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■I mitoiATE iUr W "~i ABOUT ,; ':;* "' f 'v' ';";"•'■■ 1 Jr ,1 ii TH&I&W'WBQM 5 i TfllMl@Jllf '1 11 sKeST |< .'' > 1 Jr Oar I' (I. .' . £161$. g * yW)B i V c your aßeWto any form of j' i JL'H£d£; ■ J" jiT f*fkT TAJ 7 ! 7 !?!? J Testimony. * « digestive d<-*nß*metu. item which you » ,L*m>j*,Q mlftifilfok fflM Kg} Iff; ffik jj& jM/ »J. JLJm\J #nd have 03ed-wany remedies of All B j brine 1 ; in this departmem of the physical * „. 'i A _~. ~„„.„,„ ~m §ff| p4 H- JH||.'n Jb3R- 'JF AiIJJ lfiJuMU* i S - Kildiu'Duntviin,' New Zealand. '"A m, : * J,'i,!w> •■'; ■ jii ! Bg * I * o -.'.;, > l|P r P U V V W. B W .adfP' .-* Trn CANNOT BE $ m 1 ssssss |ss»j*i ; saas . - ATA , jr oOOlib approached! I . ■ suite for the eaq.e complaint, irgo.d 8: £ %«dvctrouble .-might.prove <bMtrow, ;J J, 1 juflMo_vtotm they W| W>t, 1 »* { A \ - . ! jfjjr 1* § Htja to give it fl >4 ai.d in view of this possibility, t* well = » ii' be wStbOirt them, mtWj • ' g C As Maiivfactunng Stationers wirl a big output for our lines, |» a vory pleased tt> say that in my own || Qto be upon the safe ,sidc.»nd ip JsccA. *t i J ;J. Efleotetlgtooes, adapted to m- \ n ff&ffl&m?' %jkß A jPfe JOOijfPlli 1 i wo arc enabled not only to provide better paper, ruling and |g ■«. case it has also proved a-. very.groat la' X oftec,4hc:,a?sist,»w« of soroe suitableM if dividual .Tequji'erocnt?, are , .j WWjPftfl v fT flßil-wlsD H binding. .'Wt as well we offer a concession in price that is not If if suae**. IgotwunecUatorelief:from 'J *'• ' corrective remedy. "W ■" ':' ill; -fltan .almort eqolwbot to ' H I »»•«" «»«»»»»». BW>P ' I §| EX 25 & » S the first, all the -painful symptoms, of •■ ■\x ■' 4 • M lib a now pair at *yei. I|!, ; j] I "• j ' H Bound in best sen-iceab.'n cloth or strong covered boards, and i| •Am ,-JJ| i ;: . :MMt ffwfffi X AV. \'i In all as those it)- ||ii I '" -MH i 1 with a variety of rulings to suit varying needs. ,B m a very short tiiiu', ami I .din,-now »•■ *■ jr.VMJ»OIUI . « dicated the cyo-sigta should | I We quote as foUows:-- 1 , g perfeotlyoured. (Ican.fMthftdlyM- i% .— r■ ; *M : ; 1 !;, to eareSully tort* by the ' 'I, ' ! 1 ' I .fl commend your_lJmpi» Omtment to fl .■){ O A «- Sy < latest scientific iftotliode. j U flfflll :i 1 Memo. Tb 1 1 :ga'aapwftflR11 piiGiMlS : r ;L --^rr. " j] llMlf I i Memo - Books I ;ifiS^-*^ m%T 1 I Mmt M. Irvme !j I 111 If I 1 6ix4...... -200 pages _5d 1 >fi Women who an ffor from Pitos |; ! * H : 1 F.S.M.C. (frtww by Eum., iwlw) |- ? M ljij| JW J 1 | 71 x 44- 150 pages- _ _..„— 9d I . i especially unfoHtMuto in Ihat they $1 jj J IIIS | ] « 1B Karwqrahapo Road. J I |H ff f J 3', IB | 1 4 " Al" 20ft Ues la I •;1 camiot talk about their complaint, $ '-5 » **»s?' .1 g ;., 'L L II («<»}} 1 | " X 4{r >*UU pages ~ 18 || ! a Thoy ntuat suffer in flilenec. To ftll J sny signs of ' """"'" '" 1 51 1 BULL J I Bxs . 150 pages.-....- Is | Jordtr appesr. -yQU Wilt certainly W: (— _— ~ I ! 11 1 '2 ins, for it is oasil t«-obtained, oasily B ,S l • j T t- » < ' - mi S W\\B33w/fkM ii H is ' * gStifring. The abbwidg symp- 2 J med.cnehas an excellttlt teputation for ,•! rfifeisrpft* PHfISPitOBTfIN 1 I 1 il\ JL 1 tlOUIltCr books I ' 0 to»aaqnW! t .anil.inimlaml £1 fi relieving and -removing ailments such -J ~ WW | |lil^--??^^^ ?!^->N ! 1 -,-« t *- 1 1 ■~B body both, feql |?iof ;fronutho cob- S p E«s:bilioawss # »conaip«iOT, !(w<J**es,'3 1 ™' ■ - , • *TWs*' : %' ''"'* ?vSk. i 10" S8- 150 pages ~.... —...Is od 1 ,' 0 stent strain ohm at *fter the first .5 | & ihortl-arn .and rflstuknou gt irtsMnetN .' | fttf (IflPiT Tfinlfi. i 'm. y£&'v->/-!: , -Zja i Ift , o OCA niorpq 2« fid P S application. Re* ma is a remedy J $ and purifies tebl«od. hb I JW , I,W ' , H f' i I I l 0 K ~ " P^! eS " 8 (l | J T j1 1 13x8L 10PM» ~,2s I r : *<S^/--)/^r^/^l' : « ;i Bfiflfi'P -s ! ' Ji?^^**^^^^ 1 I ■' i: I 13 % IzzzzJoo 1 I sfiid;l o fca«i,il*WWp } f« || £§ &%Rs J 1 Fe ftffPe rte for Good WotH fc & |Jl4(sssiUi),t/lt(s6;SSai;)J|k;yiii«BafcJ. :|j ; Life Element, Phoepl»n» r thfl *ffl I 1 jre hhw »» * i Ifl -^^^rH3'lj B v J., Jv;. y ' Ivl Y l TJCt,IS >' erv cora nn,? MDtTO tift* 3 ' • vJTI I i P : '% ■• ■-' w 1 - ! ! ~ a I j Ii ' vb&w ~~~ s% i|f : -' ; mfm 'V 'Ik ' fr«m '*t*t*vt- TZ i»i» ! " P tfte-fc tf'' c> '' I This Is not an oi>dieiJafi*y chais', ! 1 / 5 I $/1 A w • '^^^ J#OBL : A ■!•". «Swt M'JR A» ECCLES I but,* comfortable, solidly built | gfWiipijtM/ AW • |SttSaij|^ : A> J i article, beautifully cwod and | M ', jK9I9HI : «.m. *it«nS Awkiwo. I finished. I JW 1 (-?i ll ! ?0 * 1 * 1 *"- eucca st. i Sf Auckland Jw M * Y*P|Bs : :Bwesm: lfcSJt t : 1 ~ jjji^ j;, . ■; j S^" 1 * j' TZZ 1 Well, w© got an I WmMdMMMMmtfMb ■M% - j.§ :i«dio»Mo;D<iK«i. fdnffifK' f |T p'"?'^Jljl" A I bargain 'in- this lot and aro | * *""" "' " *"'" ; BVOT 10t .-0. ■ 1 «« lwilnit - nßDnflß ' . Jiv»l;#JCiw*ana» i \ passing It on to you, _ tijl „,,,-, ; I \ L»*-"* Wm I B AND ; I pto« ooc==^oc===aoooq I $.&£&&. 1;. 1. Call in earty'aa the fine is 'i « ''•/••. .n R , ! »SSSoT' limited. ii u n % n O<»Q l nnain ni kc ; I ttSSBT&i 1 i —j ■ ' MADAME AMIE, ra u ■ S japaqese curiam juj\s K 1 '3*psa-wUi i quickly help -you J| s T . ... , _.*' ,l, ' its. -6m*iUm-« Wdgs., <H«9n etrePt | ThiS ChaiP rally OOn'nS*mQ QUP g || 1 1 (* . | *S\ \ \\ I\ -it ol This jplondid | | .» borne for the ■ _ J !• ' motto; li A SPgCia KUrChaS€. 11 1 rctUv has proved its elfiwoy |. wife and Mdi<» &nd beat HI y /a j |^ : 1 .. |||] lIITV FURNITURE ' 0 « ,-• r - , , 0 : I beneficial forold arid >M W&iW^J AWITJft ' * ' . UWrtW 0 I rWl*r«ilVll& I V Quite the Quaintest and Most Unique Line we've ever shown ™ ■ '•iyoijng. -- .- % 'SltHMlPf" Wii » ~~"~ 1 • ?! for Casement Curtains and Furnishings. f| y' . " % . \'7/\\wi)%Mi^tyy/tfc J Tropic have tried powders ao« solutions I A"rf H 49? i i !ii ijTJl.' J>X I MsTr.wd weto. Mflunt *cin S able to «< j Ai VUS> i I i .4 ,^llrftiSlSlllSC&Tif^'ls^: a It/ ' A> rid o{ lh« e, " lf ' i "'' "**• i«it tbcrt it | ' i P These are Goods which were refused by a Southern bouse on g vi : fewfiSi VI | K •'■9]SE«W>-»»tlK>ftf 1 I I account of late delivery. We were offered the seven lengths § '■ VISjK I"" WmWkifM " b^'P'^G 48 i ' a II (abput # «)0 yard?) at . job fipre, -i «*-»«- | |*ttt*lv l .,," W ,r|: '«K :^*?*»-»w» ARTHUR'S HEW FURUITUIIE WAREHOUSE? « I >feefi«-^ ( s«nfte(»nriior !• lßffi™lifA? •• AK» ALL V ffi{Ml:; - IW HIWII W KMI IVIIWIIVIIfc linilfallUWWli a lbs Silk if absolutely pure and haw liannng-lO mornra. ;rf oold, ooibes ibo irniatiou and heals fes irawSW-Hfffii? . ii V • „ C; " ri. i ihßtbroataadiw. -•-'•.•■ '_- ■• M■■ ■ *l[WUYiWf' • I ELLIOTT STREKT, I «p 0 ; § Every ww,l.oweKila s Sou- $& 1 A« 'W •» 16 Tha ;Gas peoetrates holes, corners, imd I fc.faa.nwpi «»«b-*.i« i 3" I V ; ■■'l-• niniton's m the houseready (or » • \l »i 'M .cracks in '-mils, floors, wJJ»«t. or ivipm. | _,_, . _ _ _. I II The <ictign has a draught board ground of three-inch square 32 I t/wd w8 i I'liWtMii '• i M s-no insect or «r«b ew «Mew. toted I Ftfty-SBVetl J'ftrds from QUOCH St« | J blocks— dark block in various colours, and at intervals on |j , M ,inf«jor>»nlj#iitate\tofioplacedtipin m• ' \ Bmi * iSB ' hundreds *i tim«?—never ..fails. Harmless to •m. . « Ml | j the white «]uares quaint Japanese symbols in colours aro || .■•« ~ii^«a^i;^^.«ri « wa*««»>/I?9H , -'•" »)«| ' .Wnishmes. team ■' about :, this ; scientific ' ' %■■■■■ ■■ iiiiwwm■ mm iwiiw mil " \ scattered. |I wmmmimWSsmMm)' W§ • 'Ji &*t , ff sftf ,piwo to ' day - our SSs^^MM 1,i,1,111w i" 111 " 1 ~pli" M $ I : 'j I '■ — r^__-_r .ESL^} tl^-|jjjJi— --—~— .Psweseft-tative will call. II II IISiSWI : : B :UADE ' S "F^' G AS i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'g 7hm m smn distind colourings-each unusually M ; 'Alwfil Ilia pwictAwa a u/ a | 9 I ® • beautiful. Jfi&B/* ;«T.«O»mA»DmBOT.ioCILAND. Are YOU LllClCyi f« R Not much!- HV and his cronies I TOE ftHKI OF < « PHQRfc , ■ j, • fa| , ucky „ you ffi j SJ , h „ ppor JAPANESE HANGING |j KAVV AND BUFF. I! || '•' Vii. KaJW in 1 * '*** OW» !,R ** *T« - '" ■-■ ■ """' i unity of . infjicctinp tho recently-arrived samples of BASKETS? II %£ MSti2 ' L ■-£■! ■.■;&rmm mmnf'pmmu m^ ni^Ki $V!b£W&. 91 ahd bkbbaso orbbh. 2 A if. .- _jl »rl"- ft 2i thanr«iii• B^/«.« aMfll 4i V '"""—» comprise amongst majiy-<juamt■ offenngs- ARE 80 QUAINT. 8 1 Q : MUfififl : MllßS 1-OPULAIB WJNTSE MENU. Is<S Wi: KAVY ANB EESEDA - X ■: fnr olrt a'id vonns there's no bettsr ■■ I' Ju»|j J. : t fe^A S v ai •■».«• •»«» v. waaaes .. > }, •»»»» n 1 ■*?... a ITO J SATSLTMA AND CLOISONNE SPECIMEN WAKE. U GREY AND BOSS, I W^W^J9 ,, » . ' **" ENAMELLED KINGS. BKOOCfIES. ETC.. from ia/<i # j> J> X w ** wv,i " u ' , / TPl*i«4l*% 4BS&ftfiffl i JpmWMHM. "Orawo Blossom." And hundreds of dainty trifles that add a charm and A THUQK AND ESWOTEOPE. ' U ', t VJi 'XlXS'LilL© ; 3MiJ?;£J'> "Stag* Head" Coffee. finisbinc touch to the homo or toilette of mylady. IT . c*» - : I*«*Baffiflßmir *~ 9bwW: : ~,.•..'- _ „ , >-> „„---■„ « /> OUR PRICES FOR 5« OF.ESN AND ROSE. V JLUHaMIAL - 1 ■SB»WW , /*jS AAfor "MOCHA/' '•FKENCH/' -m - O 1/ £/ (Til THESE UNCOMMON 1 I „_, -.„_ ... „ rTTO TROPP It , > WSSwMmL "PJIiANXATION"JfoamIa in Ajwiyai Tips. ff\* B\i)23yiaa3i &A sLal* goods WILL 1 dsep SAi « A l * ls heliotrope. || lsftsuoeYfleeprodoaH- v '-4 :W'PI ljpl»'W hvm of these 'ajJenfid IM 111 W"PII M_ WW» SURPRISE YOU WHEN I I •11 niecJally 8-Jep.tefl oats ,L. J 'I&MJSIYJb'W, < .Cofiws. , „ ~ , i r? > a . t i VOri m\HUWP TWVitt B 1 6i ■ ; '>j3»#l- ; ax* at eopulab. fßicEs and English and Eastern Art Importers, YUU values I Si i '' imparity OTddoe«Bvcfy ■-* ' n WSMXJ%WX\ [ ' FBOM ALL GROCERg. Flnnr Tifv riiamh#»r« 8 Certainly these Goods take the In the natural order of things if without the touch oi hti- W'Swlv- TX3 '-■ ' mS- ! nour, v,ny Mwnuers "~^~„',',',„''..,■■„. —_j| U palm for aovelty and U11,l&ual the retail price WOT w bo » lid II tlllM Si- A T TPWWxS AND p&., "J TO., t^ B -^ 3 ■"' *" ,L "" """' m ,■ nen „■ J* design, and anyone wanting yard, but'our SPiiOIAL JOB Ii TbisUe Oatmeal is a'*o- WBfl,! A prrflWfi}«t sTRn.-T inrnr T »vr» ~~~— ""*"' ~""' "--""— !Q " out of the- ordinary" Furnish- PRICE is £ l<% -9 1 A lute y pure -the lines* MWl&Wzfc CUSFOMb blt;LEi.. ■■ 21 . , ~ ~ , ;■) / 1 W«*l V oat* with no admixture i^' 1 1 )TPfH "'mSs^^^/'W* M' " —«—"""" r —— F^" —~~"~~ |, ; -—__-—-__■_ '"'■', " 1 ?S ings should see them at once. %fif & & jUs we llMl ' "ORION" I m Charm of Beautiful Hair I 0 AMr ,DIT*A7C OPIA D^ §|w« jffefli ■ VJtta^Al M «oyld have (hick, silky, luxflrfpn* hoir, if tbpy would gi?o lANDRL V«U h<J? & CLARK V WmMI&M? ri lS? *J» roost esjctlsg frownte .and the r-sn *?«* ««« *-« m 11 FurrisJiinor Snpri'al!<i!« fiIIFFN CTRFPT L S^^^M^ 1 Ji h BliSra^^;«rW&4 ' ablest and most awui *ooi find that tha! WBm rff XT& F QQ O I* rUTOWaJOg opeciaiwae, LiUtfclN aiKtLi. |g gßßp^g^^ip, i J E vcr y (1/6 or °I 6) contains OrfO» 8»»ge pomes 1»P to every WqnUeafttf ,' mi A auuuv i?? . ti PI ■ ,::' .' . .... ".> .... .. *-.-r- — 'pamphlet on the treatment of Influent. With CQftl fit the present high pilfteS, it ( Y/ T» '?*"'• T'lf'T^g 11 ? and vigour to the scalp and increases , I fW* ftl^Vt^^jal l "—" ■"■ ll SI^»>««"*i"— jfLumalfM 1 aim »»a a d a iaim The drea<lod jnflucnra may not como I.S important ft flOte Joy rqnwrkahly EC- I mffififfiSSsJ ofsCMiMcSsi, fc „ Tl »» ot ,« ««« '""J 0 !t •lands bgcfc 5W* V T>i W r fsiiiiff blhiiiwiismsisi. hi n^ftap—— Vfiwa^ZU SUIp-PHOUNE sr;nd^ s fflEHr fe= o tw^^v^ju THE FAHOUfI LOTION taken in time olfl - Jn, » t,ic '° Eliol WW Orion «Mg» BR) fl»da to a variety Of | *Wmm «»."» beneficial effects. Sold everywhere, price 5.6 a bottle _________ «uioS"?&otb» 'This MUndid pamphlet on influx is styles and sues and those for private homes ( — ———"— • — • ■ — . ■ —■ — Skin EmSna' Sl*wrll»£l « )«(WWIr • ],ol '?i inß * <** «• yj»W»»>fll»»««P«»M KEEPS the hair young - QLEAR COMPUXION I fcjSK%« >s%s?ss&'s& j M yOW JtroJWtongex to pIUW you 8 " WMto*« C.H. HOOPER, „. Braanriek BoiUln. /< _x^ w --™ l^_faa^ fh.»i«bt«rt R«b. nintwuspot, itnub_Pi-piai,mi Kaun-ol and 'die pamphlet. 'When symp- ; _-.. .. ,« A , „ I l — ~, '' S —-■ ■ =a ■ ■ , , ~., 8, II & w; ~^a3a3^Ss-»-* ~B ~ \K k tam« of influenza appear they recoknhso I **Sh_CkIOCKS Orlflrt. '" :"■ " " lll! ' ' ..'...:. ' .:JJ U I $&&< JJ\ a>«* «».'__ff , ''r_ !r«-"_~ them and *n«iw what io*>, Ttisatw- , tf"»wvw»9 v»w«» M - •Arflflfia J_\J |B M Jus JR. .thins -to sco ». laved «if«.jpr child " " — —-—■ . _ H _r*M . i f\ . * B 1 I! 'Ss^*_ i §^Y ' «Wtkr_4«s„»»kinipas!f«,iaß.oiu«..icOT4* .Buffer and "t* ignorant o,f •'ip trouble ,! " ''■' ' ' ' rmm ~~~ H 6 -gxi- « wtlt «Vfe yhH(» < mm*W : tt .nd its ..treatment. .At such a Jimo a ; ,_„ -_. ,„. ._ __ ,- ~ ril --■ . - ~ Q \3_'L W'LSL Iflfl l_,_C ' ni«CTr ' mft,i 9 nil would he sacrificed for 'know- i : __ 111 M 11111 l C_ iwTj nWMYwft fOK&Cr JtwrA — _~ U ' iW__*y POR4«Y£AKS led E c. Yet , MV t),c Morms.tjon i, frU /M*mMm P»\ 11l i_L fISN*T. 2522_1 irH«r«ew) _ sf"\ •.! iKI^ _,__ -b-ZJZ It «-—-*.—., ?. lvcn wlth every Wttle of Kauri-o. •f * -. 1 SHE I'WP/fetffMNß/ i j s . Jvfunfsff WE THAT I □ M mAM -*»«S-?U ** I»i' B H_S_i&"M^-^-*~ , w-» :i - , - w — to Inventors i « "■_!-__.LftvSfe ISKSfI- i wen Willi a mm HAS BBEN TKR RSWDV FO» :: -kersiwsiimss• ' Pataal^Traae__A^l>«l, M Hfli>P»SaH __J 8 w/\r\*wt K__r TIAVE - f"' "ther,' «nV„ „ B -ill „Vvo« 1 r.ud Copyrl.-M. spiled for * MMI T OT / } „ W»» «-% A « A felS| fß * SM. Bttt * SHwm* 0 _ TflKe * -«fITW« -HOME. ; fhroufbont the World, Draw- I V \V*T L I ' B IkC 8% Ml Alf I I]®ll L. ,■ - v _~ ~ , , DOMESTIC CHEMICAL tiUPPLIES, in«B ,'"'j l Bp,cifl tfl i,i ? n 9 pre- > !Wm 3 JfV%_J IL_# /wftk BfV « i fiXT ' .„„,-,:,_ ...... LVD... v ' garod. Inventorsttdvined. B * -»«» ® \ If** 4P still -rfe' 0 TiIBWT S(s ' e Manufacturers, F««Bw*wawwoahoh. S iULese h W ffSa, gyS. v*** |«-.>«*i..-* l '«<«., ; Baldwin ft TIaVWJIH W^fM©Wl^^WW^{\ I -M**tt 1 15 w _™> „: if^^ll^Sill, ,M H , Ev£rrnonth in , the ear V s l!£ °P? , ? , s P orts 9 i ja » • -a « _, _ ' tfjtAo OfFjcß - ■ faijK(?To>r I fcf ana spctvab c-ays arc Kodak caya! E . g^ssa=^aasd^==-=-=^gJW.—^-^__^L^ t>j J irewitsto:' W. PINCHES, MS #\W^W^W M M , Wherever you go, whatever your hobby, yei: v,ill g * J I !!,toiM, Sr^** ; i ' VWf —3£»Ws fl have more fun if you take 4 Kodak. D MACOMOCHIE ;9 T»***-" _ ,—■■ B Pklurc-raakins with»Kodak»not only v picas- H Vl% 4 TSt v -ar".. I i TUIII W ' M« ' ™ H ant pastime, but it Uii-ts you out of doors and adds to a I IP A W VA M I ; ~ ~ — fl W]U«« V la****-.** '18 ■ " Sn to your hsnith and strength. | 1 * esriLAii YAFN :| i — i-i When You Inspect U>- I « # , 1 Pioirlia *jm C. '\ UCHDV USIPfiJCC I &w*a AttfftkTinii? *«,« 35 I 5 e * su , *°B ra P^ c Kodak Now! 1 I SmsMsss.ssJ-^-Sar-: —V— l» i "*"" limVbd • " 1 1 m\dr' m ill Mi' H%! I = Tlierc are many models to choose frcm. price 40/- n m mmmMmmmmmmmmmm % : Wmmnwil Wtm, § * I , apTOrc . For the. beginner, the Kodak Junior, | T Ar rnra „.,,„ .. ~„„ . flp I . &t»Wto«| im. . 1 Yuu iMijoit help being impressed with its many nointt of advantage I , «pacia!!y re:o?nnsencl*d. b: 1 A^Z^P^^ffitJS^S?^ # IF t»M«A«B AC I over auy other mcto. C yclc>u Vet-saw. b I I R i JO preser,Y)cf roods y J * VflUr I ! rpgistenetl - A i[ *7 I When yo- buy an todian you can live wherever yea .vant to. I'i«tance ■ f Na. * Auttvgtaphic Kadak J..iiio» M "•p lr « , I ! and A 4*l I makes HO <JiTt"3nca. It's just a short quick trip on an IrlUn. A rid* in the 1 B r'o? pktvi;«e 21 s SJi«jrfc«i Price 62 Q ' i,r« an Yan" 1 Picklep andl Sauce Axe better 1 4. /ylf u.- I op v " air that freshens vou un and makes vou feel like working. You can I h «.»*,.«,. H Ineoauaa tnoy are macie tlto ifflaconochio j fl hrf««hS 1 even * noim a little longer in"tho morning*" if v <>» want W. The Indian will I | Nfl - 1A AntnrapU-. Junior K way-your palatO will tell you the diflfej. >J% vjk L tliewisstOewrM I jet you ti work in timfl, No bother with tram stops cr strikes. No waiting I \ Par picture? 2; »4* inches Puce 67/6 M enaeinstaMtly. Askfornndget'TanTan." j £| v "Aiitoiitouim* ■or hanging around. No strap-hanging. Arrange for a demonstration. Wei k, Bwwria Canara* v,- • ,016 AAPn..;; W - TTtfl . „,..__„,__ ! I • I faiwsistoilst. I are at your service. CATALOGUE FREE ON REQUEST. | Si »rowa» uantarai r fC . M . 10/6 OOrrctnoS,- r mm*w™* m . mm**u.w*m j i I »«U9MaIS Ichorfae ff Ufhita W«I A 0 C ftl 4 P* 51 1 'race usr free I -—Tfv=™irr r -«wir s^Ki jgggLgJiffl 6 ' HeaiqMe,s 4 ° fm SL » Uk I SOLD BY ah I ' Manager and Director. ■ gwaM^]M^™t ff^^ry. t ¥^ i q OVJuU Df ALL g —.... --_ . gesasg as gyg ■■"■■', ■ i zzmsssz sag "sggsggasggs!! —i-ssssassssigKg^s^i KODAK Db.ALfc.RS fl IT ill W 1 f W% JH ££*>> » W "R7 «sF% "i-^ 13 K iURI T IMBER C°" \j m ' ivl ask fob free rRICE LIBT H " **w .. » ew> sft T!Us» r 16 TjniLPINO TIMBER: «»x \ an 5 W il« _* 0 n jj ' M WkT Pfltent.**, Sftpfts, , Wfi , UiirMWatfWlwi* 3 9/ fi /V \ D A %t ™. K\l/ acOctaoa ' &Daaefe^ Scotch feiaop tongue, ' >,m (Costume wear). °^ /h -X A jSkah. T °S A WWI/ fa h Jmik Shoes ,Go,fin{s 5/ " Patent Derby 39/. X m«UMCTUBg wgi tuokoughw 7 = ™fe 5 Lad ßfi perior sox Cal ' 35 /" ia4liftls, Pat<!,,t 3 * yfi 25/-, 27/6 ' jo^v. M jjp&?§SS&ia p^w^^-^^^ /Scotch fringe tongue, Call 28/6 {Costume war). Courts 97/ri /A R A M JARRVH GT * « W\\l/ • ,fCCj' iV , Shoes lßo WUW (io!fin " 3,5/ '" Indies' Ideal Patent Derby ;:»()/„ J aWB tS™ 0^0 *" MM .--'"ffilW " ' J Lad ßrlTu'e S Ul,erior B ° x Clllf 35/ amw Patem " liyc 25/-, 27/6 &h W^ Q i W^ iililbHk Ud Brogues. (See these). m 28/6 (B.usiness Shoes). Courts 27/g ilNmm R A -— ° B —%?feW Z 1 'll lif |J \ Ladies' a « Derby Boots, 8 inches high, very Bmart-30/. ' SsßmMi FADING makes in stoc^ Ll '. W H-i_ =_^i^ wF 4AMES ADAMS &CO JLAWffift 4 Sf c S ,s 3 sa^i '' k\l Ma s &^Sr^: el/iiV|fca ADAMS ai CO. fl stonex and white - n«„ VhTa **»»*# *#»»W» ft» Then, 1236. WAKEFIELD ST ■ v V^T 5 S llll# Opp. Y.M.CA. ST. E« old ranges rAgw in plrtSt. | W U

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17189, 17 June 1919, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17189, 17 June 1919, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17189, 17 June 1919, Page 10