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N. Ml II VCX 1 ¥$$*■ givinß abroai, » tlle World becomes a brighter p , \ I ' stM I HOLIDAY NOTICE. L_£-J and happier place. QUALITY Ah «ll ///%M \ S^US^A I V I Our premises will be closed The • us atmosphere is reflected in M.drC.'s in the COURTESY and above all ft Jk^M^Txl^ ' B *'* Our premises will be dosed The joyous atmosphere is reflected in in the COURTESY „ , , „ II WJg3B&€F' ] ) J 1 I [il^W*- l J TY\ nurvTri/T^X/? A.3-> i from Christmas Eve until ~.,.,,.. , _ n\/ rt |,,«.!l // IflßnnLM^v^&K' I [J» I Monday the 29th December staff by their efficiency and courteous attention, in the EFFICIENCY Value' II ifflßr^SS^^-— -> I T^^^^Tl!!^^!^^^^ / I : — colourful charm of the various displays, and the knowledge L_ J II ilffinnV ■^~^^~ :> r "T^ I J? /// (f ft/ that the merchandise offered is sure to give satisfaction. I WfiiY\ v V^V/^^. j THE GIFT OF FINE LINEN. \! fJh faiho pleas 0 * I 1 F M"' Ld'Tl tT bl ! 1 for no matter whether it"be for useful purposes 'or \|/ i <( fil_\ Neckwear is an every- 1 p 'J/V J Silk JIKPIIiIS, 4ssllf ,No section will be more favoured during I] p dainty decorations, intending donors will find our ' 'T)\ \ - '■!■■■ jfT aay need, and the .giver V A / \S. # the gift season than our Toilet Section. f\ f\ collection quite unsurpassed. A few examples are 1/ /' \ '*3»' ( Ma ' oi- such a present will fl ir 1 I II! I he co^ i° ns > including as they do, all | 1* r CT L>^~'~^ t - ; -_/•--, *__ No. 22 — BEAUTIFULLY A iL. -A i?.V JtSHW!'. to - suit the intended £7 A"-P\J I i^^^^^^^^Hl^^^^S^^^^Kisffllo II Manicure Sets, Mirrors, Sprays, Brushes, etc., f I : ' EMBROIDERED TABLE ffi 1 iljfcfof S/y/Mm MushVthe a " die P will be found particularly interesting. | ! ; -i. ■ 14x20 6eC ~ "KC VjLOVtS arc Useful ... -i «- e and insertion, and threaded - _ * ' \ I 1 «3R4«Ct''" ■ "vais'.srw -d Popular Gift,. ;;.. f L . E * SIN ° T t ,E " AN ■ H ' --i-T site dpfie™ —Ifiin 29/6 2-DOME KID GLOVES, 2-cord silk A SMART amt-» r>»™ m , ™t v - and intending donors will find us pre- ftlSrV/! -1,1 WW////MMmmwk I :J \Ng?IX —-• and 39/6?4oin 55/6 59/6 ; points; Tan,. Brown, Grey; all sizes- ■■ A b c ? C^^r»£ AIN S? COLLAR pared to suit all tastes. P WlJl M^MKI 1 Is \\ x >££>& ~;r* »na 09/ turn., 00/o, o»/t>, 12/fi 19/ti ia/r tfi/n '~•. OI <Jr-epe tie Chine, with self Whitp centre* \ frew?M9ii« =ml 1 M * ■'■ 'S^ : in - -IV-- 4^ 6 wV\ S ? d^ deep border.'mcontrasdngcolowl The Prices for the LATEST WIDE- ifWS if" ' I I . 59/6; 52m. x 76in., 7976; . 52w £*? GLOVES, best French of Pink, Sky, Helio., Champagne, which END SHAPES range from 2/6 to * T rlfli^^^W 1 B V •" 54m " 59/6 » 79/6, 95/-; makes; P.K. sewn, 3-cord silk points; • .... is both inexpensive and effective— 9/6 each. . \J i Vs^§|PW/ : 72in., £7/15/-, £9/19/-. • Tan Brown, Beaver, Pastelle, Grey;, ** ve a na enective—o/11. MEN'S FANCY CASHMERE HALF- 1 J m '• • Mn 9R illi <t f *■ +V. all sizes 16/11 17/6 17/Q nair /v IUIJJ ' ° xlALii<. Ijjls • !■' " ffTO4^BL & S b . e had . in the following makes, White only; all sizes —8/11, . J . I! FUJI . SILK NEGLIGE P3O-MELBA CASE, ™„ M- #Sl U j j 7s{K " ' sizes: 4in. 1/6* 4 fi" l/ll- 10/9 11/9 12/6 14/6, 16/11, 17/6, ■ ■ ... SHIRTS, * heavy weight-27/6. taining fancy bottle pf con- . . Pi K2^^^^&^^|^ No. 1 " 27 —' INDIAN ' LACE ,ihJr| Stvtm, ptAvpfl »V- '■'"•• ' '■ TUSSORE SILK SHIRTS, with col- • Perfume Price, 15/6 and JmUmm N &7^aSwß&%^W^S^»^»' - ■ ? i°? 2-DOME, SUEDE GLOVES, P.K. sewn, lars to 19/6. iRKHmHIV " 5 vi,44i.4l - TRAY CLOTH of real and 3-cord silk points; Brown and Mole • I vF"Tg(^J H I Bowling, Tennis, and Cricketing Club PSI * papitp xrTtw ' -I I ' 21/~ 1« 52" only; all sizes-11/9 pair. :.. . L MSt? 1 Detachable HAT BANDS~3A SS TOWD™OWL to Phk /srafflii™ P -^i ' "- : 12/6, 16/6, 21/., 16 x 24, o .^™^ ■ S ' M W«K BANDS ' t0 fit f Hel^Prkef 1 ' 2-dSmE FRENCH SUEDE GLOVES, Lounge or * ffce" q?Jity- i i < P.K. sewn, perfect fitting; Tan! Blocked shapes-24/6, 29/6, 32/6, 8/6, 10/6, to 47/6 ' ' %^^^^ ? >^Pl»^B^fflr V; BU^E /6 SET_4/n, 5/6, Brown, Beaver, Grey; all; sizes-16/U PlSfe KSK^ANCT ' WASHING P33-FANCY CASE containing bottle of good - . J No'' « INDIAN LACE 2-BtJTTON SUTOPLEX . GLOVES, . W VESTS; sizes 34 to 44-13/6, 14/6, tS? ,v F L D'OYLEYS are always ad splendid for hard wear, washable in -3p* to 1./6. bottle as illustrated 27/fi fa^, cut & lass I mired on account of their cold water; Black, White, Grey, Brown, '™ V I 5/6 10/6 7/fi « Other Prices, p 'K-%'T^-^®^ :19 VWmFr neatness of design and Beaver, Chamois; in all sizes—s/11 ! ' " —— <>"°, wo, u/n, and 45/6. , . [=i * -. quality of material — 6in., pair. Also lighter make, in Black, C- l I™ " '-" ■ . ' ~. I , ■ - 1/6; Bin.. 3/11; 10in., 5/6: . White, and Grey, 4/11 pair. ' nAINUNCKLnItrb, Single Or ' "" " ; § :_ z . • • • 12i ": 5/6 - ' : _ ; —I Boxed, are A SMART BAG is always - I " HOSIERY IS A NECESSITY, and always i // A\ for all - LADES' SOFT Kp HANDBAGS, with outside I : HOSIERY IS A NECESSITY, and always // \\\ a,h v V^i^AlZlkfs e7 S . " £•- j i *», , i_, ' // \ t• u t « oriAjj uaxn jju A(a£s, fitted with purse and 1' l ; . ' finds a welcome as a Christmas Gift. // 1 \ '"lied L H Wn dk Elt !i !r f i ' mil h° sak linings ~ l4 ' /6 ' "/«. si/*. to e 42/6 ' Tttfil ~- , A,- W&--. —3/3 pair. 14/6.15/11 17/9 18/6 19/ fit« ! >K#VA -■ m »/11, 11/6, 14/6, 17/6, to 87/6 each. • I * -I?l»Bw?F N*«iWL 4/11 nair Tan Brown firpv TTo«m Xv range oi designs, 7d, — l/o, 1/9, 1/11 to 5/11 each. f*. 1 • 1K ! '"'' S# • iPTiPTriAi" c-ttv TTrtnn -.v. Poneee Sw Saw iq/fi D T' " Bd, 9d, 1/-, 1/3, 1/4, FANCY FLORAL SILK "MING TOY BAG," with Sk 1 Msm* WWm ARTIFICIAL SILK HOSE, with MORLEY'S wnw mv nnSp 1/5 ' 1/6 2/3, 2/6, to vanity fittings—79/6, 85/6, 87/6 each. M 1 iWj^,*?^,BlsV bHET - Lis-le feet and wide carter tons* muiujiii & bPUN SILK HOSE, „„_ 7/fi ns>rh <3TT Tr VANTTV rA<3TT<3 w ,». fI«.;. M j • _ lu'Mii&-~~ ■ W lUnwK ■ M Black, White, and self clox; Black, Saxe, Grey SPECIAL FOR THE « W Y« T „ M SILK VANITY CASES, with fittings and mirror- ffjj | V* 5/11 pair. v. iours Fawn, Navy—l 7/6 pair. CHILDREN. Swiss Lawn Handker- BLACK PATENT TFiTTOR rAwrouw w »»i™, W , I ™ ttot TTPT?nr»Tr> uncr on j? i _ chiefs, with hemstitch BLACK FAIbNT LEATHER CANTEEN VANITY v^ m ■ Wmmm^^}•*s& ARTIFICIAL SILK HOSE, with H „Sf?2?ri„? £?£. S k m-! d ' Dainty Coloured Card-, or fancy edge em- BAGS-39/6, 42/6, 47/6 each, to 63/-. BLACK MOROCCO HANDBAG kl * I l ' ■ %WA cotton feet and wide garter tops; Grey Tavv-7/Tl niir h6 ' board Box containing brpidered m various CANTEEN SHAPE BAGS, .Black Patent Leather, lined, inside as UlS'traSt-'" N ! ,M: . IMk Grey, Palm Beach, Bronze HOLEPROOF iS &, Lisle o^er^Ht^^'" S^i Ktf -th rairro r and pur S e-£3/9/6 and 25/6. Other IMces, 10/6,15/6, 19/6, . (' I Wit P^ E i?° SE « COt " NaVy ' Child -- i\ V & *£k Jg™ BLACK MOmE SILK HANDBAG I IPS ton feet 4m. suspender tops; BLACK AND WHITE SILK I "*' Z2 e * du handllS/ll SPs/11 ' mth " ng « tted . mirror and purleifatSr' | I S g,Wh.te, and eight colours , and f eet-7/U, J ' —J | shapes g^og^-^g- | .' - '-iflL "' "~" ~™~ ~~~" " : ~~ r * "1 are a de,i B htful OTHER USEFUL GIFTS. <^ - !- »-™.^MAy^^^...„r^^ and effective Blouses and Sports Coats orm of jdb " Melba " Soap , Perfume,, and Xm • I ?v '"" : - r '"'- : tfiat Wake a sensible and acceptable present. ~i ai^ l f ac f Powder, in Lov'-me, fIW, I J i H . Silk Crepe Sunshades, 4,8 *i*iM-™tiHnrmmismri*ri*W £ mbreBouquet ' Lilac, and JJHM " » I ■..;•.*■. |— ■■'**!§? VOILE BLOUSE, with square The Sketch deoicts a smart in Cream shade, with E4 5 ~ Black Morocco Music ffimßS§!k Wiatena, in fancy Helio- rf^f^^ 1 '|; - "• \«- J neck, daintily trimmed with style of SPORTS COAT • ' BIUe ' ? reen ' m ? ck JSI> a Case-17/6. |iH £$« box and fancy ftiffl&Wk I i X>f Imitation Filet Lace, fas- that if hoth A / J& £ 0ln f t /^" d ing %Pf»ffli Also Music Rolls in Black 111811 22% 97~e 5/6 V IO/6 ' 15/6 I// iMSSk. 1 1 / tening on shoulder—Price, that is both fashionable A / handle, 35/6 each. /OT »-WfeSS7 Patent Leather—ll/6 each, |PW' , I 22/6, 27/6 each. M liMmsk 1 (■; /Ct\ A 21/ '« able a ßlac a k and W- m ~ iK /OfflMU P1?i " SUk Sunshades, ■ ' /Of and Suede, 17/6 and 22/6. ||jiß|(Ji.,», f Bo^ s Fancy Bottle, in fancy ■ ■ W^W^lSk ~ ' / r/ll PH\-° ;>///».* "-'\ Cloth ' in Lemon » Nattier, mul k W\Ya//Mf Floral Silks, in exqui- iimf \\ l baeked Haip glass box—lo/6 eachf S r, lO - I I ' /4^^'f?v : |i/&ffl- "H A DE^r7v^? 1 Brown, Purple, or Fawn, J l'\W//Mi site colourings, 47/6, Ut: \\ MII Fll-Visiting Purse of Pin Brushes, in "Melba" Face Powder, in F^( StS P 1 ianc ? I IV \ with roll ?oIW i L ?V SE are shewing in these plain /i \Wllffli 55/6, to 97/6 each. ffl S3 W Seal, with inside division- leather case, fancy box, with Chamois- InTshed il I 1 \vVlffTnmi''l **£ ° 11 hewn 1 n g in colours at 84/-. Any will M / WM i Hand-embroidered Silk Wy.H 'M 5 ' 11/6, 15/6, to 29/6. 21/6, 24/6, " o/6 each. 12/6 ;"otheTpScS^7^ I !" \"\ I 1 J V&BfflE/ sizes—Price 42/ g a be found effective cut /-CflJ * \\ M Sunshades, in Sky, }H '' %WI Tooled Leather Hand Purse 29/6 Fancy Boxes of 3 Tablets 22/6,27/6 es ' 1//b ' | I \ \M\\ F. II WtraP7 VATit, „ ' ' and finish. /, 1 " ' ir \J Wi £ lnk ' White « and P 1 »«Mi —45/6,75/6. Toilet Soap for Christmas v., To \u ... ~. 1 I \\//IVP /' ftW V ?i LE BLOUSE, shewing WYL&CW Cream, 29/6 each. , '' Miser Purse in Beaded Suede gifts-2/11, 3/6, 4/6, to ? led ather A . Vls * / 1 V/lil t\ "'i \r th new style short sleeve, Another Nice Style of (1 M ',/ Sfff 11 Cream Silk, with Navy Black and White Silk 14/6 and 17/6 15/6 box. '' Purse, Bm. x 4m., 21/6 • 7// \ 1 i'/ \\ f ou "d front, .and collar at Sports Coat in the 111 1 » " stripe border, 47/6; Sunshades, 13/6,16/6, „P, Photo Fr ._. :_ Manicure Set, lined Grey e *" h „ i '!\\ ILi IF! ba ck, with trimming of pin falhionab,"'' f ill Iff Mf 1 also Navy with White 19/6, to 45/6 each. bJ. % ame ', m I Velvet —19/6 23/6 29/6 Self-filling Fountain Pen, j vl I'll T>\ tucks P fashionable Jersey ffl 811 Itl 1/ stripe. 7 *•* Also Black Moire Sun- tfL« f* ft'' 0 io 42 /6- ' 9/6 and 7/6. Gold nib \i /// ft Filet Insertion, Cloth . '» obtainable I ffl \II (I Helio Chiffon <1n n .1..A. shades with smart with convex glass-16/6. V -~- reliable in every way. - !>*■■ -■' '/ ij/.f Iffipß. i? obtainable ' in Navy, Rose, Bottle W/P4ffl»l in fancy s tvl?tr?m handles, 18/6, 22/6, Gilt Photo. Frame, Sin. x 6in., A S^^SETsTlk , ' i I ■■■-('■ fllial p" n tn, Green, Emerald, Grey TOTfIMI l|£tl/ *" k ™' Plain tS..'m«?'Colour. »>«> convex glass-27/6 /\ B t^fk I I A THE SKIRT illustrated is of 113 \/ciT t - ™„„, m „ "" Navy Silk, 85/6 each. 11/6. 14/6, to 25/"' Re? Rose-10/re^n! a ° d |T 1 " . Check Sponge Cloth, and ffi|| VEILb. FINE HEXAGON MESH VEILS, with self coloured W\WP Fl6-Infanta' Silver Brush 1 1 Smart ffiffl SSCvS3/."JS* Cream ' Navy ' --• G - « D — —___ n W# Comb ' set S — f 1 Skirt. Prlle^- G w„ KIr( , /-h "7", « I ■ss»T "S*™«« ; -« : r s Milne £r Choyce, L ,d 'ss=JJsz.i:i::pps=H f "IS- Queen Street :: Auckland 'SS .I#S : 2'fitf^ I | " — i . - each v high—B/6 pair. 2/11, 3/11, to 15/6. ' i II 27/6. 35/6, to 49/6. j \ Case, in floral Sateen, 9/11. E4B—Yardley Eau de Cologne I m ~ , _ / I ■ Other prices, 5/11, 7/6, and Lavender Smelling 1 -■_-wq HmTTr --- T __ " ~ " " "' — ■ Vfc—-,)/ ■ ■ ■ 12/6, 15/6, to 19/6. Salts, with fancy glass I

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17348, 20 December 1919, Page 18 (Supplement)

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Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17348, 20 December 1919, Page 18 (Supplement)

Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17348, 20 December 1919, Page 18 (Supplement)