ' *-\?^.^ ~;,.._ .■.;',U-:A.GOOD COMEDY. -311 .. ...•,•••.%.. J± Starring, % aSS i ,■ ~ v... ;SY'D. c&Ax-lin. *;<:, GLOBE. ' Final Screenings of : i BERT LYI&LL. - mm GLOBE.' ; BERT LYI'ELL 'MM xajoE. "" In ' "-s«S GLOBE. "EASY TO MAKE .MOSEY." JMS lootl. "Ba&Y TO JdAJi.E MuiiEY." filXlßEi. ■— . . 'VJ-TJLiE : . •-' -"-" GLOBE., ' TO-MOBROW- .„ $SM •■-'.- iw-AOiuiun'. "■ xv'Jy. GLOBE The Noted Actor. 3SB „ HARC/i>l> LuCK WOOD, GLOBE. - HAROLD LOCKWOOD.- —;. H-&HUL.D LuCJi-WOOC. ' "-'i , In tho Great Picy, • '.&, V).'_o._xj. , Q'-dAuOVva r\i l GLOBE. OHADOAVS v/p -"-:^ Aj" BE 4 - SUSPICION. ('^m CILOBE. OOSPICION. 5 .Ui>&- A Metro Triumph. 3SI i~iLpBE. • -as VJ u £.E. GLOBE ORCHESTRA. &S THE. Picnic of the YearTailoresses' Picnic. *\' ,'* ; Moiaiapu. nest Saiuraay. .. Kestrel leaves at 9.15 a.m. , '%sf| MOTOR- Cycle Races at Takapuna. Ail the Family will be there, so will ISq V;ftft ADVANCE NEW ZEALAND FILM CO. W Look out for the Cameraman in his Essex' •--". Car: ? :: " r .■ -' .'ryW I .„' '--- BURNAND'S Brass Band at TaDoresses' ,"" "1Picnic to. Motutapu, Saturday March . i in. Kestrel leaves 9.15 a.m.. calling •at '■;"-.". ' Devouport. : -££iSi Motor and Coach Trips... \ \^M ANDREW .AND ANDREW'S MOTOR ".' ■**-,' .. ~ CHAR-A-BANC ' 4'"^ will resume Sight-seeing Trips on and after 'i : " ! -■■ WEDNESDAY. 24th. ' *Hf jl Daily Trips from G.P.0., 10 a.m. |j J Afternoon Trips, 2".30 p.m. . -" , Visitors to Auckland should take the adr . vantage ,of -these trips. '• - -~S Book 'at ' - - ; • . • I' : <s^ COOK'S TOURIST DEPABTMENT. iS- ; f8 '■ ' Also, - ""S ; #S : GOVERNMENT TOURIST BUREAU. : - Or ANDREW AND ANDREW. Proprietors. .TA } QT. HELIERS BAY MOTOR 'BUS.* , Passing Purewa Cemetery. - '■■':■■ Splendid Views. Comfortable Riding, ' " ■■ See. Timetable Saturday's HSRUJ). \i.;'r, 1 rpAURANGA-MATAMATA : Motor Service. i A -r-Cars leave Tauranga 7.30 a.m. DAILS connecting with the Rotorua Express. G«i- - leave; Matamate, daQy on arrival Rotora* Express (about 3 p.nO. Book Seats, collect wire. :-i:'®r.#4? Fares, i!sa single, 45s return. ■ Booking offices: Matamata, T. J. Under-' wood., Accountant; Tauranga, Stables. '""'-, 'Phones, 9 and 140. - - ' ,„; J- F. .WTNTLE, TAURANGA. ■ ■. , : :i|||§ TAURANGA-MATAMATA MOTOR SEE- ' _ ' VlCE.—Cars leave* Tauransa 8 a.m. . daily, connecting with Rotorua- Auckland ■ : 9 • Express." Cars leaver daily on • arrival »of Auckland-Rotorua Express. Book ''Sv ■ seat 3. Collect wire, Walker, Matamata; Bell : .ism Tea. Rooms, Tauranga. 75 h.p. Eudsca Super -i; ! ..Cars. .-..-.Reliable . drivers. Fares: "5a J '". single: 45s return. ' '^,-';r-- • -:. -_ v.-d: WALKER, - : zm .- '"ir. .?: ,-taxi Proprietor. 3!sinran£a. ■> ,-::-..- • Sales bI" v x'roperty. T AND Agents.— Please take notice, my a •feg,Property at Papaknaa is withorawn from M 6g.,e.—-Joim Onmm.ngsi Jb-apahura. ;. m L-&HD Agents—Excuse lit-at notice our pro- . '39. ■MU perty at. iiangirin, atanuisui Jisiana. is - withdrawn trtan, Anucisan. *jivs..' -JS AND JAgents.—Please take notice that lay -t JL» , property atiYVaitaimela iias- ixen with-orawn'from-'Baje.—E. raner. V /'- -liel-' Y'"AND;;'ABBhts.--i-Take ' noaca say properfe. ! -L* - \4S,'SCinElow; Rd.. Epsc-in, is - -' from sale.—X). Taylor. - .. Vi,- .:.'.- LAND /-Agents.—Take notice that ray "pro- - " 1 , perty in 23, Fort St, is withdrawn from sale.—Minnie U-reig. ;; _.'■' ■.-.:->«; ? T AND Agents.—Pieasei take notice my ; ..?-lfl ■*-?; properry.cllaraka Street, ATondale,is ■' r '-m i TOtJQfira'«i^froni2aaie,-E- J. .Westiake. .'.; ijsyeS LAND.vAgents.--T-Take notice rcy House -at -Willesdear Road has been- soid.—Wnt- i Angus.; ._--;;', . >/- ; . : ; "■:. T AND Agents.—Take notice, that ray t~-s& -L»' properties at Ft'. Chevalier and Avon- ' '■■ dale 'have-been- sold—Georges Mackey. ' : T: AND Agehts.T—Please fake notice, :my - •-' JUi. Jibuse.VNo. 83, Lincoln Siteet, - P<sn- ':.;£#: y sonby;" was'sold on Thursday by Roberts and -". >■'-' •J---Cqvl7, Endean's Buildings.—R. Liijey 1 - - . :^; ? ; i j T AND Agents.—Take notice that--my pro- , -M. Parties-are.s revalued from date.— .' fftrlane.',Te Atatn. •..-.fjg- f■• ;- ; , ' ' LAND? Agents—Please take notice that the ' J-I 'business situated 55, Wellesley St. West, i •: is sold. — J. Anderson. .- . ~ ' • T AND:Agents. ; —Please take notice that my - S?S ', 'XJi property »V Me-ungaturoto is withdra-sm' . from sale.—S. J. Mooney. - '.' V.A'SI T AND Agents.—Please take notice that my ■: C ';JL* Property. Claude Road. Epsom, has ■■'■<:■ M ' been'Sold.-—Mary McGaxvey. Epsom. £ ; :":£ i vyi; :':"'•'' \" .'Miscellaneous./ '..'-iS Fis no # unusual thing for a customer to "- : purchase three and four pairs of boots -~f-£ -' and 'shoes --at- once at Pearson's bis boot r-'S .' Karangahape Ed.. Newton. * ,- '* SEWING Machines Repaired (all makes); '?"': .-.. Buttonholes made on the premises: /* open Friday, 9 p.m. Hilford, S, Rutland' " ; St. . 'Phone .S7B7A. , , - - /.-.; » T ADIES are invited to inspect the latest - I JLi -■ Winter- Millinery, reasonable prices, at i Miss Bradley's, next Parnell Picture Treatre. • " f4 QEND it to Vere, Patoa and Co*~£fSl tJ - Auctioneers. High St. 'Phone, 2388. / ■'■'-. -??i GOVERNMENT removes embargo on '-'U XXs hides. . Prices for footwear advancing /I ' rapidly. Pearson's early-bought Boot Stock \s being rushed at Karangahape'Boad. s^ rpHE . London Clothing Cleaning Co.Re- I JL modelling and Cleaning. lift-off Ap- 1 • pare! bought.—-Gt. North Rd. J Phone 3976, FOOTWEAR still being sold at the, old -t| prices; "-. inspection invited. — Public 3s Benefit Shop. Parnell.-' opp. St. Stephen's M At. • • ' ' ■ . - . f|y ■\7~ERE, PATON AND CO. pay astounding M > Vv. prices for Used Furniture.—'Phone 2383. _ u r "TOTATCH .and Jewellery Repairn guarah- ij v T teed, quick delivery.—Alec Lanrensoa, ' -< 236. Queen St. ' yj.,. "TTERE, PATON AND CO.—Yonr favourite " I V Auction Rooms.—High St. 'Phone' 2383. J I riSAMAEHONES and Eecords. All lead- // VJT ing; makes in stock.—E. and F. Piano ...5; - Agency, Ltd. S. Coldicutt. Manager £f "' TpOR: the.. > Races.—Timers, Split " Chrono- ?'' = J- ; .graphs, .Omega Chronograph Watches.— Alec.. Laurenson, 236. Queen St. I'XJWTS*. Buy used Furniture, any quantity! .. T ¥" biggest prices given.—Vere, Paton and .Co.. High St. 'Phone 2388. . •. I FURNITURE to Sell.— send it to | i J- . Vere, Paton and Co., High St. 'Phone I 2368./- • :% ■ ENGAGEMENT Rings.—New Stock Dia- . t J-i mond. Rings.Alec. Laurenson. 234 ,'■ , Queen St. ■■/'■'' i ■'■-•' ■ ' .* : J IMPORTANT TO MEN.—Tailor-made" '; Ready-to-Wear and Unclaimed Suits, in • all "colours and sizes; also Navy Serges, * ; - guaranteed. fast indigo Schniedeman . Bros.: Ltd.. 215. 217. 219. Queen Street, t : - -VT E ZEALAND BI3RA LD ~ - ■ AUCKLAND,WEEKLY NEWS. c N.Z. HsßAnp. 9d per week delivered in a town and suburbs. _ Caaual copies 2d each. - Prepaid, posted within New Zealand, < 12s Gd '■% 1 I per quarter, £2 5s per annum. ." » Atjckuoip Wezxls News, 83 6d per qua*a ter or £1 103 per annum in 'advance. r Replies to advertisements will be received f at the Office of the Herald. - ; ; The Proprietors do not. hold themselves 3 , responsible for non-insertion of advertise' jS . merits through accident or -from other .-; - » causes, or. for. error in tho publication i«£ "-~~ ' any advertisement. .' ■' TELEPHONES: • Advertisiag and Commercial. 178; 3ob : " Printing Order O&ce, 2890; Publishing, *'/•■%< Editorial, 223; Reporters, 3893; Editor/"" ;&/ Weekly News and Photographic, 229. - -- ' Address communic*ti<.n« to Wilson and ' . Horton, P.O. Box 32, Auckland. -• - - iWaikato Branch: Ward Street, Hamilton.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17429, 26 March 1920, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17429, 26 March 1920, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17429, 26 March 1920, Page 10