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UPPER SYMONDS STREET *~L— ... . I The Shopping Centre i' • ■ ■ ■■■■ m ft * * ' %5P fit ' , * l * waw " , ' BIBI^B*«'M«M»BBM«matt'BMBHBBimmiWHB«MB^ N»%? I !«SS I *.« 1 [! IONDB STREET BUSI. I | , JL I BRING ALL THE CHILDREN TO SEE I NESS ASSOCIATION wishes everybody a « HAPPY CHRIST- j fl 11 If flTh pall ferN 1 ! DECORATED • ALSO TO SEE FATHER PHRKSTM&* a*m ta I

— i ----- -' i • '-, IpIZZ!—SL "—» ' l»»»-»»»»»~*y — • ■ Jft. "« ■ ■ * ag "-«g~J:" - ' JBS=g <" ■ Bb^—m^m-^^m^^m^^m—^bmbb^hum^b^Jl MnffTM... I *M •' |T ! Popular Footwear at OFFER'S, ! j& o -| TUTT'S 1 3 Our Wish E! X ("v™ j A XmaS Present 1 UCSIPfIPIC GiftS fOr /CflldStt ITo a,! our readers ' and to all our customers, town and country, | J/K 1 I I •» that you will have a real joyous Christmas, and that 1920 will ■ $Mi \l| Wt& \ ■ Hk § H""™" W™\> H"**"" i&L I ff*% I - abe a year of great prosperity. If there are any CHRISTMAS or I **l|l tB 11. \ >X a I%&J IS™"™ [1 ■I ■ H"** %few ■ ..- I HOLIDAY wants that you have overlooked, get them TO-DAY, § w SL >v 1 a]| I 1 I9WMr ■' I " € U Ibl H/ * Al II MA ■ and aVo ' d the 9 reater rush ' S " bW A 1 ***>J ■ ■■— *■—■ 1 ■ I dlHia&ie Wear lOr U1& HOlldayS. | NEW WASHING SPORTS COATS, just arrived, and special j white canvas oebby'lhoes- S in UPPER SYMONftS <*T I I value— 1 lifli. ism, «/•, is?n. t»/«. | '» trrtif aimunua si., 5 All Indication* point to a warm, dry spell in the immediate 1 '. : Nc ' 32^^£^ ,d COURT32/8 " ' court shoW-V/i™ 'X'urn. 1 1 future, and both the above, which ean be selected from the fol- » NEW GABARDINE, SKIRTS, Tussore, V. Rose, Grey, Cream I we arrowing' anic range of 21 /«. «/J 1 -., d _ air DoStajse 2 ft fUp vallltf* of 2OH I tildes I towing list al Tutt's, will prove suitable and desirable for both 1 B™nds, with new stripes and checks-19/11. ( w k . B rn°^ n anl, re^ J,7«. and write ffiMffiGGifa. 2 l ° «■«■ VdIUC OI £. gUIRCaS. | MMttAtftttt__ B A Bfi 821*1 V "wSUaJJII •JO* fa B purpose I NEW TROPICAL SUITING THREE-QUARTER CtTATS, plain - oifflK I Kb.%°»>it T ti?i H i?»ii. I SILK SPORT COATS-Ordinary Price, 7 guineas. CHRISTMAS 1 PANAMA HATS-12/6, 14/6,16/6, to 27/6. S -and striped. The ideal holiday coat-47/6. ■ I p^ Int321 nt 32 «/«. «/«. iFS. ' PRESENT PRICE-5 guineas. These are beautiful garments I BOYS* PANAMA HATS-8/11 1078. I .THE NEW MUSHROOM HAT, trimmed to wear. Brown, Navy, I 32/11 ' %B' W pair poU». ' mtSsXJB? | in "i* stripes of Black and Mauve, jade with Black, Black § BOYS PANAMA HATS-8/11, 10/ B. 1 mastic, and has the new small crown _ Price, 9/11. - , 1T VALUE IN C I, S WHITES flHif I and White, Bottle Green and Blue Strjp6 ' ad Wi,! be pedueed | STRAW BQATERS-S/S, 10/8, 11/6, 13/6. 5 'I great valu t e immilds whites |B|\ B in price by 2 guineas for Christmas week. i ■ 1 CHILD'S WHITE 1-BAR SHOES— SI bbWJjV m » A large variety m WASHABLE HATS-2/6, 2/11, to 4/6. I' We want all our Mail Order friends to call on us when they J iilts'/iV.- «B 1 HEAVY SHANTUNG COSTUMES, in all sizes-Ordinary Price I CREAM GABARDINE TROUSERS-17/6, 21/-, 24/6, to 35/-. ! come to town-make yourself known to us. This enables us. to - CHILD'S^ lac echoes- I 7 guineas. CHRISTMAS PRESENT PRICE-5 guineas. I MEN'* ALPACA COATS 1,1. Ie x, an d ,trin« ».«!,.« ,5 understand yoUr wants better, and thus to render you better I FOR d THE^MAL t L P ONES. «». i Smartly made, well cut and tailored, and will be reduced in I MEN« ALPACA COATS, Slack and stripes, all sizes-very special I service. | TI-bar B doeskin. «_3/11. Ml— I price by 2 guineas for Christmas week | value at til** 1 ■ 4/8, 4/11 «*. r Mi 1 ' , I ■ Add 2d pair postage. . || I -..„.. „,.,„.. «*«•»«.«..• ■.i lnF ,*. . ■ '■ — , I CHILD'S 1-BAR DOESKIN SHOE— m II GENT/S CELLULAR COTTON UNDERWEAR—SingIets, 2/11 j ■ I 7-19-8/6. 11.1-1/0. ■ I Knee Orawen e 3/11. 1 :'"--«.'—• ' Ay '\ % ... 1 ■ TENNIS AND CANOE SHIRTS-i/6,9)6,10/6. i m| I 4 C_ I C fed IT IT% T\ ET tai Q I An irtfimte variety of TIES and NECKWEAR of all descriptions- 51Ii IMM l-i IIMVI J. J § OFFER. O I SNEDDENS . I | I%J JLJ JCil Li §jL JLICI. ■ Th M* * *V. 4J J H-ULfLpI 1 | SILK COLLARS, all shapes and siaes, In white tussore and colours. ■ «... + •—— I *" Ce .'--«*. *«. ■ in I ; All at T«tt»t Faw*us Low Prices. ■ >»%! .« . « ... . l>»v I Qr Ar p<; 186 Symonds St 171 SymondsSt S "1 OylTlOnaS air€€l» I J Tj Top o'Symonds Strict, Auckland | X J 3& ° rCs> and at Kingslandc " (■» I | BBBmmißrW** M^irtTr ,M **"*'*''"'*"**''**~i7" , T CT —ninirr™°*Tim'iiii """ nttt»mm "in iiimßiiiiiiiiiiniß.iiniiimiinißMHWiiiiiiniiiiiir"Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii in ii i nniiniiiiimiiiii nnm mllniiiiiniinimn —miiuhlumii—mmiiiwiijunminnnwiia■ wiiibiwiiwin■ —m—m■ wi —wnwwbitbiill■ iaii —hih BBaWBBB^»BBW»»«"^ M,BB "B"*' l, **" M i^ g^MB""™M| B*B^ g^*"E^— *MBBBM^MBBaBa»BBMI

The Very Best in I Leather Goods .X jXSfpB 1 i Wiseman's. TOmiD\| iA Lsa&ef GaVfe always acceptable. It's useful Ml fflffi fel )T and carries an impress or quality. As Leather Si MM v> I Craftsmen of over half a century's standing we HI a/jPh K ican confidently recommend the Leather Goods * r we are showing. for Xroas Gifts. Highest grade « I beautiful goods a a pleasure to show. < % ifropti, Gjatij&&®&&tQ!&XS&&&&t}& ' Ladies' Handbags. ¥ Salt Case* g; ' g Blouse Cases. jg Brief Bags. # . i., -.. <■£ M ... i, - ' I - Attache Cases. • § Rag Straps. ■'. ,*'*'= g flOlluSty g Purses and Card Cases. g !Cake Forts In Cases. €> ,-, «« 3 Hat Boxes. X Carvers. ; | 1 r&VCIICrS. g Pokered Cushions. V? ! Stainless dsrtlery. . ' 8 S . . Photo. Frames. g | Cigarette Cases, Etc. §We can supply your § Afternoon Tea Spoons. g Wristlet Watches., § cvcry requirement in I Perfumery. g SeettisM Requisites. K «• i 1 i>. *_ i a Soaps and Sponges. T ."v "- r & highest quality travel- <f - /U, : _.? „, .. fe Indoor Games. * & «- V c i • § Cat Glass and Sl,ver Toilet V? Fishing Rods. I | Img goods. Everything | Table Requisites. g Card Cases. \ § oin A* handy little g Silver Vases. jC , ; Wafting Sticks, t f Suitcase to the mam- f Hair Brushes. v { Maste Cases. § mo th Trunk for over- g Manicure Sets. K I Fitted Dressing Cases. g „.,. h..«11m» A I Hot Water Bags S f Leather Calendars. g ""» ?f C A 3 Shaving Stands. I iOantlessea's Hair Brashes. H *Pl cndl a s«echon. g Trinket Boxes. g Slaving Sets. k ' 3 Razors. $ Fea Knives, Etc.* Etc. Wallets, Etc., Etc. | i Gentlemen's Hair Brashes. E «Pl endld s«echon. g Trinket Boxes. g Shaving Sets. g g Razors. | Pea Knives, Etc., Etc. Wallets, Etc., Etc. | § We list above a host of other articles suitable, and will be pleased to give you every help & 3 I towards a satisfactory choice. Early shopping is advised. k

; gfr "Garment replaced if colour fades " Hp '! 1118 JN world-wide esteem for soundness of [i*Pi ! i t = i=; A fabric and fastness of colour, and in ample IMS ->• choice for smart frock, tailored suit, overall or •'Spl 84: • children's wear. Sold with the above guarantee. pill * » i §T-" "J DURO CAMBRIC DURO ZEPHYR DURO GINGHAM |:Btel 1 |„ .;. duro PIQUE duro SUITING DURO shirtings WSM , -f" "_ Dyed and Manufactured by Ijljlllall ) 7- C"\ BURGESS, LEDWARB & CO. LTD., MANCHESTER |jj| ) ;' _- AND OBTAINABLE FROM ALL THE LEADING DRAPERS AND STORES. pjfili \ Bi - ■ iii vr- llllilliilliii^B til - ■-, ■■■: .. -;.„ ,~r - ::p>- - .-, ■grgssjli

The Greatest Name In Goody-Land. . fezZj THE &z?l is H ilji iiujj,. k PI fc.aC6TifL.iCiJ WiliiaMliMlilllliliJlll I I flml J If/iiuWi -*» •> » e> tight fe v*vJiflHiS Will II If (In hUb I KlfflUMmnTrt 111 IHilmiy 6 big bars tight ffi ai ,^^ipPi^pif r oMtf-bare KEPT %-. "Ik % 41 *** •**■**" right >|k ->A % % packet JBs[s * L- WM-WRI6LEVJR.€Oi I irusa paa oat Well. 1) |R3g!S£ — ■Host Holbr&oiz. || W^^^^L^OF'S^E^ Pour afcwdropspf Holbrook's V --JpJSjE* l pOlSf DjSH5\ !. j "Sauce into the "stew-pan just X ' JL "nKG^^^^ : 1 after you take it off the fire, \&rr£Bmffl Wfl\&W&j)t m L ''ira awTIS I and stir well. You will be m£ W t JfllL&l»Xfaßi delighted with the lovely ill 'l^^^^K^^^H ■ l flavour of the dish. Jf I [| |g| ~P|p^n^"***l ;1 f Iki*"?* Cofoe bjr espjy f »1 •» « rfjrSii v DOttrioE on bo3stc watab » S| MAI B"***fe ■*% 4*fe 4*% liy *<!**"*» taW Jl IRAIPi 1 i. Yoa "sulk ead■ tsspf** 1 I BROOK Sauce I «a«p *»«**«« J * 1 H (iM^L—Jalli—§B Ladte* find it 6 tress»» II 5 I HOLBROOKES HOLBROOKS I | PPNr^^..^7™«.Jt»i,^l%3 §.\ WORCESTERSHIRE SAOCB. PORE MALT VINEGAR (to bottle). 1 aestertUlßßSt g^g C~l ~. . ... _ j- ■-{ ' — D.St«W|.W.taMrair(M ' '

) "■■■■'"-""■■■r'iiiiiirTiiT "fTiTTTTiI ITTIHIIMIMI Hi TiTTI ■ r i iTTi i 1 n iiiliiiil I, II 11,1 1 ! I ' For Happier Outings I Take a KODAK KODAK picture-making is easy—no study, no special skill, no tedious practice is necessary— & you can learn to use a Kodak in half-an-hour. Everything can be done in daylight, from the putting of the spool of film into the Kodak to the printing of the finished picture. We have Kodaks from 451', and Brownies from 111-. i At SUCKLINGS you get an Expert Demonstration and Free Instruction. We want to help every Kodak user to obtain the best possible result*. Come in —we will help you to 7 choose the right model for your purpose. Illustrated Catalogue is yours for the asking. SUCKLINGS " The Kodak People " 52 QUEEN STREET - - AUCKLAND ! AUo it 109 Caehel Street. Chriitchurfh. •*s- ' *-38 ........ .i .. r . , .. I

■"i ■" a ii "" 1 "■" ■-■»■!; -, ■ ;—',',,, . a .'., ■■„. '„ ,_ : ■■ • ■■■"— ; I ' I "Costs less per month of service." I 1 j! A BETTER BATTERY ASSURED. |; ' A BATTERY FOR EVERY MAKE CAR. j| (' Consult mo before buying' elsewhere. <, ,» ''VESTA " Patented Construction Reduces Battery Expense. '[ !•' REPAIRED Station." RECHARGED !' >' Vesta Service Station." Ji IST 111 IDT lin custom st. w. |; ft. & I. DUK I - LIU., AUCKLAND, j! ]! P.O. Box 909. Phones 491, 1923' 2581, 3758 j»

/3, a\. (#pk LONG, LONG TRAIL% *f%^ N ' N \ Bugs, Fleas, « \;V'\\ Flies, Beetles, 'B Mosquitoes, H fas etc., I all killed by B IfFATING^ BRITISH / - - ' MADE ! By Special Appointment so His Excellency [ the Earl of Liverpool, K.C.M.G.. M.V.O [ PORTERS DYE WORKS. > LEADING DYERS > And [ DRY CLEANERS I Of the Dominion. I Head OffioS xabcrnack Works, L Bides.. Kara.32a.bape Kd... . Bp«ro. [ Auckfahd •' -" '- 'Vbanr-.'. -in >•:*-■! 1 All Country Grdeu XteujUe Siwual AiiouUu. i

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17348, 20 December 1919, Page 13 (Supplement)

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17348, 20 December 1919, Page 13 (Supplement)

Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17348, 20 December 1919, Page 13 (Supplement)