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\ JpW* PANAMA?, embodying ...- ■ ■>c Misik 8 li \|lwW "' w'Sßr' With the higher prices now prevailing for untrimmcd Straws, th* Panama Hat, SB* /.'''/ ffflSt fflfflr' I^P^S^' ' 1 i 'bBW^ / Sfc "'llwHtf essentially a favourite for our summer season, will enjoy a greater vogue than ever, W&Q d 4 • • '>'''..*$ WW W' -Wsssss&' i i . I '$HW' because of its excellent value and serviceability, . fl^|o ' ✓«"""<«£ vjp§\ ' *!, zs/})s§& \ ' 1 V/;- \ B&fflSHr In these entirely new shapes, with their smartlytaiiored trimmings, sell and Sj SB^^frf*^^* 0 " / s '?' r f LMf$/f I : J | "v%V, v \ •|imS/W ' contrasting colour over and under brims of Tagel, very original and exclusive '^^^ ? tiTlTiTA\l ''^ilfir I I 1 - The wealth of choice permits of the suiting of all ages, from the little miss to ' "*** > :, | ' II .1 1 • the matron, Whilst it is apparent'that the adUlt Styles Will answer the call for most M fiURTON »_ A very desirable Panama for wear f , simple mushroom shape, But I 1 1 "BALDWIN"-On the slishtly drooping brim 0CC«8l0DS, Whether it be iporfs,Street, Or Occasional Wear. ' with smart frocks. The band of striped Tagel very , very becoming) and suited for either 1 1 ' TEJing Panamf £3 band fa quite distinctive, and obtainable in Black Jj or costumo wear . The undcrbnm ,of 1 I of coloured Tagel, and the fancy ribbon round Cerise, Fawn, Emerald, Rose, or Navy-21/-, Tagd> {n Emerald, Navy, m Block-«/»i ' 1 the crown is in shades « mat «« Black, Navy, These hats are being special featured in the windows and Millinery Section S5/e, 32/6, 35/6, 89/6, 42/., 49/6, / 25/6,35/6,42/.. | Emerald, or 35,6, 45/-, next week, and as they ar«f the most advanced productions of the season, an early , 3 l inspection Is advised. „ „ . i

I. N ■" M•• *>•'''*<• .ft *. - r » '>."*•< f f\ It I I l 1 il " , .it.ii i/iummm " BAYNB."-Thß notable feature of this smart wr*. */* »1 » ' »BR VDLEY "-This is a very useful type of | ! I » BEVERLY "-Tie long front and side dented «ENTLY."-For wear with,tte««~JJ™ Panama is th. overbrim of coloured Tagel. " BERWIN." - Though simply trimmed, this p anama and the Rightly upturned brim has an J • . SISEtttCS'CJSK tt£MiE££ V I .; I 4 "" a B %A"£r" Rlbbonbad i i 1 I 29/8, 85/6, 42h 49/8, . J** pugaree-12/6, 15/6, 21/..

I m I $ ,s%£*§ fIKIW JW&MW' rijiht to a Panama that is distinctive in shape and trim- , ' : Si£#:'' . — ~:,.... * • 1 % ' -%»» 25 - their elder, and that each little face .ay he ' " P ffi£. S^W?&£K 1 • * Wf V y/JlfylW™ # framed in a suitable and becoming way : we have pre " : i3iMMm £?I clmentrf ribbon, in any colour i j p I \$ V J red lth a collection 6! very Tar,ed BhapeSi ' Mw pI l) 12/6( 15/6 ' 21/ " I VLk,l ~. . , One style, named " Patty," is depicted at right, „ ' i. , ~,, other PANAMA HATS FOR CHILDREN are • ' ( «BANBTjRY;VTha length" of .front brim and _ .. BROMPTON/'- n«» lW*9» *de gj Wh»™ ama a variety of small and large !•■ ■ .BLACKLEY.»-With turned-up.bnm and dented **». of back is the pronounced feature o 1 new nc,e, is i*fc\%**ft* fiSSj Ip* enabling a suitable" selection to bo made | | crown, this shape* kjjjj"*j for this Panama, which is BUlte d for young ladies , ~ _ — jg' or Navy. Showing ik several excellent ' fo / a n ages {rom 2to 15 years . Prices A matiW wwearr r- ™«i w 8 nl wear. The silk braid trimming gives a smart i • oualities—2l/-. 26/6,32/6, 35/6, 39/6, 42/-, 49/6. . m \ t0 30/ . j ggg»fe; MI| _ NR & CH qyce, Ltd.L I j ' — — ~ FOR THE NEWEST-ALWAYS, |■ i Gossard Brassieres BORDERED VOILES . m Street ' Anckla " d ' &* ' jfo ■ I If"' Gossard Brassieres, like Gossard Corsets, are W J|l ha in ttviwi iavMir far ft >- \s*lQr£*& I UllUSllHl 031111111685 111 | | I made to meet the individual requirements of every Will UC 111 glCdl IaVUUIIUI , „ . L i—i AAM -*-|. /—/A* /I V . ' . * , . a l , I type of figure. Perfection in design is no less im- c««Mt* am fsuutlre QlWfc fAAiS thflt ate VerV SttiaFt 3110 CO IK CI H7fl/-ffis* -X$ / .P V y K \ lingerie 18 fOWld HI the (16- I 5 j portent in Gossard 'Mm than beauty of SUMMer frOCKS, COdlb UMI ttlC VCIJ aiUUII UHU ( & J / !K kand omWU<W t i materials, fabrics, and trimmings. . f jffi<&f\n£i\ X, *» z? I HgiltlUl liana embroiderer I' i ' I The function of Gossard. Brassieres is to care for _ . 6 ■\*snxi.\47& V iOTp (, l/ "i~ * «ir «i i ' iii " the figure above the waistline as efficiently as do This season's collection of Cotton Voiles is un- \ t "\ If W 1/ /A garments irOm Manila, r; I the Goesard Corsets mould the figure below .the doubtedly one of the most interesting received for klfiajLrN/ : flT] Uu % : \w/' tf /111 Jo / //// ■ II wairt. K*&!a /* a A decided feature of the collection is the V*"Jk* \\ \l< ' A /jj| »%V| > / /All ii tf Kf of the daintiest and most uncommon designing 1 colourings are so entirely new and different. \ < > »T7V If * . %;, v> ///111 trx I | Tj- t, ' m t' frt ! S A decided feature of the collection is the I A J I » I I / w/' II AwJ-wJ-J-JL_J/ Ar of the daintiest and most uncommon desimine I ''' 1 /I / V BORDERED DESIGNS. These are not only very jjzk>. \\A / A A\lN I^Jr i '' Li (1/ fi) 7 FTrMH will find much to appreciate in'the collection of /§ wi Jk ,Jr\ / vX >£a correct for the present season, but permit of the JJ 1/ l / / \ ;I\\ Ai\ h« l^ > T"^ , T* , ' J ~T*Jvi_ JCf i / a h lfl i . n • j * „ ~ i l ' l / iLjfw makigu " of Te^^^fefiiv? < & styles! /iMifi\li A\ 1 )I(Tl I*l 1 Ivf^M'l^/^ garments recently received from Manila- !'' Mlf \\ 'II ((111 /1 Ml 1 " 01111 "' w ' borders of many designs and /Aj ■ IA ! \ ill/n / t1 / I ~-iL*-<c^?^^^ Vt n4U The garments are beautifully fashioned from [I 6 I \\VpZI2-Va/ ■ DonM« width ~ price ' B ' 6 yard. ]|))lillllwPl ' I iMlll handhvork of the natives of th« Philippine Islands. J! ■I 1 Xj||§«-. '. ' British crepes IiBS Min ' I /tftll ffll\\l (' l / mso-maniu HAND-MADE CHEMISE, «# at Beck \ ! i: 'I 8615 - Four TO desirable The best anality Crepe, produced are now show IffllH Vi! I U fir** ' ffl VU-JM; \ mTm &£3w iD & VW7 imCmm ° d6Sign ' ,'; | styles for summer wear ing in the following shades: Pink, Bottle Green, I Hill 1 LHU. ' i ft iOTI \f 5 Tlfl *~*^\ M\ V* I mfc™. __OK/fl ♦« oaia 13 Lfl .2S5\ are illustrated and de- Sky, 'Sand, Brown, Navy, Amethyst. Cream, Saxe, iflli 11MI - I(T I Mir 111 V ll Mi "5.L MVUMAmfi ffiKnsnrv'l „» . , . N I M?w bribed. Black, White. Of such splendid weight and II I I flffl S4UkHJJ--rlll Vl,' -Hi I K >, MSO-MANILA SOLE, beautifuUy hand-embroidered in M »' I 3615-A DELIGHTFUL quality are these Crepes that they are admirably lUjllMUPif » ' i'TTKI "f / 1 V V ~-•> 'illr eyelet and spray design-27/6. m / lr~\. \ BRASSIERE for even- suited for useful summer wash costumes, as well as | | || || A I II ' ' 'Pm \ I I • U Other Styles—l 4/6 to 33/fl, 1 / $*? \ ing wear, designed for as smart frock styles. m IA»!PW Wi \'i ''> A*''- MS<* W\ M4O-ENVELOPE CHEMISE, beautifully cut and finished and •' M / \ the a vera go figure. IP 10 WiiiFUl M[Mill I'll" wTlaf lilllTiiiWf TlilllilßTnrfl-iil BM \ '/i » . S'aJVTi'JM' embroidered in a very effective desiw-42/- — _' B r ! ■ / iJX \ Jlade of B", Batißt9 J yird. «■ B -^- — — JIBO , tf , \', Other Styles-25/6 to 39/6 '' I I I SfwSnt an 34 fA VW '• MSO-MANILA HAND-MADE KNICKERS, open shape i I I rj|M&. \I to 4o_Price%J/«. #9ilfeh mffilk. JIOO-A VERY SMART SPORTS COAT of heavy Silk. \ Si?' 13 ' f^Pf,?, and embroidered in spray design. Finished il ! I'\ \V\ /N \ / 423 — BRASSIERE, de- M$wJL '' Wllitß Bround8 round with narrow Satin and Green and Ribbon bow— ' J | J \ V \u., „ J 7// signed for full figure !WrT!L.„..,-.u> tm ■ rwimrtimi — mwUMBTOm Helio. combination stripe. Plain long roll collar and ' I V with embroidery yoke l^S^^^S^S^MM^, V gSMMMPv'* fjjlllii JISO-FINBLY-WOVEN SILK sports COAT, with I m \J 1 JX i" . fro . , and b c- ' X▼ A /X-f'A \IT VV smartly shaped collar, patch pockets, and long tas--i- I tSr '••''■'' MMM/U /Sax ARS seUed sash. Obtainable in Light Grey, Maiie, Cream, ['! I 24 wIfii? A STO $$£ rf/i/jKh /lw>A rt MviWfk JIBO--A DRESSY BPORTS COAT of medium weight \ •' ! cTOPff jam» \K\f S \\ fl I iIM/ill ff/H // I IMiV woven Silk. The back and front of collar, sash, and IMawa haiii oaihala r»At\r» t?«« ««„„!„ . I * I SVTsffi If Mr I \ / OTIV B?/'' \ f^^^sw 1 Sh ° wiDg . More new sample sets for ountry customers 8/ fj A g DAINTY LIT- f »//. , *(lk\\ I I llmi'sriA M) jWf/iJI \ i at) Silk hlflimes (a<? qkfifclied\ n * recent arrival of another important Bhipmentof Summer Dre " fabrics, I I lsssr C <¥\ TLE BRASSIERE for if fi / lit 'Nil 4JI i/f! if] iff iUjl/lil \ W P' D,UUiW \dS» bKCICneU; p eraitß us to add many more sample sets to the season's ranges. j ! I i ffif \>l \ the , av enge figure, iMv/Jl/M J A /\\\u-i I ftjll 1 Mlft/T/XkA 442-A NEAT BLOUSE STYLE OF GOOD QUALITY «.».,, I 1 mr 4*f£®&*k\ J \ made o f /"ik Satin and 'VU-'J/£g / yNX ' f TBIM J tl' -f \miMJM /) JAP. SILK, trimmed with stitching. The deep arm- Country residents who are desirous of selecting from quite the latest weav»« Fi I m V/ I • y ? c !i . g ilMfll A>/ V* 'ffPW™/ J holes are a notable feature—Price, 21/6. , and colourings should not delay in making requests for anv or all «# »i. „ , t i ' C Wfc«d '/ / m m us shoulder straps, . Dnilra jt\\y \k vflMl \\\ras-Y It 111 I IIW -v/ 100 a vttrv «ivrAT»T rtattqt? Hp witttp Tap m. , . . y au ot tne seas 8 I 3 IWf l^^lV 7 / this garment will not |'/« i»l |^»<^ §/ X\\wS[\ WW Iff/ J\ \ */?' -V 182—A VERY m ARL BLUUbb UD WHlll JAP. sets. They are sent post free. . L ■ S \ilMj ml sli and ivei erfct Vll 11 \ \rmi \\ WW W/ff ' SILK, with new shape pointed collar, finished stitchM I y&lw' f/ »| II ff \ffir3sZ USEFUL BLOUSE IS OF NATURAL FUJI. ' ■ . . | ( ._; I »t back. Sizes 34 to 38 L„\Tl ?

[• |- If 'j I ■ ■; r It i ii ■ i ; r ■■ • ■ — -n ■ ■ ■ I U 1 A STRIPED FUJI.-For Silks with a smart stripe 1 I | BALMORAL SUITINGS-This is a strong and COTTON* GABARDINES will again be in demand KISMET CREPES.-This is a Cotton fabrio that CREPE POPLIN, one of the newest weaves in there is a decided vogue this season and for WOVEN STRIPFn AND rmrn* tad bttit I |J serviceable Cotton material, woven very similar for useful Spring Costumes, and patrons will will give every satisfaction. It is of light Cotton fabrics. It is of the ordinary Poplin really useful garments Griped Fuji is'very de- another -fli TH V . JAP 'SILK . 18 I |j| ffl to a Linen. Showing in a fine range of shades; find us prepared with a nice quality in many weight, serviceable, and will make very dainty weight, but with a Crepe finish. Excellent for sirahln. Tt is in rutiint MnM nmnn j in. *i i excellent Blousmg Silk. It is a nice | ;^ II § - or Frocks. 29 inches— 8/11. , mcnes-i/o. j . . : ! •*^iimuaauamM^^^&m&

If- PriaUd ud Publiibed by Hani Uobtoit, tt fcmutra. and VTttiUK Bojiax Waegu, of Tik»sus». for the Proprietor!. Wimojc MB Boaiov ( at their Officii, If flueen Street* and it .' and 3, .Wjndhwa Stint, Auckland, New Z«aland, Saturday Bt7h ~ " ' " '*-'<■ %\ : . IS , > 1 +..».«■ 1918, .'&?||ll|

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 13967, 28 September 1918, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 13967, 28 September 1918, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 13967, 28 September 1918, Page 8 (Supplement)