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$ 1 La "To-day^ I 'Kodak Films' Not .Increased IfF J|||| I They are still sold at " w fell They are still sold at Wrx? fejl the same prices as ■ inly Lar!""" I J at the outbreak of > " Tbzr fitl" I j war. These prices " -,vA -b^lA ; rule at every Kodak fjlß Tj^; , ; dealer's throughout Ma JtM ; New Zealand. ,/,. LJjL^_Z__ 1 —- __ * DBFIHIIIOB Vest Pocket Kodak, 1/-spool CleanUa„. ,„., ! .■'■'.■ (8 Exposures) . fmaa TOUOT-REXOMA SOAI I ' No, 2 Brownie - I/- „ ~ ■ mMMMM n..,,——.,, | (6 Exposures) ■ ... M | No,2aß rExp e o»ur"es) ,/3 " An' Economy Hint! 1 No. 3a Kodak - , 2/- „ As you serve porridge I (6 Exposures) a * least 300 times in a I etc., etc., etc. . year, think of the big I " ' aaassgaassaasaaßsaaaaaasag saving of time and I . cash ensured by using I Wherever you go ask for Kodak J^kT^ 3^^ I Films and see that you get them at ::' ILJ 8 C J the usual prices. I .^igr ] j COOKED IN [I j ■'.-.< . owe IjjtiWjgTE - Sold by All Kodak Dealers aytsSMfc II » grain. ASK FOR FREE PRICE LIST Every bag contains 4 full ! Tr An a w /a « . v T J _ l I lbs. and every ounce-makes ii KODAK (Australasia)- LTD. 11 ' °;- e «**« orr^e^ 1 i n'j mi.. , «... , I will any other meal. / | Auckland. Wellington, Chnstchurch and Dunedin || Also ln 201b> Bags ff j 'I weight— ask your grocer | Try Solio Self Toning Paper-"At Your Dealer's" i] for this LaTge Sii;e ' | I MiJ.IrLANGDOWNftSON,U4 | I |L_- ■ ■„, _. . ill I CLrittchuKla . * ' . ' ' ' ' \ ———— -~u ^—y ^ \, 1| F ::: == ::: = r ~ :-?:==: . I |P S9a Do you want j Weak" And .; | NB,S! 1 a Bicycle? j Nerrons'-. : £Msm I en ■ il« r j . 1 Dr Cassell's TaMets Give Jratjp 'i 1 Fill in this Coupon and post 1 „ _ „ M „■ */ RMm 1 'J&Mb± ii To»da 1 Energy to Nerve and j $$ i|K»L it lo»aay. I » , .._ . _, ,r> fiilS jflfti Pli To Seeates & WmTE > Splendidly Fit. : | Hi MmN\ 11/ /ill P.O. Box 59, Auckland./' ii !mm you are weak, nervous, or Vl '■ ■ ' rua-dpwn nut your trust in Dr. i aWBIW Vl/1/ IS' '-"- Please send me hv return 'i <-M«eh , Tablets. They nourish every RHm \W\V M .rKasi. senu me, dv return, ! ; »»"«.;. ( . tuo![ ,, every bodily function. : «s»w 'law Without Charge or obligation ' and buildup "J ,nd,rt new energy WfiKtcßMHi^ OV ■/»» \J fc« £ i' j i i.- i.* 1 i anil vital force. Then- .incomparable of any kind, your new and artistic ' effloaoy •in ail debilitate conditions Silt H Catalogue of Bicvcles iust nub- i I ]\w won for thm the largest sal* of t' "■■ i.- BI ui uitjtit.b just puD- their olsiuin. tbo whoie wide Empire. SHS' : listed. Write here— 11 I fhr,"h V ar ° Britiuh throUßh * nd lliipMllg , r 1 High Commendation. ?/ ' ltf - " ; "•- Dr - c - »• ""no, D.D.S.. D.M.D., ajj __ 1 Man. sayji-" | knew ths excessive ■■ ' wiMafe%#i«J# ' means cf oountcraeting tha oxocssive 1 ! - Bl . r £ in oJ Ufa than a courts - ' ' 1 ■?' Dr. Ca550,1 ' Tablets. ' can ipe&k « 'to'thsir value as restoratives, ami ""—~ ■ "--- •""■"»• I 'havo every eonfldonos in reoom--1 "■;:. :■■ and send or post this advt. to | j ' HSn"tt» t0 a " whD '"' **** n . ■'* \ ,;-V ■ ■*, : ' i- -'''' , '' " - : ". II j '• Dr. Caßacll'g Tablets are nerve .- jakeates 6 White, *■<*+.• 48 Fort-st.J g^- lmJllwst!fln ; JHHIIIIbirfr w Nerwe Paryiysls , Kidi!!ey*WMineM ■i .—»■-» ; ii i , i i iii gggg IM Infantile Paralysis Ann mi* P.' •.S?! ■;'*'■:.«?' / V "-•■:•■ • IjKWlf vWurtla far Hurling mothers 858" dunnc llio Orltiesl Ptrindt of Ufa. m ' ' ♦-e».«n k >tfß<>^^*>*».«»<«a i >B»# Sold by Chemists and Stwekeepers In •" i if rf all parts of•■ New Zealand. Vlvi 1 4r\ d« • 1 Prloee 1/9 and 4/-. the I'- dta being the {Declining ! ——-. Pan. ! Appetite' Dl !£SF s . lis often sign of a poo? state of i 'cAdUIvIS J' ' ' '■.-/'•. "I/ vjfck i.i : ? health. When it is accompanied J -■■■■ **"* ' ' ' '■■• fylmL ' ■'' ii by other symptoms such as head- I gSSZI! , ..I'-sr. j '—• _ » '! aoha, biliousness, a feeling of " " T — '. -__=;=!«!._ ■■»,'■«■- -■ L J . I fulness after eating, sleeplessness S if—■■. '■■;";" '■ i , l ""■*«& ' 'T3HHBSI ■ '! at night, drowsiness during tho ? ! 'ALWAYS ASK J flWfifffi i day.smd loss of energy-the causa | '•T WmW M,3r >iJ >' ; .' . JrtiMlWf ■J of tha trouble is generally to ba r j A Crt D .A ■///imm/ ! 1 'o'Jnd in a disordered digestive 9 ' /J&lk. 'W ' jmSS. JUiflWMl ' ey«tem. The proper- course to r r^^T^g 1 P Uf6Ue m BUch a .case is to seek | P^^^j '»• ' I Beeeham's Pills. v ßeecham*» Pills J |'J™ f■l' L? i P exercise a highly beneficial aotion r I The new PETER PAN College f( upon the stomach, liver and i ' — -—-^--J Shoe for Girls has had a wonderful J bowe ' 3 and speedily bring about J " \gT DPCT run in America. It is light, com- I % *** .f-gfi '« i 8 ■**»*? '-. ¥*-«>l \_ fo rt able,eas y onthe S tocLg S ,aud ssssffvtfa™ Cigarette PAPEßS WEARS WHLI/, I aperient, oorrective and restora* / , " . —. "' , ' ■—" W<« tiaw i«ct «««««J *i..-« *, a «, £ * ve properties soon re-establiah i «■. jtemnimmmmm ~* We have just opened three new ) the hialth upon a auro foundation. 1 1 ol&flKHH^ 'a. « lines. The Sizes are 2to 5. A Disorders of the digestive system i J 1 lKßf|nl l! Zebra falf 1 fi/1 1 ? raro!failto disappear under tha I $ oUJIJJ 101101£ Mi J fllS 5tT rJlfi/i i cu«ti«influencoof . j HB| (S*s*fo§!7P^ Patent Colt, 19/9 j J I^HMwaMfISS Be sure and see these Shoes in & WwQWlillM d J . For Cliildren'j CouiAs : - our Windows. J fSHi 'J &»» / CollegeDerbyainZebraCalf, I fTjllg I S^«*SaAS , S " "**' F has itoi SSi H ) ? iiiltoWe foff Females of all ages. y awMre< * w p il " ii|j| } 1 : ■ Without Pure Biood Health is Impossible. mmw - ' : — VETARZO #( PILLS are particularly BLOOD MEDIICINE |j ]1 esiltabie foe Fcmalea cf all ag«Si 1' , * u ™ TO "~ , 5 B ™ l |la bous, h »Ued IOJd, l/Ii & 2/9. d !Z~ jMM^>*^W».* > «*'«S!V\»l*\S»&l Without Pure Bicod Hcalil. is Impossible. VETARZO f\VERCOATS—We have a particularly BLOOD MEDIICINE H|HW y laree and well-assorted 4 fltoc of. Gent, a Searches out and expels from the vital curov 2 T ss s ' }l*uJ?s-fc™y tw€e f i ,, ,? M 4 r(Jljt e " lurking trace of coisoaous matter BHwlffleai "« S, ?v wHydrottes. Inspect on invited, eurinß blood and akin diseases, bad legs ' fittorfli l'aPvicJni, Ii CoßtUmlCr ' " nd out- abscesses, ulcorj, eczema, gout, rheumatism, ffl&tmVJr ~ " - Life Without Health ie Living Death. Yf ■ INT E B QOMPO RTB. • VETAftZO BBJSeX». For nervous oxn.ustion and chronic weakness W&fir COAL, COKE, AND FIREWOOD. 'Send P.O. 8/- (crossed fur security) for *r' . —— — Trial Bottle of either remndy, to Velarzo REMEMBER, WE GIVE Remed«.» 0.. Gospel Oak, liKjndon, N.W. 6, ■ _ . Enfflann. Unprincipled vendors may try to If II »1) iS O/ "DER 'TON' 8011 you wniethmß.else for sxtra profit: do !Sllffls£i6 ariam© Mr I i(\ H° Sf 1 not accept it insist on havire Vetuso. The iftlllHft Aumub ©C vo. . DISCO ON COAL FOR cash, hm BS&' V STbfStt A' •* Vlf r a sir si i' ~ 'v ' -.•*■"", CHEMISTS. CppoMte Y.M.C.A.. Welles St. wb specialise in furniture -____ *■,'■■ ' J '■ REMOVAL. - ! ' \ "POUND— Blossom Ointment. It.' ) JT fIRAIG, TTD., * Cures Sore Less, Piles Eczema. Sore „ tj .v.* \J ' " v Jj byes, and Skin Complaints. Bloomin., (h» Js32f"'> ' . ODUH'iO- «t, it« ,« T>rT>i->rvTVrto nun t)m»t f roat Corn, , Wart, and Bunion Cure. 6d. ' CRAIG'S BUiLDINGS, OPP. 8.N.Z.. gold every who; e.-Agents. wholesale dru£ ' T PEACOCK AND SON, Opthslmlo OdU- i"" "-"""■""' "l "" . ' J < i.. L oians, ,218, Queen St. (near Victoria St.). I I Tl 4 '«» #■ ,-, rS Sight tested by most improved, method*. i .\ 14 V*.. >/1 • I a.iß •I\ , § ] BMotMiesscourately,fitted.. Artificial We, £ ,_- FjflO'l'lCll IVI , ii 1 of all colours in stock. Nautical and Sw 1 irf>- *■' * 13C«AA tlJ' <L I*loll,l 1# 3 »eyors' Instruments in stock and repaired. I / 6i/*\ # isss -v* 1 v , If ■■ ■ —~„-,•.,•,.,——; MjfS fih v P "~ an^ ¥ery W wt^ attractiwii,tea! 1 1 D/SOLDIB AND QONS. I'- $5? „.. ~ 0 II * ** limited, ° j ■Miv' Holbrooks Sauce is one If BREAKWATER ROAD. /BM IF) '° f the ~b eSt to that 1 }. Kami. Tetara, RimuiWbito Pine, Oregon 1 I il%Mt-M mf V comes from England. 1 f Pine, Bluesum, Ironbark. / 1 Made from a Y secret, old- I i 'oinery and Mouldings Always in Stock. i'^^ > ItW* " **V fashioned recipe it has the II Telephones: rali%/ fj^S. /s*> flavour and charm which j „ • (363. Head Offico; 06, Order Office. v™»// </// |» no other sauce has seriously |»J Holbrook's Sauce \ WsimAvTk l ill «3i"BBU »l I 1 HOLBROOK'I WORCESTERSHIRE SAHCE, i I I PURB MALT VINEGAR (in bottts). j \'.■ ■•\//j' ; ' r %i»iMiiwnfiiH a Jill^H^ffiF^*P lM^ ,lllllWWlPM T ,w, " wwll ' lllww I

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16969, 1 October 1918, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16969, 1 October 1918, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16969, 1 October 1918, Page 2