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'""** * ' "* " ' ...•■' ' ' 1 '"1 1' " • Slo**p Tyres sill Accessories.. . : " '-. ~ '"~ ' ''v a * t— —: — rr'—-~r I T ' Steclaiar Statsliser : supports •• the i- ; '•"■-i- ?^D j l t : Ajdei •benol Radius Rod.—John W. Andrew. Aiick- ; TJSF. CLWOHEB Oaoßß CAB TYRES • :'-»w' 'l?,^R 0 5''^ tt,^*-3 ' Btta ''oa Wsgest miteage. Supplied by all carats. " .. [ .PULLAN, ABMITAGE AND C 0. , ;-'.' ' \ ;--.. ■ ■ Vii'n'i '••||.;' . ._.. Aackiaad' Ageata. ' ; /' , Motor•■ Carages, 7" ' ,'= , ,^Sy~-^:^^o9-"b7 ' -* „ m ■ ; MOTOEISTB",;- , -~."'• •" -. STANLEY MOTOR GARAGE, bIANLEY MOT OB GARAGE, IN ~ STANLEY- . STREET, , "- - attend to all; your: motor rrequireaVata; . :: jOwncra-sof Private Care and of; Taxifc le&vp .them at tlna Garage confident of c receiynrjr the- best possible attention. Our JJSSmit,-S' ecatea a trained staff of ■'■ SfS^iSSf ls^B^'-I '-- STEAM. AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, no "boys . heme employed, ; W*'-: : seU..".S3ECONI>BANB CABS and .'*# ' ?'iaeed to give our ADVICE AND Clteats. - ."'"-.../ . la. ; — Savage\33rrea., Witlard Batteries, "Wiiiias Acceesories, and all Sundries;.' - « F.* :F. EEONPEUX A.I.M E. - ",8,T.) : , Certificate, - ■"•' *'' : ■' _.-; . .'. •■Manager.;; Motor Repairs. ENAMELLING. Motbr-csra----'We haw iiuit -, : erected.special ! rooai and :p?ans, : .';«m«' are ustna the finest enamel, in the world; Enamel wears better than varnish; easier cteaaed.—COUSlNS AND ATEIN,, >-OfSSm Street, -, . •■" ,'"-'.:-.;:;: .'■;•..?•■'".•;■ " •,.;... •*" ' : K../i-\^.."--.i : .' Motor-cars tor Hire* ALPHA TAXI GARAGE. , PONSONBY. -" L Car a for Hire alt; night and day. ■'•'■' 'Phones 5J632M2 andijrmgsK-V;.. PETER A, SMITH, Proprietor. Machinery ior Sale. GAS Engine, Capell, auction, 24 h.p., jrood ' as now; with -at without "producer.— Appleton, Parniell, Rise; 'phone 3566. KE3S.MATH Marine Motors—l2-3&^:-M'd 28 h.p. unit Power Plants.—Mactae, Safe Distributor, Box 13*5. P. 0.; G. v I4an«ll. Jaar., Agent for Otamatea District. Kaiwaka. MAGNETO, Bosch, 4-cylindcr, in good order, for Sale. ;cheap.-^Windmill Garage, ; :Kawnagahapn.:Bd. ' ' ■ ■■■"' . " ""** " "'-'■>■',•■ Iforses aiid Veßlcles for; Sale. s . " HORSES and Cartel 2, for Satef alsa set _ of *Harnessv~H,- E« Oldins. Batcher. : Grey Lynn. -■''■ -v "'•. --v. ■, -..■■-?,'<, • ■'■• ■• ■/;% ;''s«PßlNG: ;; .Cartj...i-1-f.teaL-- also full set Heavy i ; 0..' Harness, good order.—32, Pine aft '; Dominion Be. Tera.inus. ■.a " -.■.""-•' ~^..y" ■' TROTTING "Staliibn;^.f@cwptianaSj!'- : "-well bred; race--wihaer and sire of winning : stock. —' For. fall particulars, write Trotter, 535, HBKAX.D. -■ >- • ■-.. ...*■ - , ._ „ YNDHAM YARDS. 42. Wyndham St.^ _ppij. ■;:■ chutch.-i-V*hiofes ! Bought. Sold; ' and Eicnsngedi' Have for. Sale.-.Carta from £10, Gigs, Hooded (splenaia,' order). Tax Cart seat• 4 'aauite,: maQ patent axle. 7 ■ ftrst-clyw oraer; alto. "Hooded.. CtaH^oiM' ; - JjJ-ORLEYS, LTD., B^BHAM M.'mm!. ' .■;■ -.Postal.' Address; Box^^l."''-'Aucklandl \". Milk Waggon, elevated seat. 2 ton. :.' Milk J Waggon, jasi built, 30cwt. • ■■.". Spring Cart, very" handyi'lOCTrt.* "-'' • 'Stylish,' handsome JDoitibre Buggy, Light Singleiseatßusgy.hbbbyi '*'': •■ - '..G'ij^,'.rubber ! 'tyres, Ssshaft. -"..- '■'.•»-' - . GiSi IS-sbrmg;lS-sbrmg; and Set Harness; ' . **■ ■*■ :, ,'• Spring: Trap, light, feats. •.' ■- ."• Springr Tip-cart. , - • ' '- Pony Twip, good.** ... : . - ... ■•■:- Farm Waggon, atooag. . . '~.-. ■■■ Saddles, Harness. . --■ -". - ";:^.. "'■..'' ' lIP VO- ,'K^ : :'"*:«■ ■*■ $' _'A '&:'"'£. : ■'•""• OUR ''SPECIAL; ; WAGGON,' , ■ : Fall lock; douol#-purcha3o brake,... • ■■"■'.' Also, I '. '»'.■ " .-......;.-. - SECOND-HAND SPRING CART. ■:.- v„ .In^ifood-ordct, 1 - ■ '-*--' 1 Bnbber-tyred 6/Jg;.l Bußber-tyred Buggy. ; S. BARB. Vulcan iron WORKS. , : Queen. Street, Oneh,unga. ' " i. ' , ■ in ii t .in Horses and Vehicles Wanted. HORSE (plough), good* wanted "lb hire; v or wouldvtake one or two partly or un- : broken -' ; horses 1 •- for .V time.— S. > Bainbridge. .-:Manarewa,.:.•.' .;••■■;-'■'•, ■..■"'..' ■.'"•' - : "-;..;; .' ■'• LORRY;' flat ; top;>in good order, -wanted ta Bnyy-C* H. Gillilaiji Victoria St. ''"_■ ■■: - Live Stock for Sale. '.;.-.' , T '"' ;I' ;; !'./ y\', n ,' •','■[ •>'.-.'". '.''l^..' 1 . ' . . .. ."'""' "■ — HEIFER, ShOrllhorta, choice, just calved; --perfectly atiiet.—Apply Marry Walker, ' R o^b'*u^: v /Av6ndalei;. J ?-> ~y y?::^-;^ ~,'.. 3(\ COWS, -Choice Herd, in milk and .Jitf. \/:.:calve;: guaranteed sound and clean, f. Prw»ii£ls 130 a pe/" head.—C, B, Lover, Te 1 Kmti ..■ -■ ■:■-■ ■■ ■- - -.-;., : .- -' '~. , I4je and Dead Stock Wanted. PIGS, Pigs. .'■ Pies.- r 9la * per lb "■' grvea for "'• dressed" porkers an3""bftconera: ■•■- from 801b to 1601b weight. , , s ; : E, STANSFIELD, Fork Butcher., ?i • 159. Karaagahape Bd,, Auckland. - /" ;, Businesses '-tor Sale. ■' ;■ CENTRAL Diaingrooms. Hamilton. Going ■ KJ. concern. . Owner leaving ,on ■ account of ' illness.-—Central Diaingrooma, Hamilton. CITY, Bestaurant for Sale; good, business doings—67, corner, Hobsoa and Victoria -sts, "■■*■> ". ■:::>■■ ' .■'./■,,:. •y^y^;^' 'tNOUNTRY Newspaper *nd' Job-Printing : v Business, complete plants: flourishing town; gift jC120.-r-Type, 89$. Hbbau>. aEOCEBY . Business, doing £20,000 annu:\X ally; large ekop, dwelmigs. price, including " gooditrilh £1025. Stock >on lernas.^-^ ■ Saov?. Agenf. Waihi, ;." '""'•,'';:- - ; :";, r , MANUFAt>3. ! ÜBLNG Business, easily mas-* ?'-'t«redj large'profits; economical labour unlimited scope: success' assarted good organ- ■ A&iJ&ZO-— Fortune 873. HsaAi.P. ; "■■■■ -■■ - ■ Houses and Land for Sale. GENTLBMAN'S RESIDENCE.'? ROOMS, XX Built of Sound Kauri, With all conveniences, loose-box and trap or '.'.t.v -",*■■■ ■' mdtbrshed.' " '" ■ '- Beautiful Garden of Trees, Shrub;, Bulbs, 'vr%V I Lemon and other Frttit Trees. r'—-« 7 .' iMUST SELL. £1-160.' HARROP " AND MEDLEY, ' ■~-.' . , 18> Shortland Street. ! •pPSOJi, » NEAR . BANFURLY ' ROADI MODERN -BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, well built, and tastefally, decorated all latest conveniences, including electric light, porcelain bath, califont, gas range, etc. Large volcanic allotment : beautiful soil. Immediate possession. Price, 5 £1150..-. ■';.:... . .',.,,". '.•.,:•. ; W. D. McLEAN, :' :-; -"■■ ' ' ; Imperial Baildmgß. TpREEHOLD FARM. 108 ACRES.— X ; permanent stream, 13 paddocks; House, 5 rooms, bathroom, scullery; cowshed (10 bails', hayloft, 3 other buildings. Shop, with 5 rooms;-farm, abuts railway, station, within 1 rnils^ suburban station; ideal cuffing-up propOHitionf Quarter-acres, near- statioa, worth & stt' to £65. Fawn, milk supply to town, £4S per -acre, " - • CHARLES CRISP. Taupaki. , ; j'V mm jl.l. ..... ........ 'I" 1 2g-ACRE DAIRY FARM. I Good land, in a good district, 26 miles ! South: 1 mile store, P.O.* creamery, and [ school: 4 miles station and saleyards. House, ; 5 '..;,-rooms, and sheds; 14 paddocks, -well watered: carry 40 cows- Price. £35-per acre. : Terms, half cash, or concession for all cash; * '! Apply ' BARGAIN, 712* iHSISAia). EEMUEBA— £1775-MODERN ff-BOOMED ■:■. ..RESIDENCE,, thoroughly renovated; doable room, . 89ft 'by 15ft- study, 'Isjt by 15ft, etc.: balcony, steeping porch; lovely views; grohhda lit beautiful order; situated On the sunny"waterside; bfiMft/Habsou; lmia to tram. Owner-leaving and must sell immedi»tely.—l3ig RIDINGS ROAD. ; ,-jyr;ASSEY ' jbOAD; jy-ANGERE;" " 44 A CBES ' COMPACT VILLA, 5 ROOMS Call ■ j large) arid conveniences j wash-house, with copper and tubs, under main roof; large shed. etc. .... Good garden, lawn, with 4$ acres in grass. For quick sale, as owner is leaving dtetrict. Cash, £275: Mortgage. £1000J^EMUEPA.- & <£& ■ 4 G *ES. COMFORTABLE VILLA, 6 ROOMS, 'In aood order; nice garden: good view; over 200 ft frontage 53 paddock. Nice iittle property. Only £1650. " Terms as arranged. rpHE TQRTVE, •gPSOM.NICE BUNGALOW, 5 ROOMS, all conXi venaences, h. and c. water, return and back, verandah, reception hall 13 by 6- well finished throughout; £1075. Terms arranged. " . TjIDENDALE . "ROAD (NEAR ELIZABETH STREET). ROUGH-CAST BUNGALOW, 5 BOOMS; attached wash-hOuse. Only Istj; %%& gm ?ff h i,„ n £*"&*■ was improved" should be worth £760 , ' ea pOKENO ALLEY - (^<^TAB^^sl#°lb 6MS - feed bush; hilly country. £1750. usn '■"., (--'V-^ET-atjLi^- |jpIWCOMBi ' ■; ■ * ■ HIS. MAJESTY'S ABCADA - ,;: '. ■'■'iK : d>+ . -~.'"'■-..'..' :--H', .-:;- L ..." , '.-^-.-''w : .0, : ; .v:,,.■-.. : 'i"'

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17229, 4 August 1919, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17229, 4 August 1919, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17229, 4 August 1919, Page 2