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' '-' "•'' ' '■■•'■" "■'■*?"'''• ':'"' X^'i' '■'■ '''"'i^.'V;i":4'iv"?S^S :'*■.:'■"•'. "'"'. , >- : . virT*™*-• -» \"» -*." ," ■ ' - - < . i , .UNT7ERS£TY AHEAP," - "/..;':;/// COLLEGE, RIFLES BEATEN Maichee ia th* Auckland Hotkey, Assets* -?y boa's championships were played at S«[nuera on Saturday. The principal fixture, between College Rifles -and University, related ■in a wis for the latter teanv ±his patting them in the lead for chatepionahip nonpars. .-Mount -Eden defeated ■, Traiuinr College,, Arota beat Edendale, Somervell defeated Ponsonby. arid St; Luke's recarsred a bye. Details of the matobes^i^y^-^^,,^. L<NIVER3ITY V. COLLEGE BIBLES. The teams weres— . . -'-'< -College Rifles.—-Leprae, Korassa, Hbtspocl, «sston, Sw-aa,.Bjiildon, B. Garrard, W. Garrard,. Fletcher. Hailand. Grayson... , ... - , Garland, ' Eeante, Aiders. Bartieet, Clayton. GiieeTEton, Carr. Harman, . Waddinghain. University were the first to attack, bat College Rifles, returned, and play, titled down at. nudfield. Harland put in : some good work, bat Beanie cleared;" A coupfe ; of xoll-uias went in favour .of. A sd Garrard and Fletche* took- the ball to the circle. BarUeet pat in Bonte-good defeaiatfe play, sad Rifles .were soon-pressed.. • jUi ; exchange „of nits between Preston and Clayton terminated fa the College van/sending the ball across the line. University conceded*, corner and W. Garrard scored. College Rifles. 1, University 0. University attacked again, from the bully, bat the Rifles soon rushed play across the line. However. Alders and. Garland await- the effort and rushed the -ball to the Rifles' territory, where, after some Quick; work, e the. circle was reached, and Carr equalised" the scores. University 1, College Rifles 1. -' -Garrard centred a free hit near, the halfway line and the Rifles made a; sally, when a hot shot by Fletcher was well stopped by- Speights -A run by, Grice was stopped at midfield, but Carr received and sent on to Waddineham. University warn keen, and after beating two attacks by the Rifles Carr scored. . "University:fjt College Rifles 1. WaddisgliajaTwas prominent in a farther bin© attack;' man cleared with a fine hit. A series of V attacks by each side developed, and two hits by Preston gave Garrard an opening, his centre resalting in a comer. Just before half-fame a fierce Rifles' attack was stopped by Bartieet, and half-time came with the scores : , ■ University .... -~- „.. < >. 2 College;., Rifles .. ~/•;-...-' '~.. v 1,- ■'■<■. After She bally Waddiagham and Harman wok play- to _ the Rifles' twenty-five, but Baildoa and Sloman ware v ready, and soon a desperate tussle . took placet, in the University circle, where a timely penalty -re- • Iteved the pressure. After soma, fast work the bail reached Waddingham. and he-sent in a.BUCcessfnlshot. University 5t I CijU^E&Rifles ''"-'.' L Th» Rifles attacked pluckily and mafr- :*. aged to Bajn'4he,;Btudeats , *to*a^-fiv^ i ''.-Bit, bully en the aaarter-liae-.-resultejL -doss - stick wor!i became the Ttsle^'and-! the students • '-- ■<'- .were-hard:pressed, Bai±jgejfc;;iuid. Beanie '"■:"-■ -removed., the-danger. -, After .'some danltory -~'SA tactics, a,fait centre frbm^Grice--pas'ttakfen' " Waddingham, and -a"couple of * corners - f resulted., Than, after. more' give-and-take' play. Griei sent, in a ane-ahoCj wMch fonkd the net. The game.respited :~ " > -. -/._ ..:;• .? ~ University ; * .. : ' "' .'. VN ' !-*. ; " >? i'. ; 'T-'-- ; "'■' ;■ College Rifles:;..-. - -.<; .--.. s^»-1..j '■ ■ Mr. J, R.'.. Henderson was referee. '.'■:.: i i ; , IK , -vffiv ' EDENDALE V. AJEJETA. -' The, teams -were?— :-V, • 1 ?-.,-.(, - ■' " ; ' : -"- ; '' ; Hallanif f^backa^Sugiand, - Simpson; - halves, : Robinson, Bishop, Rich- f : i Ii eada; forward* A. Brecon, Cocper, /White, '. - ' Nicholsoa, .'Weatwood. ',:■ EdendaLe.-MooaL Fellows; , fullbacks. W©gt» "-'-" -<- Ricketts;''-halves. Emery;" -Piullibs.S S)avis;. forwards, Moateith. ;-• . Hsivey, J-. Sparkes. Jansen. '-?■. , -■ -... ~. .- ■ , ---■-, _„*. ,-,' -v-.i; . AithoughrEaeridxile won the onening bally, '• -the«: opponents .took and reached'ihe> -rV[-. circle, where'/ssome' close work ensued, : .' Sioketts'beaag pxomraent. •Sparkee Satiated ". :; a ■ counter-attack, and his team. Quickly <■)"• reached : the «pDOsio«r circle. His "railed. , At-thia ? »tag» ; Arete;-ps»ssed-hssrfi%bu4 : -witb.r :,: ~" oat success. However, tha chance came»vaad: Westwbod," taMhs a pass- oa"'the''tircie iedge. sent, in * shot : that beat the . goalkeeper.' --. ; '•; Areta^l,«Bdeaask>i i p., Tbe. Bllscks &tta<iasd :'--:■, aitain, bat the defence wits for tbean. ■•:-. -.-"' Kicholscm. took a shot, bat the gcalkeepar ,'.v. saved. .After give-and-take siow'shdrt \' ■* was. parried■': by '■-:%&» gb&TkeSiser, "Edih- .■■■'.. dale hswrng-rnade » ; . sadden counter-attack, and later,, Nicholson ssmt in "which ; - ■ , struck- a, pfeyers and .lande€riugh. in the ?■■> act. : \Half-lime came -without fturthar, soo», ' '•;■ although ' a-tmicki. rash f?oa-,liaK'ww'r , ' < *: White and'Nicholson, almost succeedeS.-. The- \i, scores wet*;— • -. '-, , . • Ateta • - ...; ..' ,--*-4'r''--i».*r£~»*'. :: .iS \,iT.-Edendale ......,",•.. '•* ,_ •'. ......' 0..-. .; Arota still attacked on reßainitig. and' "a corner ; *J!he r Edendale backs raade.. .;■, ■ eeviaral attempts to vckisr, but -the.. oppoans::'.'■;-;* halfbacks: kept thaen bat. *>■*&*'' length West"wood -got •'» nsafc shot from the leftj. 4 Aset»;\ , Si Eden&lfe, • -t); > •': .oonjinued' to"" presart '■-■ BfiS." 'i' '3nf ' - therKEdesdale ".. wf-twsnty-five. The • Black forwards a*, this stage were confident,. and Mf* Wa^'issSa. ■.■:;• in the circle. - lanssn gofc>-posieisapns6f.>4h<> •--■■ - ball, and.made a fins run, almost -reaching •.' the' Axets : circle before '--neimg the : fullbacksj; : Open" slay, became: .tas> -rate,." ■%\ and then' Nicholson... scored. ■ Arete ' *.* Ed&hdale .0.-, Another.^Areta aiteck> eadeA : *ia' Cooper missinK a-; shot, - bat almost- irhraedi- ~ aWj■ Bishop v scored. ;. ; A«ta -S, * Edendate St..-..; -Hie pace was fast. 7 and ; both: teams ■ attacked . ■ »« intervals, dssultbsy play being the rule» Jansea and Davia "reversed "rhattefs,. .snd '.: '.- reached 1 the ' Black twenty-five, .bat ;&fters«a ."■•■.-,-.'• exciting, sninnte' Areta retained ; the "-'advsa.« If. - before- : time-3.-penalty baSs was/; ■ given against an Eaendale "back,': and Cooper ".-:■ ' B6arod-"Areta?B last.eoeJ. " TheJ ; gaa» ©ndeds— ." " : ; . Areta.' ■■'•■- .". ' : -i'» ... ■■._-■.■• ... , .".... S. ,- .'-'■ Edenaalo ":-;•-:~-ir.. '-• '■*'.-"'t'=-~^** ; -o>s-.-,. * Mr. I*. E- Ecrkm, v-&3 rekico. TRAINING : COUiEGB T> M?. /EDEN. ;; Tha ■ . .-■'>,,. t_ " ■*:,Mount ~Edea£— Goal. r Allen;,' fullbacks, - King, Jarinaa;-halves, McMurtrie, Ct."- Hunt, :;'. Wheeler; ■■ iorwardsi A. Alesai.- -'- dei, Johns, Rankin, B. Hunt. * ._-.„ ," ; . Training Colleger-Goal, Ranch; • luilbacKs, : Trascott. Blackwell; halves; Carr, . Burnett. Bpswell; forwards,-Entwisile'^Saherej:;;aathe- ■ ■/.-/<. son; Mackren,-01pheij;.- . •':' ";. . ;.\. :--":'="l'", n ■ Mount Eden's attack after thi> bully'iruodt.-. . and' Moant Eden's defence .Jil"However, Mouat Eden vrere-sbon" on -shs move:; -; again, -and attacked strongly,; until uE-sicio '; play 'by a Mount plsyer.rhro.aght...the : ;:*:> defenders relief. Alter a serjes'-of tassles -in:.-;.. Mount Eden territory -Mackren, Spherer and . Matheson/iacedLlfor: the goal, and ruacnod..: . the circle; All opposition was beaten I ,rjfcnd - : -•" ] 'Mack»h registered the first, Training .College,, 1; Mount Eden, 0. A few ■ n\mut*s. .; later < Mount Eden * attacked, ■ and'- the forwards, making -&' sarprise: : xuTOl^oaffiedstheir'.«:•. - : oppdaeats- and'-■Aeotee:>'7MonafcrEdeaittl; x '',<.. : Traaaing College, i- ;Soon;'aitar, Mpurit Eden -, •'■ reached-the Collega. circle.'agexn;'ana.Johns; ~v , c scored. , Fast play followed,--ana 'half-tune v , came with the scores;—- '■* :'"«.-,i-% ; a- -••' ' Mount Eden ""." •* .-' "■>:*?s& . ■ Training 7 College .... .-,;.. «». l- -y Mount T Eden attacked from- ,&e_.resuxhing bally, but bad hitting in the circle nnllified.... a scoring effort. College rallied, aadrtsibted the- Mount Eden circle, and; ihekdefenee "was ~' hard -pressed,- two corners,"bei^^^ac^ded.,:;, After'fast and exciting play,: College/ iJ U«I» * a-strong attack, but' were.*bsaten ■ offi;/-aßd, >. Mount Eden returning. Ba BankisVrscafM::;.;/. ' Mount Eden, 3; Training-College,- Zi minutes later-the same player s'cdred.aHether..-■;.'«» and Johns',- patting in some finer work;, scored ; the fifth: Mount s";.;Trairang Cdßfege, ' 1' Ih the JaSt few-', minutes, -^uraetfr> ; --iaad ". Mackey; scored for College;; the; ; fiaaT' figaites "., ueing..r— -- -. ~' , j ..t%> v --. - r^--t Mount Eden' v. -.->*;;. -■*.>'r ; -.*-*'->s*r*- '■■ ' .'■- Training College-; % - _-.'£££ '^;v*;^». ,' Mr. B. H. Eillip was referee.-; '' Ponsonby -was beaten; by ;iSdmerveM ; X r.-:. goal to Oi .-.Mis P. H. -W«olford/ , SECOND GRADE.' /"" ' Mount Eden, 7 ; goals (Woolford i. P.aice/H 2, Hendry 1). beat University.,-;! goal' . (Senior). " "<£.'' -^i:JX"S^\ *■'■* ■'"> ■ '-'■■;■ '.% THSRD' GRIDE; / s ;/ Training College. 5. goals .(Adar!asS, Motton 1, Coulaai 1). beat University,;rSTab&la (Wily 2, Harden 1). ,„ , „ _'. .", North Shore. 5 goals (Sykers a. Frater=& FosteT 1). beat Gordon, 2 goals (Barton and Shepherd). ,:- ; . EOUBTH GRADE. 4 , . , ;. St. Aidan!s, 6, goals ■ (Spencer 4. Dalian , - - 1. Rutherford 1). bea*, Epiphany, ,0. « , , Training College, 3 goals - (Downey), beat Mount Eden, 2 goals • (Smith and Edson)'i Wesley College. 7 goals'- (Lewis 3. Ban S. . George 1). beat North Shore. 2 goals (Mad- \ den and Cooper). - /./ '■.■:/»'.•.;+• FIEEH GRADE. Somervell. 10 goals (Taylor ,3. Fletcher. 3. , Watts 2.. " Brimlaecombe 1,-Capnl 1). beat ; Newmarket .Methodist, 0. .^ ; ' . NQRDEN, CUP MATCH. ;. ■ .[;-:% [BT TELJEGE>JH.~rOWN pOBEtESPOJTOEHT-J '~ ' HAMILTONi Satnrd&y.- ".'; : A large crowd witnessed the representa- > tive match for the, Nordeh Cap between - Wa- \-. : _ nganai and Hamilton. A . keenly-contested •;, -. game resulted in a draw, ~bne goal es.otu LADIES' MATCHES. ?, ■. . ■ SENIOR -■ ;\ a.; S■ .5 "■ Mount Eden. 5 ' Dawson-2. I. Hambba 1). beat a«n-i..j a. 1 Seining College, 1, 3 fe^ „ ; and Bnrtea). JWioa. ' Axawa, in M als 'Misses Pwne *. Thomas , 4. CaropbeH ,"2>. b^rj.ffpyggg^J--

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17229, 4 August 1919, Page 7

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HOCKEYS New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17229, 4 August 1919, Page 7

HOCKEYS New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17229, 4 August 1919, Page 7