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rmrnvmmmmMmmmmm ill 11111111111111111111111111111111111 l fIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW^ ■'§ rP=T" I - ST r~M SECOND WEEK OF f. ATu _ ... m , I iIH W4f ■' 1 rJSp' /fH> (PI Three Ranges of Sample Corsets = I M M ft Milne Hhoycc'sSALE. R a-*. * &*-*■ i LW m rW| Jjlft A SALE ,N WHICH QUALITY COUNTS FOR AS Low PriCeß, 1 ; wKnR \V/Tn MUCH AS PRICE REDUCTION. ji [81l RANGE NO. l-Comprisea SAMPLE CORSETS in Wlite and Drab. | I" f - ■jKßr , ' , H!i»n VJw I /ft/Sill II I / 41\ -, ■, . 1.-1 *~ ,i., A , j. x -ii v *_ *• u. /IN They, are all of the latest type, and suitable for slight figures. = mi '' = Mte-4M Xft Vulil.tllmM ThoSe , Who Siye * llttl _ thought tO ?! fUt6 Will- llSe tha ? in the 111 Fitted strong suspenders. Sizes, 20 and 21-Usual value, 6/6 to = >- = . '- l\Z/\ A witlhU lIIMi\ present sale there is more than the immediate price saving for consideration //full iz/a- cuJin* at one Price 3/11 pair. = = Ww3l# N \iff lAWff J there is the width of choice, to say nothing of the unrelaceable qualities Nw\ = |-.- ■ E v wJJJn VvlaSiMftraSf 111 and values represented in present stocks. ( |l|l| RANGE NO. 2—This lot comprises Corsets very suited for the summer r w/iE FT "v* Every customer who anticipates requirements and buys liberally LiJwljf BCaßon ' Tbey are in medilim and low bust sty,e9 in serviccable B I'll ih if II I I 1//// during this sale is acting very wisely, and will have good reason to appre- ifflfllffl materials. Sizes, 22 to 35-Usually, 7/6,8/11,11/6; Sale Prices, ~ |= /J<k ALL WOOL KN|T ///111 MI date every purchase made. 18f/l WUJII 4/11,5/11,7/11. - - 17 fILL WUUL llill I HI //( II rw Doors open at 9 O'clock. RANGE NO. 3-In this range both American and Prenoh Corsets are = E V MfIBTC f OAK ' S ° Pen / / RANGE NO. 3-In this range both American and French Corsets are p = US£fULBLACIiPICI!RCTTC jFUKIS lUrtla. gpfc 111 represented. They are all very desirable models, nicely trimmed, Ej = lINtIPfKKIMPs Usually, 59/6 and 75/-. " .^— ■ ' . ' ' ''' '' "I" 11 / and fitted with suspenders. Sizes, 22 to 34—Usually, 12/6, 15/11, t = usualSl2l/. T s ; le Pric V s/6, DELAINE BLOUSES 40E\ «_f>\ 1/ 17/G * 2lA; cleaHng at 8/8,9/6, and 12/6, l = They are well made skirts, Jft-yjotwi-j VLLHIIIL ULUIULJ. mLA&L \ LARGE SIZE "GOSSARD» FRONT-LACING CORSETS, several | = slfbS2l"oA,ll! One as sketch, with I USUSIIV 13/6 tO IS/6. MHi? Am€«l ' \\ Mmnt nUml>CrH * *" faßhi ° nable Bl,ftFß ' */?J™ = 1 * extra O.S. siwfl. belt and fancy pocket, ' ' ' / feL 28 to 3 °- 6 ualiy, 14/6 to 39/6; Clearing at 9/11, 14/11, 1 = Silk and Salia Underskirts. "g in Mid Grey and SALE PRICE 3/11. */ <«! ' 'If 18/11 pair. = 5 Usually, r>/6; Sale Prioe, aTy ' V _2# /. t- S r* A ¥ ; _-. =j - 17/9, The other style has There are various styles to seleot W \ t\t J \ *y A T /7 \ ' ""' ' " """ " '""' ' c l' = The oolleotion at the above Rsglan shoulder and from in Floral and Striped patterns. M \]/\ f *- J \ L~ / ) = | } ' = price embraces a variety of sailor collar. In Pink High and, low neck styles are JB Af. J T| ] h fl/// / --• ' -» = ) 3 styles, in various colourings. only. represented. *& X .«? \« i ! 11l WS ,TZ ii IT 1 UEII IWIL D Iff I J = I JL- _ J J- ' * v v. i . A few items from ie MEN Who Buy Wisely and | I _ —, — — r- ™* axt 0i Fancy Section. Carefully Will Secure Their | I I Now Is The Opportune NAVY SERGE COSTUMES. Some of Next Week's Attractive natural tasmanian wallaby fur Needs Now. ,| 5 TimP Tft SPflirP Ail Those who realiso the usefulness of a Navy C«| A AW • • ii_ 11 ii- ' * WELL-TAILORED ALL-WOOL WARM I t tililv BU JCiUlt fill Sfrgo C63tume win not overlook Monday's 8»I1 Ml -_ >fl|C UIKNIIfIS 111 tilP Mi linPH/ 4 i in 25/-; Sale Price, TWEED OVERCOATS, double-breasted, = • E ' UampMiaM Wodp remarkable offerings. vsivimtja 111 lIIV IIIIIIIIU y 10/6 yard. belted at back, Raglan sleeves and wrist = = ROUotlOili nttUd. There are a number of very smart styles Cr/flVn ... -a T , ~ An , . i straps; lined-Usual Price, 75/-; Sale = ■ _ " vuuulv " to select froja. Those that were 105/- are now '**mmir* ' OtCIIOII. 6iln wide-Usually, 42/-; Sale Price, Price' 59/6. = =■ Every dfecrimkating will shew 59/6. Others usually fo/19/6 are reduced W *. I DVVWntv 19/6 yard. COLONIAL SADDLE TWEED RIDING = = Rood judgment and foresight by carefully to 65/6. If +f J B^ t Tt,^',r?ll 8 . onQ TT exam ,c of a llnfl of Ter ßmart DARK BROWN SILKA HARE FUR BREECHES, in a medium weight, buck = E listing and filling all needs of the Linen Ohest 1 . -— L J \ / rAILORED HATS in Hatter's Plush, with Felt under- TRIMMING— strapped, band knee; sizes, 3to 7—Usual = - durine tins Sale. ; / \WS. bnmß and crowna - Obtainable in White and Rose, al)n 00/« .«J. flo i A price, 34/0; Sale Price, 27/6. - = mm SI WOOL -GOLDEN FLEECE" '"I : TT P , j.. /♦xvMvN White and Emerald, and Whit, and Grey-Usually %rf« R/ifvkJ 7 ' STRONG RIDING BREECHES, in a Drab = '• = B™^^ M eniScuSSmod FYamhPS rtf HIP Si. PUdld A 2o3\\\ «. 49/0; Cloarinß at 19/3 each. Price, 8/11 yard. Twill, self strapped, and laced at knee- = t. = ■ SiffiKi'S LAflllipiCa- Uf lilt dpitmin \ ft* remaining four sketches depict styles from a 8 1. wide-Usually, 33/- yard. Sale Usual Price, 24/6;' Sale Price, 17/6. = fi =: pruS LvJeTuiC hesitate b _ . rL ... cole ctl o„ 0 Black Velvet, and Velvet and Satin Price, 19/6 yard. DARK AND MID GREY WORKING =, = ■ wcurinff an extra pair while this RlllflllA [hfMfPZ IH tllP !~ll°, ho Cleared on Monday at 12/6 TROUSERS, strongly made, and well cut- = 1 3Slty is arable ' DUVlttfl UlulllW 111 lilt »»d 15/6 each. Usually, 29/6, 36/0, and 49/6. BROWN MARMOT FUR TRIMMING- Usual Price, 10/0; Bale Price, 7/11. = - Single riia-23/6, 26/8, 27/6, 30/3. (BsSk KBADY-TO-WEARS, a very special lot in Beat Quality 3ln wide-Usually, 13/6 yard; Sale HEAVY UNION SHIRTS, Light Grounds and -j .- = " Thref-qutirter-52/-, 34/-, 36/-, 39/6, 11/AftlDn'c WhAMMM $PC tlMi EI -4 Felt Green and Brown shadcaonly-Usually, 21 /■ Price, 6/11 yard. ' Quia Stripes. «it!, polo collars attached =; = • fii/Q WUlllvll J UlftUtl Wtfll OtINUII KsS2££3P 8 W *ml 25/6; Cloarirt 5 at 6/11 and 8/11. or nek lands-Usual Price, 9/11; Sale - - ■»" Double-37/9 40/3,44/6,50/- 75/6. MATRONS' HATS AND TOQUES, in lovely quality BLACK SILK MILITARY BRAIDS, fine Price. 6/11. - = rrovv rfYi-prvK iVT> wnnr ' ttwtav 4fEs&4*s&*K Black Velvet, trimmed Black Tips or Ospreyß— make, suitable for trimming Girls' or MEN' 6 WARM LV.ILL PYJAMA SUITS, in = i= ' CREAM SILK AND SILK AND WOOL » Usually, 49/0, 55/6, 63/- Sale Priee, 21/-, Indies' Costumes, etc.- Lifht round Twills, with Quiet Stripes; =' '• '= • SSSSfaSsS be! Whit. 21/6 WOVEN COMBINATIONS, low and high \II A /8 » ? 2 / 6 ' 2in wide-Usually, 2/6 yard; Sale Price, *«*. m-n's and O.S. men's-Sale Price, = ~,. ,_ pair, for double bed, White, 21/6 neok, short sleeves; slight defect in It A SPORTS HATS, in Velvet, Silk, and Felt; all in good 1/3 yard. 8/11. =| ■'■-'. I SPLENDb VALUES IN SERVIETTES- ZTIL? 'LZfc "\ SSTIS.TI-; " /-and m '' 2}in-Ü B ually, 2/1J yard; Sal. Price, FOR BOYS. = I•= 2/4, 4/6, S/IIL 6/5 naif do.en. JE?',,/** '' 'IK, * MBftJSSfl© TifflS HAW several shapes all , 1/6 BOY- IU N-.TR .SUITS, in size, to fit boys | |; .. ;= . MERCERISED DAMASK CLOTHS, «AH EMBROIDERED ORGANDIE MUSLIN 7 >?($ tartly trimmed XMounts'or s7k-oSn« Ziin-Uflually, 8/6, Sale Price, 1/9 „ L 15,.urs; English tailored and good = ;. , = quality and dfsign-45 x 45, 3/8, 5/3, CAIHSOLES, daintily Embroidered and * »w xc/ 7 at 16/6 each. Usually, 29/6 iCnd 35/6 7 Si,k Kacinpf-Usnal Price, 49/0; Sale = . = Mx 64,3/8,6/7; 78x72, 9/11,18/9; , trimmed with Insertion and Lace; women's ' SJin-Usually, 3/11; Sale Price, 1/11 Price. 39/6. = ■,■; =.. 8x 2} Tarda, 9/11, 10/11, 11/9; fiiM on i slial i 21/-, 23/flj Sale " < ~ yard( SMALL BOYS' ALL-WOOL JERSEY SUITS, = !■•':'•?;■=•■■•. ,£ x 8 yards, 11/9," 13/11, 18/*. Price to Clear, 8/11. _ . •.■ n * a J i. Usually, 4/6; Sale Price, 2/3 buttoned on shoulders; warm and good E = Sheetings represent another sound invest- TUSSORE SILK TANGO BLOOMERS, good rYJMtIIIIPC (it TOP VTICQ VQkiilCuiXfiK. yard. ' wai%; in Brown, Navy, and Ruby; =. : = meat, and will be very wisely secured «i present quality, full size-Usually, 10/6; Sale LAlllllUlW Ul lllV Y I ILL llCulltllUllu sizes, 18, 20, 22—Usually, 15/6; Solo =; . ; . = ' prices.-' V Price ta Clear, 8/11. COLOURED BILK VEILS, with Contrasting Price. 9/11. _ . ■■-.' =;■ , Hare are a few grand Talues la WMts:--• WHITE WOVEN UNDERVESTS, in lh#> hfOCC flAAffiC CorflAll Borders, fine mesh; Navy and Emerald, SMALL BOYS'OVERCOATS, in various styles, _ .:" :: 54in-l/10, 2/2, 2/6, 2/7 i high neck, long sloevw, extra long; 111 lilt l/IvOO VIUUUj Ottllllll, Helio. and Violet, Pink and Wine, Saxe single and double-breasted, in Light and = ■'-'•■"■■' = -■ '72iBr-2/10Mi- 3/3, 3/8, 3/l(Wfc women's and outsize-Sale Price to and Navy, Violet and Black, Grey-and Dark Brown Tweed?; fitting boy three to = '- - :/ - 80in-3/1%, 3/8«, 4/0& 4/9. Clear, 2/9, 3/-. MIXED WEAVE AND STRIPED TWEimS In rh.«l« RM M . «j v.!„. M . ole ' C !l BID l ia « ne and Brown, Pink and five years-Usual Prices, 15/6 to 37/6; = .= . SSI/45 i/S /«" 7 ' NATURAL WOVEN COMBINATIONS, high TWEEDS, light and dark colours, TW S '_ tt ft?& B,ftck ' and Black-Usually, Sale Price, 9/11. =1 =■ Mi>' PILLOW COTION-1/5, 1/8, 1/10, . neck, short sleeves; suitable for winter only a limited quantity, exceptional ££'•£. SfawDeualW7/«, S 3/9 each; Sale Price, 2/3, each. ; J=, | ■= 2/1%. - wear, women's and ontslies—Sale Price value; 40ia—Usually, 3/6} Sale Prfoel 3/6 ÜBU " 7 * *'*' ***' . ■ ... _. V; v = SPECIAL 36in INDU LONGCLaiH-S/ll to Clear, 4/3, 4/11. Prioo, 8/11. «-» ' • =|j ■ '.' -• '. dosen. WHITE FLANNELETTE NIGHTDRESSES, COVERT SUITINGS, a food, strong TWEEDS, in Snowflake and Check E /: = GLASS . CLOTHS— 84., 104., 114, s Magyar shape, snuare neck ; hemstitched in in shados 0 Khaki! designs, splendid quality and excellent # 1 J Q O- I = - 1/»H- Pink > Sky, an d White; women's and Drsb, Fa-fIS; Suitable for Skirts or wearing; for Costumes or Skirts; [m| ffl I IT* S\ _fiErftftl fl iTfi AS B4** AC 1 _fil A ~ - TBk TOWELLING-**, 114., 12J14., 1/8, outslie-Usually, 12/6, 18/6; Sale Priee Costumes; 38in-U»uall7, 3/«; Sale 40in—Usually, 4/11; Sale Price, I llllSff -lllii i IBS Bill K % i I 1/7 M. to Clear, 9/11. Price, 2/11. ' 8/3. | ||il\i VIIIVV'LV U tJlllV* 1 -. KffnnnnrninffiT^^

, t r«uittjuuwj^uittmiUJ^^ •■■■' ; . •..' ■■'•' .; V■" ■■'■•. ■_ i : :-W r ' ; """"" —I—"' " '""' i ; I ♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦<>♦♦♦♦ ►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ttft** I As supplied to H.M. the King. J y* ' ' ,- ■•' ' ~ By Appointment." . J A Pure Malt Vinegar, properly brewed and malted, and contains no deleterious ♦ J acids. When you order Vinegar, stipulate for CHAMPION'S. J "♦ Best for* Pickling and Table Use. A).L. GROCERS. ♦ ♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦»♦»♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^ ♦ Crown and Bridge work from 30/- per tooth, % "'•''♦ mm A * .-,'4 Four-tooth bridge to replace four front teeth Xd I / J ♦ Ul W IlilfiJ which have been lost; 22K. gold crowns, ill/— ♦ i heavily reinforced with 20E solder. VV/ _ } E . The work is SCIENTIFIC, PAINLESS, PRACTICAL, lasts a lifetime, and is low in cost. | ♦ PLATES— Whalebone, light, strong, fit absolutely guaranteed, From £3 Ss. J ♦ Extractions FREE when plates are ordered. Extractions Painless. ♦ It CONSULTATION. EXAMINATION. ADVICE. I . ♦ You are invited to call, have your teeth examined, and be told what is best to I ■■ J. ensure their preservation and restoration, just how the work is done, its cost, ♦ ♦ how long it will take, and all about it For this there is no charge. SPECIAL i % ATTENTION TO OUT-OF-TOWN PATIENTS. ♦ -; ; J Write if in need of Dental Work. ♦ 1 AMERICAN DENTAL PARLORS, ! J Comer Queen and Wellesley Streets, AUCKLAND, and at Wellington. * J DR.RAYNER. Daily from 9 till 6. Saturday 9 till 1. Open Friday Evening* only. i T-.:,« .. a ■ $ *m*mmm^mmm*mwmmmm**msi6Gm«^44s Footwear Sptciali.t, ■"!'•: - ■MMlifttlf)tn£ SSSama^^' |i ß|/| ..,,. IwaaDqAjiowAKEFiFtDax- TOIDMS » PriONfi 2536.5T j-... , ■ | '. " ■ '. "- :' . ■":•■. ••-..■: -'."' :■.."■•-. . : . . '

iiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiminiuminmimiiiimminiiiiimiiiinii iiiiimimmiiimmmiijiimiiiimmpiimmiii JPIOK XOK »KI3IOgZ>IICZIZaOKZ==3BOO J Some Specialties in Upholstery. | » THE PRODUCT OF OUR OWN FACTORY. % This week we art shewing some specialties In Upholstery, which are representative of the high-class work turned out by our factory. With the long winter evenings here, when comfort and cosiness In the home aro essential, this type of furniture makes Itl special appeal. The closest Inspection of the couches and chairs listed Is invited. They any ail heavily sprung, thoroughly finished and well made furniture. To sit In one is to know real comfort and luxury. Specially we ask you to note these quoted. Many are shown in our window, CRAFTON SETTEE, with remev- LINDALK BETTEE, a roomy com- CHESTERFIELD COUGH, very A able Pillow Seats, shadow cover- fortable couch, the back higher ■ iarge sprung arms and edge 85 V ing, Heliotrope predominating. A than arms; well sprung ami covered In Self tone Wedgwood 3* fi comfortable roomy couch i the per- prettily covered with floral Blue Cretonne. This ensures an 1 1 1 I lection of modern comfort. For Shadow Cloth. The design Is un- attractive appearance when the II 1 I Mils settee we have Divan Leungs common, and we predict It will be loose cover Is removed. We will 8 I U Chain with pillow seats to match, very popular, cover similar couches in any pat- \J »» which can be bought separately or tem of Cretonne chosen, *» /% In the suite, A 0 BOUDOIR COUCH. A dainty and DRAWINQROOM SUITE, 3-plece, A m^t comfortable little model couch, Couch and two Tub Chairs. Up- M 9C covered In light shadow, and de- helstered In Mole and Black Oor- r iiiinii,., ""ft 9C I 1 llglitlul for a morning-room or duroy Velvet. An uncommon da- I f I II I I bedroom. sign and very suitable for bunga- j f j if/ i I | U low furnishing. Jiff/If U ft CHEBTERFIELD SUITE, CAROLINE COUCH-An old English design '''WWH fS. f\ Couch and two Lounge and most comfortably upholstered. A ,ii IU/11/|j//||[lc \\w LJ Chairs, covered in Mo- roal rest couch to lean back in and enjoy. L\ .iill in Wl IfufStmS <22 quelle. Solid oak fronts. Covered with Cretonne all ready tor a yl\M MH M loose cover. I LkM SOME SPECIALTIES IN CHAIRS. J^^^lf^llllll Very quaint and old world these models, consequently those who. are k-««»__ always on the leek out for furniture out of the ordinary should see them. \u~ __JHI Mostly old English Desigrn and very beautiful. rUUUiII 1111 lillTl la i M One Reproduction Chair.upholstered in Grey Velvet Brocade. Solid 111. ljjmi|^^ *f and tasteful, . MUlliiimiiiMillliy 9C Several Period Design, heavily carved chairs In Dark Rosewood, for I W | ui»||jmijllliliiT !m2 I I Diningroom. Cabrlolls legs with oiaw feet, lift-up seats. These are chairs /v ri I I made for all time, for heirlooms in days to come. w <c> IJ II Other ohalrs, too, all worth your while to see. v ZS 0 Andrews & Clark, *"£? s £ t 0 ■■■««■■■!■■■ ■■! iimiinimnmnamMia !H| WORLD FAMOUS /S\ -NZDA- THE 'ANCHORAND Butters are made under the most approved process in a HIGHLY SANITARY FACTORY from SELECTED CREAMERY CREAM And are Guaranteed to be ABSOLUTELY PURE. 'ANCHOR" hN2DA „ * tffew Zealand Dairy Association iJak j Hi(R ] limited. ifilltTra WhdlMala Dtpotl WBULBOtBIf HTBEBT. N&PjViy t i , 1 I

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16895, 6 July 1918, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16895, 6 July 1918, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16895, 6 July 1918, Page 8 (Supplement)