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f \ The }: ; National Efficiency' Board ■:■■."-' and I Report submitted to the Government, July 9th, 1917 1 1 "Evidence was tendered by more than sixty witnesses, drawn from 8 1 various classes of the community, and the matter was investigated from I I as many aspects as were presented, and where possible, statements have I ? I been traced and verified. 1 H I The "The witnesses who ten- the increased national thrift which is most large sums of money have been invested in I | ur. dered themselves repre- desirable and which would follow the diversion breweries, in licensed houses, in wine and spirit I ;-. I Witnesses sented brewers, hotelkeep- to productive trade channels of the money now businesses, in vineyards and hop-gardens, and h "'<;■'■.. §j I era, wine and spirit mor- spent upon liquor would, in the opinion of the generally in what is known as "the Trade." It 1 I I ohonte, chartered clubs, employees in hotels Board, as evidenced by world-wide experience is manifest that injustice would arise if the £ • -', Eg and in dubs, hop and barley growers, and mer- where the abolition or reduction of the use of licenses and the Liquor Trade were summarily 9 :.;%?.,.' H ohsuta, riue-crowors and winemakers, the New alcoholic liquor has operated, more than coun- terminated without reasonable compensation, <'j I! Zealand _ Alliance and other temperance ternot the loss of public revenue now received / K V I organizations: there were also independent from this source. That the money now spent Compensa- The Board is therefore Jj h temperance advocates, representatives of certain on liquor, if its sale were stopped, would be .. ti/i satisfied that it would be . .» 11 , g Church bodies, and Of Women and Children spent or invested in some other direction. If "0/1 Why in the interest of the Do- | h Protection Societies, The British and Foreign spent, the expenditure produces, directly or Recoffl- minion and of its inhabit- | 0 Sailors' Society, general merchants, maim- indirectly, a revenue to the State; if invested it , , ants, in order to obtain an $ -''''''■■ m faoturera, and employers, including farmers, becomes subject to annual taxation. ttietlaea early discontinuance of the i '-' II Judicial, magisterial, medical ana military sale of alcoholic liquors, ft W ' I evidence was also taken. In connection with Prohibition "With regard to (<*;: From that reasonable compensation should be grant- E r H ' other inquiries the Board has had matters de- » *.. . » national-efficiency point ed to those affected. k L : ; I ponding upon the Liquor Trade brought under aoenmttO of view the Board is con- The Board is of opinion it will be found that 1 m '■■ I its notice, and this material has been considered fa Nation Jinced # that it would be no compensation need be given to individual § ;:-■ I by it in connection with the evidence . beneficial to the nation and employees, as all male antf female employee £ . § taken for this inquiry. conducive to the well-being of the people that cm fo •{, bb a , ft occupations. PI ni S ~-, ■ ,;, § the importation, manufacture, and sale of judgement, all interests having bin ooneido e L l r •■■•:■"'.'■ I The Points There are three main Wines, beer, and spirituous liquors c vgrthmhuk& the parties to be compensated are represented I • I J n %.j points for consideration. *«" Preparationsi containing alcohol] by the breweries, wholesale and retail licensed f v .;, I faConSldw each in itself separate and should be prohibited. This view is supported { nd ■ d wine . manuf(lcUll ,£ 1 ••■ I tttlOn distinct.- by results obtained m our own country under hop-growew, and the owner* of properties to I ■'-:, } atm (a.) Astothemoraleffect . SSw» wbicL retail license is attached. I ■':;.--; ■" lij upon the life and progress of the nation The Board believes that the compensation to f •;. ' pjjl caused by the manufacture, sale, and Fxenwtions be necessary be paid for the immediate closing of the Liquor $ ..-■'• Ijj consumption of alcoholic dnuk. imwmjiw/iw to exempt methylated al- Trade should be based upon the difference be- M .:>';'• i I I ■„.,.., ... ~ , cohol for commercial purpones and pure alcohol tween the market value of the assets as used at II '■-■:■■■■ ■I (J, JAs to the pnwio revenue denvea or chemical or medicinal requirements. present, taking into consideration the present U ■, E from the operations of the liquor . licensing laws and the other circumstances and | . I traffic The People The Board fin that the conditions asaociated with the trade, and the tt '~ I ft.) As to whether the liquor traffic en- shou /J two chief factors in the value of such assets without a license. | ;:; - ' i l ' croaches upon, hinders, or retards the h snuuia continuance of the Liquor H :, ? ' efficiency, of the nation. Astowhethor Dmcfe-Why Trad" aw public . custom Compensa- The amounts to be paid by | tJ th« I.imior Traffic lowers the nhvsicai , m . • and the financial interests , , way of compensation need N •, II the productive value of the individual est effic.ency would be a ta.ncd both for the be Cash 0t » cash, but, the found 1 ■ : ■• | the productive value of the individual est efficiency would be attained both for the be Cash m cash, but the Board I v Hi andcoUectively of the people. As to n tK 'rf K ft 6 indmdual by a state of oom- o + suggeata, might be paid in I i S whether the Liquor Traffic causes » PM. ftohibjtion, but the Board recognises that Government securities bearing the same rate of | 1 ' '§ 0 national economic loss Prohibition is a people 8 question, and should interest and the same currency as the war-loan | .. , j. , national economic loss. •be determined only bj an expression of the debentures. | g| With regard to (a.): The Board has not voice of the people. | Ijl permitted its judgment to be influenced by the '. ~ . , Increased The Board is satisfied that 1 ■•■■■■ ■ !'■■ moral aspect of the question, but has aimed at Immediate " therefore recommends compensation based on the 1 HI . its conclusions quite apart therefrom. Pmhlhiiitm- *T W m T n be passed National foregoing lines would be ! • I■ , Prohibition submitting the Question of Efficiency » sound investment for 1 I ! U~<«*l* n t«.. With regard to (bV This the Basis National Prohibition to a *•»*««« V the State, and that the 1 I HoWtheLOSS aSTIoSLmSA , * •„ ">te of the people at the Recoups the cost would be recouped by 9 '' P in Revenue SL and the ™ •arhestponible moment, and that such vote C t increased nation/effic- ] . :•» n :in iwwMiuß quesiion, ana xno com should be upon the basis of immediate Prohibi- v " /ot ency . I ■ | , WOUld be SSBS jion accompanied bv reasonable compensation If the Government decides, to submit this I |: met Xahoald be better SE to the mtewsta affected. Any compensation proposal to Parliament the Board would be I "■*.-• HI-' pie anpaia DB newer aoio paid to those engaged m the Liquor Trade would nrenared if renuestcd ro to An in ndviaa «■ ♦« I !: * §I- amount of to provide the necessary L. the greater 8 rt remain M flnd be invested preparea, .11 requeswa so to ao, to aavise as to a v > i »mnnnk of Wion if the befficiencv at lo .rj n °,,B re ater p pan remam ana oeinvestecl the form of constitution and procedure of a 9 ■; • 1 cltadt the effects of alcohol U fe^Hj" M 4*"tawd lor pro- tribunal suitable to determine the amounts | • 1 Removed. That less expenditure will be re- and trade. , compensation to be paid. | I •..•.. H;• quired in connection with the Police and Prisons Under the protection of the existing legisla- The Board judges the presont public senti- S > • i • Departments, the Hospital and Charitable Aid tion (which in the event of National Prohibition ment to bo such that the people of the Domin- 1 I • Boards, the mental hospitals,_ the inebriate being carried grants an extended term of trad- ion would approve of the opportunity being 1 V.p. 'I | homes, and for other public institutions, That ing rights before Prohibition becomes operative) afforded to them of voting upon this question, ' ( L s fi ■ '" in conclusion, the Board places on record that whilst at first it looked into this, matter from the 1 ; . H ' " point of view of war conditions, yet as the inquiry preceded it became apparent that in the interests j ? I y of national efficiency the Board had to consider the liquor-question from the point of view or the i |:j efficiency of the State and the individual both during the war and afterwards, and it has therefore [ 'j 1 " 1 submitted its recommendations so as to promote permanent national efficiency. « j I The Alliance Monster Petition will give us the Poll I / Sign it To-day! ' *::■::■■.- r ' ■ ■■■ " ■ ' '■'" , i ~—— i■■ J t See that little Door |i|| 1 j f^^^l^^j^t I IflfiSiv IB I '✓^' mCans I £ M 1 a g i Molo saves time and cleans hands as R V-':..% ; : ; I Ift trh *' Hi . I• J) I V^ W -fl- V/ " grimy, oily'or oovered with tar or B u'iV. ■"■ " 1 WKsarasJM isSUI I CKW"-«PA Alirnflnrannir I • P° inl - Unequalled foralloleanslng- A ' - 'I mWffiMM I KSS L ftUIUHI a{Jiui> I r-ntpJ {„ One Minute H ttt the work ? or In ,h0 home. Got a M S J tOOked U Une minute n tlnforthewile-nothlngolcaMgroasy H ; 'v I ' I IS just what the house- H household purposes-contains no grit. I ; : ■''■<■'"■■ ''"■•''■'''' I I wife wants. S: Ofaon lahol-tueSconror-for heavy, J? "'• "> I •.,.„,, . I . . . i liar-l cleansing. Good big tin costs • I ™ ' All Kodaks are AutO« / Just what all the others ' | but little. Try it-only» I ° C< "lO U pose a moment to the f Id 41b. and 201b. Ban- • The Unit/trial mg. g light -and presto! those important details AnoJSiSLif- LJ%S*2 M,,M Lrf^LJ ii i i i ri •i . i i .! i AH Grocers ana Storekeepers—lf out (Mr as>fc»»^««*S®*\,ir^Bß&ffij m iaa, ~u„ will develop out on the him right below the /■?. of stock write Langa o wn,t son, Ltd., *'- r '•qjp' No.3AAutographic . *- ° (Qj chrißtchurcH,raentioniDgiitowD»mfc m , ... „&-,, , ■ if« J.i, m »U. «. picture XJ . ' _a . Wholesale Agents lor ll6*Tins! / . Kodak, makes ex- f .. - ,~" , ft J .■H. E. QiKeapie. Auckland. ', • «Uent postcard pic- No other camerag _ except the Brown ; 8 ("Little . r _ ■ '"'" "^ fetrcs-5} x3i i«% Coußin to the k")-have this feature. So with I' " ' ■ 'J 1 I■' Prist £6 trie Kodak you always know when and whew you * ■•*». .ah it*. A /T Tf T* _■- W. juhh.? A r " e took the photo-and any other particulars you care . 1 fiftfl t A. WISIICP iH to note! tUrvJJM.II ft 2U9%* i» * W M&MIW&M. JM Wm Suckling's will give you Free Lessons in using the Some rner, keep on wishing they had an Onoto Self-filling JK> m 0; Kodak you buy here-show you how the "bother" Pen so hard-that iX the pen crew with the wish they JgWM can be left out of photography-teach you intelli- couldn't see it all JtWrMam ' U';''- gently and courteously how to get the best pictures. The Onoto does not leak. It FILLS ITSELFla»lfist>~wlthouta,nj JpJfifSffif; filler. A perfectly-bilinced fountain pen— >A^rip™^ lßsjs£ ' ■ There's a Free Catalogue - guiT wishing-GET us jj^MJm^m ' i '" > Waiting Here for You /fflbk. i M//^^m^^' i)L.i'] ' Aik for it-it tells you all about our "Daylight-all- Wff/fiwMlM^ MW||,f■ /_■ the-way" Sy«tem and how to choose the Camera to U BiW Wma WJisMm!m£ffl WmMs : ' 1 fit your needs, and why. Jeff-fiUint WmßAifflJmS o«/ SBfc (ityourneed,,andwh y . 2ai«jF. B ontofaH d ©Sfl WmM^ .;• Remember the Shop-Opposite "SmeetonV Rt , B & Co ., m BunUU RotT> WjU^,P^* London. E.C. Manaeldß Agents; * fflJMkW 1 ™ n l m . „«,,!* ]'," NOIUAN IIAKER & loh&hurst, jflirf ' BJMSr stoHi MtWlltl SlMllllf -..;.!;."',- nil* J Sydney. Mg ' Efg&T Will ha. I6M «ll ««ttoit» fOf'f Oar developing and If lltlfY ft Atk far ONOTO IKK-lirt far all Fas 'If J/Y hißitsasMiitt B, printing Service is |jUi>J\£llig W j j , ' _==B?===yA===: gjj — 1 rrtTlr i pTc! . "THE KODAK PEOPLE" [ ■ ""» ~~ — . t Zl— i»:iu«.. Leave your A _. . IP O£? f\ M « othW . t S° wned M|n«.roiioffiimwith 52 Queen Street, Auckland . H OH|. ONOTO Fountain Pens us. You'll be very ■ v ILr . IV , ~ n . ."'lfcsU you did .o. Look for "The Kodak Girl" on the Door are obtainable A,- If tlAßniNn The Original Onoto Depot, Mflfe, .8i tj from r*. »JI. n/\l\i/inV3 7 220 Queen Street, Auckland, (1 ~ ,i Specialist in Fountain Pen Repairs. • s -- ■ —j A | WHITCOMBE & TOMBS, Ltd. Ill" ■HENRY HUGHES, I"« lO °yL D - 1 presentation on6"to PENS I LIMITED," Y. o H.ff'M? HI Th Selection awl Cf.ateit Varl.ty «l Pohb h <ht Demhfam. Q "''•;■*'.'' ■ REGISTERED PATENT AGENTS. * look old, with BrJ I'liiiU'iUMJlMrnitTiMiriMMßim. G*lil O tRADE MARKS' I 1 Pen 3 |L " ,if nIiML. | tlrtwfkarttkeweHJ B| 9ft' ' ll—l "' £W/10/., B| ; 4J A v ' "AWcur«-w. ■■■ Halt ■ Restoper . ll' /" . ' ' HH tliPftlf ■%? " , A ,r„.. W pD«U«. -;-., healtll to the Hair and restore, fee II N EVERY PEN GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. MHI ;'■'Wtmte l ft. " ClienU"aaTiMd"w««l assisted ' Natural colour. It cleanses the scalp; is || ' SEE OUR GREAT WINDOW DISPLAY. ||H z J in disposing of their invenuona. most perfect Hair Dressing. i I „,, Tr Ai. Dr ' « TAMDC I tt» QUEEN STREET. NN I imm Offoe ■ Exchange Lane, Qwn St. ™ foM'TLQM OLD. Jg | WHITCOMBE; 4 TQMB&JIDa SrriSS&p, 0 i

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16926, 12 August 1918, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16926, 12 August 1918, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16926, 12 August 1918, Page 3