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* ARRIVALS. April 19. TARAWERA (8.40 p.m.), 1993 tons, Williamßon, from Lyttelton.—Union Co. KOKIRI (4.20 p.m.), 1214 tons, Stewart, from Timaru.—Union Co. MANAIA (6.15 p.m.), 1159 tons, Norbury, , irotn Wliaiigarci.—ln saloon— Heron, genden, Allwood, Cronin, Lovatt, Faithful, Hayes, McKinnon, Conway, Matheson, Teller, Jones, Bain, Rountreo, Allwood, Thorburn, Banks, Potter, King, Miilington, Bendon, Parson, Cainmel, Patereon, Connell, King, Mesdames Horon, Benden, Orniandy, 1 wiutinson, Clark, Pullon. Lovatt, Hayes, Taj- , lor, Telfer, Conway, Coxsmith, Woods, Kilner, Attwood, Dyer, Mantle, Engloheart, Swanley, McGregor, Bridge, Parsons, 'l'horbum, Paterson, Stead, Ward. Mossrs, Nesbit, Matheson, Ward, Simpson, Dickson, Mason, Pliipps, McLean, Robinson, Boakes, Ormandy, Clark, Lambert, Puttier, Birney, Rule, Steel, James, Shcenan, Staples,, Coleman, Graham, Slieenan, McCalfum, Primrose, Quarrio. Johnson,' Taylor, Jerkoviph, it, lll Campbell, Sanson, Jones« Aicken. • Wilhamß, Attwood, Englelioart, McLcod, Eyre. Lamon, Finlayson, Richardson, ; H(um, McGregor. Daniel, Norton, Smith, ondse, Leys and child, Johnson, Troup, Smith, Jossop, Adamson, Fitzgerald, Jameson (2), Taylor, Moore, Paterson, Lambert, I Wilhamß, Hinton, Norrica, Neil, Main, Gibba, Scandrett, Smith, Dr. Mcllraith, Rev. Whalloy, and 25 steerage.—Northern Co. Apart 20, TALUNE (3.50 p.m.), 12087 tons, Davey, from Fiji. Passengers: Missoß Jones, Tui, Wataford, Heron, Mosdames Oebahr and three children, Dexter, Oswald and child, Jones, Nowton, Walker, Huddloston and child, Warren and two children, Tarr and 1 two children, Messrs. Maclndoo, Francis, Jawett, Walkpr, Mackenzie,, Johnston, McMahon, Tarr. Duncan, Gcanoy, Land, Huddleßton, Balfort,- Scott, Bourne, Elliott, Gordon, Nicholls, Fowler, Ricketts, Togabe, McCtilley, Masters Brenner (2), forger, one chinaman, 13 Indians.— Co, 1 MAKO (12.80 a.m.), 503 tons, Jones, from East Coast Bays.—Richardson Co. TANIWHA (8.40 a.m.), 263 tons, Freeman, from Paeioa,—Northern Co. KANIERI (7.5 a.m.), 203 tons, Johnson, from Whangaroi.— Co. DEPARTURES. ArRiL 19. i R.M.S. NIAGARA 16,25 p.m.), for Von- J wuror, First saloon: Mr. Goo. Allen, Mr. ft Allen, Mrs. Alien, Mr. W. Aiken, Mr. w. Audroie, Mrs. Androao, Di, H. Bean iiiznford, ilra. Bamford, Miss D. Boom, " f/ioutoant 8. G. Bowron, Mr. F. W. Brown- ; IISi Mr. Guydon liutlor, Mr. C. CuaiiiDers, Mr. G. Cambers, Mrs. J. M. Chambers, liiss K. Chambers, Mr. P. Cropper, Kev. Dawson, Mrs. D. A. Ewan, Master Ewan, | Mr. W. Fish, Mrs. Fish, Mr. L. Friend, Miss M. D., Heather, Mr, H. A. Hopo, Mr. R. K. Hosking, Miss F. A. Humphries. Mr. jA, E. Kornot, Mrs. Kernot, Miss Keniot, Miss V, Kornot, Mr. L. S. Lazarus, Mr. £'. .G. Lennard, Lieutenant 1). W. Mace, Mr*, j Jas. MacFailane, Miss MacFarlano, Mr. N. ( L. Mojtieat/i, Mr. W, Earcingson Mil/or, (Mr. JR. Miller, Mr. R. W. Morgan, Mr. W. !H. Morgan, Professor Nicholls, Mr. E. S. | Pecs, Mrs, Pees, Miss Pike. 'Mr. H. N. i Jjouutaey, Mrs. Rhodes, Mias Rhodes, Mr. ' E. Salmond, Mi. J. Gandes, Mrs. Sandes, Mr. A. M. Sollar, Mrs. Seilar, Master P. Sellar, Miss Jean Sellar, Mr. G. Shirtcliffe, Mrß. SbirtclifTo, Miss J. Shirtcliffe, Mr, H. S. Smith, Miss G. E. Techmaker, Mr. C. Trouibock, Mrs. Troutbock, Mr. N. A. N. Van Aken, Mr. J, Hamlin-White, Mr. G. H. Wilson, Mrs, Wilson. Second saloon: Mr. J. R. Addis, Mr. R. H. Bairshaw, Miss M. Bath, Mr. A. Billens, Mrs. Billons, Miss V. E. Billons, Miss Blessard, Miss W. Blocher, Mr. C. G. G. Bradford, Mr. Burnie, Mr. M. Burgess, Mr. F. Burgess, Mr. Bnrman, Mr. R. Z. Cade, Mies R. Caufield. Mrs. E. Caulton, Miss N. Cathcart, Mrs. B. Clarke, Mrs. E. S. Clarke, Miss D. Clarke, Miss M. Clemens, •'Mrs. Cleveland, Mr. P. Coleman, Miss D. Condit, Miss M. Cowan, Miss A. Cunningham, Mrs. Cunningham, Mr. F. W. Dance, Mrs Dance, Mr. W. Davies, Mrs. Davies, Mr. J. Davis, Mr. Earl Donning, Mrs. H. Doyle, Mr. D. Duncan, Mrs. Duncan and child, Miss Dye, Mrs. East, Mr. W. Ellcrlngton, Mrs. EDerington, Master Ellerington, Miss Eliorington, Mr. F. T. Faram, Rev. A. | Fowler, Mrs. G.intzaian, Mr. M. P. Geddcs, , Mr. K. A. Goodwin, Mrs. Green, Miss A. 1 Griffin. Mr. H. J. Hantler, Mr. ,1 C. i Horbj- , man, Miss M. Himmell, Miss S. Hlmmoll, Mrs. H .Hoby, child, and infant. Miss R. ; L. Home. Mrs. Harfield, Miss C. James, > Mrs. E. G. Jenninge, Miss M. G. Jennings, Miss H. Johnson, Mr. L. D. Johnston. Mr. P. J. Johnston, Mrs. Johnston, Mr. P. R. . Johnston, Mrs, Kutz and two children, Mr. Lauritson, Mr. Lockio, Mr. J. H. McCallum, Mr. S. MacFnrland, Mrs. Mollor, Mr. ' E. C. Miller, Mr. G. A. Millwnrd, Mrs. | Millward, Miss S. Morley, Mr. L. Paget, Mrs. F. C. Patterson, Miss A. Porter, Miss A. Rasmussen, Mr. J. E. Reid, Mr. J. Russell, Mrs. J. Saunders, Miss O. Baundors, Mr. G. Scott, Mr. P. R. Scott. Mi«« A. A. Scott, Miss B. M. Scott, Miss H. Shepherd, i Miss Smith, Mrs. H. Spink. Miss Stanhope, Mr. R. N. Stanley, Miss M. Sweetsor, Mr. W. F. Tait, Mr. D. Thompson, Miss M. Thurston; Miss E. E. Tosswell.Mr. Walker, Mr. C. W. Walton, Mr. H. W, Williams, Mr. H. L, Williams. Mr. J. Williams. Mr. C. White Parsons, Mr. Young, Miss Janet Yound. MONOWAI (11 p.m.), for Sdnth. In saloon: Misses Yates, Molone, Skipworth, Austin, Newton (2). Jervifl, Millets (2), Millor (2), Johnston, Mosdames Stewart, Capoll, Burnett, Jems, Cuming, Alexander, Thompson, McKinney, Bain, liaines, Stewart, Williamson, Chapman, Marlow, Cramps, McKinney, Spiers, Bain, East, Duncan, Stewart, Edgar, and 15 oteorago. ARAHURA (8.10 p.m.), for East Coast. In saloon: Misses Cox, Clifrk, Qannon, Cass, York (2), Roe (21, Freeman. Mosdnmea Schillum, Graham, Tonner, Netll, Paternoster, Davis, Smclinery, Ditman, Messrs. Smith, Bartram, Cowlny. Johnson, Aicken (2), Smail, Cafforn, Wyllie, Dittmer, Bell, Clark, Grsham (2), Dirk Brood, Collings, Morgan, I'ycroft, Bedford, Chambers, Long, McConelly. Cassichy, Dinton, Broad, Uttinas, Busby, Glover, Arnott, Rent, Potmi. Carroll, Greeno, Watson, Martin, Barnett, and 23 steerage.— Co.

VESSELS DUB TODAY. Stella, from Wellington. Li VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. ' Manaia, for Whangarei. midnight. P Daphne, for Coromandel, midnight, VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AND COASTAL. Atna, from Fiji, April 23. Kakapo, from Wellington, April 22. Arahura, from tho East Coast, April 25. Flora, from Eastern Pacific, April 25. Mapourika, from Lyttelton, April 22. Corinthic, from Wellington, April 28. Valtnarie, auxiliary schooner, from Nov- . castle, April 30. Rivorina, from Sydney, May 2. tp Mooraki, from Sydney, May 6. p Kaituna, from Newcastle, April 24. OVEUSKAM, Bhamo, from Glasgow, April 23. T Makura, from Vancouver, May 0. 0, Mabono, from Avonmouth, Apnl 22. lonic, from London, opril 23. _ Remuera, from Plymouth, May X. Dc Commerce, four-masted Bchooner, from San Frandisco. May . .. „„ Whakatano, from Now York, April 20. Kia Ora. from London, May 11. _ Arawa, from London, May 15, • M VESSELS IN PORT. W Tarawora, Queen's Wharf. v? Mako, King s Wharf. K Laurel Whalen, in stream. Iris, cable steamer, in stream. Southern Cross, North Wall. Ip, Rothsay Bay, barque, King a Wharf. Gisborno. in stream. _ Ti Htiia, schooner, oxplosivo anonong*. Rokanoa, Chelsea. q. Komata, at King's Wharf. Taluno, Quoon's Wharf. Kokiri, Queen's Wharf. TRANSPORTS FOR NEW ZEALAND. Mahono, due Auckland, April 22. " Bhamo. duo Auckland, April 21. lonic, due Auckland, April 23. n Corinthic. due Lyttelton, April 21. u Tainui, duo Wellington, April 28. Raranga, duo Wellington, April 28. Ronuiera, due Auckland, May 3. Kia Ora, duo Lyttelton, May 8. Northumberland, due Wellington, May 9. Paparoa, duo Wellington, May 12. Carpentaria, duo Lyttclton, May 13. {„ Arawa, duo Lyttelton. May 13. g, Rimutaka, duo Wellington, May 17, The Shaw, Savill and Albion liner Athcnio, which is loading Now Zealand pro- ' v duce at South Island ports, is to leavo Wellington for London at noon on Saturday, April 20. The Australian steamers Ihnma'ta and Joan Craig are expected to leave Newcastle 1 for New Zealand shortly. The Ihumata will a probably come to Auckland and the Joan _ Craig to Gisborno, via Onerahi. I . The sailer Annlu M. Reid, owned by ' Messrs. Hind, Rolph, and Co., arrived at * Sydney on Saturday, April 12, after a smart k passage of 48 days from San Francisco. Tho ; i vossel had a full general cargo, and is to ; the acenoy of the Union Company. A large j c Quantity of this cargo will probably bo con- j signed to New Zealand, in which case it I c will be transhipped by tho intercolonial | a steamers. . . Tho Rakanoa is to go to Chelson at 6 a.m. 1 *- to-day to discharge the balance of her cargo D of Newcastle coal. She is timed to oail for j v Sydney with cargo on Thursday. The Richardson steamer Mako arrived | » Xrora East Coast bays yesterday morning, , £ and berthed at the King's Wharf. {"■

The Kokiri arrived from Tiraaru on Sat«n! ay c afternoon and berthed at ths Queen's Wharf to land her produce and general cargo. She ib expected to complete discnarse and sail for Weatport to-morrow night. The Kakano, which is bringing transhipments to Auckland, loft Wellington on Saturday evening. She is due here at an early hour to-morrow morning. —The Dunodin-owncd steamer Stella left Wellington for Auokland on Saturday afternoon. She is due hero to-morrow, and will berth at tho Hobaon Wharf to discharge her general cargo. Tlio Mapourika loft Lyttelton , on Saturday afternoon for Auckland direct. Ska 13 duo here to-morrow. The cargo steamer Tarawera, which had been delayed at Lyttelton by quarantine regulations, arrived from there on Saturday evening, and berthed fit tho Queen's Wharf to discharge hor general cargo. She is timed to sail at noon on Thursday for Timaru, Oamaru, Bluff, and Dunedin. After discharging at the latter port it is understood that she will entrj the DunedinSydney cargo service. The To Antra, which is making her second trip from tho Chatham Islands to Ljrttelton with sheep, will make one more trip and then proceed to Port Chalmers for survey, after which she will take up the Tarawora's running in the East Coast trade. THE MAHENO. . A wireless message received yesterday from tho hospital ship Mahono stated that she expected to arrive at 7 a.m. to-morrow, After medical examination she will berth at the Queen's Wharf. COBINTHIC TO LOAD AT AUCKLAND. The local agents of the Shaw, Savill and Albion CompanJ have been advised that the Corinthic, which ib due at- Lyttelton with troops on Thursday, is to come to Auckland to load moat and cheese. She is expected to reach Auckland noxt Monday. Her cargo will be 88,000 carcases of meat find 23,000 crates of cheese THE TALUNE. The Island steamer Talune arrived from tho Western Pacifio yesterday afternoon, and anchored in tho stream for medical inspection. After she was medically examined and declared a clean ship by the port health officer sho berthed at, the Queen's Wharf to land her passengers and cargo. She left Auckland on March 27, and experienced a strong easterly gale 24 hours after leaving port. Tho gale lasted until the vessel reached Suva, Fine weather wan experienced until sho raohed Nukualofa, where heavy rain considerably delayed cargo operations. Fine weather was experienced for the remainder of the voyage. Hot 1 cargo consists of about MOO tons of Inland produce, mostly fruit. After completion of discharge she is expected to sail to-morrow for Westport tp load coal for Suva. Passengers for Fiji will embark here. She will not visit tho other groups on this trip, but mil return to Auckland with fruit. Her noxt sailing from Auckland for Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa will be about tho middle of text | month.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17140, 21 April 1919, Page 3

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17140, 21 April 1919, Page 3

PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17140, 21 April 1919, Page 3