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t -. . --^=£;frfM |fjjg , '*' "ALWAYS BVSY." ■ WS-'f---'- ■ fVfL THE LAST FIVE DAYS OF THE ' /4vf I ftfr* J.C.L COLOSSAL SALE. (M I Jill Make the mosl of thenL Secure your present mA future needs ' emem,)e . yon m effect Vv) Sk/ 1 &BM a saving on everything you purchase during the Colossal Sale Period. \Sf ~ W I JSf . j|Hl Bargains in Boys* Wear. Bargains in Men's Wear. [ R W fi^ffewfr 1 Children's Tan Cashmtra {-Hosa, raart appearance . ... T0 ,., R . 1 i\ ' J 'WSm- and durable. Sues 9 ; 10. 11. and SKS. ID £sK%!i i, I MrnNliili. 2/11. 8/3. and 3/6 pair Usually 5/6. s'Jl. 6/6 litt ; fflfflffii Colossal Sale Prices, 2/6,2/11 pair. Colossal Sale Prices, 4/6, 4/6, 4/11. \\ V /I | I : iMliiajirir' Boys' Strong Tan Leather Baits, ill lengths-Usually Men ' B Prince" Braces, with Rood strong elastic web- ]\ \l I. HlfllEjliil ■ J Colossal Sale Price, M each. Jnßttl Usually 2/3 pair. 1/6 pair. \i.V /J ] 'HlHSil BoyS ' Sl ', 'J Bl */'" Hat 9' in coloured Btripe \r*r &■ # Men's Black Cotton , Half-hoso. "Black Cat," BtronE J\* 1 Usually 4/6 each. I\Z/ make-Usually 1/6 pair. H) I jgpHtr Saie Price, 2/11 each. A /3tmk Colossal Sale Price, 3 pairs for 3/11. II | KJ A / II Poplin Peter Pan, Hats, in Champagne shade—Usually A ■' [ \ /II 1 1 \o|l|\ Man's Handkerchiefs, with Coloured Borders-Usually U I \( l\ ''Vat Price, 2/3 each. /J '' liV /M 11 '" Now, 3 for 1/6. A Colossal Sale Bargain J 1 \ a Boys' Tussore Silk Paddy Hats, in small si»s-U,ually / 1111 \| j |\A | ' HUI m «* White Cambric » andkerohief^Us - lly 7d elcL «l & htdreSSeS ' m . 2/9 each. /__Jfn\ \\ ! i if'l \ Rll I lliui W ' ' Ladies' V/htta Madapolam Nightdrftsssi, | I A Special Frock sale Price, 1/11 each. f \.\ J ytf/f ✓\ V , JuU99 designed as illustration, with laced l I A OPBCiai rFOCK aa,e rna » , ' M eaCn> V VV. \ front - Sleeves, collar, and front a D««». n tv. __, \ \MBffili*rWNC/v7 V\ A fITIIT liH ___—--———- ______________ finished with pink facings—Usually B i bargain. — ; \ W u/ceach. 1 The aboTo illustration shows a Smart A.}[ M 'II Reduced Price, 10/6 each. [] DJ Check Zephyr Frock, with high-waisted _ I $r\j\ | R\ \i _____ a Bj effect, sailor collar, and Whito Pique J V.\ 1 - ■ » W . I H waistcoat and cuffs. In Red and White, 6 ' km I D *""'' n B Blue and White. Brown and White. ft n I I I f ll | or Black and White-Usually 29/6. ?! i ' Washing COStUHieS at I u Colossal Sale Price, 19/6. _» • vs. , further reduced prices. I 1 _. _._-._ The Blouse Bargains at the Colossal Sale are Ladies' Neckwear, 9 1 Big Price Reductions in Exceptional Value very special. Note the following: priced much less im B aSSS LB I I § Ladies' Silk Costumes. m Ladies Hosiery. an usual. aleeTeß - B te eoiur and «8. __ > ' I , . VI. Smart Shirt Blouse, In heavy quality Tussore Silk, designed with fancy roU collar. * all round. passing: under side flaps. h 1 Ladies' Costumes, in Green and White Ladies' Black Cotton Hose (imp«r- with wide rover. A very special bargain-Usually 21/-each. Organdl Muslin Collars, in sailor Pleated at aide. The skirt is gathered If Check Silk, with largo sailor collar feet dye), a good line for houso ColOSSal Sale Price, 14/11 each. and roll shaDes, trimmed with and finished with belt. Good washing Eg pointed on shoulder, and with self re- wear— Usually 2/6 pair. Lace and Embroidery—Usually quality— 39/6. 1 vers. C s a l J» . B „°™V fi ":' n ,« at holtem l Colossal Sale Price, 1/6 V2. Serviceable Washing BlWses In Riverlna, made as illustration, with roll collar or 2/3. 2/6. and 9/11 each. § 1 formn.dockets Corslof skirt, eased at pair. with Quaker collar of White-apot Muslin or Lawn. In Sax.. Champagne, Eose. or Colossal Sale Price, 1/6 Colossal Sale Price, 29/6. i 1 waist-tsually 89/6. »ky-UsuaUy 8/1 eac_ eacli i *..«,„ Ladles' Black Wool and Cotton ColOSSal Sale Price, 6/11 each. ' b I Colossal Sale Price, 49/6. La H ?THTm£uSffi , , eil _ „, A, a v . ~,_,■«, tt fi, «""n Roll collars, *a,?sJlf Jf Vl* I m 2/11 pair. Ivory Japanese Silk Blouses, made with square neck finished with three rows of hum- vory , 18e f u | 6 ; Z6 f or blouses or Tropical Suiting, Designed with wide 1| K Ladles' Black Fuji Silk Costumes, with Reduced to 2/6 pair. stitching. Front gathered from yoke, cuds finished with hemstitching to match— costumes— Usually 1/3 each. pointed collar and revers. finely gathered I I smartly cut self-collar and revers. Coat r Usually 16/11 each. Colossal Sale. Price, 6d across 'jack, belt all round and deep 1 I belted at waist, fancy patch pockots, LRd|es „ Drud „ Hol ßprMf ton ColOSSal bale Price, 14/b eaCll. . pockets. Smart skirt, gatherod and I I b iilrti *Mi?«Wrti Hose, in Khaki. Navy, Fawn. . ~ , ~„„_.,..,.„.. , „ "''"• finished with belt-UsuaUy 65/-. f tt attached beneath bolt. torsiet smrtr- Lj h j fi ._ Dark (, A orMm Net B | OUSW) )D p] ain gty i e> wlt ], , o ]l collar, finished with two rows of cable .....,.,. «.«i,_ „_„„_. B 9 -Usually 97/6. good reliable Usually 3/11 stitching. Knot of ribbed velvet and small pearl buckle to finish-Usually 14/6 each. Spot and Plain Net sailor collars, Cnlnwal Sale Pric/» 9Q/fi I % „ . .r. . r. , ... nair DpdnrpH *n H/11 P.irh trimmed witn Val. Insortion— vuiu»»ai jaic rnus, -»/o, I I Colossal Sale Price, 69/6, p g; lossal Sale Price 3/fi Reduced to 13/11 each. Usually 1/9 and 1/11 each. , /4 S b coioitaai aaie ince, j/o Cnlnssal Sate Price 1/fi ■ . 1 „ ~ T . , e i- „..,nh, whit. I Pair. Heavy Wa* Satin Blouses, in Ivory shade. Made shirt style, with roll collar and voiossai aaie rnte, i/« FasMonaftle Ciwtumt. In White Tropical B I Aft SltcostumeT CoaU"with sS rever ' I™*'* with fan ° y Land " 6 " tehin Knot of Black to finish front - Uraall y each. Suiting. Coat has inset sleeves? roll colI fitting backs, large collar, tie bolt at Ladles' Black Lisle Hose, durable 'v!„ n ff«-i nrt a * ok/ „ 0/ ,h « ■> .. e-i,*~#._ji««i -*l lar turned back cuffs - and tie belt. I I back and cross-over belt at front of coat. and sorvicoablo-Usually 2/6 NOW Offenflg at 25/. each. Cream Poplin Sailor-Collars, with Finely gathered skirt, with belt and 1 I Largo cape collar, and smartly cut pair. . coloured blanket stitchmg-Usu- buttona-Usuallv 69/6 H I sloevcs with self bands. Corslet skirt, Now Offering at 1/6 Pair, A large Variety of White Voile Blouses, with deep sailor collar with edge of Guipure ally 2/11 and 3/6 each. u «- ™, «/» | K eased at waist. In S.S.W.. W.'s, and o < i* lace, inset with medallions. Cuffs to match. Large make—Usually 19/6 each. ColOSSal Sale FflCe, ,/6 /»..«.«, \i I o.s. skes-Usuaiiy 7 Guineas. utf|w> Fjbrt B||fc Hmb fa Tng Colossal Sale Price, 12/6 each. each. Colossal Sale Price, 29/6. I H Colossal Sale Price 79/6, tote - Nigger, Brown. Putty, or [| ffl ' Mole. Good quality and smart White Voile Blouses, with Irish band-cmbroiderery in front, small sailor collar, finished smart Sailor nnilars. in Strined <*........, .t, _. .. . . a g „ apnearance-Uaually 4/11 pair. with hemstitching, and yoke and annholo outlined with hemstitohing-Usually 13/6 Washing Silk good sUdT- SplendW WasWng Costumes In Good Quality 1 | Very Smart Costume of White Japanese Silk, Colossal Sale Price, 3/11 each. t UsuTlly 4/11 each. Holland, designed in Military effect. 1 " I :t it s h ide?^elftffs. P and I tie a tH ft front pair. . Now uced to 8/11 each ' ColOSSal Sale Price, 3/6 "»*!*■ f tw ° M f B of coat Corslet skirt eased at waist each pocKets in coat, oelf collar, bolt all ■ I with patch pockets. In S.W. and p, brfl c.i HftM in Black A »»d variety of White Voile Blouses, with front Irish hand-ombroidered in varioun cawu ' round, and buttons of self. Corslet skirt i | women's sizes— Usually 7 Guineas. or White; three-quarter length' ' le En ° Un ""l "/ h h emßtltched ' or mUI hemstitched roll collar. Very dainty with belt and pockets-Usually 69/6 | 1 Nnw nfferinjJ at 79/6 Silk. Smart goods, excellent for "" VnJafatini dkill pnch Crepe de Chine Sailor Collar's, in w -. . . nftl . |'| ! ■ wow onenng at /»/b. pres nt wear-Usually en pair now onering at 8/ii eacn. p £, e finished with ' em . Now offering at 29/6. M ■ ColOSSal Sale Price, 6/6 stitchinp-Usually 2/6 each. ■ B 9 Smart Costumes, Silk In Jersey Cloth, de- na ; r ■ ■ ■ . . Sale Price. 1/11 each. B ffl signed with step collar, wide inset '""'• An Excellent Costume for the hot weather, I 88 sleeves, soli culls and buttons Panel | n p awn Tropical Suiting. Coat has 1 I back and front, with MX! TinLTT mY /ial . __ » _. ___ ' ! j„_ ,_. . ..____. _~ S M Ith1 th r~ S 1 across bust and back. Belt single at W YE Y S** W V ' deep inset sleeves, roll collar with points ti a back and front and double at sides. fl £ m I I 1%. I I~# 11 1111 I ■ ■ » on Bhoulder - fan °y P atcn Pockets, belt § M Corslet skirt, closely pleated, with sinplo ■_■ ■ _T^ , B 1 I 1 if IE 9 I M I I MEmI au * round - and tu med back cuffs. Well- I i box pleats.. In Cream, Pink. Echo.. II 1 ■ HI "%i A ,i D I I W*T ■ |l 9 1/ made eathered skirt, finished with belt- I [ I feufflfc ; a guS. Nieeer - ° %IV/lil i vv/Ul\ 1 « 11-lf 1 £_/« ? dually 45/, I. 1 Colossal Sale Price, 49/6. »««_«•» j« -. «- ir» i a r*Xi. Fnrther Reduced to 29/6. .1 I L Auckland s Leading Drapers, The J.C.L. Queen Street. __ _. J J

m ' — ' ■ — ■ — . ;\ '- SUMMER MEDICINE 1 tt Ur\ I*J I For Ladies and Children of SXOWE S /ir^B 1 Immediately the hot weather comes along-* I I J| T am 21 |* Jfi Hfll 1V W^k^M®/ 1 derangements of the stomach take place. m \)1 v(4V A gT A ¥ & AMIL ¥ 1 The heat causes lassitude—want of energy— ■ „ \ and loss of nerve force, which reacts upon the I I a nauseous taste in the mouth, bad breath, and I ,! ■"■■■■■■" ■"■■■■■■ J>«!^MmWtiia!^i^iMd^im^amftmM^tmsmii jj a nauseous taste in tne mourn, oaa Dream, anu n 1 a * headac, ' e ' 1 |B|h| AT ALL FOUR STORES. i 1 • This is particularly the case with ladies and I ||£h|[ |\ ' "—" ' — ' " 1 I' Ch,ld ThTsimplest and most reliable remedy to llwl ' » til FOUR GREAT BARA «N DAYS. I help and correct the stomach-and remove the . | villi / JiP V In order to make the last ,onr da of ™ r Great Boot Sale SPECIAL RED | Q unpleasant symptoms produced by the hot weather 1 Vj LETTER DAYS, we have decided to make - 1 ' | and unsuitable food is | FURTHER REDUCTIONS OFF OUR SALE PRICES. | | I ** This is your great chance to secure good Footwear at LESS THAN WHOLESALE; j SHARLANDS MAGNESIA "'■'"--* I i It counteracts the formation of too much s ft f" ___ -U l"...„ll ffl I Iff* ■I#l I ff% ■ S I It counteracts the formation of too much I § P_,.. A £ f"„.,.JLL Sft 1 I flfc B I tffc 1 1% ■ I acid in the stomach, and prevent! the improper | ffl l> filil (IT JUQ MlTtUSkf KPlliSfWl \IIPPI3I \sllO PI'IPOP fermentation of the food, which causes flatulence I PI I Mil VI lllU B I*ll USUI IVIjUUbCU VllvUlUl Willi I I IUGd ] ~ and a bad taste in the mouth. - I Fnrther ■ • . | As a corrective, it is invaluable, especially to I MDIES . BLACK PATENT GOMSH BOOTS , °PricT s2?Mm. ..bostock'S- black glace * sftrii. a . ~ . ... .. I LADIES BLACK. i'AiciM Q-OLOSH JtsUUis, of.nt 'ft '• RnQTrirwH» Run: *" w lx.™ j ladies, invalids, and children, in that while it' I pumP .solos, n«pr brown button tops, high ok/. ir/n , derby boors round Uk»l di wee. TvS 00/ c on/ I corrects the derangements of the stomach, it acts fa, woo too; »u sues, aml snip .... 00/ 10/11 special. Further reduced dti/b 60/' J I also as a aentle laxative, in removing the ill- 1 ladies- white canvas button boots. gent.-s patent golosh, dull kid iop [j ','/' T V II ordinary leg, full too, oovorcd Cuban heelo. IDC Q/11 BUTTON BOOTS, famous Regal Brand, Ameri- i . dlOeSted fOOd from the System. B I English make; all sizes. A great bargain .. -lU/U U/ 11 can make, welted soles; smart, latest stylo. A OO Ifi OH IP $ i " 1 11 ' gift at the price 00/O JiVIX) \ In recommending Sharland's Magnesia for the | I ladies- ALL PATENT l-BAR walking gent. lg BLACK glace DERBY shoes, iw | » [ above stomach troubles, we do so because we | I .. A ! P " 22/6 14/11 ffiVfe H "T* *°? *? 6 \ 6 ' V; 33/6 27/6 | know that the experience of thousands has demon- 1 1 ladies-WErrs canvas shoes, good fitting, boys-black glace derby boots full in in it hi § 1 I strated the correctness of our statements. I I tt' 80169 ' strap Md button Btylos ' Greftt 8/11 5/11 round toes, high grade; sizes 10 - 13 ' 8 ■•' .. 18/b 14/11 1 | IQ bargaiaß V/ai ° /aL LADIES' PATENT GOLOSH BUTTON BOOTS. I Its continued success and reliability as a II LADIES' WHITE NUBUCK BUTTON BOOTS, white gabardine tops, high leg, welted soles, DC/. 19/1,1 i , i , . . , , ~ . .._ ~* . . IE ordinary log, high toe, covered Cuban heels, 07/£ 1771 ft sy s ape OJ/ -10/JJ. I | medicine is due to the scientific method and _ IE best English make; ail size» .£l/0 11/11 ladies' black glace button boots dull f supervision of its manufacture, which ensures | 1 LADIEB . patent lace shoes, white garb. bSt. t ° P Aii hi i toeß ' B ° lid ■*'■ A bea " tiful 33/6 24/6 ! 1 that its composition shall be perfect and always 1 § fifc VSJS^^.T hie \ . Cubß . D . 28/6 13/11 child's black glace i-bar "shoes, li 7 -ii \ I the same I I leather, round toes; " 13 ' 8 I'll I ' I 1 LADIES' DOESKIN CROQUET SHOES, rod rub- -JO/£ n H-i CHILD'S BLACK GLACE 1-BAR SHOES ill 0/11 I | When you want Sharland's Magnesia, see that I I *** solos. ' button style; *ll 81K * .. - i6/D '/- 11 leather, round toes; m '.. 0/11 you get it—and do not be induced to take some 1 I ; <trmm jg®± .-m— SHARLAND'S MAGNESIA r storesAuck,an(, ' s Happy Family Boot Stores 4 stores 1 LB 1 The oS iC Bhe Btre COr °' r ° Ue&n aDd Darby Streetß ' ' Phone ThC Devonrt Boot Store > Mar 'w Square, Devonport. •Pbrae9«.:ii^ Sold Evorywhere-1/3 par bottle, J I t^o.^^b^ »* tf , l.™ ? M ta^,^- ,„ - J| i* * • ■ ■ ' .■•(...-

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17101, 5 March 1919, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17101, 5 March 1919, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17101, 5 March 1919, Page 12