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Wnfp "ALWAYS BUSY." , ; O/^S IT a M m ' ■ A CHARMING SELECTION OF / J* J m A 'ft' ■ A CHARMING SELECTION OF ■s£-,. J*\ fIL I J h SUMMER APPAREL FOR //M f /|lft/i®UrV- JfII ADULTS and /f* ■/i ■ I®J\l- 4m! k**r tS' I ttEk // litwSm That J.C.L. Rendy=to»Wear # Garments command admiration is iS-fiff / IvUMiJfl/ i Ml ii\ \\ I ft! Wf /I £' i »2 ;^£':! | , l admitted by all who have seen them. The beauty of the designs, / | fin\ i Jl I l\\ £ I \\l r 1/ I i the excellence of the workmanship, and the y daintineßs of the fabHcs are [ *~\\ //kZjm 1 \! '11 vlf 4 1 1 »/ WV| I that Is desirable. We invite yon to inspect the huge variety / \\ I(r* \\ I l\ fj\ I '11 II /' \lj ill NEWEST STYLES IN LADIES' FUJI SILK BLOUSES. \\ JI 'I \ \ / A I // 1 / 1 \ ill I Smart Tailored Shirt Blouse, in Plain Fuji Silk, made with deep sailov collar and long ** \ V \ // I /( / 5 \ / 1 • rover to wai9t of Striped Fuji, in shades of Stixe. Brown, or Green; cuffs to mttcb. Gl2. Gl3 3 i l\ \ / / I 1 / I / I \ J i\ Special value— « I S\ W /li I / J "/' /I \ \ ill I Smart Tailored Shirt Blouse, in Plain Fuji Silk, made with deep sailor collar and long LADIES' CAMISOLES I V \ // | I /( I \ \ / I r < >ver to waist of Sniped Fuji, in shades of Snxe, Brown, or Green; cuffs to match. Gl2. Gl3 M l\ \ / / II i / I /• J \ fjl . Special value— t H IX? / ! / /' V ' „ , 29 LADIES' CAMISOLES i 111 I I / r , ' Perfectly Tailored Shirt Blouses of Heavy Quality Plain, Fuji Silk, designed with roll i„ *.„„*♦„ A»«ir*~« ««#J M I (A» " / U6 collar and cuffs of Striped Fuji, the two-tonc effect giving a very smart and dressy 111 PrettV UCSlffllS 3.110 §§ s «CST J , rm ' appearance— *j . ". «, °. m j 1 I * Gl °- 32/6 each. dainty fabrics. 1 DAINTY NIGHTDRESSES New Design In Fuji Silk Shirt Blouses, made with roll collar it back, and Quaker rio ,„,,,„., «,,,,.„ «.»,.„ pmhimim u«a I | _ umiul U lun * WftE-OOEiO, design in front. A sailor knot of Striped Fuji gives a smart finish. Excellent value Gl2-Lad!fis'.White Cotton Cam soles, hand- « i / In a iraniA+ir rtf nffnnnfitra Aaclrtnc WR Aflr |, - • "*«-»"«"" Vl " ue • mad trimmed with Crochet Medallion, m \ > ma variety or attractive designs. 81 , _ „ • „, * l l» eac, j- nm t , edging, and beading; short sleeves. | i 04. G5 Plain Taimreo Silrt Blouse of Fuji Silk, made with deep roll collar at back and souar* trimmed to match: Very dainty, and ex- Ja | Special Quality LongClOth Nightdresses, made Magyar in ,"P™- lno . ontlre collar finished with cable-stitching in box design; cuffs to" ceptional value. Sizes 40 and 42 inch- m 1 ■eS]\ shape, with square neck of embroidery and self binding. m * C or* pfl( ;i, '2/6 each. m \\ Short sleeves, finished with embroidery insertion and '* CdLn ' Same style without sleeves— m \ \\ binding of self. Excellent value- .' mm . 11/6 each. M S £**t&\ J& \\ 12/ti each ■■■'"•■ "" •- '■ ■ - . v Ladles' White Cotton Camisoles, hand- 1 3 Df* rdiSSt \ \ cam. T AHTrO' UfkCTt?PV TM TITATITMfI made and trimmed with Crochet Medal- 8 \\ ... . ... .. .... , ■, MjUllip nUOllittl lW LftAUIWU lion back and front. Very effective de- I m! •<' ISSk J > G5-Ladies' Plain Longcioth Nightdresses, designed with MAT/PC AWT*I CUATiFQ ' " Bn ' Sizes 40 and 42 illcllCS Without I in |{Bt * Jflßp ><"f J square shaped neck, finished with three rows of hem- IUAxVIiiD AiMU OnAUJuO. sleeves— : > I •-<H^r < TL/ / stitching and plain binding threaded with ribbon. Short ...... ... ~ - ~.„ u — . n ■ ■ . '; ' ' -*<*5*9"W: 13/6 each. I \ IF 0 t« s * o0 ™. dimmed with hemstitching and ribbon to match. ■«*"•»', -MeratrlSHl O«tMH HCH, Gw. v /jIT K With short sleeves- | 2'W S Splendid value- good'valued V 7' ' >*mftil JJ ijl' I ' « .... ... .',!...... Ladies' "Jason" Plain Black Lisle Hose, with Cash- JHBMbH 3®Mtern*\ vim is t«S 1 vT^ lifefi* Gf— White Nainsook Nightdresses, in plain but attractive mere feet; good wear-resisting Quality— iiMrlßTw^ii ilmjlliwi '/ I l\\ K*4 « 1' « IfW siyle ' - ,Ingyar e2ecti t »'i mmc(l witl) embroidery insertion. 3/11 pair. a 1 I\\ W?V/ 1 f and finished with Torchon Lace. Fine quality- Ladles > Plain Hack Cotton HOM J Hawley's reliable ' l\\ 4T\ I I I ! 5 0 /\i GO-White Cotton Nightdresses, hand-made, in dainty slip- U2-Ladi»s' Plain Black Lisle Hosej Hftwley'e dye, /$? 'i 1 Ifili &m*Bi ■5 t 1 1 IWlil) C?Vlll_tA. W\ i i • '/ \ over style, with Magyar effect. Neatly scalloped and guaranteed reliable: splendid value*- QwlofyffiW*y-Wos& * f/xK' — llMI'"lVk Fww\\ H I : \ hand embroidered, finished with ribbon- 3/11 pair. |0. JwRA \V 1 I A 19/6 each. " Jaw" Mercerised Lisle How, in Champagne ehade, :: 8 —*w tt - • 1A i t!«i| "" A/T 'i\i\ i M I M ia/0 cotn. with Cashmere tops and soles; exceptional value— JSlrdSft A/ /W\ I t I , GlO-Very Dainty NigHtdress, in good quality Madapokm. ~,,,, i( 6 P * r * u „ . ' . ~ v 1 /fflPfffm I ! I designed Magyar style, with scalloped neck and sleeves, LtflW 'PIllB Black Cotton H««, is four dependable % T«. fix \\ I ( ft >W< '1 ', It ' and front prettily embroidered in Pink, Blue, or Hclio. qualities— 2/3 2/6 and 2/11 Oflir ' L'^H v T _ y'P *"l \' H j_ / «; LADIES'GLOVES FOR ALL OCCASIONS. M|| 'A tllL *^$ I i T ATITPQ' TINDF.R- Ladles' J-doma Kid Cloves, in Light or Dark Beaver': good fitting, and -TTW M R3. I I LAJJlfip l excellent value. All sizes- . ; TP'IK JS^^^^^i i ! SKIRTS at popular wii. Giovgßi . th M points Al] Bizes _ ' 6 r ß \ AS/jfy Fascinating Styles 1 fflvyii prices. / 4/11 pair. - / . «. in I 1 /twit Lai "«' "i* Cotton «*•» UdgP Wjjjj. gMJptfgy? or Bln ' nts - A** wnge of 0 I (f^L' I ' »Jftl KfSiSrS deP te* 8/11, 9/6, and 10/6 pair. 0 /JwflP SUMMER FROCKS FOR INFANTS I I JHfJJ CfcWi2/M3/ 6 Ladles* {.Button Whlti Doeskin doves. & l splendid washing Glove jSnlf roDififflM /«into ' I<ZJ \ ( j 00 I s . : « 8/11,9/11, 10/11, 12/6, 13/6 jKwta for Spring and Summer wear, and exceptional value, flues 55 V W|l\\ TODDLERS AND GIRLS. . I I Ml Vi J I ~r! l.™i««t'ni Ladies' * 4/11 pair. ~,,., /TK\lriaU R2-Toddlar > 8 Tussore Silk Frock, designed with lonfc, P ■ MffISINrVJLI A site Wlk unfflrts in Mack Ladies' White Doeskin Washing QlpveSi with strap and dome. A. Splendid kdM\hwk bodice, neatly tucked and hand embroidered; inset JLx>jT v I A IP J,117/F S5 m WirTrfhSi? very Glove for wear and service. All sizes- L sleeves, and short, full skirt; length. 18 inches- X<C»!Mr I r it iL./'Bllll// 111 and all leading snaaes. very «*■ »t.. „«i. K- T %■. u< 10/fi nn/>ii /l S ' A* F-Vl Iff// '\ 6m «t shapes and extremely 7/11 pair. . • . JCfHA /* m 12/6 eaCQ. /IT 1 1 ! few I nllw/JL) dainty- _, . . Ladles' s-Dome Black Sued* Olovosi with self White points, Ah excel- (""i'Sl*? \_Jyt\ E3-Dainty Frocks for Toddlers, In Fuji Silk; plain / Ml » | ■ I MBV : iBa N -- y 32/6, 39/6, 45/-, 47/6, and lent fitting Glove. In all sires- '" /NiVl Magyar style, with square neck, prettily hand- ('\J[i I B ■ &!llfi!tt'stt3z2 co/ft 9/6 pair. ( I r>*i, -OrVl embroider*- 1 in Pale Blue or Pink: belt of self all V yj\r I B ! |HH| An Excellent Variety of Ladles' Ladies' Me*. Black M Gloves, with, three-cord stitched points. All V - l^O iJ round; inches- WUJ I wttmSw'VwM TVS?* **£?£$ "Thi'dM- 7/6 pair. . .'■ ' J 6 T2-A Good Range of Infants' Pintpet Muslin Frocks, kCjQ{ ' I S» H^nf^f^- 7fi in ' 1-ad.oa' J.Dome Sue* o|«,,a 9 in Bro WB . Gro y . A reliable malt, H fttoft ft" iZfIT/Ci I ■*JR/p 6/11, 8/6, 9/11, 13/6, to and good value. All ewes- r 111 va '" e - H4 i—^—i-fcl 1 1/ V G4281-L 7a Coloured Mfllratte Ladies' Tan Nap Q a Waves, with two dome,. Suitable for hard wear. All / / lnfants , MM Fmk'rtWhlte Organdie Muslin. flj 1 l \<h. Underskirts, made as illustra- slzes . /t1 naif * . M I \ I designed as illustration, with yoke; skirt, and / / / g *3SI/\ .IQJ*V tion, and finished with tucks - 3 1 « P air ' . , „ Wl I I ' el ', Tea lrim »» d with laca insertion; fine quality / // Eg' '' TW? and flounce. In Brown. Sky, Ladle*' WWtO Lisla QIWSS, with two buttons- , - J .A -~ m 2°. d value- ».. - . ~-.,• . fSj/V 0 Q Sixe. View Rose, or Navy. 2/11, 3/6,3/11,4/3, and 4/11 pair. . -JL *%\ T^"S an i" / ,m "R* Muslin Coats, prettily *•«»'«! if •■ I< Splendid value- n.„ ,•« r«.w '" -" t^ ! ' wltfl hwd walloped collar, and ttttned-back cuffs; If, m&m I G42SI. C/I1 each Alß ° in Creaa "r,« j ' -' *•• splendid value— m l-i I \ OikWrA I i II . b/u eacn ' —— 3/6 pair. , »susette." 15/6 each. \ ! I s - Snlendid value- ~ •*> ' *'"' ''' ' ' Ij'u'4 rWhi 4 «~<v ame hand scalloped collar, and turned-back cuffs: /// NM/Wl t| G43SI. fi/11 each AUo in Cttm^ lP , a■ ' Bplondid value- lii{ *\ OIW/l I _ ,__ b/u eacn ' 3/6 pair. - stjsette." 15/6 each. J.ykJJL- I *"~" *" — lr j'i w h i hi sme , 'yl* » B .White Japanese Silk— l *'*<&*» H 1 IkfiH ml IBM II 3 I 8 111 "SUSETTB."-Mald'» White Cotton Voile Frock, full „. T »*«.r>; Plain Baited Frock 1 I ; 18 111 l\ I 1 II I|f I I I I J ' bodice, 'With, two rows of bemstitchinß forming B P w C fflh ffit J k Auckland's Leading Drapers, The J.C.L,. Queen Street. . Si " St ft Sft & m .**tsZl" m ~ | J--•.'.- . . - mm ___^_^^^_^^__________^_______^___„^____._________ J _ M ____. , 1 ii——i iniiiniiiiiniiMiiisaiiii <

■ - ' __..^^———^lllW g== — . MMiiiti>)Mi<iiMM '' ' w JTO rMART AND DAINTY - : —i IP' CUM M DD MentVa,ue EST. DffHSS GOODS (M / 'JOFFRE'SERGE Cream ground, Navy or Black stripes, inch—l/ 11 yard, v||/ / POM.JM, Satin finish, Navy, Bromt, Mole, Light Grey, Vieux Rose, Tussore, Cream; SSF ill/ "*" SUMMER TWEEDS, Green, Fawn, and Brown; 30 aaen-1/11. " JSm yK BLUE, BROWN, QREY, AND LEMON FIGURED VOILES, 40 incli-3/». ■ffflflhrlk i vV FIGURED VOILES, handsome designs, in Fawn, Green Hclio., Saxe Blue, and Dark UkJh'fl /M I\\ /??& Brown: *° ""h-i/ii * A ■J\3Bsii I A WH,TE VO,LEB 40 inchJ-1/11. 2/3, 2/6, 2/11. .'. i &s&' VvM llr PLAIN VOILES, in Navy. Sky, Pink. Brown. Cream, Black; 39 inch—2/3. , I WHITE VOILE, lovely floral pattern, in Blue, Pink, and Helio.; 27 inch-1/8. ' ' 1 (ftbfvi W?Ff STRIPED AND FIGURED ORGANDIE MUBLIN, Pink. Bine, tnd Hclio,; 38 inch-i/a. rm*T \) JERSEY REPP, in plain colours, Pink, Blue Pawn, and White rW inch—2/6. ! BEACH CLOTH, a new washing fabric, in White. Tussore. FASHIONABLE BLOUSES ' I and Pink; 36 inch-3/3. In Attractive Style. «nd Modefit« Mctl^, I CREAM GARBICORD, with Black stripe; 38 inch—3/11. ' ■*< ~, ; r f',. 1 CREAM GARBICORD, with lin block stripe, in. Grey. WHITE JAP. SILK, sizes 131 to 1&-13/1, 18/8, 18/11, 11/11. I • Pink, or Blue; suitable for Sports Coats; 38 inch—3/11. NA VY BLUE AND BLACK JAI». SILK o^-18/8. | ; Very smart. , . CREPE BE CHINE BLOUSES, in Black. Champagne, etc. I GREY AND FAWN GABARDINE, 38 inch—3/11. -32/8. I WHITE PIOUE, fine cord. 28 inch-1/6, 1/9. 1/11. SMART OOLOURBD Will MOUSES. Pink, Blue, Helio. I '•TMTAt-l'ter «H.T E MM,. « taWA „** EwflSfi'!L. G„, Mi,.-,,!,. STOUT CHECK? PRINTS, in Bin?, Helio., Groy, Green. Pink, and plain colours, Hejio., Blue. Pink; 36 inch-1 /Hi. w y |fl WHITE JAP. WASHING SILK, 28in-2/11, 3/11, 4/11, 8/8, HfftTE CI ANMPf PTTP CREAM FUJI SILK, 30 inch-6/l. YY " i '? i,V «„• ,1 .i- «» J/f «-2Bjn. 1/ ; , 1/2; TUSSORE SILK, m iml, M 3 3/6, 4/11 , - "ft 1/2,1/6; 82in. 1/3}3hn, >/8,1/8j 3Bm. 1/6,1/9, !/2j TUSSORE SILK, 33 inch-3/3, 3/'« ''"•,.„ ... ' Sfiin, 1/11. Samples post free. Ditto, in better qualities, 34 inch— 7/8, 7/11, 8/6. ' '"ffiVWi&W and Bky nly: 38 " 3/11 ' Ski ALL-KOOL BLANKETS -"fig. I* ' IT Ifl "_■■ 9 Bayers will be well advised to replenish their a! octy Buy Now and money! hte ,jfi"i^«*«' SAMPLES POST FREE. Orders with cash sent carriage paid. A AT9 Of 364-370 QUEEN STREET RRinfiMA N' AUCKLAND. KJ m\M JLr \J* ifA /A 1 1 ±*J Opposite Town Ball Tram Stop. ass ■' ■a mm n ■' i ■ sasasas i, mttmmmssspsssasssaSi REPAIR your TYRES 1 HI I fiy Special Appointment to His Eacellencj The "*Aftflpcr way ,l SftK%Tfeiis o '77* " the Patch thai won't come off." LEAD DYERS finrl There is only one really safe method of repairing dry cleaners tubes —the |enuiot " Pitchqaick " way. Better, quicker ftnd safer than nt »t,. Dominion vulcanising-no danger of burning the tube. A " Patcjiquick " pitch „ , na . -,V ***»»« l "«»"« will not»come off. It is virtually vulcanised, and becomes part of the II &*?" Office., Tabernacle Workj, tube when properly put on. Not affected even on the hottest day. I Bides.. Karangabape Hd.. .Bpapm. Always play for safety by using < he "PatchouickV Outfit. I; 4 „ A " ck A ,n , d - R« flive ftliltttS s AH Country Orders Recoive Special Attention, FOB CYCILfSTS-Repair Outfit*, small, 1/-; law, l/«. '■ ■ jjjg; __ g j ' ~ g ' ' .'-— FOR MCTOR-CYCLISTS-Repalr Outfit*, 4/6; Refill Outfits, 1/«. j AlMl' 111 hlAl a»l#l FOR OAR-OWNERS-Repalr Outfits, small, 8/8; large, 15/-. GEO W BASI FY . , . PATCHEB ILLUSTRATED IEBtSTHIO PATEKTAOIHT,I.Z. ■ '-/ *»<«»» expert!, at the AvUasa '"' Office, aiiilor my pantul nptnlilaa. -SEEATESIf HITE," Th^S^ " 48 Fort St. ~ SS»tW<S>R L- '.■■■"•% Ml I Q»HH mUT, opp,BhortUn«»lmt,AUOKUHß. I l ""' <,h ii«wm«nn^—wiipsai

mam i wmmmsmmmmmam H»l|i|il ii.»—». ii »—i mmmmmmmmmmmm '■ ____ l Peg o' my Heart , praises Dr. Sheldon's 1 New Discovery , Miss Sara Allgood, as " Peg 6' my : ' Heart," has endeared herself in a ' ! unique way to play lovers. She is so ! fresh, bo numan, so kind and clever and I alive, that jaded theatre-goers find it { 1 good merely to enjoy her laugh. Messrs. I J. &N. Tait have brought many worldI famous stars to Australia, but this witty Irish girl in Peg o' my Hc\rt bids fair to outshine them all in popularity. Miss Sara Allgood says a good word for another public favorite:— I haw never before had occasion to recommend a Proprietary Medicine, In fast, I always had an idea that they I were not all that they should be; but I suppose there Is an exception to every I rule, and certainly Dr. Sheldon's New Discovery, Is an exception. | I have used it with excellent results, ' and it completely broke up my cold, I have great faith In it now, and already have recommended it to my friends. You have & remedy in a thousand, and I am sure that everyone who tries it will think likewise. Very truly yours, (Sgd.) SARA ALLGOOD. /Dr. Sheldon's New Discovery is the quickest', safest and beat known remedy for Coughs, Colds, Pleurisy, ' Bronchitis, and all Throat and Chest j Troubles. It is tho remedy that can always be relied upon. It is obtainablo everywhere at 1/6, and in larger bottles, holding two and a half times as much, ' for 3/-. | D US!' *

iii 11 'ii" in wmmmamamammmaamm m\m\ hi im\m i' i jL— —= • ;—== a '•'"■"-'■ i i "'"V ." ir » i ' . ■ . ■-'>-■ . ~* "HIIIIii I M I ' — ! ■ • jonmßßOßiOEaoßSftiaoßiOßioßOßaoßaoßacaosaoßLOßQ fl . I S Our Reputation has keen built x upon the @ fl I 9 Goodness and Cheapness 8 Iq of the Goods we sell. g I It's our VALUE for MONEY POLICY that | jj attracts the buying public to 1 ® iu ■ : - , ' , -\- , :v^O 0 Uhe the City/ U j i — ±m g WE WANT OUR REGULAR CUSTOMERS TO READ THIS CANDID ADVICE. ■ f; |j fj BUY YOUR SUMMER COSTUME. ETC..' EARLY. ' /■•' @ U Tier. are several reasons why we tender ..... them arc ii.« fact that whilst the rK-Ips and colourinc for this season arc charminc. /) ■■ U There are several reasons why <ve tender ♦hia adv ce. Among them are 'He fact that JJgJJf SShffiofttS smartest steles. Those who. wait- 1 f| 5 the supply Will not nearly meet the demand. It .» « l0 ?fe l^.| l dLfftarfo w comp cte.y ™d prices considerably higher than ; V ,;. S II P until the summer is lon will find vnncty mmm: m mans of t are ukuin to-day. . •*. , M w to-day. because the present stock of summer wearables are being ottered at prices less man me ul,u«. ... ..... , . . ... jm i __ -—— — ■ : y- "*' "' o 0 TK/> Best Styles ' t-| | I , and ! 8 fi Dominion's . Lowest Prices f I II • ■ ■ • •*' s II • v ■ : ' 22 D® Summer Costumes, Skirts Summer Coats. « *- ,i. • arriiTiV rcwnJMF in SMARTLY-CUT PIQUE SKIRTS, in the newest CREAM GABARDINE COATS, very smartly cut. [< .; fj A Mo ?£ty 4 Mol« & ffffiftffStaSriS tS. iStaditt. latest pleated designs, also with newest collar and belt; so useful for sum- < II V collar, patch pockets, and belted all round: in BO ine with the large patch pockets—Prices, raw wear-Price, 65/-. g$ D.,11. it» ?- fi « M 5 A^- B, oRFY SICILIAN 12/6 and 13/8. FINE QUALITY SICILIAN DUST, COATS, in ft MODEL 4327 » a DARK GKEX SIUM/U\ ... „ * Mole and Black wth arse col ar. %£ COSTUME, specially amiable for .natrons. wmTE um SKim in smart Bty i es> wift JJg. ,SVch and W. sizes. , ..tag S tfATW SMSS ttSWrti W* and pockets-Price, IS/lt. fall 0.5.. W fj fi Irf J«4*f JS all r ' wd ' s ' w " ™ c ?7°^ G^rS\Ts?/« rtTlv ' SHi SK » 9 » awfojr 1 II 0 MODEL 4331 is one of the leadin*aj|ks for the with pleats and belts, at 22/6. 25/8, 29/6. TA of •; gg M SSSWi &RBY M* !?w W Tnd SMART CREPE SKIRTS, in Black and White son's styles, trimmed Black Velvet, and belted M H **SS, iTtfil *XS™«IISS-feS TRICOT STKIPED OABARDISE SKIRTS. . HoLLira) COATS, with in.rt *.«,., ta. S A and white Mercerised Check. The coat is the popular material and ultra smart, newest out: collar, patch pockets, and belt; groat value at ~ , it! w newest, with yoke and inverted pleats, finished all sizes at 19/11. WS- 11 DMoSI tt is A ptlllLK COSTUME, which COTTON GABARDINE SKIRTS, in Fawn and SPOgJ COATJ. cotton knitted in White. Rose. M SrfSSJWff rt J*« % Gr -' With M* and BQCkctS at 18/11 ' SPORTS OS. meretLV in Lemon. Grey. . f _. coat is very await, with inverted pleats at VERY SMART AND DAINTY BLACK JAP. Mole. Khaki, and Croam--69/6. ; n; 0 x & fi F«li e siik!S *. w! and o!s™Prii: SILK SKIRTS, in all sizes-Price*. 39/1 and SPORTS WATS, with belts and i| M 79/6. **'•• g pme Blfl'sroig] 4 J J 4r aivgahape roA D OEaoEaocaoßiOKsiOEaocaoiaoeaoosaoßiOEaoEaoEaoßao I • ■ '" r '•"■■.■"•' ' ' : '^'.\-:.-

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 13967, 28 September 1918, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 13967, 28 September 1918, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 13967, 28 September 1918, Page 13